Kerry or False Royal Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri). Kerry inpaicht Kerry super blue fish

Meet neon black and neon purple! The fish will not come as a surprise to anyone, because everyone knows it and it is the one that will first attract your attention when you enter the aquarium department.

The side stripes of the fish, shining like signs of a night city, became their distinctive feature in the aqua world. But few people know that in addition to red, there are also their brothers, less known to the public, but very, very undeservedly.

Otherwise, this fish is called purple neon or false tetra. Originally from Brazil, lives in the Aripuana and Madeira rivers. Aquatic inhabitants of this species have an elongated body, moderately high, rather slender and slightly flattened on the sides.

The color of the belly is light, the fins are transparent, having a subtle yellowish tint. The adipose fin is bluish. In females the back is colored Brown color, extending to the sides. The adipose fin of females is brownish-red.

The fish behind the walls of the aquarium appeared relatively recently. It has been known to modern aquarium hobby for no more than 20 years. And as soon as she was discovered, she immediately received universal recognition and love from aquarists around the world.

The unique coloring, peaceful disposition and amazing schooling behavior have made the fish one of the most popular in the world, and put it on the same level as the blue one that we love so much. But not only purple deserves a place next to the best representatives underwater world.

Black neon

For the first time representatives of this species freshwater fish described by Gehry back in 1961. This fish is found in the basins of the Rio Paraguay and Rio Taguari rivers, which are located in the south of the Pantanal nature reserve.

The reserve is a colossal wetland area. Its area is about 200 square kilometers.

This species of fish is on the verge of extinction in its natural reservoirs and has long been on the list of animals listed in the Red Book. It is now almost impossible to find wild specimens of this species on the market. All black neons found on the market are grown on farms in Europe and the Far East.

The black diamond inhabits shallow bays and tributaries, areas of flooded forests and river shallows. In its native element, the water of this species has an acidic reaction.

It is usually brown in color. This is due to the presence of tannins and other chemical substances released from decaying organic matter.

- fish that are quite easy to keep in freshwater aquariums.

It is not necessary to have extraordinary skills and knowledge. What's important for you to know: Neons are gregarious creatures. This fact determines the beginning of choosing a home for pets.

Black neon, like its brothers, likes to occupy the middle layers of water in the aquarium. If you keep fish in small numbers, you will not be able to enjoy their species interactions. The black neon will reveal its magnificent coloring only when there are at least 10 of them in one aquarium. Its brother, purple neon, has a similar behavior.

When choosing a container for neons, you need to remember that the more spacious the aquarium, the more beautiful the fish will display their behavior, especially in a school. An aquarium for a flock of 10 individuals should be from 120 liters.

And it is desirable that the aquarium be retracted in length. Neons are fish that can live in different conditions, but the most important aspect remains that the fish must be placed in an already established aquarium. If some fish can feel comfortable in water that was poured into the aquarium a day ago, then for neons this period should be about a week.

Aquarium compatibility

As previously said, neons are the most peaceful fish on the planet, and even if many peaceful fish If there are intraspecific feuds, you won’t notice anything like this in this species of underwater inhabitants.

If we talk about compatibility with other fish within the same aquarium, the quiet ones have never bothered anyone. What you have to think about is not touching them.

Who do Neons feel comfortable with? Our heroes get along well in the same aquarium with the following fish:

  1. All are viviparous.
    Viviparous fish are absolutely non-aggressive towards their neighbors in the tank. The only aggression is the interspecific competition of some males for a female in mating season. Skirmishes are purely symbolic and very rarely result in serious damage. Mollies, platies, swordtails and guppies will be wonderful neighbors for our neons.
  2. The neon community is capable of existing peacefully in the same aquarium with all the labyrinths.
    Lalius, macropods, and gouramis are the perfect peaceful companionship for kids. Only the mating season can be a small problem. When a pair lays eggs in a nest of bubbles that lies under the surface of the water, the male, fiercely guarding it, is able to drive other fish away from the restricted area. But such warnings are widely community aquarium rarely end in serious skirmishes.
  3. Danio.
    One more schooling fish, peace-loving, like neons. There won't be any problems with these nimble guys either.

And you should immediately note with whom it is not advisable to keep the fish. First dangerous enemies Neons are large African cichlids. Having seen the babies, the hunting season immediately opens on them until every last one is eaten.

Another enemy of neons in a community aquarium will be aquarium crucians: telescopes, veiltails and koi carps. The fish are herbivores, but when they reach fairly large sizes, they simply swallow the babies swimming nearby.


Neon black and neon purple occupy a worthy place among the most beautiful fish modern freshwater aquariums. The little ones are so beloved by our compatriots that they occupy a leading position in the popularity of keeping them in home aquariums.

Doesn’t cause any difficulties even for kids, and they themselves can brighten up the whole family’s leisure time and keep their eyes glued to the amazing creatures from the waters of Brazil, living in the house.

Meet neon black and neon purple! The fish will not come as a surprise to anyone, because everyone knows it and it is the one that will first attract your attention when you enter the aquarium department.

The side stripes of the fish, shining like signs of a night city, have become their distinctive feature in the aquatic world. But few people know that in addition to red, there are also their brothers, less known to the public, but very, very undeservedly.

Otherwise, this fish is called purple neon or false tetra. Originally from Brazil, lives in the Aripuana and Madeira rivers. Aquatic inhabitants of this species have an elongated body, moderately high, rather slender and slightly flattened on the sides.

The color of the belly is light, the fins are transparent, having a subtle yellowish tint. The adipose fin is bluish. In females, the back is colored brown, extending to the sides. The adipose fin of females is brownish-red.

The fish behind the walls of the aquarium appeared relatively recently. It has been known to modern aquarium hobby for no more than 20 years. And as soon as she was discovered, she immediately received universal recognition and love from aquarists around the world.

The unique coloring, peaceful disposition and amazing schooling behavior have made the fish one of the most popular in the world, and put it on the same level as the blue one that we love so much. But not only purple deserves a place next to the best representatives of the underwater world.

Black neon

Representatives of this species of freshwater fish were first described by Gehry back in 1961. This fish is found in the basins of the Rio Paraguay and Rio Taguari rivers, which are located in the south of the Pantanal nature reserve.

The reserve is a colossal wetland area. Its area is about 200 square kilometers.

This species of fish is on the verge of extinction in its natural reservoirs and has long been on the list of animals listed in the Red Book. It is now almost impossible to find wild specimens of this species on the market. All black neons found on the market are grown on farms in Europe and the Far East.

The black diamond inhabits shallow bays and tributaries, areas of flooded forests and river shallows. In its native element, the water of this species has an acidic reaction.

It is usually brown in color. This is due to the presence of tannins and other chemicals in the water, released from decaying organic matter.

- fish that are quite easy to keep in freshwater aquariums.

It is not necessary to have extraordinary skills and knowledge. What's important for you to know: Neons are gregarious creatures. This fact determines the beginning of choosing a home for pets.

Black neon, like its brothers, likes to occupy the middle layers of water in the aquarium. If you keep fish in small numbers, you will not be able to enjoy their species interactions. The black neon will reveal its magnificent coloring only when there are at least 10 of them in one aquarium. Its brother, purple neon, has a similar behavior.

When choosing a container for neons, you need to remember that the more spacious the aquarium, the more beautiful the fish will display their behavior, especially in a school. An aquarium for a flock of 10 individuals should be from 120 liters.

And it is desirable that the aquarium be retracted in length. Neons are fish that can live in different conditions, but the most important aspect remains that the fish must be placed in an already established aquarium. If some fish can feel comfortable in water that was poured into the aquarium a day ago, then for neons this period should be about a week.

Aquarium compatibility

As was previously said, neons are the most peaceful fish on the planet, and even if many peaceful fish have intraspecific strife, you will not notice this in this species of underwater inhabitants.

If we talk about compatibility with other fish within the same aquarium, the quiet ones have never bothered anyone. What you have to think about is not touching them.

Who do Neons feel comfortable with? Our heroes get along well in the same aquarium with the following fish:

  1. All are viviparous.
    Viviparous fish are absolutely non-aggressive towards their neighbors in the tank. The only aggression is interspecific competition between some males for a female during the mating season. Skirmishes are purely symbolic and very rarely result in serious damage. Mollies, platies, swordtails and guppies will be wonderful neighbors for our neons.
  2. The neon community is capable of existing peacefully in the same aquarium with all the labyrinths.
    Lalius, macropods, and gouramis are the perfect peaceful companionship for kids. Only the mating season can be a small problem. When a pair lays eggs in a nest of bubbles that lies under the surface of the water, the male, fiercely guarding it, is able to drive other fish away from the restricted area. But such warnings in a large community aquarium rarely result in serious confrontations.
  3. Danio.
    Another schooling fish, peaceful, like neons. There won't be any problems with these nimble guys either.

And you should immediately note with whom it is not advisable to keep the fish. The first dangerous enemies of neons are large African cichlids. Having seen the babies, the hunting season immediately opens on them until every last one is eaten.

Another enemy of neons in a community aquarium will be aquarium crucians: telescopes, veiltails and koi carps. The fish are herbivores, but when they reach fairly large sizes, they simply swallow the babies swimming nearby.


Neon black and neon purple occupy their rightful place among the most beautiful fish in modern freshwater aquariums. The little ones are so beloved by our compatriots that they occupy a leading position in the popularity of keeping them in home aquariums.

It doesn’t cause any difficulties even for kids, and they themselves can brighten up the whole family’s leisure time and for many hours their eyes will be drawn to the amazing creatures from the waters of Brazil living in the house.

Kerry is a fish that has recently appeared behind the glass of an aquarium. However, it has been known to mankind for some twenty years. It was discovered and described quite recently. Lovers of indoor ponds immediately liked this pull-on.
And indeed, they are small in size - up to four and a half centimeters. Cigar-shaped body. Olive coloring in females and soft blue in males with a bright blue line along the entire body, a red-orange spot on the dorsal fin. Peaceful disposition. Well, why not a candidate for not large sizes decorative aquarium?
Another name for this fish is purple neon. Latin: Inpaichthys kerri. It is also sometimes called the false tetra.
Keri fish gregarious. It is advisable to keep it in a flock of about 10 individuals with an equal ratio of males and females or one third males - two thirds females.
For such a flock, an aquarium of about 30 liters is sufficient. The bottom can be covered with any substrate

Purple neon

which you will find. Coarse river sand, small pebbles, and medium-sized gravel are suitable. Any plants with suitable conditions. You can use hornwort, elodea, vallisneria, some types of cryptocorynes, echinodorus.
It does not have any special requirements for feed. Can be fed with dry food. But it is better to regularly give them live food. With pleasure they eat daphnia, cyclops, small bloodworms, cut earthworm. You can give scraped lean beef in small portions.
You can keep a flock of Kerry in a community aquarium. You just need to find them peace-loving neighbors who will not offend them.
Settled tap water is suitable for maintenance. Acidity 6.9. Hardness up to 10 degrees. Water temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius.
If the aquarium is overcrowded, additional aeration and water filtration should be provided.
For spawning it is better to equip a separate aquarium. The area of ​​its bottom must be at least 800 square centimeters. The height of the water column is about 15 centimeters. It is desirable that one of the sides is inclined, sloping. Old water should be used. It is only necessary to replace one third of it with fresh, well-aerated, settled water. Water acidity is 6.9. Hardness about 6

Looks very cute in a flock

degrees. The temperature is raised to 24 - 26 degrees. The bottom can be covered with sand. You can lay a protective mesh on it. It is advisable to use small-leaved plants such as hornwort and ferns.
You should also put several bunches of well-boiled willow roots in the corners. For spawning, you can plant a school of fish with an equal ratio of males and females. If there are more females than males, there will be a lot of unfertilized eggs left. In about two to three days, spawning will begin. Spawning usually begins at dawn. May last all day. Males spread their fins and drive females towards bunches of willow roots. There they lay a small portion of eggs, and the males immediately fertilize them. after some time this ritual is repeated. Kerry caviar is small, non-sticky, light amber in color and transparent. It is usually difficult to see in an aquarium.
After the end of spawning, it is advisable to remove the spawners.
After about twenty-four hours, the eggs appear small fry. They lie motionless on the bottom feeding nutrients from the yolk sac. After about four days, they rise along the glass to the surface of the water and begin to actively swim and feed. By this time you need to make sure that you have food for them. Starter food is slipper ciliates. After a couple of days, you can add Cyclops or Artemia nauplii. As they grow, they should be transferred to more large species feed and place in large containers, sorting them by size.
The fry grow quickly and reach sexual maturity by the age of six months.

Like this interesting fish Kerry recently joined the list of decorative aquarium fish. How much longer interesting species, living in wildlife We don’t know, we can only guess.

Family Characidae.

Area: Brazil.

Water temperature: 24-27.

Acidity: 6.5-7.5.

Hardness: 1-12°H.

Aquarium volume for a small flock: from 70 liters.

Purple neon kerry (Inpaichthys kerry) has the abbreviation INPA in its name, which stands for Brazilian Institute for the Study of the Amazon. The fish lives in the upper reaches of the Rio Aripuana River.

At first glance, Kerry is very reminiscent royal tetra(Nemaioerycon palmery). This similarity gave the fish a second name - false royal tetra or blue emperor.

The fish were brought to Russia back in 1979 from Czechoslovakia by the famous Moscow aquarist V. Potapov. He managed to breed them, and a little later presented them at a citywide aquarium exhibition.

In their natural habitat, they live in running water, the hardness of which is 1-2°, pH 6-6.8, temperature 24-27° C.

Fish easily adapt to aquarium conditions and live well in water with hardness up to 12°, pH 6.5-7.5, at a temperature of 24-27 C.

They are unpretentious in feeding - they eat both dry and live food. Feeding aquarium fish should be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime for fish.

Sexual dimorphism is not very clear. The male is slimmer than the female. The color is bright blue with a purple tint, the adipose fin is pale blue. The female is more angular, the abdomen is noticeably expressed. Its color is duller, yellow-brown tones predominate, the adipose fin is red or orange-brown. The maximum size is 5 cm, usually 3-4 cm. The maximum productivity is 350 eggs per spawning, on average about 200. The eggs are glued to plants. The caviar is small, about 1 mm in diameter. The embryos that hatch after 18 hours (at a temperature of 26-28°C) are about 1.5 mm long. TO independent life The larvae transition when they reach a length of 2.5 mm. At this time, they greedily pounce on any small food: rotifers, Artemia nauplii, etc. The juveniles grow quickly. Already at four months of age, the fish become sexually mature.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also with live emotions, allowing you to penetrate the world of aquariums more fully and subtly. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and first-hand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share with us your successes and joys, share and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every awareness of a mistake, which makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us there are, the more pure and transparent drops of goodness there are in the life and everyday life of our seven billion society.

Purple neon kerry

These fish come from Brazil, in particular, their habitat is the Aritsuanan River. I would like to immediately note that carry inpaichts are very unpretentious, and therefore are suitable as perfect option for beginner aquarists and other home aquarium enthusiasts.

Slender light bluish males are amazingly beautiful; as a rule, they are slimmer than females and shimmer with bluish shades when reflected light hits them. Their terminal anal fin is presented in the form of a rounded shape.

Female Kerry Inpaichts have a more rounded abdomen and are colored yellow-brown. The anal fin of females appears pointed at the end.

Also, one of the differences between males and females of Kerry inpaichts can be confidently attributed to their adipose fin. Males have a bluish fin, while in females it is mixed with reddish colors.

In conditions aquarium habitat These fish generally reach a length of up to five centimeters and live for approximately four years.

Peace-loving Kerry Inpaichts keep in packs, and therefore it is better to keep them in numbers of at least six to eight pieces. In schools, fish feel much more comfortable, look great and become less timid.

It is very important to choose right choice lighting angle, because sometimes, in the rays of light reflection, fish can shimmer with beautiful lilac shades. Particular emphasis should be placed on side lighting, then the fish will begin to stand out due to the increasing contrast.

The character of males is unchanged. Every now and then, being close to the females, they remain at different angles, clearly demonstrating their beauty to them, which can also please the observer.

Kerry fish inpaicht can easily be kept both in a separate aquarium and in general, in the vicinity of other peace-loving underwater inhabitants.

It is very good if the fish adjacent to them are comparable in size to the Kerry Inpaicht. The volume of the aquarium tank should be fifty or more liters, and have a length of fifty or more centimeters. A flock of six Kerry Inpaichts will feel comfortable in such a space.

In addition to its size, the aquarium should be fairly densely planted with vegetation, including floating plants, as well as providing free space for the school to swim. Mostly fish choose the middle and upper layers of the water space of the aquarium, where they spend most time.

For proper maintenance of Kerry Inpaicht, pay attention to the water parameters, they should be as follows:

Temperature 23-25°C;

Rigidity dH from 4 to 18° degrees;

The pH acidity balance should correspond to a reading of 6.5-7.5;

Filtration required;


Daily replacement clean water approximately 1/5 of the total volume of the aquarium.

Strictly follow the feeding dosage, since Kerry Inpaichts are very prone to overeating. The diet may include various foods: dry, live, frozen. Overall, in proper nutrition For fish, food of animal origin should predominate.

From time to time, it is necessary to feed them with plant foods, in the form of flakes. Kerry Infants love to feast on various small insects, and when hunting for them, they can jump out of the water quite quickly. Take this feature of your pets into account and cover the aquarium with a lid.

Reproduction of Kerry inpaicht

By the fourth month of its development, the Kerry Inpaicht reaches the period of sexual maturity. It is advisable to start breeding fish around the six-month development period.

These fish, without exaggeration, among all their species, are among the easiest to breed. Certainly, even the most untrained aquarist can easily obtain fry from Kerry Inpaichts. For the spawning of one pair of fish, even a small aquarium of five liters will do.

Observe the water parameters in the aquarium necessary for spawning:

Temperature from 24 to 28° C;

Hardness dH one to two degrees (to achieve the required hardness, use melt or rain water, pre-filtered with a carbon filter);

Acidity pH – 6.0-6.5;

Water level up to 15 cm.

Medium-intensity lighting is better for spawning fish, and bushes with small leaves will serve as a substrate for eggs.

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