The problem of stress in the modern world. Stress is a reality of modern life

According to WHO, 45% of all diseases are related to stress. Stress (from the English stress - stress) - a state of general tension in the body that occurs in a person under the influence of an extreme stimulus. The founder of the doctrine of stress is the Canadian physiologist Hans Selye. The factor that causes stress is called stressor . Stressors can be both physical (heat, cold, noise, trauma, personal illnesses) and socio-psychological (joy, danger, family or work conflict situation, poor working conditions) factors. Regardless of the nature of the stressor, the body reacts to any such stimulus non-specifically, i.e. the same type of changes: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased levels of adrenal hormones in the blood.

Mechanism of stress is that, under the influence of a stressful stimulus, the hypothalamus produces a hormone that circulatory system enters the anterior pituitary gland, where it activates the synthesis of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the activity of the adrenal cortex, resulting in in large numbers hormones - corticosteroids, which in turn stimulate adaptive mechanisms, come in. In the concept of G. Selye, such changes in the body were called the general adaptation syndrome and the allocation of three phases in its structure: anxiety reactions, phases of resistance and phases of exhaustion.

1 phase - alarm reaction during which the body changes its characteristics. The sense organs through the peripheral receptors inform the central nervous system about the action of the damaging factor by the usual afferent pathways. This happens with the help of specific sensations (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, etc.). Signals from the cerebral cortex are sent to the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that controls and regulates the hormone-forming activity of the anterior pituitary gland, where the highest coordinating and regulatory centers of the autonomic and endocrine systems are located, sensitively capturing the slightest disturbances that occur in the body. Corticoliberin is secreted in the hypothalamus, which, with the blood entering the pituitary gland, causes an increase in the secretion of ACTH. ACTH is carried by the blood, entering the adrenal glands, causing the secretion of glucocorticoids, which create conditions in the body for adaptation and combating the stress factor. If the stressor is strong and acts for a long time, depletion of all glucocorticoid reserves in the adrenal cortex can occur and even its destruction. This can lead to death.

2 - resistance phase. If the action of the stressor is compatible with the possibilities of adaptation, the production of glucocorticoids is normalized, the body adapts. At the same time, the signs of the anxiety reaction disappear, and the level of resistance rises much higher than usual. The duration of this period depends on the innate adaptability of the organism and the strength of the stressor.

3 - phase of exhaustion. After a long action of the stressor to which the body has adapted, signs of an alarm reaction reappear, but changes in the adrenal cortex and other organs are already irreversible, and if the effect of the stressor continues, the individual dies.

Such is the dynamics of the general adaptation syndrome, but since all stressors also have a specific effect, they cannot always cause exactly the same responses. Even the same stimulus affects differently different people due to the uniqueness of internal and external conditions defining the reactivity of each. In the emergence of the adaptation syndrome, in addition to the hormones of the pituitary and adrenal glands, the nervous system also plays an important role, which determines the nature of the body's response to stress. Although the whole body is subjected to the general adaptation syndrome, will the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract or the brain may depend largely on random conditioning factors. In the body, as in a chain, the weakest link breaks, although all links are under load. That's why important role in the development of diseases under the influence of stress belongs to the initial state of the organism. A special place is occupied by emotional stressful situations, which, with frequent exposure, can cause depletion of the body's functional capabilities, which sharply weakens its ability to adapt to the influence of harmful factors.

Stress causes the same type of reaction, which is mediated through the hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal cortex. It is manifested by the classic triad: an increase in the adrenal cortex and its activity, atrophy of the thymus and lymph nodes, the appearance of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

The article is devoted to the problem of stress. Stress integral part life of every person, it cannot be avoided. But stressful influences should not exceed the adaptive capabilities of a person.

  • Stress and its features. Ways of mental self-regulation
  • Stress and its features. Methods and techniques of mental self-regulation

Stress is known to modern world concerns each of us without exception. Since a person in worldly turmoil is not able to withstand the tension, which is expressed in special situations of life, caused by a variety of reasons in nature. What exactly is stress in scientific terms?

Stress is a common and common occurrence. We all experience it at times—perhaps as an empty feeling in the back of our stomach when we stand up to introduce ourselves in class, or as increased irritability or insomnia during an exam session. Minor stresses are inevitable and harmless. Excessive stress is what creates problems for individuals and organizations.

Any event, fact or message can cause stress, i.e. become a stressor. Stressors can be a variety of factors: microbes and viruses, various poisons, high or low temperature environment, trauma, etc. But it turns out that any emotiogenic factors can be the same stressors, i.e. factors affecting emotional sphere person. This is all that can excite us, misfortune, a rude word, an undeserved insult, a sudden obstacle to our actions or aspirations.

Stressful situations arise both at home and at work. From a management perspective, the most interesting are the organizational factors that cause stress in the workplace. Knowing these factors and paying attention to them special attention will help prevent many stressful situations and increase the efficiency of managerial work, as well as achieve the goals of the organization with minimal psychological and physiological losses of personnel. After all, stress is the cause of many diseases, which means it causes significant harm to human health, while health is one of the conditions for success in any activity.

How to identify stress?

Signs of stress
  • Inability to focus on something.
  • Too frequent mistakes at work.
  • Memory worsens.
  • Too often there is a feeling of fatigue.
  • Very fast speech.
  • Thoughts often fly away.
  • Quite often there are pains (head, back, stomach area).
  • Increased excitability.
  • Work does not bring the former joy.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • The number of cigarettes smoked is increasing sharply.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Appetite is lost, the taste for food is generally lost.
  • Inability to finish work on time.
Causes of stress
  • Much more often you have to do not what you would like, but what you need, what is your responsibility.
  • You constantly do not have enough time - you do not have time to do anything.
  • Something or someone pushes you, you are constantly in a hurry somewhere.
  • It begins to seem to you that everyone around you is squeezed in the grip of some kind of internal tension.
  • You constantly want to sleep - you can not get enough sleep.
  • You see too many dreams, especially when you are very tired during the day.
  • You smoke a lot.
  • Drinking more alcohol than usual.
  • At home, in the family, at work, you have constant conflicts.
  • You constantly feel dissatisfied with life.
  • You get into debt without even knowing how to pay it off.
  • You have an inferiority complex.
  • You have no one to talk to about your problems, and there is no particular desire.
  • You do not feel respect for yourself - either at home or at work.

Stress is an integral part human existence, you just need to learn to distinguish between an acceptable degree of stress and too much stress. Research shows that physiological signs of stress include ulcers, migraines, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, asthma, and heart pain. Psychological manifestations include irritability, loss of appetite, depression, and decreased interest in interpersonal and sexual relations and etc..

So, there are countless causes of stress, and there is only one way to get out of stress: not to think and worry about what happened, but to think about what needs to be done in order to resolve the situation, about what to do next. This is a very correct position, here you do not lose your vitality, endlessly "chewing" an unpleasant event. What happened has already happened, and we cannot change it, we can only look ahead, get A New Look for life and always learn to get out of difficult situations as a winner.

10 secrets to dealing with stress

Secret 1. The belief that the situation is under control

No one is immune from sudden (pleasant or not) events that entail changes in the usual way of life. But, by and large, only we are responsible for our own schedule. Other people and external circumstances in most cases do not decide anything. A sense of control over what is happening is what is needed for peace of mind.

Do you feel like someone else is in control of your life? Then you are guaranteed stress. Of course, if you have authoritarian parents, a stubborn friend of the heart, or an unbalanced boss, it's hard to consider yourself the blacksmith of your own happiness. Try to avoid being the victim. Learn to find time for yourself every day. You can't change other people, but planning your own day is real.

Secret 2. Optimism...

Everyone knows the joke that the same glass of water can be half empty for a pessimist and half full for an optimist. Choice of calm and happy woman obvious: a positive outlook on things. It is given to someone by nature, and someone has to form it. The situation develops in our favor if we do everything that we consider necessary. So why do we let fear of potential failure take precedence over hope for the best? And the fear of failure breeds stress.

Secret 3 .... and at the same time realism

It is very useful to repeat to yourself that everything will be fine. But muttering this while closing your eyes and heading straight for the sewer is unwise. Alas, blind optimism is not a panacea. Sometimes it is better to accept the circumstances and patiently wait out an unfavorable situation.

This does not mean at all that those who are avoided by stress do not want and do not know how to dream. Nothing like this! They do it "professionally": they develop plans of action and can laugh at the naivety of their own delusions. It is also true that these people, having taken up the implementation of plan A, always keep in mind a backup plan B.

Secret 4. The ability to see the whole picture

If you want to get rid of stress - do not worry about the little things. The problem, from which there will be no trace in a couple of months, is simply not worth your nerves. We must learn to prioritize, including emotional ones. Always try to evaluate the upcoming day in the morning and choose the most important things to do. Whenever something gets in your way, ask yourself, “Am I making good use of my time?”

They answered “No” - postpone the solution of the problem until better times, having previously assessed its scale. For example, if a friend calls you in the middle of work, politely tell her that it's better to talk at a more convenient time. But if something very important happened to a friend - a real misfortune or, conversely, happy event, - then the conversation can turn out to be really very significant business.

Secret 5. Do not promise anything extra

We often create our own stress. One common mistake is telling people what they want to hear, not what is within your capacity. So much can be promised that it is simply impossible to fulfill all this.

You can't keep up with your volume and the stress doubles because you're letting people down. The solution is simple: learn to promise less than you can deliver. You will see, your friends will be delighted if you, albeit late, arrive at the party - after all, you said that you would not have time at all. Your boss will be pleased if you finish the report a day earlier instead of a week later.

Secret 6. Contacts with people

hundreds psychological research they say that as a result of communication, subject to the benevolent mood of the parties, the heart rate stabilizes and decreases blood pressure which means that people become calmer. So support good relations with those around you. And at the same time, do not always be just a vest in which everyone is crying - look for support yourself when you feel bad.

Secret 7. Health promotion

Stress caused by any diseases can be quite strong and at the same time acts on the sly. Do not underestimate the small malfunctions in the functioning of your body, promising yourself to take care of them as soon as the "hard times" are over.

The rules for dealing with depression include support and nourishment nervous system. Selenium, as well as antioxidants and B vitamins, will complement any vitamin complex especially if you're having a busy period. But they, of course, will not replace the two main components healthy life without stress - sleep and proper nutrition.

Secret 8. Save your energy

Protect your energy from external intrusions. We are surrounded by energy "black holes": those who are always irritated and dissatisfied with life do not find the best occupation other than trying to drag you into their mournful world. You know these people well. Stay away from energy vampires, but if collisions cannot be avoided, then try to isolate yourself from them negative impact. If you even mentally erect a protection of white radiance around you, you will lose less strength. And maybe even charge the unfortunate "vampire" with your positive energy.

Secret 9. Flexibility

If you want to achieve certain results, change everything - and even your own behavior. Flexibility is a very important trait for dealing with stress. For example, if you can't argue with your colleague, although you are sure that you are right, try listening to his arguments for a change. First, they certainly have common sense, secondly, by following the train of thought of the opponent, you will understand where he made a mistake, and it will be easier for you to direct his reasoning in the right direction. And thirdly, when you listen, they try to listen to you.

Secret 10. "Look far ahead!"

Whatever happens, don't take anything personally and don't look for your own fault. Instead of self-flagellation, try to learn from the difficult situation you are in. Do not give up and ask yourself: “Why did this happen right now? What can I do to turn everything in my favor? You may not find answers to these questions in the near future. But the fact that your thoughts are positive provides you with a stress-free future.


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Do you know how small, seemingly harmless worms destroy a huge, healthy and beautiful tree? They gradually, in all sorts of ways, penetrate inside the tree, settle there, multiply and gradually “undermine” it from the inside until the plant organism dies.

You know how small, seemingly harmless worms destroy a huge, healthy and beautiful tree? They gradually, in all sorts of ways, penetrate inside the tree, settle there, multiply and gradually “undermine” it from the inside, until plant organism won't die. IN modern society, like a tree, it has its own “worms”, which imperceptibly “undermine” it from the inside, turning it into a gradually dying and decrepit formation. Against the backdrop of the modern frantic pace of life and the abundance of information in the world of people, stress and depression act as worms. The scale of activity of these pests for last years acquired colossal proportions. And this is truly the scourge of modern society!

Most recently, October 10 was the World Day mental health. This date has been celebrated since 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation of Mental Health.

Aim world day mental health is to reduce the prevalence of depressive disorders, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, drug addiction, epilepsy, mental retardation.

According to World Organization health care, today on the planet there are already more than 450 million people suffering from mental illness. This is very big figure! And in Western countries already every seventh is either paranoid (schizophrenic), or is prone to depression and suffers from alcoholism!

The growth of morbidity is facilitated by information overload, political and economic upheavals in the country, and stress is the harbinger of diseases.

Life in modern megacities is already stressful in itself. Even the daily commute to work public transport contribute to this. I'm already silent about the troubles at work, family problems And so on. We are exposed to so much on a daily basis stressful situations that we are starting to put up with it, and not far from depression.

Do not scold yourself for all the failures, it is better to calm down, think about what your mistake is, and then try to solve the problem in a different way.

Make a daily routine and try to follow it.

Reward yourself for any achievements (for example, buy nice clothes etc.).

Exercise daily (exercises) or at least 2 times a week.

Rest periodically, both alone and with your family.

Communicate more often with family and friends.

And finally, I would like to say again - it is better to prevent the disease and deal with its causes than with the consequences.

Be healthy!

By the word "stress" many mean exhaustion. human body. However, his original interpretation sounds different. "Stress" is translated as tension, pressure. Thus, it is a physical or mental stress that a person experiences during a change in living conditions, environmental factors.

Stress- this physiological response for adaptation and survival.

A completely different concept "distress". This is an extreme degree of exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and the inability of a person to cope with it.

stress factors

For the full functioning of a person, like any other Living being adapts to the environment. It is affected by the following groups of factors:

  • Physical: temperature fluctuation, atmospheric pressure, ultraviolet radiation.
  • Chemical: exposure to toxins, aggressive substances.
  • Biological: penetration into the body of bacteria, viruses.
  • Mechanical, such as trauma.
  • Psychogenic. This group plays a special role in life modern man. It is because of psychogenic factors that he experiences the greatest stress. Stress at work, the fast pace of cities, difficult events in life, information load - all this affects us, if not every day, then regularly and often.

Biochemistry and the positive role of stress

Stress plays a positive role. Suppose we are affected by a conflict situation when it is necessary to act quickly - an attack by a wild animal. The sympathetic nervous system is activated, the adrenal glands secrete the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which increase arterial pressure, speed up breathing, mobilize glucose reserves, suspend the process of digestion in order to save energy for protection.

If the stress is prolonged (for example, psychogenic), other hormones, glucocorticoids, are used. They affect human life in the long term by stimulating metabolism and switching the body to use reserves such as glycogen, which is broken down into glucose. Thus, stress, whatever its origin, gives us an impetus to fully function and get the job done.

Stages of stress

In 1936, Hans Selye, a famous physiologist, put forward a theory according to which three stages of stress were distinguished:

Predisposition to develop pathological stress

Without exception, all people experience stress throughout their lives. Hans Selye compared it to seasoning, salt, without which the dish becomes tasteless. Stress gives a taste to life, and those who never experience it and live in ideal, “hothouse” conditions do not feel joy. They develop depression, dysphoria (morbid mood), apathy towards everything.

For example, in O. Huxley's dystopian novel "Wonderful new world» people lived in ideal society where any aggression and tension were excluded. However, they were periodically prescribed a dose of "experiences" in the form of a drug that stimulated the production of stress hormones in order to protect them from depression.

People, due to their mental and characterological characteristics, experience stress in different ways. One person acts, uses external circumstances to cope with the problem that has arisen. The other falls into despair, exhausts himself with constant thoughts and gradually passes into a phase of decompensation.

According to Pavlov, this is due to the type of our nervous system - temperament. Sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric people solve the situation in different ways. For example, let's compare the problem with a stone on the road. A phlegmatic or sanguine person will bypass him, a choleric person will do it quickly and with lightning speed, with an admixture of aggression directed at an inanimate object, and a melancholic person will begin to accuse himself of failure and doom, which will ultimately lead to a return back.

Of course, such a division is rough and inaccurate. We have different temperaments intertwined, and we develop under the influence of social environment. Therefore, there are anxious, neurotic, suspicious personalities who are predisposed to stress.

Also plays an important role upbringing. Stress resistance of a person depends on his faith in his own strength and ability to soberly assess the situation. But if a child is instilled with an inferiority complex from childhood or surrounded by hyper-custody, preventing him from coping with difficulties, then he will not respond correctly to stress in adulthood.

Symptoms of stress and distress

Positive stress stimulates us. We feel good and orderly because we are in control of the situation. Thought processes are accelerated, and physical activity increases.

However, distress leads to following groups symptoms.

What is stress?

This is a state of mind when it is impossible or difficult for a person to cope with the reaction to any events. Stresses differ in power, they arise in response to such situations that threaten life - this is captivity, war, natural disasters. The cause of severe stress can be a serious illness or death. loved one, large financial losses, divorce, job loss or forced migration.

Little stress.

They are caused by such problems for which a person needs exertion of strength or are caused by such problems that a person cannot solve himself. During times of stress, people long time experiences stress of low intensity, and harm to health is caused by such a thing as causing severe stress.

Stress of everyday life.

What is dangerous and how is stress tolerated?

Not all people who have experienced stress suffer from it in the same way. But what will be the consequences of stress for a person depends on the living conditions of a person, and on his environment. If you have family, friends and loved ones, then stress is much easier to bear. Stress causes weakened body systems to fail.
The development of diseases such as peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, ischemic disease heart, hypertension can accelerate prolonged or severe stress. As a result, problems such as depressive or neurotic, anxiety disorders appear, they greatly reduce the quality of life of people.

How can you protect yourself from stress?

This can help morning work-out. And in the evening yoga, auto-training, relaxation. It is also advisable to regularly relax in nature.

10 tips on how to independently overcome stress in the life of a modern person:

1. Slow down the pace of your life. Always plan your working day and alternate intensive work with good rest.
2. Get enough sleep, because an adult needs to sleep 8 hours a day.
3. You should not eat on the go, so the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, should be a time of rest.
4. Do not relieve stress with alcohol or tobacco. Health will suffer from them, and stress and the problems that caused it will not go away.
5. Emotional stress can help relieve exercise stress, especially related to water: for this, go in for water aerobics or swimming.
6. Take some time to relax, sit down in a comfortable chair, turn on your favorite music and, closing your eyes, imagine for a moment that you are sitting by the sea.
7. Get distracted, switch your attention to activities that will make you positive emotions: chatting with friends, walking in nature, reading, going to a concert.
8. Analyze your emotional negative experiences, most likely they do not deserve such strong experiences.
9. You should focus on the positive, because the circumstances of life are much better than you think when you are upset.
10. Carefully monitor your mood, treat your temper and irritability as a source of illness. A smile and a friendly facial expression will help improve the mood and attitude of those around you.


1. A third of all workers, because of the stress that is associated with work, at least once in their lives thought about quitting.
2. If a person is completely free from stress, this will reduce the overall tone of the body, reduce motivation to work, cause apathy and boredom.
3. Stress is the 5th important factor that predisposes to diabetes.
4. When in society high level stress, people eat more and more chocolate.
5. Tobacco and alcohol increase stress.
6. Ginger, bananas, nuts, dark chocolate help fight stress and improve mood.
7. Light stress is a part of human life.

In conclusion, we add that in the life of every modern person there is stress and the best way deal with stress, that's lead healthy lifestyle life.

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