Beautiful unusual dot statuses. New beautiful short statuses with meaning

Unusual VK statuses are not necessarily beyond the bounds of reason. Their main purpose is to surprise you and your friends.

Phrases for a variety of people

  1. Did you fall asleep while watching the movie? Try reading the book it's based on. Maybe you'll fall asleep too.
  2. Life is, in principle, satisfactory, but Lately does not satisfy.
  3. That’s it, I decided: I’ll get a horse and give it to the prince. Business, the main thing is to find the prince.
  4. Beauty - horrible power. Indeed, it’s scary that someone will still get mine.
  5. Judging by how much I eat, there is only one stomach inside me.
  6. Well, why do I need a smart and promising man? I will suffer from mediocrity, which, moreover, does not need me.
  7. Strange is when you expect not the recognition of others, but the cockroach applause that sounds in your own head.
  8. Sometimes visiting relatives are a good reason to get stuck in an elevator.

Get ready for the unusual

Do you consider yourself too open? Time to be a little mysterious! Catch unusual statuses for VK.

  1. It’s not enough to express feelings, you also need to convey them...
  2. “Why simplify everything,” he thought, and again decided to read and not answer.
  3. Alcohol is not the best thing that could happen to us. Strange, how can it happen?
  4. When your literary stock is limited to the words “clear” and “understandable,” somewhere in the world one literature teacher is sad...
  5. Parting as friends is, of course, decent, but inhumane. Loved ones either have to be together or suffer when separated.
  6. People who managed to fall out of love! Did you take any courses or did you never like them?
  7. I visit your VKontakte page more often than my own.
  8. In our society, loving and being together are very often not the same thing.

For some, the statuses will be from childhood

It’s not at all necessary to look for an explanation for your feelings, because you can choose an unusual status on VK and not think about it anymore...

  1. You may feel sorry for yourself and not dare to do anything. But you will remember the lost opportunity for a very long time, although you could have forgotten about it long ago.
  2. It's better where we are not, bigger breasts from the one that is not mine.
  3. Friendship also has an expiration date. You just have to have time to fix it.
  4. Who said that a fat man is a shapeless creature? It has a shape, round.
  5. If you looked out the window in the morning and saw one in flip-flops and the other in boots, then you need to put on shoes.
  6. Lack of sleep is when the insidious word “sleep” takes on a different meaning.
  7. If you're not from Playboy, it's not so scary. The main thing is that it’s not with “Pensioner”.
  8. Why, as soon as a couple has problems in their relationship, do they have to have a child?!

If it’s a frog, then at least the Princess...

Under no circumstances should you envy some witty status. And you don’t need to copy it, because you have your own! Catch a selection of unusual statuses for VKontakte.

  1. - You're too resourceful. – Spider-Man? - Asshole Man.
  2. – Now I know your Achilles heel! - Oh, and you, as it were, are not ancient Greek...
  3. The magic wand should not be long, but effective.
  4. Every princess has the right to pretend to be a frog. The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out the other way around.
  5. They say that all people descended from monkeys. But not my neighbors: they are from woodpeckers.
  6. If my thoughts had really materialized, I would have long ago found myself in the kingdom of chocolate and fried potatoes...
  7. The longer we live, the more we irritate everyone. So don't try to avoid either.
  8. Before you defeat the dragon to save the princess, think about which of them you still need to pity!

If you can’t tell, set a status

VKontakte is not so important your Family status or number of photos. In fact, everyone pays attention only to the most unusual statuses.

  1. If a woman sent you, the likelihood that she is sitting and waiting for you to write to her increases to the point of impossibility.
  2. I may be a potato, but I’m soft and tasty. If cooked correctly.
  3. I set it to “doing well” status and automatically deprived 90% of my friends of the opportunity to start a conversation.
  4. It happens that you find out that you are on the black list when the person adds you as a friend again.
  5. The most reliable relationships are those in which you can add each other to the blacklist as a joke.
  6. Communication is communication, but you also need to be able to swear.
  7. This is how you decide to start new life, and the next day you go to the same page again.
  8. “Reason for adding” sounds as if you are not sitting and waiting for someone to write to you, but really such an important person.

An appropriate phrase will always come in handy

Don't know how to surprise your friends or not-so-friends? Use unusual short statuses! It's smart, stylish and accurate.

  1. Happiness lies in simple five-star rooms.
  2. Being right doesn't necessarily mean being sure.
  3. It's crazy, but it's better to be a good girl!
  4. As if burying your head in the sand is oh so easy.
  5. Have you decided to leave? Lost my mind with happiness!
  6. How better guy, the sooner friend.
  7. Lady is a cow in a blanket.
  8. Not dying does not mean living.
  9. Love is forever, but feelings are not for long.

The more phrases you like, the more opportunities you have to surprise others. Maybe on the good side, or maybe on the bad side. The choice is always yours!

With you on earth, you forget about everything, even your fear of heights. Stupid dreams. And our souls are not subject to the wind, just to be with you, come what may.

My little brother is not even a month old, and he, the bastard, is already encroaching on my computer!

Scared that peanut butter will stick to the roof of your mouth? It's arakibutyrophobia, baby.

I’m not afraid to stay awake all night and fly in the clouds for days, but the fear of losing you is my only fear.

Best status:
The most durable and incurable disease is fear.

Have you cleaned up, cooked a meal and walked the dog with paid internet? Dad's p***s, that's power! And all of you: willpower, willpower...

One clever man said that love has only two parts: 1 - curiosity, and 2 - fear that you will die alone.

– I don’t know fear, pain and loneliness! - Yes, boy, you still don’t know many words!

This subscriber fell into the abyss, this subscriber was killed morally, by those who were considered friends. Stoned, feels no fear, feels no pain. Shout, don't shout: the subscriber is not available.

Forgive me for everything! It hurts my soul! You're not around! I want to forget you, but I don’t have the strength anymore! I close my eyes - a tear runs down my cheek! I see White light and blood on my hand...

Fear is when you stand next to your loved one and cannot touch him.

The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment. He who fears is imperfect in love

You sit there and are upset that September 1st. And 4 terrorists came to our city, and I’m afraid to go to school.

…or green tea I got a defective one... or I lost my nerves altogether...

You are the light of the sun, you are pain and fear, you are the taste of heaven on my lips, the melody that I sing... You are life... And I love her...

Because of love, I experienced a lot: pain, resentment, fear, loneliness... Why did I fall in love again?...

There are moments when you want to tell the whole world to f*ck off!!

As soon as something becomes dear to us, the fear of losing it arises!

Soon I will die. And yet fear no longer controls me.

It hurts so much.. He comes towards me with her and says that she is the best he has, and I walk past with my eyes downcast, but recently he said this to me..

And I myself, to the point of pain, want to believe in what I say...

Girl, are you very brave or safe?

I’ll offer my palms and fill them with my pain. fill the echoing emptiness with sadness and fear. and you won’t know how the sky burns on fire, how life breaks all hopes and dreams...

Dad was kicked out of work. A young man joins the army. No money left. Admission to university hangs in the balance. They can evict you any day. And they also ask me: “Why don’t you smile?”

I'm a person who can step on a rake even if it's locked in a shed.

Eh, I would like a machine gun... and so that I don’t run out of cartridges!

there is no passion and pain, resentment and love. There is no fear and jealousy, whatever you call it, there is light, and behind it the emptiness wanders again, and the sacred name is simple: Dream...

Who the fuck is this genius? Let me shake his throat!

Nothing strengthens love for a person more than the fear of losing him.

When old feelings come back - IT'S SCARY(

The rapper will never show that he is scared, but will simply hide his fear behind an invented quatrain...

All stress originates from the fear “I won’t

Yes, I don’t have a price!!! I can’t even get insurance...

The speed limit is undefined...until fear stops

Death begins with the same letter as Laughter... Lies begin with the same letter as Love... Pain begins with the same letter as Intimacy... Freedom begins with the same letter as Fear... and only “I” and “You” start with different letters...

The fear of losing is already a loss.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love. (Bible)

Jealousy has nothing to do with love. Jealousy is the fear of being worse than your opponent.

Teachers are like dogs - they always sense your fear)

I tried to have sex with Anya in the water - nothing worked. She keeps popping up.

The most terrible words of parents are like a death sentence: we are turning off the Internet for the whole summer O_o

Love exists as long as the fear of losing a loved one is alive...

through the line between the dates, our life will stretch in a rut; were we there? did we live? will be forgotten... our fears and wounds will heal...

She takes the pain back to the beginning, she hides fear behind a mask. Too many people promised to suffer any failure for her...

Fear is when a tram that hit a Porsche disappeared into the courtyards.

And how well everyone starts: beloved... dear... cute... little... stupid... fool... fool... idiot... stupid... brute... bastard... fuck... I hate it!!

Trust is when you take his phone number without fear, and without fear you give him yours...

It's all over... Hello coffin, I'm your tenant...

The strongest fear is the fear of boring someone you care about.

I am not the sun! I won’t warm everyone!

Claustrophobia is when you go to the toilet and piss out of fear...

why are you so brave? Is it insured?

For some reason, the last 5 minutes of class drag on like chewing gum, and another 5 minutes of sleep after the alarm goes by quickly...

The real fear is when you have 15 missed calls from your mom.

Love penetrates the soul, makes it strong, kind, sympathetic, and fear, pain and shame only disfigure it. (Felix Dzerzhinsky)

The main thing is to overcome your fear. Because every time you take a risk, no matter how it ends, you are still glad that you took the risk.

She will leave... And will not return again... She will be able to overcome all the fear and pain in her chest... She will leave, quietly crying, and turn around... Walking clumsily into the unknown that will lie ahead...

shoot away your fear..Give your heart to the person you love..

It’s scary when you delete a number from the phone book, not because you had a fight with the person, but because he is no longer alive.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person more than the fear of losing him.

The world opens all doors to those who overcome the fear of failure!)

Miracles of disguise or how to sleep with a woman without her feeling anything.

The system breaks those in whom it feels fear. Problems disappear when this fear disappears...

We choose what’s cooler, and after this same coolness fucked us and abandoned us, after such cool majors, we’re afraid to trust ordinary guys, it’s in our brains, and it’s a sin to refuse “All men are assholes!” How naive we are.

Don’t get into my soul... it’s dark and scary!)

I feel calm... with an ax in my hand...

I have never felt pain, I did not know what fear was, I was afraid of only one thing - bondage, Although only dust awaited me.

only one thing makes fulfilling a dream impossible - fear of failure (c)

There are people who bring goodness, light and joy into the world. There are people who bring evil, hatred, fear into the world. And there is Me, I carry the bag.

Fear is the emotional distress caused by the lack of responses to painful memories. (With)

The biggest fear... This is the fear of boring your loved one!

Your friend called me princess, and you said hiding your fear. Such princesses in old plays were burned at the stake at the end

The ass is coming to us... The ass is coming to us... The ass is coming to us... The session is coming soon... It brings fun to students who are not sleeping! The fear of expulsion is always real

Your friend called me a princess, and you said, hiding your fear: such princesses in old plays were burned at the stake.

Everything I say falls on deaf ears!

We are all simple pawns... Ruled over by kings...

Don’t be afraid to take the first step, because fear breeds insecurity in you.

I went on a binge for a couple of days! An SMS comes from my mother: “Dim, have you forgotten where you live?”

A show with crocodiles was brought to Chechnya. It was very scary. But, overcoming the fear, the crocodiles still came out.

I live in constant fear that I will be misunderstood.

What you want is on the other side of fear

It is the fear of losing a person that helps us understand how much we value them.

The main thing in a woman is not her breasts, but her eyes!!! Believe me, a woman without eyes looks much scarier!

Teach me to smoke nervously and aristocratically, to confuse silk curtains with smoke, and perhaps I can beautifully confess my love to you, in poetry, but for now - excuse me, but I want to fuck you right here on the floor

Anger is fear directed inward...

and for me, childhood fear is music from “ Secret materials”, even now I’m afraid to listen to her))

Don't look into the past, because fears live in it. Don't look into the future, because illusions live there. Look at the present, because you live in it. And this is where you can be yourself.

Fear of failure makes fulfilling a dream impossible...*

I must go and satisfy my sorrows with women.

It's not scary to talk to yourself, it's scary when you don't even have anything to say to yourself.

I live in constant fear that I will be misunderstood. /Oscar Wilde./

We must hold on! Hold on, hold on! With teeth and claws! Blindly, in the dark! You can't give in to anger and fear!!!

You can't cover up brain defects with foundation.

“fuck” is a universal word that can mean fear, surprise, puzzlement, anger, joy, sadness, pain and finally all the fucking feelings: D

What a shame it is when the rose you gave dries up along with our love... On the same day.

Never pursue a man, this will show your weakness and fear of being alone. Believe me, the world will not converge on him like a wedge, there will be many more like him.

xxx: The worst burns are when the bubbles are like this? uuu: This is when the ashes

Sometimes feeling afraid stronger feelings love...Sometimes it’s easier to retreat and forget than to take a step forward and admit your feelings...

The little heart beats excitedly quickly, from one word sparks flare up in the eyes, feelings overcome, but fear does not allow you to confess, but you cannot be afraid forever!

And the worst thing is silence. Your silence...

Interesting question... did ALADIN fuck his JASMINE?? It becomes clear when you read his name backwards.

because of several people I can step over my pride and my fear...

Sometimes the fear of losing suppresses the desire to have...

A bachelor is a person who has lost his joys for fear of finding them forever.

A person’s life is spent sorting out his past, complaining about the present, and fearing for the future. © Antoine de Rivarol.

Your friend said that I was a princess, and you said, hiding your fear: “such princesses, in old plays, were burned at the stake at the end.”

[A person falling with a parachute that has not opened experiences wild fear, terrible stress, and unbearable psychological torment. One thing is good - this horror will never happen again]

Eyes... Complete emptiness... This is scary...

Do you know what's worse than the fear of telling the truth? Fear of recognizing her.

I will take your night fears away, I will take you the FUCK out of here, I’m like crazy on the last day of Pompeii, this is madness, I’m going crazy from you...

Be brave... fear destroys people... turns them into animals, mammals, constantly running away from their predators...

The most painful thing is when you, having overcome your fear, uncertainty and pride, wrote to him, but he did not answer.

A boy with a water pistol kept the carbide plant at bay for a month!

“FUCK!” – expresses delight, admiration, fear, horror, bewilderment. Unique word!

Fear paralyzes the brain... but you have to think.

They began to stutter... all the serious PPC... as if they were solving problems of global importance...

The mistake of many is the fear of error...

Prayer is born not of faith, but of fear...

Now imagine, if you had not been born, how many people’s fates would have turned out differently.

I say that in my head planes are falling, trains are exploding, people are screaming in agony. They tell me that I just need to take aspirin.

Every difficult moment in our lives needs a soundtrack.

The sea is the breath of the spheres, If you love - love without measures, If you want to reach the stars - There is a bridge between earth and sky.

Smoky lungs are not a reason for joy; girls should prefer love and sweets.

There are people who make you not go to sleep at night. Even though it’s early to get up in the morning.

For the very lonely, noise is a consolation.

On February 14, I will give my girlfriend an imaginary gift, because you will agree that it is very stupid to give an imaginary girl a real gift

Time heals everything. What if time itself is a disease?!

I don’t know how it is abroad, but here a person who comes to visit us with a liter of vodka is considered a relative

An elephant stepped on all the singers' ears, and Vitas stepped on an egg

But I said: “Don’t get used to me!” I’ll leave anyway...” And you laughed in response and said that no one has ever left you. I looked thoughtfully into your eyes and said through clouds of tobacco smoke: “I will be the first...



Since when did I become so sensitive? Where the hell is my ego? Where is my cynicism, sarcasm, selfishness? Who the fuck fucked him up?

In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place for correspondence. It's like everyone wants to say what's on their mind. For others to see. So as not to go into emptiness.

I fell asleep by accident. Woke up 10 minutes later. Feels like I've slept all day. Miracles

We plant our lungs and liver every day. I don’t know why, brother, but it’s easier for me to live this way.

Do you remember those times when Mivina was still sweet?

il est mon miracle.

Everyone being offended in their seats is an insult!

WiFi dropped. And I saw a leaf flying from a tree, a squirrel dragging an acorn in its paws. But then the Internet was turned on.

What we call cheerful youth, others call problems with alcohol.

Two joys - dope and sweets.

Good night, Night.

Nikita loves drinking tequila, kissing and children.

Megaphone said that the future depends on me. Coca-Cola promised that everything would be fine. Gazprom claims that dreams come true! Tefal thinks about me. Maybelline says everyone is raving about me. This day is always mine and Loreal - I deserve it.

If icicles cannot be sucked, why were they called icicles?

I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I thought why, when people have a storm inside, they lie that everything is fine.

Soon I will be showing a sign that says SARCASM before I open my mouth.

Imagine that you woke up again as a small child, and your whole life was just a dream.

Everything I want is either illegal, immoral, or leads to obesity.

You know, yesterday I slept with a girl from Chernobyl. - What do you mean, she was probably radioactive? - Yeah! I was happy and active!!!

In Spain, passers-by are prohibited from taking pictures with the corpse of a police officer and using the photo as an avatar. AND I WAS JUST GOING TO.

Do you have bouts of laziness? - I have bouts of activity, I am constantly lazy.

To me. Very. Like. That. What. When. You. Reading. This. Text. That. Voice. In your. Head. Does. Pause. After. Everyone. Words.

Alice walks along the chess squares. She's through the looking glass. Thanks to the pills.

Do you want me to tell you a little secret? One little secret like that? Know that people do not meet by chance. Believe me, there are no coincidences in life.

At midnight the universe smells like stars.

What do you mean, slap? I give your cheek my palm.

It's normal to hit someone for having bad taste in music.

Where there is life, there is love.

That’s why it’s absolutely normal to approach a person smoking on the street and ask for a cigarette, but if someone is eating a chocolate bar and ask for a piece, is that strange?

Don't fill a drop of the sea. Don't get drunk with boiling water. So love is not enough for a whole life, minute by minute.

Scream, hysteria - nothing will happen. This is not a wonderland. And you are not Alice.

Is this vodka? - Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped on the chair from offense. “For mercy, queen,” he wheezed, “would I allow myself to pour vodka for the lady?” This is pure alcohol! M.A. Bulgakov

Announcement: I am selling an underground garage in the forest. Damp, scary, expensive.

Don't forget to wear a mask. It's sincere on the street today.

Poisoned. Not poisoned. You haven't even tried.

Is it possible to forgive an enemy? - God will forgive. -Our task is to make sure they meet.

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

How more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thoughts about what would happen if you one day lost your job or business will come in minus, they drive you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

You have a good income, enough money for basic needs and entertainment. Everything is working out for you - there are prospects for career growth, the salary is stable, but something still haunts you...

The more money you earn, the more you spend.
Either a new iPhone came out, then a pumped-up version of the MacBook Pro, then I wanted to go shopping, then unwind at a resort... We earned a lot, spent the same amount, and as a result were left with zero.

Thinking about what will happen if you one day lose your job or your business goes into the red is driving you crazy. And the needs are growing.

Perhaps you have set aside some amount that you would like to invest in a profitable project. This is the first step towards creating capital, but you don’t know where to start or what to invest in.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your savings?

Surely, you have already come across articles on the topic of how to create capital and gain passive income, but there were no specific answers, courses of action or relevant tools. Everything seemed unreal and unattainable.

It seems that only the “chosen ones”, the lucky ones or geniuses can do this...

But what if I show you a simple and accessible system for creating wealth that anyone can master?

Even those who have never invested can understand the principle of operation of this system. Using this system, you can ensure a decent future for yourself and your children in 3-5 years.

This system was developed by me, Fedor Sidorov. I have been investing for over 5 years.

Having started to invest wisely, I began to do what I love and enjoy my hobby, traveling

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if this moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high level income,

But very often among them there are very, very strange ones. What the people who post them think about remains a mystery to many!!

Although for the vast majority, statuses are still an opportunity to express themselves. Read the strangest statuses and think, laugh, choose!

All statuses are selected from real and live accounts on social networks.

1. You think that I am strange because I am not like YOU. Ah, I think that you are strange, because everyone is so the same...

2. Actually, I’m not Alice in Wonderland, but my world is also a little that...

3. “It’s worth it.” (this is a fairly popular and short status for some guys on VKontakte).

4. I lost my “roof”, please don’t disturb the finder.

5. I sit and work. It’s strange and interesting, but why does a 5-kopeck coin fit into the left nostril, but not into the right?!!

6. This is so strange... because before I couldn’t live a day without your smile.

7. You are happiness... Although a little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and a nightmarish fear of losing you...

8. Well, how can you stop drinking in a country where even milk is more expensive than beer?

9. I am a very strange girl: I hate lies, but I lie in the name of good, I hate alcohol, but I get drunk with my friends, and I also hate various idiots... but for some reason they are the ones I fall in love with... You are not one of them?

10. A man's tie does not always mean that the man is elegant. It can also be a signpost where you need to go!

The strangest statuses -

11. One looks into a puddle and sees dark water, and the other, stars reflected in it!

12. Well, that's why guys are so strange? Either he won’t even write a line on VKontakte, then suddenly he had an urge for my phone number))).

13. Remember, if your loved one is cheating on you, then there is no need to make trouble with your wife!

14. They say don’t sit on the corner, otherwise you won’t get married, make sure your legs don’t get dry, otherwise you won’t get married... You might think, who are we kidding??? Who needs this @banatka???))))).

15. If your mother said: “clean up the room, otherwise the boys will come to visit, see the mess and won’t want to marry you!” Conclude: “mom allowed you to bring boys home!!!”

16. Don’t put in so much effort, all the best things happen unexpectedly.

17. Oh, your friends too, when you are walking with them and your mother calls you, they shout: “come on, let’s pour it quickly” or “give me a cigarette”?

18. Strange country. You can get married at 16, and watch movies with sex scenes at 18.

19. Someone is added to the heart, but damn me anywhere, to ICQ, VKontakte, to a mobile phone!!!

20. I love you on the floor (a popular status among girls on VKontakte - probably the answer to status 3).

What else to read