Monica Belucci - biography, information, personal life. Monica Bellucci: rare photos and facts from life Who is Monica Bellucci according to the horoscope

Hollywood star couple decided to divorce after 17 years of marriage. The couple came to this decision by mutual agreement. Astrologers are indignant: the online compatibility horoscope of this couple is so successful that no one even thought that such a beautiful and harmonious couple could break up.

Monica Bellucci commented on the reason for the divorce from Kassel. According to her, every year it became more and more difficult for them to be near each other. As it turned out, the couple has been practicing guest marriage for a long time: they lived separately and met when they wanted. Free relationship prompted Vincent to cheat. They repeatedly appeared at secular parties with different women and did not particularly hide that they were going to the left. Monica never commented on these sprees of her missus. But apparently now she was simply tired of enduring all this and both of them came to the conclusion that their relationship could no longer be improved.

As Bellucci said, the reason for the divorce is that coldness appeared in their relationship, they both have different hobbies, different friends and different plans for life. But despite the divorce, according to Monica, they will still communicate with Vincent on a friendly note.

The news of the Hollywood couple's divorce has generated a lot of rumors. Many see the reason for the divorce in Monica's new hobby. The actress is accused of having a love affair with Azerbaijani oligarch Telman Ismailov. The actress met an influential businessman back in 2009 at the opening of a hotel in Antalya. Then the oligarch invited more than five hundred VIPs to the opening ceremony. After this, Ismailov and Belucci's acquaintances were often seen at social events. However, neither Telman Ismailov nor Monica Belucci commented on the news about their love affair. As you know, the Azerbaijani oligarch has a reputation as an exemplary family man - he has a wife and two children.

And so ended the happy marriage of two Hollywood stars. Their relationship started back in 1996. The couple met on the set of the film. Three years later, they decided to get married. Shortly after the wedding, the couple had two children. Nothing foretold an unexpected divorce, but such is fate. Astrologers have their own point of view in this situation. In their opinion, the couple simply lost their feelings. None of them wanted development and further coexistence. Their compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is quite successful. According to the horoscope, Monica is Libra, and Venas is Sagittarius. In such a pair, as a rule, harmony and mutual understanding reign. But they failed to maintain feelings and trust in each other. Most likely, such a couple may break up due to the fact that Libra often gives a lot of freedom to Sagittarius. And so it happened in a pair of Monica and Vincent. The compatibility horoscope of Libra and Sagittarius indicates full compliance and harmony in bed, but in terms of family life, these signs are not very suitable for each other. But even despite everyday little things, Libra and Sagittarius can always find an approach to each other. Looks like it just faded away

I built the synastry of this couple two years ago. I was curious to know what such a beautiful, stately and hot woman like Bellucci found in Kassel. I clearly do not belong to the category of people who believe that it is enough for a man to be a little more beautiful than a monkey. And Kassel really did not go far from this animal with his external data. Looking at him, somehow you immediately recall the theory of old Darwin. Therefore, I always called this acting couple "beauty and the beast." But, as the well-known proverb says: "the taste and color ...".

So, first of all, we evaluate the houses - the First and the Seventh. Monica has a "wide" Seventh house, which includes the whole sign of Leo. And Vincent's Ascendant is just in this sign. Now we do the same for the actor card. He has a Descendant in Aquarius, and Monica has this sign included in the First House. Such a coincidence in houses, when the Seventh house of one partner is the First house of the other, indicates the emergence of a relationship that is very likely to lead to marriage.

The next interesting moment is the entry of Monica's Venus into the First House of her husband. This position is typical for couples in love, because Venus is responsible for love, sympathy and beauty. True, there is a small but. It is better when the male Venus falls in the first house of the girl. After all, Venus shows the type that attracts a man, and most of all outwardly. Getting on the Ascendant or in the First House of a girl, Venus "turns on" and for a man such a girl will be especially attractive. And in the case of this acting couple, the situation is the opposite: Monica is outwardly very attractive to Vincent.

By the way, since I immediately touched on the topic of Venus, it should be noted that Vincent has Venus in Sagittarius, and his beloved woman, in fact, is a foreigner for him. He is French and she is Italian. The Moon is the second planet in the male chart, which indicates the preferred type of woman, is in the Ninth House, which is the symbolic house of Sagittarius. Since the Moon is responsible for the wife, it becomes clear why his wife is of a different nationality.

Both Monica and Vincent have the Moon and Venus in fire signs. Even if there were no aspect between these planets in their synastry, the very location in the signs of one trine is already a favorable sign, since it indicates that a woman fits into the preferences of a man. And they also have an aspect - Venus Vincent in a trine to Monica's Moon. The aspect is very favorable, it gives mutual understanding in a couple, and romanticism, and tenderness.

As for the aspects of sexual attraction, then they, of course, are available. Monica's Mars trine Vincent's Moon and Venus. However, there is not quite the correct redistribution of roles. Whoever owns Mars - he shows more initiative in matters of sex. It turns out that Monica is just more sexually active. But, let's say, if Vincent had the Moon and Venus in the signs of Libra or, at worst, Cancer, then such sexual perseverance of his wife could hurt him, since Mars is weak in these signs. But the actor, the Moon is generally in Aries - the sign of the abode of Mars, so he only likes such a hot temperament of his wife.

Now consider the "marriage" aspects. There are, however, not so many of them. I actually only counted one. This is a trine between Monica's Moon and Vincent's Sun. True, if you consider that they have enough coincidences at home, then such a lack of "marriage" aspects is not so scary.

The moon of the actress is also in conjunction with the Jupiter of the actor. This aspect in astrology is called the "seal of happiness", since Jupiter is a great benefactor. With such a "seal" in a pair, an atmosphere of fun, happiness, luck reigns. There is truth in the synastry of this couple and the "seal of misfortune" - the quadrature between Monica's Saturn and Vincent's Sun, but this aspect is formed across the border of the sign - this is the time. Yes, and tense aspects of Saturn to the Sun are perceived more easily than, say, to the Moon - these are two. Saturnian aspects keep the couple, do not allow it to disperse ahead of time, although with a tense aspect in a couple, of course, there can be conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings - these are three.

Well, finally, it remains to consider a group of karmic aspects. Is there any indication of karmicity in the synastry of this couple? Let me remind you that this group includes aspects of the Lunar nodes, Lilith and Saturn. About Saturn and the square to the Sun, I already wrote a little higher. So, all the same, there is one indication. Vincent's South Node conjunct Monica's Neptune. But, at once it is necessary to stipulate that it is preferable when personal planets participate in conjunction with the Nodes: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. And Neptune, after all, is a collective planet, so with everyone who was born within a few months of Monica's birthday, Vincent will have such an aspect. As for Lilith, Vincent's Lilith is in opposition to Monica's Mercury.

As always, for the sake of interest, I also looked at the aspects of Juno. There is such an aspect - it is a connection between Vincent's Sun and Monica's Juno. Let me remind you that this asteroid is responsible for the family, marriage and the birth of children. Therefore, in the charts of married couples, or just lovers who have been together for a long time, this asteroid is usually aspected.

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci She was born on September 30, 1964 in Citta di Castello. Italian film actress and fashion model.

Monica Bellucci was born on September 30, 1964 in the provincial Italian town of Citta di Castello. Since childhood, she aspired to become a lawyer.

To study at the University of Perugia at the Faculty of Law, Monica worked as a model for the Liceo Classico from the age of 16. However, Monica quickly liked the glamorous lifestyle, and she decided to abandon her childhood dream in favor of a social life.

"I studied at the University of Perugia, at the Faculty of Law, and at the same time worked as a model, so I first moved to Milan, then to Paris, to New York, and then left the university, as there was a lot of work. You can say, I preferred to just live "I was very young, but matured early, because I needed to become economically independent. It made me live an adult life, but I was still very, very young," Monica said.

In addition to her native Italian, Monica is fluent in English and French, as well as some Spanish.

In 1988 Monica moved to Milan where she signed with Elite Model Management. In 1989, Monica was already a famous model in Paris and New York. She posed for famous design magazines in the modeling business Dolce & Gabbana and Elle (France).

In February 2001, Esquire Magazine's, along with Desire featured Ms, featured photos of Monica on the cover and featured five pages of information about her.

In 2003, her photographs also appeared on the cover of the magazine, but already in Maxim. In 2004, the actress topped Ask Men's list of the 100 most beautiful women in the world. Monica's modeling career is managed by the New York agency Elle+.

Having achieved success in the modeling field, Monica did not stop there and decided to act in films. In 1990, she made her debut in Italian cinema. Her first works were Life with Sons, Bandits, Abuse. Episodic roles in these films did not bring the actress much success.

In 1992, director Francis Ford Coppola invited Bellucci to star in his film. The role of the bride of Dracula in the film "Dracula" was the first serious role of Monica Belucci, after which offers for filming in films began to come from many film studios in Europe and America. "Stubborn Fate", "Heroes", "Snowball", "Joseph" - Monica starred in these films in Italy from 1992 to 1995.

In 1996, Monica Bellucci achieved success as an actress. For the role of Lisa in the film "The Apartment", Monica was nominated for the "Cesar" award in the "Promising Actress" nomination. During the filming of this film, Bellucci met French actor Vincent Cassel, with whom she later started a family. The next film in which Monica starred was the French action movie Doberman.

In 1997, Monica Bellucci worked in three films: "Stress", "Bad Taste", "How Do You Want Me", and in 1998 in four: "Desire", "There will be no holiday", "About those who love" , "Compromise". Filming offers continued to come from all over the world, but Monica was very demanding of them, trying to choose only those roles where her talent as an actress could be revealed to the fullest.

Continuing to act in films, the model already known to the whole world became a first-class actress. Her photos appeared on the covers of glossy magazines. In the film "Malena" Monica Bellucci's acting talent was revealed in all its splendor. The beauty and charm of the actress, coupled with acting skills, won the hearts of all viewers and critics.

In 2001, Monica, along with her husband, starred in the film Brotherhood of the Wolf, where she brilliantly played the role of Sylvia. The next role is the Egyptian queen in the most expensive European film of 2002, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra. The film "Irreversible" received mixed reactions, and the realistic nine-minute scene of brutal rape shocked the audience at the screening of the film in Cannes. Monica herself admitted that she herself was very scared to revise this film.

The next films were "Remember Me", "Tears of the Sun", as well as shooting in the cult films of the Wachowski brothers "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolutions". Monica never stopped at films of the same genre and, following the action, starred in a very difficult film, The Passion of the Christ.

In 2004, the films "Secret Agents", "She Hates Me" and "The Brothers Grimm" were released, where Monica plays the role of the Mirror Queen.

On January 27, 2006, the premiere of the film "Shaitan" took place, then "The Brotherhood of Stone" and "N (I and Napoleon)". In 2007, the films Shoot 'Em Up and Second Wind were released.

The actress often admitted that she dreams of acting in the same film with. In 2011, the actors appeared together in the film Love: Instructions for Use.

In October 2011, Monica became the face of the updated Royal Velvet series by Oriflame, and in 2012, the face of the Dolce & Gabbana cosmetic line.

In 2015, Monica starred in the 24th film "007: Specter" from the "James Bond" series, where she played the role of Lucia Sciarra, the James Bond girl.

"Beauty is a state of mind. I always say that the most important thing is not to be beautiful, but to feel beautiful. And this, rather, comes from inner maturity than from external data. I believe that beauty without mental abilities, without feelings costs nothing. Yes, it has a powerful effect, but it lasts no more than five minutes if there is nothing behind it", says Monica Bellucci.

"In my opinion, in order to be beautiful, you need to feel good about yourself. You need to accept yourself, and in order to know yourself, you need to work with it. Especially work on your own personality. I think the more you work on yourself, the more .. "This is the inner work that needs to be done in order to accept our appearance. Because there are very pretty women who do not consider themselves as such. Therefore, we are more dependent on what is happening inside us than on how we look, " - the actress is sure.

Although Monica is a fan of many world-famous directors and actresses, according to her, Italian cinema inspires her the most.

Among the directors of her idols are Fellini, Rossellini, Visconti, De Sica, Antonioni. And among the actresses - Magnani, Lauren, Lollobrigida, Mangano, Monica Vitti. "These women have become emblems of talent, beauty and femininity, and these qualities are so undeniable that they, one might say, established the dictatorship of the world's femininity," Bellucci noted.

Monica Bellucci Height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Monica Bellucci:

Monica was married to photographer Claudio Carlos Basso from 1990-1994.

On September 9, 1999, Monica married an actor whom she had dated for 5 years before their wedding.

The couple had two daughters - Deva Cassel (born September 12, 2004) and Leonie Cassel (born May 20, 2010).

Their marriage, which seemed ideal to many, collapsed due to the acting career of both spouses - frequent and prolonged separation, mutual suspicions (and often not groundless) eventually led to a divorce.

In August 2013, the couple broke up.

Monica Bellucci loves Rome very much. According to her, Rome for her is "magic". "For me, Rome is something incredible. I'm not a Roman, I'm from Umbria. I come to Umbria to see my family ... But Rome is my harbor. I adore it ... Its light ... It's something really magical ... This is his energy. "

Filmography of Monica Belucci :

1990 - Life with children (Vita coi figli) - Elda
1990 - Bandits (Briganti) - Constanta
1991 - Lottery (La Riffa) - Francesca
1992 - Stubborn Fate (Ostinato destino) - Marina and Angela
1992 - Dracula (Dracula) - Dracula's bride
1994 - Gang of Losers (I Mitici) - Deborah
1995 - Snowball (Palla di neve) - Melina
1995 - Joseph (Joseph) - Pharaoh's wife
1996 - Remains (Il Cielo è sempre più blu)
1996 - Apartment (L'Appartement) - Lisa
1997 - Doberman (Dobermann) - Natalie
1997 - Bad genre (Mauvais genre) - Camille
1997 - How do you want me (Come mi vuoi) - Nellina
1997 - Stressati - girl in furs
1998 - Pleasure (Plaisir) - girl
1998 - Compromise (Compromis) - Monique
1998 - There will be no holiday (L'Ultimo capodanno) - Julia
1998 - Bad taste (A los que aman) - Valeria
1999 - Recalcitrant (Méditerranées) - Margarita
1999 - Like a fish without water (Comme un poisson hors de l'eau) - Murtil
2000 - Under suspicion (Under Suspicion) - Chantal
2000 - Malena (Malèna) - Malena
2000 - Frank Spadone - Laura
2001 - The Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte des loups) - Sylvia
2002 - Asterix and Obelix: Mission "Cleopatra" (Asterix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre) - Cleopatra
2002 - Irreversible (Irréversible) - Alex
2003 - The Matrix Reloaded - Persephone
2003 - The Matrix Revolutions - Persephone
2003 - Tears of the Sun - Lina Hendrix
2003 - Remember me (Ricordati di me) - Alessia
2004 - The Passion of the Christ - Mary Magdalene
2004 - Secret agents (Agents secrets) - Lisa
2004 - She hates me (She Hate Me) - Simone Bonasera
2005 - The Brothers Grimm - Mirror Queen
2005 - How much are you worth? (Combien tu m'aimes?) - Daniella
2006 - Sheitan - a beautiful vampire
2006 - The Brotherhood of Stone (Le concile de Pierre) - Laura Cyprien
2006 - I and Napoleon N (Io e Napoleone) - Baroness Emilia Speciali
2007 - Shoot them (Shoot "Em Up) - Donna Quintano
2007 - Love Tutorial: Stories (Manuale d'amore 2) - Capitoli successivi - Lucia
2007 - Second wind (Le deuxième souffle) - Manush
2008 - The man who loves (L'uomo che ama) - Alba
2008 - Mad Blood (Sanguepazzo) - Luisa Ferida
2009 - Baaria (Baaria) - mason girl
2009 - Tribute to Rome (Omaggio A Roma) - Tosca
2009 - The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Zhizhi Lee
2009 - Don't look back (Ne te retourne pas) - Jeanne No. 2
2010 - Rose, this is Paris (Rose, c "est Paris)
2010 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (The Sorcerer's Apprentice) - Veronica
2010 - Goody has everything (Get It at Goode's) - Magda
2010 - The Whistleblower - Laura Leviani
2011 - That summer of passion (Un été brûlant) - Angela
2011 - Love. Instructions for use (Manuale d "am3re) - Viola
2011 - Guardian of the Harem - Kosem
2012 - Rhino Season (Rhino Season) - Mina
2013 - Love in a square (Des gens qui s "embrassent) - Giovanna
2014 - Miracles (Le meraviglie) - Milly Catena
2015 - Love and War (On the Milky Road)
2015 - 007: Specter - Lucia Sciarra
2016 - On the Milky Way (On the Milky Road)

From an interview with Monica Bellucci:

- Do you have favorite roles?

No, I like them all. Even in those films that did not see the light of day or failed at the box office. Each next job allows you to grow professionally, and this is the most important thing.

You are a recognized sex symbol, a standard of beauty for a huge number of people around the world. How do you feel about this?

It's very easy to be beautiful. An elegant bag, expensive shoes, a dress. I don't do anything special. I arrive at the hotel, open my luggage, arrange my wardrobe, and there I have Versace, Dolce & Gabanna, Dior ... I put on something, and - it's done! I don't put any effort into it. It rarely brings me to Venice or Cannes, twice a year at best. The rest of the time I'm at home with my daughter or on set. In both cases, I wear something like a T-shirt and jeans.

Monica Bellucci on marriage:

“The love stories of this film take place in Italy, where the position of women is still different than in the USA or England – there is still no complete equality of men and women. The basis of women's freedom is material independence, which gives you the right to choose the man you want. I realized this when I was still young and growing up in Italy. I have never been a kept woman and have never paid with a man's credit card for my purchases. And marriage for me was just a romantic act, not a financial contract.”

Monica Bellucci about children:

“When I was young, I was immersed in my work and lived it. I didn't want to have kids then because I didn't want to feel guilty about not giving them enough time. Later, when I got older, my career faded into the background, and my work no longer takes away my mother from my children. On the other hand, I don’t want to not work at all - every mother has the right to her happiness, her interests and hobbies, otherwise she will not be a good mother.

Monica Bellucci about herself:

“All these lists and ratings are created by some other people, without my participation. Yes, I feel that I have some kind of image, but, in general, I'm just an ordinary woman. To be honest, I don't pay much attention to labels. What do other people think of me? It's not important for me."

Monica Bellucci on plastic surgery:

“So far I am against plastic surgery, but, on the other hand, I don’t know what will happen in another 10 years. I can say that I hate it when young girls get plastic surgery. They have nothing to change! No matter how beautiful they look after the operation, it is unnatural. The way you feel about yourself and your body - it all comes from love. Love makes us love ourselves."

very feminine, gorgeous Monica Bellucci. Monica Bellucci was born on September 30, 1964 in Citta di Castello, Italy. The girl was born in spite of the doctors, who diagnosed Monica's mother with infertility.

In the natal chart of the actress, all four elements are harmoniously represented. Ascendant in Capricorn - everything that is done makes sense and is aimed at achieving a practical goal. She is a bright representative of the Libra sign, one of the most calm signs of the Zodiac. In fact, Monica is not a typical Libra because the Sun is the only planet in this sign. She is more influenced by Leo and Capricorn.

She is harmonious and whole. At the same time, the star is a proud, proud and bright woman, as evidenced by the location of three planets in Leo - Venus, Mars and the Moon. Impulsiveness and generosity are also inherent in her. Venus in Leo square Jupiter and opposition Saturn. Venus is strong because it rules the Sun in Libra. This is a feature, namely the ability to assert one's rights in the world of fashion and art, and also portends glory.

“Luxurious forms are not in fashion? So I'm against fashion! M. Bellucci

In Monica's horoscope, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto are in Virgo, which means that nature has rewarded her with a lively mind and a good memory, she is erudite, pragmatic and sometimes even prudent. In her youth, in addition to her native language, Monica mastered French and English to perfection, and also learned the basics of Spanish. Beauty did not prevent Monica from making a brilliant career and being known as an intelligent woman in society.

In the natal chart of Bellucci, a large cluster of planets in the sign of Leo, as well as a favorable aspect of the Sun in Libra. Such interaction indicates that she is sociable, charming, sweet, knows how to properly present herself in society, and has creative abilities.

Ever since her school years, Monica has been a noticeable, bright and beautiful girl. Her classmates did not like her, which, in fact, is not surprising, because all the attention of the boys was riveted to her. She studied well, dreamed of becoming a lawyer (Neptune in the 9th house) and even entered the University of Perugia at the desired faculty. And in order not to ask her parents for her life, she moonlighted as a model.

Neptune in conjunction with the 10th house is a person of art, acting talent. It is also evidence of fame, popularity. With this arrangement of Neptune, good opportunities are created for successful creative work, and prospects for successful work in the professional field open up. Neptune gives great worldly wisdom, contributes to the increase of spiritual and material values. Neptune is a higher octave, in this position it makes the image of Bellucci's beauty perfect. In addition, she is one of the few models who successfully changed her career from a fashion model to a career in films. Monica is talented and very capable. He grasps any innovations on the fly, is not afraid to experiment.

“It is very important for me to look for and find unusual roles and see if I can fulfill them. Someone told me that inside all artists there are sleeping beauties, and every time you play a role, one of these beauties wakes up. We have everything inside of us. We just need to see it." M. Bellucci

The tense aspect from Saturn in Aquarius to Jupiter in Taurus indicates that Bellucci achieved her place under the sun solely thanks to herself, without any connections and help. The actress was born in a poor family and from childhood she understood that she would have to achieve everything in her life herself, so she never sat idly by, did not allow herself long time-outs in her career. She is always in demand.

Jupiter is at 25 degrees Taurus (degrees Jupiter) in an earth sign visiting Venus, a bright position in the chart. It gives self-confidence, on the one hand, and the benevolence of the surrounding world, on the other, contributes to the achievement of a high social level and material wealth. On the one hand, a calm disposition, peacefulness, accommodating, on the other - firmness, determination, steadfastness. Love for family and home comfort.

North Node in 5th house - South Node in 11th house. The task is to learn to live in the present and comprehend the world of creativity. The axis of the lunar nodes emphasizes the confrontation between personal (5th house) and public (11th house) life, makes you choose between love and friendship. The ascending node indicates that creativity, love and children should be the main content of life. The circumstances of fate will help in every possible way in realizing these potentials. This position of the Nodes indicates that the greatest gift that a person can receive is now given - the power to create one's own destiny.

“Beauty inspires poets, but offends mediocre people. Someone perceives beauty as an insult. Beauty provokes curiosity and rage, makes people aggressive. When a beautiful woman enters a room, most men feel desire and most women feel anger.” M. Bellucci

A very active 8th house in the chart, Monica Bellucci was never afraid to take risks and act in provocative films (“Irreversible”, “Malena”), she did not hesitate to act naked in erotic scenes. Pluto in the 8th house gives a certain charisma to a person, great sex appeal and magical attraction.

“I don’t understand women who say that male desire humiliates them. I think they're just out of tune with themselves."


The combination of the Moon, Venus and Mars in Leo indicates the deep and passionate nature of the actress. She is able to build a stable relationship with a man whom she respects and sincerely loves. But, she has an ascendant in Capricorn - as a partner, Monica is quite complicated. The Capricorn Ascendant is faithful to the partner, attached to him and treats the family with great responsibility, but the partner may lack warmth and tenderness. Not surprisingly, Capricorns quite often suffer from unrequited love. But no matter what happens in the family, they rarely get divorced. If a break still occurs, then only at the initiative of the partner.

Venus opposing Saturn in Aquarius shows some tension between the need to be independent and to be loved dearly. Venus is the planet of love and tenderness, Saturn is the planet of restrictions and contraction. This aspect brings coldness and detachment into relationships, problems in love.

In the map, Venus square Neptune brings idealism into the sphere of love, the search for ideal love, usually such a woman attracts unsuitable partners who are not inclined to constancy.

As Bellucci commented, the reason for her divorce from Vincent is that coldness appeared in their relationship, they both have different hobbies, different friends and different plans for life.

“An ideal marriage, no one knows how many years it can last ... Today it is perfect, but in a year, I don’t know,” Monica Bellucci said in an interview in April of this year. Also in an interview, she spoke about the main need in life - the need to love and be loved.

Interesting Facts

  • In herself, the actress, according to her confession, most of all "loves her hands" and "her own manner of going towards others."
  • In 1999, she took 6th place in the Maxim magazine's "50 Sexiest Women" rating.
  • In 2000, she took 9th place in Maxim magazine's "100 Sexiest Women" ranking.
  • In 2002 and 2004, she topped the list of the most beautiful women on the AskMen's website.
  • At the very beginning of her career, she became the face of the D & G brand, posed for the famous Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani and Richard Avedon, who once photographed Marilyn Monroe.

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