What subs are needed for VL in L2. Everything for Vla. Basic characteristics of the Mystic

Warlord(WoLord would be correct, but oh well, the people have long since assimilated as Warlord, and we will not trample against the people.)

Have you ever seen spears in stores? Warlord- the only character who can use these devices at the “pro” level. A most interesting class, unsurpassed AoE Damage-Dealer, indispensable during sieges and mass pvp. But, unfortunately, fans of 1*1 pvp may not like it, and we won’t blame them for that, there are other classes for them.

So, Childhood. Warrior Man. Talking Island, my homeland. There are 2 development options. Fast (without costs) and Useful (with costs). Let's consider both (in both cases, Weapon and Armor Mastery are driven to the maximum):

1. Fast
You can even get a club/sword in your hands, Power Strike in your skills and mobs until you reach level 40 and the second prof, at the same time buying a good club, studying (after the 20th and 1st prof) Stun Attack and buying the most affordable one heavy armor.


  • Quite fast leveling up on mobs of your own/slightly higher level
  • The absence of any initial costs in order to earn the first 10 levels and a small capital to improve weapons, the junk given at the start is quite enough.
  • Minuses:

  • Wasted precious SP on Power Strike (up to level 20), Stun Attack and Sword Blunt Mastery.
  • "Missed" combat experience.
  • 2. Useful
    This method requires initial costs for the purchase of a no-grade and subsequently a D-grade Spear, but it gives experience in owning this type of weapon, as they say, from childhood. While the interest for forced sunbathing on weed can be returned by killing 1-2 mobs, you need to fully master the technique of using this formidable weapon. I'll tell you that it's not as easy as it seems (“I hit everyone who hits me” - Nah.). In order for the fieldarm to issue maximum efficiency, a group of unfortunate mobs should be in the face of a “mower” with a deviation from the axis of 30-40% maximum. There are several tactics to achieve this:
    1. Aggravate the mobs, run back 2-7 steps, stop, wait until the first one catches up, turn around, and they are all in the capture zone. It’s convenient to place the physical attack button on the hotkey, select one mob from the assigned group in advance (preferably the closest one, and ideally the closest and strongest one), and when it catches up, press the attack button, the character will turn around and start mowing.
    ATTENTION, in no case is it recommended to run towards the assembled “locomotive” if it is slightly behind, otherwise you will start hitting the “locomotive”, and the “cars”, by the inertia of flying over you, will come from behind, where even a spear is useless.
    ATTENTION 2, You need to monitor the health of the “locomotive”, because since you start hitting it first, its HP will eventually be less than that of “trailers” of the same strength, and in time switch the attack to the most tenacious mob from the group that ran up.
    2. Immediately aggro the mobs with the expectation that the rest will run up and stand in a line (semicircle), hit by the swing of the spear. Requires good knowledge of mob habits.


  • Experience, “harpening” of hands, and once again experience.
  • Saving SP for really needed skills in the future.
  • Hmm.. Saving nipples. How? One portion of SS is consumed per “grunt” spear, regardless of whether you hit one bunny or ten wolves: each of the ten will receive the full amount of damage from the “inspired” weapon.
  • Minuses:

  • initial costs. You will have to fork out an auxiliary, already existing character for a pike and maximum heavy armor (because when beating several mobs, the return comes from the same amount), as well as the corresponding drinks: cans of HP (you have them forever on the main line of skills), elixirs for walking and attack speed.
  • a slower process of leveling up a character (not an axiom, sometimes quite the opposite).
  • absence of any active attack skills until level 20.
  • Adolescence.

    Armor – Brigandine set, weapon - Glaive

    So we became a Warrior, we have level 20+, and our eyes are running away from the skills we can learn. Next, we will consider only the second (Useful) development option. It is recommended to learn the skills below to the maximum, the rest (for swords and clubs) are better not to touch at all. The indicators below increase with each increase in skill level.

    Level 20
    Polearm Mastery- Finally, we have a passive skill for field armies. And although at first he adds only 4.5 units to the Physical attack with a spear, in the future this figure will rapidly increase.
    wild sweep- the first active combat technique. A stronger blow than just an attack with the possibility of super damage. (I call such attacks “crit on a button”). Sometimes it helps to stop the enemy from casting a spell.
    Vicious Stance- the first switchable ability, which, when turned on, increases damage from critical hits, but constantly consumes mana.
    War Cry- First aura (self-buff), increasing physical attack by 20%. A good bonus, but it wears off very quickly (1 minute), and takes three times longer to recover.
    It's also worth noting Heavy Armor Mastery, which when wearing heavy armor increases physical defense, and Boost HP, which increases your already considerable HP by another 60 units.

    Level 24, in addition to most of the above.
    Accuracy- second switchable ability. Increases accuracy, constantly consumes mana (2 times slower than Vicious Stance). Can be used simultaneously with Vicious Stance.
    Fast HP recovery and Vital force– acceleration of HP recovery in the first case by 1.1 HP per tick (constant), in the second case – by 1.9 HP (+1.1) and by 0.9 mana points – MP (sitting only).

    Level 28.
    Battle Roar– an aura that increases the maximum life indicator by 10% and heals the same amount. The cooldown of this skill occurs earlier than the aura subsides, so you can use it as an instant restoration of 10% HP. As you study subsequent levels, the percentage will increase. Unfortunately. Overrides the buff effect Bless the Body.

    Level 32.
    Detect Insect Weakness is the third aura. Increases the physical damage received from you by all kinds of insect-like mobs. Just in time. Hint: Marsh Stakato – insects:p.

    Level 36.
    Lionheart- another quite useful, but quickly decreasing aura.

  • Shock Resistance +40%
  • Immobilization Resistance +40%
  • Resistance to sleep +40%
  • Resistance to paralysis +40%
  • Use in appropriate cases - battles against stagnating/sticking/rutting mobs, pvp.


    Armor – Full plate set, weapon - Orkish Poleaxe.
    Well, finally a full one Warlord! Level 40 and:

    Thunder Storm- that combat skill that makes the Warlord so dangerous in sieges and useful in a group. This is a massive 360 ​​degree stun attack on all enemies in close proximity to Warlord, even if they are standing behind you.
    Whirlwind– 360-degree “crit on a button.” Super damage.
    Focus Attack– switchable ability. Increases accuracy, allowing you to pick only one monster. Only with spears. Useful when hunting single mobs of a higher level.
    Detect Animal Weakness“Now the little animals are included in the host of undesirables.” Be careful, you can only use one aura to determine weakness. (Preved, Allegatorchegi!).

    Level 43

    Final Frenzy– remember in childhood “and I’m doing my best!” If your character's health is below 20%, physical attack increases by 33 units. Turns on automatically. It turns off too. Often helps to survive. Aerobatics– always keep HP between 15 and 20%
    Provoke- “And you are all Radishes!” Nearby mobs, even non-aggressive ones, will come to take offense at you. It is also a way to “take” mobs from other, more fragile characters.
    Howl– reduces the physical attack of surrounding enemies or nearby mobs by 23%. Very convenient to fight off large quantity mobs, receiving a quarter less damage. Also suitable (to a slightly lesser extent) for performing the functions Provoke.

    Level 46

    Thrill fight- increases attack speed, reduces running speed. I came to a densely populated area, turned it on, and mowed down with +5% attack speed. Summed with resp. potions.
    Detect Plant Weakness– Trees, mandrakes and hedgehogs with them take more damage.

    Level 49

    Only increasing the level of existing skills.


    Finally B-grade. Doom Heavy or Blue Wolf Heavy, Lance. Ahead - only improvement of already learned techniques and skills... it would seem... at level 55 you will once again be greatly surprised by what you have acquired Revival. If previously it instantly restored 1860 HP, provided that your HP level is less than 10%, then in the fifth Chronicles it is simply a terrible skill for the rest. The fact is that now, you need to wait until your health drops to 5%, BUT it restores your entire mountain of HP. It's like fighting alternately with almost two Warlords

    Pvpshny will appear a little later Wrath, which removes from 7% of characters’ CP at the first level of ownership, to 30% of CP at the last 10th level.

    The choice of group (party) for pumping is universal. And this intriguing part I leave for you to explore. However, I will say one thing, there may be a problem with the spoiler if he does not use Spoil Festival

    Everything for VLA

    Warlord - Spearman (VL)

    Guide for VLA on skills/skill sharpening/sub classes/attributes, etc.

    Attacking skills:

    Lightning Storm - Simultaneously hits and stuns enemies for 9 seconds. swing of a spear. Ignores shield. An overshot is possible. We're looking for a chance.
    Earthquake - Deals a powerful strike to nearby enemies, canceling their chosen targets. Gives a chance of a critical hit. Ignores Shield Defense. An overshot is possible. Sharpen on the earth attribute.
    Shocking Charge - Stuns for 9 sec and reduces P. Def. Def. by 30%, M. Def. by 30%. An overshot is possible. Gives a chance of a critical hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Cancels targets selected by the enemy. Sharpen for chance
    Crushing Power - Deals an additional 3198 damage. Overwhelm is possible. Possible critical. hit.
    Needle Point - Deals an additional 3849 damage. damage Over-strike possible. Ignores Shield. Possible critical. hit.
    Whirlwind - A spinning attack that damages multiple enemies, ignoring shields. An overshot is possible. Grind to the ground.

    Enhancing Skills
    Insight - Increases skill power and normal damage in PvP by 30%. Duration: 30 sec.
    Parry - Uses a weapon to block attacks. Increases P. Def. by 25% and M. Def. by 25%, reduces Speed ​​by 10%, Spd. Atk. by 20% and Accuracy by 4. During the action, MP is consumed depending on the level.
    Ferocious Assault - Increases the number of enemies you can attack by 5. Duration: 2 minutes. We sharpen for power.
    Cry of War - Increases P. Def. Atk. by 20%.
    Battle Roar - When used, restores 15% HP and increases Max. HP by 35%. Action time: 10 min. Sharpen for reloading.
    Exciting Brawl - Reduces Speed ​​by 20% and increases Spd. Atk. on 10%. Action time: 5 min. Sharpen to reduce the penalty.
    Revival - Restores HP to maximum. Can only be used if HP is less than 10%.
    Focus Attack - When using a polearm, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 6, Critical Power. Atk by 30%.
    Lionheart - Within 1 min. increases resistance to Paralysis, Hold, Sleep, Stun, and removal of positive effects by 80%.
    Hunter's Eye - Increases P. Atk. against insects/plants/animals by 30%. Action time: 10 min. Sharpen for power.
    Eye of the Assassin - Increases P. Atk. against beasts/magical creatures/giants/dragons by 30%. Action time: 10 min. We sharpen for power.
    Polearm Accuracy - Increases the Accuracy of your attacks when using polearms by 4. MP is constantly consumed while using the skill. Focus on cost.
    Braveheart - Restores CP by 1000 units. Sharpen for power.

    Weakening skills
    Tide of Terror - AoE skill. Reduces enemies' Speed ​​by 33%, P. defense by 33%, Evasion by 10 and makes you run away in fear for 8 seconds.
    Concussive Charge - Summons a blast wave that deals an additional 2486 damage around the enemy. damage Stuns for 9 sec and reduces P. Def. Def. by 30%, M. Def. by 30%. Requires a polearm. An overshot is possible. Gives a chance of a critical hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Cancels targets selected by the enemy.
    Howl - Decreases P. Atk. surrounding enemies by 23%. Duration: 30 sec. Sharpen for a chance.
    Stunning Stomp - Stuns surrounding enemies for 9 seconds and causes them to lose their targets. Sharpen for a chance.

    Passive skills
    Fast HP Recovery - Increases HP recovery speed by 4. Sharpen for power.
    Will of the Warrior - When using a melee weapon, there is a chance that a trigger will pop up that increases P. Atk. at 100 and Speed. Atk. by 10% During an attack, the power of physical skills and critical chance. impacts increase.
    HP Increase - Increases Max. HP by 480. Sharpen for life (increased HP regeneration)
    Health - Increases resistance to Poison and Bleeding by 20. Sharpen for resistance to poison.
    Proficiency with Polearms - Increases P. Atk. when using copies at 125.7, and also makes it possible to attack several enemies at once. Focus on physical attack power.
    Proficiency with Heavy Armor - Increases P. Def. by 77.4 when wearing heavy armor. Sharpen for life
    Find Weakness— offenders are likely to be subject to a debuff that reduces their physical defense. It also increases the chance of inflicting crit. hit with a normal attack.
    Skill Proficiency - Gives a chance to use a skill without a cooldown or with double the cooldown duration. Depends on STR.
    Wisdom - Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep and Mental Attacks by 20. Focus on defense against mental attacks.
    Balance Protection - Adds +20 resist attribute to each type. Also, at the moment of your beating, there is a possibility that a trigger will pop up, which increases magical protection and elemental resistance.
    Rune Protection - At the moment of your beating, there is a chance that a trigger will pop up, which increases magical defense and elemental resistance. Adds +20 resist attribute to each type.
    Elemental Protection - Adds +20 resist attribute to each type. Also, at the moment of your beating, there is a possibility that a trigger will pop up, which increases magical protection and elemental resistance.

    PAINTS 1 set:

    4 STR -4 DEX

    1 STR -1 DEX

    4 CON -4 DEX
    PAINTS 2 set:

    3 STR -3 DEX

    2 STR -3 DEX

    4 CON -4 DEX
    Selection of subskills.

    Subskills are very important in any kind of activity, be it PVP, Olympics or just farming/quality.

    We take Tselestn from DB/PP, Counter Haste when receiving a blow there is a chance of increasing the attack speed for some time (from the tyrant), Counter Defense - when receiving a blow there is a chance of increasing physical and magical protection for a while (from a paladin or other tanks).

    Warlord Equipment

    Warlord - Spearman (VL)

    What does VL wear?

    Plastic Leather Armor Set +4 STR, -1 CON

    Orc Ax

    Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

    Blue Wolf Armor Set +7 running speed, +5.24% HP regeneration speed +3 STR, -2 SKR, -1 CON

    Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

    Tallum Heavy Armor Set +8% attack speed, +2 STR, -2 CON

    Spear of Typhon with CA Long Blow

    Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

    Dragon Leather Armor Set +4% physical attack power, +4% attack speed, +1 STR, -2 CON

    Holy Spear CA of your choice Health or Haste

    Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

    Dynasty Heavy Armor Set CON-2 STR+1 DEX+1, P.Atk. +5.4%, Max. HP+492.

    Dynasty Halberd CA your choice of Anger or Critical Stun

    Set of Heavy Armor Destino STR +2, CON -2. Phys. Atk. +4.26%, Spd. Atk. +4%.

    Trident of Icarus CA of your choice Anger or Critical Stun

    Gracia final/Epilogue:

    Vesper Heavy Armor Set STR +2, DEX -2

    Venus Petrel with CA of your choice Health or Haste

    Freya/High Five:

    Elegy Heavy Armor Set STR +3, CON -2

    Phantom Reaper with CA of your choice Health or Haste


    Buff for spearman L2

    Warlord - Spearman (VL)


    Full buff VLA

    76-84 Awakening
    Knight of Sigel
    Sigel Knight Knight of Sigel
    Sigel Knight Warrior of Tyr
    Tyrr Warrior Warrior of Tyr
    Tyrr Warrior Rogue Odala
    Othell Rogue Archer Eura
    Yul Archer
    Spellcaster Isa
    Iss Enchanter
    Aeore Healer
    Healer Algiza
    Wizard Feo
    Feoh Wizard
    Wizard Feo
    Feoh Wizard
    Summoner Venyo
    Wynn Summoner


    Warrior is primary class fighters of the human race. The warrior specializes in the use of a variety of weapons and armor. He has high performance strength and dexterity - with equal success he can engage in close combat and attack the enemy from a distance.

    Basic characteristics War

    88 55 82 39 39 38


    The knights acquired their knowledge through extensive training at the royal training grounds. Most of all, they value their honor and, if necessary, Knights are ready to die for their territory and their King. This class specializes in melee combat and defense. The Knight's skills in this area are excellent, and the ability to heal his wounds allows him to prolong his resistance to enemy attacks.

    Dark Avenger

    Anger and hatred are the eternal companions of those who have chosen the path of the Avenger. This class is the complete opposite of the Paladin. He is trained to save the life of his allies, and the Avenger is perfect at taking it away. The Avenger's cursed armor is capable of returning damage to enemies, and the use of black magic helps him absorb vitality enemy and call upon the dark panther for help.

    Hell Knight

    The Knights of Hell are the real focus of evil and horror. They resort to black magic and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. The Knight of Hell is the highest level of development of the Avenger, allowing access to new, previously inaccessible combat skills.


    Only one of the Knights who carries the True Faith in his soul is capable of becoming a Paladin. Using Divine powers, Paladins can heal their wounds and consecrate weapons and armor. It makes them indispensable assistants in the fight against the Undead. Thanks to their strong armor, Paladins can easily withstand a hail of enemy blows, and they use a shield not only for protection, but also to stun the enemy.

    Phoenix Knight

    Few Paladins are capable of becoming the Knight of the Phoenix, bringing light and True Faith to the most remote corners of this world. However, those who were able to withstand all the tests are rewarded with new exceptional skills, including the ability, like the Phoenix bird, to cheat death by rising from the dead.


    The Warrior is a more experienced Warrior who relies on his physical strength. Most of all, Warriors value freedom and independence, so they do not recognize commanders, believing that it is necessary to fight only for themselves. They are excellent with swords - almost all of their skills are based on the use of this particular type of weapon. Warriors are able to concentrate to increase their attack abilities and deal with monsters more effectively.

    Spearman (Warlord)

    Spears and pikes are what Spearmen use in battle. Their strength allows them to deliver crushing blows to the enemy, and their ability to attack multiple targets at once can lead the Spearman to victory in the most hopeless situations. This class is most effective in wall-to-wall battles, as well as in castle sieges.

    Warlord (Dreadnought)

    Generals rightfully bear the title of great fighters - no one else can handle polearms so masterfully. Every Commander dreams of one day receiving this honorary title, because Commanders are trained special techniques, which significantly increase their combat power.


    If you see a warrior who is tightly clutching a sword in each hand, you know that in front of you is one of the most dangerous opponents, the Gladiator. This is the only class that has achieved unprecedented heights in the use of two swords. He is trained in numerous techniques that allow him to most effectively attack the enemy at high speed.


    Duelist - consummate masters fighting with two swords. Only the most persistent and powerful of the Gladiators are awarded the right to become a Duelist. As a reward, they receive increased resistance to curses and diseases, as well as new combat skills that allow them to fight their opponents even more effectively.


    Rogues are fighters who choose dexterity over strength. They believe that the end justifies the means and do not hesitate to use the most for the sake of victory. dirty methods. Robbers cannot stand it when something restricts their movements and therefore use comfortable light armor, daggers and bows. This class makes excellent spies and scouts. Fighting monsters alone can be risky for a Rogue - his low amount of health and weak defense indicators do not allow him to attack strong enemies, so for a more comfortable game you need to find allies.

    Treasure Hunter

    Move silently and quickly, strike accurately and deadly - this is how the Treasure Seeker prefers to act. Among Humans, he has no equal in his skill with daggers, and his attack speed and ability to avoid blows are amazing. Walking on the razor's edge, balancing between life and death is a common thing for him, because the Treasure Seeker is a real darling of fate, entirely dependent on the will of chance.


    Adventurers are vagabonds who have long ago exchanged the warmth of the hearth for the dust of the roads. However, if for Treasure Seekers traveling is a way to earn money, then for Adventurers roads are a way of life. They are still loyal to their dagger, but their offensive abilities have increased significantly.

    Shooter (Hawkeye)

    Many warriors avoid close combat, preferring to attack the enemy from afar. Such fighters include Strelok, a master of ranged attacks. He is capable of stunning and then destroying an enemy with several blows. The Shooter is also trained in special skills that help him concentrate on the target, which allows him to deal with enemies more effectively.

    Sniper (Sagittarius)

    Snipers are the strongest, most accurate and fastest shooters of the human race, who have earned this title in numerous battles and tournaments. Only Snipers have the ability to learn special combat skills that are not available to Shooters.


    Only Mystics can draw energy from the world around them, changing matter with the power of their thoughts. They use special magical weapons. Using their magical powers, Mystics are able to summon magical creatures, heal wounds and attack the enemy with destructive spells.

    Basic characteristics of the Mystic

    38 27 41 79 78 78


    Clerics are mystics who use the sacred power of the Gods to perform miracles. They belong to religious organizations or are themselves traveling preachers. Their magic is mainly aimed at helping other players. Clerics chose Light magic as the main direction of their profession. They are trained to heal allies and increase their characteristics, they are able to restore their health, so they can do without assistants. Playing on their own, Clerics can equip light or heavy armor, pick up melee weapons, and become stronger using spells, but they are not very effective fighters.


    Bishops are excellent healers. They are capable of turning a dying character into full of strength fighter. Bishops are also excellent hunters of the Undead. In their arsenal there are many spells that can immobilize the enemy, instill terror and cause damage. If the Bishop allowed an ally to die, he can resurrect him, returning him a certain amount of experience.


    Using divine power, the Cardinals are able to work miracles, pulling entire groups of players from the clutches of death. In restoring vitality, they are far superior to their predecessors, the Bishops. But obtaining the title of Cardinal is not easy; only the most patient and persistent will be able to achieve this goal.


    Not a single group can do without it, because only the Preacher has the unique ability to cast auras that increase the characteristics of allies. His help will be useful to both warriors and magicians. In addition, the Preacher can always use armor and melee weapons if he has to hunt monsters alone.

    Apostle (Hierophant)

    In the difficult task of supporting their comrades, the Apostles are far superior to the Preachers - only they have the opportunity to endow characters with the strength of ancient warriors, making them stronger and more resilient. This class has also learned to use magic that removes positive auras from enemies, thereby weakening their opponents.


    In their spells, Mages rely on the energy of the four elements, as well as the power of Light and Darkness. Most of them are trained in the Ivory Tower, just like hundreds of years ago. Mages are able to command the elements; they are well versed in black magic and summoning magic.


    Of the four elements, Wizards give preference to Fire - it is with its help that they destroy their enemies. With an emphasis on attack, Wizards spare no magical energy, completely dissolving in the flames of battle, so they often need someone who can distract the attention of enemies.


    Days and nights spent in the Ivory Tower reading books are not in vain for Wizards - by practicing and improving their skills, they can claim the right to be called Archmages and use more destructive magic.


    Rejecting existing magic schools Necromancers have chosen their own path - the path of Darkness. With the help of black magic, it costs them nothing to summon one of the devilish creatures of this universe as a servant, and various curses can weaken and even deprive the enemy of the ability to resist.

    Soul Eater

    Soul Eaters are Necromancers who are dedicated to their craft and work tirelessly to improve their skills. Masters of black magic, Masters of Darkness, leaders of the dead - they make enemies tremble, one mention of the Soul Eater can put the enemy to flight.


    Many people underestimate Sorcerers, considering them their minions own creations, however, a duel with them quickly disproves this myth. Sorcerers specialize in controlling summoned creatures - they can heal and increase their characteristics, and they also have the ability to create Cubes that paralyze and attack enemies.

    Warlock (Arcana Lord)

    The title of Warlock is given to Sorcerers who have reached heights in their profession and are ready to move on. They are taught new spells, including summoning another creature, stronger and more resilient than the previous ones.

    Warlord guide

    Warlords. Lords, gods of war... Excellent fighters who can fight not one, but several opponents at once. Hard years of training, perfecting their mastery of pikes and halberds, have nurtured a caste of unrivaled warriors who can rival even orc raiders in strength and vitality. Yes, all the warlords’ skills are focused only on combat using field-arm weapons (pikes, poles, halberds), but in this they have no equal. Who else can stun all the enemies around him with one blow? Who else, besides a warlord, is capable of stunning the enemies around him with his battle cry so that they weaken their onslaught in confusion? Who else, at the decisive moment of the battle, when vitality is almost running out, when death is walking very close, is able to give himself strength and rage for the final attack with one jerk, by force of will? The answer is no one. Even orc raiders, powerful and hardy warriors, are not able to wield a spear the way representatives of the warlord caste wield them. The path of a warlord is not easy. True mastery and strength do not come immediately... Only the most persistent and patient, graduating from the school of warriors, choose this path for themselves. They must be prepared for the fact that during battle they will constantly have to balance on the brink of life and death, relying entirely only on luck and on the skill of healers, if there are any nearby.

    Pros of the class

    • Fastest swinging class in L2
    • Needed in mass batches
    • Very, very durable with a full HP buff build 50k+ HP (including Revial ​​and Battle Roar)
    • The profit justifies the costs

    Cons of the class

    • Slowest class in the game
    • Lowest crit rate
    • Lowest physical attack
    • Lowest accuracy
    • Without an epic and a chiseled stun, there is little that can be done at high levels
    • Very strong dependence on hands, with crooked hands you will not be able to not only pvp, but also quality
    • Heavy dependence on equipment, especially armor
    • Force- 40 is 1 less than the Dark Elves, responsible for the melee attack power
    • Dexterity- 30 for us is only movement speed, dodge and probability of blocking with a shield, we are inferior to Light and Dark Elves
    • Endurance- 43 is the amount of Life (HP) and the speed of its recovery, resistance to shocking attacks and the amount of carried weight, only Orcs have more
    • Intelligence- 21 is responsible for the strength of the Magic attack and the imposition of debuffs.
    • Wisdom- 11 we go immediately after the elf warriors, responsible for the speed of casting spells and the likelihood of a critical hit with magic.
    • Spirit- 25 is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects Mage *Defense and resistance to Mental attacks.

    From lvl 20-40 you will understand how good you are, if not then this guide will not help you) and so the 2nd profession is spearman (I don’t like this name), WARLORD (I like this =))


    • Passive skills:
    • Active skills:
    • Auras:
    • Debbuffs:


    bijou by grade, but you can also in China

    Levels 61-76

    dk heavy is not needed at all (only if you are from China and have no more money))

    It all depends on the server, what’s easier to get is what we wear

    it all depends on the means and on the style of play, someone likes haste, someone likes hp, I personally always do a hp build bija by grade + TV bija to the chance of stun, Olya bija, well, or if you are a Cl or just a lucky guy epic


    • Levels 40 to 52
      • Catacombs of the Excommunicated(next to Giran harbour).
      • Tanor Canyon(personally, I leveled there, but there is one drawback when leveling on mobs: 1/2 SP for learning skills is not enough)
    • Levels from 52-61
      • swing in ice maze driving out all sorts of nonsense from the spots (at these levels almost all classes can do little (only destroyers, but if you knock down the casting limits then 1 pvp to your account)) you need to take the quest for crystals at 53, for them they give a lot of resources to take resources from the quest depending on from the economic situation on the market (I saved up there for mf norms body current pieces, there were no pieces, then I sold everything and bought a low and a spade from sa to hast and broke it at +10 =)), without normal support, don’t get into the cards (well, if only you kamikazde, 1 it’s very difficult to swing in katas under oren, with she the best quality, they go through the forest along with bishas, ​​if you don’t have she then you can have them + bd/svs))
    • Levels from 61-76
      • here you can level up from 61 on wigs in abg (you need a healer and preferably someone either fast or armored, tactics for leveling up on abg (regular pack: I(vl), mass damage, mass damage, healer, wig collector) the collector collects a wig and runs towards you, all the mass dd are standing at one point on top of each other, the collector must make a detour around you when you realize that the aggro is reaching almost all the mobs, use the aggro and lay out the wig, the most important thing is for the healer to pull it out, while the collector goes for the next wig, everyone is sitting regen mana), if there are no norms for a party on abg and you don’t like quality on 1/2 mobs (mana flies away in years), welcome to the katas (tactics for pumping in katas, you need, as written above, support, preferably more, you can keep 1 large room alone mass agr, stun mobs, drink heals, use battle roar/revial ​​on cooldown and pray that they don’t stun you) I personally did this)) also if you have a full pack, then you can go swing in the toi on the 5th floor, and you can solo swing in the swamp of screams of the masses of agr and kill mobs Herbs will help you, I didn’t swing in the forest of the undead I don’t know how it is there, if there is a full party you can farm loa
    • Levels 76+
      • Imperial tomb- you need a database + svs + wark/bish/she and you can farm IT + a good quest
      • Pagan Temple - you need to complete a simple quest and the quality there is just tough, but if in IT on the upper floors you can do it without the attribute of fluff, then in Pagan you need 150 holiness and preferably cooking DB + SWS + heal if you can’t cope
      • FOG- on necrospot you can swing with a brew, you also need the attribute of holiness
      • mos Idk how awesome wasn't there
      • It’s better not to go into a new location without 80 and a normal support; in Hz quality it’s also normal due to vulnerability to giants
      • Possible in crystal island go swing, you will need a wark or she.


    • Daily pvp on kh buff 1v1 tactics (my tactics don’t throw slippers like you’re talking nonsense):
    1. tanks- shock stomp + single + earthquake (use only when the stun comes), the main task is to re-damage, he will stun you very very rarely, only if you cut the KON
    2. daggers- the main thing here is to kill him very very quickly, we use 2 stuns, 1 let it pass while the stun is lying, we use shock blast, single + earthquake, (I remember the case when the dagger went into invisibility before me, I used earthquake and he fell out of invisibility as a corpse), you can use aura for protection, the main thing is to periodically use /nexttarget
    3. shooting ranges- we use the aura for anti-stun and hit like a dagger very, very quickly (everyone in the light should be hit like that)
    4. magicians-shock blast passed, run just like that, didn’t pass, use aura for defense +25% mdef this news is true -10% running is bad, if we get to the magician he bursts like a bladder
    5. smooth- if it’s crooked, then these are carried out in batches (I played on the x3k abyss, there is a treasure of gladiko, I carried out Gladov from this clan in batches + with a friend in the 2nd he also carried out almost their entire clan (it was a long time ago, now they are all in the dynasty, I haven’t been there for a long time I played in IR at +6, but I can kill 2-3 (P.S. on a Persian there are 150 pvp, 120 of them in glades))) if it’s direct, then we won’t even take down his CPU, if the stun passes, it’s already half the victory (we pvp with a friend 3 times he ow I'm glad he couldn't stand my CPU even though he had 4kpdef +22k HP I have current duals tallum*damascus at +10 and IR at 3), and the main thing for glad is to periodically throw a hole to cut his damage
    6. supports if we don’t stun them, we’ll lose 200%, they’ll burn up mana, and without mana we definitely won’t kill them with this stick.
    7. bows you can kill in 2 ways: 1 the shock blast will pass, you run up and stupidly don’t let go of the stun, 2 Gopnikovsky) lie in wait around the corner and give a stun in the enemy’s face (went once after a fight with 5 glades (they swooped in one by one)) 1 slx noob (glued together with 4 -6 abilities) and ss (also the noob stuck with 2-3 abilities) I’m walking with half HP (revial ​​and battle roar used) and my 10k HP went down the drain in 5 seconds when I accidentally ran into a pack of bows (5 seconds - you’re a hedgehog) ) the most disgusting cheese is, you'll kill me
    8. gnomes they kill without any problems at all
    9. selfers since we are mass entertainers, we damage not only Samoner, but also Samoner, since Samoner is 80% robe, it means it dies with a bang, but if the warrior ban passes and you don’t have any dunks on Hast BB, this is a complete fuck-up, there is also a tactic to stop Samoner and kill him Samona, without ud Samon is sad, and the main thing in the battle with Samonars is to include vikness to the appearance of Samona
    10. bers stun damage, they usually don’t come out of stun
    11. SLH this is fucked up, you can kill here, you can only kill if the shock blast wears off


    gear for oli + to the main

    Here are my modest observations from the time I played as a warlord on the Cadmus server and some freeshards - about 15 free servers on which I am a repeated hero in different classes, in LA I am with C1, I play as a warlord as a main on Cadmus, a hero for 6 months, never participated in the KB regarding the oli : I tried different builds, right now I go without a tattoo at all (I’ll explain below), peak crit stun +7 (attack ~ 84 +3) dino and IR sets +4 for different attributes, or AK + normal AK, or zaken + normal zaken, or frint. fight bow 150 SA, set of daggers: refresh, increase in dmg in pvp, clarity, mental. default taliks: UD, teleport (removes roots, etc.), shock resist and slip resist (I don’t remember the name), crit power and all kinds for running speed (bers is a talisman of defense) and attacks. I wear it depending on the enemy. as practice has shown, using soes on btb and soes on focus does not make sense, the first one, since there is a battle roar (6 lvl bless hp), of course you could use it for treatment, but it is so insignificant and the time of applying soes to btb is so long that by the time you put it in you will forget why did you come out at all :) the roar is accurate for rollback +10 = 2 minutes, when I get to the oli I use it right away and it turns out that if there is a tank or a sup class it will roll back in battle for sure :) trick coes: applying it is just as painful as BTB, but there’s practically no point no, because the NPCs on the oli have the same trick, and buffing him from a stick, we will have a choice of either bers or guidance :) guidance does not help at all with dagger classes and with others it is simply unnecessary. bers only with support EE SE PP BP. and so: equipment, everything is simple here, we put on a set or limbs depending on the enemy, the attributes are different + sets of limbs. so far: I tried both different builds and different peaks, I came to the conclusion that: dino on crit stun uber peak sun support, since MP will kill you quickly if the enemy is sharpened and has a bijoux from the stun, with a passive from the sub +30 crits + focus + bers, we have a good crit rate and attack speed (BB will be removed immediately) we just run and hammer, there were several fights with the top BP-EE Cadmus where I won thanks to this SA, after burning the manna I ran and hit until the camp went wrong, and even if I lay down, then under the aura (+30% crit strength), the support was absorbed into the ground very quickly. It makes sense to use peaks on HP with other classes, I think it’s clear that the more HP, the longer you’ll stand and the more abilities you’ll put in + there’s a good chance to use revival. skills: after long search According to the forums, I decided to check everything on my charm better and started sharpening! there were absolutely idiotic failures at +1 4 times in a row :) and this was at lvl 82, at the end of the torment I realized that: at lvl 82 you can’t sharpen above 20 :) sharpen passives only for regen because the increases in HP and p.def are so insignificant that I want to write to NTSSoft and swear and swear. tattoo: completely removed, str - the increase in Pataka is noticeable but not as important as HP, which is removed by a tattoo across the entire back, the mythical crit chance for abilities may depend on str, but I didn’t notice it:\ dex - 5 runs? well, it’s just funny, who should you run from? With everyone from whom or after whom you can run, use bers + bers talik, this is quite enough, but again it’s a pity for HP :) tanks: important! run through his party UD, throwing a shock stamp on the kid to make it difficult for you to bend during the party UD, or while in your position:) start running out to meet the enemy and sharply turn back towards you! when a naive but very self-confident tanker continues to run after you, confident that you are afraid of him (I saw this very often with tank classes), a turn and a shockblast, now it will depend on how well your stun is sharpened, because the tank can not be released from the stun, I think it’s easier to hit with alternating skills with stuns + howl (we only use it if he didn’t have time to use the reflection, otherwise we’ll catch our own debuff), regarding YES, we also just try to use shockstamp more often to knock down TOD (removing the debuff positive effects and reducing CPU) while the dog is alive and has a lot of abilities, the animal falls under the vicnes (bunny) very sweetly. supports, healers: as I already wrote (sa crit stan, practice with other peaks did not live up to expectations), we smile and wave, smile and wave.. with a pike in the sense. I have no experience in fights with Prophet, there was 1 fight with normal PP (hero) which I won and did not attach importance to, so much rare class on oli. daggers: everything is simple here if he is wearing epics and he is 83+ for us:) if he is 83+ and there are no epics then the chances are 40/60 in his favor because of the skills ala ghostwalking that all 3 classes have (read what they give in their sections), daggers 81- 50\50 depends on the epic and a well-chosen attribute.. although still more from the epic:) before the fight we turn on the aura on P.def and wait for the grain cutter to jump behind his back (and he will jump, 90 out of 100 jump: )) we do a shockstamp to remove the target, even if the backstab goes through it won’t kill and it’s unlikely to take off more than half a hit, after the shock we cut off the aura and spam stuns + macro: next target attack + debuffs. brews and overs: depends on the lvl, the development of debuffs, attributes in rags and epics, we buff ourselves to maximum DPS and hammer nervously looking at our CPU, regenerate it with a 1k skill, since any drain class can only replenish HP from the enemy’s HP, so will give us a head start with a couple of extra drains, we often knock down targets with shockstamp and shockblast. smooth shooting ranges destras: the first two usually kite until they catch shock blast + debuffs, then they come with all sorts of tsss :) here we try to seize the moment and knock down abilities with a shock stamp, again HP build and spamming abilities will do the job. Destr - if he is not GT:D but a standard destrik lvl so 80 debuff and knocking down the target with a shockstamp, there is no point in stunning with these classes since they have the skill Lion Heart (resistance to stun) kamael and here again if it is not kerrad and wildcat: ) then stun-stun-stun, although bers has an aura of fortitude, it will not help him from the standards of a sharpened stun, for the first minute you can just keep bers in the stun, because if he is not a fool, he will go to the UD, so we’ll wait until it subsides, you can score and just blows, it’s not enough... they’re soft even in top clothes. crossbow... finally kill it, free frag. rapiers, knocking down the target is the main advantage because if we don’t immediately knock down the target with a stamp, we lose a fair amount of buffs (we buff the most necessary things right away and then a maximum of unnecessary buffs so that he has something to please himself with, you can give him a vicnes and a thrill fight under which he will not be happy to run) ), then the shockblast saves, as the partridge begins to gallop around the arena like a zebra, the horse is small, it gets clogged easily, but if it catches the camp. selfers, the most difficult thing for us is the EU (light) due to the fact that his horse can stand and hit with water without running up to the owner, but there are still chances: the start of the battle, we run after the EU, wait for the cast to start (this is a warrior ban) - we use shockstamp, shot down! super! We break into the horse - we give a stun, a shockblast to the owner and sweep the pony into a state of servility, and then the owner with a surprised muzzle and a woman’s face, regardless of gender. the simplest is the dark samoner, we run after him (keep him in the camp) until the shadow catches up with us, we stand both and spam the masses of abilities.. a pack of friends with a cat**, the cat breeder is all the same as with the dark one, but a little longer and more complex, the cat breeders are apparently from natures are unaccustomed to dying, they will groom and run for a long time, unnerving us and the young trash audience that will cover your fight via chat. magicians: fight with a magician: falling on a magician 81+ whose clan owns a castle is already unpleasant, what do I know about magicians: a magician has little HP, he will become good, if he is not 81+ then he is meat for the oli because enlightenment * skill 81 lvl, gives It’s just an unrealistic boost because if it crits, then at 12-15k (my experience) crits fly every second. fight with a magician - to the port on the oli we charge the talik UD, the talik of defense (bers), on the oli we buff everything as usual, only instead of DV (crit power) we throw a bers, the essence of the tactic is to run to the magician in the time that is given before the gate opens, if you you know the enemy well (there is a castle or not), you can immediately predict whether he will use the crown (multiple of the clan owning the castle - the shock resistance is 90% or 100, I’m not sure exactly) or not, if you manage to get there and the magician does not have a crown, everything here is trivial, just a stun, an ability , camp, ability. but if there is a crown, the magicians usually wait for what you will do, tobish: if you attack him right away, he will move into the corner and then you need to quickly go behind the wall (don’t leave ahead of time, wait until he uses enlightenment - blue animation) and wait for him actions and this: it will stand and wait for you, but then it will lose enlightenment, and this will immediately drain 2. it will see you running and use enlightenment, the crown after you go around the corner will run towards you, at this moment you need to use the UD talik, and everything is the old fashioned way) we stand on cooldown and wait until about 15 seconds have passed (enlightenment subsides) and then we alternate stuns with abilities, waiting for the decline of enlightenment is necessary in order for: abilities, like simple attacks and crits, tend to knock down the stun (this is already the checkmate part, for example DA's dog has the least chance of knocking down the owner's stun on the enemy since it is considered a mob) it is advisable to carry out the entire battle without a hitch and not panic :) there were battles in my practice when I killed the top magicians of the server, but these are isolated cases because our magicians are fully charged :\ all archers: meat) are we going to discuss gnomes?) and it’s important! We put on active talismans (buffs) before we fly to the oli so that they roll back (after the port, skills and taliks are rolled back). The UD talisman will not work if its time is less than 16 units. It’s better to take off the talik once again in order not to waste his time than to not wear it and lose. at high quality I wear a tattoo -9 con +5 page +4 dex, at high quality HP does not decide at all + peak on crit stan keeps wigs in camp very well.

    Skills from sub classes:

    I think the rest walks through the forest Well, if you don’t have enough buff slots, you can replace counter spirit and counter hit with HP + mana, if a separate line update for triggers is introduced in the future, you can safely put counters. Passive skills from subs took only attack, since there is already a lot of defense, 40 mdef they won’t fix the weather, you can use your HP to help out, mataka is unnecessary in principle

    Video games for class

    © 2008-2019, Linedia - knowledge base and encyclopedia of the Lineage 2 game in Russian: quests and descriptions, walkthroughs and articles, things and monsters, classes and races, manuals and guides, skills and abilities.

    Here is a complete guide to Spearmen!

    Spearmen are human warriors that can be selected after completing the job change quest at level 31. They specialize in dual swords and polearms and wear heavy armor. Spearmen's stats are focused on HIT and ATTACK, making them powerful assault troops that are great for both group and solo play. Spearmen excel in PvP - thanks to mind control skills that help withstand and deal big damage. They often strike in a wide arc across multiple targets, knocking down and stunning opponents. This feature allows spearmen to operate effectively in both PvE and PvP.

    Balanced skills make this class extremely versatile: they deal very high damage and have two area-of-effect skills - Storm and Judgment, which are great for mind control. Spearmen are able to stop and kill hordes of monsters much faster than others, allowing them to survive longer in elite dungeons. In addition, they excel as frontline damage dealers in PvP, such as fortress sieges and open sieges, due to their ability to push forward in close combat.

    The Great Clearing skill gives high speed attacks (which is unusual for warriors) and helps to deal with opponents faster. In addition, the Retribution skill allows you to effectively attack many opponents at the same time - due to an additional F. Attack, the effect of which can be cumulative up to 5 times. However, spearmen are not the fastest of warriors. Unlike , they often lag a little behind when it comes to pursuing an enemy. And due to the fact that they sometimes move very slowly, a decisive blow to the enemy is more often stolen from them.

    If you like high-damage melee combat and want a character with good survivability on the front line, the Spearman will fit your playstyle perfectly.

    Character overview


    • Compared to Paladins, Spearmen are more damage oriented.
    • Excellent mind control capabilities. Active skills knock down or stun the enemy.
    • Excellent skills for fighting multiple opponents and good group buffs for attacking.
    • High HP level (but not the maximum possible).
    • Due to its significant damage and resistance to attacks, it is effective in 1v1 scenarios, but is also great for group PvP.
    • Spearmen are good at sieges of fortresses, as they can get deep into enemy lines.


    • They move slowly across the field, which makes it easy for them to steal a decisive blow against the enemy.
    • Compared to other heavy attacking classes, they still deal less damage, and are between the tank and the damage dealer.
    • When using a spear, attacks become slower.

    Best Equipment

    Priority of skills and their use

    Improve your passive skills first, then choose more appropriate active skills depending on your desired play style.

    Using Specific Skills

    • Attack Aura (passive skill) should be developed if you plan to regularly fight in groups in dungeons and PvE.
    • Rare skills in PvE: if you have difficulties with monsters, use Absolute Shield and Healing Strike. And if, on the contrary, you kill them easily, use Flying Arrow and Meteor Shower.
    • For rapid promotion level and resource collection in PvE, you should focus on the Big Clear.
    • Other key skills are Thunder, Judgment, Weapon Mastery and Attack Aura. After them, move on to Heavy Armor Mastery and Retribution.

    Priority of main characteristics and subcharacteristics

    *Note: If you want to level up quickly, focus on the bonus experience gain substat first and then follow the priority list above.

    Attack Aura > Warrior Weapon Proficiency > Combat Mastery are basic passive skills that, when upgraded, quickly increase overall damage. Upgrade them in the order listed.

    • Previously: Mastery of the Force was only applicable to spears and polearms. Now: This passive has been replaced with Combat Mastery and provides bonus damage when using dual swords. What type of weapon to use when playing as a spearman is up to you.
    • The difference is this: the spear attacks slower, so for more damage per second it is more convenient to use dual swords. The spear has a longer range of action.

    Special thanks to user Sados (SainT) for his contribution to the materials and user allen12370 for links to sub-characteristics!

    What else to read