How old are the children of Sukhankina. Margarita Sukhankina: “Andrey said: “For me, your children will never become family. The beginning of a solo career

Margarita Sukhankina became one of the jury members of the new children's show "You are super!" The specificity of this program is that children left without parental care compete with each other. Meanwhile, four years ago, Margarita Sukhankina took a boy and a girl from the orphanage. “Yes, because my children are also special. In this program, I feel like a fish in water. I behave naturally, I don’t play,” the singer said. Note that, in addition to Sukhankina, the jury includes Stas Piekha, Viktor Drobysh and Elka.


According to Margarita, her children Sergey and Valeria lead a full-fledged children's lifestyle. So, last year the son went to school, this year - the daughter of Sukhankina. “And I know that their hands should be in my hands. We should go to the line together. I know that the children will grow up and will remember this time,” the artist is sure.

Children have busy lives. In addition to school, Seryozha plays the piano, and Lera is dancing. "They have everything they need, even more. All the bad things are in the past. Seryozha is older and generally doesn't like it when someone starts talking about the orphanage. He chases these thoughts, doesn't want to remember anything. Emotional and creative boy. He draws wonderfully, builds, sculpts, glues ... He designs something from Lego all the time. I used to go to the art studio, but now they have a lot of lessons at school, so there is no time left. The children are full, dressed, shod. We go to the cinema, theaters, museums, zoos, a circus… They have a full-fledged children's life," the TV program quotes the artist.

Sukhankina admitted that she does not consider her act - to take children from the orphanage - heroism. “Moreover, I don’t even know who saved whom - I children or they me. Living without them, I just quietly went crazy. The normal state of every woman, when she lives with her family, gives birth to children. my childbirth ended in tragedy. In general, I myself am partly to blame for this. And I understood that I was hanging myself: everything that I earned, all the prosperity I alone did not need at all. For me, this is the highest egoism - to live for myself. I am a very active person ", I need to give, share. Whom to take care of, if not about children? Now I am extremely happy that I have both a boy and a girl - two completely different worlds, two planets. A niche that was empty was filled in my soul, "said singer.

According to the artist, she used to be unhappy, because her life consisted only of home and work, and material values ​​did not inspire her. Sukhankina explained: “Well, I bought a fur coat, diamonds, a car. And then what? Why such a life? It’s happiness when you see that children get something when their eyes light up. There is nothing better and more expensive than their smile. Higher happiness for any normal woman.Every day I open my eyes and say: "God, thank you!"

The heroine of this issue is Margarita Sukhankina, the one whose voice once sounded in all the soundtracks of the Mirage group. Is it true that she wanted to commit suicide and what unexpected details will the singer tell today in the Let Them Talk studio? How did Margarita decide to adopt children at one time? In this program, a secret will be revealed that the star does not even know about. Watch the release of the talk show Let them talk - This is not a mirage: a secret that was kept from Margarita Sukhankina 06/11/2019

In the late 80s, the Mirage group was one of the most successful dance groups in the country. But then no one knew that the only performer of all the songs was the unknown opera singer Margarita Sukhankina. Her voice sounded in stadiums and concert halls, while various artists were on stage, opening their mouths to the soundtrack. However, after many years, the singer managed to get out of the shadows and became the main face of the revived Mirage.

At the beginning of her musical career, Sukhankina went to Europe for a master class, where she met a businessman from Croatia. The couple played a wedding, but their marriage lasted only 2 years. After that, the singer got married three more times, but she could not become a mother. In 2012, Margarita adopted children after many years of unsuccessful attempts to have a child. However, after only 3 months it turned out that little Lera and Seryozha have a father and mother.

Let them say - This is not a Mirage: Margarita Sukhankina and her children

The repeatedly convicted father of two children and their mother said that they were illegally deprived of parental rights. In addition, a serious conflict was planned in the family of Margarita Sukhankina: her then civil husband Andrei Lityagin was not ready to raise children who were not his own. As a result, the singer broke up with him, but then Lityagin filed a lawsuit against her in order to prohibit her from performing the Mirage hits. Release of the talk show Let them talk - This is not a Mirage: Margarita Sukhankina and her children: what unexpected truth does the singer find out on the program?

In the studio of the program, Margarita Sukhankina will meet with the parents of her adopted children, Lera and Seryozha. How did the long litigation with the ex-civil husband Andrey Lityagin end? And what is the secret that the star itself does not yet know about?

Let them talk. This is not a mirage: a secret kept from Margarita Sukhankina

Her voice was heard by millions of fans, but only 20 years later the whole country saw her - Margarita Sukhankina in "Let them talk" will tell frankly about her difficult creative path and her beloved children. Is it true that the singer tried to commit suicide? See all the details online in this edition of the program.

Margarita Sukhankina - about a difficult life period, relationships with a common-law husband and adopted children:

- Yes, there was a period when I was “left” from the Bolshoi Theater. I worked there for 10 years, but was not needed. It was the end of the 90s. I left there in 2002. It knocked me down a lot and at some point I was ready to go out the window ... My father's illness stopped me - I realized that if I do this, then who will take care of him?

- As for the story with Andrei Lityagin, I can say that this is a person who has always been interested only in money. He believed that I had to plow like a workhorse in order to bring in money. His plans did not include the appearance of children in my life. With all this, he signed the documents, according to which I am the only singer who can perform Mirage songs.

The children were very weak when I adopted them. Now they are all right. Most importantly, we know that we are a family and we are together. I realized how important it is to have a family and I am very happy today. I have children, I have a man. Now I do not want to tell anyone about my personal life.

What secret does the singer learn in the broadcast studio? What will the biological parents of Lera and Seryozha say to her? See all the details online in the release of the program Let them talk - This is not a mirage: a secret that was kept from Margarita Sukhankina, aired on June 11, 2019 (06/11/2019).

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Far from everyone can raise someone else's child, but, as practice shows, many modern Russian pop stars decide on such an act. Margarita Sukhankina became a mother for "her" two adopted children.

There are four marriages behind the singer Margarita Sukhankina - with a chef, a composer, an accompanist and a lieutenant colonel, but Margarita did not give birth to a child from any of the men. And the chances of becoming a mother were: Sukhankina was pregnant more than once. Only at the age of 48 did the woman finally fulfill her dream, becoming the mother of adopted children - Serezha and Lera.

Margarita Sukhankina became the heroine of the My Truth program on Channel Five

On the Fifth Channel, the series of programs “My Truth” continued. On Sunday morning, April 7, an issue was released with the artist Margarita Sukhankina called "It was just a mirage ...".

How did a schoolgirl from a simple Soviet family conquer the world stage? What sacrifices did the singer make for the sake of high art? Why was the Mirage star fired from the Bolshoi Theater? And what did the soloists of one of the most popular bands in the country not share? Why did four marriages of Margarita Sukhankina collapse? And also where did she find her true happiness? The audience saw the revelations of the ex-soloist of the legendary band in the new issue of the My Truth project.

How did the artist decide to adopt?

Once Margarita saw on TV a story in which they talked about Seryozha and Lera - kids without parents. At that moment, the star realized that she wanted to become a mother for them. In order to meet the kids, the singer overcame a rather long and difficult path.

After all the documents for adoption were completed, Margarita took the children to her. Since then, she has been raising Leronka and Sergey. It is worth noting that immediately after the adoption procedure, the real parents of the babies wanted to take them back, but this was prevented by the fact that the mother was officially deprived of parental rights, and the father has five convictions.

Biography and creativity of Margarita Sukhankina, personal life

The singer was born in 1964 in Moscow. Her father and mother are engineers by profession. Her older brother Pavel also grew up in the family. Margarita demonstrated excellent vocals in her early childhood. Having discovered musical abilities in their daughter, her parents took her to the Palace of Pioneers, where she was accepted into the choir. As she grew older, she studied music and sang in the children's choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television, led by Viktor Popov.

Even in her student years, the artist received an offer to perform in the Mirage group as a soloist from her longtime friend, composer Andrey Letyagin. But she did not agree to sing on the stage, she was afraid of being expelled from the conservatory. Then the composer asked the girl to record several of his songs, which the group members soon performed to the soundtrack.

Despite the fact that her last name was not mentioned anywhere, Sukhankina was madly in love with singing and recording compositions. The songs “Stars are waiting for us”, “Video”, “This night” by that time were known by the whole country, thanks to which they gained wild popularity among listeners. Tatyana Ovsienko, Irina Saltykova, and then Ekaterina Boldysheva performed with the compositions of the second and third albums, while the hit singer herself remained in the shadows for a long time.

After graduation, the singer got a job at the Bolshoi Theater, where she sang parts under the name of Maruna. In 2003, she completed her operatic career and soon began to perform a duet with Natalia Gulkina, recording the album Just a Mirage in this collaboration. In 2016, Margarita took up a vocal career: she created her own band and now performs not only her early songs, for which she received the permission of the authors, but also new compositions.

In 2017, the stage star took part in the TV contest “You are super!”, taking the chair of the jury on the project. It was difficult for her to judge the performances of the participants, as the children who were left without parents sang.

Five years ago, Margarita Sukhankina became a mother - she took a boy and a girl from the orphanage. Now her experience of communicating with such children came in handy on television - the singer was invited to become a judge in the contest "You are super!" on NTV.

It differs from other vocal shows in that young talents from orphanages and foster families will compete here. Participants came from all over Russia and 14 other neighboring countries. The guys from Chukotka, for example, traveled four days by way of bed. In total, 1500 young talents took part in the castings, 92 people were invited to the qualifying round in Moscow.

“Today I seem to have returned five years ago,” said Margarita Sukhankina at the presentation of the program. - I remembered how I traveled through cities and villages. I then decided to take a child from the orphanage, and one. Was looking for him. But when you start to communicate with these children, you want to take everyone with you. Therefore, now two absolutely charming angels live with me, two creatures that we all love madly. When the bell rang and I was offered to participate in this project, I did not hesitate for a minute. It was absolutely mine! My theme from and to in all respects. I'm not only a mother, but first and foremost a professional musician.

According to Margarita, she hopes that this competition will not only show talented children, but also help them.

“I hope it happens,” the singer says. “I will be very glad if, by joint efforts, we give them a path to life. Now there are many different competitions. Both at the world and at the Russian level. But children come there, whose parents invested money, they were prepared. The guys were educated, grew up in prosperous families, everything is fine with them. And in this project we are dealing with special children. Let someone disagree with me, this is my subjective opinion. But these kids are really different. Here are my son and daughter, after almost five years, in general, they became home. But, nevertheless, somewhere in the subcortex they still have memories of what they experienced. And this is for life… And now imagine: children, once betrayed, came here, to Moscow, to the competition. Now they live in the Rest House, looking forward to their performances, they have fun and feel good. But, nevertheless, when they take the stage and the competition itself begins, a lot will change. The psychological approach is very important here. It is necessary to find some words in time to support the contestants. God forbid, nowhere inside these children skipped a beat. So that the loss does not break anyone, does not offend, so that the children do not feel their uselessness when we say “No” to them. This is a very delicate and responsible moment.

In addition to Sukhankina, the jury will also include composer Igor Krutoy and singer Elka. There will also be a fourth judge, but his name is still kept secret. The general producer of the NTV channel, Timur Weinstein, said that all the children who become finalists of the program will then participate in the children's New Wave. They also automatically go to the final qualifying stage of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. And the musical "Republic of ShKID" with the participation of these children will also be staged on NTV. And viewers will definitely see it.

“I know that there are a huge number of people who want to take children into their families, are still in search,” says Margarita Sukhankina. - And I believe that after this project, many of the participants will be able to find their father and mother. And it will be a victory! It doesn't matter what place they take, how they sing. The main thing, I am sure, is that we will ensure that these children will also grow up in families.

Margarita Sukhankina, the performer of the hits of the Mirage group, became the main character of the next issue of the Secret for a Million program. During a long interview with Lera Kudryavtseva, the singer frankly spoke about her four marriages, about her relationship with producer Andrei Lityagin, about why she was never able to give birth to her own children.

At almost 49 years old, the vocalist became a foster mother to two babies Serezha and Lera, who were handed over to an orphanage by their own grandmother. Knowing perfectly well what genes her brother and sister had, Margarita Sukhankina was not afraid to take them up.

“My children have a dash in the father column,” said Margarita Sukhankina. - By the age of thirty, he already had five convictions. Mom is a heavy drinker. But at the time when Seryozha and Lera were born, she was 26 years old, so I hoped that this was not yet a completely drunken woman.

Sukhankina admitted that she had recently learned that the mother of her adopted children, Olga, had died.

“Last winter, I received a paper that she was no more,” said Margarita Sukhankina during the program. - She was found somewhere lifeless ... I admitted this thought. But sometimes I imagined how I would meet this silly mother and tell her: “You see, I saved your children. Look how wonderful they have grown."

By the way, a few years ago, biological parents tried to take their son and daughter away from Margarita Sukhankina. The couple appeared on various talk shows with stories that they were ready to improve and change their lifestyle in order to return their heirs. But all their attempts were then in vain.

The Mirage soloist made it clear that she is calm about the fact that her children sometimes talk about their past life.

“About three years ago, Seryozha remembered: “But when we lived with another mother, they didn’t feed us there,” Sukhankina continued in Secret for a Million. - I calmly react to these things. Lera never talks about this out loud. She is generally very light, and Seryozha is a thin, thinking boy.

The children of Margarita Suhankikoy also have a sister and brother. The girl is already an adult, but the singer wanted to take the boy into her family. But she was dissuaded. He has too severe vices, which can only be corrected by specialists.

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