What does the new 2 thousand rubles look like. The most expensive banknotes of modern Russia. When the banknote went into circulation

Image copyright Artyom Korotayev/TASS Image caption The new banknotes will have symbols of the Crimea and the Far East

New banknotes of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles have been put into circulation in Russia. They will go into mass circulation in December, the Bank of Russia said on Thursday.

How do they look?

Banknotes with a denomination of 200 rubles will be green. They contain the symbols of Sevastopol - a monument to the scuttled ships on the front side and a view of Tauric Chersonesos - on the back. The banknote is printed on cotton paper with polymer impregnation. As stated in a press release on the website of the Central Bank, this will ensure its high wear resistance and extend its life.

Banknotes of 2 thousand rubles will be blue. On the front side there is a bridge to Russky Island in the Far East, on the reverse side - the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

The symbols for the new banknotes were chosen during a competition in 2016. More than 5,000 applications were received, including 76 proposals with sights from 49 regions, according to a statement on the Central Bank's website.

The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, did not rule out that the design of banknotes could change over time, but "in the course of the planned modernization of banknotes." At a press conference in Moscow, she explained that such modernization is usually carried out once every five to seven years.

What to do with the Crimean symbols?

Sevastopol is located on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia in 2014. At a press conference at TASS, the head of the Central Bank was forced to answer a question from a Japanese television journalist whether the presence of Crimean symbols would undermine confidence in the Russian currency.

"The ruble and the value of the ruble, respect for the ruble is determined by the state of the Russian economy, its growth, the power of the state, the presence of gold and foreign exchange reserves. The symbols were selected by the population of Russia ... This reflects the desire of people to see these symbols on official banknotes," Nabiullina said.

What is unusual about them?

On the front side of each banknote there is a QR code, reading which you can read on the website of the Bank of Russia about the decoration of banknotes and their protection.

True, this is not the first time that QR codes have been placed on Russian banknotes. For the first time, a QR code was placed on a commemorative banknote of 100 rubles. But they were released in a limited edition of 20 million copies.

Image copyright Artyom Korotayev/TASS Image caption New banknotes will go into mass circulation in December

It is interesting that one of the symbols of Vladivostok really got on the banknote of 2000 rubles. Last year, on the Internet at Change.org, it was even proposed to sign a petition to issue this banknote with views of this city.

"The collective unconscious offers us a combination that has long been on the surface -" Vladivostok 2000 ", once introduced by the Vladivostok group Mumiy Troll," the petition addressed to the Central Bank said. It was signed by 7.4 thousand people.

Why do we need new money?

The head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, spoke about the fact that new banknotes in denominations of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles will appear in Russia back in the spring of 2016. Now in Russia the smallest denomination is 50 rubles, the largest is 5 thousand rubles.

The head of the Central Bank previously explained the need to issue new banknotes by saying that this "will make it easier for citizens to pay for various goods and services." Now, as Nabiullina said today, the nominal series of banknotes in Russia can be considered complete.

The issuance of additional banknotes in denominations of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles is considered economically justified with inflation of 4-6 percent, she added.

“In principle, such banknotes simplify money circulation: in Russia, almost 70% of transactions are still carried out in cash, so a smaller breakdown should have been introduced,” Oleg Shibanov, professor of finance at the Russian Economic School, told the BBC Russian Service.

"Plus, these banknotes are more durable - they are partially made of plastic, so they will be cheaper to use. In my opinion, banknotes fill the void between denominations. This is even mathematically justified, since the need for exchange and the number of banknotes in transactions will decrease," he added.

Earlier, the Republic wrote that the introduction of new denominations should reduce the wear and tear of small denominations and, consequently, the cost of printing them. The new banknotes will take over part of the load that now lies on hundreds and thousands - the most common banknotes in the general circulation.

Banknotes in denominations of 2,000 and 200 rubles entered circulation in Russia. The design of the new money is fundamentally different from other paper notes, which, despite various criticisms, has practical justifications. Why are the new banknotes exactly like this, and how to recognize fakes - said representatives of the Siberian Department of the Central Bank of Russia.

Moscow as the capital, Vladivostok and Crimea, as the heroes of banknote drawings, were the first places where the new banknotes entered circulation. In December, the currency will appear in other regions, including the Novosibirsk region. Until then, financial institutions will have to reconfigure ATMs and terminals to accept new money.

The last time the Bank of Russia issued new denominations into circulation was in 2009, it was a 10-ruble coin. And the last paper bill put into circulation was 5 thousand rubles in 2006. This time, the issuer launched two denominations at once - 2,000 and 200 rubles. They are necessary to meet the needs of consumers and companies in the market, to simplify calculations.

“When the variability of numbers is different, you need much less pieces of paper in your wallet. When issuing new banknotes, the Central Bank did not incur any costs, just hundreds and thousandths will be issued less, and two hundred and two thousandths will be printed in their place, ”said Vyacheslav Vilkov, chief cash circulation expert of the Siberian Department of the Central Bank of Russia.

Vladivostok and Sevastopol became the symbols of the new banknotes, they were chosen by popular vote in 2016, in which 3 million people took part. There were 5,000 nominees for the competition. Sevastopol's closest competitor was Kazan, but with a small margin, the capital of Crimea still pulled ahead. Many voted for the decision to choose Vladivostok as the symbol of the face value of 2 thousand rubles, since the design echoed the song of the popular rock band Mumiy Troll, Vladivostok 2000.

Bright design

The banknote of 200 rubles is decorated with a monument to the scuttled ships in Sevastopol and Tauric Chersonese. The monument was erected in 1905 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the First Defense of Sevastopol in memory of the sacrifices made to defend the city. It is an artificially created rock fragment on which stands a column topped with a bronze double-headed eagle with outstretched wings. The creation belongs to the Estonian sculptor Adamson.

Tauric Chersonese is a city founded by ancient Greek colonists two and a half thousand years ago. The word "Chersonese" is translated from Greek as "peninsula", and the Taurians are a tribe that inhabited the neighboring mountainous area. Now ruins have remained at this place, they are part of the reserve in the city of Sevastopol.

The world's largest cable-stayed bridge on Russky Island became the symbol of the two thousandth banknote. It connects the island with the Nazimov Peninsula and was built in conditions of strong winds, a humid climate and sudden changes in temperature. The bridge is exclusively transport: pedestrians are not allowed to pass here.

The second symbol of 2 thousand is the Vostochny cosmodrome. This is the most modern object of all that claimed to win the vote. It was founded on the site of the former Svobodny-18 missile base, which in 1996 Boris Yeltsin ordered to be converted into a cosmodrome. The first-ever launch of a rocket from the Vostochny Cosmodrome on April 27, 2016 was canceled 2.5 minutes before the scheduled launch due to an automatic failure, but the next day it successfully took place. The first launch of a manned spacecraft is scheduled for 2023.

Previously, claims to the design were expressed - on the bill, when magnified, it is noticeable that Sakhalin has been turned from an island into a peninsula, since it has a non-existent land isthmus with the mainland. Goznak explained that the width of the Nevelsk Strait, which separates Sakhalin and the mainland, is 7.3 kilometers, and on the scale of the image on the banknote, this is about eight hundredths of a millimeter, or 80 microns.

“Nevertheless, the image of the Nevelskoy Strait and the Amur Estuary is provided in the banknote design and printing performance (the mainland and Sakhalin are highlighted with a white outline for a clearer perception of the image as a whole). Naturally, in places where narrow straits are depicted, the white contours of the mainland and the island merge, which, however, does not interfere with seeing that the green images of the mainland and Sakhalin Island do not connect with each other, ”RIA Novosti quoted Goznak as saying. How bank accounts will change for Russians

Both banknotes - 200 and 2000 - are bright, with large characters, which also caused criticism from the public. To some, the new money seemed like euros, and someone noted that the design is one to one reminiscent of the Kazakh tenge.

“The Bank of Russia tried to make it accessible to visually impaired citizens, so the colors are brighter and the signs are larger. When 5,000 rubles were put into circulation, they were also unusual for our eyes, their design was vigorously discussed. But several years have passed and we no longer remember these conversations. So here, in a year, talk about new banknotes will become a thing of the past,” commented Nikolai Morev, head of the Siberian Department of the Bank of Russia.

According to Goznak, in accordance with the recommendations of leading international organizations in the field of protecting the rights of people with disabilities, the new banknotes have new tactile security features: groups of marks along the edges of the banknote, as well as (for the first time) large images of the denomination with tactile properties.

Counterfeit protection

Innovative methods have been applied to protect new money from counterfeiting and increase its strength. Banknotes are printed on high-density cotton paper with polymer impregnation, which will ensure high wear resistance of banknotes and extend their life.

A QR code is placed on the front side of each banknote. It contains a link to the page of the Bank of Russia with detailed information about the protection of banknotes and their design. Otherwise, the forms of protection resemble those already in use, but with some improvements. For example, as on other banknotes, a security thread is used, only this time it is unusual.

“For 200 rubles, it consists of three bands, when the viewing angle changes, triangles are created in the shiny areas. It is extremely difficult for a counterfeiter to reproduce this. At the 2000th, a security thread with a kinetic effect is used. With a slight change in the angle of inclination, the figures inside the denomination begin to move relative to each other,” Vilkov explained.

“Visual signs placed on new banknotes make it much easier to determine its authenticity in circulation, without the use of special technical means,” Goznak reported.

“Separately, I would like to highlight the protective threads. The threads combine three security features at once, which appear when the banknote is swaying, when viewed at a certain angle, and also through the light. These signs are very easy for the public to verify, but they are very difficult to fake. This is a unique development of Goznak, there are no analogues of such threads in the world today,” he said about the new banknotes. General Director of JSC Goznak Arkady Trachuk.

In the future, changes in design may affect other denominations. Earlier, the head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiulina, said that as part of the planned modernization, which is carried out every five to seven years, the design can be changed to improve the protection of banknotes. Most likely, the modification will affect the five thousandth banknote.

New banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles can be obtained not only at the bank or in the form of a salary, but also bought on the site of free ads. The prices at which speculators give banknotes are, of course, higher than their face value.

A new banknote of 2000 rubles is sold for 3000

Offers for the sale of new banknotes appeared on free classifieds sites just a few days after their official presentation. The cost differs from the nominal: for a 200-ruble note with the image of Sevastopol, they ask for 300 rubles, and in the early days, speculators offered a “kopeck piece” with Vladivostok for three thousand rubles, but now a banknote is sold cheaper: from 2200 to 2700 rubles apiece.

Merchants stir up the interest of Khabarovsk residents with statements that a limited number of such banknotes have been issued and they will not be put into circulation earlier than in two or three months.

New banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles: when will they go into circulation

Meanwhile, banknotes with the image of Sevastopol and Vladivostok entered official circulation on October 18. This means that everyone has a chance to get a new banknote without the help of speculators. And, according to the chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, the Far East will be among the first to receive new money. She announced this at the presentation of banknotes, which took place a week earlier in the format of the teleconference "Moscow - Vladivostok - Sevastopol".

The fact that the “two thousandths” and “two hundredths” have already come to our region is also said by the residents themselves, who willingly share their photos with new money on social networks.

100 rubles - Sochi and Crimea: hype for commemorative banknotes

It is worth noting that in addition to the new banknotes that have caused such a stir, speculators are in demand for commemorative hundred banknotes with a vertical image. A unique “hundred” worth all three hundred rubles, there are two types on sale - with the image of a snowboarder dedicated to the Olympics in Sochi, this banknote was issued in 2013, as well as with the Crimean “Swallow’s Nest”, made in 2015.

- The excitement with the "two thousandth" will subside in a month. As soon as people receive a salary, she will begin to actively “walk,” the seller told us by phone. - And you almost never see Sochi hundred-ruble notes in free circulation. They went to collectors and resellers. They take them, however, not very much yet. But sometimes they call, ask, usually for a gift to someone. Buy two or three pieces.


Residents of Russia throughout the country for a long time chose the design for two new banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles. On October 12, 2017, they were officially put into circulation by the Bank of Russia. First, the banknotes were presented in Moscow, then they went to their homeland - to the Crimea and Vladivostok. And only after that new money began to flow to other regions.

Recently it became known that banknotes were also delivered to the Volga-Vyatka branch of the Central Bank of Russia. This means that soon Nizhny Novgorod residents will begin to receive change in the store with these banknotes, to get them from ATMs. Due to the unusual appearance of new banknotes, many Nizhny Novgorod residents are faced with the question - how not to run into a fake? BankNN decided to look into this issue.


New banknotes are very well protected from counterfeiting: in their manufacture, the maximum number of elements was used that deprive fraudsters of the chance to fake them.

The banknotes use an improved security complex and elements with increased relief for visually impaired citizens. Banknotes are printed on high-density cotton paper with polymer impregnation, which will ensure its high wear resistance and longer life.

The easiest way to make sure that the banknote is not a fake is for smartphone owners: each banknote has a QR code that “transfers” to the banknote description page on the Central Bank website.

At the same time, it should be remembered: in order to be sure that the bill is genuine, you should check at least three signs of protection.

How to check the authenticity of 200 rubles?

How to check the authenticity of 2000 rubles?

Key Concerns

The BankNN portal followed the reaction of Nizhny Novgorod residents in social networks to the new banknotes and identified the main questions and concerns related to the new money. We decided to dispel a few myths:

1. money will not fit into the wallet

It seems to many network users that banknotes are larger than banknotes we are used to, therefore they will not fit in standard purses and wallets. BankNN says it's not. A banknote of 200 rubles has the same size as a hundred rubles. 2000 are similar to the size of 1000 and 5000 rubles.

2. new banknotes will not be accepted in the store

As a source familiar with the situation told the BankNN portal, new banknotes have appeared in the collection documentation in all chain stores for a long time. Therefore, it is not worth talking about the fact that money will not be accepted in the store - this is a myth. Another issue is the qualification of personnel. In a small stall near the house, it is quite possible that the seller will refuse to accept banknotes, simply because she has never heard of them.

However, this is no longer a matter of legislation and the enterprise, but the qualifications of a particular employee.

3. 200 and 2000 - for collectors only

After the presentation of new banknotes, ads for the sale of new banknotes began to grow like mushrooms on the sites of announcements. At the same time, the price tags did not correspond to the original - banknotes are sold at a higher price. The sellers of this money are mistaken in one thing - the new banknotes are not a gift to collectors, but quite popular money issued by the Bank of Russia. In other words, there are people who are willing to pay to get new banknotes first.

The regulator has already stated several times that you should not follow the lead of these sellers: new money will soon appear in the wallets of all Russians, you just need to wait a bit.

In October 2017, new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles began to appear in money circulation in Russia. The country began preparing for this event back in 2016: in the middle of summer, an all-Russian competition for the future design of banknotes was announced with an open vote, which took place in three stages. The Russians were able to choose the sights of which region will be honored to decorate the new banknotes. From hundreds of options, it was proposed to choose two. The winners were two regions - the Far East and Sevastopol.

Page content

The release date of banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles is October 12, 2017. At the same time, the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Nabiullina, said that new money would be released into mass circulation in December 2017. Residents of the winning regions, as well as Moscow, were the first to see the new money. By July 2018, banknotes are expected to be distributed throughout the Russian Federation.

Today, people who have fallen into the hands of a new banknote are curiously studying the design, shape, appearance, symbols depicted on the money. The new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles look unusual in the photo - different colors, large print, new symbols and signs. But they gradually get used to everything and soon 200 and 2000 rubles. become commonplace in the wallets of our compatriots.

Banknote 200 rubles

Residents of regions where the new money has not yet entered circulation are curious about how the 200 ruble bill looks like. Advanced Internet users, although they did not hold new money in their hands, are already familiar with them in absentia.

Photo of the new banknote of 200 rubles: front side

Photo of the new banknote of 200 rubles: the reverse side

A pleasant green color, an unusual font and a two-color design of the number and the name of the denomination of money immediately catches the eye. Also unusual are short strokes in three rows and a serial number applied vertically.

What is depicted on a banknote of 200 rubles

Symbols of Sevastopol were awarded to decorate banknotes of 200 rubles (according to the results of the All-Russian open competition). The front side depicts the Monument to the Scuttled Ships, built in 1905. This monument keeps the history of the defense of Sevastopol, when the fleet of ships was flooded to block the path of the enemy fleet and make the Sevastopol bay inaccessible. On the reverse side of the banknote there is an image of the famous Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve, which is the ruins of an ancient Greek city and is the largest archaeological center in the world.

Banknote 2000 rubles

2000 r. causes more interest in itself, since this is the second largest banknote, after 5000 rubles. Those who haven't seen it yet can see what the banknote of 2000 rubles looks like.

Photo of the new banknote of 2000 rubles: front side

Photo of the new banknote of 2000 rubles: the reverse side

Pleasant background of mostly blue hues, large font of denomination numbers, two-color execution, vertical serial number also became the object of increased attention. The image on the 2000 banknote of the bridge against the background of the sun has become a distinctive feature of the banknote - this is an optical protection against counterfeiting.

What is shown on the banknote: what city and bridge

After identifying the winners, whose symbols will decorate the new banknotes, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reserved the right to choose what will be depicted on 200 and what on 2000 rubles. Based on the results of the meeting, the Board of Directors determined that the banknote of 2000 rubles will have the symbols of Vladivostok. On the front side of the 2000 ruble banknote, the Russian Bridge in Vladivostok is depicted, built in 2008 for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. The object became the second highest bridge in the world and is characterized as one of the unique and complex structures in the history of the world. The reverse side depicts the Vostochny Cosmodrome, located in the Amur Region, which became the first Russian civilian spaceport, which has already begun to function.

Why introduced banknotes with a new denomination

The Russians became alert and puzzled by the question why the Central Bank introduces new banknotes. Someone sees in this a political, economic or psychological plan, someone takes the innovation calmly. The reasons for the introduction of banknotes are explained simply and logically.

What are the new banknotes for?

  1. To simplify money transactions. The consumer basket in Russia has long gone up in price. Today, the minimum set of products and goods costs at least 200 rubles, so the need for 100 ruble bills is gradually disappearing. Wearing 6 bills of two hundred rubles is more convenient than 12 of one hundred rubles.
  2. Remove the load on the money printing press. Statistics have shown that over the past two years, 100 and 1000 ruble banknotes have been put into circulation most of all, which are in great demand. The issuance of new banknotes will reduce the wear and tear of existing ones. There is also an assumption that the denominations of 100 and 1000 will gradually be completely withdrawn from circulation. And if you look at the statistics for the last year, the popularity of the 5,000 ruble note has increased many times over. Therefore, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation hopes that 2000 will also fall in love with our compatriots.
  3. Reduce the cost of printing money. New banknotes are printed on thick paper with synthetic impregnation. This will extend the life of the banknotes and reduce wear and tear. Accordingly, money is saved on printing new banknotes. The availability of new banknotes will also affect the wear and tear of existing ones, they will be in circulation longer, which means they will be printed less frequently. Yes, and the denomination of new banknotes is greater, and the cost of printing money is the same. Therefore, as the academic director of Sberbank O. Shibanov said, 2000 rubles. printing is more economical than 1000 rubles.

How to determine the authenticity of new banknotes

New banknotes are protected from counterfeiting by modern technologies. However, at the initial stage of distribution, new money is often subject to fraud. The website of the Central Bank has full instructions on how to distinguish a fake piece of paper from a real bill. Enlisting a magnifying glass, an ultraviolet illuminator and patience, you can thoroughly check the money for various reasons. However, in the process of settlements in a store, this is difficult to do.

On the advice of the Central Bank, if in doubt, check the piece of paper for at least three signs.

How to check 200 rubles for authenticity:

  1. Look at the defensive line from an angle. If you move the paper, iridescent rectangles will move up and down on it.
  2. Look at the protective strip against the light. You will see a black bar on which the number 200 is repeated in a light font.
  3. Check by touch the inscription "Bank of Russia Ticket", the number 200 in the upper right corner and short strokes along the edges of the banknote. You will notice relief.

How to check 2000 rubles for authenticity:

  1. Look at the drawing of the bridge against the sun as a small icon. If you move the bill, a shiny ring appears that moves.
  2. On the security strip, when you turn the bill, you will notice the number 2000 moving on a dark background.
  3. When probing the inscription "Billet of the Bank of Russia", the number 2000 and horizontal strokes, relief should be felt along the edges.

Important! On the front side of the banknotes there is a special QR code, by scanning which you can easily get to the website of the Central Bank and can learn all the ways to recognize a genuine banknote in order to easily distinguish it from a fake.

Checking banknotes through the application

Not everyone has the opportunity to verify the authenticity of banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles using special equipment, and by touch and translucence it is not always possible to distinguish a fake from an original. But there is always a way out, and in this case, an excellent alternative to the above methods of verification is a mobile application, which is called “Banknotes 2017”. The developer of this program for recognizing counterfeit banknotes was Gosznak.

Yes Not

The bridge leading to Russky Island in Vladivostok (on a banknote of 2 thousand rubles) becomes voluminous, and ships begin to move on the water. If you look at this banknote from the reverse side through the camera lens, then a 3D image of the launch complex and rocket will appear in place of the spaceport drawing. On the banknote of 200 rubles, using the application, you can see how birds fly, bells ring, drawings become voluminous.

Important! If, when checking bills of 200 and 2000 rubles, the drawings of the symbols of cities do not “come to life”, this indicates that you have a fake in your hands.

The application also contains useful information about the security elements of these banknotes, after reading which you can then easily recognize where the original banknote is and where the fake is. The application is designed specifically for Android and iOS platforms. You can install this program on any device running on one of these platforms, and it is available for download in the official content stores - AppStore and PlayMarket. It is enough to drive in the name “Banknotes 2017” in the search.

Humanity treats innovations with distrust and caution. Therefore, there have been cases when, when paying in a store, a buyer refuses to accept new money for payment.

Important! Refusal to accept banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles for payment is unlawful and punishable by a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

It is also important to understand that 200 and 2000 banknotes are not an anniversary or commemorative edition, they are full-fledged money. Therefore, you should not buy them at a cost higher than the face value.

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