Nuclear strike simulator. Nuclear bombing simulator: what will happen to your house? Games to release atomic bombs from an airplane

The support and operation of the Google Earth Browser Plugin. This was the core technology that allowed NUKEMAP3D to function.

As of this writing (2019), there are no viable replacements for the Google Earth Browser Plugin currently available (that is, there are no in-browser, publicly-accessible APIs that duplicate whole-Earth coverage of buildings and allow developers to import their own model files dynamically). If a viable replacement becomes available, NUKEMAP3D will return.

What did NUKEMAP3D do and look like?

NUKEMAP3D was a mashup between the and the Google Earth Browser Plugin, created by in 2013. It allowed a user to see the ground effects of a nuclear weapon over any city in the world in 3D, as well as render a size-accurate mushroom cloud for any given yield of nuclear weapons. The goal was to help give a human understanding of nuclear weapons detonations: everyone has seen photographs of nuclear mushroom clouds, but few people have any sense of how large they actually are. Even a "small" nuclear weapon (by modern standards), like those used over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is many times larger than anything human beings have ever built. By engaging the third dimension, something more intuitive triggers in the brain, even more so than the 2D representations possible in the original NUKEMAP.

Some screenshots from NUKEMAP3D have been preserved (click to see full-sized):

20 kilotons on Manhattan, viewed airplane height

20 kilotons on mid-town Manhattan, as viewed from nearer to the surface, with the Statue of Liberty and downtown Manhattan for scale

20 kilotons on Manhattan (animated GIF; you could have the cloud rise in real-time, which would take about 10 minutes)

20 kilotons on Boston, viewed from airplane height

20 kilotons on Washington, DC, viewed from airplane height

20 kilotons on Washington, DC, viewed from the Library of Congress

20 kilotons on downtown Manhattan, as viewed from the New York Academy of Medicine (upper east side), with the application interface visible

800 kilotons on New York City, as viewed from airplane height at a substantial distance

800 kilotons on New York City, as viewed from Low Earth Orbit (i.e., the International Space Station)

A very high yield detonation (I don't remember the exact yield; probably at least 10 megatons), as seen from a very far distance, demonstrating both its great height but also how high yield detonations had extremely wide mushroom tops. One of my favorite demonstrations of NUKEMAP3D was to show that if atmospheric conditions were unrealistically clear, the mushroom cloud from a 1 megaton detonation in Washington, DC, would be visible from the torch in the Statue of Liberty.

For more information about the creation of the code, see the .

What alternatives to NUKEMAP3D exist?

At the moment, the only easy alternative is to use the "s experimental KMZ output option. To use it, set up any detonation(s) you want to view in 3D in NUKEMAP, and then, click on "Advanced Options":

Scroll down to the end of the "Advanced Options" and you"ll find a link that says "Export to KMZ":

Clicking that opens up the "Export to KMZ" options. There are a lot of options but you probably just want to leave the default ones and click "Download File." But you"re welcome to experiment with the other options if it doesn't look the way you"d like it to, or you want it to show fallout or the fireball.
Once you"ve download the KMZ file (named nukemap.kmz by default), you can then open it in the free Google Earth Pro desktop application :

As noted, this functionality is still experimental. It does not always reliably export fallout plumes, for example. And the Google Earth desktop application does not render buildings at the same distance as the plugin did, so it doesn't quite give the same effect. Note that once it is in Google Earth Pro, you can toggle off the various components of the model as "layers" in the sidebar.

What is the future of the NUKEMAP3D code?

If a viable replacement for the Google Earth Browser Plugin becomes available, I will port the code over to it. Google Map's WebGL codebase seems to support 3D buildings like the Google Earth Browser Plugin once did, but they have not opened the API up to developers. It is not clear they will (Google's profit motivation largely has led to it kill such initiatives from what I can tell).

A NUKEMAP-VR project is currently under development at the Stevens Institute of Technology using the effects codes of NUKEMAP3D. It may be able to provide an interesting alternative to the browser plugin, though a VR application will (for the time being) be much more limited in terms of who can access it, and its ability to render cities. (Google has been developing a Google Earth VR API, but they have denied my application to develop on it, because they are interested primarily in video game developers at this point. Sigh.)

If you"re a software developer with other ideas or connections with companies who could facilitate further work on this, please feel free to get in touch with me. The closest thing out there to the Google Earth Browser Plugin is Cesium , but it doesn't" t yet have global building support and so can "t really be used to give a sense of mushroom cloud scale.

The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for purposes that violate the current laws of your state.

This nuclear strike simulator was implemented in connection with the intensity of events in the global geopolitical arena, which threaten to escalate into a third world war with the use of nuclear weapons. Thanks to this simulator, everyone can determine the radius of destruction in the event of the use of nuclear weapons in his locality, thus understanding whether he lives in a safe place. According to many experts, the Third World War is inevitable, and if we analyze historical events, then world wars always took place once in 50-70 years. And now we live in ... a year, science has taken a big step in human evolution, many discoveries in medicine are saving people who were previously considered hopelessly ill, at the same time, man has come up with weapons of mass destruction, which include nuclear weapons capable of hitting large areas destroying everything in its path and the buildings and people living in it. The fact that the Third World War will be fought with the help of nuclear weapons is no longer a secret to anyone, states spend so much money on their maintenance not just to store them in warehouses. Our simulator allows, in the event of a possible nuclear strike, to calculate the radius of the wave and the degree of damage from a nuclear bomb of one or another power. By default, the map shows the capitals of the world, which during the third world war may be subject to a nuclear attack. The geographical center of the settlement is marked on the map. Also, after a simulated nuclear strike, the simulator provides a link to the permanent parameters of this explosion, which you can distribute to your friends and warn them of the danger that they may face if a third world war begins with the use of nuclear weapons.

It is worth noting that nuclear weapons pose a great threat primarily to people living in megacities. In the event of an alarm warning of a nuclear threat, the inhabitants of the same Moscow will be plunged into panic, which will reduce the chances of survival to zero. If you are now reading this note, I give you valuable advice that can save your life. In the event that nuclear weapons are already on the way, and Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kyiv are in a panic, leave your car or any other vehicle and run to the subway. Remember, you need to be in time 5 minutes before the nuclear weapon hits the target, exactly 5 minutes before the arrival of the atomic charge, the airlocks at the subway entrances will close tightly and no matter how you knock, they will not open. If at least one airlock remains open, then the wave from a nuclear strike will penetrate the subway tunnels and destroy everyone.

Warn your friends and loved ones about the dangers of nuclear weapons and how to escape from them in case of an alarm. Be vigilant and take care of yourself!

Nuclear bombing simulator: what will happen to your house?

All these questions can be answered by a new interactive map.

Outrider Foundation released interactive simulator of nuclear explosions , which is similar to the map of nuclear explosions created by researcher Alex Wellersten at Stevens Institute of Technology.

On this map, you can enter your zip code, then choose the type of nuclear bomb, and even decide whether it will fall directly on the ground (the best option) or explode in the atmosphere (which is much worse).

What is the purpose of this experiment? Dr. Tara Drozdenko of the Outrider Foundation says: “We live in a dangerous world. Nuclear weapons do not enhance security, quite the contrary. And if we understand its danger, then we will take the first step towards a safer future.”

In the context of a military conflict, mutual threats and accusations of using prohibited weapons are a common occurrence in information battles. So, quite recently, information appeared in the blogosphere about the possible use of ultra-low-yield nuclear weapons in the Luhansk region. In reality, a scenario in which one of the warring parties would use tactical nuclear weapons is highly unlikely. And it is practically impossible to hide the use of atomic weapons.

Alas, very few townsfolk fully realize what troubles an atomic explosion can do. For those who want to get an idea of ​​what kind of destruction even a small nuclear weapon can cause, we recommend visiting the resource developed by historian Alex Wellerstein of the American Institute of Physics in Maryland. The NukeMap3D site is designed to simulate a nuclear explosion in various parts of the globe.

NukeMap3D uses Google maps to represent terrain. The simulator itself is not particularly visually realistic, but it gives a more or less accurate idea of ​​the extent of the damage in the explosion of an atomic bomb. Unlike computer games, in which nuclear explosions take place in the plot, NukeMap3D is based on the results of real tests of atomic weapons in the period from 1945 to our time.

To work with the service, you will need an ordinary browser with the Google Earth plugin installed. In the settings panel on the right, you can select the city that should be bombed, and at the same time set the power of the charge in kilotons. After the "explosion" NukeMap3D will show the radius of destruction, the potential number of victims and the area of ​​distribution of radioactive fallout. In the simulator parameters, you can also set the strength and direction of the wind, the position of the observer, the type of visualization, etc.

The most spectacular is the "Animated mushroom cloud" mode, which allows real-time observation of the growth and cooling of the nuclear fungus. For more accurate information about the explosion, it is better to use "Effects circles". This mode allows you to get data on the size of the fireball, the width of the zone of lethal radioactive contamination and the propagation of the shock wave.

In a row, this is the third version of the online simulator. The previous two versions also used Google maps, but without the 3D effects. If NukeMap3D lacks anything today, it's the ability to "test" in various environments (earth, water, stratosphere), as well as visualize the destruction caused by the explosion.

Welcome to the coolest online arcade game of the new generation. Hundreds of players gather here every day in one battle. To start the game you need to register. To do this, enter your login, password and your e - mail and it's done. All players play as small bombermen who run around the battlefield and try to destroy opponents. You have to use all your cunning and tactical skills to blow up and kill enemies. The game has a lot of bonuses and now we will tell you a little about them. The most common bonus is the bomb. You can collect bombs and replenish them in total, which does not exceed a total of sixteen pieces. Fire and rollers follow. The rollers add one point to the speed, and the fire increases the radius of the explosion. But one of the permanent bonuses is a kick. With it, you can constantly kick your opponents. The bat will help you throw bombs over one obstacle. The jelly bonus will help your bombs bounce off the walls. The detonator gives a certain amount of radio bombs, which are still useful in our business. One of the rarest and coolest power-ups is jet boots. Thanks to them, you can jump over any obstacle. Indeed, this can only be done once. Another mega-cool bonus is called a nuclear charge. It makes the player a walking nuclear bomb that only activates when the owner dies. Blue fire turns your bomb into blue and this increases over the limit. With such bombs and strong blocks you can go. And here are two defense bonuses you should definitely catch. These bonuses are a shield and a heart. The shield allows you to survive one death, and the heart retains half of the bonuses you collected before you were blown up. In addition to bonuses, the game has several other features. One of them is blocks and walls. They come in varying degrees of density. Some of them can be destroyed with one or two bombs, and some cannot be taken with anything. Such a structure as a column can only be passed by the owner of the reduction. Chests store useful items. Rocks contain ores that add points to you. And such tricky items as arrows can only let players pass in one direction. To hide from enemies, you must find a house. Even more interesting details of the game you have to find out on your own. Have a nice game!

4.2914862914863 (Game ratings 693)

Game controls:

  • Arrows or WASD - move
  • Space or K - plant the bomb / start the game
  • Spacebar hold and release - throw a bomb at a distance
  • Shift or L - detonate the radio bomb
  • Q - map
  • Enter - open/close chat/send message
  • P - full screen mode
  • F - use jet boots
  • I - hide in the house
  • TAB - score table

As long as there is a nuclear weapon on our planet, there is always a small chance that it will be used.
Already applied. The Japanese are very well aware of the power of this weapon.
Many people may have a question - "What will happen if a nuclear bomb explodes in my city?".
So, the Nuclear Weapons Simulator will help to give an answer and shed light on this horrific event.
The site will give answers to many questions.

So. Question: What will happen if a nuclear bomb falls on your city?

The atomic bomb appeared at the end of World War II and was used against the Japanese.
It turned out that this is a very effective weapon if you need to insectize an entire city. The device is based on a chain reaction of nuclear fission of heavy isotopes,
mainly plutonium and uranium. At the same time, a tremendous amount of energy is released and a whole set of damaging factors is formed.
Since then, a new scarecrow has appeared for the masses.

An atomic bomb is capable of turning a small city into rubble at a time.
But, a hydrogen bomb can turn a small country into a desert.

As one sergeant used to say:
How should a soldier hold a machine gun during a nuclear explosion?
-During a nuclear explosion, a soldier must hold the machine gun at outstretched arms,
so that the molten iron does not burn through the boots.
Treasury property must be protected!!!

What should be done to simulate a nuclear explosion?
On the site, select the point of impact, or simply select the capital of any state.
Then, we choose the yield of the bomb in tons. The service provides options from real-life or tested bombs.
Presses the BLOW button ...... and BOOM!

For example, bang on our "friends" in Washington.

and in response, they are in Moscow ... If they can)

We enjoy the result, we look at the destruction zones.
The scale and zones of everything that will be destroyed are simply impressive.

It is nuclear weapons that pose a great threat to people living in cities. Advice in case of anxiety
warning of a nuclear strike, panic will begin, and the chances that you will be able to survive will be equal to zero.

Advice from civil defense:
In the event that nuclear weapons are already on the way, and the city is in a panic, throw the car and run with a bullet into the subway.
You need to be in time before the nuclear weapon hits the target, exactly 5 minutes before the explosion, the airlocks at the subway entrances will close and they will not be opened.
If at least one airlock remains open, then the wave from a nuclear strike will penetrate the subway tunnels and destroy everyone.
And then, then the subway will be de-energized, the pumps will turn off, and it will simply be flooded. In any case, kayuk.

Whatever you say, humanity does not know how to learn from its own mistakes. Even if they are, paid for with the blood of millions. The pain of the Second World War has not subsided yet, but the prospect of the next one is already actively looming. Well, perhaps the most stable association with the phrase World War III is. And although everyone understands that there will be no winners in such a war, that people who survive in this hell, if they survive, of course, will envy the dead. But, in spite of this, the nuclear ghost is becoming more and more real.

One of the albeit indirect evidence of this can be considered the appearance on the Internet of various simulators of nuclear weapons. So, a nuclear weapon simulator appeared on our portal, which will be of interest to many. Well, as a weapon, this is a simulator of a nuclear strike on any city in the world. You choose the country and city, as well as the model of the nuclear charge that will be applied. Next, we press the button to blow up, well, we look at the characteristics and the number of people and buildings destroyed by various damaging factors of nuclear weapons. For realism, maps from Google are used. So, you can deliver specific strikes, even on individual streets.

You can say that such a simulator is a toy, albeit a scary one, but a toy. And it will be true. But this toy is another chance, albeit small and not at all scary on the monitor screen, to make at least someone change their minds, to think about who needs such blows and why. Perhaps tomorrow or in a year, people who have become familiar with the percentage of death and destruction from a nuclear charge dropped on a huge populated city will be able to do at least something to prevent this from happening.

The nuclear simulator is another, convenient and reliable opportunity to build a picture of the horror that will come in the event of a full-scale World War III, with the use of nuclear weapons. By the way, you can install such a nuclear weapon simulator on your website. To do this, you need to copy a special code available. In the simulator, there are only twenty types of warheads, but I think this is temporary modesty and in the near future, other models of nuclear weapons from various countries will be added.

The interface of the atomic bomb simulator is simple to primitive. But the impressions of dry and therefore even more terrible numbers are bright and not double-digit. So, for everyone interested in this issue, such a nuclear weapon simulator will be more than interesting.

It is worth noting that in the event of a start, many residents, in the hope of moving to a safe place, will use a nuclear explosion simulator to determine the affected area in the event of a bombing. Of course, it is difficult to understand where and when an atomic bomb will fall, but everyone must understand that such a powerful weapon will be used primarily not to destroy the civilian population, but to destroy military installations and ammunition depots. So, if you live near militarized areas, we recommend that you use a nuclear explosion simulator to calculate the possible coverage area. Depending on the significance and size of the military facility, estimate how powerful a nuclear charge can be and select the appropriate indicator from the list, or enter it manually.

It should be noted that this atomic explosion simulator is not scientific, that is, it does not contain exact numbers and indicators, it is only a clear example of what a terrible force you carry in yourself. Our service will help you find out where it will be safer to be if the threat of using such weapons is justified. No one knows whether it will take place or not, but as they say, you must always be on the alert. It is our nuclear explosion simulator that will allow you to warn yourself and your loved ones in the event of the outbreak of the Third World War.

You will be able to determine for yourself the safest place where you can temporarily hide from the impending threat. If a large-scale military confrontation does not begin and your place of residence is safe, you can return home. But if weapons of mass destruction are used, then our nuclear bomb simulator will save your life and those close to you.

Simulation of such a confrontation will allow military experts to predict the likely points of attack and, consequently, build a strategy to protect important objects. The nuclear war simulator is an indispensable tool in view of the growing threat that hangs over the world in the arena. Political interstate battles now and then develop into local clashes, but no one knows when they will turn into the scale of the Third World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

If it starts, then with the help of a nuclear war simulator you can find out in advance what the consequences of nuclear attacks on the capitals of large countries will be.

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