The swimming season on the Sea of ​​Azov ends. Useful properties of the Sea of ​​Azov. When is the best time to relax in Kuchugury: the pros and cons of the seasons

The climate on the Sea of ​​Azov is significantly different from the Black Sea. It is drier due to the fact that the main water area is located among the steppes. Therefore, the Sea of ​​Azov is often hotter, and the water warms up much faster.

In warm years, the water on the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to 22-23°C already at the end of May. But for children up to seven or ten years old, it may seem cold. Therefore, if there is no task to harden the child, or the baby is prone to bronchopulmonary diseases, it is better not to go to Azov this month.

The water in the Sea of ​​Azov is not as salty as in the Black Sea, so it will not harm the skin of even the smallest.

In June, the water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov reaches 24-26°C, depending on the weather. In rainy years, it warms up more slowly. But on the other hand, in June, the first vegetables and fruits begin to ripen, which are very useful for children. In addition, it is still not as hot as in July-August, the heat is tolerated quite easily. And the prices for renting real estate in June are lower than in the second half of summer. That is why families often choose this month to relax on the Sea of ​​Azov.

The only disadvantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is the monotonous coastal landscapes. There are no beautiful mountains, as in the Black Sea. But this is more likely to upset parents than children.

In July, the water in Azov becomes very warm. It reaches 27-29оС. Very young children will like this temperature very much. They will splash in shallow water for a long time without freezing at all. But in the second half of July, it is often too hot on the coast. Therefore, when relaxing with infants or preschoolers, you should not go to the beach between twelve in the afternoon and four in the evening. Toddlers can get heatstroke, which is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - severe headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. If you want to leave the house during the day, the child should definitely wear a hat and smear the skin with a sunscreen with a high UF factor.

The end of August - September is the best time for families with children on the Sea of ​​Azov

By mid-August, the heat on the Sea of ​​Azov subsides, and the water remains just as warm. Therefore, this time is optimal for families with children on the coast. There is no longer a suffocating heat, a light fresh breeze blows from the sea. The only negative of this period is that in some places on the coast an active growth of algae begins. They are not dangerous, but entering the sea filled with various plants is not very pleasant. Children may not like the feeling of something touching their skin in the water. But there are always algae-free beaches, so you can find out in which area it is better to stay before leaving.

The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov attracts many vacationers in the summer season. Quite inexpensive accommodation prices allow you to spend unforgettable days by the water, and the relative proximity to major cities in the European part of Russia makes it possible to get to the coast in a matter of hours.

You will need

  • - access to the Internet.


To relax on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, you can use the services of travel agencies or look for a suitable option. In the first case, you need to visit the travel companies in your city and get acquainted with the list of possible options. By purchasing vouchers from a travel agency, you get rid of the hassle of purchasing tickets for travel to a vacation spot and finding accommodation on the coast. Not only rest, but also treatment will be available to you if you decide to stay in a medical boarding house.

Many tourists prefer to go to. However, in this case, you should also take care of accommodation for the night in advance. You can in the private sector or in small holiday homes, you can use the Internet. To search for suitable options, type in the search engine the query "rest on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov", you will receive many suitable links.

The choice of holiday destinations on the Sea of ​​Azov is quite large, but it is better to relax in traditional resort towns - for example, Yeysk, this is one of the best places on the coast. By visiting the azov-sea website, you can get acquainted with the list of hotels and boarding houses, find out the cost of living in them. From the European part of Russia, you can get to Yeysk by train, by plane (to Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar), by bus. As a rule, many tourists first get to Rostov-on-Don, after which they take a bus to Yeysk from the bus station.

You can also relax near Yeysk or Taganrog by renting a room or an outbuilding in a private house. This option will be the cheapest, you can agree on accommodation and check-in time in advance via the Internet. You can relax on almost the entire coast, but the beaches in this case may be unequipped. It is worth noting that in some places the Sea of ​​​​Azov is distinguished by the presence of fairly strong currents, there may be fishing nets in the water. Therefore, you should swim on equipped beaches. The advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is that it is shallow, on many beaches you can go up to half a kilometer deep before you can go into the water up to your waist. Shallow water makes the beaches of the Sea of ​​Azov very comfortable and safe for children.


  • Housing in the private sector Dolzhanskaya

The warm Sea of ​​Azov annually attracts thousands of tourists. Some enjoy swimming in the shallow azure waters. Others enjoy sunbathing on sandy beaches stretching for miles. Some are interested in the opportunity to improve their health and relax at the same time. The bulk of tourists from the former Soviet Union, the Sea of ​​​​Azov attracts the opportunity to inexpensively relax.

What is good rest on the Azov coast

Those wishing to soak up the beach will like the long sandy shores stretching along the coast. Dreamers from the tops of the rocky cliffs will be able to watch the sunsets. There will be something for both people who lead an active lifestyle and those who come to combine relaxation with treatment.

Cheap places to stay

Those who cannot afford to relax in expensive resorts choose cheaper places and sanatoriums. Where can you find them:

Arab arrow. Fans of sunbathing will enjoy relaxing on the Arabat Spit. This is a sandy spit with a length of more than 100 km, separating the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Sivash Bay. The northern part of the arrow is built up with boarding houses and recreation centers of various price categories. Among them are "Coral", AzovRoyal, "Arabesques" and other places of recreation. Their beaches are equipped with entertainment attractions. In coastal cafes you can refresh yourself with chilled drinks or ice cream. For those who like to relax "savage", it is preferable to stay on the southern part of the spit. There is something here for both cyclists and fishermen. The cost of a room in the private sector is from 250 rubles.

Rest in Kerch. Due to the fact that there are not so many boarding houses in the city of Kerch, if you are going there for a vacation, you should think about booking rooms in advance. Moreover, there are always enough tourists here. People are attracted by the low prices and attractions of the city. You can find it if you want. Kerch is a rather old city. Therefore, there are both ancient monuments and fortresses, as well as catacombs of the war years. In moments of relaxation between excursions, you can soak up the sunny beach. The cheapest "apartments" will cost 250 rubles. from a person.

Shchelkino. To the west of Kerch is the village of Shchelkino. It is not yet so famous among the resorts of the Azov coast. That is why housing prices here are more than reasonable. Moreover, after the closing of the Kazantip festival, there are not very many tourists even during the season. But there are secluded bays with beautiful beaches. Economy vacation will cost from 200 rubles.

Taganrog. Rest in Taganrog can also be relatively inexpensive. This year, a one-room apartment will cost from 600 rubles per day. Rooms in the private sector are rented from 350 rubles.

Yeisk. On the Azov coast, Yeysk is considered the largest resort. The beaches of the city are equipped with a variety of attractions. For children, it will be interesting to visit the dolphinarium and the water park. The cost of housing starts from 350 rubles for accommodation in the private sector.

Rest "" is considered the cheapest. Not everyone agrees to such pleasure. But on the other hand, there are much more impressions after this than after a civilized rest. You choose!

The holiday season on the Sea of ​​Azov is open - note to the tourist. Useful articles on the "Subtleties of tourism".

The Sea of ​​Azov is a high-quality and inexpensive outdoor recreation. The popularity of the coast is steadily growing not only among residents of the CIS countries, but also among European countries.

For a comprehensive holiday on the Sea of ​​Azov!

The Azov coast pleases all visitors with high-quality European infrastructure in the field of accommodation, food and entertainment. The abundance of a wide variety of hotel-type facilities leaves ample opportunities in choosing a suitable place for each specific case and accommodation and the complexity of the services provided. So, you can turn to the services of sanatoriums or clinics that will provide wellness procedures, or you can rent a room at a recreation center or settle comfortably in the private sector. In any case, the impressions from the rest will remain positive, because here the warm sun, amber water, golden sand and kindness of people.

The abundance of sun on the Sea of ​​Azov allows you to open the swimming season already in early May, and sometimes even at the end of April. While the end of the summer period is celebrated only at the beginning of October. Such a long holiday season, combined with the richness of nature, makes holidays on the Sea of ​​Azov very popular among different segments of the population. In the parking lots near the recreation centers you can find both experienced domestic cars and new foreign cars of the executive class.

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To the Azov coast for recovery!

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation, it is enough to bring a passport and a birth certificate for children;
  • those who want to get a lot of various entertainment should visit the resort village of Kirillovka;
  • lovers of healthy recreation can learn how to skysurf, windsurf or try themselves in the study of the underwater world;
  • a good place for a relaxing holiday are the resort areas of Primorsk and the Arabat Spit.
  • Where to stay: if your goal is a beach holiday, choose among the many hotels, boarding houses and guest houses of the bonton Yeysk, the invariably windy Dolzhanka and Primorsko-Akhtarsk, as well as the sunny village of Golubitskaya. For those who prefer a reasonable balance of beaches and excursions, we advise you to stay in Rostov-on-Don, Azov or Taganrog. In addition, their guests are waiting

Seaside areas constantly attract vacationers to the sun-drenched coasts. There are so many places where you can relax, improve your health, improve your well-being and simply improve your mood and gain strength! For some, the best option is the Black Sea, someone prefers exclusively foreign coasts. And someone is thinking about a trip to nearby resorts and wonders if it is possible to swim in the Caspian Sea in the Sea of ​​Azov? Let's discuss with the readers of our website "Popular about Health" the advantages and disadvantages of holidays in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Caspian regions.

Is it possible to swim in the Sea of ​​Azov or not? Points for and against

The most popular resorts on the Azov coast in the Russian Federation are Temryuk, Taganrog, Yeysk, the village of Golubitskaya, the village of Achuevo in the Krasnodar Territory and other cities. Here you will not see amazing beauties and mountain landscapes, there are no pebble beaches and tempting coral reefs. Far from everywhere the ecological state of the sea can be called satisfactory, but tens of thousands of vacationers come here.

Air, water, nature - these factors contribute to the healing of the body of an adult and a child. The Sea of ​​Azov is one of the most useful in the world. There are so many useful components and microelements in water that no other natural object can boast of. So, in the sea, there are 93 chemical elements that easily enter the human body when swimming.

On the Azov coast, sea and steppe air is surprisingly combined, saturated with iodine, calcium, bromine, as well as the aromas of numerous medicinal herbs. Such a complex is very useful for the respiratory system, so people with diseases of the lungs and bronchi come here.

In addition, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is indicated for people with problems of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases. Sea water has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, on body thermoregulation, improves overall tone and gives strength. For decades, parents have been trying to bring babies with disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Not only water, but also sand, consisting of shells crushed in the sea, has a beneficial effect. Walking on a well-heated sandy shore improves health better than any medicine. The Azov region is famous for its thermal waters, and these are the resorts of Zhelezny Port and Chongar (chloride-sodium water), Arabatskaya Strelka (iodine-bromine water). It is useful for women to come here in the presence of gynecological diseases, with inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, with skin problems.

In windy weather, it is recommended not only to swim, but also just to be on the beach, inhaling the healing air. Staying on the beach helps to cleanse the mucous membranes by saturating the body with iodine. Sand, which is highly hygroscopic, improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, removes fluid that accumulates in the body, and promotes weight loss. In a storm, the Sea of ​​Azov turns into a real hospital with healing mud, algae and trace elements.

You can and should swim in the Sea of ​​Azov! It is worth refraining from a trip to it during periods when there is a massive pestilence of fish, algae blooms (from the end of August). Ambrosia bloom can also spoil the rest for allergy sufferers, so in August-September it is better to choose another resort.

Can I swim in the Caspian Sea or not?

The Caspian Sea and its coasts are one of the most popular resorts and attract tourists from all over Russia. Until now, disputes are raging over whether to consider this natural object a sea or a lake, but this does not diminish its useful properties.

The sanitary condition of the beaches of the Caspian Sea also causes a lot of controversy, and some of them are often closed due to severe environmental pollution. However, in the summer this does not stop tourists, and the number of tourists is in the tens of thousands.

The most dangerous in the Caspian Sea are oil pollution, sewage sewage. However, such resort areas have long been closed to vacationers.

Holidays on the coast can bring huge health benefits, so doctors recommend periodically traveling there with children. The sea water of the Caspian Sea contains many minerals and useful microelements. It is recommended to come here for arthrosis, cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive patients and those who have respiratory diseases.

The healing power of sea water and the surrounding air help to strengthen the immune system, and also make the body more resistant to the pathogens of dangerous tuberculosis. Immunologists say that the magnesium ions contained in the sea contribute to the activation of such processes as cell division, the formation of bone tissue. Iodine, which is found in considerable quantities in air and water, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, stimulates brain activity, and improves memory. Even an ordinary walk along the beach barefoot is a powerful effect on the reflex points located on the feet. This is the treatment of insomnia, and the health of the nervous system, and strong immunity!

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the Azov or Caspian Seas. Your body will surely thank you for it. By the sea you can not only relax, but also improve your health.

Sea of ​​Azov- the shallowest and warmest sea. It is considered an excellent place for families with children, since the depth here does not exceed 15.5 meters, and the coast is flat and consists of sand.

Sea of ​​Azov water temperature monthly

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Many tourists open the season already in mid-May, going to rest in the popular resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov: Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Yeysk, Berdyansk, villages Golubitskaya And Dolzhanskaya, as well as villages Kuchugury And Peresyp. These resorts are ideal for relaxing.

Clean air, good climate and the sea, which warms up faster than anywhere else in the resorts, make it possible to choose the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov as a wonderful place to relax already. At the beginning of June. The daytime temperature this month is +25 degrees, and the water warms up to +23°C.

It is even better to relax on the Sea of ​​Azov in July, since the number of sunny days here is 28-30, the water in the sea is constantly warm (+28 degrees).

July is for those who aspire to a beach holiday or are planning a trip to the sea with children.

Exactly the same weather keeps here in August, but, unlike July, the number of tourists is slightly less. However, this month is considered heavenly for those who do not want to leave the sea, as the water temperature is magnificent - +25 degrees.

The Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the resorts located along the coast, are actively developing, every year attracting more and more "family tourists" here. New entertainments appear here, and beach holidays are always on top.

The village of Kuchugury, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, is ideal for a family vacation. The shallow and warm sea attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia. Due to the fact that the Taman Peninsula is washed by two seas, the Black and Azov and is located near the Kerch Strait, the water is constantly circulating and clean in any season. The wonderful climate and the absence of industrial industry make it possible not only to relax, but also to improve your health.

Weather in Kuchugury

The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its average depth is 7 meters, and the maximum is 15 meters. The water warms up quickly and remains warm until mid-autumn, this is the main factor affecting the climate in Taman. Sunny days here delight residents 280 days a year, even if it's cold outside.

During the holiday season, the weather amuses vacationers. The Taman Peninsula has a warm, sunny and windless summer. The hottest month of the year is August, at which time the air temperature reaches 30 ° C in the shade. In Kuchugury, the swimming season opens much earlier than, for example, in Anapa and lasts until late autumn. Distinctive weather conditions allow you to sunbathe and enjoy the sun during the velvet season.

In winter, Kuchugury has a mild climate, there are practically no big frosts, the air temperature in January drops to -2 ° C on average. Of course, there are also cold days in winter when the peninsula is blown by strong east and northeast winds, they can blow for 1-1.5 months and the Sea of ​​Azov freezes.

Access to the Sea of ​​Azov in Kuchugury

Vacation seasons in Kuchugury

Each season in Kuchugury has its own distinctive feature and tourists choose when to go on vacation based on their preferences. In different seasons, the temperature of the water in the Sea of ​​Azov and the air is different. Consider in detail each month of the holiday season.

May June

The climate this month is good and not hot, but the water is cool, despite this, there is a flow of tourists in May, but not very large. Basically, rest during this period is preferred by people who like a calm and measured pastime. The water in the sea is quite cold and warms up from + 16 to + 21 ° C, it almost never rains, on average, no more than 3 days during the month are rainy. But sunny weather pleases tourists who arrived in May for 23 days.

To understand how to dress, you need to know the air temperature, it usually ranges from + 19 ° C at night to + 28 ° C during the day in May.

In June it becomes warmer, and the flow of tourists increases, housing prices rise. The water in the sea warms up to 22-23 ° C, but this month it rains more often, about 6-8 days for the whole month will be rainy. There is sunny weather for 26 days and you can get a wonderful tan.

At night, the air temperature is + 20, and in the daytime + 29 ° C, and it constantly rises towards the end of the month. During this period of the year, many tourists go on vacation with their children, as their holidays have begun.

July August

July is one of the hottest months, not only by thermometer, but also by visiting the Kuchugury resort. The flow of tourists reaches its maximum, most residents of Russia begin their vacation period. The water temperature is 26 ° C, this period is optimal for families with children. In July, sunny days last much longer, you can sunbathe until the evening. The weather is sunny and calm for 28 days.

The air warms up to +32 °C, and at night the temperature drops slightly to +26 °C. Tourists swim at night.

August is not much different from July, except that there is less rain this month than last. The clear weather lasts as long as 30 days, and the water temperature remains at the same level as in July +26 °C. The air warms up to a maximum temperature of +34 ° C, but this is the last month in which the water is so warm. In August, a large number of people have a rest, the vacation season ends and everyone wants to enjoy the sun and swim in the warm sea.

sunset on the Sea of ​​Azov

September October

The holiday season is over, the children went to school and in September there are few tourists in Kuchugury at this time, but they are. The water temperature begins to drop by 5 °C compared to the previous month and is 21 °C, but it becomes crystal clear. There is still little rain, as in the summer months, no more than 3 days for the whole of September, but it is not so sunny anymore, only 23 days a month you can soak up the sun. The air at night becomes cool +15 °C, and during the day it is still hot + 30 °C.

In October, you can still relax on the sea, but only during the short period of "Indian summer", which can last no more than 7 days and this should be used. The water temperature drops to +14 °C, and swimming is undesirable. It is better to just relax on the shore and breathe in the healthy sea air. There is still little rain for 2–3 days a month. During the day, the air warms up to +21 °C, and at night the temperature drops to +5 °C. October is not very suitable for holidays, but some people still catch the last warm days.

When is the best time to relax in Kuchugury: the pros and cons of the seasons

Kuchugury - the road to the beach

For an optimal holiday, especially, it is better to plan a trip for July, August or September. But the most suitable month is July, at this time the water and air temperatures are ideal for relaxation.

A big plus of rest on the Sea of ​​Azov is warm water and climate, and in Kuchugury there is also the cleanest ecology, which contributes to recovery. In May and June, the water does not have time to warm up to a comfortable temperature, and in October it is already cold.

People have different preferences, and someone does not like the hot sun or is contraindicated, for this you can go on vacation in May, September or October when the weather becomes more cloudy. The advantage of such weather is that it is impossible to “burn out” in the sun during these periods, and it will come out to get an even and beautiful tan.

The minus of July and August is the scorching sun (for those to whom it is contraindicated) and a large number of mosquitoes in the evening. But since you can rest in Kuchugury for 6 months, everyone will be able to choose the right season for themselves and get the most out of it.

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