What equipment is better to install on IS 7. Main opponents. Dueling situations

On IS-7 for World of Tanks. The legendary Soviet ten, also known as “grandfather”, “lunokhod”, “seven”, is worth attention if only because it was the first tenth level heavy vehicle introduced into the game simultaneously with Mouse. This happened at a time when the French drums were in Wargaming's distant plans, and the top art was level six. More than a dozen tanks have been introduced and removed from the game since then, but the IS-7 remains, having undergone minimal changes. Let's try to understand the secret of his success.

Review and technical characteristics of the IS-7


  • Frontal armor at good angles. If you hide the NLD, then the “pike nose” is almost impenetrable;
  • Side armor reinforced with screens allows for effective diamond and reverse diamond tanking;
  • An almost invulnerable tower. There are no protruding parts on it like commander's turrets;
  • Low silhouette;
  • Versatility. You can equally effectively tank with heavies or occupy key positions with ST;
  • High top speed. From the mountain you can reach up to 70 km/h;
  • High alpha.

However, there are no tanks without drawbacks. Let's see what makes playing World of Tanks on the IS-7 less comfortable.


  • Low gun accuracy. The indicator is even worse than the average among dozens;
  • Long mixing. Does not allow implementing alpha by CD;
  • Low damage per minute;
  • Small margin of safety. The tank is vulnerable when going around from the stern;
  • Low dynamics. The tank does not reach the maximum 60 km/h. average speed in a straight line it is only 38-40 km/h.

What equipment should be installed on the IS-7?

Playing on a top tank without modules means losing battles. Let's figure out what equipment to install on the IS-7 in order to maximize the tank's potential. There are two main configurations.

Basic arrangement:

  1. Gun rammer.
  2. Ventilation.

Alternative arrangement:

  1. Gun rammer.
  2. Vertical stabilizer.
  3. Reinforced aiming drives.

As can be seen from the table, the equipment on the IS-7 consists of classic thrust modules. Rammer and stabilizer are two required items. Without them, the tank cannot compete in firepower. You can experiment with the third module - install ventilation to bring the tank closer to the CT or aiming drives to infuse damage even more efficiently.

The gun has normal penetration, so you don’t need to carry a lot of gold, a maximum of a quarter of the ammunition. It’s not bad to have one landmine to shoot down, but since the ammunition load is not large, whether it’s worth taking is up to you to decide.

For the crew, it is enough to take a standard first aid kit, a strap and a fire extinguisher.

What skills (perks) should I level up on the IS-7?

Combat skills are special skills that are unlocked after one hundred percent leveling up of the team. Let's see, the perks of the IS-7 crew provide a special advantage.

Commander Skills:

  • ​Light bulb 6 sense. Required skill. It is important to know exactly when the tank was discovered.
  • ​Repair.
  • ​Eagle eye. To collect information about opponents during battle.
  • ​Combat brotherhood.


  • ​Repair.
  • ​Smooth rotation of the tower. To reduce faster.
  • Sniper. For crits inflicted on enemies, bonuses are provided in the form of money, experience and medals.
  • ​Combat brotherhood

Driver mechanic:

  • ​Repair.
  • ​Smooth ride. It will be necessary to start reducing from a smaller circle.
  • King of off-road. Will improve the poor dynamics of the tank on viscous soils.
  • ​Combat brotherhood.


  • Repair.
  • ​Non-contact ammunition rack. Although BCs aren't knocked out in every fight, the extra protection won't hurt.
  • Intuition. Quickly changing types of projectiles will help you react faster in dynamic battles.
  • ​Combat brotherhood.


  • ​Repair.
  • ​Desperate. A small amount of strength can run out quite quickly, however, if you take an advantageous position, you can play from armor. You can also use risky tactics with this skill.
  • Radio interception. Allows you to control the entire battlefield.
  • ​Combat brotherhood.

I think there are no questions left about what perks to put on the IS-7. If you upgrade your crew to four skills, your chances of winning will increase significantly.​

Where to push the IS-7? Penetration zones and weak points.

IS-7 is a reliable friend in the hands of an ally. If the seven is controlled by an opponent, it turns into a formidable obstacle. Let's determine where to punch the IS-7 using a practical example.

From the diagram it is clear that the optimal penetration zones for the IS-7 are the sides under the screen and the stern. If the maneuverability of the tank allows you to bypass the “grandfather” from the stern, it is better to do just that. Owners of precision weapons can try to target the area between the screen and the track or shoot at random between the rollers.

The situation in urban battles is somewhat different. In such a situation, you need to know where to throw the IS-7 in the clinch. There are two main points:

  1. Roof of the tower. Tall tanks with good UVNs, like E100 or Tapkolv, they can penetrate seven into an unprotected turret cover. The same applies to art.
  2. Rangefinder. It is located directly under the gun. By shooting at him, you can not only cause damage, but also break the enemy’s optics, significantly reducing visibility.

How to play?

3 years and 2 months ago Comments: 4

Guys, girls and everyone who plays and is interested in tanks, a huge HELLO to you!

The speech in this article will be devoted to the most remarkable of all tanks and this is the Level 10 Heavy Tank in the KV-1 branch - IS-7, which was never mass-produced, namely about Joseph Stalin-7. You will find a guide on this strand.

We will now go into detail about the performance characteristics

The cost of our Joseph is impressive - 6 100 000 silver and it’s not easy to get to it, but whoever wants to achieve his goal will always achieve it!
  • Our Joseph is a tough nut to crack - I’ll tell you, and his strength consists of 2150 HP;
  • It weighs not little, but also not much, as for me - 68.19/70.95 tons;
  • Good viewing range - 400 meters;
  • Our connection is valid at a distance of 720 meters;
  • The power of the diesel engine is 1050 horses;
  • Moves perfectly and this speed is 59.6 km/h;
  • Turns at a speed of 28 degrees. in sec;
  • This is not hull armor, this is a fortress and here it is - 150/150/100 millimeters;
  • The tower is strong like a dome - 240/185/94 millimeters;
  • Barrel, Gun, Muzzle, aka Pooh, just imagine 130 millimeters in diameter;
  • The combat kit includes a set of 30 shells;
  • Unforgettable damage dealt - 490/490/640 HP;
  • apply - 250/303/68 millimeters;
  • Firing rate - 4.38 rounds per minute
  • Here's the damage it deals per minute - 2146 HP.
In the future, we’ll talk about how to play in the best possible way, and what should be better on Joseph, what perks will decorate him, but in general, the IS-7 is a breakthrough tank and I don’t recommend jumping into the fire alone, this player is a close one fight!

So, let's get started - everyone's opinion is that the IS-7 is a miracle machine at level 10, and accordingly its gratitude is that:
  1. the unique Pooh (at level 10 with a 130 mm caliber, corresponds to both penetration and damage);
  2. Our technique is strong - this pike nose, an excellent cover for the forehead (and if you jerk it here and there, then there will be practically no chance of breaking through, NOBODY). Screens protect the sides (often they take damage to themselves);
  3. our stuntman Joseph, one might say, with his speed and without looking at the fact that he is a heavyweight.
So, after all our investigation, in gratitude to something, our seventh is tenacious, it’s time to sort out what we should install on it and which of the many perks to upgrade.

We install modules, but they depend on your plan in the battle and much more - for example, you catastrophically avoid Arta (you are doing this correctly, since Arta is shooting at us from above, but our tower is strong and if we move a little, we interfere with it target weakness), in the end we will fix - Lining.

Next up is the style game:

  1. in case of aggressive tactics (cutting ahead and ramming), we equip ourselves in this way:
    Rammer, Stabilizer and Ventilation.
  2. With careful, attentive and deliberate tactics, we equip ourselves like this:
    Aiming drives are a must, we’ll go with the rammer, and we won’t be late with ventilation.

Perks next in line for consideration:

To the commander: a light bulb is legal, then a strap, a mask, a handy master and a fire truck.
Mechanics: for the driver: - strap, mask, master for ramming and fire.
To the gunner: strap, mask, without a smooth rotation of our tower it will be tight, the sniper will definitely have to fire him.
To the loader: a strap, a mask, you have to be desperate and fire again.

So I chose, why?

  • yes, all because the light shows whether someone has discovered you or whether you are in the shadows;
  • the repair will help you fix all the breakdowns in one go;
  • the mask does not suit all styles, but makes you less noticeable to the enemy;
  • if the tower turns smoothly, we’ll hit it right, even on the way;
  • our desperate - at 10% HP, it works wonders when recharging;
  • the ramming master will reduce your damage and will hurt the enemy when you ram;
  • a fire starter will help put out the fire, even if we don’t have a fire extinguisher.
This Pike IS-7 tears anyone who gets in her way. I am sure that this TT is level 10, a quality product, even though it has the least HP of all the tier 10 heavy weapons.

I'll tell you another secret, what it contains.

  • Firstly, tank the damage with the turret, try to correctly place the nose of the pike at a large angle;
  • Secondly, use any shelter, even the corpses of tanks, if you haven’t found shelter for yourself, then avoid firefights, since there are only 30 shells and not all of them will reach the target, don’t even try it on board, you’ll only lose your life;
  • Thirdly, on long-range shooting The tracking is not great, so make sure that you are safe and if you are in that excellent position, then you have nothing to fear, even self-propelled guns are too tough for you.
  • Choose low hills, they are our friends, then try to substitute your impenetrable tower and go into sniper mode, but not alone, but with the support of an ally who will help you damage the enemy during your long reload - this is the weak point of his seventh - reload. Hack on your nose, we are dependent on our team and inflict one big damage, this is a task of higher mathematics.
Friends, thank you in advance for your comments on my guides and don’t judge too harshly, because no two playing methods are the same. I will take them all into account and draw conclusions. I support criticism in my direction, adequate and constructive, and I wish you more sulfur and victories!

The IS-7 heavy tank is capable of severely dominating the map, but at the same time, it can be easily squeezed out by many other tanks if you play it incorrectly. This IS-7 guide will help you understand how to play the this tank, as well as what tactics to use during the game to smooth things out weak sides sevens. The IS-7 performs well only if the player positions himself correctly on the map and is well aware of all the shortcomings of this tank.

A very successful frontal armor profile and a heavy gun are, in fact, the bread and salt of the IS-7. On the other hand, due to the fact that the IS-7 has a slow turret with poor gun traverse angles, as well as a lower frontal part (lower frontal part) with weak armor, this tank is quite difficult to master. But the IS-7 generously rewards players who have learned to cover up the weaknesses of this vehicle, which, however, are not so difficult to cover with the right approach.

How to play the IS-7

The IS-7 tank is a pusher that should be in front, as it has a good top speed and excellent frontal armor. This doesn't mean you have to be the first to rush into a bunch of enemies and merge. You can and should only push when your team is covering you. The ideal situation is to push against no more than 2-4 enemy tanks, after having thoroughly poked them from behind some embankment or hillock that will cover your NLD.

The IS-7 has excellent frontal ricochet armor, thanks to which most rank 10 tanks will deal zero damage to you. But there is one nuance - the lower armor plate, which you will have to hide with any possible ways. Partly because of this, the IS-7 must be in close combat, since most Tier 10 tanks have a lousy vertical gun angle, so they simply won’t be able to target your NLD at close range.

Armament of the IS-7


The IS-7 is equipped with a 130 mm S-70 cannon, which produces a lethal 490 damage and penetrates 250 mm armor. Such high damage, which in addition to the IS-7 can only be dealt by the Mouse and the E-100, exceeds any rank 10 heavy tanks with their standard 400-440 dmg. Don't forget about land mines, which can deal 640 damage and will be an excellent choice against weak armored tanks, provided you can break through them.


In general, do not forget that the IS-7’s gun is not very penetrating (250mm/303mm/68mm). Of course, this penetration is enough for any tank of rank 10, but if you compare the penetration of the IS-7 with other tanks of the same rank, the IS-7 does not reach them. If you remember about the spread of 0.4 m from 100 meters and the aiming time of 3.1 seconds, you can be completely saddened. For a heavy tank like the IS-7, which must constantly move, such indicators put an end to shots from a helicopter, because In order to even approximately get where you are aiming, you will have to stand still for quite a long time and converge. In addition, the 0.4m spread greatly complicates shooting at long distances.

With a 100% upgraded team, the IS-7 can fire 4.38 rounds. per minute, respectively, this is equal to 2,146.20 dmg per minute. With 100% team, skill " the Brotherhood of War", rammer and improved ventilation, the IS-7 will pull out 5.305 rounds per minute. and 2,599.45 dmg/min. So it turns out that our IS-7 guide paints such a picture that the tank’s alpha is simply excellent, and in terms of DPM it is inferior to most 10-rank tanks.

How to play

To mitigate these weaknesses of the IS-7, it is better to go into battle with someone fully charged, this will give you about a 30 second lead in DPM and will only work against tanks that do less than 490 damage per shot. Also, do not forget about the very powerful frontal armor of the IS-7. Almost all level 10 tanks will not penetrate it if positioned properly. This way you can mitigate the disadvantage of DPM due to the fact that shots at you will often ricochet, and your shots will almost always penetrate the target.

There are two conditions here: firstly, you must take positions in which your NLD will be covered (usually these are pits and other places where you can hide the lower part of the tank’s muzzle), because it will penetrate one or two times, and secondly, IS-7 is strictly prohibited from standing up in a diamond shape (with some exceptions, which are discussed in more detail in the tips section). To successfully deflect projectiles, you must face the target due to the fish-like structure of the frontal armor. With this structure, the rule for tanking with a diamond works exactly the opposite, and by standing in a diamond you will get hits in the face at a much smaller angle.

IS-7 armor

By and large, when it comes to the IS-7, whether you will drag this tank or not depends on how you use the frontal armor of this tank.

Upper frontal part

The IS-7 VLD is designed in the form of a “fish nose”, which makes this tank a pain in the ass and, at the same time, creates a lot of pain for those IS-7 drivers who do not know how to use this armor structure. The highest level of effective armor can only be obtained when you are facing the target firing at you.

Gun and turret

Contrary to the expectations of most of your enemies, the IS-7's turret is almost impossible to penetrate by aiming at the gun shields, much less the turret itself. But the condition for this is the same - it is necessary that the tower be located strictly facing the enemy.

The lower frontal part is the weak part of the IS-7

But as for the NLD, the IS-7 has it here big problems. It will be easily penetrated by all and sundry, and you will have to accept this weakness of the tank as your own and cover up the NLD in every possible way. This is done simply - you need to position yourself correctly during the battle.

  1. Try in every possible way to remain facing your opponents.
  2. Clinch tanks with poor vertical gun angles. When you are close to such tanks, they cannot make a penetration shot at your NLD. In a clinch, do not raise the gun when the enemy is about to shoot - at the lower junction of the gun and the turret, the IS-7 penetrates perfectly.
  3. Master the following technique (this will take a lot of practice): During a 1v1 fight, watch where your opponent is aiming. If he is targeting an NLD, rotate the tank's hull slightly so as to increase the effective armor of the NLD (yes, this does not agree with the categorical ban on diamond tanking, but this only applies to cases when they are aiming at an unprotected NLD). When the enemy changes target from NLD to VLD, turn your body straight so that his shot ricochets. If the enemy is aiming at the turret, rotate it 10-15 degrees to again blur the angle of the shot. A special burning of trousers can be achieved if you continue to turn the gun left and right by 10-15 degrees - this confuses almost any player. All these features will help you better reflect shots, and will also force your opponents to simply shoot at you less often, because they will have to aim hard and extinguish their lower ass after ricochets.

Conclusions and tactics of the game

If you add up all the pros and cons of the IS-7, the conclusion is disappointing. In modern World of Tanks, riding the IS-7 is the prerogative exclusively of hardcore and pain lovers. Due to the fact that at the same rank there are already a lot of drummers, and simply more accurate, quickly reloading tanks, including more agile medium tanks that produce excellent DPM, surviving on the IS-7 has become much more difficult than in the old ones. good times, when besides it there were one and a half tanks with similar characteristics.
However, if you have already pumped up the IS-7 or want to try to bend on this tank, stick to simple rules, outlined above in this guide on the IS-7: shoot facing the enemy, cover the lower armor plate, if possible, go into the clinch to protect the same lower armor plate, choose positions protected from artillery, because the structure of the tower and the frontal armor will not protect you from artillery will save. Well, get ready to suffer on a robin, of course.

IS-7 on this moment most powerful tank of the heaviest Soviets in the game. We will go through its history, compare it with other heavy tanks, look at the location of the modules, and also tell you about tactics and penetration zones.

Historical reference.

In the spring of 1944, after the lifting of the Leningrad blockade, at the dilapidated Kirov plant, which was supposed to be restored mass production anti-tank self-propelled guns ISU-152, Leningrad designers began to return. A branch was opened Pilot plant No. 100. J. Kotin was appointed director of this branch. It was under his leadership that the development of a new heavy, well-armed tank began, called "Object 260" and later IS-7.

Development was carried out in 1945-1947. The release was limited to 6 models and these were prototypes. The tank was created for special purpose, namely to break through the enemy’s powerful defensive lines. IS-7 is the heaviest Soviet tank of the Second World War.

Comparison of the performance characteristics of the IS-7 with other tier 10 tanks.



E100 (Germany)

T30 (USA)

AMX 50B (France)



Weight (t)

Engine power (hp)

Maximum speed(km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)






Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)






Basic projectile damage






Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)






Gun rate (rounds/min)

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Review (m)

Communication range (m)


  • Very good mobility for a heavy tank.
  • A good powerful weapon.
  • Excellent tank armor.
  • Small dimensions of the tank.
  • Long viewing range and radio range.
  • High rate of fire of the gun.
  • Large mass tank.


  • Low tank engine power.
  • Small ammunition load.
  • Small margin of safety among level 10 tanks.
  • Poor placement of modules in the tank.

Vulnerabilities of the tank, damage model of the IS-7.

We see that perhaps the most dangerous module, namely the ammunition rack, is located in the lower armor plate. If hit, it may explode, destroying the tank.

IS-7 penetration zones.

Penetrate tank armor IS-7 we will use Pershing's top gun - 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 and Maus' gun - 12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55.

Let's start with Pershing.

We will penetrate the upper and lower armor plates IS-7 can not.

Many people mistakenly believe that the tank is breaking through the driver's hatch, but this is not so. Yes, the trace of penetration is visible, sometimes the triplex or the driver is critical, but the damage to the tank does not occur. The tower is also not accessible to us.

At an angle, we are also not able to penetrate the tank, although it seems that the angle of the armor has become better for us, but it only seems. And in general we shouldn’t shoot a tank in the forehead if it has exposed its sides to us.

Let's look at the tank in profile. Previously, we could break through the top of the tower, but now it cannot be penetrated by us and there is no point in trying to shoot at it.

In a situation where we can see the body IS-7 our task becomes easier. We can work in the area above the tracks, more precisely in the side armor plate, there is great place where we can penetrate and cause good damage.

Also, you should not shoot at an armor plate located at a right angle to us, although it is stated that the thickness of the armor there is 150 mm and when fired we see a characteristic trace of penetration, but does not cause damage to the tank - this is a sign that the tank has screen armor.

If you managed to drive the tank into the stern, then you shouldn’t have any difficulties, we can easily penetrate both the turret and hull stern. It’s worth saying that if you play with French tanks, I would advise you to shoot at the hull - there the angle is less than tower.

And that’s where we’ll finish with Pershing and gradually move on to Mouse.

Meeting IS-7 In the forehead, you should first try to shoot at the lower armor plate (after all, that’s where the ammunition rack is located). The headlight area has become less accessible to us.

If you are in a clinch and there is 240 mm of rounded armor in front of you, then you should shoot at the weak spots on the tank’s turret. Earlier IS-7 easily made its way into the left hatch on the tower, but now it has been well patched and damage has stopped passing through it.

But the right hatch became easy to break through. And this is due to the fact that the projectile passes through the bump on which the trace of penetration is visible, and hits the strip of thin armor located behind this bump. If IS-7 is aiming at your right cheek, then you will shoot right through the bump, and if not, then the projectile will still pierce this bump, but will go past this strip and the damage will not go through.

When IS-7 towards us at an angle, it still breaks through, due to the fact that some areas of the armor are becoming more accessible. For example, like this area behind the headlight. And we also penetrate the lower armor plate without any problems.

We also regularly penetrate into the sides, as well as into sloping armor.

We also pierce the side of the tower, just avoid the front part, because there are larger corners and we can no longer pierce. It's better to aim at the center where the star is. I think with the stern everything is clear to you, it’s easy for us to break through and we don’t experience any difficulties there.

Game tactics.

IS-7 has good mobility, which allows him to travel in the directions of medium tanks, or with the same IS-7. It also has good armor, which allows it to hold enemies in any direction, preventing them from breaking through the flank until the allies arrive. Sometimes you can destroy several tanks alone IS-7 it can easily, but the stern and sides have thin armor (compared to Mouse), so you cannot allow the enemy to break into your rear - he can cause serious damage to us.

The lower armor plate, unfortunately, is penetrated by tanks of levels 9-10, so it needs to be hidden behind fences, maneuvered in every possible way, preventing it from being targeted vulnerable spot. The gun has good armor penetration (better than only the gun from the T30, which will side with the PT), damage, accuracy and rate of fire, but has a long burn time, which is characteristic of, perhaps, all Soviet tanks. All these qualities of the gun and the tank itself help IS-7 not just survive, but also “bend over”, but due to the long mixing IS-7 forced to engage in close combat. Remember - long-range combat is not our business.

The vertical aiming angles are not bad, but not ideal either, so it is not always possible to shoot from behind a hill or any cover without harming yourself IS-7, because our tank is not a Mouse or a T30 (remember, when driving out from behind a hill, you are exposing the lower armor plate, which cannot be done). During a battle in open areas, it is worth maneuvering to prevent the enemy from shooting at vulnerable points such as the lower armor plate or the driver's hatch, because we have small dimensions and the possibility of the enemy missing increases.

It is worth mentioning the viewing range and communication - they allow you to quickly respond to all changes on the map if you take a good place- “welcome to the shooting range”, but seriously, the tank is relatively not tall compared to Mouse, so we are less noticeable among all the heavyweights of level 10.

As for the equipment, I advise you to install rammer, stabilizer, ventilation. From equipment repair kit , first aid kit , fire extinguisher or lend-lease oil, if you plan to ride with medium tanks.

And that's all for me, I hope this guide will help you and make your game better. I wish you good luck in the battles and see you soon!

Giving preference to the Soviet branch of heavy tanks, players are often faced with the choice of which heavyweight to give preference to: or the IS-7? If you analyze the statistics, the lion's share of tankers choose the latter. Let's try to figure out what caused this interest.

IS-7 guide

So, let's start with the basics. The IS-7 has a very convenient development branch for leveling up. Accordingly, when reaching the main prize, players become acquainted with quite interesting cars. For example, KV-85.

This tank appeared in the game relatively recently, replacing the legendary Tier 6 “tascher” KV1-S in its combat post. The technique is quickly mastered by beginners and brings a lot of pleasant sensations to experienced players.

In the same branch there is an absolute imba of the 8th level, and its older brother T-10. Both vehicles are also easy to learn, have excellent damage for their level, and provide an opportunity to prepare for the acquisition of the IS-7.

If we talk about the branch, everything doesn’t look so rosy. The only tank worth mentioning here is the ST-1. Perhaps someone will say that the KV-4 looks attractive, but on this tank newbies will experience the pain and suffering of slow heavy tanks.
The main criterion for the survival of heavy tanks in a random environment is the safety margin and the thickness of the armor given. The IS-7 cannot boast of the first parameter: 2,150 HP, this is far from the best indicator at the level. But in terms of booking, Soviet heavy can give odds to any tank in the game.

In addition, the "seven" has higher speed, better dynamics and maneuverability, which allows you to change directions of attack depending on the developing situation.
Of course, the legendary and attractive to many IS-7 is not without its drawbacks. In particular, the ammunition rack is located in the front of the tank, so breaking through the cheeks can lead to critical damage and an explosion.
Let's talk about weapons. On this front, not everything is so rosy and cloudless for the seventh IS. So, a 130-mm S-70 gun is installed on the vehicle. Armor penetration with a basic projectile is 250 mm, one-time damage is 490 units. The rate of fire of the gun is quite acceptable at the level: the tank can distribute up to 2 150 units of damage per minute. In principle, the indicator is not phenomenal, however, it is fully consistent with its class of technology. It is worth noting that the characteristics of the gun allow you to do without gold, but for greater confidence and comfort, a dozen sub-caliber shells will not be superfluous.

What is really disappointing is the accuracy, stabilization and for a long time intelligence. When shooting at long distances, the tank will openly blur. In this regard, the IS-4 looks somewhat more attractive, although in addition to accuracy, the “four” gun is inferior in penetration and one-time damage.
A separate line includes uncomfortable vertical guidance angles. The barrel goes down only 6 degrees, which prevents effective play from the terrain.

Where to shoot the IS-7

So, the frontal projection of the IS-7 turret has an armor thickness of 240 mm, which, taking into account the gun mantlet and correct location armor plates provides reliable protection from any weapon in the game. The front part of the hull is covered with 150 mm armor plate. The indicator is not impressive, however, the tank is the happy owner of a “pike nose”, which does not allow it to penetrate the “seven” at a right angle. At the same time, the NLD and cheeks remain vulnerable if the tank tries to tank with a diamond, and experienced players usually have no difficulty finding penetration zones. Therefore, in close combat and clinch it is necessary to constantly “dance”, increasing the chance of a rebound.
The sides are not distinguished by good armor, but they are covered with a narrow screen, which well absorbs hits from cumulative bullets and sub-calibers. Therefore, often even top-end heavyweights do not penetrate the IS-7 with gold. If we continue the analogy with the IS-4, this tank can be penetrated head-on by experienced players without much difficulty, which often serves as a reason for dissatisfaction. At the same time, critics forget about one nuance: the “four” only breaks comfortably at a right angle. An easy turn of the hull, and the tank confidently tanks sideways in front of opponents of any level. Therefore, the IS-7 seems more attractive: it is almost impossible to penetrate the strand at a right angle.

Equipment on the IS-7

From additional equipment The rammer and aiming stabilizer are clearly installed. The last slot is filled variably, but it is better to opt for improved ventilation in order to comprehensively improve all characteristics.
There is no choice for combat consumables, so we load up an automatic fire extinguisher, a large repair kit and a first aid kit. This set of equipment will significantly increase the vehicle’s chance of survival. If there are problems with silver, premium consumables can be replaced with basic ones.

IS-7 crew

Upgrading crew skills for the IS-7 differs little from the standard set of any heavy tank in Game. Therefore, we adhere to this sequence:
In addition, it will be useful for the driver of the “Seven” to master the “King of Off-Road” skill, which will help to significantly improve the driving characteristics of the vehicle. It is important to remember that one of the loaders combines his specialization with the duties of a radio operator, so you can master the skill of radio interception. Mandatory perks include combat brotherhood and camouflage.

How to play the IS-7

We started the review with a comparison of two top heavy weights Soviet branch development. So, the IS-7 is a breakthrough tank that can rush a direction, confidently repelling random hits with its armor. The IS-4 is a defense machine capable of confidently defeating any city ​​street or exposing the enemy’s sides to attack, hold back the onslaught near your base.
Speaking of the IS-7, the main task of the tank is to systematically push out the enemy in the chosen direction. At the same time, the vehicle can also protect any of the flanks abandoned by its teammates.
So, taking advantage of the impressive parameters of the given armor, the “seven” needs to hide NLD and take any hits with the tower. It is worth noting that the frontal armor holds up well the shells fired by a level 10 tank destroyer, so purely theoretically, the IS-7, if properly positioned, is quite capable of holding off an enemy attack on its own.
If it is not possible to completely hide the NLD, we use any cover to attack the enemy, turning our cheeks. Here the armor plates are located at good angles, which gives a high chance of ricochet. Thus, you can peek around the corners of buildings and destroyed equipment. The enemy sees only part of the tower and hull, which prevents him from causing damage. Although rare hits can still penetrate the lower armor plate, there is no escape from this: completely hide the tank on open maps it won't work out.
It is important to understand that it is better not to be alone. Not a single tank in the game can withstand several enemies who are attacking en masse, so ideally, the IS-7 should be covered by 1-2 teammates who will not allow the tank to be bypassed from the sides.
Remember, that " seven“has good dynamics, so it has time to occupy advantageous positions, change directions of attack, or return to defend its base.
When meeting fast-firing opponents in a random environment, it is better to clinch with them. This way we neutralize the advantage of the enemy’s weapon and do not allow him to leave the confrontation. When going at point-blank range, you need to constantly aim your sights at the enemy’s gun, preventing him from targeting vulnerable areas. The mechanics of the game are designed in such a way that a shot into the barrel armor-piercing projectile does not cause damage, and the high-explosive charge becomes dangerous for the shooter. In a clinch, you shouldn’t “dance” with your opponent, turning your vulnerable cheeks. The IS-7 may well look at the enemy head-on, catching unpenetrated targets and inflicting damage.

IS-7 output

The IS-7 looks attractive to both beginners and experienced tankers. The tank feels confident on the front line, opening the enemy’s defenses like a tin can. At the same time, the car does not require getting used to and can be pulled even in inexperienced hands. Continuing the comparison, we note that the IS-4 is more suitable for experienced players who can quickly master the intricacies of the game mechanics on this heavyweight. Therefore, when deciding which heavy load to pump out first, the scales definitely tip in favor of the formidable IS-7.

IS-7 video

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