How to install applications on iPhone 4. How to download applications to iPhone via iTunes

Apple products have always stood apart in the IT market, distinguished by revolutionary solutions for their time. Therefore, in the matter of downloading and installing any application on iPhone, iPad, Mac, there are also differences from most competitors. Let’s try to figure out what new owners of Apple gadgets should do in this case.

What's the catch?

It is no secret that the market leader in equipping electronic communication devices with operating systems is Google. Her brainchild, the Android OS, according to official data, is used in more than 80% of the world's smartphones and tablets. In order to download and install software on such a gadget, you can use the official GooglePlay online store through the on-board PlayMarket client. In addition, it is quite legal to install third-party programs that are freely available on the network using a data cable or wireless connection.

Any gadget from Apple has several obvious differences in this regard:

  • Firstly, the iOS operating system is installed on the iPhone, iPad or MacBook, which is not provided to third-party manufacturers, like Android;
  • Secondly, you can download applications through the AppStore service, using the iTunes client or, and only of official origin;
  • Thirdly, to install programs from third-party developers, you will have to hack your gadget using the jailbreak procedure.

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Registration comes first

In order for the client to be able to download programs to his iPhone via a personal computer or MacBook, he will first have to install the iTunes client program. But before installing it, you need to create and activate a single AppleID account. This is a company requirement, upon fulfilling which the owner of a branded gadget will have access to the following services:

  • Search for iPhone in case of theft or loss (using a global geolocation system connected to the World Wide Web);
  • Synchronization of all Apple devices belonging to a specific person;
  • Installing free software from the AppStore or purchasing commercial programs/content.

The developer company itself strongly recommends creating your account, although it does not oblige you to do so. From a logical point of view, it definitely makes sense to agree to this proposal, otherwise why buy an expensive gadget and then not use its full capabilities.

In order to create your account, you can use the same iTunes - it will definitely request the registration procedure if it has not been completed previously. It has approximately the following sequence:

In a similar way, you can create an account using the AppStore, which is installed on your smartphone by default. The only condition is to have an active Internet connection.

Download via iTunes/App Store

Since we started to consider this issue with this application, it would be logical to continue it with the download and installation procedure itself. If activation account The AppleID described above was passed through the iTunes interface, then after its completion it will immediately be possible to download programs. Everything here is basically simple:

  1. Firstly, all downloaded programs are saved on the hard drive, which means they can be installed on the iPhone even without an Internet connection, using only the synchronization procedure.
  2. Secondly, in case of flashing or restoring the smartphone software, all previously installed software will not need to be searched on the network - everything can be easily and quickly installed from the hard drive.

The download procedure described above can be carried out without a PC. Using the AppStore application on your iPhone and a wireless Internet connection, you can download the software directly to your smartphone. In this case, after the download is complete, the operating system will offer to install the program, and its icon will be placed on one of the desktops.

Using file managers

In addition to the official method of downloading software to gadgets, Apple allows you to use alternative applications in this process - file managers iFunBox, iTools, etc. This approach has both positive and negative sides.

Clear advantages include:

  • There is no need for synchronization between the gadget and desktop PC, iTunes authorization, or Internet connection.
  • Possibility of connecting the device via USB or Wi-Fi.
  • High data transfer speed.
  • Official status that does not require jailbreaking the smartphone.

To start installing the application on your iPhone, you must first connect the gadget to your PC using one of the methods suggested above. After this, the file manager itself starts, which should recognize the device. If the result is positive, the “CurrentDevice” menu line should display the smartphone model and its network name (set in the gadget settings).

To start the installation, you need to go to the “Install application” menu and select the required program.

The software must be located on the hard drive, after which it will be automatically downloaded to the smartphone’s memory and installed.

It seems that it could be easier - install an application from the AppStore on your iPhone! However, even during this procedure, users encounter difficulties, most often associated with the quality of mobile coverage. In case of ill-fated E even downloading a simple utility weighing 10 MB turns into torture - let alone professional programs like iMovie. If the quality of mobile coverage leaves much to be desired, the iPhone will only make feeble attempts to download the application, after which it will report that the download is impossible.

The described problem is very relevant for people who live on the outskirts of their cities. Fortunately, in this case there is no need to change the operator to be able to install applications on the iPhone - it is better to use the power of a fixed (wired) Internet.

There are several ways to download an application on an iPhone, and the first one you need to consider is the simplest one, but one that requires a stable 3G/4G connection - downloading directly from an Apple device. The user is required to perform the following actions:

Step 1. Go to the AppStore - to do this, click on the blue icon with the letter A.

Step 2. Enter the name of the application that interests you into a search engine. Then click the " Find» (« Search") in the lower right corner.

You can also search for popular apps in Apple's Featured Apps and Top Charts. To do this, you should use the corresponding tabs in the bottom panel.

Step 3. After the iPhone finds the application you are interested in in the store and offers it, click the " Download"(for free software) or a button with a price tag (if the program costs money).

Then click on " Install» (« Install»).

Step 4. Enter your password Apple ID. If you don't already have an Apple account, you'll have to create one. Our site also tells you how to create an account on iPhone.

The difference between iOS and Android is that when downloading programs, the iPhone owner will be forced to enter the Apple ID password every time. In the case of Android this is not required.

If the password is entered correctly, the button “ Install"appears circular loading indicator.

In addition, you can judge how far the download process has progressed by looking at the icon on one of the desktops.

Step 5. Wait until the download completes. Installation of programs on iPhone occurs automatically.

The more modern the operating system installed on your iPhone, the higher your chances of downloading the application. Each of the programs in the AppStore has requirements for the iOS version. For example, popular app Periscope It is impossible to download to a gadget with OS 7, because this software requires a minimum of iOS 8.0.

You will learn that you should “update” from a message like this:

How to download applications to iPhone via iTunes?

The second method of downloading applications is an excellent solution for users whose mobile Internet leaves much to be desired. It is necessary to use the program iTunes on a PC and using it to transfer applications to the Apple gadget. Follow these instructions:

Step 1. Run iTunes and go to the section " Programs».

Step 2. Select the " AppStore».

Step 3. In the search bar, enter the name of the application you want to download. Then click Enter.

The results of the request will appear on the PC screen in two rows: “ iPhone apps" And " iPad apps" In our case, we need a program for iPhone, so we are looking in the first row.

Step 4. Having found the required application, click the " Download", located below the icon.

Step 5. Enter your password Apple ID– as mentioned above, this is a mandatory procedure. Then click " Buy».

At the speeds offered by modern wired Internet, most programs load in just a few seconds. Go to the " Media library“—if the application is present in the list, it means the download was successful.

All downloaded applications are stored in the computer's memory in a folder that can be found along the path C:Users Username MusiciTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications. The iPhone application format is . ipa.

Step 6. Connect the iPhone to the PC, go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of the smartphone.

Step 7. Start the mobile device synchronization process and iTunes.

Once the process is complete, you will find the application on one of the iPhone desktops. If it is not there, it means that the program was not copied due to an insufficient OS version.

How to transfer programs from an Apple device to a PC and why is it necessary?

You can transfer applications not only from PC to mobile device, but also in reverse direction. Why do you need to do this? Everything is very simple: if the program is stored on your computer, you can download it to your iPhone if necessary, even in the absence of the Internet. After copying the utility to your PC, you can erase it from the memory of your mobile device so that it does not take up memory.

Transferring programs from iPhone to computer is done like this:

Step 1. Run iTunes and select the " File».

Step 2. Find the section " Devices" and click on the item " Move purchases from iPhone» in the menu that opens.

Synchronization will begin, after which all programs will be saved on the computer’s hard drive.

How to download applications on iPhone through third-party file managers?

You can copy applications to iPhone not only through iTunes, but also with the help of third-party file managers, which have a number of advantages over the official media combine:

  • No jailbreak or internet connection required.
  • They do not synchronize.
  • Provide high speed data exchange.

Traditionally, two utilities are given as examples: iFunBox And iTools. We will look at how to transfer applications, using the first one as an example - you can download it:

Step 1. Download the desired program from the AppStore on PC and run iFunBox.

Step 2. Connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable and make sure that the utility recognizes the device. The top panel should contain the name of the Apple gadget and its modification.

Step 3. Click on the button Install app"and through Explorer, find the program on your PC’s hard drive that you want to transfer.

Then click " Open" This will start the data transfer process, the progress of which can be monitored using the indicator at the bottom of the utility window.

Once the process is complete, you will see a report showing how many applications were installed successfully.

Please note that the developers iFunBox They do not recommend downloading applications that weigh more than 1 GB through their program. There is a high risk that such an application will crash immediately after the initial splash screen.

How to download and install a tweak on a jailbroken iPhone?

Owners of jailbroken iPhones should be aware that tweaks, unlike applications from the AppStore, are not in the same format. ipa, A deb. You should download tweaks from the store Cydia– an “underground” alternative to the AppStore.


How to proceed if you need to download a tweak?

Step 1. Add the repository from which you intend to download the application. This is done through the button " Sources».


Please note that the list on the right suggests the most popular repositories - in particular, BigBoss And ModMyi. To add another to the list, click " Edit", then " Add».

Step 2. Enter the name of the tweak that interests you into the search bar and wait for the search results.

Step 3. Once you find the tweak you need, click on it. A page representing the application will open - here you should click on the button “ Install».


All you have to do is wait for the download to complete. As you can see, the only difference between the procedures for downloading tweaks and official applications is the need to add repositories when using Cydia.

iFunBox And iTools can also be used to download tweaks to iPhone. Another interesting application that can act as an intermediary is iFile. If you have such a utility on your mobile device, you don’t even need to have a computer at hand. You can download deb-package via any browser on iPhone – iFile will take care of turning such a set of documents into an application.


iPhone users constantly complain about the lack of memory, but at the same time they continue to install applications, the importance of which is, to put it mildly, questionable. Solving the memory problem is actually simple: it is recommended to transfer all programs that are stored on the smartphone “for a rainy day” and are not used regularly to the PC. For hard drive computer, the space occupied by iPhone applications is “a drop in the bucket.” The mobile device itself will “breathe” much easier.

Yesterday we talked about how iPhone and iPad can install outdated versions of applications using the Charlie program. From the comments to that article, it turned out that there is an easier way that does not involve the use of third-party tools. This method only works if the new version of the application is not supported by your device due to system requirements.

If you are using an old Apple smartphone or tablet, or have not updated iOS to version 8 or 9, you will inevitably encounter limitations - App Store will prompt you first or update operating system. However, you can cheat and download not new version applications, and compatible with old technology or an outdated iOS build.

How to install on iOS old version applications?

1. Go to system iPhone settings or iPad and turn on iCloud synchronization.
2. Launch iTunes on your computer and download the application you need, even if it’s a new version.
3. Open the App Store on your mobile device and find the application that you downloaded through iTunes.
4. Near the name of the application, instead of the “download” button, a button with a cloud will appear, which shows that a “purchase” has already been registered in your account, and you can freely download this application to your device.
5. If your iPhone or iPad is incompatible with this application, the system will display an error and... offer to download the version that was once compatible with it.
6. Wait a while - the outdated version of the application will be downloaded to your device.

We emphasize once again that this installation method can only be used on older devices (iPhone 3, 4, etc.), and install outdated versions of applications on new Apple smartphones and tablets can be accessed using the Charlie application, which we recently wrote about. Charlie works as a proxy that downloads from servers Apple needed you a version of the application - more stable than the new one or with features that were subsequently removed by the developers. One of these applications is the official VKontakte client, which once had a full-fledged music section, but now only excerpts from songs are available, leading to the iTunes store.

The editors do not remain aloof from the New Year's excitement and preparation of surprises. Together with the Apple Jesus online store, we have prepared one of the best gifts for any holiday - a brand new iPhone 6s in any color of your choice. To participate in the drawing you only need to complete five simple tasks. Read, participate and good luck!

Applications have become an integral part of mobile devices. Every user and iPhone owner constantly uses a variety of applications that can provide various functionality, help organize the day, provide the opportunity to stay in touch, have fun, watch videos, etc. True, before you start actively using applications, you need to figure out how to download applications on an iPhone? What should you do for this? And what services can help with this.

We use the AppStore

First, it’s worth looking at a completely standard procedure that is used by millions of users and is associated with the AppStore. This application serves as a standard internal store and provides users with access to free and paid applications.

On this moment in its vastness you can find thousands of different applications, each of which you can try out personally.

But you will choose the applications personally, and for now we will provide instructions that will allow you to download any of them to your phone:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated or unpredictable about this. Remember that not all applications can be used immediately; some of them will have to be paid for.

Installing applications without the AppStore

What to do if you don’t want to use the AppStore? Is it possible to download applications without using this program? In fact, this can be done, although you will have to perform a number of the following steps:

  1. First, you should install iTunes on your computer.
  2. Next, using this program you need to download a special “.ipa” extension file. In principle, you will not have any problems with this, since the program’s functionality is specially created for this procedure. You search for the application and download its installer.
  3. After completing the procedure, go to your iTunes library.
  4. Click on the downloaded application and select “Show in Finder”.
  5. An explorer opens, with which you must drag the downloaded file to your computer.
  6. Next you should download a special program iFunBox.
  7. Launch the program and then connect the iPhone to the computer using a cord. Please ensure that the program recognizes your mobile device.
  8. Next, in the iFunBox program that opens, you need to select the “Install application” item.
  9. Look for the downloaded file and select it.
  10. All you have to do is wait until the application is installed and you can safely disconnect your mobile device from the computer.
  11. You can now use the application on your phone.

As you can see, in this case you will need to do much more action than using the AppStore program. But nevertheless, it is your choice, and you have the right to choose the most optimal method for you.

Using an alternative application store

It is no secret that to download programs at the moment you can find alternative services that provide the opportunity to receive applications without using mandatory standard plugins. The most promising and best store in this case is an application called Zestia. To install and use it, just follow these steps:

  1. First, follow the link: and use the installation die. She's the only one there, so you won't miss it.
  2. Next, you should confirm the profile installation.
  3. You now have your new app store installed.
  4. Next, go to “Settings”, select “General” and go to “Profiles”.
  5. Choose installed application and click on the developer's name.
  6. A window will appear confirming your action, you need to agree with it.
  7. Now your device will trust this application.
  8. All that remains is to launch the program, use the search and find everything required applications for download and installation.

Let us immediately note that this unofficial app and its use is entirely on your conscience, as is the safety of your mobile device. Use Zestia at your own risk.

Now you know several ways to install applications on your iPhone. All you have to do is choose which method to use and you can safely start exploring the applications. The main thing is to carefully follow all our recommendations and take your time. Enjoy!

Let's just immediately discard the moral side of the issue that you have to pay for applications. Of course, it is necessary, which is what I encourage you to do. The installation method, which will be discussed below, is provided for informational purposes only. By the end of the article, I will try to explain what its disadvantages are. Perhaps they will help you finally make sure that The best way to get a paid application - buy it in the App Store.

You can download software without paying thanks to the vShare service. This is a Chinese digital store where available a large number of games and applications from the App Store. To connect to this site, you need to use a computer. But after a quick setup, vShare allows you to install content without the help of a PC - directly to your mobile device.

How to download applications through the vShare service

1. Install the vShare client on your computer

The first step is to install the vShare client on your computer. The link to the program is available on the service website. During the installation process, the client offers to download additional software like the Opera browser, but you can refuse this.

Before using vShare, it is better to make sure that your computer has latest version iTunes.

2. Install the vShare application on iPhone or iPad

After installing the client on your computer, you need to install the vShare application on your iOS device. This happens automatically, just launch vShare on your PC, connect your iPhone or iPad to it via a USB cable and wait a few seconds. If the installation does not occur automatically, you need to click on the Install vShare button.

3. Download paid applications from the App Store for free

The vShare application, which will appear on the iPhone or iPad after the above manipulations, is an alternative version of the App Store. It has a search form and categories for navigating through the application catalog.

To install a program or game from vShare, you need to find it in the directory and click on the Get button. Before loading, the system requests permission and must be approved. All games and programs installed in this way appear on the iOS desktop, just like regular applications.

After installing vShare on your mobile device, you can disconnect the latter from your computer and download the software without using a PC. But if the vShare application starts opening the App Store before each download, you should connect the gadget to the computer again and click Reauthorization in the main menu of the vShare client for Windows.

Sometimes programs installed via vShare do not launch and the message “Untrusted corporate developer” appears on the screen. In this case, you need to open the “Settings” → “Basic” → “Profiles and Management” section. device”, click on the developer of the problematic application, and then select the “Trust...” option.

What are the disadvantages of vShare?

  • Applications installed via vShare are not verified by Apple, and therefore can threaten your personal data and the normal operation of the iOS device as a whole. You use the service at your own risk.
  • The vShare catalog does not include many programs and games available in the App Store.
  • Applications installed via vShare may not work correctly or may not work at all.
  • Installation via vShare takes longer on average than via the App Store. And to update programs, you need to connect your mobile device to your computer and use the special Update menu in the vShare client for Windows.
  • It is possible that the Apple ID to which vShare connects may be blocked.

As you can see, it is much more convenient and safer to buy programs in the official way. Do you agree?

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