Could there be a third world war? Three days of darkness. Is it possible to avoid bloodshed?

According to the discussion participants, the Third World War could begin with nuclear strike North Korea. For clarity, interlocutors use the notation "4/26", meaning April 26, 2017. Observant forum users have noticed several significant events that suggest that the world is one step away from the apocalypse.


In the largest American cities - New York and New Jersey - large-scale exercises were recently held in case of nuclear attack. True, a representative of the US Federal Emergency Management Agency said that the guesses of online conspiracy theorists should not be taken seriously, and the exercise plan was approved last year.

In mid-April, it was reported that Google searches for World War III had reached an all-time high. The reasons for the increased attention to this topic are: missile strike US air base in Syria, growing tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, Russian strategic bombers overflying Alaska, frequent flights of the so-called "airplane" doomsday"in the United States and active movements of Chinese and Russian troops near the border with the DPRK.

A few days ago, the Portuguese clairvoyant Horacio Villegas announced the date of the beginning of the Third World War. He told British media that he had a prophetic dream. In it, “balls of fire fell from the sky to the ground, and people ran and tried to hide from the destruction.” According to the psychic, these balls symbolized nuclear missiles that are attacking cities around the world.

The clairvoyant is sure: Third World War will begin on May 13, 2017, the 100th anniversary of the last apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. And the fighting will end on October 13, but “it will be too late for many.” Villegas warned that entire nations were threatened with destruction.

According to the psychic, all his predictions are correct. In 2015, he said that Donald Trump would become the US president who would bring war to the world. Villegas also predicted that the American leader would attack Syria and ultimately ruin relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Other forecasts have previously been made regarding the Third World War. The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga said that the war would begin after Syria fell. Matrona of Moscow also left her prophecy about a possible world war, but, according to her, a catastrophe will not happen - Russia will act as a peacemaker, which will not allow a big war to start.

The prophecy about the coming Third World War is thought-provoking. What the oracles and soothsayers wrote and said about the beginning of the Third World War is a very important topic in our time. The situation that is this moment created in the world is, to put it mildly, alarming.

Untied on Ukraine Civil War, gives the EU and the USA a reason to blame Russia for what is happening, and at the same time introduce sanctions under this pretext, accusing them of all sins. Moreover, things are not calm in the Middle East. Nostradamus about the Third World War In the works of the Great Foreteller, there is a reminder of the Third World War. They say that three Antichrists will appear on earth, and each of them will bring a world war. This must happen before the Age of Aquarius takes over and the Second Coming of Christ occurs. The first Antichrist must revive the era of Babylon, and introduce sinfulness into humanity, making arrogance and pride the norm. The Antichrist, who will come next, in the descriptions of Nostradamus is similar to Hitler, since he comes from the Rhine from the land of Attila. Having waited for the third Antichrist, the world will howl from his cruelty, because he will surpass Emperor Nero in his ruthlessness. His cunning and cruelty, torture and torture will be applied to everyone indiscriminately. Perhaps he will be the instigator of the third world war.

What did Vanga say about World War III? An important thing in Vanga’s prophecy about the beginning of the third world war is that it talks about the fall of Syria, as a harbinger of the outbreak terrible war. An assassination attempt on the leaders of four countries will begin the spread of the conflict, and this will happen in small country. The war will bring devastation to almost all of Europe. People will have to starve and beg. A terrible disaster will come to almost every European home. Nowadays, we are watching how Syria is already a large number of time is experiencing a civil military conflict, which means we are living in an alarming period of time. Astrologer Pavel Globa Predictions Pavel Globa, fortunately, is not associated with the beginning of the Third World War in the near future. The Russian seer set an important condition that a war should not break out in Iran, since if it does, a third world war cannot be avoided. Participants in the “Battle of Psychics” also talked about the Third World War. Project participant Alipiyana predicted the beginning of the Third World War in Russia. The first marker of the beginning of the war will be the removal of a dead person who died a long time ago. The war will overwhelm all of Europe and plunge it into chaos, destruction and poverty. At the end of the war, Europeans will suffer the consequences of the war. In Russia, thanks to tough laws, the people will be able to get out of the crisis, but at the same time in order to have material goods, the population will undergo a chipping procedure. Some participants predicted the outbreak of war in 2014. So Alexey Pokhabov predicted the outbreak of war in Russia, and the consequence would be the Third World War, which would cover all of humanity and bring a terrible outcome for the entire earth. But you shouldn’t always believe all the predictions, because mistakes are human. It is always necessary to believe in the best, and with the help of your will bring the best to life.

Today, many international experts are asking this question, but, according to the military, it is inevitable! Most likely, most readers will not be surprised to learn that it will begin for only two reasons:

    Because of oil, which absolutely all civilized countries need.

    Due to the fact that new states have begun to actively develop, which leads to increased competition for superpowers.

In general, the Third World War is one that will be deployed to maintain its position on the world stage.

Who might start the Third World War?

It is worth noting that the answer to this question is extremely unexpected, from Iran! The whole point is that in Lately this country shows great ambitions in the field of nuclear energy, which the United States clearly does not like. Moreover, America really hoped that Israel would cope with Iran, whose air force in 1981 destroyed the first nuclear project Iraq, thereby preventing the region from developing. But unlike its neighbor, Iran took into account the possibility of such a scenario, and starting from the first works, distributed all the objects evenly across the country, and even underground. Simply put, it is possible to take away nuclear weapons from Iran only with the help of an infantry military operation, but it will actually provoke the outbreak of the Third World War. It is also worth noting that Iran is ready to defend its interests, which led to the rapid and, most importantly, effective rearmament of the army. By the way, the Iranian army occupied very convenient heights, which, regardless of the size of the conflict, makes the state extremely strong.

And what does World War III have to do with it?

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons in the quantities in which the United States has them, then America will no longer be able to dictate its terms in the region, which means that oil prices will increase significantly. To fully understand the situation, it must be said that the region contains 90% of its oil from Europe and America, that is, an increase in prices will lead to an even greater crisis, and this is not acceptable. It is also worth noting that Iran is not afraid of the Third World War due to the fact that, firstly, it has the ability to block the channel through which oil enters the United States and Europe, thereby paralyzing. Secondly, the “vaunted” American fleet will first of all try to enable tankers to pass through a dangerous section, which means that it itself will fall into a trap. Thirdly, Iran can count on the fact that if the 3rd World War begins, then, despite past conflicts, the state will be supported by Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria. Virtually all Muslim world will side with Iran during World War III.

What could make the situation even worse?

Please note that an additional factor for a possible Third World War is that China has its own interests and production in this region, which immediately places it next to Iran. Simply put, two countries are already emerging with nuclear weapons! By the way, we should not forget that Russia has an agreement on mutual cooperation and defense with the Celestial Empire, which can lead our country either to the role of a participant or to the role of a peacemaker.

It is worth noting that in a number of reasons for the development of the Third World War, it is necessary to mention our country, which is extremely unprofitable for oil prices to rise, since this will automatically lead to the loss of many client countries. And other interests of Russia will be violated, for example, any military operation can lead to accidental shots fired in our direction.

In order to make the situation more understandable, it should be noted that if the development of the plot of the Third World War goes this way, then the territory from Africa to the whole of Asia will be drawn into the conflict. And this is not to mention the neighboring countries, which will certainly suffer, the only question is from what, from artillery fire or from nuclear weapons!

What do Iranian civilians think about a possible World War 3?

This is very controversial issue, because on the one hand, the citizens of Iran are fanatically loyal to their ruler, which means they are not afraid of the outbreak of the Third World War, and on the other hand, they began to buy Azerbaijani lands en masse, as they say, just in case. If you believe experts from Azerbaijan, the percentage of land purchases by Iranians has increased by 30 indicators over the year, which suggests that they are waiting for the start of the 3rd World War.

When will World War III start?

This question is perhaps the only one on which both military and civilian experts cannot say anything. That conflict and those political intrigues mentioned above are happening right now, which suggests that World War 3 could start at any moment. And if we take into account the mentality of the Muslim community and their universe, then a military clash will raise more and more hordes of people ready to fight to the end.

The only country that could somehow resolve the conflict is Turkey, but it is not ready to take on the role of a peacemaker, either out of indifference, or out of fear of losing all that oil. Surprised? Yes, Türkiye depends 30% on the mood of the region we are discussing!

Well, in conclusion, it’s worth saying that you won’t envy the people who will have to wear army uniforms and hold the rank of soldiers on the fields of World War 3, which means we need to hope that a military clash can still be avoided.

Every day the probability of the outbreak of a third world war increases. Problems such as international terrorism and tension in international relations, are pushing the world towards this terrible process. Some people believe that there will be no Third World War, some that it has already begun, and others that it has already passed. Let's understand and analyze together.

Experts attribute these arguments to a geopolitical war. Despite the fact that there were local wars on the territory of other states, direct military conflict between big amount there were no countries.

Has a world war begun?

Quite often, the Third World War was “started” by the media and some politicians. They announced the beginning of the third world war in 1999, after the NATO operation in Yugoslavia, when the country was subjected to massive bombing. Then after the start military operation The US in Afghanistan in 2001 and after the US and allied military invasion of Iran in 2003 - in both cases ostensibly to combat terrorism. Also, two more military conflicts: the intervention in Libya since 2011 by NATO countries, as well as the conflict in Syria, were often considered to be the beginning of the world war. A new reason to talk about the beginning of the next world war in 2014 was given by the events in Ukraine, when after a coup d’etat a civil war began in this country, against the backdrop of attempts to separate two regions from the state.

Is World War III going on? We can definitely say that no. A world war is a global conflict in which a large number of countries are involved, and they must be direct participants in this military conflict. The above wars are local, even though a number of countries indirectly participate in them.

Will it or not?

Probably in modern realities Many of us are wondering: will there be a new world war or not?

Despite the fact that there are plenty of prerequisites for the outbreak of a world war today, it will not happen.

To start a war, a real and weighty prerequisite is needed, but, despite all the existing disagreements between countries, there is none. Local wars, such as in the Middle East, will not develop into world wars. As for the situation in Ukraine, it will also not lead to a world war: in fact, this conflict is intrastate and only in this plane lies its outcome.

What will this war be like?

In order to finally answer the question of the likelihood of a Third World War, it is enough to imagine the scale of a possible global conflict. This war will not be a guerrilla war, but a missile war; in fact, the army soldiers will not even leave their places of permanent deployment.

Conventional missile strikes will lead to thousands of casualties, but if they are used nuclear missiles, then the number of victims will be in the millions. Which country can win in such a war, when it will have catastrophic consequences for itself? Everyone understands this perfectly well, so no one will dare to take such an insane step that could lead to the death of most of humanity.

According to astrologers, until 2018, such a tense situation will remain on our planet: local wars, geopolitical battles and international terrorism. However, no matter how tense the situation, there will be no world war.

Who will be the parties?

Based on history, Russia took part in the past two world military conflicts. Is World War III threatening Russia?

Russia is a peaceful country that advocates an end to all military conflicts and advocates a diplomatic solution to all issues. Russia will certainly not be the first to engage in a military conflict, no matter how much it is provoked. Starting a war against Russia is also illogical, since it not only has nuclear weapons, but also a strong and well-equipped army.

Who can act as other parties in a modern world war? USA and European Union they will not start a world war. Even if they are in tandem, they will not start a war with Russia for the reasons listed above.

As for China, another significant player in the political arena, this country is close to the ideals of Russia; they also advocate peace and are resolutely against war.

Without the participation of these key players in the military conflict, there will be no world war.

Let's hope that we will be right in our forecasts. Peace to you!

Will there be a third world war? Famous prophets from all over the world answer this question with frightening unanimity...

According to search engine data Google systems Over the past few days, the search term "World War 3" has become one of the most popular. Indeed, the current political situation in the world is alarming. And if you read the prophecies of predictors on this topic, then the possibility of a third world war breaking out in 2017 no longer seems so ephemeral.

All the predictions of the medieval seer are very vague, but modern interpreters believe that he predicted the Third World War in the following prophecy:

"Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, this war will come from the territory of modern Iraq and will last 27 years.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has never spoken directly about World War III, but she has a prophecy about the serious consequences of military action in Syria. This prediction was made in 1978, when nothing foreshadowed the horrors that are now happening in this Arab country.

“Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

Interpreters of Vanga's predictions believe that this prophecy speaks of an upcoming war between East and West, which will arise on the basis of religious contradictions. After Syria falls, a bloody war will unfold in Europe.

Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets spoke about the prediction of Jonah of Odessa. When asked whether there will be a Third World War, the elder replied:

"Will. A year after my death everything will begin. In one country smaller than Russia, very serious sentiments will arise. This will last two years and end big war. And then there will be a Russian Tsar"

The elder died in December 2012.

Rasputin has a prophecy about three snakes. Interpreters of his predictions believe that we are talking about three world wars.

“Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving behind ashes and smoke, they have one home - and this is the sword, and they have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword.”
Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman is a famous American soothsayer who predicted the events of September 11 in New York. She also predicted catastrophic natural disasters, terrible epidemics and nuclear wars.

“I looked at the Middle East and saw a missile come out of Libya and hit Israel, and there was a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran, but the Iranians were hiding it in Libya. I knew what it was nuclear bomb. Almost immediately, missiles began to fly from one country to another, and this quickly spread throughout the world. I also saw that many of the explosions were not from missiles, but from ground bombs."

Sarah also claimed that Russia and China would attack the United States:

"I saw Russian troops who invaded the United States of America. I saw them... mostly on East Coast... I also saw that Chinese troops had invaded the West Coast... It was nuclear war. I knew this was happening all over the world. I did not see most this war, but it was not very long..."

Hoffman said the Russians and Chinese would probably lose this war.

The seer and elder Seraphim Vyritsky undoubtedly possessed the gift of foresight. Back in 1927, he predicted World War II. According to eyewitnesses, already in the post-war period, one of the singers turned to him with the words:

“Dear father! How good it is now – the war is over, the bells are ringing in all the churches!”

To this the elder replied:

“No, that's not all. There will still be more fear than there was. You will meet her again..."

According to the elder, troubles should be expected from China, which, with the support of the West, will seize Russia.

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, a Tula elder, believed that the Third World War would be very terrible and destructive, Russia would be drawn into it entirely, and China would be the initiator:

“There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast war, a missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth...As China goes, that’s how it all will begin.”

Elena Aiello (1895 - 1961) - Italian nun to whom Our Lady herself allegedly appeared. In his predictions, Aiello assigns the role of global invader to Russia. According to her, Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and conquer Europe. In another prophecy, the nun said that Russia would be almost completely burned.

Veronica Luken

American Veronica Luken (1923 - 1995) is the most beautiful soothsayer of all time, but this does not make her predictions any less terrible... Veronica claimed that for 25 years Jesus and the Virgin Mary appeared to her and told her about the destinies of humanity.

“Our Lady points to the map... Oh, my God!... I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa... My God! These countries are very dark. Our Lady says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child”
“The war will intensify, the massacre will become more intense. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity."
“Syria has the key to peace, or to World War III. Three quarters of the world will be destroyed..."

1981 prediction

“I see Egypt, I see Asia. I see a lot of people, all of them marching. They look like the Chinese. Ah, they are preparing for war. They sit on tanks... All these tanks are coming, a whole army of people, there are many of them. So many! Many of them look like little children..."
“I see Russia. They (Russians) are sitting at a big table... I think they are going to go to war... I think they are going to go to war in Egypt and Africa. And then mother of God said: “Gathering in Palestine. Gathering in Palestine"
Joanna Southcott A mysterious clairvoyant from England who predicted the French Revolution prophesied in 1815:
“When war breaks out in the east, know that the end is near!”

Finally, a little optimism from Juna. When asked about World War III, the famous healer replied:

“My intuition never fails me... There will be no Third World War. Categorically!"

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