What modules to install on T37. Wild cats, separate tank brigade. Read more about the main characteristics


    This topic will be devoted to the very interesting American experimental light tank T92.

    Historical reference -
    T92 - experienced light tank USA 1950s. It was developed in 1954-1955 and was intended to replace the serial M41 light tank with a lighter and more compact vehicle. Two T92 prototypes were assembled between 1955 and 1957 and were tested at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. It was planned to develop the T92 program further, however, in light of intelligence data about mass production In the USSR amphibious tank PT-76, the army terminated the T92 program in favor of creating its own amphibious tank, which became the M551.
    - Historical performance characteristics -
    - Weapon -
    Gun brand: T185E1
    Caliber: 76mm.
    Type: rifled.
    UVN: −10/+20
    Types of shells: BB/BP/HE.
    Ammunition: 60 shells.
    Machine guns: 7.62mm and 12.7mm.
    - Crew -
    4 people.
    - Mobility -
    Engine power: 340l/s.
    Maximum speed: 56km/h.
    Specific power: 18.3hp/t.
    Suspension type: torsion bar
    Ground clearance: 425mm.
    Vehicle weight: 16.7t.
    - Booking -
    Type: Rolled and cast.
    Hull armor: 13/13/13
    Tower armor: 32/29/19
    Bottom, roof: 10/13.

    Alternatively, the tank can become an alternative to the Ru-251 and Amx 13 90.
    Location - 7-8 level.

    Comparison of T92 and M41


    At one of the holidays (I don’t remember exactly which one) the VG was given a new American premLT-3. For a long time he lay idle in the hangar (you never know what kind of garbage VG will give you). And then there was a reason to taste it and it’s a wonderful wonder. And I can say for sure: this time VG has turned out to be a quite decent device.
    If we briefly go over the main characteristics, we get something like this:
    1. Quite decent dynamics and speed. 55 km/h forward and 20 reverse at 26 l/s per ton. Not PC 1 Sport, of course, but enough.
    2. Weapon. A funny double-barreled shotgun that fires doublet. 68 mm of AP penetration (very good), 40 one-time damage per barrel (80 per double) is also not bad at all. The mediocre accuracy of 0.42 is more than made up for by an excellent aiming time of one and a half seconds and a declination angle of as much as 12 (!!!) degrees. Reload time for both barrels is 4.5 seconds. It’s possible to live, although a DPM of less than 1000 is a little frustrating.
    3. Armor. She does exist. Not the FCM 38, of course, but it tanks machine guns with its forehead, and with its mask it can repel not-so-evil PTs.
    4. The disguise sucks. With a crew from T49 with fully deflated camouflage, with an AP, a fan and camouflage, we can barely get 26. Somehow NOTHING.
    5. Well, that’s it weakness tank - review. 280 meters of basic visibility is just sadness.... In my assembly with a pipe it turns out to be only 376 meters. Yes, yes, with a pipe of 376 meters!!! Let me remind you that the same PC 1 Sport has 340 meters of BASIC visibility! Well, where is VG’s logic?
    6. Crew of 4 tankers. The only thing missing is a loader. Our double-barreled gun is loaded by the commander. Apparently this is why the DPM is like this.
    Overall: despite its shortcomings, the tank is not bad at all and even very good. Good dynamics coupled with an excellent weapon and some kind of armor make the tank a good damage dealer at its level. True, he is a firefly, just like Kazimir Malevich is me.
    The tank is quite suitable for pumping American crews It’s also suitable for gentle bending in the sand.
    Well, Masteros, taken already in the third battle for 887 experience is attached:

T 37 guide reviews from World off tanks fans what perks and equipment to install and how to play review light tank American branch as well as a video review.

T 37 guide review American tank and in this article we will analyze in detail what perks and equipment to put on T 37 how to play it, and also watch the video at the end of the post in which we will learn in more detail the answers to the questions.
So I pumped out this tank by accident, how can I say this, it just happened because while playing I walked to the M24 Chaffe light tank, which I really liked because it was quite fast and its gun was normal. I just decided to walk to the M24 Chaffe and nowhere else.

In short, I upgraded chappy when I got there and he seemed to me not so much after I played a couple of hundred battles on him, so I naturally decided to move on and see what was behind him, so to speak. I got to the light tank T 37 which seemed to me much better than chappy and I had a great time driving it and playing on it gave me a lot of pleasure because its gun penetrates enemies above the level with a bang although it doesn’t take that much but the reload time is fast it doesn’t glow very strong, but due to the fact that the body is high, they still fire it quickly, so I don’t recommend standing still even with horns. The game for this tank should be mobile because of this, but the spread is small and I often hit opponents with it at 300 or more meters without any problems. He even pierced O-I and other Japanese heavy metals.

How to play this tank?

The game should be very active, you can’t stop for more than a few seconds because the tank’s HP is low and the armor, you know, is also cardboard. We play actively, shine down the hills without going on them, sometimes we stop under a house somewhere on the center line in order to activate the horns and shine on our allies. You can also stand somewhere high slide From far and near you can easily hit enemy tanks, but they don’t stand for a long time, I don’t recommend it because you won’t help this team much, because the main purpose of light tanks is to highlight enemies and thereby help allies because the tank doesn’t do much damage, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous.

What perks should the crew get on T 37, you ask?

Personally, I prefer watching video reviews rather than reading.

Performance characteristics light amphibious tank T-37A

Combat weight, t: 3,2;
Crew, persons: 2;
dimensions, mm: length - 3730, width - 1940, height - 1840;
Armor, mm: forehead, side - 8; feed - 6; roof and bottom - 4;
Weapons: 7.62 mm DT machine gun;
Ammunition: 2142 rounds;
Engine: GAZ-AA, 4-cylinder, carburetor, in-line, liquid cooling, power 40 hp. With. at 2200 rpm;
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm2: 0,55;
Speed, km/h: on the highway - 40, on the water - up to 6;
Cruising range on the highway, km: 230;
Obstacles to be overcome: rise, deg. - 35; roll angle, degrees - 35; ditch width, m - 1.4; wall height, m ​​- 0.5

The T-37 is a light amphibious tank with a circular rotating turret. This model cannot be called the very first model of a small amphibious tank, since several prototypes were made before it, for example the T-33, on which the design of the turret and the use of GAZ-AA automobile power units were tested (1932).
The first version of the T-37 also remained an experimental model. IN mass production launched its modification - the T-37 A. This tank had a larger hull displacement, in addition, it was equipped with additional floats, which were fenders filled with cork. Reverse motion on the water was carried out thanks to a propeller with rotating blades. The design features gave the tank good floating stability and maneuverability.

The T-37A tank comes out of the water. Maneuvers of troops of the Moscow Military District, 1936.

Production of the T-37 in 1933-1936. was carried out at two factories - Gorky GAZ and Moscow No. 37. A total of 2627 T-37 tanks were produced. The T-37A did not have a radio station. Another version of the T-37, the T-37TU, was equipped with a 71-TK-1 radio station and a handrail antenna, which was located along the perimeter of the hull.
The design of the T-37 tanks allowed them to be transported by bombers and dropped onto reservoirs from a height of 6 m. T-37 amphibious tanks took part in the armed conflict with Japan on the Khalkhin Gol River and in Soviet-Finnish war. These tanks were used mainly in the second echelon as auxiliary tanks (for communications, transportation of ammunition, etc.). At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War almost all of them were lost.

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