Who helped indinol with fibrocystic mastopathy. The drug Indinol Forto: reviews - does it help with mastopathy. Combinations with medicines

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which is manifested by pathological changes in the structure of connective, glandular and even adipose tissue. In addition, a characteristic feature of the disease is the formation of a benign tumor in the chest.

To date, mastopathy is quite easily eliminated with the help of conservative methods of therapy. But it is important to identify the pathology in time and consult a specialist.

During treatment, the doctor determines the necessary means to help restore the structure of the breast. One of these drugs is Indinol-forto.

In contact with

The action of the drug

Indinol-forto is a dietary supplement that is used in the pathogenic and hyperplastic process in the mammary gland.

Thanks to the main components of the drug, the hormonal balance is restored, due to the inhibition of estrogen production.

In addition, other negative processes and mechanisms that contribute to the growth of tissues in the chest are suppressed.

Take note: reviews of many women testify to the effectiveness of this tool. Of course, taking such pills by itself will not be able to eliminate all problems in the body, but in combination with other traditional medicine, the healing process is significantly accelerated.

Indinol-forto has an anti-proliferative and anti-estrogenic effect on the woman's body, which allows you to selectively eliminate cells that adversely affect the functionality of the breast. Thus, the process of growth of estrogen-dependent tumors in the female breast is inhibited, which in turn allows not only to reduce seals, but also to completely eliminate the neoplasm.

Indications for use

Indinol Forto is used as an adjuvant against the background of traditional medicine.

The drug is used for pathological processes in the mammary gland, but can be prescribed for the prevention of various hormonal disorders and other diseases provoked by an imbalance of hormones.

The main indications for taking the drug are diseases such as:

  • ovarian disease;
  • pathological processes in the uterus;
  • mammary cancer;
  • oncological diseases of the reproductive system;
  • premenstrual disorders.

Doctor's advice: Before using any dietary supplements, including Indinol, you should consult with your doctor, since the use of such drugs without the consent of a specialist can lead to serious complications in the future.

Indinol-forto is a drug of complex action. Thanks to its use, hormonal processes in the body are adjusted, the occurrence of serious diseases provoked by hormonal disruptions is prevented, and Indinol-forto also promotes the resorption of tumors that have appeared in the chest.

Mode of application

Indinol-forto is available in the form of yellow capsules or tablets. The active substance of the drug is indolecarbinol.

It is used as an adjuvant in the complex therapy of mastopathy. Therefore, only the attending physician can determine the need for the use of this drug and its dosage.

But most often, experts prescribe a dose twice a day, one capsule. The entire course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, associated complications and the very effectiveness of the treatment.

Therefore, during therapy, it is necessary to systematically visit a doctor and undergo repeated examinations. With the timely detection of mastopathy, taking capsules can last about three months, and in more severe cases up to about six months.

Contraindications and side effects

Indinol-forto is a safe remedy for mastopathy. Its active ingredients do not adversely affect the woman's body, preventing the occurrence of allergic or other reactions.

But, despite this, a ban on the use of this medication may occur with individual intolerance to the main components of Indinol. In addition, experts identify several factors that are a contraindication for taking Indinol:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • other individual characteristics of the organism.

In the case of long-term use of capsules or treatment without the consent of the attending physician, it may cause side effects. Most often they are caused by hypersensitivity to one or more substances that make up the drug.

The most common side effects are:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • allergic reactions.

If you experience any discomfort after taking the medicine, you should immediately consult a doctor and report the occurrence of side effects.

Where could I buy

Indinol Forto is a drug for free sale without a prescription from the attending physician. You can buy it at any pharmacy or on special sites on the Internet.

Depending on individual expenses, the trade margin and the form of release of the drug, its cost also varies. So the average price of a medicine fluctuates around 2500 rubles.

See the doctor's comments about Indinol Forto in the following video:

Mastopathy is a disease that affects women from 18 to 45 years old, but a special peak is observed in the period from 30 to 45 years old. This happens as a result of the influence of hormonal changes, namely estrogen and progesterone. With such a disease, effective treatment with the appointment of active drugs is required. In this article, we will tell you what mastopathy is and review such medicines as progestogel gel, indinol and aevit for mastopathy, on the basis of which you will learn the characteristics of the drug, its action and reviews on the use for the treatment of a pathological disorder.

What is mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disorder characterized by a benign and dyshormonal manifestation, in which proliferative processes are observed in the tissues of the mammary gland.

There are several reasons that provoke the occurrence of this disease:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes and tumor-like neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • smoking and alcoholism;
  • predisposition by hereditary type;
  • preference for constant wearing of tight squeezing underwear and a bra;
  • mechanical injuries of the mammary glands;
  • the presence of a stressful state, depression, neuroses;
  • diseases of such organs as: adrenal glands, liver, thyroid gland;
  • carrying out frequent abortive interventions;
  • lack of pregnancy before the age of 30 and irregularity in terms of sexual relations;
  • iodine deficiency in a woman's body.

Mastopathy is of two types:

  1. Nodal. With this form, single seals are observed in the tissues of the mammary gland, and the treatment in this case is carried out only by surgery.
  2. diffuse. The presented type of mastopathy is characterized by multiple nodes with different manifestations.

The clinical severity in this disease depends solely on the type of disorder and the state of health at the time of the onset of symptoms.

If we talk about the general characteristics, then the signs will be as follows:

  • before menstruation, there are aching pains in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland;
  • due to swelling, an increase in breast volume is possible;
  • in some cases, spotting is possible, as well as discharge from the nipples.

When such symptoms appear, some women turn to various sites where they look at reviews about the course of the disease. The best way in this situation would be to see a doctor, where a diagnosis will be made and drugs will be prescribed, for example, progestogel gel.

So, in more detail about the prescribed medications.

Aevit with mastopathy

Treatment of mastopathy is a complex event and, in addition to hormonal drugs, vitamins are prescribed that normalize blood circulation and help to cope with the clinical severity of the disease.

One of these representatives of vitamin and mineral preparations is Aevit, the chemical components of which actively affect the physiological processes in the body.

If we consider the functional feature, then we can distinguish the following effect of the drug:

  • it has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • improves the immunomodulating properties of the body;
  • stimulate and activate the process of growth of epithelial cells involved in tissue regeneration.

When using Aevit, doctors' reviews also highlight the main therapeutic orientation of the drug, which is expressed in the ability to influence the metabolism of lipids and proteins in the body. However, at such a moment, one should not forget that this medicine is auxiliary and in no case is it the main one.

If we consider the mechanism of action of the drug in mastopathy, it prevents toxic damage to breast tissue at the cellular level. Such work does not allow fibrous tissue to grow at the site of damaged areas. In addition, it normalizes and regulates hormonal balance, which is also an important factor.

Indinol with mastopathy

Indinol is a medical product that contains indinol-3 carbinol and other natural ingredients. Unfortunately, this drug is still not registered in the official register of Russia and can be considered a biological supplement at the moment.

Despite this, there are reviews about the effectiveness of indinol in mastopathy and the antitumor and antiviral effects, as well as antiestrogenic activity.

The presented functional severity of indinol is able to normalize the metabolism of estradiol and slow down the carcinogenic properties of alpha-hydroxyestrone.

If we consider the mechanism of action of the drug, we can distinguish the following features:

  • reduces the number of occurrence of estrogen receptors on tissues;
  • has an overwhelming effect on the growth of estrogen-independent and dependent tumors in breast tissues;
  • blocks the synthesis of a protein that has an oncological effect in epithelial cells;
  • contributes to the elimination of pathology at the cellular level.

An important factor in the treatment of fibrocystic disease is the restoration of hormonal balance with the normalization of the menstrual cycle. The drug Indinol for mastopathy is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, providing a multifaceted effect on the mammary gland and reproductive organs of a woman. The optimal therapeutic result will be with strict adherence to the recommended dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment.

non-hormonal drug

Against the background of benign pathology of the breast, almost every woman has an endocrine disorder associated with the functioning of the ovaries and manifested by a violation of menstruation. It is far from always possible to use hormonal drugs for treatment: a doctor can prescribe a non-hormonal drug with a good effect on the uterine appendages. Indinol Forto with diffuse mastopathy provides the following effects:

  • elimination of premenstrual tension in the mammary glands;
  • getting rid of pain syndrome against the background of mastalgia;
  • reduction in the severity of structural disorders in the chest (elimination of heaviness and seals in the tissue of the mammary glands);
  • reduced risk of cyst formation;
  • significant reduction in the risk of breast cancer.

The basis of endocrine disorders in any form of mastopathy is hyperestrogenism (an increase in the amount of estrogen hormones in the blood), which leads to proliferative changes in tissues. As doctors' reviews show, Indinol Forto with mastopathy has the following targeted effect on breast tissues:

  • prevention of high proliferative activity of cells due to hyperestrogenic influences;
  • stimulates the selective death of cellular structures with an increased tendency to hyperplasia and proliferation;
  • provides a genetically determined production of an antitumor protein that helps prevent malignant degeneration in the breast.

The drug acts on cells with high proliferative activity in different tissues of the female reproductive system (endometrium, cervix, myometrium), which provides a diverse positive effect of the drug in concomitant gynecological pathology.

Useful properties of the drug

In the complex therapy of benign diseases of the female organs, it is important to create the maximum therapeutic effect with the help of a minimum amount of drugs. The most important positive properties of Indinol include:

  • antiproliferative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiestrogen;
  • antivascular;
  • antioxidant.

factors of the drug can and should be used to treat combined pathology of the breast and uterus. When a doctor, against the background of mastopathy, detects a myomatous node, a polyp or endometrial hyperplasia, then taking Indinol Forto tablets will be a good option for complex therapy.

Indications for therapy

A non-hormonal drug is used for the following diseases:
  • mastalgia associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • glandular cystic mastopathy;
  • combined forms of gynecological pathology
  • .

Contraindications for use

It is unacceptable to use therapy against the background of the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • acute inflammation in the mammary gland (mastitis);
  • thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism);
  • high levels of prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia);
  • childhood;
  • allergic reactions or intolerance to the drug.

Indinol Forto tablets are a non-toxic and safe drug, but in some situations side effects are possible:

  • violation of the cycle in the form of shortening or lengthening of critical days;
  • hormonal changes in the endocrine system (thyroid gland, pituitary gland);
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • unexplained weight loss.

Side effects are rare: every woman taking Indinol tablets should immediately consult a specialist if complaints occur.

Course scheme of therapy

The standard and most effective method of therapy is a six-monthly intake of tablets at a dose of 400 mg per day. The doctor may prescribe a treatment regimen individually, but in any case, the tablet should be taken before meals.

Efficiency of therapy

After a 6-month course of treatment, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination, including the following studies:

  • palpation examination of the chest;
  • ultrasound scanning;
  • mammography.

In addition to improving the quality of life of a woman and the disappearance of unpleasant complaints, the main criteria for a successful therapeutic effect are:

  • reduction in the number and size of cystic cavities in the chest;
  • disappearance of dilated milk ducts;
  • improving tissue uniformity with reduced echo density.

We have selected real reviews about the drug Indinol forto, which are published by our users. Most often, the review is written by the mothers of young patients, but they also describe a personal history of using the medication on themselves.

Indications for use

Treatment of cyclic mastalgia (mastodynia), incl. on the background of benign breast hyperplasia.


I drank Indinol forto for 2 months, from mastopathy in the chest, then the doctor canceled and prescribed hormones, there was one more new pack of pills left, who needs the drug I will sell for 1000. I took it for 2658 rubles. Phone 89191566316 Natalia

My mark

Discussion of the drug Indinol forto in the records of mothers

Yu adjusted the evidence base: all patients with ovarian cancer and something else there have no more than 2 children and have never taken approx. And taking hormone-like dietary supplements (my favorite indinol), it turns out, has a beneficial effect only for six months - 9 months, then the opposite, and even hormones do not help after it. And my oncologist about it to me ...

Radon baths (not possible with SIA (ovarian exhaustion syndrome), with problems with the thyroid gland, for example, with hypothyroidism). There are 122 medical units, in the sanatoriums of Belarus. We drink the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) - 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), we go to the IR (artificial menopause). 8. We treat chronic endometritis: 3 injections of a modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). You can rectally, but to be treated for 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good. 9. We put leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. They are placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of a cure for fibroids after 2 courses of leeches. 10. Acupuncture heals everything and especially...

Radon baths (not possible with SIA (ovarian exhaustion syndrome), with problems with the thyroid gland, for example, with hypothyroidism). There are 122 medical units, in the sanatoriums of Belarus. We drink the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) - 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), we go to the IR (artificial menopause). 8. We treat chronic endometritis: 3 injections of a modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). You can rectally, but to be treated for 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good. 9. We put leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. They are placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of a cure for fibroids after 2 courses of leeches. 10. Acupuncture heals everything and especially...

With Endometriosis, Indole Forte helps well. It is inexpensive and made from natural ingredients. He helped many of my friends .. And if you don’t trust the domestic and inexpensive ones, you can buy Indinol - the same composition, only it will come out many times more expensive ..

I drank repeatedly from mastopathy for six months or 3 months. Didn't help at all. I decided not to bother. I bought on the advice of a friend indinol forto and drank it. I'll tell you with it, I saw real results. No side effects were noticed. From mastopathy, it begins to help at least after 3 months of admission, gradually the pains disappeared and did not return at all. The only drawback, if you drink before meals, we can ...

Enya folk methods. Do not help, neither compresses, nor decoctions. I spent a month and a half on them. I had to turn to the help of doctors. They prescribed me progestogel gel and indinol forto tablets. The treatment helps, after three weeks I began to notice that my chest hurts less. And with herbs, I would probably have been treated for three years to no avail.

Oh, there were pregnancies. Now there was a cleaning, and he got out for the first cycle. Didn't have time to sit down ok. They don't cure, they stop it from spreading. I was also prescribed indinol forto. It helps with endometriosis, but not for everyone. And expensive, but I will try.

The doctor in the district clinic prescribed two courses of mastodinon. But he didn't help at all. She changed the doctor, prescribed me Indinol forto, took one course. The weight remained in place, the chest stopped hurting, the heaviness disappeared and the swelling disappeared. I continue to monitor even now, even though everything is in order.

High-quality, then the pain would be practically unrelenting and knots would appear in the armpits up to the chest ... in general, feel your body))) at the moment I drink indinol, this is a herbal preparation, but an expensive infection .. not homeopathy ((( (I drank for 3 months, as the mammologist prescribed, I didn’t feel my breasts at all during menstruation, usually it ached, ached and became very heavy and swollen ... now it also swells a little, but light as a feather ... went back to the reception after that through 4 months .. the mammologist allowed me to take indinol for up to half a year, only I already had a break for a whole month, but I agreed .. since before that I was prescribed FEOCARPIN tablets for os ...

Z: Radon baths (not possible with OIS (ovarian exhaustion syndrome), with problems with the thyroid gland, for example, with hypothyroidism). There are in 122 medical centers, in the sanatoriums of Belarus. We drink the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) - 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), we go to the IR (artificial menopause) .8. We treat chronic endometritis: 3 injections of a modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). You can rectally, but to be treated for 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good.9. We put leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. They are placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of a cure for fibroids after 2 courses of leeches.10. Acupuncture treats everything and especially IA (e...

Also with a gynecologist, not herself. I found a doctor through acquaintances, my reputation is excellent, a doctor with great experience. She immediately told me that indinol forte helps a lot, though you have to wait. This is a drug that eliminates the cause of the disease. Not just pain relief.

after the course of treatment, I have two full packs of indinol NORMAL, NOT FORTE, 120 tablets each. I can give in Moscow if you still need it. ordinary indinol is drunk in two tablets, forte one tablet each, otherwise there is no difference. expiration date until November 2016. It helped me, I don’t need it anymore, I just found it at a good price in due time and took 6 or 7 packs right away, I don’t remember ... now it’s left. who needs to write silverfox.irina @ gm...

Well, what does the doctor say? Go to your gynecologist, tell me about the side effects. For example, I was also not satisfied with mastodinone, so you are not the first who did not help. And she cured mastopathy thanks to Indinol forto. I drank for 6 months, as the doctor recommended. I felt improvements after 3 weeks. Now I’ve already begun to forget what it is when my chest hurts

Oraya pregnancy ended badly not because of endometriosis. There were no threats. The first B. stepped on the 5th cycle, the second on the third. After the abortion, when the endometriosis unbelted, I drank indinol forto. I was immediately warned that it was necessary to drink for a long time. And expensive. It doesn’t help everyone, it seems, but many write bad reviews after 1-2 months, it’s too early. There was a positive trend. Now I don’t know how difficult it will be to become pregnant for the third time, they haven’t started yet. The kidneys need to be treated .... And, yes, my endometriosis can be seen on ultrasound. It may be that there is no endometriosis on ultrasound, but in fact it is. I have...

Of course, you need a competent doctor and at least an ultrasound to do. Indole helped me a lot, in the very first month the KD passed more calmly. Pharmacies have indinol forto, but it is very expensive, I ordered Indol plus here http://goodlife.e-gloryon.com/440 on the advice of a doctor. got rid of hormones

About if it is not treated and monitored, then it can develop into a tumor and then you will have to go under the surgeon's knife. This is of course an extreme case, but still. I myself was treated with indinol forto for mastopathy, there have been no chest pains for almost a year now. But the gel didn't help.

Indinol is a biologically active food supplement (BAA). The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the growth of hormone-dependent tumors. The drug is recommended as part of the complex therapy of various benign tumors of the reproductive organs and mastopathy in women.

Release form and composition

Indinol refers to herbal remedies. The main active ingredient is indole-3 carbinol. This component is isolated from cruciferous plants. The raw materials for the manufacture of dietary supplements are broccoli, radishes, turnips, cabbage and other members of the family. Auxiliary and formative substances in the composition:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • starch
  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The release form of the drug is capsules. The product is packed in blisters of 10 pieces (3 blisters in a carton), or in polymer jars, 60 or 120 capsules. Regardless of the form of release, each capsule contains 100 mg of indole-3 carbinol.

Pharmacological action and features of the drug

Hormone-dependent tumors, cysts and fibrous growths in the mammary glands are the result of the influence of estrogen. The main line of action of Indinol is anti-estrogenic activity, aimed at normalizing the balance of this hormone. Taking Indinol blocks the negative stimulating effect of estrogen, thereby reducing the rate of progression of tumor and cystic processes in the female body.

Indole-3 carbinol additionally affects non-hormonal mechanisms that affect the pathological proliferation of cells in the mammary glands and uterus. Despite the specifics of the action, Indinol is not a hormonal drug.

The main properties of the drug:

  • antiestrogenic activity;
  • normalization of estrogen metabolism;
  • a decrease in the sensitivity of estrogen receptors in the tissues of target organs.

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of epithelial tumors of the female reproductive system.

Under the influence of estrogen, first of all, there is a proliferation of tissue cells of the mammary glands, ovaries, and uterus. Indinol acts indiscriminately, stopping the pathological process of growth of all tissues sensitive to estrogens. Thus, the agent blocks tumor processes in all cells prone to proliferation, while not only stopping the growth of the neoplasm, but also causing the death of the altered cells.

A few facts about the drug:

  • is not a drug, but refers to dietary supplements;
  • does not contain hormones;
  • does not cause side effects.

At the same time, Indinol is ineffective as an independent remedy for the treatment of various diseases, and is prescribed only as part of complex drug therapy.

Indications for use

Capsules are prescribed as an adjuvant for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system caused by the proliferation of epithelial cells. Indications for use:

  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • cystic formations of the ovaries;
  • fibromyoma and uterine myoma;
  • cervical dysplasia.

The biologically active additive is used in the complex treatment of papillomatosis. The drug is prescribed after the removal of papillomas on the genitals to prevent their re-formation.

As a prophylactic, Indinol can be used after treatment for uterine cancer or breast cancer. In this case, the decision on the advisability of taking capsules should be made by the doctor.

The dietary supplement is practically safe, non-toxic and does not cause side effects, due to which it can be used by women at risk to prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumor neoplasms.

In HPV therapy, Indinol is prescribed after surgical removal of growths, together with immunomodulatory drugs.

Indinol with mastopathy

Mastopathy is the result of hormonal imbalance and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mammary gland. The disease is characterized by the formation of small nodular seals. Mastopathy develops slowly. At a young age, there are slight pains before menstruation, which practically do not bother the woman. Over time, the pain syndrome intensifies and becomes a permanent symptom. Mastopathy, as a rule, begins to bother after childbirth, during breastfeeding, or when hormonal levels change in women over 40 years old.

With mastopathy, breast tissue grows, which increases the risk of developing oncology. Examination of patients with mastopathy reveals an increased level of estrogen. The disease must be treated, the seals themselves do not resolve.

Indinol with mastopathy is a safe tool for controlling estrogen levels. BAA not only reduces the level of estrogen, but also affects already changed cells, causing their death. This explains the decrease in mammary gland hyperplasia while taking Indinol capsules.

As an independent remedy, Indinol can be taken with a mild form of fibrocystic mastopathy. The drug reduces hyperplasia, eliminates pain and stops the progression of the disease. Due to the pronounced antioxidant and oncoprotective properties, Indinol significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women prone to mastopathy.

In severe forms of the disease, dietary supplements are prescribed as an adjuvant as part of complex therapy. The choice of the main line of drug treatment in this case should be made only by a doctor.

Indinol is allowed to be taken for preventive purposes, to reduce the risk of developing mastopathy and tumor pathologies of the female reproductive system.

Indinol or Indol forte: comparison of drugs

Indol forte is a potent analogue of the drug Indinol. These biologically active additives differ in the concentration of the active substance and formative components. Indole forte contains:

  • 100 mg indole-3 carbinol;
  • 92.5 mg natural asparagus (broccoli);
  • cellulose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • aerosil.

Indol forte is available in capsules. They are packed in blisters of 15 pieces, in a package of 2 or 4 blisters.

Means are analogues, have the same indications and contraindications. Indinol is recommended as a biologically active food supplement in the early stages of mastopathy, Indol forte is more often prescribed as part of complex therapy for a severe form of the disease.

Both drugs are dietary supplements and are not medicines.

How to take the drug?

Indinol is taken one capsule twice a day. It is recommended to drink capsules before or during a meal - this will reduce the risk of negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerate the absorption of the drug. The course of treatment is long - from three months to six months.

For the prevention of mastopathy, capsules are taken daily for 3 months. In a severe form of the disease, the duration of administration increases to 6 months, while, on the recommendation of a doctor, the dosage can be doubled.

If it is necessary to take large doses of the drug, Indole forte capsules are preferred, as they contain a large amount of broccoli extract. This drug is taken 1 capsule per day for 3-6 months. In severe forms of mastopathy, the dosage is doubled.


There are few absolute contraindications to the use of dietary supplements. These include:

  • individual intolerance to indinol-3 carbinol or excipients in the composition of capsules;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • lactation;
  • childhood and adolescence.

Studies of the effect of the drug on the body of children have not been conducted, therefore, dietary supplements are not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

In diseases of the liver and kidneys, it is not forbidden to take the medicine, since indole-3 carbinol does not have a toxic effect on the body and does not affect the functioning of these organs.

Side effects

Indinol and Indol forte are well tolerated by the body and do not cause side effects with rare exceptions. In cases of individual intolerance to the main active substance or auxiliary form-building components, symptoms of an allergic reaction may appear:

  • tearing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • frequent sneezing.

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