How to pickle cucumbers with simple salting. Pickled cucumbers for the winter. The most delicious recipes for crispy cucumbers in jars. How to prepare pickles for the winter without vinegar

Volnushki, which are also called Volzhanka and Volvenka, come in two types: white (white) and pink (krasul, rubella). All of them belong to the family of Russula mushrooms and do not require long-term heat treatment before consumption. At the same time, they are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, so knowing how to pickle volushki correctly for the winter is extremely important.

How to salt volushki correctly

You can salt the trumpets different ways, including cold ones. If the salting technology and recipe are not violated, there is no risk of poisoning for lovers of salted fish, otherwise the result may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the technology. In addition, in order for the winter snack to turn out beautiful, tasty and appetizing, you need to take into account a number of points.

  • Like all other mushrooms, before salting, the mushrooms need to be thoroughly cleaned of debris, insects, adhering blades of grass, and leaves. It is convenient to do this with a toothbrush. They do not have a film, which simplifies the process of preparing for salting, however, when cleaning and washing the wolves, housewives face another difficulty: the wolves are fragile, and if you press on them, even lightly, they begin to crumble in your hands.
  • Experienced mushroom pickers recommend salting pink and white mushrooms separately, therefore, while sorting through the mushrooms and clearing them of debris, they must also be sorted. When sorting, the size of the mushrooms is also taken into account: large ones are put into another pile or cut into 2-4 parts.
  • The waves are bitter. If they are not soaked in water before cooking cold water with salt, the bitterness will remain and you won’t want to eat salted mushrooms. Soak the volushki for at least two days, periodically changing the water. This should be done at least 5 times a day. Otherwise, the mushrooms will begin to sour.
  • When soaking, you need to make sure that the water completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise they will become moldy, and even if you rinse them well afterwards, there will be no guarantee that you were able to completely get rid of the mold.
  • If the volushki are supposed to be salted in a cold way, then they are soaked not just in cold water, but with the addition of salt (50 g per liter) and citric acid (2 g per liter).

The remaining actions will depend on the selected recipe.

Cold salting of volushki

  • wavelets – 7 kg;
  • salt – 0.2 kg;
  • citric acid – 12 g;
  • dill seeds – 50 g;
  • cumin – 20 g;
  • cabbage leaf – 1-3 (across the width of the barrel).

Cooking method:

  • Soak the cleaned volushki in salted and acidified water for three days. Change the water every 4-5 hours.
  • Mix salt with dry dill seeds and cumin.
  • Drain the water and lay the volushki in layers of 6-8 cm, sprinkling each layer with salt mixed with seasonings. Mushrooms should be placed caps down.
  • Place a cabbage leaf or several leaves on top if the area is large.
  • Place a wooden disk or plate on top with a weight on top.
  • Send to a cold room (0-10 degrees). There, the mushrooms should be salted for at least a month, ideally two. If you freeze the waves, they will begin to crumble, and while they are for a long time indoors at temperatures above 10 degrees, they may turn sour.

Before serving cold-salted volushki to the table, they should be soaked in clean water, otherwise they will be over-salted. This classic recipe– this is how mushrooms used to be salted for the winter. Nowadays, not every home has conditions suitable for this, and not everyone has wooden barrels. However, a true gourmet will certainly appreciate the classic taste of mushrooms pickled according to “grandmother’s” recipe.

Volnushki, hot salted

  • volnushki – 1.4 kg;
  • currant leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • allspice – 5 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • rock salt – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel the mushrooms, soak in cold water for two days.
  • Pour 1 liter of water over the volushki, boil, stirring, for 15 minutes after boiling, drain in a colander.
  • Place the boiled mushrooms on the bottom of an enamel pan.
  • Cover the mushrooms with clean currant and bay leaves.
  • Sprinkle with salt, add cloves and pepper.
  • Cut the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices and sprinkle on top of the salt.
  • Bring the decoction from the trumpets to a boil and pour it over the mushrooms.
  • Cover with a large plate and press down. When the mushrooms have cooled to room temperature, put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Prepare 4 half-liter jars. They need to be sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes or in any other way. Lids are also sterilized by boiling.
  • Place the volushki in sterile jars, fill with brine, and seal tightly. The jars should be hot and dry when screwing.

Most city dwellers prefer to salt volushki for the winter according to this recipe, since it is not difficult to do, and in sterilized and hermetically sealed closed banks they are stored at a temperature slightly below room temperature (16-18 degrees). It is not difficult to create such conditions in winter. In addition, the mushrooms according to this recipe turn out crispy, despite the heat treatment.

Salting volushki using a combined method

  • wavelets – 5 kg;
  • salt – 150 g;
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs.;
  • currant leaf – 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill – 50 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • garlic - 2 heads.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add 60 g of salt and bring to a boil.
  • Place the pre-soaked volushki in small portions into a pan of boiling water, stirring. Boil for another 10 minutes after dipping the last portion of mushrooms into the water. Skim off foam during cooking. Remove the mushrooms with a colander or slotted spoon and rinse under running water.
  • Peel the garlic, do not chop it, but if the cloves are too large, you can cut them in half.
  • Place a layer of fried mushrooms in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt, add horseradish leaves and a few cloves of garlic.
  • Place a second layer of mushrooms, add salt, currant leaves and bay leaves, and 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Cover the next layer of mushrooms with salt, dill and the remaining garlic.
  • Cover with a clean cloth and apply pressure. Store the pan with mushrooms in the refrigerator. You can eat them 3 weeks after salting.

This method of pickling mushrooms for the winter is popular because it combines the advantages of cold and hot methods. Mushrooms undergo heat treatment, which increases the safety of the snack and the period after which it can be eaten. On the other hand, the cooking time is reduced, the mushrooms are salted in own juice, which allows them to remain crispy. The only drawback is that the pan with the fritters takes up an entire shelf in the refrigerator. When there is only one such unit in the house, this creates certain inconveniences.

Salting volushki using the cold method in jars

  • wavelets – 2 kg;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Soak the prepared waves in salted and acidified water for three days, changing it 2-3 times a day.
  • Sterilize the jars. Prepare lids for them.
  • Place the volushki in jars, sprinkling each layer with salt and arranging with horseradish and laurel leaves.
  • Pour in hot vegetable oil.
  • Close tightly and place in the refrigerator. You will be able to eat mushrooms in 2 months. The oil will block air access to the mushrooms and ensure their safety. Plus, they won't darken because they didn't have to be cooked.

Try it cold method Anyone can pickle volushki for the winter using this recipe. The main task is to find a place in the refrigerator to store cans.

For a gourmet, it matters what recipe the mushrooms are salted according to, but any method has the right to life. To compare the taste, you can try several options and choose the one that suits you and your family best.

Volnushki belong to the Syroezhkov family. Their close “relatives” are milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and russula. Volnushki have other names - Volnyanki, Volzhanka. These mushrooms grow in forests under old trees and like to “settle” under birch trees. There are several types of volushki, but only white and pink ones are suitable for cooking. A characteristic feature of the gifts of the forest is the bitter milky sap, which, if improperly prepared, causes serious stomach upsets. Raw Volzhanka have a beautiful pinkish or white tint, but when cooked they turn gray. You shouldn’t be afraid of such metamorphoses: although the color of the mushrooms may not be “noble” enough, the taste can pleasantly surprise gourmets.

Why are they useful...

In Russia, volnushkas are assigned the category “conditionally edible”. This means that you can eat them, but it is important to follow a special cooking technology. Only through this will it be possible to reduce all risks to a minimum. Domestic housewives have long mastered the methods of preparing mushrooms and successfully prepare these mushrooms for future use. The result is a healthy, tasty and low-calorie snack, which often becomes the “star” of the holiday table.

Even children know that mushrooms are healthy. Volnushki are no exception. Their vitamin and mineral composition is impressive. Volzhanka helps fight viruses, promotes restoration of strength, improves vision and even preserves beauty.

  • Source of protein. In terms of the amount of protein, mushrooms can compete with meat products; it is not for nothing that they are called “forest meat.” Protein is the main " construction material» of the body: it takes part in cell regeneration.
  • Useful amino acids. The whitefish protein is enriched with 18 amino acids. They have a general strengthening effect, increase immunity, and help organs and systems function normally.
  • Minimum calories. Volushki contain a minimum of calories: 22 kcal per 100 g. It is recommended to include mushrooms in the diet: the nutrition will be complete, and no centimeters will be added to the waist.
  • Vitamin “bomb”. You can get more B vitamins from mushrooms than from vegetables and cereals. Mushrooms are also rich in vitamins D, C, E, PP. This composition helps to strengthen protective function body, has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Vitamins guard beauty: thanks to them, the skin looks healthy, nails become strong, and hair becomes lush and shiny.
  • A storehouse of minerals. Volnushki provide the body essential minerals: phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, copper, other important elements. Minerals strengthen bones, normalize metabolism, and slow down the aging process. Macronutrients are important for normal heart function.

During research, a unique substance was identified in mushrooms - beta-glucan. It activates the immune system so much that as a result the body can even overcome serious illnesses. After its discovery, the substance began to be synthesized in the laboratory and used to combat cancer.

...and who shouldn't eat them?

Although the volnushki contain a large number of useful substances, mushrooms can also be harmful. Improperly prepared forest products pose a threat to the body, so it is imperative to master culinary technology to make the product safe. This type of mushroom is not advisable to give to children under seven years of age. You should avoid this mushroom delicacy during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Volzhanka is contraindicated for:

  • cholecystitis;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • removal of the gallbladder.

Mushrooms contain a lot of chitin, which is difficult to digest. With an excess of the substance, gastritis and other stomach diseases develop. But chitin is useful in small amounts. It plays the role of a sorbent and removes toxins. To get the required portion of chitin, a small amount of mushrooms is enough, but it is better to eat them with the stems: the substance is concentrated there.

4 stages of raw material preparation

Before salting the trumpets, they need to be prepared. Depends on this stage taste qualities and the safety of pickles. Soaking the raw materials for pickling will take at least two days: this is the only way to remove the bitter milky juice. Preparing volnushki for salting consists of four stages.

  1. Sorting. Collected mushrooms need to be sorted. White and pink ones should be salted separately. Size must also be taken into account. Small, young, Volzhanka are considered optimal for salting. “Forest dwellers” with large caps are overripe. They are not suitable as raw materials for pickling: the taste is not the same.
  2. Cleaning. Mushrooms need to be cleaned of all excess. Two-thirds of the stem is cut off. Using a knife and a brush (you can use a new toothbrush), remove traces of soil, sand, grass, and cut out damaged areas. You need to act carefully so as not to break the caps. The volnushki are thoroughly washed: the water should finally remove all the debris.
  3. Soaking. This is one of the main stages of preparation for pickling: without soaking it is impossible to remove the bitterness. It will take a long time to soak - at least two days. The mushrooms should be placed in an enamel container and filled with filtered water. You will need a lot of liquid - 5 cm above the caps. The soaking water must be salted. If cold salting is planned in the future, the water must also be acidified. Per liter of liquid you will need 10 g of salt and 2 g of lemon juice. To prevent the mushrooms from souring, you need to change the water often: up to five to six times a day. The container with the waves, covered with gauze, should be kept in a cool place.
  4. Control wash. After soaking, the mushrooms must be thoroughly rinsed. cold water. Clean volnushki are thrown into a colander, allowing excess liquid to drain. Afterwards you can start salting according to the chosen recipe.

You can determine that Volzhanka are ready for salting “by touch.” Remove the mushroom from the container where it is soaking and gently press on the cap. It bends gently, but does not break - the mushrooms are soaked properly. If the mushrooms become moldy in a container with water, then they are not suitable for subsequent pickling, even if you rinse them well.

How to salt volushki in a cold way

Most housewives prefer to salt volushki for the winter in a cold way. Mostly dry salting is chosen, that is, no liquid is added. The brine is formed during the cooking process: the caps release juice. The mushrooms are soaked, then placed in a container, sprinkled with seasonings and wait until they are ready. Perfect option containers for pickling - oak barrel. However, in the absence of such containers, you can use a saucepan, an enamel bucket, and even jars. It is strictly forbidden to salt mushrooms in clay and plastic containers, galvanized buckets.

The cold method has many advantages. Mushrooms are salted without cooking, which means the product retains the maximum amount of nutrients. Due to the absence of heat treatment, the volushki are dense, crispy, and aromatic. The only disadvantage of this method is that you have to wait one and a half to two months to take a sample from the pickles.

For pickling mushrooms, use only ordinary table salt. It's better to take a large one. Marine and iodized ones provoke fermentation processes, which is why the preparations quickly turn sour.

In a saucepan

Description . The simplest recipe for salted trumpets. It's better to take only hats. They are pre-soaked in salty-acidic water. Special technology allows you to enjoy natural taste and the aroma of fresh air.


  • waves (hats) - 2.5 kg;
  • rock salt - 125 g.


  1. Place the caps in the pan. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt.
  2. Cover the mushrooms with gauze. Place a flat plate on top and press on it. It may be small, but it is important that the mushrooms are well compacted.
  3. Place the container in a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 6°C.
  4. Periodically look at the workpiece. If the gauze shows signs of mold, change it.
  5. After two months you can try.

There is another interpretation of this recipe. According to it, it takes six days to salt the volushki under pressure in a saucepan. During this time, a large amount of brine will be released: the mushrooms should be covered with it. After the allotted period, the caps with brine are transferred to sterile jars, covered with nylon lids and sent into the cold. After two months, a sample is taken.

In a barrel

Description. Many generations of housewives preferred to salt volushki coldly in oak barrels. “Grandma’s” method can be repeated if the household has the appropriate container. Barrel mushrooms will turn out to be especially tasty, crispy, and will not lose their shape.


  • Volzhanka - 7 kg;
  • “lemon” - for soaking;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • cumin - 15 g;
  • dill seeds (dried) - 40 g;
  • cabbage leaves - the width of the pan.


  1. Soak the waves in acidified and salted water. Drain in a colander.
  2. Mix salt, cumin and dill seeds.
  3. Place the mushrooms in the barrel with the caps down. The layer should be approximately 8 cm. Add seasonings. Then again a layer of mushrooms. Repeat until container is full.
  4. Cover with cabbage leaves - they will protect against mold.
  5. Place a wooden circle or plate on the mushrooms. On top is the load.
  6. Place the barrel in a room where the temperature does not exceed 10°C and does not fall below 0°C. The pickles will be ready in two months.

Mushrooms cooked using cold technology may be over-salted. Before serving, it is recommended to rinse them thoroughly with cold filtered water - the taste will become balanced.

In banks

Description. Salted volushki in jars are prepared with the addition of heated vegetable oil. It blocks the access of air to the container: this way the taste of the mushrooms is preserved and you don’t have to worry about souring. Volnushki prepared according to this recipe do not darken.


  • wavelets - 2.5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 45 g;
  • vegetable oil - one glass;
  • laurel - six leaves;
  • horseradish leaves - four pieces.


  1. Soak the mushrooms in the traditional way.
  2. Sterilize the jars using any method (steam, boiling water or oven).
  3. Place the waves in glass containers. Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, add horseradish and bay leaves
  4. Heat the oil. Fill it with Volzhanka.
  5. Seal the jars with plastic lids. Put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Try what happened in two months.

Due to improper soaking and violation of salting technology, the frills can become moldy. You will have to throw away the mushrooms, because eating them can lead to serious poisoning.

Hot method...

Description. The hot salting method reduces the risk of mushroom poisoning. To salt the volushki using the hot method, you must first soak them, and then boil and preserve them. The hot technology has a number of advantages: the mushrooms will be ready much faster than “cold” ones - after two weeks you can try them. The blanks will last all winter and will not deteriorate. They are easy to store: seaming can withstand temperatures up to 16°C. The mushrooms are less crispy than with the cold method. But if you know the intricacies of preparation, then the elasticity and crunch can be preserved even after heat treatment.


  • small size waves - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • cloves - five buds;
  • currant leaves - four pieces;
  • laurel - six pieces;
  • allspice (peas) - five pieces.


  1. Soak the mushrooms.
  2. Place the prepared volushki in a saucepan, add a liter of water, and place on the stove. After boiling, simmer for another 15 minutes.
  3. Place the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Do not pour out the broth in which the trumpets were cooked.
  4. Place the boiled Volzhanka in an enamel pan. Place washed currant leaves and bay leaves on the mushrooms.
  5. Add all the spices, top with thin slices of garlic.
  6. Boil the broth in which the mushrooms were previously boiled. Pour it into the pan with the trumpets.
  7. Cover the raw material with a plate and put pressure on it. Wait for the mushrooms to cool, put the pan in the refrigerator for a day.
  8. A day later, place the Volzhanka into pre-sterilized jars.
  9. Fill the workpiece with brine from the pan. Screw the jars tightly.

If you want to pack mushrooms for the winter, make sure that the sterilized glass container is hot but dry when you add the raw materials. Compliance with this condition is a guarantee that the seals will last a long time. Mushrooms covered with metal lids are suitable for consumption for ten months.

... and combined

Description. Hot and cold pickling methods can be combined to create delicious, crispy mushrooms. To properly pickle the volushki, they must first be soaked. From the hot method, the combined method took over the heat treatment of raw materials, allowing for a reduction in cooking time. Heat treatment makes mushrooms safe and helps increase the shelf life of the product. As in the cold method, salting should take place in its own juice - the fritters turn out crispy. There is, of course, one drawback: with the combined method you will have to do the salting in a large saucepan. It will take up an entire shelf in the refrigerator, but the mushroom delicacy is worth the inconvenience.


  • waves (hats) - 5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 150 g;
  • currant leaf - five pieces;
  • laurel - five leaves;
  • horseradish leaves - two pieces;
  • fresh dill - half a bunch;
  • garlic - one head;
  • filtered water - 2 l.


  1. Soak the waves in a known manner.
  2. Place a pot of water on the stove. Add half the amount of salt indicated in the recipe. Wait for it to boil.
  3. Throw the trumpets into boiling water. Boil the mushrooms for ten minutes. Don't forget to stir and skim off foam.
  4. Remove the Volzhanka using a slotted spoon. Rinse them with cold running water.
  5. Place a small layer of fritters in an enamel pan. Sprinkle with salt, place garlic cloves, currant leaves, horseradish and bay leaves on the mushrooms. Repeat the layout.
  6. Sprinkle the last layer of volushki with salt and place dill branches on it.
  7. Cover the mushrooms with clean gauze. Install the press.
  8. Store the pan in the refrigerator, regularly check the gauze for mold, and change if necessary. After three weeks, the mushrooms will be salted in their own juice and will be ready for use.

When serving, salted volushki are seasoned with vegetable oil. Shredded mushrooms are added onion. Some housewives use sour cream as a dressing: unusual, but the taste is harmonious.

If you want to receive delicious snack, the recipe for salted trumpets must be proven. Don't be afraid to experiment with seasonings. When preparing volushki in any way, housewives add coriander, cardamom, mustard seeds, and dried oregano. Thanks to the seasonings, the pickles will acquire new flavor notes.

Reviews: “Soak in water for three days”

How they salt the mushrooms in our north: the mushrooms are soaked in water for three days (the water is changed three to four times a day). Cold salted. Dry currant leaves, dry dill and dried garlic are added. Ready in 40 days. Pickling these mushrooms is also practiced. But it is used only by the local indigenous population (Komi, Nenets). European man, they just might just die from such mushrooms. I never noticed any bitterness. It is the main pickling mushroom in our region.

Igor Dementyev, B8-%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%82%D1%8B/

I never boil mushrooms for pickling, they turn dark. I usually soak it for 3 days, changing the water and washing it 2 times a day. I sprinkle it with salt for the 4th day (without water) and put it in sterilized jars, topping it with herbs and black pepper (peas). All our relatives (excellent cooks) have never eaten anything tastier! The main thing is not to overdo it with salt, but too little leads to mold in the jars.


Enjoy delicious and healthy mushrooms at any time of the year is not so easy. You need to know how to cook them for a long time. Volnushki are one of the most popular mushrooms in our country.

There are many methods for preparing them. It is important to do everything right, because conditionally edible mushrooms can present certain surprises if not prepared correctly. Volnushki have a wonderful taste, which means that it’s worth learning a couple of secrets of salting them and then any meal with them will be a joy.

How to properly salt volushki at home

Before preparing salted mushrooms, you need to decide for yourself which method will be used in the process. The correct recipe and all steps ensure a win-win result. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is the right hike that determines your well-being in the future. You must not miss the beauty of the dish, which can easily be taken care of by additional ingredients.

Before salting the trumpets, you need to know the following:

  • Correct and careful processing. It is important to remove everything unnecessary and unnecessary, rinse well and remove the roots. Most housewives prefer to clean the product using toothbrush. In this case, by carefully processing each piece you can get a truly decent result. We must not forget that these mushrooms are very fragile and can easily break during the cleaning process.
  • Volnushki must be carefully sorted. This refers to the color of the mushrooms: pink and white. Don’t forget about size: separate large and small ones.
  • Incorrectly processed volushki are very bitter. Before salting, it is recommended to soak them in salt water for at least two days. Frequent changes of water will prevent souring and further development of bitterness.
  • Water added during soaking should be present in excess. It is worth covering the mushrooms at least 5 centimeters above the caps. Such forethought prevents the appearance of mold and other unpleasant aspects.
  • If you want to prepare volushki in a cold way, it is recommended to soak them using citric acid and salt, 2 and 50 grams per liter, respectively.

Cold salting of volushki

Simple and yet interesting way cook mushrooms and give them a special taste and aroma using the spices used.


  • Volnushki – 8 kilograms.
  • Citric acid – pack.
  • Rock salt - glass.
  • Cumin – 2 tablespoons.
  • Dill seeds – 50 grams.
  • Cabbage leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

1. Pre-clean the volnushki. Soak in water with added salt and citric acid. Every 4-5 hours it is necessary to change the salted liquid.

2.Mix cumin seeds, dill and salt.

3.Pour out all the liquid. Wait until it drains completely. Lay out the volnushki with the cap facing down. Sprinkle layers 7-8 centimeters wide with a mixture of spices and herbs.

4. Once all the layers are laid and sprinkled, place several rows of cabbage leaves on top.

5. Place an extensive oppression on top of the sheets. It’s good if it covers the entire surface of the container.

6.It is important to choose right place for storage. Temperature should be between 0 and 10 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the product will crumble, and if the temperature is higher, it will sour. In this way, the waves will take at least a month to prepare. For getting best result It's worth waiting a couple of months.

Ready-made salted volushki must be thoroughly soaked so that their taste does not seem overly salty. You can sprinkle them on top with various herbs and onions. This recipe has been known since ancient times, but now there are few places where you can find oak barrels and a decent cellar for storage. But the main taste characteristics of the dish depend on this.

Hot method

A faster, but no less tasty, method of pickling. It does not require special storage space, is convenient and practical.


  • Volnushki - one and a half kilograms.
  • Laurel.
  • Currant leaves - 5-7 pieces.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons.
  • Allspice and peas - 5 peas each.
  • Carnation inflorescences – 4 pieces.
  • Filtered water – liter.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the trumpets well: rinse, peel, soak. During 2 days of soaking, the water is changed at least 9 times.

2.Drain the liquid. Let the mushrooms drain. Place in a saucepan and add filtered water. Cook, stirring occasionally for at least 15 minutes. Using a colander, let the water drain.

3.Place the prepared product on the bottom of the cooking container.

4. Cover the top with laurel and currant leaves.

5.Also add all the spices mixed with salt.

6. Peel the garlic cloves well and cut into thin slices. Spread evenly on top.

7. The remaining liquid in which the volushki were previously cooked must be boiled. Pour into a container with prepared products.

8. Place extensive oppression on top. When room temperature is reached, you can move the workpiece to a cool place or refrigerator for about 24 hours.

9. Sterilize glass half-liter jars along with lids.

10. Place the salted trumpets into dry but hot sterilized jars. Screw the lid on tightly.

Amazing in taste and simple in recipe, volushki can delight all lovers of forest products. And the crunch preserved in the mushrooms, despite the processing, adds piquancy to the dish.

Combined salting method

Those who like to find a compromise will like the proposed option. Thanks to it, an excellent result is obtained and many people prefer this method of preparation.


  • Volnushki - 5-6 kilograms.
  • Garlic - a couple of heads.
  • Laurel.
  • Rock salt – 160 grams.
  • Horseradish casting.
  • Currant leaves - 6-8 pieces.
  • Dill - a bunch.
  • Filtered water - two liters.

Cooking process:

1.Pour filtered water into a large saucepan and add 60 grams of salt. Boil.

2. Treat the volnushki well in advance and soak them. Gradually add small portions to boiling water. After all the mushrooms have been placed in boiling water, it is worth boiling them for at least another 10 minutes. It is necessary to stir frequently and constantly remove the foam that forms. Otherwise the product may burn. Place the cooked mushrooms in a colander and rinse well.

3.Peel and cut the garlic cloves.

4.Place the first layer of volushki into a deep container. Sprinkle with salt, garlic and cover with horseradish leaves.

5.Place the next layer of mushrooms on top. Add salt and currant leaves with bay and garlic.

6. Distribute the remaining mushrooms well. Sprinkle salt, dill and remaining garlic on top.

7.Spread several layers of sterile gauze over the dill. Lay out the volumetric oppression. Move the container to the refrigerator, if you have one in the cellar. After three weeks, excellent mushrooms are ready.

An unusual method allows you to protect yourself and your loved ones from unpleasant surprises. At the same time, the crunch of the fritters is completely preserved, which makes their consumption even more enjoyable. When soaked in the juice of various leaves, they acquire a truly good and special taste.

Cold method in jars

You can always experiment. In this case, using jars you can create a long-forgotten recipe at home and enjoy the wonderful taste when necessary.


  • Volnushki – 2.5 kilograms.
  • Rock salt – 45 grams.
  • Laurel.
  • Horseradish leaves.
  • Vegetable oil - glass.

Cooking process:

1. Clean each fungus from everything unnecessary. Soak in water with citric acid and salt for 2 days. It should be changed at least 4 times a day.

2. Thoroughly sterilize jars with lids.

3. Carefully place the mushrooms into jars in layers, sprinkling them with salt and laurel leaves with horseradish.

4. Heat the vegetable oil thoroughly. Pour heated oil into each jar.

5. Close the jars and move them to the refrigerator or basement. Thanks to vegetable oil, it turns out to prevent the access of air. This helps preserve taste and color characteristics. In just two months, an excellent dish will be ready to serve.

A very simple and yet interesting way to prepare these mushrooms. The result is excellent. The main thing is that the jars in the refrigerator do not take up much space.

Salty waves are an excellent choice for lovers of forest values. They go well with many dishes, are an unsurpassed snack and can be used as a filling for pies. The main thing is to decide on the cooking method, and time will tell the rest.

Mushrooms from the russula family, popularly called volnushki, although they belong to the order of conditionally edible, are very often prepared for the winter. Salting of volushki can be done either cold or hot. These mushrooms do not necessarily need to be subjected to long-term heat treatment. Whatever the recipe is chosen, the preparation turns out incredibly tasty.

Hot salting of volushkas for the winter

Just the thought of what is needed causes many to panic. For some reason this process seems incredibly difficult. But this is absolutely not true; even a beginner in the culinary business can cope with this idea. Absolutely everyone can use this recipe, which will help you prepare an incredible, crispy snack.


  • 0.75 kg of mushrooms;
  • 12 gr. black currant leaves;
  • 6 gr. carnations;
  • 25 gr. garlic;
  • 4 gr. bay leaf;
  • 15 gr. salt;
  • 12 gr. pepper


  1. Rinse the horns and clean them well.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and boil.
  3. Place pepper, currant leaves and spices, and the mushrooms themselves.
  4. Cook the products in this composition for only 15 minutes.
  5. Drain everything in a colander and pour the liquid into a saucepan.
  6. Place the mushrooms in a suitable container, add finely chopped garlic, and sprinkle with salt.
  7. After this, pour brine into the container.
  8. Place a press on top.
  9. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

All mushrooms are subsequently stored in a jar. They need to be packed tightly, and then rolled up in the container.

How to pickle milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms (video)

How to pickle volushki for the winter in a cold way

This process is not at all difficult, but it requires some patience. It's so hard to wait. When will you be able to try these crispy mushrooms? Although the wait seems unbearable, it is possible to overcome it. After all, the result will be an amazing snack.


  • 6.5 kg of tremors;
  • 0.25 kg salt;
  • 14 gr. citric acid;
  • 18 gr. caraway;
  • 12 gr. dill;
  • 75 gr. cabbage


  1. Peel the volnushki and place in a bowl, fill with salted water with the addition of citric acid.
  2. Soak them in this liquid for 3 days. The water must be changed at least three times a day.
  3. Mix salt with cumin and dill.
  4. Drain the mushrooms and place them in a barrel, alternating with a mixture of salt and seasonings.
  5. Cover the top with cabbage leaves.
  6. Place a board on the sheets and place a weight.
  7. Place the barrel in a cool place.
  8. Wait 45 days.

Important! Mushrooms should be salted at a temperature of at least 1 degree and no more than 10. If too high temperature they will turn sour, and low temperatures will lead to crumbling of the waves.

Greenberries for the winter: recipe in jars

Greenfinches are the last gifts of autumn. This is the last opportunity for the season to prepare fragrant mushrooms. It is not at all necessary to use bulky barrels or pans for this.


  • 1.4 kg of greenfinches;
  • 16 gr. salt;
  • 12 gr. dill;
  • 13 gr. peppercorns;
  • 11 gr. allspice;
  • 6 gr. carnations;
  • 5 gr. cinnamon;
  • 25 ml vinegar.


  1. Soak mushrooms in water. Rinse well.
  2. After this, place in a saucepan, add water and cook for 35 minutes.
  3. Prepare the marinade in a second pan. To do this, add salt to the water, add spices and boil.
  4. Place green berries in jars and add vinegar.
  5. Fill the container with hot marinade.

Cover with nylon lids and place in the refrigerator after cooling.

Cooking Volzhanka at home for the winter

Despite the fact that it has a bitter taste, it is also prepared for the winter. To do this, it is not at all necessary to prepare complex marinades. Simply soak them in water and you can start salting.


  • 9 kg Volzhanka;
  • 0.4 kg salt;
  • 45 gr. dill;
  • 5 gr. bay leaf;
  • 12 gr. peppercorns;
  • 55 gr. garlic


  1. Wash the Volzhanki and place in a deep container, cover with cold water and soak for 4 days. Be sure to change the water every 5 hours.
  2. Then put them in a saucepan, boil, adding bay leaf and pepper.
  3. Place the boiled Volzhanka in a colander.
  4. Then put them in a container for pickling, periodically sprinkling them with salt, dill and garlic.
  5. Cover the container with gauze and place pressure on top.

Keep in a cool place for at least 25 days.

Salting volushki with juniper

It seemed like such a small thing as a few drops of juniper, but the result was a completely new, surprisingly aromatic snack. Preparing it turns out to be as easy as shelling pears. The taste will pleasantly surprise you and exceed even your wildest expectations.


  • 1.2 kg of volushki;
  • 35 gr. salt;
  • 6 gr. peppercorns;
  • 6 gr. allspice;
  • 3 gr. bay leaf;
  • 3 gr. carnations;
  • 35 gr. juniper berries.


  1. Peel the mushrooms, rinse, drain in a colander and dry.
  2. Place in a saucepan and add water.
  3. Add salt and add spices.
  4. Add salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. After this, strain the brine and place them in a container suitable for pickling.
  6. Sprinkle them with herbs, salt, juniper and chopped garlic.
  7. Cover the mushrooms with a double layer of gauze.
  8. Put them under oppression.
  9. Wash the gauze every three days to prevent mold from forming.

Insist for at least 35 days.

How to properly prepare trumpet mushrooms for salting

These mushrooms require preliminary preparation. This is due to both the unfavorable environment and characteristic features the waves themselves. Before starting salting, they must go through several preparatory stages:

  • they need to be sorted;
  • clean thoroughly;
  • rinse well;
  • soak.

First of all, you need to put pink and white waves into separate containers. Immediately remove all debris, remove areas affected by worms, and shorten the legs a little. At the next stage, the mushrooms need to be soaked. This process takes up to 5 days. During this time, it will be possible to get rid of the bitterness that is characteristic of them.

It is worth considering that during these five days the water in the container with the waves needs to be changed regularly. At least 5 times a day. Otherwise, fermentation will begin and all the mushrooms will be spoiled. It is advisable to add a little salt to the water, this will speed up the process of not only soaking, but also subsequent salting. Stop soaking when the mushrooms become soft.

Hot waves (video)

All volnushki, regardless of their variety, can be salted in different ways. Each recipe can rightfully be called special, successful and original. The mushrooms turn out pleasantly crispy, moderately salty, spicy, even a little piquant. They are stored both in classic barrels and in saucepans and glass jars. Regardless of the chosen storage option for these pickles, they will be able to reach the most New Year's holidays. The main thing is to follow all the rules both when preparing products and during salting. Exact adherence to the recipe is the key to ensuring that the snack will be tasty and safe.

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