Christina Brodskaya - biography, information, personal life. Igor Petrenko’s new family: a young wife and the birth of a daughter Petrenko and Brodskaya children

Kristina Davidovna Brodskaya is a young actress, many of whose works (“A Matter of Honor”, ​​“Gregory R.”, “Split”, “Tatiana’s Night”, “Soul of a Spy”, “Olympic Final”) received a lot of attention positive feedback film critics, attracted the attention of directors, the wife of Igor Petrenko.

Christina is often compared to Hollywood beauties Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley due to her similar charm, organic nature, mysterious smile and slight understatement.


The girl was born on December 28, 1990 in a family from Vladivostok, three generations of which were true masters of the stage.

Her parents, Ilona and David Brodsky, graduates of the Far Eastern Institute of Arts, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, served in the Omsk Academic Drama Theater, the most prestigious and oldest Siberian drama theater. In 2014, they moved to the Northern capital, where they joined the Theater on Vasilyevsky. Younger brother Alexander (born in 2003), despite his young age, has appeared on the stage of this theater more than once. In particular, the audience could see him in the play “The Starving Aristocrats.” Kristina’s paternal grandmother worked at the Omsk Musical Comedy Theater, and her grandfather worked at the Sverdlovsk Operetta Theater.

It is not surprising that the girl, who grew up in such a creative environment, was musical and graceful, loved to sing, especially in a duet with her father, and after graduating from school she entered the SPbGATI course people's artist RF Semyon Yakovlevich Spivak. Christina graduated from the Theater Academy in 2013, becoming a certified drama and film theater artist.

Actor career

In 2010, still a student, but already a promising actress with an “unconcealed” type, she was cast in the serial drama “My Dear Man” and received the role of nurse Katya, directed by Yegor Abrosimov based on the work of the same name by Yuri German. The story about the trials of the war years and about a doctor devoted to his work and the only love in his life received many warm reviews critics and viewers.

The second film of the aspiring actress is “A Matter of Honor”, ​​where she played one of the main roles - masseuse Christina, who escaped from bandits thanks to former opera Alexey (Sergey Selin), caused even more positive responses. After the premiere, which took place in May 2011, this crime drama was recognized as the best domestic film of the week according to the leading research company TNS.

At that time, the girl could be seen in supporting roles in the films “Sibiryak” (gas station operator), “Cop Wars-6” (Dasha), “Alien Face” (episode), “Chief” (Olga, junior lieutenant), and also in the form of the key character – Leah, the daughter of a vampire and a human, unaware of her important possible mission as a Prophet, in the Ukrainian fantasy series “Split”.

In 2012, the actress starred as Nastya in Viktor Merezhko’s melodrama “Underground Passage,” where Yulia Rudina, Sergei Peregudov, Igor Sklyar, and Varya Shcherbakova worked with her on the set. In 2013, she appeared in three series at once - “Scouts” (about the courage and bravery of intelligence school graduates during the Second World War), “Police Major” and “Detective” (about honest and principled servants of law and order who enter into battle with crime and corrupt colleagues) .

In 2014, the artist took part in a large-scale project about the life of Rasputin “Gregory R.”, playing the role of Princess Dolgorukaya. The creators of the series, based solely on historical material, assembled a first-class cast - Vladimir Mashkov, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Andrei Smolyakov, Ekaterina Klimova - so the characters in the film turned out to be impressive and bright.

In the same year, the young actress played the main role of a girl from a prosperous, intelligent family, a Moscow State University student who was recruited by the KGB and became a prostitute, in the television series “Tatyana’s Night.”

Then, in 2014-2015, she starred in a fascinating multi-part project on the verge of mysticism and detective “Moon”. The audience was delighted with her character, Lieutenant Sofia Gorenko.

Also memorable is the drama “Soul of a Spy,” which tells the story of a Russian intelligence officer on a mission to identify a traitor who is transmitting important information enemy, and a mini-series about the life of hockey player Vyacheslav Fetisov “Glory”.

Personal life of Christina Brodskaya

The actress is married to Igor Petrenko. They signed and got married in 2016 in Kaliningrad. Only the closest friends and relatives were present at the ceremony, including the sons of the newlywed from his previous marriage with Ekaterina Klimova - Matvey and Korney.

The couple met in the Northern capital in 2012, where the actor was filming the series “Sherlock Holmes,” and love broke out between them. At that time, they were both not free - she had a romantic relationship with Artem Krylov, former partner while filming the film “Split,” and Igor was married for the second time to Klimova.

Kristina Brodskaya continues to confidently move towards her goal

In addition, Christina played in the comedy “Scenario” - about life situations, which ordinary ordinary citizens face every day, and that a person’s character and thoughts influence fate.

The actress also finds time to play on the stage of the Youth Theater on Fontanka, which is directed by her former teacher Semyon Yakovlevich Spivak. She was busy playing the role of a musician’s daughter in the play “Metro.”

For a long time I wanted to post online a collection of photographs of actress Kristina Brodskaya, the third wife of Igor Petrenko, but somehow I never got around to it. But then a reason arose, Igor Petrenko again flashed on our TV screens, new series with his participation began to air. And I finally added his photographs first, and as a logical continuation - about fifty photos of his new wife Christina Brodskaya. Honestly, if this girl were not the mother of two daughters of a famous actor, then most likely her personality would interest me much less, and what is even more likely, I would most likely not even know about the existence of this actress. Well, she’s an artist and performer, one of many, young, and there aren’t that many roles in her filmography yet. And I’m more interested in her as a woman who, perhaps even unwittingly, became the reason for the collapse of Igor Petrenko’s previous family. There is a possibility that she had absolutely nothing to do with it, she just happened to be nearby in in the right place at the right time, it is possible that she fell madly in love with Igor, saw that his marriage was bursting at the seams, and took into account the fact that once Ekaterina Klimova also stole him from his first wife, Irina Leonova. I consulted with my parents - also actors, by the way, and it is possible that on family council decided to take Igor Petrenko lukewarm. Well, that’s right, Petrenko and Klimova will talk about the divorce and in ten years they will forget, everything will grow into reality in people’s memory, but what will remain before their eyes is the love story of Kristina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko, their two beautiful daughters - the house is full. After all, a huge number acting families falls apart every year - that's quite enough for this creative environment normal phenomenon. In general, no one really threw rotten tomatoes at Kristina Brodskaya, people accepted new wife Igor Petrenko, of course, she will always be compared with Klimova, but still, you must agree, Kristina Brodskaya is pretty, Igor Petrenko has good taste.

In any case, the divorce was not easy for the Petrenko-Klimov family, but it is possible that it was inevitable. I’m just wondering how this all happens - today it’s still a family, they love each other madly, they’re ready to give their lives one for one, and tomorrow they’re already on the red carpet arm in arm with the other (other), smiling, peaceful and happy. But Petrenko tried to save his previous marriage, but he wanted to do it extremely late, when he had already trampled and destroyedeverything to the ground, that only he could. But there was filming of a very touching video with Ekaterina Klimova and Petrenko in the lead roles, which was directed by Igor himself. She is in a red dress, he is in a suit, she is drowning, he saves, beautiful, romantic, but collaboration did not help to mend the broken cup, the passion and warmth were gone, only resentment and dissatisfaction with each other remained.

How everything was with them, only they themselves know, but now both Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova have new families, new children, everyone is happy, there is no sadness.

Igor Petrenko’s new wife is 14 years younger than him, but the couple did not delay with children. Petrenko loves making babies, although he doesn’t really like messing with them afterwards. And all because he is completely immersed in his thoughts, he has been dreaming of becoming a director for many years now, but somehow nothing happens.

I also watched another series, it’s called “Tatiana’s Night”, I wanted to know how actress Kristina Brodskaya plays, how promising she is, what roles she can do. Well, in this serial film she had to play a beautiful student from an intelligent family: dad is a professor, mom is a gymnastics coach. The action takes place in 1980, the Olympics in Moscow. Tanya - that was the name of the main character, from birth she skated like cheese in butter, in times of global shortage - branded clothes and good food, large, spacious apartment, Tanyusha is the only daughter in the family, has everything she wants. They don’t even think much about where everything comes from and why their family has everything through connections, while others can only dream about Mikoyan sausages, and even then not every year. But one day everything went wrong. The main character's father dies, her partially paralyzed mother is bedridden, and she needs to somehow pay for expensive treatment. Well, this is where Tatyana, who initially tried to earn money for her mother’s rehabilitation in an honest way, finds herself working as a call girl. Kristina Brodskaya plays a kind of unapproachable girl, too correct to the point of being boring, but in order to cure her mother, her heroine follows a crooked path, but in appearance she is still a Komsomol member who gives herself to the men with a reproachful look in her eyes, well, let her look at the clients as she wants, they they still turn her back to themselves during intimacy. IN general history a beautiful girl in whose life 80% of the people are scoundrels who want to take advantage of her body and soul. Having watched this soap, I, unfortunately, have not yet seen the great actress in Kristina Brodskaya, and to be honest, I strongly doubt that she will go very far, although she will undoubtedly try. But her appearance is too ordinary, simply beautiful, but does not catch the eye. She would like charisma!

So what did Igor Petrenko find in Kristina Brodskaya? Perhaps she is not as famous as Ekaterina Klimova, who, judging by the interview, knows better than anyone how and what needs to be done correctly, gives out a lot of advice on housekeeping and raising children, is too self-confident, although she is undoubtedly very pretty. But Christina Brodskaya, although not completely disinterested, still does not yet create the impression of a woman trying to drive her husband under his thumb, she is still in his shadow. But she gave birth to three daughters for her husband! With such a gorgeous appearance, he chooses family over career!

Now Igor Petrenko has a new wife - Kristina Brodskaya, Ekaterina Klimova has a young husband Gela Meskhi, new children for each of the newly established couples. How can they all do this to these artists? I don’t understand, but for them it’s normal.

In these photos, Kristina Brodskaya with her eldest daughter Sofia-Karolina Igorevna Petrenko.

And in this photo is Christina Brodskaya’s mother, this lady’s name is Ilona Brodskaya, she is an actress.

Look at this photo, this is Christina Brodskaya’s grandmother, and she was also an actress!

Igor Petrenko and Kristina Brodskaya with their daughter Sofia-Karolina

Yesterday, as part of Bosco Fashion Week, there was a show of the Italian fashion house Ermanno Scervino, which Igor Petrenko will remember, first of all, for the participation of his wife Christina Brodskaya and their daughter Sofia-Carolina.

Last evening Brodskaya, who, by the way, was at the end of January for the second time, appeared on the podium for the first time.

I came to support Christina. She is worried because we are not frequent guests of shows and social events. After all, today she has to the main role! And she has an important task - to present a certain image on the catwalk. My Christina is a rather conservative person when it comes to choosing clothes, just like me. And everything flowy and feminine suits her very well. I think today she will choose one Nice dress,

- Petrenko shared a few minutes before the start of the show.

Kristina Brodskaya with her daughter Sofia-Karolina during a fashion show

Let us remind you that the daughter of Igor Petrenko and Christina Brodskaya Sofia-Karolina was born in December 2014, and on January 30 of this year the media reported that in star family another girl was born.

In addition, Petrenko is raising sons - 10-year-old Matvey and 8-year-old Korney, born in marriage to Ekaterina Klimova.

It seems that the entire female part of the country was worried when the first rumors spread about the breakup of one of the most beautiful and strong Russian couples - Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko. But almost everyone gasped louder when, not much time after the final divorce, it became known that Petrenko had a daughter... from the young actress Kristina Brodskaya.

During the first part of this melodramatic story, Igor Petrenko admitted in one of his few interviews: “I myself am to blame for what happened.” Most of The actor's work took place in St. Petersburg, the couple rarely saw each other, Petrenko was nervous because of the difficult work and began to relax with the help of drink. Inattention to his wife and children - two common sons and a daughter, Klimova, from a previous marriage - led to Katya slamming the door and leaving to seek happiness on the side. She succeeded - now she is married to actor Gela Meskhi, and most recently gave him a daughter.

However, Petrenko was ahead of her. Even during the divorce proceedings, it became known that by the end of 2014 Petrenko would become a father. And this happiness will be given to him by a young actress - the pretty Kristina Brodskaya, familiar to viewers from the TV series “Split”, “Grigory R.”, “Tatyanina’s Night”. A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts was born in Vladivostok, but spent part of her adult life in Omsk - her parents David and Ilona Brodsky were leading actors of the Omsk Drama Theater. Christina herself managed to play a couple of roles in the theater, but went to study northern capital.

// Photo: Vladimir Andreev/

At the time of the meeting with Igor, Brodskaya was not free - she and her colleague Artem Krylov planned to get married in the near future. This was in January 2014, and literally three months later Christina no longer hid from her friends that she was pregnant with Petrenko’s child. By the way, as soon as it became known about interesting position Christina, her parents moved to the city on the Neva. True, Brodskaya was in no hurry to go on maternity leave - she filmed until the eighth month, and in free time visited the father of her child on the set.

The baby was born on December 24, 2014 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals - it was a real Christmas gift. They named the girl Sofia-Karolina: “There were two options, from which it was impossible to choose. I wanted to name Karolina, and Igor – Sofia. “In the end, we found a compromise,” the young mother explained the choice of name. Christina believes that the child was sent to her from heaven. “Contrary to medicine and all indications, a wonderful, smart and incredibly beautiful baby was born. It seems to me that such moments happen somewhere in heaven, and we can only accept them as a blessing. And now I know for sure that if you really want something, it will definitely happen,” she admitted in a recent interview with Woman`s day.

Brodskaya’s parents helped babysit the baby. But Petrenko’s parents met their granddaughter through photographs. “My son has not yet introduced us to his beloved,” the actor’s father, Pyotr Petrenko, shared with StarHit not long ago. - Well, the master is the master, as they say. He only sends us photos with Christina and his granddaughter. Now they are all vacationing together in Crimea. And he’s silent about the wedding.”

In Crimea, however, Igor not only rested, but also worked - it was there that the shooting of the new film with his participation, “Viking,” took place. Christina and her daughter were next to her beloved and caring husband and father - on weekends they slept, relaxed on the hotel terrace, and played. Petrenko spoiled his beloved with strawberries and daisies. “Igor and I really don’t want to miss something important in our daughter’s development. That’s why she’s with us everywhere,” Brodskaya explained.

Christina very carefully shares photos of the baby in in social networks, and regarding who Sofia-Carolina is like, he says: “She is very similar to me in that she looks like dad. And she and I are both Capricorns, and both were born in the year of the Horse.” The birth of a girl could not but affect the characters of the parents. “They say that if a girl needs strong defender, God sends her a son, and if, on the contrary, it would not hurt her to become more elegant, feminine, soft, then he sends her a daughter. I have always been more inclined masculine qualities. By nature, I am a firm, strong person, who sometimes forgets that somewhere inside there is a little girl who still needs love, care and sensitivity. Now I always remember this,” Brodskaya shared with Woman`s day.

And Petrenko gives this love and care to her girls. A year ago, he admitted: “I realize that I am both a goofball and a bore. Sometimes some kind of correctness attacks me, even if it’s too much. And then the mood changes, and you want to open champagne with a saber and shower everyone with attention and gifts.” Apparently, in the current period, all the best of these two states have been combined in him: “I really am very happy now!” – he briefly comments on questions about his personal life.

He recently moved new family to Moscow. The real surprise of the public was caused by the fact that Petrenko began to help ex-wife- Katya Klimova. While she is babysitting the newborn Bella, he took upon himself the responsibility of taking his sons Matvey and Korney to school and meeting them. Which, however, does not prevent him from paying attention to Sofia-Carolina and Christina. So the lost image of a disciplined, loving and gentle husband and father returned to Petrenko again. Perhaps a wedding is just around the corner.

Kristina Davidovna Brodskaya. Born on December 28, 1990 in Vladivostok. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Petrenko and Brodskaya officially secretly got married in one of the registry offices of Kaliningrad at the end of September 2016, and a few days later they held a wedding ceremony. And the celebration later took place in one of the restaurants in Moscow, the guests were only relatives and people closest to the spouses.

In April 2017, Kristina Brodskaya, together with her daughter Sofia-Carolina, took part in the show of the Italian fashion house Ermanno Scervino, which was held as part of Bosco Fashion Week. This was Christina's first appearance on the catwalk.

Igor Petrenko was also present during the show, he explained to journalists: “I came to support Christina. She is worried because we are infrequent guests of shows and social events. After all, today she has the main role to play! And she has an important task - to present a certain image. My Christina is a rather conservative person when it comes to choosing clothes, just like me. And everything flowy and feminine suits her very well. I think today she will choose some beautiful dress."

Kristina Brodskaya with her daughter on the podium

Filmography of Christina Brodskaya:

2011 - A Matter of Honor - Kristina Korneeva
2011 - Chief - Olga Sinitsyna, junior lieutenant
2011 - Someone else's face - episode
2011 - Split - Liya Rozanova, split, half-breed, daughter of a vampire and a human
2011 - Sibiryak - gas station operator
2011 - Cop Wars-6 - Dasha Travnikova, student at the Humanitarian University
2011 - My dear man - Katya, nurse
2012 - Streets of Broken Lanterns-12 - Galya
2012 - Underground passage - Nastya, Dasha’s daughter
2012 - Patrol. Vasilievsky Island - Lyuba
2013 - Detective - Irina, daughter of Popov
2013 - Scouts - Valya Fedotova, cadet
2014 - Tatyana's night - Tatyana Golubeva
2014 - Slava - Vika, Pavlik’s girlfriend
2014 - Moon - Sonya
2014 - Soul of a Spy - Katie
2014 - Grigory R. - Princess Dolgorukova
2015 - Born a Star - Irina Tumanova
2015 - Mediator (was not completed) - Stasya
2018 - Frontier - Elizaveta Tikhonova
2018 - - Ksenia

Kristina Brodskaya's vocals in films:

2015 - Born by a Star - song “Rain on the Neva” (composer V.M. Shepovalov, text by I.B. Gersht)

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