The highest slide in Europe. Where are the coolest roller coasters. Expedition Geforce, Hasloch, Germany

People often like to scare themselves. There are more and more adrenaline maniacs. This is the only reason why amusement parks exist. In them, people are seduced by a sense of anticipation before the trip, and then the adrenaline rush during entertainment. Most rides have some degree of risk, but some take the concept of risk to a whole new level.

1. Shivering Timbers

This ride is one of the biggest attractions at Michigan's Adventure. It is one of the five longest wooden slides in the world (1640 meters), and the speed on it reaches 105 km/h.

The slide consists of three "hills" about 30 meters high each and is clearly not for the faint of heart.

2. The Smiler

When you first look at this slide, it seems that it was created by a maniac.

The Smiler boasts the world record for the number of times a trolley "falls" down during a ride. The speed on this attraction is "only" 83 km / h.

3. El Toro

El Toro is Spanish for "bull". This is a 53-meter high slide, on which speeds up to 112 km / h develop. El Toro is one of the fastest and highest wooden slides in the world. Good luck in conquering this "bull".

4 Superman Escape

Who doesn't want to be superman and fly around the world. You can get that feeling at Warner Bros. Movie World in Queensland, Australia.

Considering that the carts on the Superman's Escape ride can reach 100 km/h in 2 seconds, this is already an outstanding achievement in itself, but there are also some crazy twists, flips and special effects during the ride.

5. Intimidator

Perhaps there is nothing more intimidating than standing in line for a roller coaster and looking up at the attraction reaching far into the sky. The height from which the trolley with visitors falls on the Intimidator is 70 meters (at an angle of 72 degrees), and the speed at the same time develops 128 km / h.

6 Stratosphere Tower

Surely everyone once wondered what it was like to hang at the level of the roof of a skyscraper when there was nothing under your feet. The crazy "stratospheric tower" in Las Vegas will help answer this question - the attraction is located at a height of 275 meters, while its visitors are "spun" at great speed. Anyone with a fear of heights should stay away from this ride.

7 Stealth

The Stealth slide is super-short, but the ride feels the same. First, people are lifted quite quickly to a height of 62 meters, and then the cart falls almost vertically at a speed of 128 km / h. In this case, overloads reach 4.5 g.

This is the first slide, the speed on which reached 160 km / h. First, the trailer with passengers is literally “shot” upwards, to a height of 115 meters, and then the trailer rushes to the ground in a completely free fall, finally sliding down an inclined overpass. To say it's scary is an understatement.

9. Hades 360

It would seem that the most ordinary old wooden slides, but appearances are deceiving. Not only does the speed of the trolley reach 112 km/h, it is the first wooden slide with a 360-degree roll and the longest underground tunnel in the world.

10. Wicked Twister

On the Wicked Twister attraction, visitors are accelerated to 115 km / h to a height of 65 meters. Then the booths with them spin up and accelerate in the opposite direction. And so again and again.

The Fury 325 has broken many records. The speed on the slide reaches 152 km / h, and the maximum height is 99 meters. In fact, at the time of construction, it was the highest and fastest slide in the world.

12. Formula Rossa

Perhaps you should not sit on this hill in a hat, as it will be blown away by the wind. Formula Rossa is the world's fastest roller coaster, reaching speeds of up to 239 km/h. And there is nothing surprising in its name, because the slide is located at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi.

The Top Thrill Dragster also broke many world records in its creation. Of course, today he was surpassed by Kingda Ka and Formula Rossa. But it is still unique in that it is one of only two complete slides with a 121-meter "drop" on the track.

14. Kingda Ka

So the turn has come to the highest and second fastest slide in the world. The height of Kingda Ka is 138 meters, and the speed of the trolley on it reaches 205 km/h.

Let's end the review on a not so terrible note. Wild One is older than most people on Earth. This ride was built in 1917 but has been in operation for over 100 years.

There are already so many roller coasters built in the world that each new attraction is simply bound to make itself known in a special way and raise the bar higher and higher, surprising visitors with even more skillful techniques and helping them achieve even greater emotional acuity. In other words, the rollercoasters on this list are today's record holders, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they can be squeezed out by new rides that you don’t even think about today.

1. World's tallest roller coaster (along with the longest drop phase)

The Six Flags Great Adventure amusement park in Jackson, New Jersey (Jackson, New Jersey) has every right to be proud of its roller coaster. The attraction Kingda Ka has been the highest in the world (140 meters) for almost 12 years. The length of the trip route is 950 meters, and the free fall is carried out for as much as 127 meters. And if all these numbers are not enough for you, then know that Kingda Ka at the same time is in second place among the slides in downhill, not much inferior to the leader, whose speed is 205 kilometers per hour.

2. The world's tallest wooden roller coaster

It's not easy to make wooden slides as tall as steel rides, but that doesn't mean there aren't some spectacular ones left among the former. For example, the still modern record holder is the Colossos wooden slide from Heide Park, Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany (Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany). The total length of this one is 1,343 meters, but that's not the record. The height of Colossos is 60 meters, and this is a worthy achievement for a wooden frame. In addition, this is one of the four attractions in the world, made using laser processing to achieve maximum precision in the execution of the components of the structure. That is why these slides are so durable and are among the world record holders.

3. The world's longest steel roller coaster

When the legendary Steel Dragon 2000 ride was launched at Japan's Nagashima Spa Land, it almost immediately became a world record holder. This rollercoaster has the longest rails in the world and the whole structure is unusually tall (97 meters). The Steel Dragon 2000 held its own at the top until it was pushed off its pedestal by Kingda Ka of New Jersey. But the Japanese still have one record, and quite deservedly - the track of the "Steel Dragon" has as much as 2478 meters in length. Another impressive figure is $52 million. This is exactly the amount that the creators of this slide laid out, taking all security measures extremely seriously, taking into account the frequent earthquakes for this country. In addition, Steel Dragon 2000 is the sixth fastest ride in the world.

4. The longest wooden roller coaster in the world

The Beast roller coaster from Kings Island is 2,243 meters long, making it the longest wooden coaster in the world. This attraction has held its honorary title since 1979, when it was first put into operation, and since then it has been delighting visitors for 4 unforgettable minutes of driving. These are pretty decent numbers for almost any attraction, but the Beast is far from the most modern of the existing entertainment structures. A few more figures: height - 34 meters, maximum fall phase - 43 meters, maximum speed - 104.25 kilometers per hour.

5. The fastest attraction in the world

There is nothing surprising in the fact that for many of us speed is associated with Ferrari. For the same reason, the owners of the Dubai amusement park used the famous brand of the Italian sports car manufacturer to attract as many visitors as possible. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is an amusement park that lives up to its name. Take, for example, the Formula Rossa roller coaster, on which the trolley develops simply amazing speed - 241 kilometers per hour! This speed is achieved thanks to the hydraulic launch system, which from a standstill accelerates the train to 60 kilometers per hour in just 2 seconds. The ride's passengers can feel the maximum speed after 5 seconds of the ride, which means that during the session you are waiting for overloads from 1.7 g to 4.8 g. For reference, 1 g can be equated in sensations to a state of rest in the usual gravitational conditions (standing on the ground), and from 4 g and above - this is already closer to the sensations of a sports pilot while performing aerobatics.

6. Record number of coups

The British city of Staffordshire is famous not only for its archaeological discovery in 2009, when a simple treasure hunter discovered treasures worth more than $ 3.5 million in the ground, but also for the Alton Towers amusement park. It is here that the Smiler slide is located, which has earned the title of world record holder for the most intense trip program. Visitors who dare to sit in the trailer of this attraction will experience as many as 14 various combinations of flips, corkscrews and dead loops.

Alas, there is a sad case in the history of these roller coasters - in June 2015, a dangerous collision occurred on the route, and then 5 people were injured of varying severity. The slide was closed for the rest of the season, but in 2016 it was reopened with all the necessary improvements and new security measures. Since then, the incident has not happened again.

7. Oldest functioning roller coasters

In Pennsylvania, Leap-The-Dips customers can still ride the world's oldest working slide! Since 1902, this track has been pleasing lovers of wind in their hair and carefree rest. In 1985, the well-worn slide was almost closed, but at the last minute it was decided to restore and update the attraction. After 14 years in 1999, the trailer "moved off" again. Today, after 115 years of existence, this roller coaster, which has ridden generations of adrenaline junkies, is one of the world's last two boarded wooden tracks and the last of its kind in all of North America.

8. The oldest steel slide in the world

We return to Europe. Our next record holder is located in the Spanish amusement park Monte Igueldo and is called Montana Suiza. These first operated for adventurous visitors in 1928 and have never retired since. The attraction is 400 meters long, 9.8 meters high, the ride lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds, and the maximum speed is 50 kilometers per hour.

9. Roller coaster with the steepest fall

The Japanese know a lot about entertainment, and another proof of this is the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park and the Takabisha slide, the creators of which set a world record for designing the most vertical fall of the trolley. The most terrible descent here takes place along a plane with an inclination angle of 121 degrees! The fall lasts 43 meters of horror, during which the passengers of the train are twisted around the axis of the track 7 times. At this time, the speed of 100 kilometers per hour develops, and the participants experience an overload of 4 g.

10. The highest ride in the world

As the name implies, this is not the easiest roller coaster. The essence of the attraction lies in the fact that the trolley climbs to the very top of a high tower, and then the passengers of the trolley fly off it at the speed of free fall. The tallest tower is located in the USA, New Jersey, in the Six Flags Great Adventure amusement park. It's called the suicide slide Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom. Dry figures - the passengers of the trolley rise to a height of 126 meters and fly down the slope with a maximum speed of 145 kilometers per hour.

Surprise, so to the fullest - a bonus item especially for the most curious!
11. A slide designed to kill its passengers

The symbolic name Euthanasia (euthanasia, termination of life of a seriously and terminally ill patient) is the name of a project that does not exist in reality. This attraction was designed by PhD Julijonas Urbonas back in 2010. The engineer believes that a trip on such a slide is ideal for those who want to experience death euphoria and are already ready to depart for another world, or for those who will then have to either real euthanasia or an execution established by a legal court. Urbonas' design includes 7 spirals, which are designed to accelerate the trailer to a near-lethal g-force of 10 g. Such an overload will kill the occupants of the trolley, simply because oxygen will stop flowing to the brain. Funny?

For fans of extreme sports, theme parks have come up with such fun as roller coasters. They are able to give visitors a lot of stormy and breathtaking emotions. The first most extreme slides appeared in the US state of Virginia in Six Flags Magic Mountain Park. They were a construction with the world's first dead loop. But in modern buildings, this is not the worst thing. New attractions amaze with height, speed, fall length and other incredible characteristics.

Readers are presented scariest rollercoaster in the world- top 10.

10. Formula Rossa | UAE

Formula Rossa(UAE) opens the top ten most extreme and awesome slides. They received the status of the most terrible thanks to the maximum developed speed, which is 240 km / h. These are the fastest slides in the world. For safety reasons, passengers are asked to wear goggles to avoid damaging their eyes. They are located in the Ferrari World amusement park in Abu Dhabi. The attraction, reminiscent of the Ferrari race track, was opened in 2010, but to this day it holds the title of the fastest in the world. Minecarts gain maximum speed in just 5 seconds.

9 Thunder Dolphin | Japan

Thunder Dolphin(Japan) or "Thunder Dolphin" is one of the scariest rollercoasters in the world. The uniqueness of this attraction lies in the fact that it has a concrete ring and goes around the building at a very close distance. The maximum developed speed here is 130 km / h. The construction of the structure took about 37 million US dollars. The operation of the Thunder Dolphin was temporarily suspended after a piece of metal broke off the structure and injured a passenger. After the incident, repairs were carried out and Thunder Dolphin resumed work again.

8. Dodonpa | Japan

Attraction (Japan) is a roller coaster that is among the ten scariest in the world. Dodonpa is located in Japan's Fuji-Q Highland amusement park in Yamanashi. In terms of speed, these slides are ranked fourth in the world. They are capable of accelerating to 172 km/h in just 1.8 seconds. Immediately after the start, Dodonpa takes off to a height of 52 meters and rushes down at great speed. For a minute, passengers are waiting for a nerve-wracking journey of more than 1 kilometer. The hill is located at the foot of Mount Fuji.

7. Intimidator 305 | USA

Intimidator 305 (USA), which literally means "Intimidator 303", is one of the scariest rollercoaster rides in the world. They are located in the American amusement park Kings Dominion in Virginia. In 2010, the Intimidator was awarded the Golden Ticket award as the best rollercoaster in the world. Trolleys are capable of accelerating to a speed of 145 km / h. The maximum height of the Intimidator 305 is 93 meters. The attraction was erected in honor of American NASCAR racer Dale Earnhardt. About 25 million US dollars were spent on the construction of the Intimidator 303.

6. Kingda Ka | USA

Kingda Ka(USA) - the highest roller coaster located in the state of New Jersey in Six Flags Park. The height of the structure is 139 meters, which is a world record. In terms of developed speed, the attraction ranks second after the Emirates Formula Rossa. On Kingda Ka, it is 206 km/h, which takes just 3.5 seconds. Having climbed to the very top of the trolley, under their own weight, they are rapidly falling down. Repeatedly Kingda Ka suffered various mechanical damage, they were closed several times for repair work, but all the problems were safely fixed.

5. Steel Dragon 2000 | Japan

Steel Dragon 2000 (Japan) - one of the most intimidating roller coasters in the world. They are located in the Japanese park Nagashima Spa Land in Mie Prefecture. "Steel Dragon 2000" is a structure with a height of 97 meters with the largest length, which is almost 2.5 kilometers. The creation of the "Dragon" took the state about 52 million US dollars. Such construction costs are explained by the high resistance of slides to seismic activity. The attraction, opened to visitors in 2003, also offers the longest ride of 4 minutes.

4. Tower of Terror II | Australia

Attraction name Tower of Terror II(Australia), which means "Tower of Terror", speaks for itself. This is one of the most extreme and scary roller coasters to date. In just seven seconds, the trailers reach a maximum speed of 161 km / h and climb to a height of 115 meters, after which they rapidly fall down. The length of the fall from the "Tower of Terror" is a hundred meters. Tower of Terror II was opened in 1997, and in 2010 it underwent a complete modernization and became even more intimidating.

3. Silver Star | Germany

(Germany) or "Silver Star" opens the top three most terrible rollercoasters in the world. They are located in the largest German amusement park Europa-Park, which is considered one of the most visited. The height of the Silver Star is 73 meters, which is comparable to a nine-story building. The total length of the track is 1620 meters, and the speed gained by the attraction is 127 km/h.

2. Shambala | Spain

(Spain) is one of the scariest rollercoasters in the world. Shambhala is located in the world-famous Catalan amusement park PortAventura. The attraction represents 5 climbs during the run, the smallest of which has a height equivalent to a 7-story building. On each of these runs, passengers will experience an effect known as air time, losing contact with the seat. It will be like the level drops on a dirt road, but much more intense. Shambhala holds three European records for height, fall length and speed. The maximum height is 76 meters, the fall length is 78 meters, and the speed is 134 km/h.

1. Superman: Escape from Krypton | USA

Superman: Escape from Krypton(USA), which means "Superman: Escape from Krypton" tops the list of the scariest rollercoasters. One of the highest rides in the world is capable of speeds up to 160 km/h. The highest point of Superman is 126.5 meters above the ground. The height of the fall from the hill is 100 meters. The extreme attraction is located in the California amusement park Six Flags Magic Mountain.

Most of us need thrills. They relieve the boredom of everyday life, provide an opportunity to look at the world in a new way, or at least cheer up. . Ride on the most desperate rollercoaster, you can experience an unusual mixture of emotions: fear, tension, delight and glee. The main thing is to choose the right track. The ten rides below fall into this category.

Using Google Street View we look at a three-dimensional picture.

Insanity, Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower, Las Vegas, USA

Attraction Insanity, which literally translates as "madness", is located not in some theme park, but on the top platform of the Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower building in Las Vegas. Open cabins are suspended at a height of about 270 m above the ground and rotate at a speed of 64 km/h. A great way to see the panorama of Las Vegas and get scared to the point of insanity.

Tower Of Terror II, Dreamworld Gold Coast, Australia

"Tower of Terror II", as the Tower Of Terror II attraction in the Dreamworld Gold Coast park is called in Russian, terrifies even the most daring. First, the train with trailers rises to the height of a 38-storey building, and then goes into free fall at a speed of 160 km/h for 6.5 seconds. The name of the attraction alludes to the fact that there was the first Tower Of Terror. It was first launched in 1997, and in 2010 it was upgraded and started working again as Tower Of Terror II.

Steel Dragon 2000, Nagashima Spa Land, Japan

Japan's Mie Prefecture is home to Nagashima Spa Land, which features the huge Steel Dragon 2000 rollercoaster, considered the longest in the world. The length of the track is 2,480 m. One trip along such slides lasts not a few seconds, as usual, but about 4 minutes. At the most extreme section, there is a sharp descent from almost a hundred meters.

Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure Park, New Jersey, USA

The highest roller coaster in the world is located, oddly enough, in America. Six Flags Great Adventure is home to the Kingda Ka ride, which reaches its highest point at 139 m. During the ride, passengers can experience what it's like to descend from that height at 206 km/h. And in just 3.5 seconds. As they say: life flashed before your eyes? Yes, it will flash on such a hill.

Eejanaika, Fuji-Q Highland Park, Japan

The Eejanaika roller coaster is not the tallest in Fuji-Q Highland. The highest point is at an altitude of 76 m. The maximum speed of the train with cabins is 126 km/h. However, it has one distinctive feature: Eejanaika is a four-dimensional ride. In 2006, only two such tracks were built, in the USA and Japan. The cabins are suspended in the air and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. The rotation of the booths is controlled by the operator. As a result, the passenger makes up to 14 complete revolutions per trip: three on the track itself, the rest from the rotation of the cabin. One can only assume that you will scream while spinning 360 degrees while driving at speeds above 120 km / h. By the way, although the name of the attraction is spelled together, this is not one word, but the phrase Eejanaika. It is used in Japanese folk songs, one of the translations is "What the hell?".

Superman: Escape from Krypton, Six Flags Magic Mountain, California, USA

The world's first 4D track was built at Six Flags Magic Mountain Park. Later, the same structure was erected in Japan - the very slides Eejanaika, which were mentioned above. However, this is not the most impressive ride at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Here is a free fall track called Superman: Escape from Krypton, or in translation "Superman: Escape from Krypton". First, the train with trailers rises to a tower 126.5 m high, and then there is a sharp descent, during which passengers experience weightlessness for 6.5 seconds.

Magic Mountain Pkwy, Valencia, CA, USA ‎

Superman - Ride of Steel, Six Flags Park, Massachusetts, USA

Another roller coaster named after Superman and designed for those who want to feel like him. In total, three varieties of the Superman Ride of Steel attraction are used in America. The name can be translated as "Steel race Superman". It is in Six Flags Park in Massachusetts that the most extreme version of this roller coaster is located. During the trip, you can experience zero gravity for 10 seconds, as well as test your strength on three steep descents.

Expedition GeForce, Holiday Park, Germany

The German amusement park Holiday Park has one of the largest roller coasters in Europe. The maximum speed of the train with trailers reaches 120 km/h. The track is almost 1.2 km long, so the ride is longer than other rides. A distinctive feature of the Expedition GeForce is seven periods of weightlessness in one run, as well as landscapes: a roller coaster passes over the lake, which adds to the extreme ride.

Formula Rossa, Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi

What can be the main thing in a park dedicated to Ferrari? Of course, speed. The Ferrari World amusement park in Abu Dhabi offers its visitors a ride on the fastest rollercoaster in the world. In five seconds, the train of red trailers in the form of a Ferrari car accelerates to 240 km/h, which makes the ride the fastest in the world. On extreme turns, even the most persistent takes their breath away. Colossus, Thorpe Park, UK.

Colossus, Thorpe Park, UK

Attraction Colossus ("Colossus") was built in the British park Thorpe Park in 2002. He became the first in the world where there were 10 coups on the track. The most desperate of them can be called a rather long tailspin: in this section, the track twists into a spiral. In 2006, a copy of this roller coaster was built in China. However, the real extreme of the spiral ride can, of course, be experienced on the original attraction in the UK.

The scariest rollercoaster - video


The real revolution in the world of roller coasters occurred on May 8, 1976, namely 37 years ago.
Imagine how long ago people learned about these entertainments that tickle the nerves.
The world's first dead loop ride was opened at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California.
Now you can no longer surprise with a dead loop, the creators of attractions come up with more and more terrible entertainments.
I suggest you take a virtual ride on some of them.
The faint of heart and those afraid of heights should not enter.

1. Silver Star, Europa Park, Rust (Baden), Germany

The Silver Star, the highest slide in Europe, has been tickling German nerves of steel since 2002. Using a system of chain lifts, they will first slowly lift you to a height of 73 meters, and then they will drop and circle at speeds up to 130 km / h.

2. Tower of Terror II, Dreamworld, Queensland, Australia

The first "Tower of Fear", opened in 1997, managed to scare more than 8 million Australians, and in 2010 it was launched again and became even scarier. Riders leave the tunnel and reach the top of the vertical tower in 7 seconds with a maximum speed of 161 km/h. At the top of a 35-meter tower, they freeze for a moment, after which they fall down in horror.

3. Steel Dragon 2000, Nagashima Spa Land, Kuwana, Mie Prefecture, Japan

The Steel Dragon is no longer the fastest or tallest slide, but it is still the longest. And also the most expensive ever made, thanks to the amount of steel used in the construction, it is necessary to make the slides resistant to earthquakes. But, even if we do not take earthquakes into account, this monster definitely deserves its place in our top ten.

4. Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey, USA

Kingda Ka is a long-lived rollercoaster in the world, but to this day remains the tallest roller coaster in the world with a dizzying record of 139 meters. However, during its history, the attraction had many problems. In 2005, the slide suffered a variety of mechanical damage that affected the starting engine and rope system. Fortunately, all the problems were completely fixed, but in 2009 Kingda Ka was struck by lightning, causing new damage. Now this is really scary...

5. Intimidator 305, Kings Dominion, Virginia, USA

A relative newcomer to the rollercoaster world, the 305 Intimidator (it's scary just the name...) won the 2010 Golden Ticket Award for Best New Rollercoaster.

6. Dodonpa, Fuji-Q Highland, Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.

How can slides surprise thrill-seekers if they are no longer the fastest, highest or longest? Doponda knows the answer - the biggest acceleration! Confusing riders with not the most frisky start, Doponda suddenly accelerates to 172 km / h in ... attention ... 1.8 seconds! And then tosses you up and down in an almost vertical loop.

7. Superman: Escape from Krypton, Six Flags Magic Mountain, California, USA

Until 2011, Superman: Escape from Krypton was known simply as Superman: Escape. But after a new coat of paint and the addition of rearward-moving carts, a new amusement superhero was born. With speeds up to 160 km/h and climbing to a height of 126.5 meters, the updated "Superman" knows exactly how to get you a shot of adrenaline.

8. Thunder Dolphin, Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo, Japan

The Thunder Dolphin is rather modest in terms of speed, height and acceleration compared to other participants in the list, but it has its own unique "trick" thanks to which it got into it. The path of the "Dolphin" passes through the concrete ring, and also goes around the real building at a distance tickling the nerves.

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