How to talk a guy out of not getting married. How to get a man to marry you: a few sure ways. Never stop dating

It would seem that the very question “how to get a guy to marry” sounds somewhat repulsive. Images of abnormal, predatory women immediately come to mind, who are only looking for an excuse to marry poor, unsuspecting men. But in life, everything often happens the other way around: these girls endure, wait and hope to legitimize a long-standing relationship with their chosen one. Men, on the other hand, are in no hurry to propose a hand and heart - they can drag out ordinary relationships indefinitely or enjoy living in a civil marriage without assuming official obligations. Well, they don’t want to, and that’s all for you!

Nowadays, civil marriages are very popular, modern morality allows a man and a woman to live under the same roof and without first going to the registry office. But when deciding to live together, a woman, as a rule, hopes to get to know her partner better and understand whether she can live the rest of her life with him and whether it is worth giving her hand and heart to him. For men, this is a very convenient state of affairs, when he continues to feel like a bachelor, but has at home comfort, affection, and a loving woman. And quite often they are not going to change their marital status.

And it happens that things do not reach civil marriage, but the candy-bouquet period dragged on for many years. The man does not dare to take the next step in the relationship - to offer to marry him. Any girl dreams of marriage, and this is completely normal: we have a natural desire to raise children in ideal conditions, when mom and dad are in a real marriage and are responsible for each other. But for some reason it is much more convenient for a man to meet with his girlfriends for the weekend and spend holidays together, but they are afraid of wedding bells. Here's the whole story for you!

What to do in such a situation, how to turn the tide of events and make the guy finally get married? In order to understand this difficult issue, let's think: why do men resist formal relationships?

Reasons why men avoid marriage

Although there is an opinion that the word “marriage” will not be called a good action, we all know that family life with a beloved man is the height of joy and happiness. In theory, the same should be experienced by the opposite sex. So why are they running from official relationships like hell from incense?

  1. Of course, the first and most basic reason is the fear of losing freedom. They are still young, strong and attractive, and there are so many pretty girls around with whom you can make interesting acquaintances in the future. And if he stops loving you, and if you don’t arrange him as a wife, and if he gets tired of you in five years like that? Endless "if, if" ....

    Any man takes a very long time to decide to connect his life with a woman, because this literally "puts an end" to his moral and sexual independence.
    But by the age of thirty or thirty-five, their alleged “freedom” threatens to turn into ordinary loneliness, when after work they come to an empty house - no wife, no children, no joyful greetings and hugs. It is at this age that inveterate bachelors, so afraid of losing their freedom, still give up their positions and decide on a legal marriage with their chosen one.

  2. If a man lives in a civil marriage with a woman, then everything suits him anyway, and running to the registry office, putting incomprehensible stamps in his passport and spending a lot of money on a wedding is the height of stupidity for him. Now in his life everything is clear, easy and measured. So why should he strain and worry that after the wedding the relationship will not be the same if everything is fine now!

    In addition, do not forget about the well-known saying: "A woman in a civil marriage considers herself a legal wife, and a man - a bachelor." He will always find a reason to tell his cohabitant: they say, you are not my wife and not a decree! And if he had a stamp in his passport, then the status of the official head of the family would no longer allow him to turn a blind eye to common problems, he would have to look for a compromise solution that suits both of you. So if you are mired in "civil relations", then either take the bull by the horns and raise the question of the wedding with an edge, or look for a new life partner. Because there is a type of men who can pull relationships in a civil marriage indefinitely.

  3. There are men in life who are scared to death of marriage because of childhood memories of their own family. Eternal scandals, drinking, insults and even assault. Such situations are especially hotly experienced by boys whose mother was the instigator of all misfortunes (yes, yes, this happens!). As an adult, he understands that not all girls are like his mother, but subconsciously fears the development of the same relationship in his own family.

    Therefore, it is much easier for such men to continue a romantic relationship with a girl indefinitely, not allowing her, as he thinks, to show her “true face” after the wedding. If your man is one of these poor fellows, then your only opportunity to drag him under the altar is to prove that he will never find a more tender, affectionate and loving woman in his life. As soon as you melt the ice in his heart and make it clear that strife and daily tantrums do not await him with you, he will finally make you a long-awaited marriage proposal.

  4. There is a type of men who are obsessed with their work and career, who do not want to find time for serious relationships with women, especially for official marriage. They are used to disappearing in the office from morning to night, going on long business trips and not appearing at home for weeks. This state of affairs absolutely suits these people and they understand that few women can endure constant separation and life alone.

In addition, such men, as a rule, are financially secure, and in any attempt by women to hint at official relations they see only self-interest in relation to themselves and a desire to manage their money. They also gained their financial independence due to the fact that they learned to deal with competitors, and they refer women who encroach on their freedom and wallet to this category of “opponents”.

If you decide to marry just such a person at all costs, then it’s better for you to be financially independent yourself, and in addition to the all-consuming love for your partner, find yourself many other hobbies and hobbies. So you give him the confidence that you need him, and not his money, and that you are able to live together without tearing him away from work every hour.

In fact, there are still quite a few reasons why men do not marry, but we have considered the most common of them. Now, armed with knowledge of their basic fears, we will try to understand how to get men to agree to marriage.

How to get a guy to marry

Despite all the stubbornness of men and unwillingness to bind themselves with official relations, we can still force them to take a decisive step and offer us a hand and heart. How to do it? We reveal little secrets that will help you visit the wedding dress salon as soon as possible and choose the right outfit for the most important event in your life.

Heavy artillery

By "heavy artillery" we mean powerful support in the form of his beloved mother. Believe me, any man is subconsciously looking for a life partner for a woman who looks like his mother. All you need to do is become his mom's girlfriend and enlist her support. As soon as your future mother-in-law appreciates and loves you, she will begin to convince her son with great zeal that you are just the perfect wife for him.

In order to carry out the plan, you need to learn as much as possible about his mother: tastes, habits, hobbies. If she is a lady of puritanical upbringing, then you should meet her in a modest dress, constantly blush and smile shyly. If she is a femme fatale, dressing in luxurious, expensive outfits, then you also need to show your taste and style in clothes, as well as be able to talk on topics of interest to her. But the most important thing is to make it clear that you are crazy about her son and are ready for anything in order to make him happy.

Addition to the family

Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to drag a guy down the aisle. In almost any man there is such a thing as responsibility, and the fact that his girlfriend is expecting a baby can push him to action. Just do not forget to take into account that your marriage will be successful only if you really love each other very much, otherwise after a while you risk remaining a mother raising your child alone. So think a hundred times: do you need it?, as they say in Odessa.

And in no case do not blackmail a man by inventing a non-existent pregnancy. It is only in a fairy tale that a wedding is a happy ending, but in life it is only the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman. Guys hate when they are forced to do something by force - and even more so if they are deceived. Even if you achieve your goal and get married - believe me, your "lived happily ever after" may not happen.

Are we worse than others?

It is quite possible to understand men's fear of marriage: loss of freedom, eternally crying children, a wife in an old dressing gown and curlers... Try to introduce married couples who have been happily married for a long time into your general circle of acquaintances. Looking at the men who "survived the shock" caused by official marriage, and remained not only alive, but also quite satisfied with their fate, his fear of marriage will slowly subside.

Try to remain always seductive and refined for him, even if you have worked twelve hours a day and you have the first days of premenstrual syndrome. Let him understand that family life will not make you a homemade slut, and he will be able, just like your friends, to continue to love and enjoy life, but already in a legal, official marriage. By the way, try not to drag it to the weddings of your girlfriends and acquaintances - for most men this is a difficult test, after which they flatly refuse to celebrate their own wedding.

Perhaps the most important argument of a woman who wants to get married is a sincere, deep love for a man and a desire to stay with him until the end of her days. If your feelings are mutual, then sooner or later the man will give in to your desire to create an official union, and you will begin a new, wonderful stage in your relationship. If, despite all your tricks and efforts, he remains hard as flint, and does not even want to hear about marriage, then think: is your chosen one worth spending precious years of your life on him? Maybe you should give him the freedom he so adores and look for happiness elsewhere?

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What a familiar situation - he and she have been together for a long time, but they will not formalize their relationship in any way. No, she’s at least now down the aisle, but he still avoids even talking “about it”, evades explanations, puts forward the universal argument “a stamp in the passport does not solve anything.” In general, a classic of the genre - a man is afraid of marriage bonds, like fire. Don't expect us to give you a dozen bold recipes in the "Buy him a ring and propose yourself" genre, but we can tell you how not to do it, but how to do it.

Text: Margarita Tsarik

What NOT to do?

1. Ideally - do not live together before the wedding. The so-called civil marriage is the longest way to the registry office, because the general well-established life, indeed, removes the need for a "stamp in the passport." If living together without registration has already begun, read on.

2. Do not pester your chosen one with the topic "let's get married" in chronic mode. Do not saw, do not whine and do not reproach - it threatens with the opposite effect.

3. Do not blackmail, do not provoke, do not put conditions on the topic of marriage. “There won’t be sex until we file an application” is a bad idea, just like “Either at the registry office, or I’m leaving for Misha.”

4. In conversations about future marriage, do not focus on the wedding ceremony. Most often, men are not afraid of a “stamp in their passport”, but precisely this celebration, so desired by women.

5. Don't let your parents interfere with your relationship with your loved one. A man must be sure that he will marry you, and not your relatives.

6. Do not voice unnecessary details of your previous relationship (or marriage) - a man does not need to feel like "next."

7. Never question the male viability of your loved one, especially in public. Let him know that you are always there for him.

8. Do not limit your man's freedom too actively - and then the marriage bond will not seem to him a total deprivation of independence.

What do we have to do?

1. Become the only and irreplaceable for your man. You must make sure that he literally could not do without you. And then somehow suddenly leave it for a while (vacation, business trip, etc.). The point is for him to understand that he cannot lose you.

2. Communicate respectfully with his parents and relatives. At the very least, stay neutral.

3. Communicate cordially and hospitably with his friends. If his friends appreciated you, then you are really a worthy candidate.

4. Talk with your loved one not so much about the registration of marriage and the wedding ceremony, but about family values, the ideal family, find out your points of contact in this matter.

5. When there is a reason, sincerely praise your man, do not skimp on kind words.

6. No matter how much time you have been together, stay flirtatious, in love with your beloved and always flirt a little with him, as in the first days of acquaintance.

7. Always create the impression of "demand" - how interesting you are to everyone, needed, in a word, that you are "valuable prey." Show that you value your freedom. Remember: the more unattainable a goal is for a man, the more he strives to achieve it.

Some stories with a "happy ending"

Veronica: “Oleg and I lived in a civil marriage for 7 years before we officially got married. All these years I convinced him to marry “in a good way”, without tantrums - I said that it was important for a girl that there was a wedding, that there was a white dress, a veil ... ". Oleg was literally gloomy and did not want to condemn it. In the end, it turned out by chance that he was ready to “sign” at any moment, but only without solemn registration, without a white dress and veil. Because he was already married and shuddered at the memory of the wedding. And I, too, didn’t really need this wedding! Most importantly, he and our family. So we checked in on a weekday, at 9am, without witnesses or ceremony, on our way to work. And very happy!”

Olga: “Kirill and I have been together for almost two years, but he didn’t want to hear about the wedding. Everything was great with us, except that I didn’t understand - do we have a future with Cyril or not? It so happened that he left for military training after the 4th year, and he was gone for almost a month. I did not expect, but he missed me so much during this time that literally two weeks after his return he proposed to me. But I have almost lost hope! We got married and have been together ever since, hopefully forever.”

Julia: “I really wanted to marry Dmitry, with whom we lived together for three years. It's no joke - all the girlfriends have been married for a long time, and I'm still waiting for the ring. He didn't even think about proposing to me. I've tried every method, including breaking up and blackmailing. Useless. As a result, my wise older friend once advised me: “Stop wanting to get married. On the contrary, start demonstrating at every opportunity that it is important for you to remain free, how much you value independence, and how much you are afraid that you will be "ringed". Meet your friends more often, be cheerful and active, smile right and left, and you'll see, he himself will drag you to the registry office! You won't believe it, but that's exactly what happened. Dima proposed to me after three months of my "new life". We have been married for a year and a half and everything is fine. I give my advice to all girls!

I gave him water for three days, and then dragged him to the registry office and said: "We are at the post office, a parcel arrived for you. Sign!"

Any long-term relationship with a guy ends up with a problem for the girl: time is running out, it’s time for her to become a married lady, but, meanwhile, her beloved is in no hurry to propose. Not only that, it doesn't even hint at it. What to do, how to get a guy to marry?

First of all, think about why your chosen one does not want to part with a bachelor life.

There can be several reasons, decide which one stops your boyfriend.

  • Fear of responsibility

However, do not think that he is a coward. It's just that the guy is sober about the prospect of becoming the head of the family and taking on many new responsibilities. Now you are just dating, and at the first misunderstanding you can easily part. But for legal spouses, even with a serious discord, it is not very easy to do this.

  • Behind - an unsuccessful marriage

This experience of failed family life made him very cautious and slow in making decisions. Yes, and he appreciates freedom more than a young man who has not known marriage.

  • Experience with women

An adult man, even if he was not in the role of a husband, is not an easy prey for a girl. He knows women well and is used to leading a free lifestyle, and he has a very negative attitude towards marriage, considers him a cell.

  • indecisiveness

Perhaps the guy is just not sure about your feelings and is afraid of getting rejected.

In order for the chosen methods to push your boyfriend to marry, you must be aware of why he has not yet made you a long-awaited proposal. It is better if you have the opportunity to honestly ask the chosen one about it. Keep in mind that either method will have its pros and cons.

So, you decided to attack your loved one in order to push him to a fateful step. Which path will you choose?

Desire to have a family

Choose the right moment for such a statement. Such words will fall on the heart of a guy in moments of intimacy and tenderness, when the words that you want to have a family and dream of becoming his wife will force your beloved to give some kind of answer. The result may be different.

Behind- you will finally find out why he himself has not yet taken the initiative.

Against- if you are too persistent, the guy will become wary and will never return to the wedding theme.

Link to friends

At a convenient moment, you sadly say that all your friends already have families, but your relationship has not changed for several years.

Behind- his pride will not allow him to have relationships at a level lower than that of his friends, and he will think about a possible marriage.

Against- he will immediately give examples of familiar families where the spouses live in an atmosphere of quarrels, and some even managed to get divorced.

We will be the best

In moments of intimacy, start a conversation about how good your current relationship is, and after the wedding, it will become even better. And as evidence, give examples of what exactly will change for the better. Such moments can force a guy to marry, who until now was afraid to tie the knot. This is a possible plus of this method.

Minus- the chosen one, remembering some of your conflicts, will perceive these words as trapping him.

Living together

It usually brings lovers together. This is a good test of relationship strength. Domestic problems most often ruin young families, and you will study each other's strengths and weaknesses in advance, learn how to plan a common budget. Perhaps the future marriage will no longer seem so scary to the guy.

Behind- both of you will understand if you can start a family.

Against- getting used to living together, the guy will ask himself the question: is there any point in getting married, because he is already doing so well.

In the future, you are the perfect wife

In order for your beloved to understand this, and he has a desire to marry you, pay attention to the little things in your behavior. Get up before your loved one; prepare breakfast for him; wake him up with a kiss and gentle words; indulge in delicious dishes; beautifully set the table.

Comfort and order should reign in the house, so that he always wanted to come here.

And do not forget about varied and passionate sex.

Behind- he will see in you the image of an ideal wife, whom he secretly dreamed of. This will push the guy to the decision to marry right now.

Against- he accepts this grace with pleasure, but believes that marriage is superfluous, because even in this state of affairs he has everything he needs.

We are both free

Oddly enough, but sometimes you can force a guy to marry by demonstrating his independence. Let him know that you love him and are faithful, but since you are not his wife, you do not owe him anything. And therefore, at will, you meet with friends and even correspond with familiar guys.

Behind- the male owner will not tolerate such independence of his girlfriend and will hurry to make her his wife.

Against- the same independence will cause a serious conflict and lead to separation.

Let's break up

This proposal - to be separated for a while, is, of course, difficult to make. But this will be a test of his affection for you. We will have to think together and make a common decision. If he loves you, he will not allow a long separation and will offer to return as a wife.

Behind- the guy will understand how difficult it is for him to live without you, and you will achieve your cherished goal.

Against- this method can lead to the fact that you will lose your loved one forever.

Pregnancy as a way to get a guy to marry

Behind- this is a very popular trick that women resort to. The pregnancy of the chosen one forces men to make an emergency decision about marriage. This is an argument for.

Against Such marriages rarely last. That is, the method is not very reliable, it can lead to the fact that you will remain a divorced woman with a child in this life. In addition, some men leave the girl when they find out that she is pregnant.

As you can see, there are ways to become the wife of your beloved. To do this, you need to demonstrate yourself in the best possible way, to convince him that he cannot find a better wife than you. But getting married does not mean forever tying your husband to you.

You must remain as beautiful, warm-hearted, homely and loving as at the stage of seduction.

Otherwise, he will quickly regret his thoughtless decision to marry.

And by and large, if you are connected with a guy with great love, no tricks will be required - he himself will make a marriage proposal at the right time and take you to the registry office.

How to get a man to marry? Every girl thinks about this question at least once in her life. Even in the conditions of emancipation and demonstrative independence of women from men, everyone wants to have a close beloved and loving person next to them.

But the reasons that push the girls to the cherished doors of the registry office are very diverse, as are the ways in which they gently but steadily drag their chosen ones to them. Let's take a closer look at both of them.

I can't bear to get married! What for?

For men, this question often arouses sincere interest, indeed, why bind yourself with obligations if you can live quietly together?

Before giving the male half a decent answer, it is worth noting that the institution of marriage itself gives a woman confidence, the very foundation on which she is ready to build her future life.

The so-called civil marriage is more of a family game. The woman understands that at any moment “Game over” can be heard and the participants will scatter, unobligated and unrelated to each other with nothing but shared memories.

So this option is good for starting a relationship or when both participants are not serious about them.

And now let's dwell on other reasons that make a certified marriage so attractive to the fair half.

I want everything

When the bridesmaids' weddings follow a harmonious sequence, and the bride's bouquet constantly flies by, the girl begins to passionately desire marriage, if only to show off in a white dress and take part in all this enthusiastic crush around the wedding tables.

In addition, marriage dramatically changes the interests of a woman, so in the circle of ringed friends, a bachelor feels like a black sheep, and clearly superfluous.

Not the last role is played by the fear of being alone, which gives rise to certain complexes. Why not rush down the aisle?

Society pressure

Oh, those idle neighbors, aunts, colleagues, friends, former classmates, who, first of all, when they meet, sympathetically ask: “Are you married?”, “Why, don’t you call?”, “When are you going?”.

And even if the confused young lady did not even think about such a decisive step before, she is being pushed to these reflections and insight: it is high time for her to get married!

I want children from him

If a girl has a heightened motherhood instinct, it can serve as an impetus for marriage when she meets a man who, in her opinion, is suitable for this responsible role. The selection is carried out very carefully, the goal is noble, it is achieved at the cost of any sacrifice, so that the “chosen one” is simply doomed to become married.

Marriage of convenience

The desire to get a rich, wealthy man and his credit card for personal use makes many girls passionately strive for marriage.

Statistics speak in favor of such marriages - they are usually much stronger than those based on strong feelings. Is it just happier? The question is moot.

The calculation can be registration, connections, living space and other benefits that radically change the life of the bride for the better.

big love

This is the most natural reason for marriage. What could be more beautiful than a high feeling, confirmed by oaths of allegiance, rituals and enriched by the joy of loved ones.

In this way, lovers move to a qualitatively different level, open up new perspectives. This is a natural stage in the development of relations.

How to get a man to marry

If everything is clear with the reasons, it's time to figure out how to achieve what you want. Generations of cunning women invented various ways, invented all sorts of tricks and traps.

How effective they are, decides the case and specific circumstances. It remains for us to list them.

All methods can be conditionally divided into two parts: blackmail and gradual measures.


The method of threats and pressure is chosen by impatient, absurd, importunate and not very smart women. They do not always realize that marriage is not the case when you need to lay down the bones, but to force, force a person to act contrary to his desires.

For the sake of truth, it is worth saying that it is possible to achieve a result in such a situation very quickly, but it is fraught with a lot of trouble in the future.

Types of blackmail:

  • unwanted pregnancy- a classic version in many respects. The “delighted” groom with the look of a doomed lamb will go to the registry office, but there is no guarantee that the happy newlywed will not subsequently be left alone with a child in her arms.
  • Buy a husband- promise that after the wedding, the parents will give an apartment, a car, a residence permit in Moscow (underline as necessary). The eyes of the future spouse that light up when listing should lead to reflection: a self-sufficient man will not fall for such a bait, there is a chance to warm the gigolo.
  • dying swan- to promise to jump off the bridge if the chosen one of the heart does not make an offer here and now or with a funeral look to tell that there is nothing left to live and I would like to spend the last hours with my beloved and in married status. The groom brought by such methods may well bring closer the imaginary death of the indefatigable young lady.

Sometimes one of the above measures can be used if the young person himself was going to propose, but did not dare. Here, events were simply given an acceleration, although the man quite rightly can later reproach him for being married to himself.

But if the groom did not experience any warm feelings, was forced or interested for some mercantile motives, marriage can turn into scandals, hatred, betrayal, drunkenness and, as a result, divorce.

Violence is not the best choice when it comes to starting a family.

Gradual Approach

This option is chosen by smart, thin, restrained girls. It is long in time, requires a good knowledge of the basics of male psychology, the ability to adapt, to be patient.

The reward will surely be a proposal of marriage, which a man will make from the bottom of his heart, sincerely believing that this is his own decision.

Such a result is worth the effort and requires attention to the following tips.

Praise- She, as you know, is pleasant even to a cat, what can we say about men. Any successes, achievements should be celebrated and approved, even if this is the hundredth victory in your favorite game. The main thing is not to overdo it and not fake.

flirt help keep the relationship fresh. A man should feel that he is interesting, a love game will only warm up his interest in the one that has been around for more than a day.

No talking about marriage! You should not repeat “I want to get married” every day, slip catalogs of wedding rings on your boyfriend and call your mother his mother-in-law. Any obsession will only repel a man and will definitely be unpleasant for him.

Caring hostess- a wonderful role, clearly demonstrating to a young man what a rare treasure he got. A guy who has tasted the delights of life with such a girl will surely come to the conclusion that it is too good to end, and will call her in marriage.

spurring jealousy- the weapon is quite effective, but also dangerous. Attention from other men will flatter the man in love and show that his choice is correct. There will be a fear of being late with the offer. The main thing is not to seem public and frivolous.

Friendship with future mother-in-law largely determines how successful the intention to marry his son will be. At the moment a man makes a fateful decision about marriage, praise from his mother can be the clincher. Another thing is that it is not easy to achieve such harmony with the future mother-in-law.

No civil marriage! It is necessary to try as far as possible to avoid such half-measures, which from a temporary one can become very long. Men like this option, but for a woman it can turn into a problem that is more difficult to solve the longer the “pseudo-marriage” lasts.

Psychologists suggest trying "weekend cohabitation" or evening meetings as a worthy alternative that allows you to maintain a degree of relationship and at the same time get to know each other better.

indispensability suggests that in some cases the beloved has become necessary, she does something better than others and with pleasure. It could be anything from a Thai massage to preparing his fishing gear.

Following these tips will allow you to unobtrusively bring a man to the idea that it is the girl next to him who will make his family life happy. At the same time, the temptress herself will retain her pride and dignity.

Astrology. How to convince a guy

Those who trust the influence of the stars more will be interested to know what approach men who are under the influence of one or another zodiac constellation require.


Aries loves to take the initiative, so a woman should appear in the form of a quivering doe, requiring protection and tenderness, which this fire sign will give in abundance.

You can become truly indispensable if you provide him with a change of impressions, open up to him from new sides all the time, do not be afraid to experiment, be original.

Aries companion in life should be easy-going, sociable, interesting. But at the same time, allow your man to be a leader, do not try to outshine him.


Taurus appreciates comfort, fidelity and a calm atmosphere. Nervous persons irritate such a man and he immediately ends the relationship. It is important for him to feel comfortable at home and the future wife should provide the appropriate conditions.

Do not play on the jealousy of Taurus, this can lead to the opposite results. Sex is of great importance for this sign, so the chosen one should be good in bed.


The Gemini man is attracted primarily by intellect. The spiritual life of his girlfriend should be rich and meaningful. In addition, Gemini is attracted to riddles, he is extremely curious, so the person who has become a “Chinese box” for him will be able to tie him to himself for a long time.

An interesting nuance: men of this sign are very sensitive to aromas, they especially like fresh, delicate smells.


Cancer is an aesthete, primarily paying attention to external beauty, but a woman who is ready to take care of him, delve into his inner feelings, and devote all her time to him can really interest him and bind him by marriage.

From the future wife, sensitivity and the ability to understand perfectly are required. She must prepare for the fact that she will be evaluated for a long time, the results of the evaluation should be weighed, the information received should be thought in depth and only then an offer will be made. And all this time the bride is obliged to remain friendly and sympathetic.


Leo has high self-esteem, he likes to dominate and feel superior to others, so the path to the lion's heart lies through subtle flattery. Applicants for his location will have to give up any form of open pressure, it is unacceptable for Leo.

He considers a self-sufficient, well-groomed, interesting woman to be a worthy companion, especially if she demonstrates her indifference. The soul of the primordial hunter will take this as a challenge and now it will be his task to take the victorious trophy - the ring.


Virgo will dare to connect her life only with the girl whom she unconditionally trusts. Therefore, there should be no betrayals, lies and omissions. He appreciates mutual understanding and harmony, only by creating these conditions, you can build a nest with such a man.

A girl can try to take the initiative, while acting unobtrusively and gently. Virgo men are very dependent on someone else's opinion and approval, the future wife will have to try to please his friends and family.


Libra lead a very intense spiritual life, they are interested in literature, art, philosophy. The chosen one must match. Men of this sign tend to pay attention to the external manifestation of taste, so negligence in outfits and makeup is unacceptable.

At the same time, they do not allow any criticism in the direction of their own appearance. In general, it is better to agree with Libra as much as possible, they are very fond of unity of opinion.

A woman should also act as an initiator in a relationship, since any decisions are not easy for such men, through long doubts and reflections.


Scorpio has a clear idea of ​​what kind of girl he needs and only one who fully corresponds to this image can become his wife. It is better to find out the list of requirements in advance and think carefully whether the game is worth the candle.

If yes, then you need to consider the following: Scorpio respects only people who are strong in spirit, trying to put pressure on pity will not work. His girlfriend should arouse the envy of others with her beauty, elegance, self-confidence and sexuality.

Mind is another indispensable condition, but it is not necessary to demonstrate it, especially in public. It is important to provide Scorpio with an intense intimate life.


It is important for Sagittarius that his beloved shares his hobbies and interests. Intimacy plays a huge role for him. But he cannot stand a showdown, quarrels, threats, his girlfriend should be an easy-to-communicate person, loyal, with a sense of humor and the ability to take risks.

Passion plays a big role in their life, only a sensual woman can be interested in this sign. He appreciates wit, spontaneity, spontaneity and readiness for small follies. The future wife of Sagittarius will have to come to terms with the fact that his friends will enter her life with him, without whom he cannot imagine himself.


Capricorn loves to achieve the girl he likes himself, so you should give him such an opportunity without imposing himself and not showering him with signs of attention. Subsequently, it is necessary to constantly and sincerely admire him.

He is attracted by comfort and the ability to economically manage the household, thinking through every detail of the interior and daily table setting to the smallest detail. A mandatory requirement for a contender for an engagement ring is crystal honesty and devotion, the ability to provide support at the right time.


Aquarius tries in every possible way to avoid the bonds of Hymen, therefore only an exceptional woman who can arouse his natural curiosity can force him to marry. Here, mysterious ambiguous phrases come into play, non-trivial actions that will make a man look for their hidden meaning.

Aquarius is interested in girls with a rich inner world that actively influences their behavior. It is important to constantly maintain this interest in him, as soon as it fades away, the man will leave. The task is not easy, only eccentric, creative natures can do it.


Pisces are very sensual and pay great attention to spiritual impulses. They like girls who are fond of mysticism, yoga, palmistry. It is important for a man of this sign to know that he is loved, he draws inspiration from these emotions. He is vulnerable, so only a very sensitive woman can become his couple.

It is important for Pisces to remain themselves, you should not try to remake or re-educate them, they cannot be criticized. It is important for such a man to be understood, a woman should listen and ask clarifying questions.

You can use the sensitivity of Pisces for your own purposes and influence them with the help of tears and emotions, the main thing is not to go too far. Tenderness, participation and the ability to raise the self-esteem of this sign - these are the ways to his heart and a stamp in his passport.

Ways to encourage a man to marry in a civil marriage

  1. Pretend that you are already married, address your beloved as a joke, calling him “husband”. Let him get used to the fact that he is not just a roommate.
  2. Talk to a man about procreation, which still involves official marriage.
  3. It is necessary to provide a man with maximum freedom, then he will see that family life is not a prison and will treat it more loyally.
  4. A good example would be other happy couples with whom you need to spend time as often as possible.
  5. A woman should continue to take care of herself and be attractive, this will become an incentive for the desire to bind her more strongly to herself.
  6. Expensive property acquired jointly can induce practical men to marry.

As you can see, it is not so easy to be officially married after a civil marriage, it requires painstaking work, both on relationships and on yourself, filigree psychological impact and considerable effort.

After divorce

After a divorce, men with great apprehension go to a new marriage. How to make him take this step?

First of all, a woman will have to be patient and hold on to her matrimonial dreams. A person who has had an unsuccessful experience of family life “ripens” much longer for a new serious relationship.

At first, the lady will have to demonstrate in every possible way her readiness for a purely romantic relationship. Only over time, when it becomes clear that people are comfortable with each other, they have common interests and they are connected by strong feelings, a man will dare to propose a hand and heart.

In this case, you need to act very carefully and subtly.

married man

It is extremely rare to marry a married man, this should be remembered by those who decide to try on the role of a mistress for this purpose. How much this corresponds to moral standards is also a matter of conscience for the one who intends to destroy someone else's family.

In any case, situations are different, so just give a few tips.

  • Compromising evidence. To push a normal man to a systematic betrayal can only be a deep dissatisfaction with his own wife. You need to learn as much as possible about exactly what qualities and actions cause such a clear rejection of the traitor, and act on the contrary - to create ideal conditions for him and become the one that he needs.
  • Provocation. Then it is worth demonstrating to a man that he can easily lose this ideal. Excuses about a large amount of work, stories about new interesting acquaintances and a slight hint that only a lack of attention and his presence pushes him to look for other options.
  • Heavy artillery. Pregnancy can be the decisive step. But if the options listed above did not work, there is a risk that this one will suffer the same fate. You should not be afraid of a fictitious pregnancy - he will definitely leave when the deception is revealed, but now forever.

Common Mistakes

The mistakes made by girls strenuously striving to get married are that behind the set goal they do not see the person they want to bind to themselves in this way, they choose the wrong ways to achieve what they want and do not always take into account the consequences of their actions.

It should be remembered that, regardless of the situation, the man himself must want to marry, only in this case marriage has a future.

Video: How to inspire a man to marry

Finding a good guy is one thing, but keeping him around is another. Both the first and second are important steps. But now you have already found the man of your dreams, and you have a serious relationship. You know for sure that this is “your only one” with whom you want to live to old age and die on the same day. So what does a girl need to do, or what mistakes should not be made in order to finally hear from Mr. Perfect the cherished “marry me”? This isn't an exhaustive guide, but the following tips can help you finally take your relationship to the next level.

1. Love yourself

First, think about whether you would like to marry yourself? If you are not happy with yourself, then you should not expect others to love you. Analyze yourself and change what you don't like. Positive self-esteem is key.

2. Communicate with your man as often as possible

From the very first date to the last day of your life, the key to maintaining a relationship is communication. Tell the man all the time about your feelings, both positive and negative. In response, listen carefully to his comments and criticism. If there comes a point in a relationship where you have nothing to talk about, don't try to take it to the next level. This is an alarm call that indicates serious problems.

3. Be natural

Despite the widespread propaganda of glamor, silicone breasts, false eyelashes and nails, in fact, a man always appreciates what is genuine more. Be natural and don't try to impersonate someone else. After all, you want a man to marry you, and not an artificially created image. In addition, all falsehood will still be revealed after marriage.

4. Be sexy

Sexuality is not the only thing in a relationship, but it is very important. In every possible way demonstrate to your chosen one that you are interested in him as in a man. Try not to be too prim and modest. Let yourself be free, fun and lively. Remember, men who want to get married are looking for more than just a roommate and a housewife.

5. Know your role

An important part of any relationship is the realization by each of the partners that they play an important and irreplaceable role. Make sure you and your partner have similar views on relationships. If you are looking for a man with whom you want to have children, and the man is only looking for a casual relationship, you will not be able to force him to marry in any way.

6. Be emotionally stable

Life with you shouldn't be like a roller coaster. Men generally like stable and balanced women. Sometimes this is a difficult task in our hectic life, but it is not insurmountable. If you refuse to be a "drama queen" or ask for help, your nerves will relax and your emotions will subside.

7. Don't rush things

Men often hesitate to propose marriage, as they want to fully get to know a woman before moving on to a more serious level of relationship. They stare for a long time before they start dating, and they date for a long time before they get engaged. And this is a difficult but important lesson for all women. Make sure you are compatible with your partner on all levels. Putting pressure on a person to make him make a decision for which he is not yet ready will inevitably lead to the end of the relationship. Don't talk about marriage until your man starts first, and not until a year after you've met.

8. Make all dates fun and enjoyable.

Only if your dates are going well and your relationship is filled with positivity will a man want you to be his girlfriend. And over time, he will see in you the person with whom he wants to spend his whole life. But if dates are sluggish or too emotional, most likely a man will not think about buying a joint apartment with you, about children and carefree old age.

9. Show confidence

Be confident in yourself and ready to solve all the problems that come your way. Many men love confident women. How can a man not feel like a winner if he has earned the respect of a woman who values ​​herself highly?

10. Be gentle, but with a twinkle in your eye.

Scratches on the back, and then a soft kiss - it captivates any man. But know how to keep a balance so as not to look too defiant or intrusive.

11. Appreciate the dignity of your man

Tell your chosen one how much you appreciate him, because men are very proud creatures. Praise him when he is at his best, and avoid nagging and criticism when he fails.

12. Be funny

This is not the most important, but the decisive factor in any relationship. Have a sense of humor, joke, have fun and avoid pessimistic thoughts and gloomy moods in every possible way.

13. Sincerely rejoice

Women who enjoy their lives and can enjoy every minute of it are always more attractive to men. Such girls, according to the representatives of the stronger sex, give a carefree relationship and easy marriage.

14. Shine

If your heart is filled with happiness, it is written on your face. Feelings for your man should be reflected in the sparkle of your eyes. It's a "silver bullet" right in his heart.

15. Practice humility

A humble person is not one who humiliates his dignity; this is a person who is completely in control of himself and shows genuine interest in others. Men can meet with different women, but they prefer to marry humble girls.

16. Never stop dating

It may sound strange, but you should go on dates with your man and discuss a serious relationship until the moment he proposes. The term "dating" in modern culture has become vague and is sometimes regarded as something more than it really is. Just continue to be interested in your loved ones all the time, learn more and more about his life, talk. A man likes it when they show deep interest in him and see in him, first of all, a personality.

17. Don't try to force marriage into a relationship where it just can't be.

Some men need a little more time to decide on marriage. If "that one" is near you, be prepared to wait (within reason). But if a man is indifferent (or, even worse, justified) even after a long time, you need to reconsider the direction of your relationship.

18. Make romantic surprises

Romance should come not only from a man. If you want to be given pleasant surprises, start arranging them for your loved one. Be romantic. Make the man want the relationship to continue. Don't be stingy, men love romance just as much as women do.

19. Analyze relationships

Remember that some men are quite willing to date women they really like, but they do not see them as their future wives. If after six months (up to a year) of a relationship you don't hear your partner list "marriage" and "family" on their list of plans for the future, take a close look at the relationship. If a man says that you have the qualities of a wonderful wife, take it as a good sign. But if his compliments are heavily sex related, your relationship is doomed from the start.

20. Lighten the tone of your "serious conversations"

Instead of lashing out at your man with a serious tone (which will subconsciously turn him against any relationship or commitment), be upbeat and positive. Say, “I love spending time with you. I really feel happy next to you. But I just want to check and see if we're on the same wavelength. Although I know it's too early for our relationship, but in the future I want to get married, and now I want to make sure that I date a person who has the same values ​​as me. We already know each other quite well. Do you regard me as a girl with whom you could live your whole life?

21. Show love

A strong relationship must be based on a more serious feeling than mere convenience. A man will never propose to a woman if he is not sure that she loves him. To get through all the troubles of life requires a very deep affection and gratitude for each other, which is simply impossible without love.

May your relationship end with the ringing of wedding bells!

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