Milo manara servant of the earth comics. Tarot Manara: Servant of the Earth. General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

The Page of Pentacles is one of the minor arcana Tarot decks. Same as in the regular deck playing cards, there are four suits in the Tarot deck. The Page corresponds to the Jack card from a regular deck.

In the article:

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - card meaning

IN upright position a symbol like this usually means some kind of potential. Since the suit of Pentacles almost always refers to the material spectrum of life of a person, the meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles most often speaks of the potential associated with obtaining monetary gain.

The sign may speak of some profitable deal, conclusion of an agreement, receipt important advice or valuable experience. You may receive a job offer that interests you. It is also possible to get out of a difficult state, and the outcome of the situation will be most beneficial for you. The interpretation may apply to you personally, your business, and the people you work with.

Such a Page upside down speaks of the worst manifestations of the material side of life. This is selfishness, greed, unwillingness to look at the spiritual side of life, wastefulness. The possibilities are far from those needed to implement the idea. Plans and expectations do not live up to expectations. Loss of interest and patience is the cause of lost chances and somewhat illogical behavior.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles card in the layout for work and affairs

This Page in the Tarot when he is in a straight position, informs about possibilities. This is working on ideas, plans, as well as receiving new tasks and assignments. Significant assistance will be provided in completing these tasks. It is also possible to change jobs to a more profitable one, as well as rise through the ranks.

This card also speaks of concluding a profitable deal, but at the same time it also serves as a warning about inattention. The fortuneteller should be attentive to the documents he signs and pay attention to all the details of the contract. Even the most insignificant nuances can play an important role in the future.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning upside down speaks of some difficulties. As a rule, if they concern a business, it warns that more significant investments may be required in order for the enterprise to function as intended. The card can also warn that the fortuneteller does not understand well the business he is involved in. In addition, it is a warning that bureaucratic difficulties may turn out to be more serious than you expected.

Overall, this reversed card warns of problems that you have not considered because you lack specific experience or knowledge. Difficulties should be expected precisely in those nuances about which you know nothing.

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - meaning in health readings

Map in a straight position speaks of positive dynamics of recovery. If you are sick and wondering when the period of health problems will end, then you don’t have too long to wait. If this card is in an inverted position, the dynamics of recovery can be called medium-positive. That is, the disease is receding, but more slowly than possible.

Regarding health problems, this card in the upright position means the deposition of gallstones or bladder. Joint problems and related diseases, such as osteochondrosis, may also be detected.

Upside down this Page warns of a high probability of getting a dislocation or sprain. When it also means nervous exhaustion, which occurs as a result of long and intense work, as well as depression, stress and other psychological problems caused by fatigue.

Page of Coins in Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning in relationships of the Tarot card Page of the suit of Pentacles is the opportunity to gain some experience. In this case, a lesson for the fortuneteller can be both the emergence of new relationships and feelings, and the strengthening existing connection. The interpretation is always positive if the card is in a straight position. It is unlikely that a fortuneteller is in danger of divorce or a quarrel with a loved one. Usually this sign foreshadows the transition of relations to new level.

If the fortuneteller is in a relationship, the cards advise him to take a difficult step and take the relationship to a new level, making it more serious. Such a card can also mean the resolution of conflicts and disagreements that have accumulated over the years. The transition of relations to a new level in this case has an exclusively positive meaning.

Upside down this Page says that you have ceased to respect your partner or have never even felt respect for him. There may be mutual disrespect. In addition, the card can speak of boredom and routine in which this couple is mired in the alignment.

Since Coins is a suit associated with the material aspect of life, in relationships it can signify a lack of planning family budget, stinginess of one of the partners, hoarding, excessive control of the partner’s spending.

Page of Pentacles - combinations in Tarot

A lot can be written about the combination of Tarot cards, like , which can also change meanings depending on the interpretation of neighboring cards. If we're talking about about combinations in the Tarot, the Page of Pentacles is no exception. There are several interpretations of combinations of this card with others.

So, for example, the Pages of Wands and Pentacles, which fell nearby, have the following meaning - receiving news of an opportunity. This could be either information about an open vacancy for a prestigious position that you have a good chance of filling, or an offer of a fairly profitable one-time part-time job.

The Magician and the Page of Pentacles are an interesting combination. It does not speak about the situation, but characterizes a certain personality that is connected with what the alignment is being carried out. This is a person who has a passion for collecting and has good experience in this matter. Most likely, he has an impressive collection. This meaning can be understood both literally and figuratively. In an upside down position This card near the Arcana Magician speaks of a narrow outlook.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in personality assessment

The Page of Pentacles means a dark-haired, dark-eyed guy or girl. This person was born under one of the zodiac signs related to the element of Earth. It could be Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.

Wherein in a straight position this card speaks of an inquisitive person who is young at heart. He is constantly in search of something new that can interest him. For a fortuneteller, this is a positive character who can become a messenger of good news. He is distinguished by sophistication, sensitivity, interest in beauty, good education and erudition.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for specific situation could have direct meaning and indicate exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

An ancient method of fortune telling “Yes or No?” on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin was calculated. If both cubes were outside the napkin, no more guessing was done that day. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune telling.

The Lenormand card layout “Love, Desire, Passion” is used to learn about the thoughts, desires and feelings of partners regarding each other. Fortune telling shows your attitude towards your partner, him towards you, as well as your general aspirations and desires. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

The layout provides answers to questions regarding health, work and relationships. The explanatory map complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main map provides. Select a question type from the list below.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Clarification of relationships” is used in cases where the relationship with a partner does not work out or for some reason does not move beyond the serious stage. This simple, but very informative layout will help you understand what feelings your partner has towards you and what interferes with your love. Ask your question and choose 6 runes from the scattering.

Love fortune telling gypsy maps The Tarot will tell you how the hidden person treats you and what he thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Decoding of the Manara Tarot card "Servant of the Earth"

Decodings of Tarot cards » Earth » Tarot card Manara "Servant of the Earth"

General value:

A map of secret vices that seethe in a person, pushing him to the lowest actions. This can be gossip, intrigue and denunciations that are designed to destroy someone's life. Cunning and evil calculation seek to trample someone’s happiness.

And the reason for this is the evil genius himself, who is unable to comprehend love and cannot be happy. This is an evil bigot who is capable only of envy and malice in relation to other people's happiness.

State: Unrecognized genius home Napoleon, painfully sensitive to criticism. Schemer.

Characteristics of relationships, feelings: The fear of loneliness keeps people together. Addiction.

Feelings: Emotional dryness, inability to give love. Greed, possessiveness, suspicion, manic jealousy. Hypocrisy and hypocrisy, vindictiveness.

Physical state: Map of secret vices. Perhaps homosexuality as overcompensation for one’s inferiority and revenge on women for rejection (however, the card can also describe a woman, then all of the above can take the form of militant feminism with contempt for all males). Complexity, any insufficiency, underdevelopment. This map can suggest the presence of serious diseases.

Advice: Pay close attention to what is happening around you. Be carefull.

Warning: Carefully! You are being watched, intrigues are woven around you, and someone is spreading gossip.

Positive aspect of the card: Sooner or later, vices and weaknesses make themselves felt. So why not now see everything that prevents you from enjoying life, and everything that makes anger and hatred rule your destiny?

Negative aspect of the card: A person is not ready to fight his passions. He is ready to cultivate them, increase them and indulge them, justifying himself and his weaknesses.

Development of the situation in positive value: Vices begin to spoil a person's life. Failures and mistakes cause his anger and hatred, and the success of those around him causes envy and the desire to take away what they deserve at any cost. This is the path to vile deeds and nasty things that give a person temporary relief from the anger that bubbles inside him.

Development of the situation in negative value: This is a help card. She very rarely appears in the scenario, but her appearance suggests that Fate itself stands up for a person, trying to reward him in full and protect him from ill-wishers. With such support, a person can not fear anything.

The next card in the Manara Tarot deck is Servant of the Earth. “Cunning is your strong point by birth, intrigue is the sweetness of life. Trick and gossip, hypocrisy, the road leads you through life, and the path that you have chosen is to your liking...” (Dmitry Nevsky)

The plot of the Servant of the Earth card from the Manara Tarot deck

The plot of this map is very complicated. The man depicted on it is clearly dissatisfied, and dissatisfied, most likely, with everything that happens in his life in principle. As the artist describes, we are talking about a person who is humiliated and offended. And at the same time, he does not want to become better: he has already come to terms with how “bad” he is.

The meaning of the Servant of the Earth card in the Manara Tarot deck

Straight position

The appearance of this card in a layout, as a rule, does not bring anything good. This person is deprived of something in life, and in order to somehow become better in his own eyes, he becomes a vile intriguer, an informer, an informer, that person who constantly eavesdrops and spies on what others are doing. In a word, he doesn't live own life- lives with strangers. Moreover, it is possible that he may have strange inclinations in the form gay, non-traditional sexual preferences. In a word - if you see such a comrade, it is better to run away from him.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the card will mean that all the vices that we saw in the upright map will be released and spill out. For the bearer of all this “baggage” this is good, because he may be able to see what is preventing him from living happily and joyfully. But for the person who is nearby, this can become a serious test. Yes, this may not be a sight for the faint of heart. The meaning of the card for relationships— it is a priori impossible to call the relationship normal according to this map. After all, the motive of these relationships is clear: people are together because everyone is afraid of loneliness. For new relationships, this is also not the best card - in them we agree to what is, refusing to go further. Again, out of fear: what if I don’t have anyone else? Let at least this one stay nearby.

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