What is the name of gymnastics for weight loss. Breathing exercises for weight loss - simple and fast. Pulling the leg back

I know, I know your problem, if you are reading these lines. I know that you have already tried a million recipes on the way to a slim figure. And he sat on cucumbers, and on buckwheat, and on a vegetable diet, and on protein. I know how you tried a hundred times to go to the gym since Monday, or even trained hard, stomping on the step and waving dumbbells. And these exercises in mathematics when counting calories, when the numbers in your head are already bouncing, but the body still insistently requires food? Endless circle of hell! And everyone says: there are no miracles, be strong, love your fat, defeat your laziness.

However, not so long ago, I came across a book on the Internet in which I read that you don’t need to do all this, you can just breathe and lose weight. Funny, right?! I also laughed, but the thought of it now and then fiddled with the brain. If such a system really exists, then someone in Ufa must know about it? Indeed, it turned out that in Ufa there are not so few trainers of the Bodyflex program, that's what it is called. Thus, I met Aigul.

She has been helping people burn fat with their breath for two years now. Aigul told me about the principles of the effect of oxygen on the fat cell and that in a month of training you can remove about 10 centimeters from the waist. At the end, she added that she didn’t need to keep a diet, just try to eat protein foods after dinner. To be honest, the last sentence pissed me off. If you eat protein food and without bodyflex, you can lose weight! However, no one will hit you on the head for checking! Aigul assured that the result is visible after seven daily workouts. So, we take the average girl who wants to lose weight and put her breath. Meet Maria.

For the purposes of the experiment, Masha surrendered herself to our measuring tape. Here's what came out of it. We measure Masha before the start of classes.

For seven days in a row, every morning, after waking up, on an empty stomach (this is very important), Maria breathed according to the method and performed the 7 exercises that I will give below for 20 minutes. The result was not long in coming. The control measurements amazed me.

Part of the body

Before class

After 7 days of classes


We add the "Result" column and get, voila, minus 11 cm. Easy! Without straining! During the week! The results are stunning! Imagine if a month passes? And six months? So from any zhirtrest you can get a slender woman! With these words, I immediately want to give out a portion of sarcasm, the topic of whether the technique will help if you eat a fatty hamburger after training. Of course not! You don't have to be a coach to understand this. Aigul says that during breathing exercises, when the stomach is drawn in (see below), the volume of the stomach decreases, so saturation comes faster and the hamburger will not physically fit into the practitioner. Of course, like any other method, Bodyflex gives results only in combination with at least elementary abstinence in nutrition.

Exclusively for the readers of the site, Aigul and I have prepared seven of the most effective exercises for burning hated fat.

The principle of breathing Bodyflex

But before you start doing the exercises, you need to master the breathing. In short, under the strict guidance of my new friend Aigul, I tell you.

Stage 1. You need to puff out your lips like you're blowing out the candles on your anniversary cake and let all the air out of your lungs while pulling in your belly.

Stage 2. Close your lips and inhale sharply with your nose, as if you are going to absorb all the oxygen in the room, while leaving your chest motionless and inflating your stomach (This is the most important step in our business, direct the air when you inhale not to the place where you think your lungs, and slightly lower, into the diaphragm.).

Stage 3. First, wrap your lips between your teeth (women will understand me - this is how we get our lipstick wet), then open your mouth wide and simultaneously push all the air out from the depths of your body, tilting your head back a little, you should get a sound like “Paaah”.

Stage 4. Pull the stomach under the ribs, stick it directly to the back to make it easier, you can even slightly round the back and stand in one of the poses that I will give below. Stand and not breathe for 8-10 seconds.

Stage 5. Breathe in, relax and breathe normally.

Everything is simpler actually. Aigul says that you just need to believe in it, feel and understand that in this way we saturate the body with oxygen, in the flame of which fat burns. You can check whether you are breathing correctly or not as follows. Firstly, you should have a slight dizziness from oxygen, which has entered your body in large quantities. Secondly, after a workout, you will feel an unreasonable surge of energy and good mood. If all of this is present, you are on the right track.

Exercises for the fourth stage of breathing

In each of these poses, you need to freeze without breathing during the fourth stage, and perform each pose at least three times. In non-stop mode, training should last 20-25 minutes, no more. By the way, the author of this technique, American Greer Childes, changed the 52nd clothing size to the 42nd, thanks to breathing.








Exercises are impossible to simple, the most difficult thing in Bodyflex is to master breathing. But if you decide to take them on, study the issue carefully, like any technique, Bodyflex has side effects. For example, they should not be used by pregnant women. There are also positive aspects - blood oxygenation, massage of internal organs, etc. In general, I advise you to take a trainer or at least read the book by the author of the Greer Childers technique "Bodyflex. A great figure in 15 minutes a day."

Finally, I want to say that Maria continues her exercises. I think in a month or two we will return to this topic to show off the results. If it suddenly happens that my words inspire you and you start practicing, send your photos before and after to us in rb7 ( [email protected] site), let's rejoice together!

In an effort to lose weight, you have to resort to various methods. Dieting and regular exercise seem to be the most effective. Yes, the combination of these classic methods of dealing with excess weight is the most effective. However, unfortunately, not all those who understand embody the cherished formula of a healthy body in real life. And there are a lot of reasons for this - from laziness to huge employment and physical problems. While the gym requires effort, and proper nutrition is endurance, breathing exercises for weight loss always available to everyone without undue stress.

Everyone has heard at least once that there is abdominal, abdominal, deep breathing, but not everyone takes this weight loss technique seriously. And in vain, because the results of breathing exercises are really amazing. A simple complex, easily performed several times a day, can bring an order of magnitude more benefits than periodic sports with variable motivation. Of course, if you include breathing exercises for losing weight in the abdomen in the overall set of measures aimed at weight loss, the effect will be the most significant and really amazing.

The complex, proven over the years, consists of four important exercises that must be performed sequentially. In this case, the chain of stages of breathing must be repeated from time to time for 15 minutes. This period can be either integral or divided into three parts. That is, you can do 15 minutes at once or three times for 5 minutes - whichever is more convenient. In reviews of breathing exercises for the abdomen, they write that the division into stages allows you to keep your body in good shape throughout the day.

nasal inhalation

It is necessary to take in air during breathing exercises so that only the nose is used. To do this, it is recommended to tightly compress the lips. Inhalation should be quick and sharp. It is important to get full lungs. The abdominal muscles remain relaxed during this stage.

Rise of the stomach

After the first exercise for weight loss, the air that is in the lungs must be held by tensing the abdominal muscles. In this case, the stomach should be drawn in and with an effort lift it up. For a kind of monitoring, which will provide information about the passage of the process of raising and lowering the organ, there is a little trick: you can put your hand on your stomach - and an understanding of the movement will be immediately received. The raised stomach at this stage of breathing exercises is held in an unnatural position for about 10 seconds.

Video breathing exercises for weight loss in 15 minutes a day:


Still holding the air and stopping breathing, lean forward, and then immediately return to the original vertical position. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks and hold yourself in this position for 10 seconds.

mouth exit

Finally, you can resume breathing - release the exhaust air. But you can't do it abruptly. It is necessary to gradually get rid of carbon dioxide, releasing it as if through a tube. The shoulders and head should be relaxed, but the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks should remain in tension until the exercise is over. The technique of breathing exercises for weight loss involves strict adherence to this algorithm. In case of violation, you can not only lose the promised result, but also endanger your own health. Yoga practitioners write that learning to breathe correctly is the most important art, because by learning to control breathing, you can greatly improve the quality of life.

Popov's exercises


At the first stage of breathing exercises, you need to stand against the wall, pressing your back against it. Then inhale deeply until tension in the lumbar region. Pressing the lower back to the back, straining the stomach, you can gradually exhale the collected air, feeling every second of breathing. The scientist advises doing 8 repetitions per day.


Lie on your back on a flat surface, placing your hands under the gluteal muscles. Legs, without bending at the knees, lift as high as possible, trying to form a right angle with respect to the floor. Perform 15 times.

Pelvic lift

Lie on the floor with your stomach up, placing your hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees. Then slowly lift the pelvis off the surface, trying to direct the hips towards the chest. Each approach involves 10 to 20 repetitions. Popov's exercises differ from the classical ones by attracting more significant physical exertion, which gives a greater effect, but makes it difficult to combine them with a separately thought-out complex for losing weight in the abdomen.

The role of oxygen

It is thanks to oxygen molecules that the nutrients entering the digestive system are perceived by the body an order of magnitude faster. The so-called villi, which make up the entire gastrointestinal tract, require high-quality oxygen supply for the rapid absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is this system that is most dependent on “clean air”. This can be seen even from the banal fact that everyone has encountered: in nature, appetite and the ability to absorb more food increase dramatically.

With a lack of oxygen mass, the villi of the digestive tract are able to process 72% less useful substances.

After receiving the next portion of oxygen-rich air, the metabolism almost immediately accelerates up to 130% compared to the primary state. In addition, oxygen generates and maintains an alkaline environment, in which the process of converting ingested food into nutrient enzymes is most active.

Oxygen also plays such important roles:

  • helps to get rid of pesticides and toxins;
  • oxidizes the fat accumulated by the body;
  • promotes calming, removal from a stressful state.

Performing these exercises every day for 15 minutes, you can not only help the body get rid of belly fat, but also quickly remove two-thirds of the toxins, because it is this part of them that is in the gaseous state. So the detrimental effect of negative substances on all organs will fall significantly. In the process of destructurization of fat cells, the first process is oxidation by oxygen molecules, which in nature is called banal combustion. However, in everyday life, a person uses about a quarter of the light volume, which slows down the process of splitting deposits on the stomach and other problem areas. Therefore, just by learning to breathe deeply with proper air retention, you can significantly improve the results.

In the end, the production of the stress hormone and its distribution are inhibited by the same oxygen molecules. Therefore, normal access to fresh air helps to get rid of stress and significantly reduce the risk of falling into depression. This is extremely important during weight loss, because it is difficult for the body to tune in to severe dietary restrictions or the transition to significant physical activity. Thus, learning to breathe correctly, measuredly is one of the first tasks for those who strive for a slender and, most importantly, healthy body. A simple set of exercises to perform will open up a new side of life for many, because almost all people today ignore the technique of breathing exercises. There is nothing difficult in trying once. As in the daily repetition, because 15 minutes of time is not at all the price that is worthy of such a stunning all-round effect.

Breathing exercises for weight loss are collected from the best techniques, adapted for home use, so you can easily cope with them.

Follow all the rules of preparation, and start training. It will take you only 20-30 minutes a day, and in a week you will see a positive result.

Exercise 1

First, of course, you should stretch the body a little, and tone the muscles. To do this, do the simplest exercise, you can twist the hoop at the waist, do push-ups, squat, shake the press. Spend 5-7 minutes actively warming up.

Exercise 2

Now let's move on to breathing.

Since the warm-up was quite active, then you probably had shortness of breath, which is quite natural. Let's get rid of her. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Repeat this a few times and your breathing should be back to normal.

If you are not completely recovered, then take a deep breath, and begin to exhale oxygen in short, sharp jerks. Now you should completely get rid of shortness of breath.

Exercise 3

So, now let's do a massage of the internal organs.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath. It is advisable to hold at least 30 seconds, ideally - 60.

Now almost completely exhale the air, and hold your breath for at least 10-15 seconds. Restore the rhythm, catch your breath, and repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise 4

We connect squats.

Your task is simple - take in air, sit down, stand up, and exhale the air.

Do at least 10 squats. Now you should perform it as follows: draw air into the lungs when standing, and release it when crouched. You should also do 10 squats.

And the final step of the exercise: Take a breath when you are in a standing position, sit down, exhale, inhale, stand up, and exhale oxygen. In practice, this is quite simple, but the result of such squats is stunning.

Exercise 5

Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, but as if you want to extinguish the flame of a candle. This suggests that you should inhale slowly, but exhale should be long, but sharp.

For greater effect, imagine that there is a candle in front of you, and you cannot blow it out, so you have to exhale strongly on it. The same breathing exercise follows in the supine position, on squats.

Also, you should take a position. As if you were bending over to pick something up from the floor. Hold this position and repeat the breathing technique several times.

Exercise 6

The following breathing exercise for weight loss is also effective.

Raise your arms up as if reaching for something and inhale deeply through your nose. Hold your breath for 5 seconds, then bend over sharply, stretch your arms freely, and exhale sharply through your mouth.

Repeat this exercise 5 times. Be careful, it can make your head spin.

Exercise 7

This is a "relaxing breath" and should be done at the very conclusion of the complex.

Take a full deep breath, raise your arms up, and spread them apart, taking the shape of a cross. While exhaling, return to the starting position.

Repeat the relaxation breathing technique a few times and you're done.

Here, with the help of such exercises, you can normalize your metabolism, and get rid of extra pounds.

Breathing exercises for weight loss are done in just 20-30 minutes, but they will give a chic and spectacular result. Of course, if you have health problems, it is better to consult your doctor if you can perform them.

And in everything else - they will only benefit you, which is what we wish you!

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Types of gymnastics

There are many different breathing exercises techniques, and each of them has its pros and cons. To date, the following techniques are widely practiced:

  • bodyflex, the most common technique that works only with breathing, without the use of physical exercises;
  • Strelnikova's gymnastics, created at the beginning of the last century in the Soviet Union, is unique in its kind, helping to reduce weight and even cure some diseases;
  • the Chinese Jianfei technique, characterized by targeted and targeted breathing exercises;
  • Oksisayz - a complex that includes, in addition to setting the right breathing, the rhythm of which cannot be lost during the whole process, all kinds of exercises that accelerate metabolism;
  • Popov's exercises, which were developed for those who want to lose weight accumulated during pregnancy, remove wrinkles in the abdomen and lumbar region.

The choice of methods of breathing exercises largely depends on the goals pursued by the client, medical indications, and advice from the trainer. Beginners should prefer a comprehensive complex that does not imply a specific physical form.

Description of jianfei practice

At the heart of breathing exercises for weight loss are only three sets of exercises. We will describe each of them in more detail so that you can start practicing breathing exercises as soon as possible. We will make a reservation that it is preferable to engage in the interval between meals or an hour after eating.

Description of the frog exercise

Start a set of exercises in a sitting position, for this you will need a chair. Place your legs so that they are shoulder-width apart, it is advisable to maintain a right angle between the lower leg and thigh

It is important to think only about what you will do, that these exercises will really help you. Next, put your elbows on your knees, with the palm of your right hand, grab your left

You need to put your head on the resulting fist, closing your eyes. Try to be as relaxed as possible, this is extremely important.

After a short preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to the breath itself. You need to take a full belly of air with your nose, you need to exhale through your mouth, then through your nose, doing this alternately

It is important to hold your breath for a short time, just a few seconds is enough, no more. The total duration of the exercise usually does not exceed 10-15 minutes, the number of repetitions per day is 3-4 times

If you feel weak and dizzy, you should not breathe so deeply, you can also review the rhythm of breathing. It is important that the chest rises smoothly and evenly, and the air is taken in by the stomach.

Description of the lotus exercise

We start a set of exercises also sitting on the same chair. The starting position can be "frog" or "Buddha". The difference is that your feet should be in front of you on the floor. Place your palms on your knees so that their outer side is facing your face. At the beginning of the exercise (the first 3-7 minutes), you just need to breathe evenly, making pronounced inhalations and exhalations.

As in the previous case, it is important to think about what you are doing. Make sure that the stomach and chest remain at the same level, that is, they should not drastically change their position

Such self-control is the fundamental rule of conscious and controlled breathing, which is so successful in promoting weight loss.

After that, the next time intervals (another 3-7 minutes), you need to try to breathe, as you usually do in everyday life. Try to achieve maximum relaxation during exhalation, while inhalation should be almost silent. For 7-10 minutes you need to breathe like this, without adding control to this process. You can alternate these two parts of the lotus exercise, doing them for several minutes.

Description of the wave exercise

We begin the breathing exercise from a prone position. If you are doing breathing exercises for weight loss not at home, that is, you cannot lie down, you can take a standing or sitting position, although this is not desirable. You need to relax as much as possible and immerse yourself in your thoughts. The legs should be bent at the knees, and the feet should be placed on the floor. If you are lying down, then just stretch your legs and arms. Then one hand should lie on the chest, the second on the stomach, this is necessary in order to follow the technique of the exercise.

The breath should be slow, the stomach drawn in, and the chest raised. Breathing should be held for a while. After holding your breath, exhale, inflating your chest as much as possible. There should be at least 40 such repetitions, more can be

It is important to maintain one tempo without speeding up or slowing down the rhythm of breathing. If you feel dizzy, pause and try breathing less frequently.

Summing up, let's say that breathing exercises for weight loss are just a panacea for those who want to lose weight at the same time, put their figure in order, and also improve their health. Engage in weight loss with the help of breathing exercises with pleasure, and the result will not be long in coming.


The essence of the methodology

It is known that there should be a constant balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. In addition, scientific studies have shown that the breakdown of subcutaneous adipose tissue, as well as the elimination of cellulite, is due to an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the tissues of problem areas.

The method of proper breathing assumes that first, carbon dioxide is accumulated in the blood, as a result of which oxygen molecules are separated from hemoglobin. After that, through increased blood circulation, free oxygen enters those places where the greatest muscle tension occurs, respectively, the process of intensive breakdown of fat is launched.

Breathing exercises for weight loss

To lose weight without heavy loads, eating whatever you want, every woman wants. Breathing exercises, according to experts, help to remove extra pounds in the waist area, devoting only 15 minutes of time to proper breathing.

People breathe, starting from the first seconds of their lives. This happens on a subconscious level and does not cause any particular difficulties. But few people know that improper breathing is the cause of many serious health problems.

Among the main causes of improper breathing, it is worth noting:

  • regular stress;
  • too intense rhythm of life;
  • atmospheric pollution.

The main task of this gymnastics is to restore proper breathing, to learn how to take not only superficial breaths, but deep ones. There are many names for such gymnastics: bodyflex, jianfei, simply “breathing exercises for the press”, etc., but their essence remains the same - light exercises associated with training the respiratory tract, which contribute not only to the general improvement of the body, but also effective weight loss.

The most popular are such complexes:

Inhaling air through the nose, you must slowly count to 4, while inflating your stomach, then hold your breath, count to 15 and exhale through your mouth, counting to 8 in your mind and drawing it in.
Inhale, pause, exhale. But this time you only need to count to 4. First, counting to 4, inhale the air, then hold (and count to 4) and, accordingly, exhale, too, counting. These actions can be performed not only sitting, but also standing. It is advisable to do at least 10 repetitions.
The following action should be performed while sitting on a hard chair, keeping your knees at an angle of 90 °, and pressing your feet to the floor.

It is very important to keep your back straight. It is necessary to inhale slowly, while inflating the stomach, then exhale even more slowly

It is recommended to repeat this breathing pattern at least 10-15 times.
Lie on your back, press your feet to the floor, bend your knees, put your right hand on your waist, and your left hand on your chest. Inhaling air, you should straighten the chest, but at the same time lightly press on the stomach. Exhaling, on the contrary, it is easy to put pressure on the chest, inflating the tummy. 10-20 repetitions will be enough. After a few workouts, it will be possible to change position and learn how to breathe in this way while standing.

Exercises for weight loss

The easiest

The most elementary exercise, which is easy to perform at first, is done in this way:

We inhale the air for 4 counts, hold it for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts. We repeat 10 times. During the day, we perform three times, preferably in the fresh air.

And now let's get acquainted with the Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei, which means "lose fat." This exercise is so useful that it improves the body's metabolism, reduces hunger, regulates blood circulation, and relieves fatigue. Well, weight loss of the tummy, of course, is not far off.


Breathing exercise "Wave" is performed before meals, and possibly instead of it, as it helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.

Option 1 - performed sitting on a chair. Put your legs together, bending at a right angle. Straighten your back, relax your muscles. Inhale slowly, hold your breath, and exhale slowly. One cycle requires 60 repetitions.

Option 2 - performed lying down. Bend your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Next, inhale, hold your breath, exhale - do as in the first option.

Do it with pleasure, each time convincing yourself that you are contributing to your weight loss, body improvement and body shaping. You can also add some posture exercises at home.


"Frog" is designed to calm the nervous system, at the same time regulates metabolism, prevents dizziness during dietary nutrition. Sit on a chair, legs bent at a right angle, spread shoulder-width apart. Grasp the fist of your left hand with the palm of your right hand. Place your elbows on your knees and your head on your fist. Relax, smile, calm down. Inhale through the nose, straining the stomach, exhale, relax the stomach. Repeat this exercise several times. Exhale twice, take a slow long breath, hold your breath, take another short additional breath and exhale.

Performed 15 minutes a day 3 times, at the end of each repetition cycle, close your eyes, rub your palms, make movements as if you were washing your face and hands, several times. Open your eyes, clench your fists and stretch.


Exercise "Lotus" helps to relieve fatigue, and regulates metabolism, helps to find a more flexible and slender waist. Starting position: the position of the "Buddha". Place your hands palms up in front of your stomach so that your left hand is above your right. The tip of the tongue should rest on the alveoli.

Stage I - concentrate natural, easy breathing, for 5 minutes.
Stage II - breathe naturally for 5 minutes, on the exhale - relax as much as possible.
Stage III - breathe naturally for more than 10 minutes, think only about breathing, enter a state of trance: complete relaxation and peace.

"Lotus" perform several times a day. It is most beneficial to take it before bed.

The right attitude and a little effort, and with breathing exercises, you will achieve weight loss in the abdomen without dieting and compromising your own health!

Website Ty-koroleva.ru

Breathing exercises Strelnikova what heals, its benefits and harms

The main principle that allows you to lose extra pounds when doing exercises of Strelnikov's gymnastics is the active saturation of the body with oxygen, under the influence of which fat cells begin to actively burn.

In addition, the saturation of the body with oxygen contributes to the normalization of metabolism, which also has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight and the general condition of the body.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova are suitable for people of any level of fitness and health, for children and adults, as well as for lazy people who do not want to spend a lot of time playing sports.

Strelnikova's method of breathing exercises is fundamentally different from other breathing exercises:

While most breathing techniques focus on proper inhalation, Strelnikova's gymnastics focuses on exhalation, as well as prolonged breath holding.

One of the postulates of the Strelnikova system says that the breath should be sharp and energetic and should be done through the nose. The chest should not expand.
Despite the need to hold your breath in exercises, Strelnikova’s system exercises provide for exceptionally smooth exits, without sharp expulsions of air from the lungs.
The chest compressed during inhalation contributes to the active saturation of the body with oxygen, which has a positive healing effect on the body.
In addition to a positive effect on the body, Strelnikov's gymnastics gives a good mood and a surge of strength .. Regular exercise according to the Strelnikov method has a number of undeniable advantages:

Regular exercise according to the Strelnikov method has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The work of the respiratory system of the body is normalized.
  • The vocal cords are fully restored, there is a beneficial effect on the voice.
  • There is a complex drug-free recovery of the body, improves mood and well-being.
  • Powerful prevention of many diseases of internal organs is carried out.
  • Reduced body weight and volume.

However, for all its positive qualities, Strelnikova's gymnastics is not without certain drawbacks. Before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of such exercises for you personally.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises, in addition to wide indications for use, also have a number of contraindications, in which its use is strictly prohibited:

  • injuries and congenital malformations of the spine and head;
  • acute diseases of the upper spine;
  • increased risk of internal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pressure problems and some blood diseases.

Technical performance of breathing exercises

How to breathe out the stomach? And is it possible at home? Doctors say that there is nothing complicated in this. To perform such a workout, it is enough to allocate half an hour a day. Breathing exercises do not require any equipment and the help of an experienced instructor.

Breathing exercises for the abdomen are based on preparatory activities and basic techniques.

  1. Exercises are performed constantly, preferably at the same time.
  2. The best time to do it is in the morning after sleep.
  3. Provide yourself with fresh air during class. Instructors advise doing the exercise on the street or balcony.
  4. Do not train immediately after eating. Start the process one to two hours after the meal.
  5. During this time, drinking water is allowed.

There are several ways that affect proper breathing for weight loss in the abdomen. You can learn the skill with the help of advice given by experts.

  • The supine position is taken. Hands descend to the bottom of the peritoneum. All air is exhaled through the nose.
  • Then air is gradually inhaled. During this, follow the diaphragm. She must go down. Due to this movement, the lungs are completely filled with air. Everything is controlled by hand. The belly is inflated.
  • Without holding the breath, the air is gradually exhaled. At this point, the diaphragm begins to rise up. And the stomach should sink inward. The lungs become empty.

When performing movements, follow some recommendations.

  1. A person should feel how the abdominal cavity is filled with air. In this case, the chest is without movement.
  2. The workout is done calmly and smoothly.
  3. If the exercise is performed for the first time, then it is worth starting not with deep breaths. This process can lead to dizziness. To do this, you will need to perform the training several times to bring everything to automatism.
  4. The duration of the first lesson is 1 minute. Then it increases by 30 seconds. But remember, the duration of one session should not exceed 5 minutes.

Proper breathing for weight loss of the abdomen will provide the body with oxygen saturation and strengthening of the abdominal muscles. In addition, respiratory activity will improve blood flow, purify the blood, and activate metabolic processes.

According to numerous reviews of people, we can conclude that this workout is enough to make the stomach flat and create a beautiful, embossed press.

What is efficiency

You can really lose weight, as weight loss will occur before your eyes. In this case, no effort will be made on your part. Why does the usual breathing technique have such a miraculous effect on the human body?

As a result of the correct technique of inhalation and exhalation, the body receives a huge amount of oxygen, which improves the metabolic process. It is a well-known fact that the digestive tract works much better when you enrich each breath with enough oxygen. If there is a lack of oxygen, then the metabolism will be slowed down, which will contribute to the deposition of fat under the skin.
Breathing has a beneficial effect on the process of assimilation and digestion of food, thus its conversion into energy also occurs faster. During the release of energy, there is an active breakdown of fat cells, which is what women want to achieve in order to lose weight.
By breathing correctly, you have a real opportunity to cleanse yourself of accumulated toxins, as well as prevent their further accumulation. Due to this, the deposition of fat will not occur so actively.
A balanced amount of oxygen oxidizes the fat in the human body. This is due to the fact that usually a person uses only one third of his lungs. If you unlock their full potential, the fat burning process will go faster.
The last thing to say is that proper breathing helps reduce stress hormones.

This is very important, since it is stress that often makes us eat more than the body needs.

In general, we can say that this technique is very simple and accessible to every person. All exercises are natural, do not strain your body, but rather contribute to maximum relaxation. If you are still in doubt, take a simple test that will help you find out if you need this exercise system.

Diaphragmatic breathing

The diaphragm is a muscle involved in the breathing process. It is located between the thoracic and abdominal parts of the body. When you inhale, the lungs expand and the diaphragm descends. And on exhalation, the diaphragmatic muscle contracts and helps the lungs to completely expel carbon dioxide.

Inhale: chest expands forward (not up), diaphragm goes down. Exhalation: the diaphragm rises, the chest contracts

If the diaphragm is not involved in breathing, then over time the lungs become less elastic, they cease to absorb the required amount of oxygen. Breathing becomes superficial, internal organs and all life processes suffer: toxins, fat accumulate

Therefore, it is important to learn to breathe so that the diaphragm is involved in the process.

What is the effect of breathing exercises on the body

According to research, there is a very close relationship between the processes of losing weight and the saturation of the cells of the body with oxygen. In support of this, there are many real examples from the life of losing weight people.

Breathing exercises Korpan, Strelnikova and Jianfei have a positive effect on the body:

  • help to curb the feeling of hunger between main meals;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive organs and systems, help to activate the absorption of nutrients;
  • break down fat cells, maintaining the level of acid-base balance, which, in turn, ideally copes with the breakdown of fat cells;
  • ensure the timely removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • give strength and vigor;
  • normalize the work of the central nervous system, relieving excessive nervousness, fatigue and depression.

Like the Chinese Jianfei gymnastics, the breathing exercises of Alexandra Strelnikova and Marina Korpan are based on a very important prescription: the specific breathing that needs to be learned makes it much faster to “supply” oxygen to the blood cells, which helps to speed up metabolic processes and break down fat deposits. At the same time, the technique of abdominal breathing is much more effective than chest breathing, since the diaphragm, when inhaling and exhaling with the help of the abdomen, is strained more

This ensures the opening of the lungs, which allows them to increase their volume over time.

At the same time, the technique of abdominal breathing is much more effective than chest breathing, since the diaphragm, when inhaling and exhaling with the help of the abdomen, is strained more strongly. This ensures the opening of the lungs, which allows them to increase their volume over time.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Breathing practices, especially those associated with stopping breathing, are not shown to everyone. Restrictions apply to a number of diseases and conditions:

  • brain damage;
  • blood diseases;
  • kidney or liver stones;
  • recent stroke;
  • thrombosis;
  • high pressure;
  • myopia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute chronic diseases.

Pregnancy, lactation, myopia are incompatible with most breathing practices. However, there are separate sparing complexes that can be performed by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with poor eyesight. But before starting classes, you should consult a doctor.

We all know that physical activity is essential for weight loss. But what about those who do not have the time and opportunity for full workouts in the gym? An alternative could be breathing exercises for weight loss, which does not require huge efforts and takes a little time, but, nevertheless, it is really effective. How does it work, and how to breathe to lose weight? Let's try to figure it out.

Breathe properly to lose weight. To many, this seems something strange, because it seems that there is no connection at all. However, it is, and very close. The essence of breathing exercises is to return to natural, natural breathing. Breastfeeding babies always breathe deeply, with their stomach, and their diaphragm takes an active part in the process. The lungs are completely filled with air, and completely released from it when exhaling. As we grow older, we lose this ability and breathe from our chest. At the same time, the diaphragm and lower parts of the lungs are involved in this process very little, the air is not completely exhaled.

But the full saturation of the body with air is extremely important, in particular for weight loss. Due to the fact that the cells receive enough oxygen, in the body metabolism is accelerated, respectively, more active fat burning. Improves digestion, out of the body slags and toxins are actively removed. Oxygen promotes the oxidation and breakdown of fat. Another advantage that breathing exercises for weight loss have is that they calm, reduce the production of stress hormones while boosting the production of happiness hormones. As a result, we fight depression, feel calmer and more harmonious, getting rid of the need to seize stress.

Breathing exercises are useful for the body as a whole, and it has the following advantages:

  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • breaks down and oxidizes fat cells;
  • gives the body additional energy resources;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • soothes.

What is the name of breathing exercises for weight loss? Everything depends on the technique. The most popular trends today are bodyflex and oxidize. Learn about bodyflex with Marina Korpan at. Both work on a full breath, but there are certain differences. Both exercises take only 15 minutes to complete. In bodyflex, the essence is to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds after a deep exhalation. Exercises are done specifically on the delay. When oxidized, short "dovdoh" and "dovdukh" are made. That is, taking a deep breath, we take three small breaths, and, exhaling deeply, three short breaths.

Preparation for breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for weight loss will help you get in shape in just 15 minutes a day. It does not require a trainer, special equipment and clothing.

Breathing exercises have contraindications. You should not exercise during pregnancy, increased intracranial pressure, bronchial asthma, glaucoma, certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels, after recent operations. If you have certain diseases, be sure to consult your doctor first.

In how to do breathing exercises for weight loss, it is important to consider the following rules:

  • You need to do it regularly. In the process of losing weight - every day, and when you already achieve the result, you can perform exercises three times a week to consolidate it.
  • Do not exercise immediately after eating. In general, the best time is in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink water while exercising.
  • It is important to provide yourself with an adequate supply of oxygen. Ventilate the room where you will be working. In the warm season, it is ideal to do gymnastics in an open space.

It is recommended to start with one exercise with which you will accustom yourself to proper breathing.. Lie on your back, place your palms on your stomach, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. When you inhale, your diaphragm should smoothly fall down towards your legs, and your stomach should inflate to the maximum. On exhalation, the diaphragm moves up towards the head, and the stomach is drawn in. It is important to use the stomach as much as possible, while the chest should remain almost motionless. You need to inhale only through the nose, you can exhale through the mouth.

To begin with, it is enough to do the exercise for a minute, gradually increasing this time. If you have lost the habit of breathing correctly, then at first you may experience weakness, dizziness. Only after passing the preparatory stage and having mastered the basic principles of proper breathing, you can include in the complex and fully perform other exercises.

You should not, without being prepared, proceed to a full-fledged set of exercises. Otherwise, negative consequences are possible in the form of dizziness, hyperventilation of the lungs and even loss of consciousness. It is important to start breathing exercises gradually. Even one exercise, performed fully, will help to lose weight. Fat will begin to be burned already at the preparatory stage.

How to lose weight with breathing exercises: exercises

Breathing exercises for weight loss combine the basics of proper breathing with the study of various muscle groups. This allows you to provide oxygen access to fat cells, as a result of which they will begin to be actively burned. The muscles will get stronger, which will ensure a decrease in centimeters in problem areas.

Marina Korpan system

The exercises developed by Marina Korpan will help you notice clear results after two weeks. The woman is the author of the methodology and the book "How to remove the stomach." At one time, she herself got rid of excess weight, so all the principles of gymnastics were proven to her. The main principles in this case are as follows:

  • Inhale smoothly through your nose, then take two more short breaths, then a long exhalation and two short ones. Try to maximize the use of the stomach, leaving the chest motionless. It is necessary to repeat 2-3 times.
  • Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, deeply and slowly. Exhaling, pull the stomach to the back, inhaling - stick it forward. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  • Inhale deeply, lower your head and pull your stomach in strongly. Then, as you exhale, empty your lungs as much as possible from the air and hold your breath for a few seconds. Repeat three times.

Marina Korpan offers a wide range of exercises for different parts of the body. She also insists on the importance of proper nutrition, recommends avoiding fatty, fried and salty foods. No need to adhere to strict diets and strict restrictions. Eat fractionally: in small portions and often.

Alexandra Strelnikova's system

It was developed in the middle of the last century. Strelnikova, being an opera singer, originally developed it to restore her voice. A little later, it was found that this technique is useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, disorders of the nervous system, problems with the respiratory system, gynecological and urological diseases, and it also helps to lose weight.

The essence of the technique is that you need to inhale through the nose, actively, noisily and quickly, and exhale, on the contrary, through the mouth, slowly and effortlessly. In this case, the chest should be compressed during inhalation, and not unclenched. Direct exercises are done on inspiration.

The Strelnikova complex includes 11 exercises. It is recommended to start with the first three, adding to them gradually one new one at a time:

  • Take a standing position. Arms bent at the elbows, palms forward. Take four quick breaths, rhythmically clenching your palms into fists. Then lower your arms, rest for four seconds and exhale in a relaxed manner. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 24 times.
  • Stand up straight, press your palms to your stomach, clenched into fists. Inhaling the air, push your arms down and strain your shoulders at the same time. Then return your hands to their place, relax and exhale. Repeat the exercise 8 times, then rest for four seconds.
  • Standing straight, lower your arms parallel to the floor. As you inhale, lean forward and reach for the floor with your hands without touching it. Exhaling, do not straighten up completely. It is recommended to perform the exercises quickly - about 100 times per minute.

Once you've mastered these exercises, you can move on to others. They are also recommended to be performed with good access to fresh air.

Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • slightly bend your knees;
  • rest your palms on the hips of the mute above the knees;
  • inhale and exhale deeply several times;
  • then take a strong deep breath;
  • take a sharp breath through your nose, inflating your stomach;
  • exhale deeply through your mouth, fully drawing in your stomach, hold your breath;
  • during a pause, keeping the stomach pulled in, place the elbow of the left hand on the knee of the leg on the same side;
  • straighten your straight leg and stretch it to the side so that it does not come off the ground;
  • stretch a straight arm above your head, feeling the tension of the lateral muscles;
  • stay in this position for 10 seconds;
  • inhaling, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise 3-5 times for each side.

Breathing exercises for the hips

Consider an effective exercise for slimming the hips:

  • The exercise is performed in a sitting position on the floor. Place your left foot on your right, bend them at the knees;
  • place your right hand on your left knee;
  • put your left hand behind your back;
  • in this position, exhale and inhale, then inhale deeply and exhale sharply, drawing in the stomach strongly while inhaling;
  • during the pause, you need to pull your left knee towards you and twist your body to the left;
  • turn your head and try to look back;
  • you should feel how the thigh muscles and lateral abdominal muscles work;
  • you need to linger for 10 seconds, then inhale.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times, then change position, and repeat the same number of times on the other side.

The effectiveness of breathing exercises is confirmed by numerous good reviews about it. Remember that all the benefits and effectiveness lie in proper breathing. If it’s hard for you to learn it on your own, you can consult with a specialist who practices breathing exercises, or watch a video.

Breathing exercises for weight loss: video exercises

Hello dear Readers!

Many, with some doubt, will say: there are no miracles, in order to reduce weight, you need to burn calories. Such people believe that getting rid of fullness is possible only with the help of physical activity, diets and a variety of cosmetic procedures.

They are right about only one thing - to gain a slim figure, you really need to burn calories. But it is precisely on this that the respiratory technique is built to reduce the volume of the abdomen.

The method has many advantages over others.

Main advantages:

  • dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • improved digestion;
  • effective breakdown of fat cells;
  • providing the body with activity and energy;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • removal of all harmful substances from cells;
  • calming effect on the nervous system.

Adhering to the methodology, you do not need to limit yourself to food, exhaust the body with physical activity. To become slim, you only need to breathe properly.

How does this method work and why is it so effective?

The human body without breathing is unable not only to function properly, but also to exist.

Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the breathing technique is the simplest, but at the same time effective way to strengthen and tighten muscles. It allows you to perfectly get rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

To ensure an effective result, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. It's easy to do. On inhalation, the belly should be inflated. Only the nose is involved in the process.

During exhalation, on the contrary, the stomach must be pulled in as much as possible. Exhale through your mouth. In this case, the diaphragm is included in the process. This is how newborn babies breathe.

Adults inhale superficially. The stomach practically does not participate in this process. As a result, oxygen does not reach the lower parts of the lungs. And the spent one is not completely removed.

The body is not fully supplied with oxygen. The functioning of many systems is significantly deteriorating, and, of course, fat deposits appear on the figure.

Active breathing efficiency

The method is quite simple, but it provides excellent results. It is recognized by doctors as effective for getting rid of extra pounds. Doctors give a lot of arguments in his favor.

Saturates the body with oxygen. Provides a good metabolism. A normal metabolism allows you to break down fat cells much faster.

Helps improve digestion. As a result, the body quickly receives useful energy. Due to this, the production of ATP molecules, which break down fat cells, is activated.

It is oxygen that provides the ideal environment for these molecules to function. Therefore, fat cells are better broken down.

Toxins that enter the body accumulate in fat cells. Of course, this leads to weight gain. The body, in an effort to protect organs from the negative effects of harmful substances, uses fat cells as a storage for toxins.

The technique allows you to remove such "garbage" from cells. This eliminates the need for fat cells. The body no longer produces them.

Oxygen oxidizes body fat. Those people who have learned to breathe correctly and deeply ensure the destruction of fat cells at a fast pace.

Oxygen, properly supplied to the body and in full, reduces the amount of stress hormones in the blood. A person no longer feels the need to "seize" trouble.


The positive impact of the body shaping approach on the human body has been known since ancient times. In the East, the Qigong technique was used in martial arts.

The focus is on inhalation and exhalation. This approach allows the warrior to regain strength, to achieve inner harmony.

Chinese sages noticed that shallow breathing leads to aging of the body. If a person saturates the body with oxygen to the full, then it significantly prolongs youth and gets rid of many diseases.

And the relationship between weight loss and a deep breath was first noticed by an American D. Johnson. It is she who is considered the founder of Oxysize gymnastics.

Execution technique

The technique is good in that it practically does not require any costs. For its implementation, it is enough to allocate 15-20 minutes during the day. She does not need any special equipment or the help of a coach.

However, it is necessary to perform all the exercises correctly. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved.

Can you figure out how to do it yourself? The video given in the article will allow not only to understand the execution technique, but also to fully master it.


In order for the technique to provide the desired result, the following rules should be followed:

  1. All movements must be performed regularly.
  2. It is best to practice in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  3. Be sure to provide fresh air during classes. Experts recommend exercising in nature. If this is not possible, open the window wide.
  4. You should not start exercising immediately after eating. You can start only 2 hours after eating.
  5. Drinking water is allowed during class.

Proper execution

There are several methods. Regardless of which one you choose, first learn how to breathe with your stomach.

Master this technique with the help of instructions from experts:

  1. Lie on your back. Put your hands down. Exhale all the air through your nose.
  2. Now start inhaling slowly. At the same time, lower the diaphragm down. Due to this, the lungs are completely filled with air. You control this process with your hands. You should feel how the stomach is rounded.
  3. Without holding your breath, exhale slowly. At this time, the diaphragm rises. The abdomen is drawn in as much as possible. The lungs are freed from air.

During execution, follow these recommendations:

  1. You should feel the air filling your stomach. In this case, the chest remains motionless.
  2. Perform movements calmly and smoothly.
  3. If you are doing them for the first time, then do not start with deep breaths. This may cause dizziness. Initially, feel how to do it right and bring it to automatism. Then you can move on to deep breaths.
  4. The first lesson lasts 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of gymnastics by 25-30 seconds. But one session should not exceed 5 minutes.

This approach will allow not only to effectively learn the technique, but also take care of your body.

It improves blood circulation, cleanses the blood, activates the metabolism. As a result, fat layers are effectively reduced, especially in the press area.

Study this exercise carefully. And it does not matter at all that at first you will perform only 1 exercise. It is still quite an effective tool for losing weight in the waist.

Feedback from people shows that even once a day is enough to get impressive results.

Types of techniques

Several effective methods have been developed that allow you to lose weight with the help of breathing and perfectly heal the body. Consider the most effective and popular of them.


It was created by American Childers Greer. The complex is based on a combination of proper breathing with yoga exercises, includes 13 exercises.

Of these, 2 are designed for facial muscle tissue. The rest - to improve the body. At the same time, 4 exercises provide a reduction in volume in the waist area.

This technique, when performed correctly, helps to increase carbon dioxide in the blood. It pushes incoming oxygen out of hemoglobin.

Due to this effect, oxygen in sufficient quantities enters the muscle tissue. Here it provides one of the most important tasks - actively breaks down fats.

How to perform Bodyflex

You can significantly improve the waist with the help of the following exercises included in the Bodyflex complex:

The legs are shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your thighs, slightly above your knees. Take a deep breath. The press retracts. Exhalation. Releasing the lungs, draw in the stomach. Hold your breath. At this time, lower the tongue down, firmly squeezing it with your lips.

Without changing the position of the head, raise your eyes up. Stay like this until you can't breathe. Repeat 5 times.

Lateral stretch

The starting position is the same. Inhale - exhale. Hold your breath. Without lifting your right leg from the floor, transfer the weight of your body to your left knee. Rest on it with your left elbow.

Raise your right hand up and stretch to the left side. Hold on for as long as you can without breathing. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

Abdominal Press

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. Hands are raised up. Inhale - exhale. We hold the breath. Raise your shoulders, stretch your arms up.

Tilt your head back a little and focus on a point on the ceiling behind you. Repeat 3-4 times.


Lie on your back. Legs are straight. Inhale - exhale. Exhalation delay. Straight leg swings in the air. It is advisable to do 9-10 swings. Repeat 3-4 times.


The unique Chinese technique has another name Jianfei. The literal translation of this name speaks for itself - "lose fat." The technique is also based on breathing with the stomach.

The complex includes only 3 exercises: “frog”, “wave”, “lotus”. This is a fairly effective tool for reducing the waist. Reviews of women indicate that without much effort, it allows you to reduce volumes by almost 2 sizes in a month.

How to perform

Qigong technique consists of such exercises.


Slow breath. The press is retracted, and the chest is rounded. Hold your breath for a while. Then exhale slowly, drawing in your chest and rounding your belly.


Sit on a chair. The legs are shoulder width apart. Rest your elbows on your knees. Squeeze your left hand into a fist. Grab it with your right hand. Lean your forehead into a fist. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible.

Now start breathing slowly according to this pattern: exhale - inhale - hold your breath for a couple of seconds - exhale as much as possible.


Take the lotus position. Breathe slowly and steadily for 5 minutes. The abdomen and chest should not rise. Try to breathe completely soundlessly. For the next 5 minutes, breathe deeply, without controlling the rise of the chest and volume.

Then, for 10 minutes, completely disconnect from breathing as if it exists separately from you. Indulge in meditation.

Strelnikova's approach

The main purpose of this technique is the restoration of the vocal voice. However, over time it has been noticed that it is an excellent therapy for most diseases of the lungs, genitourinary and nervous system.

Doctors began to apply this technique to patients suffering from obesity. The results were great. The Strelnikova system made it possible to perfectly get rid of extra pounds.

The effectiveness of the technique is dictated by the activation of metabolism. Improved metabolism is known to stimulate the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

The main essence of this technique is the shortest, sharp breaths through the nose, with a compressed sternum.

Pam Grout's way

The unique scheme consists exclusively of breathing exercises. It does not include supplements or exercise. And at the same time, it is an effective and effective method of reducing body weight.

At one time, Pam faced the problem of being overweight. She has experienced many different techniques. But none of them could provide her harmony. That's when Pam turned to breathing exercises. The results exceeded all expectations.

Oksisize technique

This approach is often confused with the Bodyflex complex. They are indeed very similar, but have a very important difference.

The Oksisize system, unlike Bodyflex, involves light and soft technique. There are no sharp exhalations in the complex. That is why the Oxisize technique is allowed even for pregnant women.

The method has several other advantages. You can practice at any convenient time, and it is not necessary on an empty stomach.

It has been noticed that in women practicing Oksisayz gymnastics, calories are burned 1.5 times faster than with intensive work on an exercise bike. The complex provides an excellent load on the muscles of the peritoneum.

How to perform the Oxysize complex

A few exercises will allow you to correct the figure:

  1. To get rid of fat deposits in the waist area. Stand straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Pull the pelvis forward. Raise your left hand up. Grab your left wrist with your right hand. Stretch up and to the right. Inhale belly - exhale. Do the exercise on the other side.
  2. To strengthen the muscles of the back, peritoneum, eliminate fat at the waist. Sit on a chair. Connect your feet and knees. Put your left hand behind your back and rest against the seat. Raise your right hand up. Rotate your body to the left. Pull your hand in the direction of movement. Inhale - exhale.

Marina Korpan system

Marina Korpan is the only certified specialist in Russia who uses her developments for body shaping. She combined two effective complexes: Bodyflex and Oksisayz.

The Marina Korpan system is an excellent way to ensure the burning of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, it does not contain grueling workouts and does not imply serious dietary restrictions.

How to perform the Marina Korpan complex

Order of execution:

  1. Slow breath in through the nose. The abdomen is almost completely retracted. Slowly release the air through your mouth. The abdominal muscles relax. On exhalation, the stomach should stick out. Repeat this breath 3 times.
  2. Breathe in through your nose. Slowly fill your lungs with air. Exhale the air (through the nose) with two sharp exhalations. Breathe in slowly through your nose again. Now take 1 long exhalation and 2 sharp exhalations. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Take 3 normal breaths (through your nose) and exhale (through your mouth). Be sure to watch your aperture.
  4. Breathe in through your nose. Now exhale a little through your nose. Exhale the rest of the air through your mouth. Also repeat 3 times.


Yoga exercises are the basis. This technique effectively helps to fight various skin diseases. It will be useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Gymnastics improves the functioning of the heart system, cleanses the blood.

In addition, doctors have confirmed that the regular implementation of the Pranayama complex stimulates the body to self-purify. Getting rid of harmful substances, a person rejuvenates and improves well-being. And at the same time, the active breakdown of fats begins in the body, which provides the necessary weight loss.

For a flat stomach

Any practice is best initially studied with a professional trainer. This will make it easy to master the technique and perform it correctly at home.

If you are a beginner, and have not yet managed to find a coach, but you really want to lose weight, then you can use the following simple complex:

Remember the correct breathing technique that was described at the beginning of the article. This is the first exercise of the complex.

Sit "Turkish" on the floor. The back is straight. The hands are on the knees, palms up. Inhale deeply through your nose. The abdomen should be as rounded as possible. Exhale very slowly. At the same time, pull the abdominal muscles in, and lower the chin down and press it to the body.

Exhale all the air. Relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Inhale quickly. Try to take in as much fresh air as possible into your lungs. Hold your breath. Tighten the muscles of the peritoneum, trying to raise the stomach higher. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. To control the correctness of the exercise, hands can be placed on the waist.

Lean forward and straighten up. Shoulders are slightly rounded. Tighten your buttocks. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. Exhale as you relax your head and shoulders. And release the muscles of the peritoneum and buttocks only after exhaling completely.

As you can see, the complex is quite simple. If you devote 15 minutes a day to it, you can be sure that very soon your figure will improve significantly. The waist will become slim, and the press will be perfectly tightened.

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