Why dream of an unexpected severe frost. Why is Frost dreaming? Stay away from mistakes

In a dream, frost warns a person: you need to behave very reasonably, since any careless step can lead to trouble. The dream interpretation also interprets this symbol as the need to make a choice. In order to correctly interpret what such a sign is dreaming of, one should analyze all the details of the dream.

Seeing a frosty pattern on glass in a dream - all attempts of the sleeper to complete the work begun will fail.

Why dream of a severe frost on the street? The dream book informs: disappointments, failures, loss of friends are possible. This symbol lets you know: only spiritual warmth can warm you in times of adversity. Gather all your strength and overcome difficulties with dignity.

Putting ice in the freezer in a dream means falling out of favor with high-ranking officials. Ice has collapsed in the defrosting freezer? The dream book notifies: you will rush things too much, as a result of which you will fail. "Don't drive the horses."

Seeing frosts in the summer in a dream - according to the dream book, you will receive unexpected news. Most likely, they are unlikely to please.

Stay away from mistakes

The girl dreaming of frost on the street, so strong that even the bark on the trees bursts, promises two admirers. She will not have true feelings for any of them, so she will find it difficult to choose one.

Seeing frost shining under the sun means the upcoming pleasures of youth, which the dreamer wants to forget later.

Love, relationships

Dreamed of winter and hard frost? The dreamer will decide: her lover has cooled off towards her, and will be very worried about this. In fact, the excitement is in vain, because the feelings of the beloved are still hot.

To freeze meat in a dream in a freezer means an imminent break with a loved one or loved one.

What is the dream of winter and the severe frost that you feel? The dream interpretation claims: your feelings for your partner will cool.

The freezer warns: the dreamer's selfishness offends someone he knows who honestly earns a living. The vision emphasizes: the sleeper is very cold with others, it sometimes hurts.

Other meanings

Often a dream of frost portends a change in the weather. For example, dreaming in the summer, it means: there will be a thunderstorm with thunder. In winter: thaw will come, it will rain.

Dream Interpretations offer another interpretation if the frost was a dream in the summer. There will be price increases very soon.

Why dream of standing barefoot on the street in the cold? The interpretation of sleep depends on what the dreamer experienced. If the sensations are unpleasant, frostbite - you should wait this time, refraining from action until the situation improves. When the sleeper felt pleasant tingling, it means that he will succeed. You can start new business.

A freezer in a dream for a young girl portends a deterioration in well-being. You need to pay more attention to your health. This sign also indicates: a quarrel with a loved one is possible.

Miller's dream book warnings

Did you observe the winter landscape outside the window: a bright sunny day, frost, frost-covered bushes, trees? The vision warns of pleasures, amusements that bring imaginary joy. The sleeper will soon repent that he succumbed to temptation.

When the trees under frost dreamed on a gloomy morning, the dreamer would have to leave his native land. But in the end, everything will end well.

Sleep warning: there is a chance of a serious cold.

To a cold or, on the contrary, to a stormy parting with a loved one.

To boredom, laziness.

Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

What does the dream Frost mean

Frost is a slight difficulty in business, followed by success and will bring joy and prosperity.

Freeze in a dream - you will be overwhelmed by anxiety about some cooling in relations with your lover.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for a bitch

See Frost in a dream

Temporary cooling in relations with a loved one.

Imagine that the sun came out and the frost went away. It's warm outside again.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What do dreams mean Frost

A dream about him warns you that you should refrain from some stupidity in order to avoid an accident. Often a dream of frost portends losses, losses, troubles, difficulties, or insults. If you dream that you froze something in a dream, then hard work and constant worries will undermine your health and you will feel a breakdown. Sometimes such a dream predicts that they will try to involve you in some dark business. Such a dream warns you that you should not succumb to the temptation to make easy money. If you dream that your friend is freezing, then you must repent of your bad deeds towards people who did not deserve to be treated badly. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that you should not leave a friend in trouble. See interpretation: freeze.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does frost mean in a dream

Seeing frost in a dream, abundantly covering everything around during the first autumn frost, portends a quick and sudden departure on a business trip abroad.

Winter frost, when steam comes out of your mouth and snow creaks under your feet - such a dream speaks of the imbalance that you show in a delicate situation, which will ruin the whole thing and incur real losses because of this.

A severe frost, in which even the trees crack from the bark bursting on them, means that for a long time you will not know which of the suitors to give preference to, they will both turn out to be so good despite the fact that you will not feel true feelings for any of them.

To freeze or freeze in a dream - to enrichment, possibly receiving a large inheritance. Severe frostbite, if it befell you in a dream, means malaise, loss or decline in physical and mental strength.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The meaning of dreams Frost

A strong sight in winter does not mean anything, but at other times of the year it portends the high cost of food.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless dream book

What does Frost predict in a dream

New clothes, change of weather, success, joy // difficulties; strong - an evil wife (young), fright (married); see frost in summer - thunder, price increase; in winter - to heat, rain; to freeze is an inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Frost

If you dreamed of a frosty day, see how you do not repent of your fleeting joys and amusements.

If you saw your friend on a frosty day - defeat your opponent.

For a woman, such a dream promises vain anxiety due to the apparent cooling of her beloved.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

The meaning of the dream Frost

If you dream of a beloved on a frosty morning, this means that you will worry that your chosen one has cooled off towards you, although in fact there is no reason for concern.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See Frost in a dream

Seeing frost on trees immersed in the dusk of a gloomy dawn is exile from your native land, but your journey will end quite happily;
a winter landscape where sun-drenched trees and bushes are covered with hoarfrost - an imaginary joy and fun in which you will soon begin to repent;
to see your friend on a frosty day is a long courtship in which you will defeat your opponent;
for a woman - a vain concern caused by the apparent cooling of your chosen one.
See also Tree, Friend, Shrub, Thaw.

Interpretation of dreams from

Related: Vodka , Matinee , Cold , cold, chill, cold, frost, frost, winter, winter, frost, Frost , Weather cold, chill

frost in Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse:

  • Bad news.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Frost:

    Frost - bad news

    What is the dream of Frost in Ukrainian dream book?

  • Weather change.
  • AT Modern dream book if you dream of Frost:

  • If you dreamed of a frosty winter morning, then this may be a symbol of nostalgic moods. For young people, a dream in which they see trees and buildings covered with frost means that they are on the threshold of a golden youth, rich in sins, which, however, they will be happy to forget about. Only by your impeccable behavior will you achieve that others will forget about your previous pranks. If in a dream you see a friend on a frosty day, then luck in love will accompany you, and not your rival. For the young women this portends separation from the beloved and the cooling of his feelings.
  • If you dream of Frost? AT Miller's dream book:

  • If you dream of a winter landscape where sun-drenched trees and bushes are covered with hoarfrost, such a dream portends imaginary joy and fun in which you will soon begin to regret ..
  • To dream of frost on trees immersed in the dusk of a gloomy dawn promises you expulsion from your native land. However, your journey will end quite safely.
  • Seeing your friend on a frosty day means a long courtship in which you will defeat your opponent. For a woman, such a dream promises vain anxiety caused by the apparent cooling of her chosen one.
  • Interpretation of sleep Frost in Lunar dream book:

  • To be improved.
  • See Frost in a dream The latest dream book:

  • Sleep warning: there is a chance of a serious cold; to a cold or, on the contrary, to a stormy parting with a loved one. To boredom, laziness.
  • What does it mean to see Frost in a dream Family dream book?

  • If you dreamed of a frosty day, see how you do not repent of your fleeting joys and amusements.
  • If you saw your friend on a frosty day - defeat your opponent.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises vain anxiety due to the apparent cooling of her beloved.
  • What does frost mean in a dream Eastern dream book?

  • Winter frosty morning is a symbol of nostalgia. Young woman such a dream portends separation from a lover and a cooling of his feelings.
  • Frost in a dream Schiller's dream book:

  • hardship, success and joy.
  • In a dream, see Frost. AT French dream book:

  • Dreaming frost is a harbinger of trouble, often a long-term illness.
  • What does frost mean Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Frost promises health and vigor; to cool relations with a loved one.
  • according to Miller's dream book

    To dream of frost on trees immersed in the dusk of a gloomy dawn promises you expulsion from your native land. However, your journey will end quite safely. If you dream of a winter landscape where sun-drenched trees and bushes are covered with hoarfrost, such a dream portends imaginary joy and fun in which you will soon begin to repent. Seeing your friend on a frosty day means a long courtship in which you will defeat your opponent. For a woman, such a dream promises vain anxiety caused by the apparent cooling of her chosen one.

    Dreamed of ice

    according to Miller's dream book

    Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to hurt you in the most expensive business for you. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be the fault of someone else's envy. To see that you are walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys. For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame. Icicles on the roof of houses mean poverty and a life deprived of comfort. This dream also predicts a deterioration in health. Icicles mean future suffering. Icicles on evergreen trees - your brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards. Seeing that you are making ice portends you a failure in business caused by your irrepressible selfishness. If you dream that you are nibbling ice icicles, you may get sick. The same promises a dream in which you drink water with ice. Bathing in icy water promises a pleasure that will suddenly interrupt some event.

    Why dream of winter

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    out of season - improvement of money affairs; severe frost - an evil wife (for young people), fear (for married people).

    I dreamed about winter

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing winter in a dream is a harbinger of poor health and gloomy prospects for the future, taking away your faith in the good fortune of fate. Such a dream can also mean your dissatisfaction with the results of the work, which are completely inconsistent with the enormity of the effort expended.

    Dreamed of cold

    according to Miller's dream book

    Suffering from cold in a dream is a warning that you should carefully look after your affairs. People who dislike you can harm you. In addition, there is a threat to your health if you do not become more careful.

    1 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

    Why does a woman dream of frost:

    To see your friend in a dream on a frosty day - to a long courtship for the object of your passion, to victory over an opponent. A woman has such a dream - portends vain concern about the apparent cooling of her chosen one.
    Frost on the trees at dawn - portends a forced separation from their native land and, as a result, a safe return.
    A winter sunny landscape in which you see frost-covered trees and bushes portends dubious joy and fun that you will regret.

    2 Dream Interpretation of the Future

    Seeing frost in a dream means:

    Frost - a dream promises exile or forced departure from his native land, but the journey will end quite well.

    3 French dream book

    Dreaming frost is a harbinger of trouble, often a long-term illness.

    4 Slavic dream book

    Sleep with frost means:

    Frost - to the cooling of feelings.

    However, it's a love story. Saturn in fire signs.

    5 Miller's dream book

    The meaning of sleep frost:

    To dream of frost on trees immersed in the dusk of a gloomy dawn promises you expulsion from your native land. However, your journey will end quite safely.
    If you dream of a winter landscape, where sun-drenched trees and bushes are covered with hoarfrost, such a dream portends imaginary joy and fun in which you will soon begin to repent.
    Seeing your friend on a frosty day means a long courtship in which you will defeat your opponent.
    Such a dream for a woman promises vain anxiety caused by the apparent cooling of her chosen one.

    6 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

    Watching frost in a dream, seeing frosty trees, hearing how snow creaks - to worsen your fate.

    7 Modern dream book

    Feeling the breath of frost on a dark winter morning is a sign of exile to a foreign country, but everything will be resolved peacefully.
    Seeing frost shining in the sun is a harbinger of the pleasures of golden youth, which you will be glad to forget later. With your impeccable behavior, you will ensure that those around you forget about your previous pranks.
    If in a dream you see a friend on a frosty day - in love, happiness will accompany you, and not your rival. A young woman has such a dream - portends separation from her lover and his cooling. This dream is a bad omen for both love affairs and commerce.

    8 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Frost, in a dream means:

    Frost - You dream that frost hit, and frost covered the trees from this - most likely, you will have to leave your native land; but do not hasten to be sad about this; far from your home you will meet happiness.

    You dream of a frosty day, the sun is shining brightly - today you rejoice for some reason, but it is possible that tomorrow you will grieve for the same reason; sometimes thoughtless fun leads to trouble; almost most of the misfortunes come from overindulgence. It was as if you met a loved one on a frosty day - a dream suggests that the period of courtship has dragged on, and your feelings begin to cool.

    9 Dream interpretation of Artemidor

    You dreamed of Frost - To be in a severe frost in light clothes A dream that occurred on Monday night means that some event will make you come to your senses and you will not make a fatal mistake; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to reasonable caution when making important decisions; dreaming on the night of Saturday or Sunday - he is to a sudden cooling of feelings.

    10 Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

    Why does a woman dream of frost:

    Frost - difficulties; complex relationships.

    11 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

    Why does a woman dream of frost:

    If you dream of your beloved on a frosty morning, this means that you will worry that your chosen one has cooled off towards you, although in fact there is no reason for concern.

    12 Family dream book

    Seeing frost in a dream means:

    If you dreamed of a frosty day - see how you do not repent of your fleeting joys and fun.
    If you saw your friend on a frosty day - defeat your opponent. Such a dream for a woman promises vain anxiety due to the apparent cooling of her beloved.

    13 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    A dream with frost in a dream book is interpreted as:

    Frost is bad news.

    14 Russian dream book

    Sleep with frost means:

    What does it mean in a dream to see Frost in a dream - a dream promises exile or forced departure, but the journey will end happily.

    15 Dream interpreter 1829

    The meaning of sleep frost:

    Seeing a strong frost in winter does not mean anything, but at other times of the year it portends the high cost of food.

    16 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of frost:

    Frost - a new thing, a change in the weather, success, joy / difficulties; strong - an evil wife (young), fright (married); frost in the summer to see - thunder, price increases; in winter - to heat, rain; to freeze is a legacy.

    17 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

    What frost can dream of:

    Winter frosty morning - a symbol of nostalgia. For a young woman, such a dream portends separation from her lover and a cooling of his feelings.

    18 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    Frost, in a dream means:

    To feel in a dream how the frost is getting stronger and tearing to the bone - someone will hook you tightly.

    19 Women's dream book

    If a girl dreams of frost, then this means:

    Frost, frost - Seeing your friend in a dream on a frosty day - to a long courtship for the object of your passion, to victory over an opponent. For a woman, such a dream portends vain concern about the apparent cooling of her chosen one. Frost on the trees at dawn portends a forced separation from their native land and, as a result, a safe return. A winter sunny landscape in which you see frost-covered trees and bushes portends dubious joy and fun that you will regret.

    20 Dream Interpretation of Health

    Why does a woman dream of frost:

    Frost - promises health and vigor; to cool relations with a loved one.

    21 Dream interpretation for a bitch

    Frost is a slight difficulty in business, followed by success and will bring joy and prosperity.
    Freeze in a dream - you will be overwhelmed by anxiety about some cooling in relations with your lover.

    22 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

    Feel frost in a dream - to cool feelings.

    23 Ukrainian dream book

    Frost - weather change.

    24 Dream Interpretation 2012

    Frost - the need for a colder approach to the decision, to the assessment, etc.

    25 Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

    Why is Frost dreaming:

    Severe frosts - the loss of warm family relationships.

    26 Modern dream book for 365 days by E. Goltsman

    Frost - To be in a severe frost in light clothes A dream that occurred on Monday night means that some event will make you come to your senses and you will not make a fatal mistake; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to reasonable caution when making important decisions; dreaming on the night of Saturday or Sunday - he is to a sudden cooling of feelings.
    Frost - Temporary cooling in relations with a loved one. Imagine that the sun came out and the frost went away. It's warm outside again. Frost to see - a dream promises exile or forced departure, but the journey will end happily. As the dream book interprets: Frost to feel - Improved to be - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

    27 Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

    hardship, success and joy.

    28 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

    What does Frost mean in a dream - Temporary cooling in relations with a loved one.

    Imagine that the sun came out and the frost went away. It's warm outside again.

    29 Old Russian dream book

    Frost - Seeing strong in winter does not mean anything, but at other annual times it portends the high cost of food, this is the interpretation of Frost from the dream book.

    30 Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Why is Frost dreaming:

    bad news.

    31 English dream book

    This dream means a lot of hard trials and troubles. If a woman sees such a dream, it means that she is in danger: a deceitful, sensual person who stubbornly seeks her will eventually leave the unfortunate.

    32 Ukrainian dream book

    33 Small dream book

    If you dreamed of a frosty winter morning, then this may be a symbol of nostalgic moods. For

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