How to draw a beautiful fashionable girl. How to draw a girl with a pencil in stages? Face Drawing Scheme

To know how to draw a girl with a pencil, it is not necessary to study art and be an artist. Any beginner can try his hand. It is enough to stock up on perseverance and gradually master some skills. It is important to remember the aspects described below.

Before starting the lesson, novice creators should stock up on materials such as:

You should not save on basic drawing materials, even if we are talking about a novice amateur. Poor quality materials can discourage interest in drawing and complicate the first steps in art. For beginners, the best choice would be products of the middle price category.

The proportions of the female body

The proportions of the female body differ from the male in some ways. In addition, at different times, different proportions were taken as the standard of beauty in the visual arts.

In our time, the following parameters of the female body are relevant for drawing:

  1. To measure height, you need to calculate the height of a woman's head and multiply this parameter by 7-8.5 times. It is useful to know that a person's height is divided exactly in half at the point of the pubic articulation.
  2. To calculate the width of the shoulders, an average of 1.5 head heights is required.
  3. The width of the pelvic bone is directly proportional to the width of her shoulder, and the height of the pelvis in a woman is slightly lower than the height of her head.
  4. The waist is on average equal to 1 head height.
  5. To calculate the height between the base of the chest and the hip joint, you should divide the height of the head in half.

Axes and proportions of the face

Not everyone knows the tricks of how to draw a girl with a pencil. It is easy to explain this process step by step for beginners.

It is enough to know about the following proportions of facial features and about the universal axes on which you can rely in the process of building a face:

Face Drawing Scheme


How to draw a girl in profile

When wondering how to draw a girl with a pencil in stages for beginners, the answer must be sought in the same measurements and center lines as when drawing in full face. You should start drawing by drawing auxiliary lines in the form of a square. Its height should be 1/8 more than its width. All the main axes must be transferred to it, as if a full face was inscribed in it.

Then, one should inscribe an inclined egg-shaped oval in a rectangle between the axis on which the tip of the nose is located and the top of the entire square. This oval helps build the correct shape of the skull, the back of the head and the forehead.

That part of the side of the skull that connects to the neck should be tilted down.

  • From the top extreme point of the oval, you should start drawing the line of the forehead, eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the auxiliary lines drawn. The most protruding point of the forehead, closer to the eyebrows, is in contact with the edge of the square.
  • The eyes are located on their axis. On the face in profile, the eyes take the form of an arrowhead. The round iris becomes a thin, elongated oval with a pointed top and bottom.
  • The tip of the nose will protrude slightly beyond the square. The depression of the bridge of the nose falls on the same axis on which the eyes are located.
  • Lips on a face turned in profile will look protruding, especially the lower lip. The line where the lips meet goes slightly down from the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes straight at first, and then smoothly rounds up.
  • The ears are C-shaped when viewed in profile. An arc runs along the edge of the ear - a thin cartilage. In addition, you should remember about the earlobe. When drawing a female face, the ears are often covered with hair.

How to draw a girl in full growth

When drawing a girl in stages with a pencil, it is extremely important for beginners to observe the proportions of the body, which were mentioned earlier. Only observance of proportions will help to avoid the image of an awkward, unrealistic body.

To portray a girl in full growth, it is recommended to consider the following aspects:

  • Image central axis. This axis coincides with the spine of the girl. At the initial level of drawing, it is recommended to draw a figure standing straight and level, in full face. Therefore, the central axis will also be straight.
  • Torso. Schematically, it is recommended to depict it in the form of an inverted triangle. It should not be made too large or wide, as the female figure, on average, has more graceful shoulders and chest.
  • Breast. To determine the correct location of the chest, another smaller one is entered into the triangle of the torso, pointing upwards. At its corners, you need to draw two identical circles, which are the chest.
  • Hips. For the image of the hips, it is convenient to draw a circle, a small part of which goes to the lower corner of the triangle depicting the torso.

Using the received landmarks, you need to connect them with smooth, rounded lines. The figure should acquire the contours of the female body. Next, you need to draw the arms and legs. The length of the arms is just below the inguinal region.

Important points when drawing hair


  • When drawing hair, it is important to pay attention to how the light falls on them. As a rule, the roots of the hair are in the shade, and at some distance from them, a highlight is noticeable on the hair. It should be left unpainted, or just add a few strokes around the edges. Next, it is important to pay attention to how the hair lies in the strands. In the drawing, you should combine small strands into larger ones and depict a glare on them the way light falls. Also, it is necessary to highlight the darker, shady areas so that the drawing does not look flat.
  • Hair lies on the head magnificently, covering part of the forehead and cheeks, ears. Depending on the structure of the hair (curly, straight), they can be more voluminous or vice versa, smooth. It is important to notice the direction in which the hair grows. to reflect them most realistically.
  • There are a lot of hair on a person’s head, but you should not depict them all. It is only necessary to show their general texture. Pencils of various hardness are used for shading hair. For shady areas, take the softest pencil and stroke with pressure. Hard pencils are needed to mark the hairs in the lighter parts and highlights. It is important that the strokes are confident and long. To do this, it is recommended to rest the hand with a pencil on the elbow, and not on the wrist, and draw from the elbow.

Hair drawing step by step

Now we know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

Step by step for beginners, it’s really possible to master such a complex detail as hair:

How to draw a girl with long flowing hair

However, some distinguishing features should be taken into account:

How to draw a girl with short hair

Short hair in the process of drawing has several distinctive features:

How to draw a girl from the back

Many people do not know how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step. For beginners, it will be easy to master drawing a girl from the back.

This is a simpler option, where you will not need to depict her face, chest and other complex details.

However, drawing a girl from the back has its own nuances:

  • Should indicate the width of the shoulders and back. The overall shape will resemble a triangle, however, it should not be too large or wide. Otherwise, the girl will look too strong and masculine.
  • The spine runs vertically in the center of the back, which should be reflected as a few strokes.
  • At the level where the arms are attached to the body, shoulder blades are visible on the back. They should not be made too explicit. But if the figure shows a slender girl, it is advisable to mark the shoulder blades with light strokes.
  • Loose hair often covers the back and neck. Drawing a girl from the back is a good opportunity to depict beautiful curls scattered over her shoulders.

anime style

The anime style involves a stylized image of the figure and face of a girl. As a rule, anime characters have exaggeratedly large and round eyes on a small face, a small mouth and nose (which may be indicated by a dash or a dot). The arms and legs are thin and slender. The girl herself is most often petite and graceful, with a thin waist. The legs are exaggeratedly long.

First you need to make a sketch, depict the head, facial features and hairstyle. Anime hairstyles suggest some carelessness and volume. Next, you should detail the sketch, adding details and paying attention to the location of the shadow and light in the drawing.

in a dress

A pencil drawing of a girl in a dress should begin with a phased sketch of the figure of a girl, as it were, without a dress. For beginners, this will help to correctly build her figure in clothes. It is advisable to take into account that clothing helps to hide those details that are poorly obtained. Therefore, it is important to choose a dress style that will cover the most complex elements of the pattern.

In addition, the style of the dress should fit the drawn girl and sit well on her.

When drawing a dress, it is important to consider the material from which it is intended to be made. Soft and delicate material will flow or fit the figure, dense will not deform along the lines of the girl's body. In addition, the direction and distribution of light should be considered in order to reflect soft lighting onto the fabric. So the picture will turn out more voluminous and naturalistic.

How to apply chiaroscuro with strokes

Hatching is an important element of drawing a girl with a pencil, and for beginners, first of all, it requires a step-by-step training. You need to learn how to apply strokes, changing the saturation from dark to light as softly as possible. The softer and smoother the transition, the better hatching is mastered.

To draw a girl, one should take into account the rules for the construction and proportions of her body and face. In drawing, training and observation are important, which will help to depict what you want with the greatest accuracy.

Video: how to draw a girl with a pencil

How to draw a portrait of a girl with a pencil, see the video clip:

How to draw a person's face, see the video:

Man is the most amazing and unique creature in the world. And also one of the most beautiful. This is evidenced by the fact that images of men or women are present in almost every known painting related to the masterpieces of fine art. About how to draw a person: mom, dad or himself, the child thinks from an early age. Some children are inspired to draw circles and squiggles on their own, others require training.

They teach how to draw a person, starting from the younger preschool age. The first sketches of babies resemble scribbles. If a child constantly trains, then in the preparatory group he is able to quickly draw a person in different poses. It is wonderful if at the same time the young artist conveys facial expressions, portrait resemblance and individual characteristics.

The task of teachers in general education and art schools is to teach how to draw the human body in accordance with the anatomical structure. To do this, several hours in the program of the training course are devoted to academic drawing. The best learning effect is the implementation of sketches from nature.

You can learn how to draw people well at home on your own. For a beginner, all options are good: an image from a photo, video tutorials, the use of paintings and reproductions for sketching, the main thing is to choose a drawing technique to your liking. Many aspiring artists always take a sketchbook with them and make sketches in 5 minutes at any time. If you don’t feel like doing sketches on the street, you can draw relatives and friends, your reflection in the mirror.

From this article you will learn

How to build an image of a person using geometric shapes

The methodology of the lesson on a given topic in kindergarten is based on the similarity of certain parts of the body with geometric shapes. So, the head of babies is round, in adults it is oval, legs and arms look like rectangles, etc.

You can make a silhouette of a person from any shapes - circles, rectangles, squares.

To solve this problem, the preschooler is given paper or cardboard blanks, and he draws up a layout according to a given scheme or comes up with his own sketch. A more difficult task is to draw a person on your own using geometric shapes.

Step by step drawing of a standing person

Children 6-7 years old are already familiar with the basic drawing techniques. They learned to portray a person in full growth, waist-deep, in a static pose and in motion. Drawing from nature begins in the preparatory group and in the primary grades. As an auxiliary material in the lesson, you must have reproductions of paintings, photographs, samples of work. Before class, it is advisable to talk with children about the beauty and aesthetics of a person, about the fact that any of us is beautiful and unique.

Step 1

As usual, the construction of the figure begins with a simple pencil sketch. First, they look for the correct location of large parts on paper. Then comes the image of an oval head and a torso, consisting of two trapezoids touching at the waist.

Step 2

From the upper corners of the large trapezoid, you need to draw the lines of the arms, and from the bottom of the small trapezoid, the lines of the legs. A common mistake is the same length of arms and legs, you need to pay attention to children that the upper limbs are shorter.

Step 3

The next step is to give volume to the limbs. Shoulders, forearms, thighs and shins are depicted as elongated ovals, tapering downwards.

Step 4

A difficult task for a preschooler is to draw hands and feet. Therefore, fingers with a palm are often recommended to be depicted in the form of mittens, and the lower part of the leg in the form of a triangle. But some children are persistent and want a real realistic drawing, they can be explained how small details are done.

Step 5

At the next stage, extra lines are removed and the silhouette is completed. The sketch of the figure is outlined with a pencil, the head is connected to the body. They add a characteristic detail - the ball in the boy's hand.

Step 6

Now the little man needs to be dressed, then draw the growth lines of the eyebrows, outline the location of the nose, eyes, mouth.

Step 7

A light pencil drawing is completed with detailing of clothing and footwear, facial features. Hair is depicted with broken lines.

Step 8

To get a natural skin tone, use beige or orange. When coloring, do not press hard on the pencil.

Step 9

When painting clothes, it is better to use different shades of the same color, highlighting light and shadow, so the drawing will be more vivid and realistic.

Preschoolers need complete freedom in creativity. There is no single and correct drawing option; you cannot correct the child’s work if he wants to act in his own way. The right solution, if necessary, can be found through conversation and leading questions.

How to draw a person in motion

Middle school students know a lot about the rules for arranging an object in space, taking into account perspective. For students in grades 5–7, it is advisable to start a drawing lesson with an analysis of the structure of the human figure. This is necessary in order to correctly convey the proportions in the drawing, professionally depict body parts, otherwise the real person in the picture will resemble a mannequin. Despite the fact that anatomy is studied later, at this age, children already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skeleton, muscles and joints.

The first step in the phased construction of a sketch is the definition of proportions. In adults, the length of the torso from the crown to the hips is usually equal to the length of the legs. The height of the head fits into the distance from the chin to the beginning of the thigh about 3 times. In children and adolescents, this figure is less. The length of the legs of a harmoniously built person is equal to the height of the head multiplied by 3.5–4.

You can depict a person depending on the angle or location of the object and the artist. The main positions are in full face, when the sitter is facing the viewer, in profile - when the depicted is located on the side, half-turned or half-faced, in which the face is not fully visible.

Step 1

The pencil drawing begins with a sketch of the head and torso in the foreground. The spine is the basis of the whole figure, it can be outlined with a curved line. Large joints of the shoulders and pelvis are schematically depicted in circles. Sketch lines are drawn easily, without pressure.

Step 2

The next step is to draw the upper and lower limbs. The elbows are at waist level, the length of the humerus is equal to the length of the ulna, the knees are in the middle of the leg. The more accurate the sketch, the better it will be possible to convey the movement.

Step 3

Now you need to build muscle. The most voluminous part of the forearm, thigh and lower leg is located in the upper third, closer to the joint, the limbs gradually narrow. The body is easier to depict in the form of two ovals.

Step 4

Particular attention is paid to the hands and feet. They are also depicted schematically, imitating the skeleton of the limbs. The foot should be longer than the hand.

Step 5

After drawing all parts of the figure, the extra lines are erased. The silhouette is given the necessary outlines: sharp corners are smoothed out, the sides become sloping, parts of the body are connected by curved lines.

Step 6

When depicting a face, proportions must also be observed. The height of the forehead is equal to the distance from the eyebrow line to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin. The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye. The ear is depicted just below the eyebrow line. To make the girl smile, the corners of the lips need to be slightly raised. At this stage, you can sketch the hairstyle.

Step 7

The more details in the drawing, the more realistic it will be. You need to draw clothes, shoes, accessories and other elements that create a vivid image. Strands of hair can be distinguished by separate lines.

Step 8

You can color the drawing using colored pencils or paints.

Drawings of a person in full growth for sketching

Here you can download people templates and use them for sketching (click on the picture - it will enlarge and download):

In order to fully learn how to draw portraits with a pencil, you need to learn the basics of drawing and human proportions, as well as devote enough time to practice.

If you are new to drawing, then you should not immediately “throw into the pool with your head” and try to master the entire portrait as a whole. First you need to fill your hand in the performance of individual parts: eyes, nose, mouth, as well as ears and neck. You can learn how to draw all these elements in separate lessons on our website.

Step-by-step description of a portrait of a girl in pencil.

Stage one.

Starting to draw a portrait with a pencil, take a good look at the person being portrayed, determine the shape of the face and cheekbones, trace the slope of the lips and determine which one is wider, how the outer and inner corners of the eyes are located relative to each other. Then we draw an oval suitable in shape to a particular person.

Stage two.

We divide our oval into four parts. To do this, we draw a vertical and horizontal line strictly in the middle. Next, we divide the resulting horizontal parts of the lines in half again, marking them with small serifs. We divide the lower part of the vertical line into five equal parts. Remember that these lines are of an auxiliary nature and when our portrait of a girl with a pencil is almost ready, they will need to be erased, so do not put too much pressure on the pencil when drawing them.

Stage three.

We place the center of each eyeball directly above the dividing points of the parts of the horizontal line. We draw the line of the base of the nose at the second serif from the top of the lower part of the vertical axis, and the line of the mouth - in the region of the second serif from below.

Stage four.

We depict the line of the upper eyelid and draw the lips. It should be remembered that the distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye. The earlobes should be at the same level with the demolition. Sketch lines mark the outline of the hair.

Stage five.

We proceed to a more detailed drawing of a portrait of a person with a pencil in stages. We depict the upper border of the upper eyelid and the visible part of the lower eyelid. Add a few eyelashes on each upper eyelid. We draw the lines of the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.

Stage six.

To add volume to our portrait with a simple pencil, we stroke the lips and hair, highlighting dark and light places, adding shadows.

Thus, by drawing several faces, you will see that they differ from each other. Continue to draw a portrait with a pencil in stages until you achieve the maximum similarity.

Dear friends! In this lesson we will tell you how to draw a girl step by step using a pencil in full growth. Drawing a girl is fun because you can choose any hairstyle for her, long, short or medium hair. Not only can you give her different hairstyles, you can also portray a girl in any outfit. This lesson will give you knowledge on how to draw a girl with a pencil. This is within the power of even novice artists, whether a child or an adult.

STEP number 1 - we will make the outlines of the head and torso of the girl

The first step is to draw a circle for the head, and then sketch out the outlines of the torso, arms and legs until you get what is shown in the picture.

STEP #2 - start drawing the face

Simply draw out the shape of the girl's face as done in the image and be sure to include the ear line. Then draw the front lining of her hairstyle.

STEP #3 - sketch out the eyes, nose and mouth

This is the easiest part of drawing a girl with a pencil, you only need to make a few simple lines that will start the drawing process for the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth.

STEP number 4 - draw the girl's eyes

Just draw in the eyes as shown here and move on to step five.

STEP #5 - hair and shoulders

At this stage, we draw a hairstyle for our girl. It is at this step that you can style your hair with long hair, short hair, or even cute pigtails. Then we draw a neck, and then her shoulders and sleeves.

STEP #6 - draw the torso and clothes

Sketch out the shirt for our girl by making the collar and then the rest of her torso shape.

STEP number 7 - draw the girl's hands

Now it's time to draw the hands, as you see here. When everything is done, you can move on to the next step.

STEP number 8 - draw a skirt

The next step is to start the skirt. Don't forget to add some suspenders to the skirt in the right corner.

STEP #9 - draw the legs

Now draw the girl's legs and notice how there is a small arch on one leg, this is for her shoes.

STEP number 10 - shoes for girls

All that's left to do is put our girl in shoes like you see here. When this is done, you can start erasing the lines and shapes that you drew in the first step.

STEP #11 - admire the result

Now that you have completed this lesson, you can color it in. You can use pencils, markers, pens, or anything else. We hope you enjoyed our step-by-step lesson, and now you know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

For some reason, when it comes to boys and girls, one wants to remember one mischievous song in which the author talks about what these indigenous people of the country Childhood are like. Remember, it says that girls are made of bells and flowers? But how to draw a girl if she is a sweet, airy, almost unearthly creature?

In fact, there are several ways to draw a little girl. For example, it can be depicted with photographic accuracy in the form of a portrait, or as a doll. Or, even, a fabulous, cartoon character. And even for novice artists, such a process of choosing the image of a model will be interesting. In it, they will be able to express themselves as a creative person.

Having chosen a photo or picture for sketching, we get to work. Just first, consider how to draw a girl in stages with a pencil. Our model will look like a character from a children's book. And we will try to portray her as funny and cute as possible.


  1. Head and neck;
  2. Torso (dress);
  3. Legs;
  4. Pens;
  5. Detailing: face and hairstyle, arms and legs;
  6. Coloring a picture.

Step by step, we can easily do everything. Working on the image together with our children, we will teach them how to draw a girl, and we will have an interesting time with our little ones.

Another condition - we depict a girl with long hair, which is styled in a hairstyle. In our case, these are ponytails loved by many girls. Now the preparation for work is fully completed: we know what and how we will depict, we have an approximate nature and purpose of the picture, we have thought about some of the nuances. Its time to begin!

Head and neck

You should not invent anything superfluous in how to draw a girl with a pencil. You can learn the easiest way. We make a circle. This will be the head. Two parallel lines come down from it - the neck. From the "neck" there are two lines in opposite directions. We do them at an angle. So we show the fragility of the girl's sloping shoulders.

Torso (dress)

How to draw a girl in a dress? Everything is simple! You need to come up with an outfit and transfer your thoughts to paper. I got it like this:

I wanted the dress to be fluffy, fluffy, elegant. And that is why waves pass along its bottom.


Since our girl is visible to us in full growth, then the next step is to draw the legs of the model.

So far, the whole picture bears little resemblance to our final goal. This is just a sketch, devoid of detailed details. In the future, all drawings will be edited. Supplemented with details, they seem to come to life. And a cute little girl will appear.


We do not want our model to just stand there, and there was no zest in it. It is worth thinking about how to draw a cute girl so that some decorative element gives her naivety and warmth. Therefore, we boldly hand her a balloon in her hands. To do this, one hand is lowered along the body, and the second, which holds the ball by the rope, is raised.

Detailing: face and hairstyle, arms and legs

In order for the drawn girl to “come to life” in the picture, you need to pay attention to details. So, for example, hair.

Eyes, lips and nose. Perhaps an inexperienced baby will not be able to immediately cope with this item, so a parent can help him. He will explain how the portrait is made. And yet, the lips of our little girl are stretched in a smile.

The arms and legs of the model also need to be completed. Shoes should be on the legs, and fingers should be added on the handles.

coloring picture

We did not draw from a photo or a picture. But they just understood the principle of how to draw a beautiful girl, in what sequence.

But in order for our work to look complete, it is worth paying attention to coloring. First, we direct everything done with colored pencils.

Now we completely paint all the details.

We got a cute picture, which shows a full-length smiling girl with a balloon in her hands.

And below are a few more options for phased drawing.

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