Personal life and orientation of Sergei Lazarev: rumors and facts. Alina Lazareva, niece of Sergei Lazarev: biography, family and interesting facts A difficult song! Folk

In March of this year, Sergei Lazarev’s older brother died from internal hemorrhage after an accident. 37-year-old Pavel is survived by his 11-year-old daughter Alina. The singer was always kind to his niece, but after the tragedy he began to spend even more time with her. Recently, the musician posted a photo on Instagram of him on a walk with his mother and Alina: “Today was a wonderful day off, which I completely spent with my beloved mother and niece Alina!))) we celebrated Mother’s Day - we walked, relaxed, laughed and enjoyed each other and beautiful weather))),” the artist signed the photo.

It is impossible to fully replace a child’s deceased father, but Sergei tries to surround his niece with maximum care. He is not yet thinking about his own children. Due to his work schedule, the singer cannot devote himself entirely to his family, and he does not want to be a “coming dad”.

The 32-year-old musician has repeatedly admitted that he himself difficult relationships with Father. Vyacheslav Lazarev left the family when Sergei was six years old. He was very worried about his parents’ divorce and noted in one of his interviews that it remained a trauma for the rest of his life.

Sergey Lazarev is a popular Russian performer, whose personal life was focused on in 2018 Special attention, because he celebrated 35 summer anniversary. This is the time to take stock of the first results and an occasion to look back on the life lived.

Childhood is an ambiguous period in the biography of the future actor and singer; his parents’ divorce left an imprint on him. Seryozha and his brother Pavel grew up virtually without a father, who was later replaced by a stepfather. Mom met the children halfway in everything and encouraged the development of their musical talents. Sergei managed to be a member of the Loktev ensemble, then there was the B. Pokrovsky Theater, the famous “Fidgets” and filming.

Sergey Lazarev in childhood

At the school where he studied, a whole museum named after him was subsequently created, where you can see unique photographs and other materials from those years.

In 1999 he entered the Mkhatov Art School-Studio. After graduation, he began playing on the stage of the Pushkin Theater.

Lazarev in "Fidgets"

Group "Smash!!"

The future star met Vlad Topalov as a child. In 2001, friends recorded a cover version of the aria “Belle” from the musical “Cathedral” Notre Dame of Paris", which instantly became a hit. Thus, in 2001, the group “Smash!!” was born, the successful promotion of which was facilitated by the famous producer Simon Naper-Bell. A contract was signed with UMG, and the ascent to the top of the charts began.

Sergey with Vlad Topalov

Even then, rumors began to spread that “something was wrong” with the singer’s personal life.

A year later, the guys won the “New Wave”, and the first disc “Freeway” became gold. The next album, “2nite,” was released two years later and became the last, since Sergei, to the horror of fans, announced that he was leaving the team. There were many rumors. They were fueled by the fact that the real personal life of Sergei Lazarev remained behind the scenes, and numerous novels with girls turned out to be fake.

Solo career

Having started his solo career, Lazarev immediately showed that he had international ambitions. The songs on his first disc were only in English. The most popular compositions were:

  • "Eye of the Storm"
  • "Fake"
  • "I'm lost without your love."

The first hits in Russian appeared in his repertoire only a year later.

His success did not go unnoticed: he was awarded at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Today, Sergei has three more solo discs: “TV Show”, “Electric Touch” and “Lazarev” and as many as 30 video clips.

In the videos, Sergei appears as a hero-lover

In 2016, Lazarev competed for Russia at Eurovision in Stockholm, where he took third place and won the audience award.

Personal life. Orientation

Rumors that in his personal life Sergei Lazarev adheres to gay we've been going for a long time. The singer himself never came out, that is, did not admit his sexual preferences.

For four whole years, Sergei dated Lera Kudryavtseva, but many considered this novel to be false, designed only to hide the truth. Some representatives of show business openly called Lazarev gay.

Sergey and Lera

They were called as his friend different names: director of the singer Mikhail Dvoretsky, dancer Evgeny Gorenyatenko and others.

Not long ago, the network exploded with news that Lazarev became a father, and his son’s name is Nikita. How he could be born if Lazarev did not have a wife remained a mystery.

Lazarev with his son

In one of the TV shows, Philip Kirkorov revealed the singer’s secret, saying that he resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.

Today, if you believe latest news, Sergey Lazarev has stopped so zealously hiding the features of his personal life, and now Dmitry Kuznetsov appears as his possible boyfriend.

Emergency with Sergei Lazarev

Sergey for the time creative activity got into it more than once extreme situations. So in 2010, his concert in Rostov-on-Don was suddenly interrupted; he was not allowed to finish singing to the end, explaining this by the start of fireworks in honor of City Day.

This was followed by a trial with the Vkontakte network, from where all his compositions disappeared one fine day. Then, at one of the concerts, Sergei fainted right on stage, and the concert was canceled. This incident was explained by the extreme degree of overwork of the artist.

The artist works until he is completely dedicated

Besides, ambivalence Part of the public was attracted to Sergei by his frank statements in support of the LGBT community.

In 2011, the singer spoke negatively about protests in Russia, calling them the result of manipulation and a manifestation of herd feelings. He opposed the entry of Crimea into Russia.

There are facts in Sergei’s life that are well known to his ardent fans, but which the general public is not so familiar with:

  • In 2007, Sergei became the winner of the “Circus with the Stars” show.
  • Lazarev took second place in the show “Dancing on Ice”.
  • to his lucky number the singer counts one.
  • The artist’s filmography includes 13 roles in various projects.
  • Sergei played the role of Figaro on the stage of his native Pushkin Theater. He also showed himself in the play “Romeo and Juliet” and in the role of Karamazov.
  • Lazarev became a laureate of the Golden Gramophone 5 times.
  • Sergey is the owner of a confectionery for cats and dogs “Poodle Strudel”

Sergei at the opening of the Poodle Strudel confectionery
  • For his achievements in the theater, Sergei was awarded the “Seagull” and “Crystal Turandot” awards.
  • Lazarev has the 1st youth category in artistic gymnastics.

Sergey Lazarev now

2018 is an anniversary year for Sergei Lazarev. At 35, he is full of energy and creative plans. In addition to concerts and performances, he devotes a lot of time to caring for homeless animals and recently took home a dog from a shelter, which he named Fox. Now he already has two four-legged pets.

Dmitry Kuznetsov joint photos with Sergei he posts more often and more willingly

Lazarev was invited to the competition “Children’s New wave"as a jury member. Interestingly, his niece Alina, the daughter of his brother Pavel, who tragically died in 2015, took part in the same competition.

One of the not very pleasant pages in Sergei Lazarev’s personal life today is that fans began to actively hint that there is no similarity between him and his son Nikita. He is called upon to admit that his son is not his own. In this case, people are betrayed by basic decency. What difference does it make if Sergei treats his son like his own and is actively involved in his upbringing?

Lazarev with his son Nikita

Recently, rumors have been actively circulating that Lazarev is ready to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest once again in order to take revenge for his third place and win.

Sergei's brilliant performance at Eurovision

So far, the singer himself answers questions about this vaguely: he neither confirms nor denies. In any case, if he makes such a decision, he will have a chance of winning.

Sergey is actively involved in producing activities. Now his wards are members of the group “Dvoe” Svyat and Kostya. So far, their first single “Fallen” has entered rotation.

After the video with Bilan, rumors about Sergei’s gay orientation intensified

Those interested can find out about all the details of Sergei Lazarev’s personal life in 2018 on his official Instagram page. And he has almost three million subscribers! No rumors or gossip reduce the number of his fans, and this is the best guarantee of creative longevity.

The niece of artist Sergei Lazarev, 11-year-old Alina, decided to follow in the footsteps of her uncle and become a singer. According to her, she always looked at her relative and I wanted to perform on stage, however, a couple of years ago Alina was shy. "


“Then my grandmother began to study with me. I learned poetry: “ Winter morning"Pushkina," White birch" Yesenina. Then she read with expression, and Ba corrected me: " More emotions, you're an actress, play!“Now I even participate in reading competitions, I took second place,” Starhit quotes her.

The girl told how she got to the casting for “Fidgets,” where she was eventually accepted. She saw an ad in in social networks. Arriving at the casting I saw my uncle, who told her " Do not be afraid of anything! Just do what they ask."

“When I entered the class, Seryozha left so that no one would think that they were playing along with me. I sang “A Cossack Walked” by Pelageya, which I studied for a week. I rehearsed in the car, at the dacha, at home. In the end, I passed the selection. My grandmother was informed about this, and she told me after school. She squealed, jumped, and laughed all the way home. Now I’m starting classes,” says Alina.

Sergey, you haven’t been seen in Lera’s company for a long time. And just six months ago you appeared everywhere together: at social events and on vacation...

You see, we both became hostages of the situation. And there were serious reasons to close ourselves off from the general public. I think, of course, it’s their own fault. I wanted to share what we are experiencing. Well, they went too far, apparently.

So are you still together?

Everything is fine with us. It’s just that now we don’t focus public attention on our relationship.

Are you and Leroy thinking about having a child again?

I have been dreaming about children for a long time. A child is something that is given from above. Mom waits patiently, but constantly asks: “When will I babysit your children?!” ( Laughs.) My brother’s daughter Alina has grown up, she is 8 years old. And mom wants little grandchildren. But for now Alinka is replacing my daughter. In our family, uncles and aunts have always taken an active part in the lives of their nephews. My mother's brother and his wife, for example, babysat me. Alinka is a little unlucky that I am famous. Maybe she wouldn’t mind once again boasting about her relationship with me at school, but we are raising her: “You need to achieve something in life yourself, achieve something. So that you are respected for the fact that you are Alina Lazareva, and not just a niece famous singer!" At one time, they didn’t even send her to the school where I studied. It’s psychologically difficult for a child to remain in the shadow of a famous relative. I experienced this a little myself. My brother, who is 5 years older than me, and I studied at the same school. He studied dancing, I studied vocals. So they gave him as an example to me: “Your brother dances well and studies. Everything is on time. So talented!” And I was a little offended: I tried too.

Does Alina surprise you in any way?

The fact that he is a completely adult person. Very kind, open and positive. He understands everything, knows everything. ( Laughs.) He has been singing my English songs since he was 6 years old. True, she’s a little lazy about learning the language now, but I’m trying to convince her that it’s great and will come in handy in life. She understands technology and computers better than me. Easily masters new things. So stubborn! She got this from us, the Lazarevs. In first grade, I was seated at a desk with one girl. I don’t remember why I disliked her so much, poor thing. I didn’t like her, and I didn’t want to sit with her, no matter how much they forced me. He just stood near the desk, repeating: “I don’t want to sit with her, I don’t want to and I won’t!” And I achieved my goal: it turned out to be easier for the teacher to move me. So I'm a stubborn sheep. ( Laughs.) Aries according to the horoscope. If we are sure of something, it is almost impossible to convince us!

In one interview you stated: “I became convinced that I was right.” Sounds pretty self-confident...

But it's true. At a certain point I became completely independent. I depend only on myself and am my own boss. IN last years I realized that I had to choose for myself how to live. I cannot and do not want to adapt to someone, to do as others want. I myself know which direction to move in. I'm an independent artist, I don't owe anyone anything. I earn and finance myself. And I am absolutely not interested in the unprofessional opinions of people who consider it possible to criticize my work. Although I can still hear and analyze. I’m smart enough to listen to the advice of people I respect. And I am able to comprehend my mistakes. At the same time, I reserve the right to defend my opinion.

Every person has fears. What are you afraid of?

For example, I'm afraid of blood. When I see a wound, something inside me shivers. I won't faint, but it will become unpleasant. I feel the same way about cockroaches and various beetles. I won’t shout, but there will be a residue. ( Laughs.) And speaking more generally about fears... I'm afraid of losing what I've earned through my labor. There is no desire to roll back, to start all over again. I've come a long way Solo career It was difficult, so much effort was put into it! I’m also afraid of losing loved ones... I don’t want to let negativity into my life at all. I try to forget about such moments, throw them out of my head. Therefore, I am completely useless in any proceedings. They can point out to me: that’s when you did something bad. And in response, I won’t be able to remind a person of his mistake: I don’t accumulate resentment.

Was your father who left the family when you were 5 years old also forgiven?

We communicate with dad, call each other. Nobody has any complaints. I am well aware of how important this person is to me, I am grateful to him for his birth. I don't like discussing this topic. If something happens in your family, you don’t walk around the entire entrance to tell your neighbors about what happened? On the contrary, you will try to hide something so as not to get caught by idle gossips...

Stormy and festive. One Moscow karaoke club rented it specifically for this purpose. I invited only close friends and relatives - about 35 people. We had fun, danced, sang from six in the evening until three in the morning. There were a lot of nice gifts. They presented me with a professional camera, which I had long dreamed of. I love taking photographs, and, you know, I'm pretty good at it. My director invited cartoonists. And they drew funny caricatures of the guests. True, in the end they couldn’t do it for me. I was so busy with the guests that I couldn’t even sit down and pose for a couple of minutes... Everything was warm and homely. Next year this probably won't happen. It’s my 30th birthday! And I have already planned to prepare a solo concert for this date.

You have been singing since childhood. Why, after graduating from school, did you choose a theater university rather than a music university?

For a long time I was sure that I would go to the Gnessin Music School. The leader of Fidget, Elena Pinjoyan, also supported me very much in this endeavor. But then I talked to older girls, Fidget graduates - students of Gnesinka. They complained that they were being “broken” there and were trying to change their singing style. I realized that this doesn't suit me. And I decided to enroll in theater universities. I graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, which I don’t regret for a minute. Now I can do both pop and theater. I plan time for both. For the last month and a half, for example, I haven’t given any concerts - I’ve been completely immersed in work on a new theatrical project. In the play Borrow a tenor I have been playing at the Pushkin Theater for seven years now. The main director Evgeny Pisarev and I have been looking for something new for me for a long time. An almost unknown Mark Twain comedy has finally been found. Talents and dead. The idea is that people only begin to value other people after they die. Young artists decide to take advantage of this. One of them pretends to have suddenly died - in the hope that he will be able to sell his paintings at a higher price.

On the poster you are in both male and female guise...

And I play two roles! More precisely, originally by the artist Millet, who dies. But events unfold in such a way that he will have to reincarnate as a woman. I've never had anything like this before! The main thing here is not to go beyond the fine line, after which vulgarity and antics begin. I want the audience to see me not as Sergei Lazarev in disguise, but as a woman who evokes real feelings. This image is collective. I noticed something from my mother - some grimaces, intonations... Something from Lera and from observing how women play with their hair, gesticulate, walk...

In one of the interviews about the upcoming premiere of the play, Evgeny Pisarev said that this role for you is “farewell to your boyish youth.” He is right?

I think yes. Time passes, I grow up. It’s getting harder and harder for me to play the same tenor. I haven’t grown out of this image yet, but I’m about to hit the ceiling. I feel that I am moving into a different role: from a boy I am turning into a man. So Talents and dead- probably the last performance for me in such a fun, farcical genre.

Sergei, a successful artist, most often means loneliness. Does this prospect scare you?

I, God, am lucky in this regard. My surrounding - creative people, they live the same as me. So I'm not lonely. What kind of loneliness is this if you go on stage and see thousands of people who have come to meet you?!

Clip by Sergei Lazarev Heartbeat.

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