What composition should be hematogen. Natural hematogen: what is it made of, how to choose. Does it contain bovine blood?

Older people remember very well the most common hematogen, which was one of the favorite treats for children in the Soviet period. It is worth saying that now the classic hematogen is difficult to find, it has been replaced by many other sweet medicinal options, however, they are also useful, you just need to purchase them in pharmacies.

After the war, it was, perhaps, the only life-saving drug, not only from a lack of vitamins, but even just from hunger, there were many wounded with blood loss and problems associated with it. It is not so easy to restore blood supplies and at the same time enriched blood, even now there is a constant need for this for many people, most often this applies to women, for example, with heavy menstrual bleeding or after childbirth. In addition, it may be associated with invasions due to worms and in other cases. One way or another, hematogen, in its correct form, is extremely important for blood, its properties and for quick recovery.

It is very easy to determine the symptoms by which it can be said for sure that a person clearly lacks iron in the blood, for example, constant lethargy, pale skin, sudden weakness often attacks, followed by fainting, anemia and other symptoms. The iron that the human body can absorb is found only in animal proteins.

It was for this that the hematogen was developed, which in a unique way contained a large amount of iron, while iron is in the form in which the body is able to ideally accept and assimilate it. Doctors have linked iron in the hematogenous with proteins, so iron is remarkably absorbed in the blood and does not worsen the functioning of the stomach. It is worth saying that for the first time hematogen appeared in post-revolutionary Russia, then they were in the form of sweet chocolate bars.

Before talking about the composition and benefits, I would like to say separately about the three types of modern hematogen that are in our pharmacies. These are Hematogen new, Hematogen Honey and Hematogen C.

Honey hematogen completely absorbed the qualities of the previous hematogen and received a honey supplement. In addition to being a delicacy, it is very useful for physical and mental fatigue, for anemia and bleeding, after bone and tissue injuries, if a person has a poor diet, after operations, and with infectious diseases. In general, it strengthens the body and vital processes, enriches the blood and is a stimulant.

Hematogen C, speaks of itself from the name, it is rich in vitamin C and food albumin, it also contains sugar, flavoring and molasses, ferrous sulfate iron, condensed milk. It is produced in the form of tiles of the usual color, dark or light brown, with a division into plates, very sweet and with a pleasant aroma. Hematogen C should be in tiles weighing 30 and 50 grams, 6 and 10 plates each.

The hematogen is new, its content is almost the same, but at the same time there are still hazelnuts, otherwise the composition is the same: flavor, molasses and sugar, ferrous sulfate, albumin, condensed milk, and so on. Like the previous type, this hematogen is produced in brown tiles, very fragrant and sweet, the weight of the tiles is the same - 30 and 50 grams, they are also 6 and 10 sweet tiles in size.

Useful properties and composition of hematogen

The hematogen basically consists of an iron-containing protein, it is also hemoglobin, it is part of red blood cells and is the main stimulator of the formation of red cells in the blood. For the preparation of hematogen, dry blood of cattle is used, honey, ascorbic acid, condensed milk and flavor enhancers are added to it, as already mentioned in appearance, hematogen is very similar to slab chocolate.

The hematogen contains a lot of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, as well as many healthy fats. The entire composition of the hematogen is not collected by chance, absolutely all substances are suitable for the composition of our blood. Thanks to these substances, the process of hematopoiesis is stimulated, improved and accelerated, and metabolic processes as a whole are improved. The hematogen contains a lot of vitamin A, and as you know, it is necessary for hair growth, to strengthen vision and restores the skin, stimulates the body, all this is necessary for a growing teenage body.

Indications for the use of hematogen

The hematogen, depending on the type, contains different substances, in different quantities, and the amount of iron also varies. Therefore, the correct amount of hematogen consumption must be set according to the instructions.

  • there is a lack of nutrition, a small amount or very scarce;
  • there is a lag in the growth of the child;
  • low hemoglobin in the blood and very often bleeding occurs;
  • if there were severe infectious diseases, as well as after a severe flu;
  • when there are diseases of the stomach, such as a chronic ulcer, also with a duodenal ulcer, in the presence of bleeding;
  • in case of dry skin;
  • when there is a serious visual impairment and treatment is prescribed, hematogen is also part of the treatment.

Hematogen is contraindicated

Given that there are a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates in the hematogen, patients with diabetes or obesity cannot eat it. As you know, easily digestible carbohydrates stagnate and create a strong fermentation process in the intestines, which eventually leads to nausea and diarrhea.

It is also impossible to use hematogen for patients with thrombophlebitis, it is prohibited for those who have intolerance to hematogen components, as well as for pregnant women. But the hematogen is also not omnipotent, so if anemia is not associated with a lack of iron, then the hematogen is not an assistant here.

Correct intake of hematogen

Hematogen is not harmless, so it must be consumed in certain quantities.

How much hematogen can you eat per day:

  • A child aged 3-6 years should eat 5 grams, 3 times a day.
  • Older from 7 to 12 years - 10 grams per day.
  • After 12 years, the same 10 grams, but only three times a day.

You can not eat hematogen constantly, you can take it daily for no more than 2 or 3 weeks. You can eat it periodically when you get a strong physical exertion, with emotional upheaval and stress, to recover from an illness or surgery. Due to the constant use, allergies and gastric disorders may appear, if there are diseases of the pancreas, then because of the high calorie content, you can not eat it.

It is worth knowing that many confectionery products have been found for a long time, which, for some, apparently commercial reasons, included “hematogen” in the name of their sweets. In 2008, the Ministry of Health reported this and warns to this day that these sweets have nothing to do with medicinal hematogen. Therefore, when purchasing a hematogen in confectionery stores, you should not count on its usefulness, because. real hematogen, as a medication, is available only for purchase at a pharmacy. At a minimum, you need to read what is written on the packaging of such a product, and know what a real hematogen should contain.

How to understand that there is not enough iron in the body

There are a number of signs by which you can accurately determine the lack of iron in the body:

  • freezing of extremities even when warm (arms and legs);
  • regular colds and illnesses;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • severe hair loss;
  • nails are noticeably peeling.

The body tends to absorb iron poorly, therefore, from the food it consumes, at best, it consumes only 10% of iron, so many people can eat hematogen. If you eat a lot of foods with calcium, then it automatically impairs the absorption of iron. Therefore, if hemoglobin rises and there are significant periods, then at least at such a time you need to give up dairy and calcium-containing products, but as a rule, these are dairy products. Try to take iron and calcium separately.

If you have low hemoglobin, then coffee and tea should not be consumed after meals, because. they significantly impede the absorption of iron. Already in the intestines, cereals such as wheat can interfere with the absorption of iron. Again, with low hemoglobin, it is worth eating meat without cereals, pasta and bread products, at least temporarily. Instead, eat vegetable side dishes such as potatoes, beans, cabbage, etc. If you still continue to eat everything, then be sure to remember the hematogen, it will reinforce your body with iron.

Hematogen is a drug intended for the correction of metabolic processes occurring in the body. It is a source of minerals, carbohydrates, complete protein, fats, which are contained in proportions close to the composition of the blood.

What is the composition and form of release of Hematogen?

The drug is produced in embossed tiles, which are divided into small plates with a brown color, they are sweet in taste, similar in texture to iris, with a weak vanilla aroma.

One tile contains food albumin in the amount of 2.5 grams, it is the active substance of the drug. Auxiliary compounds Hematogen: condensed milk with sugar, starch syrup is added, there is vanillin, as well as granulated sugar in the right amount.

Hematogen is made at pharmaceutical production from dried blood of cattle, while sometimes various flavor enhancers are added, as well as honey, pine nuts, ascorbic acid. Outwardly, this drug resembles small chocolate bars.

It is necessary to store the drug in a dry place, protected from light, it is recommended to remove the drug away from children. It is necessary to observe the temperature conditions, they should be no more than 25 degrees. Shelf life is six months, after which the tiles can not be used. You can buy them without a prescription.

What are the properties of Hematogen?

Hematogen stimulates the process of hematopoiesis, promotes better absorption of iron in the intestine, in addition, it affects the increase in hemoglobin in the blood, and also regulates redox processes in the body.

The biologically complete protein present in the preparation contains all the important amino acids in the optimal ratio. The drug increases the amount of ferritin directly in the plasma. It is a source of fats, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. All substances are in a balanced state.

A wide variety of medicines that can now be seen in pharmacies have practically replaced Hematogen, which used to be very popular among both children and adults.

The iron absorbed by the body is present in the animal protein, which is exactly in this preparation. Symptoms such as pallor of the skin, lethargy, fatigue, weakness, decreased performance may indicate a deficiency of this mineral compound.

Hematogen began to be produced in the form of tiles in the last century, it was developed as a unique drug containing iron, which is freely absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are the indications for use of Hematogen?

Hematogen is prescribed as a complex treatment if the patient has anemia of various origins, the drug is especially effective in the post-hemorrhagic and iron deficiency form of this disease, when the body is iron deficient.

In addition, it is recommended to use it in conditions that are accompanied by muscle hypotrophy, the drug is effective for malnourished so-called cachexic patients. In addition, it is prescribed during the period of convalescence, when the patient has suffered any serious illness.

In addition to the listed indications, one can classify a violation of the function of vision, in this case, the drug can also be used, since it is rich in vitamin A, in addition, Hematogen has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair, nails, and also improves the condition of the skin.

What are the contraindications for Hematogen?

The drug Hematogen instructions for use prohibits the use of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, it is not used for impaired carbohydrate metabolism, since there is a certain amount of sugar in the composition. It is contraindicated in anemia that is not associated with iron deficiency.

What is the use and dosage of Hematogen?

The medicine is taken enterally, that is, inside, the tiles are chewed and swallowed, it is not recommended to drink them. For prophylactic purposes, adults and children over two years of age are usually recommended to use one or two plates three times a day. A similar course is held for 30 or 60 days.

During the period of convalescence, after the patient has suffered iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to prescribe the medicine two tiles per day, while the intake period is calculated for two months.

The doctor can prescribe this remedy, depending on the indications for use. Repeated courses of treatment should also be agreed with the doctor. It is better to refrain from unauthorized use.

What are the side effects of Hematogen?

Overdose Hematogen

There were no cases of overdose.

special instructions

Patients suffering from such an endocrine pathology as diabetes mellitus should first consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that Hematogen contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which can adversely affect the health of patients with this disease.

What are the analogues of Hematogen?

Hematogen L, Hematogen with pine nuts, Hematogen new, Hematogen C Vita, Hematogen with hazelnuts, the listed drugs are analogues.


Before proceeding with the use of Hematogen, it would be useful to get advice from a specialist.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Hematogen is a unique drug, which includes many useful micro and macro elements. What is it for? Hematogen was created during the Second World War, for the treatment of patients with significant blood loss, concussions and other injuries.

The drug is used to this day for the treatment of diseases associated with iron deficiency. In addition, the tool is used for the prevention of many diseases.

Composition of the product

What is the hematogen made of? It is made from the dried blood of a bull or other cattle. Additionally, honey, ascorbic acid and flavor enhancers are added. In appearance, the hematogen resembles a bar of ordinary chocolate, only the benefits of it are much greater!

The composition of the hematogen includes amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and other elements that stimulate the recovery of the body after diseases, infections, surgical interventions, etc.

Since vitamin A is part of the hematogen, the use of this drug has a positive effect on vision and skin restoration. Hematogen promotes hair and nail growth. How much iron is in one tile - you can find out on the packaging.

There are several types of hematogen, which include different amounts of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor about how to take this drug.

General indications for use:

  • iron deficiency in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • with frequent bleeding;
  • with anemia;
  • to increase hemoglobin;
  • with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after complex infectious diseases;
  • with a frequent feeling of fatigue and weakness of the body.

In addition, hematogen should be consumed if the child has a slight developmental delay. As part of complex therapy, the drug can be prescribed for the treatment of various diseases that impair vision.

Contraindications for use

Hematogen is a therapeutic supplement, which, like any other drug, has its own contraindications:

  • The composition of the hematogen includes carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug to patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • It is not recommended to use hematogen for patients with thrombophlebitis, as their condition may worsen significantly.
  • It is forbidden to take the drug and those who have an allergic disposition to the constituent components.

Hematogen and pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend using hematogen during pregnancy, as it can cause blockage of placental cells or form thrombosis. This drug can be used during pregnancy only in case of emergency, for example, if the expectant mother has low hemoglobin or iron deficiency.

Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited, so you can seriously harm your baby. Only a gynecologist will say with certainty whether a hematogen can be used by a pregnant woman and how much it should be consumed.

  • They tend to be overweight.
  • The expectant mother suffers from diabetes mellitus or has a hereditary tendency to this disease.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use for women with anemia, which is not associated with iron deficiency!
  • If a pregnant woman is allergic to any component that is part of the hematogen.

The use of the drug in HB

Experts warn that it is necessary to use hematogen during breastfeeding with extreme caution, especially for those who are allergic to the drug.

Important! Do not forget that hematogen is primarily a medical supplement, and not a complete diet. A woman can use the drug only when the child is at least 4 months old.

The hematogen can affect the taste of milk, so the baby may even refuse to breastfeed. In addition, it is not recommended to use hematogen with HB if:

  • there is a tendency to allergies;
  • there is no iron deficiency in the blood.

Types of hematogen

The following types of hematogen are produced:

  • Standard hematogen. Has no additives. It is produced in tiles of 30 and 50 g. It can be consumed by both children and adults.
  • New hematogen. The composition practically does not differ from the standard hematogen. Has an additive in the form of hazelnuts. Available in packs of 6 and 10 plates.
  • Honey hematogen. Has honey additive. It is recommended to use for patients with infectious and viral diseases, anemia. standard form. Available in 30g (6 cubes) and 50g (10 cubes) tiles.
  • Hematogen C. It has an additional additive - vitamin C. It is produced in a standard form, in the same sizes as a regular hematogen.

Dosage of the drug

How often you can eat and in what doses it is desirable to use hematogen, the attending physician will only say, having studied the results of all examinations and tests.

Important! The drug does not need to be self-administered. In some cases, hematogen can harm the body.

Instructions for use for children

At what age can hematogen be given to children? Experts recommend starting to give the drug to children from the age of 3, and then not in large quantities. Hematogen can be given for prevention purposes, but it is strictly forbidden to eat it all the time! Children can take the drug for 2-3 weeks daily, and then you need to take a short break so as not to harm the baby's health.

Hematogen for children should be taken according to the instructions:

  • Children 3-5 years old no more than 5 g 3 r. in a day.
  • Children 6-12 years old 10 g 3 r. in a day.

Important! The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. But you need to give hematogen only after consulting with a pediatrician. It's not good for all kids. In addition, this drug may cause side effects. Therefore, do not abuse the hematogen!

Instructions for use for adults

For both men and women, the allowable rate per day should not exceed 15 g of hematogen. It is not recommended to use other vitamins in parallel without the permission of a doctor. It is undesirable to eat the drug for 30 minutes. before/after meals. It is also not advisable for men and women to take Hematogen continuously. It is recommended to use the drug for 3-4 weeks, then you need to take a short break.

To understand whether to buy a product or not, you need to figure out what the benefits and harms of hematogen are, and what it gives the body. Hematogen is a delicacy that looks very similar to chocolate, but you can usually find it on pharmacy shelves.

How and from what is hematogen made

The main composition of the delicacy at first can be very surprising. The product is produced mainly from the blood of cattle. Other components are added to it in small quantities. Of course, the blood used is not liquid, but pre-treated - dried and turned into black food albumin.

The classic production technology is as follows:

  • to create a product, they take high-quality, molasses and sugar syrup;
  • the components are mixed and heated to a high temperature - 125 degrees;
  • then the mass is cooled to 60 degrees and at this stage dried blood is added to it - black albumin or hemoglobin.

In addition to the listed ingredients, honey, ascorbic acid and other substances may be present in the hematogen. They enhance the benefits and improve the taste of the product. Especially often they contain children's hematogen. The delicacy is always similar to chocolate in appearance, and resembles toffee in texture and taste.

Hematogen: chemical composition and calorie content

Nutrition is at an average level - 100 g of the product contains 354 calories. It is of particular value in terms of carbohydrates - 75.7 g. Also in the hematogen there are proteins in the amount of 6 g and quite a bit of fat - 3 g.

According to the chemical composition, iron-containing protein holds unconditional leadership. But other elements also give useful properties, namely:

  • minerals calcium, potassium and sodium, chlorine;
  • vitamins A and C, B12;
  • amino acids;
  • sucrose and maltose;
  • glucose and dextrin.

Important! The exact composition and benefits depend on the form of release. For example, different bars may contain cereals and nuts, pieces of fruit, further expanding the useful properties of the treat.

Indications for use: why do you need a hematogen

Pharmacy delicacy belongs to the category of not drugs, but dietary supplements. In other words, dietary supplements are dispensed without a prescription, and you can buy it freely to eat for prevention. But under certain conditions it will be of particular benefit:

  • with anemia and malnutrition, severe iron deficiency;
  • with physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • with a constant stay in conditions of poor ecology;
  • after severe blood loss;
  • in diseases with bleeding - for example, in acute gastric ulcer;
  • with a lack of vitamins A and C in the body;
  • with weakened immunity.

Hematogen raises hemoglobin or not? Yes - in all these situations, the benefit lies precisely in the hematopoietic properties. Even doctors prescribe this dietary supplement along with pharmacological agents - its beneficial properties help to defeat the disease faster.

Benefits for women and men

The benefits of hematopoietic delicacy for women are simply enormous, since once a month completely natural and healthy, but unpleasant bleeding occurs in the female body. Albumin, which enters the body during menstruation, prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency from blood loss, and it becomes easier to endure menstruation.

For men, the benefit lies in the fact that the product is able to restore strength after intense physical exertion. In addition, a treat with albumin regulates hormonal levels, helps to cope with the effects of stress. Men often experience increased demands from society and suffer from a lack of strength, but hematogen helps to solve this problem.

Hematogen for children

For children and adolescents, a pharmacy treat is an urgent need. Hematogen strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of anemia, promotes a good oxygen supply to the body. With regular use, the beneficial properties are expressed in the fact that children are less likely to suffer from colds and maintain a healthy weight even during a period of intensive growth.

For schoolchildren, a treat helps to cope with mental stress and protects eyesight.

Attention! It is not recommended to give the product to infants - it is better to introduce hematogen into the diet from about 3 years old. You need to start with dosages of no more than 30 g per day.

Is hematogen possible for pregnant women

Iron is one of the most important trace elements for a woman who is expecting a baby, since the placenta is formed largely due to iron. In addition, as the fetus develops, the circulatory system is under increasing stress. In the II and III trimesters, anemia is not excluded - hematogen will help prevent it.

Also in the later stages, it is important to control the level of hemoglobin in the blood because of the upcoming birth - they are associated with blood loss. It is useful to use the product and immediately after the resolution of the burden. It will help to quickly cope with the consequences of childbirth.

Advice! Hematogen during pregnancy is an unconditional benefit, but in large quantities, the delicacy thickens the blood and can be harmful. It is recommended to use it only as an aid and do not forget about a full vitamin diet.

Is it possible to eat hematogen while breastfeeding

Eating a treat during lactation is not recommended. The fact is that the product can give breast milk an unusual taste - and if the baby does not like it, then there will be problems with natural feeding.

Hematogen during weight loss

During the diet, treats should be consumed with caution. On the one hand, it can prevent the development of anemia, which is especially dangerous with mono-diets. But on the other hand, the product is quite high in calories - if you get too carried away with it, then it will be difficult to lose weight.

With iron deficiency, small portions of goodies can be included in the diet - no more than 50 g. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor the daily calorie intake.

Instructions for use

Hematogen does not have particularly strict requirements for use. And yet, several conditions must be adhered to.

  1. Hematogen is consumed in between meals - approximately 1.5 hours after eating.
  2. Dietary supplements do not mix well with antibiotics. If you need to take both of them, you should definitely separate the hematogen and antibiotics at 2-hour intervals.
  3. The product is not recommended to be combined with multivitamins.
  4. Included in the hematogenous iron is poorly absorbed on diets low in salt.
  5. It is better not to take a delicacy at the same time as natural sources of protein - meat and fish, dairy products.

How much hematogen can you eat per day

Although the pharmacy delicacy is not equated with medicines, it should not be consumed uncontrollably. The recommended dosage for adults is no more than 50 g per day, or one standard package. Children and adolescents can be given only 40 g of hematogen.

How to choose

Hematogen in pharmacies is represented by products from different manufacturers - and not all tiles have the same benefit. Some brands are releasing regular low albumin sweets. There will be no harm from such a product, but the beneficial properties will be less.

To choose the hematogen correctly, you need to read the composition - black food albumin should take at least 4 - 5% of the total mass of the delicacy.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits of the product can turn into an unexpected side if you use hematogen for certain diseases. Treats are prohibited:

  • with diabetes - due to the high content of carbohydrates in the composition;
  • with obesity - due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots and varicose veins - the product will additionally thicken the already viscous blood;
  • with anemia that is not associated with a lack of iron - in this case, the main valuable element, hemoglobin, will be harmful, since there will be too much of it in the body.

Hematogen feeding in the diet should be introduced only if the child does not show hostility to the unusual taste of milk.

This dietary supplement should not be abused. Even in a healthy person, if the dosage is exceeded, diarrhea and vomiting can occur.

Many have heard about the hematogen, but few know what kind of medicinal delicacy it is and why it was created at all. Today we will figure out what a hematogen is, how much it can be eaten by children and adults, and what are the contraindications.

First of all, it is worth saying that hematogen is a biologically active supplement (BAA), which is designed to replenish the supply of iron in the human body and improve its well-being. So, a toffee-like bar is used to treat anemia, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Product History

Two centuries ago, a doctor named Sergei Botkin established that a person's health directly depends on the quality of his blood. The lack of hemoglobin leads to a general weakening and disruption of the most important functions of life.

In the 19th century, doctors and scientists from all over the world began to look for a remedy that would increase the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood (an important protein that transports oxygen throughout the body). An effective solution appeared in Switzerland in 1890. It was in this country that the hematogen was discovered, which immediately gained wild popularity among the population.

Over time, the production of dietary supplements improved in the USSR. Manufacturers supplied the product to weakened soldiers during World War II, and at the end of the war they completely rethought the approach to the supplement so that it would also be of interest to ordinary people, who in most cases suffered from anemia due to poor nutrition.

The new recipe has turned hematogen into a tasty bar. The sweetness was perfect for tea, plus, it was distinguished by a low price. Later, dietary supplements were enriched with vitamins that promote better absorption of iron.

Over time, products appeared on the shelves that look very similar to hematogen and have an almost identical name (“Hemagen”, for example), but do not have a medicinal effect. Such products do not contain a key substance - albumin. Fake tiles almost do not differ from the original in taste, but do not have any effect on the body.

The composition of the hematogen

The active substance of the product is albumin. Outwardly, iron-rich albumin looks like a powder that dissolves well in liquid. The substance is obtained from purified bovine blood. The use of whole blood ceased in 1950.

According to GOST, the product contains:

  • 5% albumin;
  • 33% condensed milk;
  • 21% molasses from starch;
  • 0.015% vanillin;
  • 40% sugar.

Vitamins: A and C. Minerals: K, Ca, Na, Cl.

Since manufacturers are allowed to change the ratio of components and add new components, we advise you to carefully read what the hematogen consists of. There are cases when supposedly hematogen is generally made by confectionery factories.

The bar may also contain other products, such as nuts or dried fruits.

The benefits of hematogen and its pharmacological action

The dietary supplement contains complete proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the ratio of which is close to the composition of human blood. Protein saturates the body with all the amino acids for normal life, moreover, in the right amount.

The benefits of hematogen:

  • enriches the body with iron;
  • improves blood production processes;
  • improves the functioning of organs due to amino acids;
  • strengthens nails, hair, improves the condition of the skin due to the presence of vitamin A, plus, maintains visual acuity;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the tone of the body;
  • eliminates exhaustion;
  • vital.

How much hematogen can children

Pediatricians often prescribe dietary supplements for children as an anemia prevention or treatment. Iron deficiency symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • brittle hair nails;
  • increased irritability;
  • distraction;
  • change in eating habits;
  • changes in the perception of smells;
  • drowsiness;
  • , headaches;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • dryness in the mouth.

There are cases when people with anemia began to eat chalk or look for the smell of gasoline, which suddenly became pleasant to them.

Hematogen can be used both for the treatment of iron deficiency and for its prevention.

5-15 g is the daily norm for children under the age of eighteen. Every year the need for iron increases. Doctors note that anemia in a child is possible even at birth, if there was a deficiency of the element in the mother's body.

Benefits for men

The daily minimum of iron for an adult male is ten milligrams. According to statistics, the male half of the population is less likely to suffer from anemia. Periodic use of the supplement helps to cope with daily stress at work, fatigue, apathy and shortness of breath.

Benefits for Women

The norm of iron for girls is higher than for men: it is 15 mg / day, and during the period of bearing a child or lactation - 20 mg / day. More than 60% of women have suffered from iron deficiency at least once. The explanation for this is simple: every month, iron comes out with blood, moreover, in large quantities. In addition, very often ladies follow newfangled diets that are generally unbalanced.

Hematogen can not only improve health, but also improve the condition of hair, skin, nails. The girl from the regular use of dietary supplements becomes less irritable and tearful.

Doctors often prescribe hematogen to pregnant women.

Indications for the use of hematogen

  1. Unbalanced diet, regular consumption of fast food and other "wrong" foods.
  2. Chronic diseases, in particular a stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  3. Reduced vision.
  4. Dry skin, its unsatisfactory external appearance.
  5. Brittleness of nails and hair.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Lack of appetite.
  8. Poisoning.
  9. Retardation in growth.

To whom the supplement is contraindicated and what are the side effects

Hematogen should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity, as well as in case of carbohydrate imbalance. In addition, due to the presence of sugar in the product, it is contraindicated for diabetics and.

The following negative effects of the use of the supplement are possible: nausea and loose stools.

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