The best services for making money on VKontakte. How to make money in VK on your page - the best ways to make money on your personal Vkontakte page. CashBOX: a great place to make money on social media

Many Internet users are wondering: how can I make money on Vkontakte on a group? Real earnings are a tasty morsel, which is obtained from maintaining a personal group on the Vkontakte social network.

As a rule, the owners of well-promoted groups earn very good money. Earnings in VK on a group start from several hundred rubles a day and can reach several thousand, sometimes more. Below we consider the most popular ways to make money in VK.

1. How to make money on the Vkontakte group. Where to begin

In general terms, we will consider the types and essence of making money on VKontakte, which is described in more detail below.

In order to achieve significant earnings on the Vkontakte group, you must first create it. Then you need to work on the promotion of the group and increase the total number of subscribers. The theme of your group is also important. It is best when it is close to commercial, but the entertainment theme also allows you to make good money.

Let's assume that you have already created a group in contact and promoted it a little, i.e. Your group's daily attendance has increased significantly.

There are many ways to monetize your group in the social. Vkontakte networks. Let's take a look at the most common ways to make money on VK groups below.

Read everything about making money in VK below

2. Ways to earn money in VK

How to make money on Vkontakte advertising

In order to make money in a contact on advertising, you need to find advertisers on your own, or in the group itself, indicate your contact details so that anyone can place their ads for the agreed price in your group.

Advertising can be of a different nature, ranging from an entry in a group about the advertised product or service to placing a link to the site or the advertiser's group. You specify the cost of advertising yourself. You can specify how 100 rubles (then there will be a lot of applications), and 1000 rubles (there will be fewer applications).

For example, if your group for such a request as "business" in the social. Vkontakte network ranks first, then in this case, you can charge from $ 50 or more per month just for the fact that somewhere in the group a link to the advertiser will be placed.

On these sites, you can also earn money by liking messages and posting them on your page, joining other people's groups and adding some applications.

How to make money in contact by creating an online store

You can easily create a full-fledged online store from your group, where you can trade anything you like, as well as offer some services for money. (Read also how to earn more in an online store during sales down seasons). For instance, sell men's and women's accessories, clothing, for example, t-shirts, equipment, etc. But here, as in any, you will need to think in advance about the delivery and payment for goods.

In contact, depending on the popularity of your online store and the product you have chosen, you will earn from 500 or more rubles a day.

It is also necessary to carefully consider business schemes, since an online store is a full-fledged business. Here it is also important to think over the schemes for the delivery of goods, delivery, favorable prices (not too expensive and not quite cheap), order processing, non-payment calculation, etc.

We recommend choosing a product with a high margin , i.e. with a large difference between the purchase price and the sale price. Then it will be profitable to engage in sales and make money on VKontakte, you will always succeed.

Let's give an example in the screenshot of groups of online stores that earn in VK:

Earnings on VKontakte through a group as an online store

How to earn Vkontakte on affiliate programs

First you need to register in one of the affiliate programs and by advertising the link you received from the affiliate, you will be able to receive interest from the sale of any product or service. (more about earnings on affiliate programs)

Those who are already making money on affiliate programs on the Internet say that Forex affiliate programs can be considered quite good (learn more about making money on Forex), as well as affiliate programs of various online stores, etc.

For instance, in the OZONE online store, from each sale of goods you are charged from 10% to 20%. Suppose you were able to sell a product for one thousand rubles, and at a rate of 20% you will receive 200 rubles from the sale.

Earnings in VK on downloads from file hosting

You can upload various files to any file sharing services and then invite your group's subscribers to download them. Most file hosting services pay for the number of downloads. There are also free file sharing services where you will not be paid anything for downloading. For example, file hosting on

It will be quite difficult to earn a lot, approximately it is from $ 5-10 per thousand downloads. But here, too, much depends on factors such as the size of the hosted file, the uniqueness of the IP address of the user who downloaded the file, etc.

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How to make money selling a group in contact

By creating and selling promoted groups, you can make good money on VK. For example, popular groups with real subscribers in the amount of 100,000 people start from 80,000 - 100,000 rubles or more.

So, let's figure out what it takes to make money:

  1. Register on the social network Vkontakte (create your own account)
  2. Create a "public", group (do not confuse with your user page)
  3. Promote your group, i.e. make it so that many users of the social network (subscribers) subscribe to it
  4. Earn by placing ads in your group or page (group, public - the page in this case is the same). You can also earn money by posting affiliate links of various services, etc.

Let's consider each point in more detail, starting with the point

Creating a group in VK

Anyone can create an account (register in the social network Vkontakte). Also, anyone can create a group or a public page. But for this you need to decide on what topic you will create it. You need to choose a topic based on the interest of the majority of users who in the future will be able to subscribe to it and it will be of interest to subscribers.

After you decide on a theme, you need to beautifully design your group. To do this, come up with an attractive text that can entice users to sign up for your page.

At the moment, a group with the statements of famous people is popular, where a beautiful picture is selected. Such groups often have many subscribers. Since there are already a lot of such groups and pages, you need to be different and provide your subscribers with something interesting, otherwise your group will be just another group with celebrity statements.

An example of a group page on VKontakte that has more than a million subscribers

To the page "Philosophy and others." more than 2 million users of the social network have subscribed

3. How to promote a group in VK and make money

Creating a group is very simple, but getting a large number of people to subscribe to it is quite difficult. To do this, you will need to publish several dozen entries on the wall of your page so that the person who visits your page sees what is being published and wants to subscribe to it.

But if only you are subscribed to the page, then hardly anyone will subscribe to the news of your group. So what to do in this case?

Here are some popular ways to attract subscribers:

  • Invite as many of your friends as possible to your group;
  • You can also wind up subscribers to the page through various services, for example, This is a service through which you can get likes (hearts), subscribers, etc. for free. The service works, tested in practice.

Service - promotion of groups for making money on VKontakte

After you manage to reach subscribers from 1 thousand or more, you can move on;

  • Launch advertising of your page or group in other pages - groups (by paying money for advertising to the creators);
  • Use various services where you can earn or buy points, likes, etc. and spend them on increasing subscribers to a group or reposting your posts;
  • Spam on various walls of other thematic groups (not recommended);

  • You can also use paid software from Viking-Studio, which has many options for promotion. (Site;
  • Upload a video on youtube for your topic and below the videos indicate a link to your group. This is how you attract people to subscribe to your public.

These are, perhaps, all the most famous ways to promote groups. You can also try to use a lot of keywords in the title of your page so that when you search in the VKontakte search box, your group can be easily found. But the technical support service monitors the re-optimization in the names of the groups.

4. We bring clients and buyers to the group

Even a well-promoted group on VKontakte does not guarantee that community members will be active and make it easy to earn money. Many on social networks join groups without serious intentions and are not ready to make purchases or pay for services in the future.

In order for the group to become a source of solid income in the future, care should be taken to attract real customers and buyers to it. It is difficult to do this inside a social network, but it is quite possible to bring customers from Google and search engines using teaser advertising. Be sure to take note of the possibilities of modern teaser advertising. We also advise you to download our free course on 7 teaser advertising secrets that allow you to attract customers on the Internet from 30 kopecks.

Watch also a video from expert Andrey Merkulov on how to properly use online advertising tools:

5. The group is promoted - how to make money?

Now the question arises - how to make money if there is a promoted group?

Consider in detail the three most popular ways to make money in VK

Way to make money in VK No. 1 - Advertising on the wall of your group

An example of how a promoted group makes money on advertising

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Not many people know about it how to make money in contact. In fact, out of the entire huge army of users of this social network, only a small part of them receive income from it. Some people think that only its creators and persons close to them can make money in VK. I hasten to please you, in reality, today everyone has the opportunity to receive money from a contact.

And not only that, there are plenty of ways to make money online. I wrote about them in an article. And now let's talk about how you can make money on VKontakte. Special skills and abilities are not needed! Simple daily actions will bring you additional income.

It's time to learn about ways, figure out how to make money in VK and decide whether you should do it. Just imagine, now you can have an additional source of income. It's a sin not to try.

Instead of spending hours, days and weeks pointlessly texting friends and acquaintances, you can use this time to good use. To start earning, you just need to register on VKontakte. Although what am I talking about, you have already done this for a long time and you can’t wait to try to earn money.

How to make money in contact with a simple user?

In reality, there are not so many of these methods. They can be divided into 3 main areas.

  • Earn money on your VKontakte page.
  • Selling an account.
  • Group earnings.

The first and second methods generate income immediately, that is, you can earn your first money today. The third option involves the preliminary creation and promotion of your own group. Only after that you will be able to earn on it.

If you urgently need money and do not feel sorry for your page, you can sell it and hit the jackpot. But it will be a one time deal. Now the new owner will be able to manage your account as he wants. By the way, according to the rules of this social. networks such sales are officially prohibited.

However, those who are interested in this topic can find interested people through Google on the request “sell account”. The cost will depend on the number of friends, the year of registration and many other factors. By the way, VK even has an application that will estimate the price of your page.)))

We earn money on VKontakte on our page, a stable income!

What exactly will you have to do? Everything is simple here. You will perform various tasks and assignments of other people interested in certain activities. For example:

  • Like and write a comment.
  • the necessary information.
  • Join a group and tell your friends.
  • Add friends or vice versa add new friends.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But there is one significant disadvantage, namely, after active earnings and various introductions and additions, your page can turn into a garbage dump. Therefore, I would recommend that those who are going to make money in contact, create a second account specifically for these purposes.

After all, there is even a risk that, having detected suspicious activity on your part, the administration of the social network will block you. I would not want to merge my real page, with many friends and acquaintances.

If we talk about payment, then I’ll say right away that you won’t become a millionaire and you won’t break the big jackpot. Huge money to earn this way will not work, but still at least something. It is realistic to receive 1000 - 2000 thousand rubles a month. After all, for such simple actions you will not be given much.

How to make money in contact on your page, where to start and where to find those who will pay you? It turns out that you do not need to write letters to everyone in a row and offer your services. To do this, there are special services on which you register and start performing the tasks you like.

Here are some of the best sites as examples:

  • — a very profitable project!

How to make money on your group in contact? The most profitable way!

If you already have your own group, you can start earning on it. This method will bring much more money than the previous one. But here you need to know some features.

Earnings on a group includes a number of specific, sequential actions, after which you can start earning in a contact.

  1. Think about what you will be your group about.
  2. Choose the right name for it (plays one of the very important roles), read the details on the page
  3. Creating a group is the easiest step, it takes no more than five minutes. However, even here there are some peculiarities, I have a separate article Where I describe all the pitfalls of this process.
  4. Filling it with interesting and most importantly useful material for users.
  5. Attract as many living and active people as possible.
  6. Constantly add new materials and promote your group.

Only after doing all this you can start a good, profitable and more or less stable income.

You can make money on a group in VK in several ways:

  • Post advertisements.
  • Earn on affiliate programs.

Advertising is one of the main sources of income from the group. That is, someone wants to post a message on the wall in your community with a link to their site, product or service. This person pays you for it, and you publish what he needs.

The price of one such post can reach up to 1000 rubles. It all depends on the number of members in your group. Although this is only one of the factors that affect the price. The people in your community must be active.

Advertising can be placed at a certain time and in a certain place. You may be offered direct advertising, but the easiest way is to add your community to a special exchange, where this process is automated. Here are two good exchanges for example:


To make money on affiliate programs, your group must be live. This means that all its participants are real people. They are interested in the topic of the community, they go into it every day. And of course, the more such subscribers, the higher the earnings.

The essence of making money in VK on affiliate programs is simple. You need to place a beautiful post with a link to the desired product or service on the wall. An interested person follows the link, buys it, and interest is added to your account. For an advertising post in a group, you get a fixed amount 1 time. Here, every person who buys a product or service will bring you earnings. That is, you can earn daily, and new subscribers will only raise the final income.

Finding such affiliate programs for a group is not difficult. It is enough to use the search engine.)))

How much can you earn in contact per month?

Well, the fun is not limited. It can be 20 and 30 and 50 thousand rubles. For example, only one advertising post in an active community with good traffic can cost from 1000 rubles. Of course, you can sell your group for very good money, but in this case, the earnings will be one-time. Better develop it in order to receive passive income over time.

Are there any other ways to make money on VK?

Yes, there are options. And although they are not suitable for a beginner, I consider it necessary to briefly talk about them. And so, here you do not need to like, create groups and so on. Here are the ways:

  • Creating a beautiful menu for groups in VK. You need to be able to work with Photoshop, know the basics of HTML. The cost of one menu is from 100 rubles and more. I have seen prices in the thousands.
  • Promotion of other people's groups in contact. Here you need to know the basics of promotion in social networks.
  • Filling and maintaining the community. You create beautiful and interesting posts, post them in a group.

Now you know how to make money in contact. Believe me, today many people receive from this social network. networks decent income. You can start with simple actions and, over time, unwind. Try it too!

Reading time: 25 min

The development of social networks in recent years has stable trends. Today, all the novelties that just appear on the network are immediately adapted to social networks, making this resource very attractive in terms of various advertising platforms, product promotion, and increasing the popularity of individual resources and sites.

The most popular ways for ordinary users to get real using social networks without creating your own platform or website, is joining various groups, liking, subscribing to news, commenting on certain events or articles. For all this you can get real money, which, with the right organization of work, may well be enough for pocket expenses, paying for telephone and Internet services.

And in order to understand how it works and where you need to start your first steps, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular resources that work with social networks and are ready to pay for small and simple tasks for users who have accounts in social networks, such as VKontakte.

    1 Earning VK: how to earn VKontakte

    2 Sites where you can earn VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

    • 2.1 VKTarget: the best site for making money on VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

      2.3 Sociate: good income for owners and administrators of social media groups

      2.4 VkSerfing: a great exchange for earning VK income

      2.5 VKSTORM: exchange for VK work

      2.6 Prospero: social media money making project

      2.8 Forumok: 3-tier affiliate program

      2.10 CashBOX: A great place to make money on social media

VK earnings: how to earn VKontakte

The principle of working in popular social networks such as VKontakte, Moi MIR, as well as international Twitter, and Facebook is very simple. The user here does not need special skills and knowledge of programming, the need to obtain a higher economic or mathematical education. Everything that may be required to earn Vkontakte- it's just to create your own group, or a popular, public page, and then just promote it.

To create conditions for obtaining a decent VK earnings(VKontakte) you will need to fill your group with unique content (videos, photos, interesting texts, documents, other materials that are valuable both for everyone and for a specific group of stakeholders). Next, you will need to increase the level of traffic to your site and bring it to a minimum level of 3,000 visitors per day.

Here it is important to remember two main areas due to which you will lose your target audience:

  • lack of interesting, “live” content of your site;
  • very frequent updating of available information, which does not allow users to familiarize themselves with it.

To ensure an increase in attendance and a set of the required number of visitors at the start of the project, you will need to spend a little on its advertising. This can take about 300 rubles for advertising. This will allow several hundred thousand users to pay attention to your project, and then, in order for them to stay here, you need to provide them with something really useful and interesting.

Sites where you can earn VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

Now a little about the sites with which you can start earning VK without having your own groups.

VKTarget: the best site for making money on VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

All you need to do here is to go to the account of one of the social networks - and you are a user of the resource! Applications for the implementation of simple ones appear immediately after the first login to your new account.

There is a clear interface, user-friendly website design, and an excellent affiliate program. The minimum threshold for the payment of earned funds is 50 rubles. The funds received for tasks are transferred to your account instantly, but the withdrawal will have to wait a bit - from 2 to 5 days. See video about the best social networking site VkTarget:

We earn in social networks with Ad-Social and with an application for working in social networks using mobile devices (smartphones, tablets)

To register on the proposed resource, just go here with an account created in one of the popular social networks. It has a simple, interesting, calm interface, a pleasant, work-friendly design.

This resource can be used both to advertise your own groups and sites, and to participate in advertising of existing resources. For the work, there are points, which can later be exchanged at the rate of 1000 points for 50 rubles. The exchange counts 5 points for the most active users every day.

There is an internal chat where you can chat with other users. To increase the number of points, you can try your hand at the three games available here:

  • “Random choice”, where 10 points are taken from the players (once per hour), and then the entire amount is transferred to one of the lucky ones;
  • “Chests”, where 25 boxes contain a different number of points (from zero to 9), and the user tries his luck by opening a certain box (2 points are deducted for this);
  • "Tug of war", where it is required (for 10 points) to join a certain team, and the team that will have more players by the end of the scheduled time becomes the winner, and the total amount of the balance (minus the commission of 10%) is divided among all .

Sociate: good income for owners and administrators of social media groups

The exchange is perfect for owners or administrators of various groups in social networks. Here you have an actual opportunity to establish the cost of an advertising post. This resource has a function that generates a special link for the advertiser.

That is, in fact, you place a special link in your group, by which you will attract an advertiser interested in your audience here. An advertiser interested in your resource will be automatically reformatted into your partners in the future. In the end, you have income from an advertising post, as well as a certain percentage of the order of your new partner.

: an excellent exchange for generating income VK

A young, excellent exchange for receiving VK money is already a very promising place for making money on VK and other social networks. Already today it receives positive feedback from both advertisers and numerous performers. SMS confirmation is set here, which reduces the number of bots and multi-accounts. Of the main areas for receiving money, likes, numerous reposts, or joining groups and communities are leading here.

For performers, it is worth noting the following points:

  • bonuses, contests, fairly generous affiliate program;
  • completed tasks are paid instantly;
  • every Saturday the money is automatically transferred to your WebMoney wallet;
  • the minimum threshold for payments is 500 rubles;
  • daily over 300 tasks.
  • the ability to sort tasks by city, group, number of users, age and gender;
  • only real performers confirmed via SMS;
  • favorable pricing policy of the exchange;
  • highly detailed statistics on all tasks completed;
  • fast response of technical support on any issues and the ability to quickly resolve problematic issues.

VKSTORM: exchange for VK work

Exchange for VK, somewhat reminiscent of VKSerfing. True, here the balance is kept in local currency - points. The rate of points is not constant, it can change daily, and on average it is about 28 rubles per 1000 points.To be able to withdraw funds, you need to collect an amount of at least 15 rubles to the balance. There is quite an interesting auction.

Prospero: social media money making project

The project to receive money in social networks is an excellent solution for those who are taking their first steps in earning money on the Internet. There is a vast number of different tasks, a large number of interesting applications, there is no threshold for withdrawing funds. Supports interaction with almost all popular social networks.

You can also connect to active members of various forums or blogs. Here you can place all sorts of advertisements for money. They pay for traditional likes, numerous reposts, joining communities. Registration takes place by going to the account of one of the social networks. To increase your income, you can alternately log in from different social networks.

SocialTools : money for advertising in social networks

The exchange belongs to the category of solid and serious resources. Supports almost all known social media accounts. Payment is made for traditional social media actions (likes, posts, introductions, and others), as well as for some special tasks.

After completing 2-3 tasks, it is quite possible to receive an amount within 15 rubles. Has an interesting affiliate program for a good income on advertising in social networks.

Forumok : 3 tier affiliate program

A fairly extensive resource in terms of the directions for completing tasks. Here, in addition to the usual actions for social networks, they also pay for posts on blogs, forums, descriptions of new topics on such resources. Here you can get money for reviews and other similar actions. In other words, everyone here can find their own in order to quickly get a very good income. And here is video about work on the Forumok project:

At also a great 3-level affiliate program to create a good source of passive cash flow!

Likeberi: advertising exchange

Very effective exchange for advertising. To enter, you just need to activate your account by going here using one of the social networks where you are registered. The exchange is new, but has already received a lot of positive feedback from users who work here (both advertisers and numerous performers).

P offers excellent conditions for cooperation. A large number of interesting tasks (for example, posts with payment from 10 rubles). To withdraw funds, you will need to overcome the minimum amount threshold of 100 rubles.

CashBOX: a great place to make money on social media

A very interesting exchange, both for posting tasks and those who complete them. There is an excellent pricing policy that suits both parties. Almost all well-known social networks are supported, as well as several popular applications for mobile phones (in particular, the Apple App Store, as well as Google Play).

Additionally, there is an opportunity to receive income from surveys, various production tasks. You can log in to your account through a social network, email or account.The minimum cost of an application for a task ranges from 0.1 - 0.3 dollars. A very promising project for those who are taking their first steps in the network. There is a progressive affiliate program. And here is video about working on the CashBOX service:

Summing up a little, I would like to indicate that the resources listed above can be actively used not only to obtain money VK or other social networks, but also the promotion of existing blogs, forums, groups, raising the popularity of photographs, videos, or simply informational material.

Remember, all novice workers will find their niche here, regardless of whether they have their own resources or are just about to learn how to create them.Reliable, proven, profitable and quite profitable! In conclusion, I recommend reading an article about.

More recently, users perceived earnings on their VKontakte page as an unprofitable undertaking, unable to bring the desired income. But over time, we managed to find ways to use your own profile to generate financial income. You can earn money in several ways. To choose the best one, you need to carefully consider all the possibilities, evaluate your own requirements and knowledge. In general, with the right organization, making money in Contact on your page can be quite profitable. The main thing is to consistently go towards the goal, showing perseverance.

What should be the page for making money VKontakte

Let us immediately indicate that you can make money on your own profile exclusively in a commercial way, promoting your goods and services, or selling someone else's products. The main task is to make the page as attractive to the audience as possible. This will increase the demand for proposals, get the expected result. At first glance, it may seem that all Vkontakte profiles are the same and there are no moments that can affect the profitability of the activity. However, there are a few important factors to consider:

You should not do mailings from your profile in order to attract as many customers as possible. Pay all attention to creating a useful and interesting page. If this works out, customers will find you themselves and offer cooperation, they will ask how to place an order.

Now you can begin to figure out how to make money on a page in Contact. At the moment, there are three methods that have proven effective and profitable.

How to make money on your VKontakte page using a profession or hobby

Initially, determine what tasks you can perform, doing it efficiently and conscientiously. Choose the skills that will be in demand. If we take the experience of other users as an example, they manage to earn on the following:

  • nail and eyelash extensions;
  • hairdressing services, visage;
  • writing unique texts for websites;
  • creation of groups and their promotion;
  • maintenance and creation of blogs and websites;
  • making souvenirs, etc.

Write the current offer in the status. Add some information about yourself. Creativity and humor will help to interest users, but should be used sparingly . Everyone who knows how to make money on the VKontakte page speaks about this.

On the page, provide more detailed information about your activities, show examples of work. Do not forget to share personal impressions, discoveries and other interesting things related to your professional activity or hobby.

When taking orders, fulfill them with high quality. Conscientious work is the best advertisement and a way to increase earnings on your personal VK page. Customers will advise you to their friends, give coordinates for communication. The client base will begin to expand by itself.

Earnings on the VK page using affiliate programs

A variety of affiliate programs have become very popular among those who want to make money on a social network. But many mistakenly believe that this is an occupation for the lazy, and you don’t need to make much effort to get a good income. In fact, to earn big money, you need to try. By simply sending referral links to all kinds of groups and pages of friends, you run the risk of getting banned, and not receiving a monetary reward from the customer.

In these projects, the most profitable partnerships are:

Let's take a closer look at the topic of partnerships. Let's start with the terms and concepts (in a general sense, and not only regarding the social network Vkontakte):

  • referee- a person who promotes a certain product or service of a customer for a certain fee;
  • referral link- needed to go to the advertiser's website, allows you to identify the referee who found the client, and charge him a reward;
  • referral- the person who followed the referral link;
  • multi-level affiliate program– the ability to receive a commission for referrals that your referral brings by registering in the affiliate program.

The choice of affiliate programs is huge. When determining the most suitable offers, conduct a little monitoring to find out what is in demand today. For this read the detailed article about , which are suitable for those who are interested in how to make money on the VK page.

If you want to get a large income, you need to be competent in your issues, be able to explain to people the details of interest in your work, and give useful advice based on personal experience. The amount of profit depends on the number of affiliate programs and the envisaged remuneration, the activity of link promotion and the number of friends in the profile.

How to make money on the VK page by adapting it to an online store

The sale of goods through the social network has become widespread. It remotely resembles the work of an online store, but allows you to save a significant amount of money on the development and promotion of such a site. You can sell products of any groups through your own profile. The following products are most popular in VK:

  • cosmetics and perfumery;
  • household chemicals;
  • body care products;
  • shoes and clothes;
  • children's products;
  • interior items;
  • accessories for mobile devices and PC;
  • hand-made products.

In fact, the choice of activities is much wider. We examined the most popular categories for VKontakte users. But, in all these areas, a stable and fairly serious competition has formed. In order to withstand it, the consumer must be offered the most favorable conditions. But you can choose a different group of goods that you can sell. The main thing is to carefully understand how to make money on your Vkontakte page and what to do to promote products.

Particular attention should be paid to the creation of a catalog . In its role are photo albums with placed photos of the goods. Photographs must be of high quality and clear, display all the details of a particular model. For each photo, it is necessary to create a detailed description, according to which the potential buyer will form an idea about the selected item. The price can be provided upon request in a personal message, making it inaccessible to competitors.

It is important to understand that for successful activity it is not enough to create numerous photo albums and offer high-quality products. The buyer needs to be interested and the best way to achieve the goal is to regularly hold promotions with discounts or nice gifts for purchases.

In order for sales to go well and profits to increase regularly, you do not need to spam your profile with commercial offers. Try to make the page "live", to conduct active discussions here on topics of interest to customers. If trading is successful, you can earn several tens of thousands of rubles a month, or even more. The figure directly depends on the number of attracted potential buyers, product quality, the benefits of its acquisition and sales volumes.

Conclusions: is it real to earn money on your page in VKontakte

We examined the main ideas that allow us to understand how to use a page in VK for making money. If we turn to statistics, after a little monitoring, it can be noted that not everyone manages to receive the expected amount. The amount of income is determined by a combination of the following factors:

  • chosen field of activity;
  • the level of professionalism of the profile owner;
  • the quality of the offered goods and services;
  • issue price;
  • the ability to interest the visitor and "turn" him into a client;
  • the number of page followers.

To succeed, you do not need to have a special education and many years of experience. It is enough to take the undertaking responsibly, to make every effort to implement the idea, devoting enough personal time to the procedure. Effort and patience are the keys to success. With a negligent attitude, even finding a step-by-step guide on how to make money in VK on your page, you run the risk of being left without profit (of course, such a guide does not exist, since the approach is always individual and unique). Try to communicate, be honest and open. Oddly enough, human qualities and communication with customers can achieve a lot.

In addition, there is a simple way, which we have already described earlier.

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