Matvey Ganapolsky mother. Matvey Ganapolsky: biography, family and education, journalistic activity, photo. you had no desire to emigrate from the former USSR

Surprisingly, the “journalists” who successfully left for Ukraine - “fighters against the regime” for some reason feel very good there, despite the difficult economic situation in the country. We are not talking about ideology, since Nazi Bandera and Russophobes spitting hatred are their close, dear ones. If only against the current Russian government, and with whom, it doesn’t matter, even with Goebbels. Here we will talk about something else, about money. About big money. For some reason, it is about this fascinating substance that the characters who left for Kyiv and call themselves journalists - Yevgeny Kiselev, Matvey Ganapolsky, Ayder Muzhdabaev and others - do not like to talk about it. But now it became clear why they prefer to remain silent about their money. The money, it turns out, is Russian.

Here is just one example. An irreconcilable Russophobe and an employee of Echo of Moscow, and now a citizen of Ukraine, living in Kyiv and working in the field of anti-Russian propaganda, Matvey Ganapolsky. Yes, yes, the same Ganapolsky, who, showing a video of youngsters provoked by Navalny into street hooliganism, joyfully informed: “I think this video gives hope. A new generation is growing up. Vegetables will gradually move to the cemetery.” The same Ganapolsky, who, live on the Ukrainian Vesti, told the listener that Putin did not kill anyone, told him the following: “- Go to ...! Bastard, creature! First, we ban it so that I don’t hear this stench here anymore. You dare, you bastard, to call the air ... ". And this is also the same Ganapolsky, who declared “The Kremlin turns all living things into carrion”, “I strongly recommend stocking up on passports and residence permits of other countries”, “In a sense, I am a Banderist.”

But back to money. Now in conjunction directly with the valiant fighter against Russia, citizen of Ukraine Matvey Ganapolsky. It turns out that the Ukrainian Ganapolsky has a lot of them, this money invested in multimillion-dollar apartments and bringing in considerable and illegal income. One might even say quite a lot. In any case, when compared with those “oppressed by Putin” Russians and Ukrainians, for whose fate the opposition journalist Ganapolsky so advocates. So, let's call by name addresses, passwords, appearances.

But first, let's pay attention to the official income of Matvey Ganapolsky (then still a citizen of the Russian Federation) over the past years.

In 2012, he earned 2,240 rubles at Diletant LLC, 185,964 rubles at Kvinmedia LLC, 360,000 rubles at Moscow Komsomolets Editorial Board, and 1,389,674 rubles at Ekho Moskvy CJSC. Total: 1,937,878 rubles per year.

In 2013, Ganapolsky earned 1,642,487 rubles at Ekho Moskvy CJSC, 34,222 rubles at Astrel Publishing House LLC, 360,000 rubles at Moskovsky Komsomolets Newspaper Editorial CJSC, 9,832 rubles at Krasny Kvadrat LLC, and Krasnaya studio" 115 rubles. Total: 2,046,656 rubles per year.

In 2014, a fighter with the Russian authorities earned 7,417 rubles at Astrel Publishing House LLC, 1,345,309 rubles at Ekho Moskvy CJSC, and 360,000 rubles at Moskovsky Komsomolets Newspaper Editorial CJSC. Total: 1,712,726 rubles per year.

In 2015, Ganapolsky's earnings amounted to: 300,000 rubles in CJSC Editorial Office of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and 982,877 rubles in Ekho Moskvy CJSC. Total: 1,282,877 rubles per year.

And as a result: for four (!!!) long years of hard "journalistic" work, Matvey Ganapolsky, according to tax documents, received in general as much as ... six million nine hundred eighty thousand 137 rubles. Relatively little, right?

But we talked about the official income of the current Ukrainian fighter against the Russian regime. And now let's pay attention to real estate and other strange transactions of Matvey Ganapolsky, which, in general, can also be safely entered in the "income" column. But Ganapolsky "for some reason" prefers to keep silent about them. So, as the unforgettable Koroviev used to say, here, honorable citizens, is one of the cases of exposure.

As it turned out, a very modest worker of the Russophobic front, Matvey Yuryevich Ganapolsky, born in 1953, is the happy owner of an apartment in the center of Moscow, next to Patriarch's Ponds, at the address: Sytinsky Tupik, building 1, building 4, apartment No. 6 ... (the exact address is available) . Total area 122 square meters, living area 82.3 square meters. meters. Ganapolsky bought this happiness in 2005, while working at the Ekho Moskvy radio station, under a sale and purchase agreement using some mysterious “loan funds”.

In order to find out the real price of real estate (part of the common real estate!) Of a citizen and an oppositionist, I turned to the Internet and found that in the house exactly opposite Ganapolsky’s apartment (Sytinsky Tupik, 3) an identical apartment of 126 square meters is being sold at a price ... 3 960,000 US dollars (three million nine hundred and sixty US dollars!!!) or 223,842,168 rubles. Here's how.

And what kind of "loan funds" and who suddenly gave them to Ganapolsky for such happiness at the current price of almost four million dollars?

By the way, what happens to the golden Moscow real estate of Matvey Ganapolsky while he is at war with Russia from Kyiv? And nothing bad happens. This apartment has been successfully rented out for many years. It is currently filmed by a lady with children, whose name I do not name for obvious reasons. But now let's find out the estimated cost of monthly rent of the same apartment in the center of Moscow in the Sytinsky cul-de-sac and in the surrounding areas (Patriarch's Ponds, Tverskoy Boulevard, etc.).

Here are just a few examples: In Bolshoy Palashevsky Lane, which is next to Sytinsky Dead End, a smaller apartment (only 105 square meters) is rented for 160,000 rubles a month. One million nine hundred twenty thousand rubles of income is obtained per year.

Or here's another: On Malaya Bronnaya, which is also next to Sytinsky, for a hundred-meter apartment ask already 220 thousand rubles a month, or two million four hundred thousand a year.

So, renting a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow brings Matvey Ganapolsky supposedly at least two million rubles a year. And now the question is: Do Ganapolsky, a citizen of Ukraine, pay taxes on renting expensive real estate in Russia? To be honest, I'm sure not, since the tax documents for 2012 - 2015 in my possession do not indicate any rental apartments. Is that true, Matvey Yurievich?

But the luxurious real estate of Matvey Yuryevich Ganapolsky does not end at this good apartment almost on the Patriarchs. In the period from 01/20/2012 to 12/23/2013, he owned a luxurious apartment at the address: Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 25, building 2, apartment 3 ... in the elite residential complex "Dominion", which is next to the house where he kept his billions Colonel Zakharchenko. In December 2013, the "journalist" successfully sells an apartment on Lomonosovsky.

Oh yes. More little things. In September 2010, Ganapolsky concludes a contract for the sale of a land plot and a house at the address: Moscow Region, Pushkinsky District, Mitropolie Village, Polevaya Street, Plot No. 12 in the amount of 24.7 million rubles with a certain citizen Kasatkina Nadezhda Alexandrovna, 07/28/1957 birth. Here is a site 37 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

And this is just a small story of the many fascinating adventures of the “fighter against the bloody regime” of Ukrainian citizen Matvey Ganapolsky. The comrade loves money very much, preferring to invest it in Russia, or rather in Moscow and the Moscow region. And it is very likely that it was this love for banknotes and Russian real estate that pushed Matvey Yuryevich Ganapolsky onto the sad road of a provocateur and paid "fighter for justice."

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Television cameras, filming, radio broadcasts, the search for interesting materials for their listeners and viewers - these are the daily worries of the well-known Matvey Ganapolsky. We know this TV and radio presenter from the programs Beau Monde, Gladiator Games, Detective Show and broadcasts on Ekho Moskvy. The maestro himself tells about all this and much more especially for our readers.

- Were you born and raised in Moscow?

No, my childhood was spent in Lvov. This wonderful city is located in Western Ukraine. Until 1939 it belonged to Poland. This city is something to be proud of. Lviv can be compared with such cities as Riga, Tallinn, that is, it can be attributed to the concept of "old city". These are always old houses and buildings. Fortunately, my childhood was spent outside the block architecture that we see in Moscow.

- Who were your parents?

My father is a worker, my mother is an office worker. The father is no longer alive. And my mother, God bless her, despite everything she has experienced in life, she is still holding on. The fact is that she remained, perhaps, the last witness to the tragic events at Babi Yar, which were perpetrated by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.

- What did your mother tell about this tragedy?

This terrible tragedy happened when my mother was twelve years old. Her childhood passed in Kyiv. When everyone was driven to Babi Yar, she, along with her mother, were also forced to go there. But, fortunately, people somehow pushed her out of the crowd, and my mother managed to get out of there. And her mother, that is, my grandmother, died during these events. And in general, during the war, I lost absolutely all my relatives. That is why, unfortunately, all my childhood I was deprived of grandparents.

- What traditions were in your parental home?

Both father and mother knew Yiddish, what was available and possible. This is a kind of tradition that existed then in Lviv. In those days there were no organized communities. With the policy of state anti-Semitism that was then carried out, this was simply impossible. But even at that time, as, indeed, now, everyone followed the traditions that were convenient for them in order to once again gather with friends, have a good drink and eat delicious food. Therefore, when I was little, my relatives celebrated Soviet, Ukrainian, and Jewish holidays. In this sense, my life in Lviv was very comfortable.

We just celebrated Pesach. Do you have any childhood memories of this holiday?

Unfortunately, I have no memories of this holiday. Once I was talking with a lady, whom I respect very much, who, despite the events that are now taking place in Israel, is trying to spend more time in this country. I asked her: “What are you doing there?” To this question, she replied: "I'm doing self-expression there." This also applies to me. I can’t say that I somehow felt nationally. It was Soviet blur. The Jewish tradition was outside of me. I don't know Yiddish, let alone Hebrew. Now, when we get together with friends or when I have the honor to lead some Jewish holidays, I catch myself thinking that I am getting to know this for the first time. But still I am a product of the Soviet era. I know the Polish language, Polish and Ukrainian culture, but I began to get acquainted with the Jewish tradition already at an adult age, when the relevant books appeared in front of me, when it became possible to travel somewhere.

- When did you first realize that you were a Jew?

Of course, in childhood, when they called me a "Jewish muzzle." Every Jew faces this in childhood. To be honest, I didn't really react to it. It was absolutely incomprehensible to me how a Ukrainian differs from a Jew. Therefore, he treated them as ordinary insults that exist between schoolchildren. Further it was more difficult. All the delights of anti-Semitism that existed in the Soviet era, I felt on myself.

How did you envision your future after high school?

Marriages are made in heaven, as they say, and so it is with the profession. A person goes to his profession by a winding path. To this day, I've made it into some encyclopedias as a radio journalist and TV presenter, but at the time, I couldn't even think of it. No one knows what will happen to him in three or four years. Could I have guessed, working as a theater director, and my education is just such that I will lead some programs. It's just the way things are. As Ilf said through the mouth of his hero, "life plays with man, and man plays the trumpet." Therefore, when I graduated from high school, I did not understand where I should move on. So I had no idea where I would go, but I knew exactly where I would not go. I felt that the exact sciences were not for me. In those days when the time of the so-called thaw was ending, in 1971 there was a dispute between physicists and lyricists. So I felt more like a lyricist than a physicist. My friend, now he is a well-known TV presenter in Ukraine, Ilya Noyabrev, once told me: “What are you suffering? Go study at the circus school, it's yours" . And I, as if in a fog, just like in childhood, when the brightest things associated with fear are remembered, I remember all this. I remember all the pictures associated with high emotional stress. For example, I remember how, as a very young child, I ran down the corridor, slipped and badly hurt my shoulder on the refrigerator. And I still remember where this refrigerator stood, how I fell, how sorry I was. As if in a fog, I remember the corridors of the circus variety school, the teacher who told me to read something. I read the fable "The Donkey and the Nightingale" by Krylov, and they accepted me. As a result, he became a pop entertainer, but this did not suit me in life. I want to say that I am one of the people who can and cannot work on television and radio. In general, I thought a lot about how to live, how to build a life model. After all, there is a saying: first you work for your authority, then it works for you. Or, in order to be noticed, you have to jump up and down. But what does it mean to bounce? What is a radio host: you and the microphone. You, devoid of all expressive means, except for voice, intonation and some kind of intellectual baggage. Well, also your mask, your genre in which you work. On the air, I'm not the same as in reality. What is television? It's the same plus a picture. In this case, you must take care of a good suit. I teach at the Independent School of Film and Television and I always tell my students that their desire to appear on the TV screen is certainly commendable, but there is such an important point - people, God forbid, with higher education can watch you. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that you are working for a very different audience. Therefore, I am very glad that life has dealt with me very wisely. When I became needed, in demand and, most importantly, ready (if I hadn’t been ready, they would have simply fired me), then it was then that I ended up at the microphone, and then at the TV screen with my “Beau Monde”, “Gladiator Games”, “ Big time”, “Detective show”, which was twice nominated for Taffy. It is said that Yeltsin was a master of building levers and balances in power. So life itself knows how to do such things better than Yeltsin. When you are angry, you don’t understand why they don’t let you go somewhere, most often you are to blame in such situations, and not the intrigue. Being aware of this helps me to understand that television and radio are just a door to connect with an audience of millions, but only when I'm ready for it. For example, the Detective Show project ran for three years on Ekho Moskvy, and then for three years we brought it to mind before it appeared on the screen. Now it is a successful project that is popular with viewers and has high ratings. Therefore, it is necessary to be more critical of yourself, which I try to do.

- Do you agree with the opinion that there are a lot of Jews on television and radio?

Perhaps I do not agree with this. I would say differently. Very often, Jews turn out to be bright, noticeable people in the television and radio space. But that's just a plus for them.

- So why, then, do they become prominent people?

Difficult to answer... This, of course, does not mean the advantage of the nation or Gd's chosen people. I think the Lord is least concerned with Jewish career aspirations in the media. Moreover, traditionally the Jews were masters in business, they also were and remain wonderful doctors and scientists. The very history of the nation, endless persecution, dispersion and forced assimilation, perhaps genetically made the Jews the most dynamic, successful nation. Everywhere they are strangers, everywhere they are their own. Many books have been written about this. But their appearance in the media is pure experiment. People cannot be deceived. When they write about Gusinsky or Berezovsky, they forget about the oligarchs of other nationalities, who have a multi-billion dollar fortune. But remember only about these people. After all, it is very convenient to say that the Jews ruined Russia. Well, what can I say when you see Zhvanetsky - but there is nothing, he is just a genius. He is above all, but I do not want to compare anyone. Here the criterion is this: those who are interesting to look at are popular. And if there are more Jews in this stratum, then, I'm afraid, nothing can be done about it, because they do not get jobs themselves, they are not owners of channels. Anyone can hire a bright person. Be bright, and then you will have no competitors.

- Did you have any desire to emigrate from the former USSR?

It was. The thing is, I've seen a lot of people. When I already lived in Moscow, I had a Zaporozhets car and I had to endlessly escort people to Sheremetyevo Airport. We said goodbye... We said goodbye forever. These were my friends. They were leaving, escaping from this suffocating Soviet country where shocking things were happening. For example, even joining the Komsomol was carried out according to the order for Jews. That is, the order included a certain number of workers, employees and ... Jews. Also with admission to the institute. In general, the country has perished, and no one regrets it, except for the unfortunate pensioners who are not paid a normal pension, but I believe that the pension will eventually be worthy and with this lifestyle. Somehow we will recruit for people who gave their strength and health not to every Brezhnev, but to the country. Russia survived the Second World War, today's pensioners raised the ruined economy. They worked hard. So I also had such an idea - to emigrate. I remember an amazing story, in which I and a man whose name I don’t remember, but what I will tell you, was the absolute truth. One day we were sitting with him in the kitchen, and I told him how I wanted to leave this country, and gave countless reasons. He listened to me attentively, and then smiled and said: “If you want my prediction: you won’t go anywhere from here”. I was dumbfounded, I did not understand why he said that. This man turned out to be right. Today I am very glad that I live in a country where it makes no sense to leave. It's just that the country has become normal, and the point is not in the economy, but in the fact that slogans have ceased to play the main role. Human dignity began to be valued, what you represent is how you are evaluated. Now, when I see how they are returning in batches or almost returning, I only feel joy in my soul. And I meet friends again, I have the opportunity to visit them - it's wonderful.

- How do you assess the skill of the writer Zhirinovsky and Solzhenitsyn on the Jewish question?

I have read their works. The fact is that these books are written by completely different people. Vladimir Volfovich is a mask man. It is very difficult to understand what he really means when he writes. In addition, he was on the air with me, and I saw how his point of view changes during the conversation. Moreover, it is very plastic, smoothly flowing from one opinion to another. For him, the most important thing is originality, so I think his book does not reflect his thoughts on this or that issue. He would have written a completely different book 20 minutes after he wrote the first one. As for Solzhenitsyn, this is a different matter, and his book must be taken seriously. I am grateful to him for the fact that an attempt was made to conduct a deep historical study of the life of Jews in the space of Russia. The life of two societies has been studied, if we take the Jews as a society and the society of all the others. Many reacted to it quite hysterically, some managed to call it anti-Semitic, but I think that it should be treated like any book by Solzhenitsyn from the point of view of historical research, of course subjective, but do not scold - write your own. Moreover, we must thank the famous Russian writer for finding the time and writing a book about the life of Jews in Russia. I have great respect for such things.

- Do you take part in Jewish parties?

On the eve of Passover, I was invited by my friend Pavel Feldblum to this holiday. So I am invited to such events, and I take part in them. Sometimes the following happens: I sit at some Jewish holiday and, pushing my neighbor, I ask: “What are we actually celebrating today?” I confess, but for me the Jewish tradition has not yet been explored to the depths, but I visit such parties with pleasure. Moreover, I consider it my duty to go there, and it is very interesting for me there.

- How do you feel about interethnic marriages?
- Amazing. It so happened that my first wife is no longer with us, she passed away. My second wife is a purebred Georgian. There is a very large Jewish diaspora in Georgia, but my wife has nothing to do with them. We get along well, we understand each other.

Family education provides for some categories of the formation of a little man. At the heart of the family commandments. It is teaching what is good and what is bad. This is the first knowledge of good and evil. A lot depends on the parents here. What is the morality of the parents, such is the morality of the children. My eldest son is twenty-one years old, and I am very glad that I have raised a wonderful person. He is a cameraman, works for TV-6. I am absolutely calm for him. His actions never caused condemnation, but only surprise. I never told him no, I tried to explain why no. The parental principle “no, because I said so” will hit the parents later. Children will say to them: "I do it because I said so". I never forgot how I was as a child. Therefore, today, when my little daughter pours half a bottle of expensive perfume on herself and we are ready to strangle her at that moment, she comes out and, holding out this bottle to us, smiling, says: "What a beautiful smell!" She doesn't know the word nice yet. At this moment the girl is happy. We understand that there is nothing to condemn her for. It seems to me that parents need to know two things: to teach children compassion and to understand that your child will still be better than you and ahead of his parents. It is necessary not to interfere with his movement. If he dyes his hair, wears rings in his ear, this is not at all because he does not respect you, but he simply wants to be more beautiful, better. The most important thing is to educate the child - leadership. Tell him: “You have to be the leader. If you do it yourself, you'll get it." If you endlessly steer a child, then it will be secondary, but after all, the parents will eventually die, and the child will have to live alone. My son now lives separately and builds his life as he sees fit. I believe that this is correct. It is not for nothing that American children leave their families at a very early age, they find themselves alone in the life system, making their own way. But I also appreciate the family, when, in country traditions, everyone gathers under a green lamp and drinks tea. Although I don’t have a dacha, I just tell beautiful pictures.

- Is your son interested in tradition?

I tried to bring up in him, in my opinion, an important thing - cosmopolitanism. I know that such things are condemned by many, but this is my choice, and here neither Orthodox Jews, nor Ukrainian Catholics, nor Russian Orthodox priests can do anything with me. Due to the fact that I lived in a multinational environment, I wanted to educate in him, first of all, the feeling of God in myself. After all, everything that we do, as one wise man said, we do for G-d, whom you feel in yourself. This is some kind of ideal against which you check your actions. It seems to me that life has developed in such a way that the Jewish tradition was to sit at the table and drink delicious wines and eat good stuffed fish. Everything else is in his soul. Of course, when we went to Israel with him and saw the Wailing Wall, got acquainted with the history of this country, ended up on the top of the Mossad mountain, we certainly felt a sense of belonging to this great history. Maybe many lovers of tradition will not like my words, but I do not consider it necessary to wear a kippah. It is worse when a person outwardly is the biggest traditionalist, and acts such that it is amazing how this person still lives on earth. G-d is in our conscience. When one becomes ashamed, this is the real manifestation of the Divine. Where does shame come from? A person loves himself, and, it would seem, push people with his elbows and run forward, divide and rule. So no, suddenly there are some moments when a person becomes ashamed of bad deeds and even thoughts. This is G-d.

- How do you like kosher cuisine?

I like it very much, and especially because I don’t distinguish between kosher and non-kosher. I have to trust what they tell me. It is said that when you eat kosher food, a whole ritual takes place, which is so pleasing to the soul and is believed to be reflected in the taste.

- How did you celebrate the Passover that just passed?

The day before, I was invited to visit. There was a kosher meal and lots of fun.

Former General Producer of NewsOne Aleksey Semyonov is moving to a position of the same name at the Tonis TV channel. This information was confirmed by Detector Media. Semyonov noted that during the meeting with the General Director of the Tonis channel Alexander Butko, an agreement was reached on the beginning of cooperation and the policy of non-interference in the work of the channel's editorial office was discussed.

Now, according to Semenov, contracts are being prepared, after signing which, he will officially become the general producer of the channel. “This is the first time I'm getting the opportunity to work on a channel with good coverage. I will be the general producer from the moment I sign the contract, ”Semenov said. Semenov did not answer the question about the sources of financing of the channel and its rebranding, he only noted that negotiations with potential investors are ongoing.

“Today, Butko and I have already entered into several negotiations with potential investors. The development of the channel will be, ”he said.

Also, the future general producer Tonis stressed that the updated channel will not compete with the news channels 112 Ukraine and NewsOne: The time has come not only for the form, but also for the content, and the revival of the Rodnyansky spirit.”

A new team is already being formed at Tonis, the main figures of which will be Semyonov, as well as TV presenters Evgeny Kiselev and Matvey Ganapolsky, who left NewsOne together. Earlier in the media, the Tonis TV channel was often associated with the son of the former president, Alexander Yanukovych. Last year, the channel officially changed its ownership structure, and in fact bought itself from the owner, Czech citizen Peter Zika.

The leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko, connected the dismissal of Ganapolsky, Kiselev and Semenov not with the language issue, but with a direct instruction from Bankova. In his opinion, the leadership of the popular NewsOne channel in the country was threatened in the presidential administration of Ukraine, and Semenov was even promised to be expelled from the country with his “Russian passport” if he did not adhere to censorship.

Ukrainian political analyst Volodymyr Manko said that Semyonov and TV presenters considered the Tonis TV channel, which is familiar to many Ukrainians, but does not shine with ratings, as an alternative. “They will cost the channel not cheaply - over 50 thousand dollars a month,” Manko said, referring to insiders. At the same time, according to his information, Tonis is ready to pay such a price in order to become competitors to NewsOne and the 112 Ukraine TV channel.

Colleagues in the workshop took this news with ridicule. “Motya and Kisel found their“ new ”project on the old Tonis, a dull provincial canal ...,” editor-in-chief Irina Gavrilova laughed on the social network, hinting opaquely that recently Tonis survived at the expense of obscene films.

Blogger and journalist Oleg Ponomarev also could not resist the caustic irony. “Ganapolsky and Kiselev went to Tonis. Did you know that they are showing on Tonis from 22.00? — he illustrated his post with a spicy screenshot.

Military observer Yuri Dudkin noted that Muraev paid Ganapolsky "25 thousand greenbacks per month." “They say that the arrogant Moscow Lviv resident, as the face of the channel, would not agree to anything less,” he shared rumors on the social network. According to him, “the ultimate owners of the Tonis TV channel are Alexander Yanukovych and Sergey Arbuzov. The latter is the ex-head of the National Bank of Ukraine, who is also in disgrace. “So what?” You say. And rightly so. Dollars have the same color everywhere. The difference is in their numbers,” Dudkin decided.

Others joined in the mocking discussion. At the same time, many are sure that Alexander Yanukovych is directly related to the Tonis TV channel, whom the people prefer to call Sasha the Dentist, taking into account his education. Opponents believe that Tonis belongs to the oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. There is a version that the mentioned persons divided the channel 50 to 50, that is, they now own it jointly.

Ordinary users are confused about the new format in which Kiselev and Ganapolsky will broadcast: they will adhere to the Yanukovych-Arbuzov line, sing along to Pinchuk, or diversify the traditional content of the Tonis nightly broadcast.

Matvey Ganapolsky is a talented presenter and one of the most influential figures in Russian television. His programs are watched by millions of people; the topics he raises invariably arouse great interest among representatives of various sectors of society. However, our today's hero is remarkable and interesting not only for this.

During his long life, this talented figure in Russian television managed to realize himself as a theater director, writer, journalist and even an actor. Such versatility of life images is truly amazing. But is it worth saying that our today's hero has already laid out all the available cards on the table? Of course not. After all, the life and career of this extraordinary television figure continues. This means that there will be many new achievements ahead.

Early years, childhood and the family of Matvey Ganapolsky

Matvey Ganapolsky was born in the ancient Ukrainian city of Lvov. In this corner of Ukraine, he grew up and formed as a person. However, soon enough the family of our today's hero moved to capital Kyiv.

In the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, the future famous journalist graduated from high school, and then entered a pop school. But at some point the young guy was not enough to get a diploma of secondary special education, and therefore in 1973 our today's hero moved to Moscow. In the largest city of the USSR, Matvey Ganapolsky entered GITIS, where he later began to learn the basics of the director's profession. Everything worked out well. A talented native of Lviv was one of the most successful students in his class. And therefore, upon returning to Kyiv, he very easily found a job.

Such a place was the Kyiv variety theater. On the local theater stage, Matvey Yurevich staged many popular performances, most of which, however, were aimed at a children's audience. As a theater director, our today's hero first became popular in Kyiv and the Ukrainian SSR. His performances were held with constant success, and therefore very soon Ganapolsky was invited to the capital of the USSR.

The director worked in the Moscow Variety Theater for some more time, but later decided to leave the theatrical environment and transferred to the children's editorial office of the USSR State Radio and Television. In this place, he worked as the host of the Miracles on the Seventh Floor program, and at the same time, as a director, he worked on staging the children's audio performances The Adventures of Captain Vrungel and Koloboks Are Investigating.

Matvey Ganapolsky's subsequent career in journalism and television

In the eighties, Matvey Ganapolsky managed to make a name for himself in the world of Russian journalism and acquire many connections in this environment. Thus, our today's hero met the arrival of perestroika already as a popular and well-known cultural figure. It was during this period that the career of Matvey Yuryevich entered a fundamentally new round.

Ganapolsky talks about Stalinism

In the early nineties, he got a job on the ORT channel, where he began to make the Beau Monde program in a critical light, telling about the life of Russian celebrities. After that, the radio "Echo of Moscow" also appeared in the life of an extraordinary journalist. On the air of this radio station, our today's hero created many interesting programs that immediately attracted great public attention to the personality of Matvey Ganapolsky. His reports invariably caused a huge public outcry; and the facts stated in the framework of radio broadcasts subsequently provided fertile ground for discussion.

In the nineties, Matvey Ganapolsky fruitfully combined work on television with the work of a radio host. During this period, a talented (albeit very extraordinary) native of Ukraine created several programs of both information and entertainment profiles. Over the years, the channels RTR, NTV, ORT, TV-6, TVC and some others became his place of work.

Matvey Ganapolsky on the fight against scientific plagiarism

Despite the wide profile of the programs he created, the radio and television programs of a political profile brought the greatest fame to the journalist. "Special Opinion", "U-turn", "Riot" Ferrets "" - each of these programs has become a kind of masterpiece in its own way. Someone hated them, and someone, on the contrary, gave up everything in order to tune in to the wave of the Ekho Moskvy radio station at the scheduled time.

A vivid example of this is at least the fact that back in 2005, the program "Special Opinion" was one of the most popular programs on all channels of Russian radio. In certain periods of time in Moscow alone, the audience of the program reached 250 thousand people.

As part of his broadcasts, Matvey Ganapolsky repeatedly criticized the current system of Russian government, the arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies, as well as the low level of freedom in the Russian Federation. Our today's hero adheres to similar views at the present time.

For his activities as an entertainer and political commentator, Matvey Ganapolsky was awarded many prestigious awards, including the TEFI statuette, the Golden Aries, the Special Moscow Prize, and many other prizes.

Other projects of Matvey Ganapolsky

Outside the sphere of television and radio, Matvey Ganapolsky is known as the author of several books of various profiles, as well as as a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

In addition, in 2001 and 2006, our today's hero appeared before the audience in a fundamentally new role for himself as an actor and film director. So, in particular, already in 2001, Matvey Yuryevich staged and released the full-length film “From the Point of View of an Angel”. And in 2006, he starred in the popular comedy series Nine Months, playing the role of an unnamed doctor in it.

Personal life of Matvey Ganapolsky

Very little is known about the personal life of a popular journalist. Reliably and accurately, we can only say that Matvey Yuryevich is married. His wife is Georgian journalist Tamara Shengelia.

However, according to some reports, this marriage in the life of our today's hero is not the first. The former wife, Muscovite Irina, has died. That is why Matvey does not like to talk about that time. Ganapolsky also has a son, Mikhail.

Matvey Ganapolsky is a Russian and Ukrainian journalist, famous for his catchy statements while working at the Echo of Moscow radio station and in the Echo of Ukraine program. Also in the career of Ganapolsky there is experience in acting and directing.

Matvey was born in Lvov in the family of Dina Levina and Yuri Margolis. Matvey Ganapolsky spent the first half of his childhood in the ancient Western Ukrainian city. Then the family moved to Kyiv, where the boy graduated from high school. After receiving a certificate, Matvey enters the Kiev School of Variety and Circus Art, and then leaves for Moscow and studies at the directing department at the famous theater university GITIS.

As a certified specialist, Ganapolsky returns to the capital of Ukraine and begins to cooperate with Kiev theaters. Then Ganapolsky again travels to Moscow, enters the stage of the Variety Theater and even works at the main recording studio "Melody", where he directs and voices children's records, including a series of famous adventures "Koloboks are investigating" and a funny fairy tale "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" .


Matvey Ganapolsky made his film debut in 1989. True, it was a documentary film "The Circus for My Grandchildren" about the life of the famous clown. And the first feature film, in which Ganapolsky appeared as an actor, was shot by Matvey himself - the journalist had a directing education. This is an adventure comedy "From the point of view of an angel."

Later, Ganapolsky appeared in small roles in the fifth season of the detective story "Detectives" and the medical sitcom "Nine Months". But Matvey Ganapolsky devoted the main part of his life to journalism.


Matvey Ganapolsky got on television in the late 80s. On the first Russian independent TV channel ATV, the journalist hosted a number of entertainment programs and political talk shows. Popularity Ganapolsky brought work at the radio station "Echo of Moscow", and since then for Matvey, this work on the radio has become a priority. In 2006, Matvey Ganapolsky also started a blog based on the official Echo of Moscow website. The journalist continues to maintain this blog and today, new entries in the profile of Matvey Ganapolsky appear several times a month.

Nevertheless, the television projects of the journalist were in demand and had a constant audience of viewers. Of the most popular programs, one should name the Akunamatata talk show and the Detective Show investigative program, for which Ganapolsky was twice nominated for the prestigious TEFI television award. Also, the TV presenter became a laureate at the Golden Aries and Telegrand award ceremonies, was called the best representative of the International Confederation of Journalists' Unions.

But the most resonant projects of Ganapolsky, of course, were political programs. Matvey Ganapolsky always expresses his own opinion in a shocking manner, which often diverges from the official point of view. The journalist repeatedly criticized the system of Russian government, noted the low level of freedom of speech in the country and corruption in law enforcement agencies.

The political views that the journalist boldly expresses, as well as the father's surname received at birth, gave ill-wishers a reason to open the question of the TV presenter's nationality. By the way, the journalist never hid such details of his own biography. And the award of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia "Person of the Year" award to Matvey Ganapolsky in 2009 completely closed this issue.

In the spring of 2014, after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the journalist moved to Kyiv and became the host of the Radio Vesti station. In this conflict, Ganapolsky took a pro-Ukrainian position, while colleagues repeatedly accused the journalist of bias and falsification of facts in the programs hosted by Matvey Yuryevich.

After the move, Ganapolsky appeared before the audience as the main character of the rating show "Echo of Ukraine" on the private channel "News One".

Personal life

Not too much is known about the private side of the life of an outrageous television and radio host. The journalist has been married for many years to his fellow journalist of Georgian origin Tamara Shengelia. Ganapolsky's wife, by the way, also appeared in the comedy "Nine Months" in one of the episodes.

According to information from social networks, this marriage of Matvey Ganapolsky is not the first. Earlier, when the journalist permanently resided in Russia, the man was married to a Muscovite named Irina. But she died suddenly under tragic circumstances, so Matvey prefers not to remember that page of his life.

The journalist has a son, whose name is Mikhail. The young man managed to collaborate with his father: they hosted the Akunamatata talk show together. As far as the press knows, Matvey Ganapolsky has no other children.

Matvey Ganapolsky is the author of a number of publications in which he talks in a cheerful and even rather ironic way about his profession, people, civilizations, the world around him, and so on. His most successful book is Sweet and Sour Journalism.

Matvey Ganapolsky now

In 2016, Matvey Ganapolsky received Ukrainian citizenship. Borys Lozhkin, head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, spoke about this on social networks.

Since March 2016, the program “Morning with Matvey Ganapolsky” has been on the air on the radio station “Era”. By the way, it was here that Matvey Yuryevich was the first to speak in public about his fellow journalist. Live on the radio "Era" Ganapolsky learned about the tragedy and did not restrain the reaction.

On June 1, 2016, Matvey Ganapolsky registered a personalized YouTube channel. According to the description of this Internet page, this is the only official channel of Ganapolsky on YouTube.

The content of the channel is divided into thematic headings. The journalist's YouTube partially duplicates the speeches of Matvey Ganapolsky on radio and television. For example, the playlist "Live" combines videos of the journalist's author's program on Radio Era, a separate section is devoted to the speeches of Matvey Ganapolsky on "Echo of Ukraine".

In addition, the journalist leads cycles of travel videos on the channel. One cycle - "Ganapol States of America" ​​- is dedicated to Matvey Ganapolsky's trips around the United States with comments on phenomena that are unusual for viewers. Another cycle called "Traveling with Ganapolsky" covers a broader topic. Here the TV presenter talks about different countries, but after a year and a half of the channel's existence, only a few fragments about the Czech Republic remain in this section.

The journalist's biting comments about politics and economics can be heard in a series of short videos, united by the name "100 minutes". Here Matvey Ganapolsky speaks briefly about completely different pressing issues. Issues are dedicated to propaganda, the Hague Tribunal, and other topics and personalities.

No less interesting is the format similar to the previous one. In the “Ganapolsky + Kiselev” column, journalists also speak on topics of interest to viewers, but the release time has been increased to 5-7 minutes, and two title topics of the video are selected.

In August 2017, Matvey Ganapolsky began broadcasting on the Ukrainian TV channel Pryamoy. The TV channel is broadcast both on Ukrainian air and on the Internet.


  • 1989 - "Circus for my grandchildren"
  • 2001 - "From the point of view of an angel"
  • 2006 - "Detectives-5"
  • 2006 - "Nine Months"


  • 2008 - "Sweet and sour journalism"
  • 2009 - "Justice for fools, or the most incredible lawsuits and decisions"
  • 2010 - "The Black Hand and the Pyramid of Cheops"
  • 2011 - "Ciao, Italy"
  • 2011 - "Smilies"
  • 2012 - “Smiles. Life-affirming book of a scorched cynic"
  • 2013 - "The best journalism textbook"
  • 2012 - "The Black Hand and the Mystery of the Eiffel Tower"
  • 2013 - "Putin will be king"


  • 1995 - Prize of the International Confederation of Journalists' Unions
  • 1997 - Golden Aries Award
  • 2001,2002 - TEFI award for the Detective Show program
  • 2004 - "Telegrand" award
  • 2009 - Prize of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia "Person of the Year"

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