Kate Middleton after giving birth to her daughter. Kate Middleton gave birth: how the birth went this and the previous time. Mothers began sharing photos of themselves after giving birth to reassure other women and add a little more realism to the Internet.

Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I probably wore it for the first month. I can’t stand it - it’s kind of yellow and wide. And for me all these attributes mean nothing.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends and acquaintances wear these attributes. I never paid attention.


To live well!

Our city is currently hosting an annual trade exhibition, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. The most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr - year and Markt - market, bazaar.
I invite you to take a walk through the German province in the rain, where would we be without it?

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the children!"



We are talking about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of the annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and staying there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points of contact, something to talk about or at least some family relations, but everything is quiet there.

The mother-in-law comes to her home, hangs out her towels, plants and digs up trees at her own discretion, brings some fragrant fertilizers, in general everything is “just the way I like it.” You can’t leave a child with her, there’s no trust, because she’s “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home while she goes off on business, I haven’t heard about hygiene: her hands and nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after using the toilet, all the dishes are done after it in greasy and sticky spots. This is so disgusting girls!

According to the first one, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited her into the house, set the table, gave me expensive wine, but in the conversation I heard that the cutlets were a bit dry and that I was still a bitch! And I decided that she and I didn’t need to sit at the same table. Apparently I can’t save my family, no matter how much I want to. I'm not ready for such impudent attacks on my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, my husband, and my 5-year-old daughter. The house was built by my husband. I would like to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so as not to be upset anymore. I haven’t slept for two nights... I can’t do anything... She’s sitting there at our dacha, and we’re toiling in the stuffy city, and on the weekend my husband suggested (apparently that mommy should stay there) that we go to his friend’s dacha (who he doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and earn normal money. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the Moscow region myself, but it’s such a shame that I do everything myself. And I take my child to the sea myself, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, and now it has been occupied.

Next week, my sister-in-law is sending her children to us... So that they can live there for another month... The house, I tell you, is not made of rubber, and all of us will not fit there even if I get over my disgust towards my mother-in-law's sloppiness...


Fairy, just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you don’t need to get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, it’s not a problem, the person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his own family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just crawling out of the ground. She would like to live at least a year without her mother, just alone, but love is carrots, we ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they united the premarital, bought three rubles in a new building, got pregnant, it’s like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model “father is the breadwinner, mother is the keeper of the hearth,” and mother’s Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughter, instead of help, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband’s dirty socks washed on the same day and for her husband there should always be first, second and compote. They inserted Sashka’s brain, he began to actively help Dasha, and his mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dashka had a breakdown. During the next scandal, she rushed out of the house in only a robe at 3 a.m. and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her, but she had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the ICU for almost six months, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to the metropolis, got a job, 2 years later she got married a second time and gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed while pregnant, inherited her husband’s business, and now everything is fine with her. I started communicating with my son as soon as I left the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadya, a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as one of her own and adopted her as a common child.
When Sasha was filing for divorce, she said that they should determine the child’s place of residence with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything and calls them both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mom Nadya, who is always with him, dad and his adored little brother, dad and mom promise to buy a little sister. And holiday mother Dasha, who takes her with her on weekends and on all sorts of trips across the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is that Dasha decided that she needed to take Andryushka. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she regional center, wants to give to good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
People are sane, so far everything is quiet and peaceful, but a scandal is brewing.
The question is - what is best for the child? Should I leave my dad in the family or give it to my mom, where there will be more opportunities for education?


Maria Sukhova

Girls, this is a chatty topic)

I have a friend; in December she had a complex, paid operation; she was on sick leave for a long time. I went back to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found new job from 1.07. But apparently it’s difficult to live financially, although she doesn’t complain or ask.

Her parents did not offer her financial help, although they have such an opportunity. She has grandparents, a sister, aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if my friend had asked, they would have helped her. I offered to help her, she thanked her and said that she would probably contact her in July, because... The first salary will be in August.

Moreover, yesterday she met ex-husband and he also proposed to her, knowing about her difficulties (they have a normal relationship). She didn’t take it, she also left it as a last resort. My friend and I chatted about this topic. But this just pretty shining example about this theme, we are not talking about a friend and her family.

Are your family offering you help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?


I would never have thought that my innocent note about Kate Middleton’s birth would cause an international scandal, and that I would be labeled as a “mouthpiece of the Kremlin.”

And it was like this. Looking on the Internet at the Duchess of Cambridge, who had just given birth and was immediately discharged from the hospital, I, like any normal woman, was amazed: is this normal? I am a mother myself, and have some practical understanding of the process. And also about how you feel after it. The first day is as if a train passed over you. And here Kate - with a manicure, hair styling and perfect makeup, with a baby in one hand, waving to her subjects with the other hand. “Probably storks bring babies to princesses,” I thought enviously.

I go to the Daily Mail website and realize that I’m not alone. The main topic there is a headline about a storm in British social networks: English women tweet congratulations, but at the same time they are also amazed: wow! After giving birth, we can barely walk, and Kate is like a cucumber!

And I decided to write a note. About appearance princesses, about the surprise of British mothers, about the duchess’s personal hairdresser, who came to her just three hours after giving birth and brought with her a dress from designer Jenny Peckham. With a mention of the Daily Mail and a hyperlink to their article. Not a word about politics. Only about childbirth. By the way, I deeply like Kate, and if her health allows her to get up and go immediately after the birth of her daughter, then why not. Good health to her and the baby.

Imagine my surprise when today on the Daily Mail website I see a note that “a pro-Kremlin newspaper” TVNZ"accused our Kate of fake birth!" “Russian mothers believe that our princess carried a child surrogate mother“- I read, not believing my eyes. “Russians are not capable of giving birth and immediately leaving the hospital!” Etc.

I'm about surrogacy, by the way, didn’t even stutter. Who stuttered, you ask? It turns out that readers are in the comments under my note. I love our readers dearly, but I don’t always share their opinion. And if suddenly someone writes somewhere in the comments that the child Buckingham Palace planted by the Martians, I will never put this in the headline.

Further more. The news reached Ukrainian websites, which were not too lazy to translate and reprint the British article about “the princess and the hand of the Kremlin.” And interpret it in the spirit that, they say, Russian mothers... these are Russian mothers. They are not given the opportunity to understand, because they are... Russian.

However, Ukrainian journalist and video blogger Anatoly Shariy spoke more sparklingly in his latest video post about how Ukrainian websites presented this news. Thanks to him, by the way, for the fact that, unlike many, he was not too lazy to read the original source and tell us that in fact it was about British mothers. Although what about me? blooming species Kate is still very curious. Purely feminine. Without any politics.

And, by the way, when the Duchess of Cambridge became a mother for the first time, the American tabloids did not write anything. To the point that the child, they say, is not William’s, and that Queen Elizabeth is demanding a paternity test for baby George. Then no one saw the “hand of the White House” in this. How the world changed while Kate was giving birth...

April 28, 2018, 09:07

Why Kate Middleton annoys new mothers

Several days have passed since the birth of Kate Middleton's third child, and now the public is occupied with two questions: what will the newborn be called and why Kate Middleton looked so defiantly beautiful a few hours after giving birth. "Gazeta.Ru" - waits for a response to the first and responds to the second.

April 23, at 11.01, Duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child at St Mary's Hospital in London. At about 18.00 she appeared on the porch of the obstetric ward in the company of Prince William with a baby in her arms. Only seven hours had passed since the birth of her newborn son, but nothing in her appearance indicated that just a few hours ago she had no time for appearing in public.

This isn't the first time Kate Middleton has appeared in front of a crowd of fans looking immaculate shortly after giving birth. However, if earlier this delighted everyone, now the public asks: “How is this possible?”

It began to be asked primarily by young mothers who know: after the birth of a baby, a woman has neither the desire nor the opportunity to do her hair, put on high-heeled shoes and go out in public. The Mumsnet portal was flooded with publications from women who were embarrassed by the impeccable appearance of the mother of the newborn prince, and one of the BBC TV channel employees, presenter of the program Woman's Hour, Jane Garvey, wrote on her Twitter:

“The stunning appearance of the #Duchess ofCambridge is questionable. Most women look like sacks of potatoes after giving birth. I would post my photo, but after that you will need help." After that, she invited women who are not afraid to scare social network users with their appearance to post their photos.

In the comments to Jane's post, many photographs of young mothers with newborn babies, taken shortly after giving birth, appeared. There is nothing terrible about them - unless you think that a lady has no right to appear in public without makeup and in a hospital gown.

However, the flash mob became very popular: women in Britain began to prove that hair styling, makeup, heels and a Jenny Packham dress were unacceptable if you were still in the throes of birth for a few more hours.

“I think it’s important to show what birth and motherhood really look like so other mothers don’t feel alone,” another said. BBC correspondent Nina Warhurst also supported her colleague, posting a collage comparing herself and Kate Middleton and writing: “I’m on the right, if anything.”

Most women agreed that the Duchess should not appear in public, but rather leave the hospital as an emergency exit, without wasting time on hair styling and makeup and spending it rather with the child.

The beaming and relaxed face of the Duchess of Cambridge made women familiar with the process feel sorry for the mother of three children:

Instead of resting, she is forced to pull herself together, surrender to the hands of stylists and makeup artists, and dress up in heels, while all a woman wants after giving birth is to shower and sleep.

Meanwhile, the media explained what her secret is ideal image- in the work of stylists, of course.

As The Sun newspaper reported, Kate Middleton's hair is done by stylist Amanda Cook Tucker - she also did the duchess's hair after the birth of George in 2013, and after the birth of Charlotte in 2015. The publication claims that in order to style Kate's hair, the stylist needs a fair amount of equipment - 13 brushes, 7 combs, two hair dryers and three curling irons. Makeup artist Arabelle Preston is responsible for makeup - she always accompanies the princess at important events.

Kate's stylist and former assistant Natasha Archer chooses outfits for the Duchess -

her appearance on the baby's birthday became a sign to the public that the child had already been born and the Dukes of Cambridge could be expected to appear before the people.

For the third time to go out in public after the birth of her child, she chose a dress from Jenny Packham, a British fashion designer whose outfits always help Kate demonstrate patriotism.

There are several other reasons why Kate left the hospital on the day of birth. According to journalists, this was done so that the hype around the birth royal heir did not drag on - and the onlookers who crowded around the hospital and disturbed other women in labor finally dispersed.

And in addition, many publications recalled: the period during which a woman can stay in hospital after childbirth is very short in the UK - it is only one and a half days. Before discharging a young mother from the hospital, obstetricians, of course, check her condition and the health of the baby, but if everything is in order, in the United Kingdom they see no reason to leave the woman under the supervision of doctors.

However, of course, no one will leave Kate alone: ​​doctors continue to monitor her condition. But when will we next see her in public is the question. She has two ahead important events: the birthday of daughter Charlotte (she will turn three on May 2) and the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, which will take place on May 19. So she'll probably have to wear heels very soon.

On April 23, the Duchess of Cambridge became a mother for the third time - she gave birth to a son. Just a few hours after giving birth, Katherine already went out in public - in heels, with perfect makeup, hairstyle and a radiant smile. She looked so flawless that a flash mob soon began on the Internet, in which women share their photos immediately after giving birth in the “Expectation and Reality” format. And it's very funny.

Expectation is reality

The women did not fully believe that after childbirth they could recover so quickly, so they decided to show themselves after a difficult process

Some even said that they would dream of looking just as great at least a few years after giving birth.

Princess Cambridge Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, second child crown prince William and Duchess Catherine. This event was both a cause for celebration throughout Great Britain and gave rise to the most strange rumors and gossip throughout the kingdom.

Date confusion

Residents of Foggy Albion waited for the birth of William's second heir a little longer than the pregnancy itself lasted, because the first rumors about the duchess's position appeared back in May last year. True, official representatives of the Royal Court hastened to refute this information, and Middleton herself even drank a glass of alcohol at one of the social events. Four months later, representatives of the royal family nevertheless delighted fans with the news that the Duchess was expecting a child. The tabloids began a close hunt for Katherine and, in pursuit of hot sensations, sometimes went too far. So, in March, the magazine OK! hastened to announce that the Duchess had given birth to a baby ahead of schedule and decided to hide it from the public. The reason for this speculation was the dress with small polka dots and high heels that the Duchess wore to visit a children's center in Woolwich. The outfit hid Catherine's belly so effectively that many journalists doubted whether their favorite had hidden the true date of birth.

Other tabloids picked up the sensation and believed that Kate had deceived everyone by announcing her situation only in September: reporters learned from secret sources that the Duchess became pregnant in July or even June. And yet Kate did not meet any deadlines: neither those that the journalists expected, nor those that the doctors prescribed. The baby was born in early May, although doctors expected the birth in mid-April and even wanted to stimulate contractions.


Special diet for conceiving a girl

Kate said from the very beginning of her pregnancy that she did not want to rush things and find out the gender of the baby ahead of time. However, information leaked outside the royal house that the duchess was expecting a girl, about whom she for a long time dreamed. According to sources, Middleton even sat on special diet, including dairy products to increase the chances of conceiving a girl.

Kate was expecting twins

Today, even more questions are raised by the news that Kate was expecting twins. In October, the American tabloid National Enquirer claimed that an ultrasound showed that Kate and William would become parents of twin girls. And Windsor family biographer Robert Lacey confirmed that the couple really have every chance of having two children at the same time, because there were three pairs of twins in their family. Perhaps the blame for this rumor lies not with the journalists themselves, but with the inaccuracy of the medical research, because at the time of the ultrasound, Kate was only in her second month of pregnancy.

Kate's quarrels with Charles and Elizabeth

It's no secret that second births have become more ordeal for Kate than the first: the duchess was tormented by toxicosis, and due to poor health she had to postpone many social events. Apparently, her unstable health condition was the reason why Middleton in March was inclined to the idea of ​​giving birth to a baby at her residence, Kensington Palace. This idea did not please Queen Elizabeth II, who forced Catherine, in the name of tradition and the health of the potential heir to the throne, to give birth in a hospital.

Then Kate decided to at least temporarily alleviate her suffering by communicating with the person closest to her - her mother Carol moved in with her at Kensington Palace to provide moral support for her daughter. This time Charles was dissatisfied: he did not like the fact that Carol pushed around the servants and looked after baby George instead of nannies. However, the prince did not dare to kick the guest out of his residence. By the way, Kate said that in the future she does not intend to rely on servants, but will entrust the upbringing of the children to her parents. It looks like Charles will have to come to terms with the new resident in his house.

Prince Harry is jealous of his nephews

They also like to drag the eccentric Prince Harry into the story of Kate’s birth, who, in fact, is far from thinking about children. However, those close to the royal court believe that the red-haired robber is jealous of his newly-minted relatives: with the birth of Charlotte, his chances for the throne decreased - he became fifth in line for the crown.

Harry himself is just being sarcastic about this. Even after Georg’s birth, the kind uncle noticed that young parents had to suffer because of the whims and cries of the baby. This time Harry was more laconic and responded to the news happy birth Charlotte remarked that it was “wonderful.”

A surrogate mother gives birth to Kate

Well, for dessert, the craziest gossip - in fact, Kate was never pregnant, but always resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. Such rumors became especially intense in recent months the Duchess's pregnancy: due to well-chosen dresses that hid her belly, and heels that could not be worn by pregnant women, reporters doubted Catherine's honesty. Similar doubts arose after the beaming Middleton left the hospital with her newborn in her arms. Kate looked enviably rested and fresh, as if she had been not in a maternity hospital, but at a resort. But even this phenomenon can be found with a reasonable explanation: the duchess simply used the services of a stylist and makeup artist in time and, knowing that a jubilant crowd was waiting for her at the hospital gates, she hurried to get herself in order before going out in public.

Prince William's wife has shocked the public more than once with her appearance on the threshold of the maternity hospital. Main question, which worried everyone at these moments: how does she manage to look so good after giving birth?! However, even now: a little more than 7 weeks have passed, and the duchess has already returned to her previous form. After three pregnancies, her figure is perfect, as if Kate Middleton never gave birth.

At a charity polo tournament last weekend, Kate looked incredibly slim, and her belted dress perfectly emphasized her changed figure and thin waist. Not to mention how the Duchess of Cambridge looked in a soft azure dress during the Trooping the Color parade in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday.

The entire public noticed this, leaving Kate Middleton's appearance without comment. Midwife Laura Speiser from the “Women’s Health Clinic” said that some young mothers manage to quickly get back into shape, which depends not only on nutrition and physical activity, but good genes.

“Some women can easily return to their pre-pregnancy weight, especially when it is in their genes. If the mother is healthy, and the pregnancy proceeded safely and with a normal BMI, then after childbirth the body, as a rule, quickly gets into shape.”

She also added that the Duchess's rapid recovery is likely due to proper nutrition: “Remove from your diet those foods that the body “requires” after childbirth. On breastfeeding I especially want carbohydrates and something tasty - the body is “looking” for extra calories. If you can control yourself and opt for healthy snacks and balanced, healthy dinners, then you'll likely lose the weight you've gained faster."

And although Kate Middleton herself does not make any official statements about her figure, it is known that even after the birth of George, in 2013, a famous fitness and health expert worked with her Louise Parker. She developed her own method and has been working with people for over 20 years, helping them change their body. According to the star trainer, a third of her clients are young mothers. Based on her experience, Louise does not recommend that women after childbirth immediately begin to lose weight in any way possible.

At first, the body needs to rest and recover after nine months of such a serious load. Experienced mothers know that every pregnancy takes a toll on the body. Therefore, after giving birth, it is especially important to give yourself the opportunity to rest and try to get enough sleep.

“It's not easy for people who are always in the public eye,” she says. - Yes, they have resources, a whole support team of nutritionists and personal trainers, but in the end they still have to do this work on themselves.”


“Exercise is important, but long, high-intensity training is not necessary. I do not believe in the benefits and effectiveness of grueling workouts after childbirth. Anything too aggressive will only make the situation worse and emotional condition mothers,” says the athlete, who herself suffered from postpartum depression and dealt with it by walking. “You need to exercise, but little by little, gradually increasing the pace.”

The most suitable fitness plan for a new mother is cardio (such as walking) and light weight training for the upper body. You can do exercises every day while walking with a stroller: this will not only help strengthen the heart muscle and lose weight. overweight, but will also give the body the opportunity to gradually “enter the regime.”

“Your body should gradually recover from pregnancy. The most important thing is posture. Watch how you sit and walk. The best place to start is by strengthening your upper back and heart,” says Louise Parker, who then recommends a fairly gentle cardio-sculpting method.

"This is very effective method, during which you simultaneously train muscles and burn fat. Instead of regular squats, try doing exercises for your arms, back or neck muscles.”

“Finding time for sports is always difficult,” on own experience Mum of three Louise Parker knows. “But if you strive for this every day, you will be able to gradually get into the routine and exercise 3-4 times a week.”

Kate Middleton herself spends a lot of time with her children fresh air, walks, runs: she is always on the move. Not to mention the fact that one of the children is always in her arms, so the stress on her arms and back is constant.


Star trainer Louise Parker is sure that a strict diet is strictly contraindicated for young mothers. During the first time after childbirth, the body recovers from serious hormonal changes, so you should not deprive it of nutrients. A balanced diet consisting of healthy and “clean” foods is what helps restore the body even during breastfeeding.

“We completely destroy “white” and “fast” carbohydrates until we reach the goal. These include White bread and baked goods, sugar and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks. As healthy breakfast you can choose porridge or regular muesli with bran, adding berries or fruits to them. For lunch- lean meat or chicken with a side dish of legumes or vegetables, and for dinner-steak of meat or fish with light vegetable salad. As snacks Smoothies, light snacks such as hummus with crackers, oatmeal cookies or wedges are great fresh vegetables and fruits."

Prince William's wife's diet

In an interview with one of the culinary magazines, chef Kensington Palace Caroline Robb spoke about the Duchess's favorite dishes. When Prince William’s wife needs to get rid of extra pounds, she switches to a special diet for a while (Meghan Markle, according to rumors, also lost weight on it before the wedding).

Basic principles of Kate's diet:

  • There are plenty of salads and greens;
  • Replace sweet flour desserts with fruits (for example, watermelon salad);
  • There are many vegetables in the form of salads, ceviche, gazpacho;
  • Replace cow's milk with almond milk;
  • Replace meat protein with spirulina;
  • Monitor portion sizes;
  • Allow yourself “goodies” during the day, but in limited quantities;
  • Drink plenty of smoothies and organic juices.

The Duchess also simply loves Indian vegetarian curry of potatoes, black lentils, spinach and cauliflower (she ate it both during pregnancy and after).

Kate Middleton's favorite green smoothie


  • ¾ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • ½ cup chopped kale
  • ½ cup chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1 tbsp. spoon spirulina
  • ¼ cup coriander
  • 1 ½ water

How to cook:

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve garnished with a few blueberries.

Louise Parker says that on the way to the body of their dreams, many people become literally obsessed with numbers and count every gram, which is not very beneficial for the body and psyche:

“Just make sure you do your best. Even if today it was just a long walk and a relaxing bath, everything you do has a cumulative effect.”

Tell us, how did you manage to get in shape after giving birth?

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