How to make or forge a samurai Japanese tanto knife yourself from a simple bolt - step-by-step instructions with visual illustrations. Senry Norihasa tanto (making process) Various varieties of Japanese tanto knives

It is believed that the tanto knife, katana and wakizashi are the same type bladed weapons different lengths, but is this really so? The European classification classifies these weapons as daggers, but the Japanese do not agree with this opinion and consider them to be a full-fledged sword. Translated from Japanese language tanto means short sword. In the old days, this weapon was part of the standard samurai weaponry along with the famous katana. Its size is significantly smaller than a katana, but the short blade is no less lethal.

Business card Japanese swords have always been one-sided cutting edge. Therefore, it is not correct to classify a tanto blade as a dagger, since the blade of daggers is double-edged.

History of the small sword

The history of the Japanese tanto fell on different eras, whose shoguns had opposing opinions about the effectiveness of this blade. During the confrontation between the Taira and Minamoto clans, the knife-sword began to be seen not just as an effective weapon, but also as a work of art. By the end of the Heian era, the warrior's weapons consisted of a naginata, a katana, a tanto and a bow.

It all started from Heian 794 to 1185, when this blade was made without decoration and served a purely practical role. During the Gempei era, the samurai began to flourish as a class on which the shoguns relied. The need for additional blades was very high, so the manufacture of tantos became a tradition. Along with the katana, gunsmiths also made a short sword for each samurai.

Blacksmiths made beautiful patterns and insignia on each blade. From 1185 to 1333, during the Kamakura era, the quality of steel improved, so the blades were much stronger compared to their older brothers. Kamakura became a city with a samurai government whose power extended throughout Japan.

More and more craftsmen appeared who performed skillful carvings, as the short sword became not just a necessary weapon, but also an object of samurai aesthetics. During the Moromachi era, from 1336 to 1573, the production of these weapons reached its peak.

The tanto knife was worn not only by samurai; it also became part of the weapons of other classes.

Everything changed in the Shinto era, from 1603 to 1780, it became a time of new swords and armor; tanto swords were no longer included in the improved weapons. Its production was almost completely stopped, until better times.

They resumed production during the period of closure, from 1703 to 1853. Swords began to be produced in large quantities again, but the weapon itself and its style had already changed. Unlike all previously released blades, tans made at this time are distinguished by lower quality steel.

During the Meiji era, Japan returned to its former traditions. Active trade and cooperation with other countries began. Short swords came back into fashion, but in 1876 a decree was issued that prohibited wearing a blade on city streets. Due to the introduction of new types of weapons, the pistol replaced the tanto weapon.

As can be seen from the above information, the short knife-sword has undergone many ups and downs over the history of its existence, but has not disappeared without a trace, like other examples of Japanese weapons.

Manufacturing methods

Japanese blacksmiths used sponge iron (tamahagane) to make tanto blades. In this case, the blade had to have a hardening line (jamon) and be equipped with a removable handle, which was attached with a bamboo pin (menuki).

A removable round guard (tsuba) was used as a limiter for the safe delivery of blows.

For safe wearing, tanto sheaths were made, thanks to which the owner did not risk losing it.

The manufacturing process is similar to creating a katana or wakizashi. The hira-zukuri method was used. This means that tanto combat knives did not have a stiffener, although there were exceptions. History knows the Japanese blade Moroha-zukuri - a sword sharpened on both sides. To penetrate the armor of the eroidoshi, a weapon with a thick triangular blade was used.

All over the world, Japanese swords were famous for their strength, and this was achieved through a specific method of heat treatment of the blade. With this technology, the blade acquired a special pattern, which testified to the painstaking work of the master. Most of blanks did not become combat blades due to the specifics of the steel hardening process.

Use in contact with the enemy

Some skeptics believe that this short weapon useless, since the samurai had a katana and a short sword - wakizashi. So what is a tanto knife for? Its main tasks were:

  • tanto – weapon of “last chance”;
  • finishing off the enemy;
  • concealed carrying of bladed weapons if necessary;
  • killing a prisoner with "honor";
  • self-defense.

Not only samurai, but also civilians carried short weapons. It was used by women and even children. According to samurai traditions, in order not to be captured by the enemy and not to lose honor, it was necessary to commit suicide - seppuku. There is a famous case in Japan where a family from Fushimi Castle committed suicide.

Tanto Cultural Heritage

In the 21st century, the tanto dagger is a cultural treasure of the Japanese people. The state carefully controls the production and sale of these weapons. To obtain a manufacturing license you need to be a professional high level.

There are three hundred such masters throughout Japan. Ancient finds are also subject to licensing. This is the only way they receive the status of cultural heritage. Many similar sword knives were made during World War II, but they must be disposed of.

Japan's exotic weapons became popular, and cinema actively contributed to this. This is how a tanto-style knife, but made in America, appeared on the market. In terms of characteristics, it has little in common with the original Japanese sword.

The quality of products depends directly on the manufacturer and price segment of the product.

Why do you need a tanto knife? modern world? Collectors and ordinary hobbyists appreciate them for their aesthetic appearance. Such blades are most interesting as exhibits at exhibitions dedicated to Japanese weapons and the era of the samurai, which is why visitors crowd around the exhibition stands, admiring the elegance and lethality of the “weapon of last chance.”


Many people know that the tanto is a Japanese knife, although the version that most people know is the so-called “American tanto”, that is, an American replica of a Japanese knife. A real Japanese tanto knife is distinguished by a rounded tip of the blade, while the Americans simplified their version of the Japanese knife by cutting the tip at 45 degrees.

Japanese Samurai Set

The Japanese tanto knife (or short tanto sword) is included in a set of three samurai swords:

  1. Daito (long sword);
  2. Seto (wakizashi or medium sword);
  3. Tanto (short sword or knife).

Since only representatives of the samurai class could carry a long sword, it was wakizashi and tanto that were the main weapons of merchants and artisans who used them for self-defense.

Although to the US the tanto is just a stylish traditional knife, the Japanese have never seen it that way. A real tanto is a bladed weapon; moreover, it was forbidden to use it for any economic purposes. By the way, wearing a tanto is illegal in Japan and is punishable by a high fine. For residents of Japan who really want to carry a knife that looks like a tanto, American companies have come up with folding models with tanto-like blades. Their size does not fall under the definition of edged weapons in Japan.

The appearance of tanto knives in Japan

The first tanto knives appeared during the Heian period from 794 to 1185. These knives did not differ in quality. During the Kamakura period, better materials began to be used to make tanto, and the knife itself became an invariable attribute of the samurai’s weapons.

Besides the samurai, the tanto knife was the favorite weapon of the yakuza. Ninjas also loved to use it, since this knife was worn by various social groups population, and he did not arouse any suspicion. The sheath for the tanto was also richly decorated. All tanto blades made using traditional technology are the cultural heritage of the country.

The meaning of tanto for Japanese culture

In the USA, tanto knives are produced by many weapons companies; a real Japanese tanto knife can be made only after obtaining a special license from a master gunsmith. There are no more than 300 such masters throughout Japan. Each tanto created by their hands has the mark of the master on the blade.

Although now at auction various countries You can find many tantos from the Second World War on sale; you should not try to get them into your collection. These knives were not produced using technology, using steel Low quality. The Japanese government systematically disposes of such blades, since they are low-quality consumer goods that have nothing in common with real short swords.

Most often, tanto blades are sharpened on one side, although blades with a regular double-sided sharpening have been found.

Since tanto knives are very popular among martial arts sections, the industry produces many plastic or rubber copies of these knives, which are used to practice knife fighting techniques with a real opponent. The traditional educational tanto is wooden dummies that were used back in the Middle Ages. For educational wooden weapons The material is selected very carefully, so they can last for years.

Often you come across combat specimens of tanto, designed to pierce armor. They are distinguished by a thick and faceted blade. Tantos without a protective guard were called aikutti, and small tantos called kaiken were used by women for self-defense.

Different varieties of Japanese tanto knives

Although it is believed that tanto knives are divided into only two categories (Japanese and American tanto), there are several varieties of the traditional Japanese tanto knife:

  1. The Aikutti knife differs from the usual tanto in the absence of a guard. These knives were of various sizes, although short blades were most often used. In battle, knives of this type were used to finish off the enemy, since the code of honor of a warrior prohibited killing a lying enemy with a sword. Since aikutti (unlike tanto) was not considered a sword, finishing off with it was not prohibited;

  2. The kubikiri knife has a more curved blade. A knife of this type may not have a blade tip and was intended to cut off the enemy’s heads. According to one version, knives of this type were worn by samurai servants who collected unique trophies for their master. Since this knife does not have a blade tip, it was used only for specific tasks. Some believe that this knife was used for chopping wood or for gardening. It is noteworthy that knives of this type were made by Japanese blacksmiths at a time when traditional swords were practically not ordered. It is possible that this is how Japanese gunsmiths made utility knives based on military knives;
  3. The tanto fan was a type of concealed bladed weapon and, along with the battle fan, was quite popular Japanese weapons. Most often, low-quality steel was used for these knives, although professional assassins and ninjas made their tanto fans from high-quality steel, since the life of their owner often depended on the quality of the weapon. In addition to professional spies, such knives were used by women, retired military personnel, monks and other people who needed concealed weapons to protect their lives. At the end of the 19th century, the tanto fan was sold as a souvenir for tourists. Naturally, the souvenir weapon was completely unsuitable for self-defense due to the low quality of the materials used;
  4. Tanto-ken is one of the oldest tanto-shaped knives. The first knives of this type appeared in the 7th century. The tanto-ken has a double-edged dagger-type blade. This is a ritual knife that is used in Buddhist ceremonies. Since blades of this type are real works of blacksmithing, they came to monasteries as gifts;

  5. The real military weapon is the yari tanto. This blade was used to pierce armor. The blade of this knife almost completely copied the blade of the yari spear. There were examples with a hollow handle that could be put on a shaft and used as a spear. Like any military weapon, some Yari-tanto blades had rich inlay. Some examples of these weapons were used as off-hand weapons;

  6. Tanto pistols, although they were quite interesting samples weapons were quite rare. After the Portuguese introduced matchlocks to Japan in the 16th century, firearms within a fairly short time it gained enormous popularity, although real samurai treated it with contempt. Tanto pistols appeared in the 17th and 18th centuries and gained popularity not only as a weapon of self-defense, but also as a thing that emphasized the status of its owner. In appearance it was an ordinary tanto knife, but when removed from its sheath, it turned out to be a single-shot pistol. Although the quality of execution often left much to be desired, such a concealed firearm in the world of swords was a significant advantage in the event of a dangerous situation;

  7. Another weapon intended exclusively for war was the hasiwari knife. This weapon intended to capture the enemy's blade with a hook. The Hashiwari blade was strong enough to pierce helmets and armor. The length of the hasiwari blade varied from 30 to 40 centimeters, which was quite enough to deliver a fatal blow;

  8. One of the most unusual species tanto was tanto-saw. Many experts still cannot understand what it was intended for. Although if we remember that Japanese ninjas often penetrated homes by cutting holes in the walls, we can assume that the tanto saw is a specific tool for shadow warriors.

In addition to traditional Japanese species tanto, there are many more tanto-like blades produced by various knife manufacturers. Due to the great popularity of folding knives, many models with tanto-type blades have appeared. Their advantage over other types of blades is the high strength of the blade tip.

There are many tanto-shaped knives on sale now. When purchasing such a product, you need to remember that most of the models sold have a blade in the shape of an American tanto, which even in appearance is very different from the classic Japanese tanto.

The differences between them are in form and purpose.

What are Tanto combat knives?

The original tanto (短刀= tan "short" + toh "sword") is a traditional Japanese short knife available to civilians (as opposed to the long katana). National treasure Japan. Combat knives Tantos are considered edged weapons in all countries. IN safe form(made of plastic, wood, rubber, etc.) is used in oriental martial arts.

Traditional samurai set - tanto, wakizashi and katana

In the European tanto classification:

  • in size - a dagger;
  • for sharpening - a knife.

In the classical sense, Tanto knives are exactly a sword.

Tanto knife in Japanese is hamono (刃 “blade, blade” + 物 “product, thing”). Despite the fact that both “jamono” and “tanto” have two hieroglyphs, the first is perceived as one word “knife”, the second - as a phrase with the keyword “sword”.

The second meaning of tanto is special shape blade for modern knives:

  • combat;
  • tactical;
  • folding, etc.

The thick tip of the tanto is the key to the strength of the knife even with inappropriate use

This form has little in common with the classic tanto, but is popular and widely used due to its strength.

Description of the Japanese Tanto sword

The classic tanto should be done like this:

Parameter Meaning Japanese designation
Blade shape slightly curved tip

The correct shape of a tanto blade is flat with a slight curve

Sharpening one-sided
Blade length no more than 30.3 cm, otherwise it will turn out to be wakizashi

A standard school 30 cm ruler is exactly 1 exemplary Japanese shaku

total length 35-50 cm
Material Japanese steel from sponge iron ingots

Tanto is made from “diamond steel” - tamahagane

Handle Removable
Bamboo pin

If you make a mekugi from metal or horn, the sword will be decorative, not combat

Garda* Round

You can recognize the owner of the blade by the tsuba. The samurai code prohibited them from decorating, so they decorated tsuba. Simple “guards” are the lot of commoners

*Tsuba was never used by the Japanese to block weapons - only to rest the hand during a piercing blow.

Parameters of a short Tanto knife

Modern tanto knives differ from the canon in almost all respects:

Parameter Traditional tanto sword

The sketch is so detailed that you can even make a real Tanto sword yourself

Modern tanto knife

This type of American tanto resembles a kitchen knife, but costs 10 times more.

Blade shape slightly curved tip Straight bevel at 45°
flat With stiffening rib
Type of sharpening one-sided Single or double sided
blade length 17-30.3 cm 10-30 cm
total length 35-50 cm 22-50 cm
thickness 5-7 mm 2,5-7
material sponge iron steel A variety of steels, including Damascus
Handle Removable non-removable
Attaching the handle to the shank Bamboo pin There are no bamboo pins in sight
Garda* Round Flat, round or none

The American tanto adopted the sharpening from the katana and added chopped shapes

In pursuit of spectacular appearance Modern knives have acquired serious disadvantages:

However, the tip strength of modern tantoids is very high, so sticking them into something hard is much safer - and it will turn out much better than with other knives.

Tanto blades in Japanese culture

Historically, Tanto blades are not a knife, but a sword, so they were most often worn in a sheath:

  • for warriors - behind the belt, on the right;
  • for women - in the sleeve, fan or behind the obi belt.

Samurai until the 14th century. armed with a pair of swords - daisho (“big-small”):

  1. Daito (“big tanto sword”) - the main one, more than 66 cm.
  2. Shoto (“small sword”) - additional, 33-66 cm.

Sometimes japanese sword Tanto was used instead of Shoto.

A couple of things that distinguished a samurai from ordinary people- large and small sword. Guess which tanto came from

In the 14th century The samurai's weapons have changed:

  • instead of daito - tachi, then - katana;
  • instead of shoto - wakizashi, sometimes - tanto.

The difference between a tati and a katana is that the first was worn tied to a belt, and the second was tucked into the belt

Over time, the tanto became part of the military kit for permanent basis, the third point. It was regarded precisely as a military weapon, and therefore was used accordingly:

  • to finish off the enemy;
  • for battle in close quarters;
  • for cutting off heads;
  • for suicide (warriors-men, women, children);
  • for self-defense (traders, artisans, monks and other travelers).

Now tanto is a cultural heritage.

The only permitted uses are:

  • wedding ceremonies of the imperial family;
  • oriental martial arts.

Types of tanto

In addition to the tanto itself, the short sword has different time There were dozens of varieties:

Title and photo Difference and purpose

The tanto fan has a well-camouflaged scabbard

Sheath for tanto in the form of a folded fan.

Concealed Carry:

  • spies,
  • women,
  • retired military,
  • monks

The tanto most despised by samurai is the firearm

In the sheath it looks like a regular tanto.

Outside the sheath is a single-shot pistol.

In the 17-18 centuries - as a weapon of self-defense;

  • status weapon

Looks like a spear - but no, yari-tanto

The blade is exactly like a yari spear:
  • sometimes with a hollow handle;
  • sometimes with rich inlay.

For piercing armor.

It could be put on the shaft like a spear.

As a second hand weapon

Perhaps hashiwari is a prototype of the Japanese weapon sai

  • Special hook on the blade.
  • Intercept and break the enemy's sword.
  • Beating helmets

The tanto saw not only cuts, but also saws

On the concave part there are saw teeth.

Supposedly the ninjas made holes in the walls to get into the house

Tanto yoroi doshi looked approximately like this

  • Trihedral.
  • Thick blade.
  • To penetrate enemy armor.
  • For close combat

Aikuti (“fitted mouth”) was not considered a sword

Without a guard, without a braided handle, various tanto sizes, most often short.

“Civilian version”, for finishing off an enemy (you cannot finish off someone lying down with a sword, but aikutti, unlike tanto, was not considered a sword)

Kubikiri literally means “head cutter”

More curved, sometimes without a point (or with a weakly pronounced one), the cutting edge is on inside or on both sides.
  • To collect trophies - cutting off the enemy's heads (usually servants did this).
  • For chopping wood or gardening - household based on combat

Tanto-kens were forged specifically for monasteries

Double-edged blade like a dagger

two parallel cutting edges.

  • Ritual, for Buddhist ceremonies

The peculiarity of the hamidashi is in the handle, or rather, in the guard-tsuba of modest size.

The guard-tsuba has a specific shape - very small, barely protruding beyond the edge.

Kusungobu - a shortened version of the tanto for hara-kiri

Ritual, the size of the tanto knife is 29.7 cm.

Seppuku or hara-kiri

Too cramped for a wakizashi? Use kaiken!

  • Female, pocket, small,
  • Hid in a sleeve or behind a belt.
  • For self defense

A type of tanto with additional sharpening on the concave part

Double-edged, curved tanto blade for close combat

Unokubi is a refined Japanese tanto in the truest sense, as it becomes thinner along the entire length of the striking part and retains only the tip and base thick

The back of the blade becomes thinner in the middle, but thickens again towards the tip.

Difference in tip:

  • Unokubi - sharpened tip,
  • Kanmuri-otoshi - no.

Perhaps the stronger tip was used for stabbing.

Plus, such a weapon is lighter than a conventional one, monolithically thick along its entire length

A short Japanese tanto knife with a stiffening rib looks more like an American tanto

Stiffening rib (approximately in the middle)

Rarer executions of tanto (as well as wakizashi, katanas and naginata) are presented in the figure below.

Photo of tanto. Different geometries of Japanese blades

History of the tanto sword

In Japan, tanto has a long history - to this day:

Eras of production Period Event
Koto, "old swords" Heian (794 - 1185) The appearance of tanto. Rough, not artistic
Gempei war

(War of Minamoto and Tairo)

Tanto entered into service during the war:
  • Naginata,
  • long sword,
Kamakura High quality, very artistic, mainly for samurai.

Most famous master tanto - Yoshimitsu

Muromachi Peak production
Mamoyama (1573-1599)
Shinto, "new swords" Edo (1600-1868) At first, production decreased, but Japanese daggers became popular among the people.

Then production increased, but quality fell.

Gradually they began to fall out of use, becoming a tribute to tradition.

Shin-Shinto, "new new swords")
Meiji Dynasty (1868-1912) The second birth is among aristocrats, ninjas and yakuza.

Weapons are produced industrially

Gendai, "modern" (1876 - 1945) Edict of Haitori (1876) Samurai eliminated

Carrying weapons is prohibited. Tanto goes out of use

1940-1945 Mass production of steel tanta for military purposes
Shinshaku, "Newest" (after 1945 ) 1950 – Law “On Cultural Heritage” Tanto made the list traditional weapons which must be protected and preserved. Exception: steel tantos of the Second World War, forged on a quick fix. They are not considered cultural property and are destroyed so as not to disgrace the national treasure
1954 The production of weapons using ancient technologies is allowed - but only by licensed blacksmiths. Currently, of the 650+ such manufacturers, about half are working

After the 1950s, nothing interesting happened regarding tanto in Japan. But thirty years later, the tanto was reincarnated - in America, in the form of a combat knife.

Manufacturing history

In the USA there was just a massive craze for Japanese martial arts, and knife makers took advantage of this.

Year Event Advertising Image
1978 American Chinese Bob Lam creates a knife similar to Samurai sword in miniature, with the same Japanese name - tanto.
1979 Individual blacksmiths picked up the style. Due to high demand, tanto production has been put into production. Increase in tanto models on the market.
1980 Phil Hutsfield promotes a simplified version of the tanto - with a rough chisel sharpening and a simple handle (sometimes the tang was simply wrapped with long epoxy-impregnated cords). Swordsman Toshiro Obata cuts rice straw mats (tatami omote).

Navy SEALs order tantos from Phil Hutsfield (and get them at half price).

1981 Ernest Emerson develops and establishes mass production folding tantos. Again for the Navy SEALs.

The knife has a lot of trendy attributes, including a lock and a clip.

1982 Cold Steel's Lynn Thompson is setting things up mass production tanto - both regular and folding. It pierces a car door, the skin of an airplane, and metal barrels several times in a row.

Experiences lethality on a Mexican pig farm.

Forms a myth about special strength and penetration.

With which you have to work, you can start making a knife - tanto.

It should be said right away that the length of the knife ranges from 24 to 26 cm. Therefore, you must prepare a block of wood measuring 260x40x20 mm. The thickness of the bar can be from 16mm.

For such a length of wood, warping of the wood does not affect it. This remark is true if you have chosen dry wood. Wet can cause drying.

On this block, on the side, draw a sketch of the future knife using a template.

IN this file You will find a full-size sketch of the knife 1:1 , which can be printed and used as a template when making a tanto. It looks like this:

Then draw a center line on top, which you draw along all four sides. From there you make all subsequent marks. This allows you to make symmetrical lines regardless of the initial curvature of the wood block.

 Pay attention to the proportions of the blade and handle!

With a knife length of 26 cm, the length of the handle is 11 cm.

With a knife length of 25 cm, the length of the handle is 10.5 cm.

With a knife length of 24 cm, the length of the handle is 10 cm.

But of course you can choose “your” size.

On the side, make small marks with a pencil:

From the very edge of the knife - 7mm. and from this mark - 10mm.

Make these marks along the entire length of the knife at a distance of approximately 20 - 30mm.

From the end of the handle, from the outer edges, make 7mm marks.

Make marks from the beginning line of the handle:

 1. - from the top edge - 7 and 10mm.

 2. - from the bottom edge - 7mm.

 Apply the following markings on top:

Near the tip, from the main center line, on both sides of it, make 4.5mm marks.

From the line of the beginning of the handle, on both sides of the center line, make 5.5mm marks.

Near the end of the knife, on both sides of the center line, apply 5mm marks.

 Do the same thing below:

Near the tip, from the center line, make two marks:

1. - 1mm.

2. - 4mm.

From the line of the beginning of the handle, on both sides of the center line, also make two marks

1. - 2.5 - 3mm.

2. - 5.5mm.

Near the end of the knife, on both sides of the center line, make 5mm marks.

This is where the initial marking ends and figure cutting begins.)

But seriously, you should take a sharp cutter or knife and cut off the excess wood along the marking lines.

Begin cutting carefully, following the direction of the grain. Depending on this, cut strictly in the direction of the grain.

You should get something like this:

 View from the tip:

Now we need to shape the knife blade.

To do this, you need to make the following markings on the side of the knife:

From the edge of the future blade, 7 mm apart, at some distance from each other, apply marks with a pencil, which you connect in one line.

View from the tip:

Now we form the tip of the knife itself:

On the side we draw a line from the edge of the knife 20 mm.

From the end of the tip we draw parallel lines of 3.5 mm. from the center line.

The next step is the final formation of the knife tip. To do this, apply to the resulting workpiece from the edge of the tip. parallel to the line tip line 8mm wide. From this line towards the center end line you need to cut off the excess wood.

It should look like this:

As a result, you should get a knife of the following type:

The knife is almost ready. All that remains is to process the sharp edges of the knife.

To do this, securing the knife to the table with a clamp (or a vice, but always through a spacer - a piece of hardboard or thick cardboard), process the edges with a file - with light movements!!!

DO NOT TOUCH the top of the blade!

Process only the handle - to give it a rounded shape and the blade - to remove protruding edges. After this, polish the knife with sandpaper.

All! This is where knife making ends!

All that remains is the final processing: polishing, staining, protective coating, etc.

Method of attaching tanto for processing

Greetings to all lovers of working with metal. I propose to consider the instructions for making a high-quality knife in the Japanese “tanto” style. In general, initially such knives were swords, but then the craftsmen liked this blade shape and began making knives in this style. Such knives are very convenient for woodworking; they can also successfully cut and chop; this blade profile has also been approved by some chefs.

The author decided to make his knife from a file, this metal is strong, can be hardened, the knife will be sharp and durable. The file must be correct; good metal is found only in old samples. At the fracture, the metal of the file must be uniform gray, and when cutting the core, thick, bright sparks should fall. Modern files are made of poor metal, cementing only the outer part. In addition, the manufactured blade must be properly hardened, otherwise the carbon that makes the steel strong may burn out.

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- old file;
- wood for the handle;
- epoxy with black dye;
- rope;
- copper tubes and sheet copper;
- deer antler and thick board (for the stand);
- wood for the scabbard;
- oil for impregnating wood.

List of tools:
- Bulgarian;
- drill;
- files for metal and wood;
- plane;
- sandpaper;
- hammer;
- chisels;
- forge furnace and forging accessories;
- hacksaw;
- vice;
- hammer;
- gas-burner;
- clamps;
- polishing paste or fine sandpaper.

Knife making process:

Step one. Manufacturing of the main profile
It should be immediately noted that it is impossible to simply process a file by hand, since the steel is hardened and very durable. Here you will either need a vacation, or you can simply use forging, as our author did. We heat the metal until it glows red and slowly, using a hammer and anvil, set the desired profile of the blade. The metal should not be overheated too much, as the alloying element may burn out and the steel will turn into raw material. It is advisable to perform forging as efficiently as possible, so you will then have less time for grinding.

Step two. Let's start sanding
Next we need to polish the blade to remove all the defects left after forging. To do this we need files, we clamp the blade and process it. Of course, the fastest way to do this is with a belt sander. You can now process metal manually, since we released it.

Next, you can use sandpaper attached to a block. It is useful to wet the paper in water, it works much more efficiently due to cleaning. As a result, we work with the finest sandpaper or a fine-grained grinding stone. The metal needs to be brought to an almost ideal state, since further hardening is required.

Step three. Hardening
We proceed to hardening, since we previously tempered the metal. To do this, the author coated the blade with a heat-resistant compound so that the alloying elements remained in place. Well, then we heat the blade until it glows bright red and dip it in oil. After this, we check the blade by trying to scratch it with a file. If there are no scratches, great, that means the steel is hardened. As for such a moment as a vacation, the author did not do it, but it is recommended.

Step four. Bolster and stop
On the blade there is a so-called bolster or pad, thanks to which the sheath is fixed. In addition, this detail has ethical significance; it makes the knife look more beautiful. We make this part from a piece of copper pipe, cut off the required piece, and then form the desired profile with a hammer. The author welded the ends of the pipe, they can also be soldered. In addition to this, we need to make an emphasis, here we will need sheet copper. We cut out the required blank and cut a hole for the profile of the tail part of the blade.

Step five. Butt plate and handle
The author makes the base for the pen from wood. We select a block of hard wood and form the desired profile with a plane. Next, drill and bore a hole for the knife shank. We form the final profile using files.

The author also made a back plate for the pen, thanks to which it will last longer and looks amazing. The backplate is made from a piece of copper pipe and a piece of copper sheet. Both parts are welded together with a gas torch; they can also be soldered or glued with epoxy. The author goes over the stop and back plate with a hammer, making dents. This gives the impression that the knife is antique and looks beautiful.

Step six. Pin and decoration
An interesting feature of this knife is that the handle is installed without glue, it is held on by one carefully adjusted pin. But if desired, it can also be placed on glue. First, drill a hole in the place of the handle where the pin will be installed. A brass or copper rod can be used as a pin. Next, we make two “flowers” ​​as decoration. The author makes them from sheet copper; a hole must be punched, so the flower will be securely fastened. For more details on how such parts are made, see the photo.

Step seven. Finishing the handle
The main material of the handle is wood. It is wrapped on top with black rope impregnated with glue. The result is a very strong and beautiful handle. For these purposes we will need epoxy and black dye. We wind the rope and soak it well with glue. When the glue dries, we get an excellent durable coating. We also install the back plate with epoxy. Let the glue dry for a day.

Step eight. Sheath and stand
We make a sheath for the knife; the author has it made of wood. We take two boards and, using a chisel, form a hollow part into which the blade will fit. Next, these parts are glued together with epoxy and the desired profile is formed using files and sandpaper. Rougher processing can be done with a plane.

The author also decided to make a stand for his masterpiece. Of course, this is not at all necessary. For these purposes, the author used deer antlers. We select the material for the base, it can be a piece of thick board. Using a chisel, we make a recess in it under the bow of the sheath. The horns must be secured so that the knife rests on them. We fasten the horns using epoxy glue, additionally fix the horns with a screw, and so on.

Step nine. Assembling the knife and testing it
Polish all parts of the knife. To assemble it, the author did not use glue; everything is held on a pin, which is very precisely adjusted to its location. Thanks to this design, the handle can be quickly disassembled and polished or its parts can be replaced. If you use brass instead of honey, you can assemble everything with glue, because brass is much more resistant to oxidation.

That's all, now the knife is ready, all that remains is to sharpen it to the point of a blade and place it in its sheath on a luxurious stand made of horns. Everything looks amazing. That's all, the project is finished, I hope you liked it. Good luck and creative inspiration if you want to repeat it. Don't forget to share yours

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