Mitya Fomin has been deprived of his driver's license. Mitya Fomin was left without rights

The court also excluded from the descriptive part of the ruling the indication that Fomin was in a state of drug intoxication

Mitya Fomin

© Valery Sharifulin/TASS

MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The Golovinsky Court of Moscow imprisoned him for 1.5 years driver's license former soloist music group Hi-Fi Mitya (Dmitry) Fomin for driving while intoxicated, also imposing a fine of 30 thousand rubles on him. Court press secretary Alexandra Evdokimova reported this to TASS.

“The Golovinsky court today upheld the decision of the court district judge of the 67th Levoberezhny district dated December 22, 2016 regarding Fomin, and the appeal of his defense was not satisfied,” she said.

In addition, the court decided to exclude from the descriptive part of the ruling the indication that Fomin was in a state of drug intoxication, since he was found to be intoxicated. According to the press secretary, the singer did not appear for the consideration of the complaint, and the court, in the presence of his defenders, announced a decision that entered into legal force.

According to the case file, at the end of August 2016, on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow, traffic police inspectors stopped a Mercedes SUV driven by famous singer. The police, noticing that Fomin was acting very emotionally, suggested that he undergo a medical examination. The examination showed the absence of alcohol in the musician’s blood, but later doctors confirmed the presence of narcotic substances in his body.

A protocol was drawn up against Fomin under Part 1 of Art. 12.8 Code of Administrative Offenses (“Management vehicle driver in a state of intoxication”), and the materials were sent to one of the capital’s district courts of the Golovinsky District Court, which found the singer guilty and imposed a minimum sentence under this article.

Famous singer Mitya Fomin has been deprived of his license for driving under the influence of drugs. This was reported in the press service of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow.

In the fall of 2016, the former lead singer of the popular band Hi-Fi was stopped by traffic police inspectors on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow. The singer, who was driving a Mercedes SUV, behaved very emotionally, and the traffic cops asked him to undergo a medical examination to determine his state of intoxication.

Alcohol was not detected in the musician’s blood, but doctors confirmed the presence of narcotic substances in the body.

The police drew up a report against Mitya Fomin under Art. 12.8 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated) and sent the materials to the court in one of the magistrate sections of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow.

On December 19, the court decided to find Fomin guilty and sentenced him to a minimum sentence, depriving him of his driver’s license for a year and a half, and also imposing a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

The artist’s management stated that the information about Fomin’s deprivation of his license for driving under the influence of drugs is unreliable.

“Show me at least one fact,” demanded Fomin’s representative Elizaveta Lukina. “We don’t comment on this, but I can say that Mitya is driving.”

The singer himself also denied drunk driving. "No. None of this is true, I drive normally. This is someone’s cruel joke,” he told the 360 ​​TV channel.

It is worth noting that in the latest videos that Fomin posted on his Instagram, he is driving his Mercedes. However, the last such recording was published by the artist a week ago - even before the court ruling, which, moreover, has not yet entered into legal force.

It is noteworthy that several months ago the traffic police awarded the singer a medal - this was reported on Fomin’s website.

“The award ceremony took place in Central Administration State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow and was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia, the message says. - On this day, in addition to the best employees of the department, people who are involved in the initiatives of the traffic police were also noted. In particular, Mitya Fomin has repeatedly supported the department’s actions, performed concerts for employees, his work is known and loved by those who guard road safety.”

The award was presented to the artist by the Deputy Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Yuri Droganov.

Representatives of the capital's pop scene and other stars often drive while intoxicated, although they can certainly afford a taxi, or even a personal driver.

For example, singer Chris Kelmi was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. In the fall of 2015, ex-member of the Brothers Grim group Boris Burdaev, drunk, after drinking five bottles of beer, caused an accident in the center of Moscow. In 2016, a scandal broke out in Moscow caused by the behavior of actor Valery Nikolaev, who drove around Moscow drunk, knocking down pedestrians and riding traffic police inspectors on the hood.

On Friday, a number of media reported that singer Mitya Fomin became a rule breaker traffic. As some publications indicated, the artist was detained on Leningradsky Prospekt while driving his Mercedes. According to reports, Fomin was suspected of drunkenness, but during the examination, employees found out that he was under the influence of drugs. However, the results of such a survey were not immediately known. After this, the materials were transferred to the court. In law Russian Federation, for such a violation the driver will be deprived of his license. StarHit contacted Mitya Fomin and listened to his version of what happened. The artist was in the car at that moment and denied the information compromising him.

“I’m driving, no one deprived me of my license,” Fomin said.

However, the ex-soloist of the popular group “Hi-Fi” noted that he was actually stopped by traffic police officers. “Well, yes, that’s how they stop everyone,” Mitya noted.

As some publications have indicated, for violating the law, the person who was driving can be punished under Article 12.8 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated.” For such an offense, you will be deprived of your rights for a period of one and a half years, and will also be required to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

Later, Mitya was so outraged by the rumors about the deprivation of rights that he decided to personally tell everything to his followers. “I look at the documents, they are in their place, and I continue to drive the car. It turned out that news appeared in the press about the deprivation of my rights: either a bad joke, or someone’s malicious intent. And the story, meanwhile, is inflated into a plot worthy of Quentin Tarantino’s scripts: with chases, resistance, cars with flashing lights,” Fomin described the whole situation, showing his license in a short video.

According to media reports, Fomin’s case was considered for several months in the magistrate’s section of the Golovinsky Court of Moscow. The decision was made just recently.

Judging by the microblog, Mitya maintains enough healthy image life, and he cannot be suspected of drug use. The artist often shares pictures from training in the gym and shows off his gorgeous muscles. Only occasionally, during rest, does he allow himself to drink a glass of beer and eat a high-calorie dish.

Fomin is well aware that fame makes him an object of discussion. " Public person forced to take it for granted that even his most secret thoughts and actions cease to belong only to him. Facilities mass media of a special profile, they capitalize on the audience’s interest in a public person, inventing stories that often have nothing to do with the person himself - from the contents of the refrigerator and the diet on his plate to the address book of his phone,” Fomin wrote in a blog.

Deprived of license for driving a car while intoxicated. Gazeta.Ru was told about this by the press service of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow.

In the fall of 2016, the former lead singer of the popular band Hi-Fi was stopped by traffic police inspectors on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow. The singer, who was driving a Mercedes SUV, behaved very emotionally, and they asked him to undergo a medical examination to determine if he was intoxicated.

Alcohol was not detected in the musician’s blood, but doctors confirmed the presence of narcotic substances in the body.

The police drew up a report against Mitya Fomin under Art. 12.8 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated) and sent the materials to the court, to one of the magistrate’s sections of the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow.

On December 19, the court decided to find Fomin guilty and sentenced him to the minimum punishment, depriving him of his driver’s license for a year and a half, and also imposing a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

The directorate of the artist told Gazeta.Ru that the information about Fomin’s deprivation of his license for driving under the influence of drugs is unreliable.

“Show me at least one fact,” demanded Fomin’s representative Elizaveta Lukina. “We don’t comment on this, but I can say that Mitya is driving.”

The singer himself also denied drunk driving. "No. None of this is true, I drive normally. This is someone’s cruel joke,” he told the 360 ​​TV channel.

It is worth noting that in the latest videos that Fomin posted on his Instagram, he is driving a Mercedes. However, the last such recording was published by the artist a week ago - even before the court ruling, which, moreover, has not yet entered into legal force.

It is noteworthy that several months ago the traffic police awarded the singer a medal - about this reported on Fomin’s website.

“The award ceremony took place at the Central Directorate of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow and was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia,” the message says. “On this day, in addition to the best employees of the department, people who are involved in the initiatives of the traffic police were also noted. In particular, Mitya Fomin has repeatedly supported the department’s actions, performed concerts for employees, his work is known and loved by those who guard road safety.”

The award was presented to the artist by the Deputy Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Yuri Droganov.

Representatives of the capital's pop scene and other stars often drive while intoxicated, although they can certainly afford a taxi, or even a personal driver.

For example, the singer was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. In the fall of 2015, an ex-member of the Brothers Grim group, drunk and drinking five bottles of beer, caused an accident in the center of Moscow. In 2016, a scandal broke out in Moscow caused by the behavior of an actor who drove around Moscow drunk, knocking down pedestrians and “riding” traffic police inspectors on the hood.

Mitya Fomin in his car

An unexpected story concerning singer Mitya Fomin happened today on the Internet. Information has appeared that Fomina was deprived of his driver’s license for a year and a half! In addition, he will have to fork out 30 thousand rubles. Thus, on December 19, Moscow servants of Themis punished the artist for driving while intoxicated. However, Fomin himself denies everything!

As the media wrote, the 42-year-old singer (his real name is Dmitry) came to the attention of inspectors on August 24. The artist was driving his Mercedes along the Leningradskoye Highway and was stopped by inspectors in the area of ​​house 53. Although the star did not smell of alcohol, the man’s behavior seemed strange to the police. The inspectors drew up a report under the article “Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated” and took the motorist to the doctors for tests.

On September 5, doctors gave a positive answer - drugs were found in the patient’s blood, and the case was transferred to the court district of the magistrate No. 67 of the Levoberezhny district. On September 13, the judges returned the case to the 4th special traffic police battalion of the traffic police on the special highway - there were not enough documents in the case.

As a result, after another couple of months of investigative actions, namely, on December 19, a court decision was made regarding the artist’s person to deprive him of his driving license. He was also given three days to appeal the decision. But, according to rumors, the singer did not agree to this. As a result, now officially he can only travel by car with a driver. True, strangely, they say that journalists called Fomin today and he denied information about the deprivation, calling it a cruel joke. A few minutes ago I wrote an official appeal on my Instagram. Mitya showed his driver’s license and said that no one took it from him.

“Today I’m driving quietly around Moscow in my car, at some point journalists start calling with requests to comment on the process of depriving me of my driver’s license. I look at the documents - they are in their place, and I continue to drive the car. It turned out that news appeared in the press about the deprivation of my rights: either a bad joke, or someone’s malicious intent,” the artist began his story.

“Meanwhile, the story is inflated into a plot worthy of Quentin Tarantino’s scripts: with chases, resistance, cars with flashing lights. Bravo, comrades! — The ex-soloist of “Hi-Fi” continued. — But for the sharpness of the plot, I personally didn’t have enough of the shootout episode. That would be bomb news!)) It’s especially interesting that on the day of the president’s annual online conference, when the whole country is closely following the broadcasts, so much attention is focused on me. I’m very flattered, but I really have something better to do besides being drawn into someone’s idle speculation. I’m going on business, and please be careful on the roads!)).”

How this happened is still not clear. Meanwhile, according to information from MK, the information about the deprivation still rings true, because the singer, it turns out, is a traffic violator! Since the beginning of 2016, 34 violations have been recorded, including speeding (by 20-40 kilometers per hour), failure to comply with signs and markings, and driving without a driver’s license. The singer pays absolutely all fines within 20 days after receiving the penalty, with a 50 percent discount.

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