The development of emotions in preschool children. Education of the child's feelings. The development of the emotional sphere in children

A child's emotions are one of the most important directions its development, which, unfortunately, is given little time. It happens that the baby reads and writes well, has skills in the field of drawing or modeling, surprises with his artistry, reciting poems or dancing, but cannot tell about his feelings. He does not know how to choose those words that fully reflect all his inner experiences and feelings, does not know how to properly talk about it.

Emotions of a newborn are visible on the face

Baby's first emotions

A child experiences emotions from birth, at first these are the most elementary experiences, then, as they develop, they inner world enriched, and emotional development becomes more diverse.

Crossing the threshold of the school, the child feels many different variations of feelings, but he cannot always understand what exactly is happening to him. This is the mission of parents - to tell and show what this or that emotion means in children of any age, how it manifests itself in facial expressions and gestures, how to recognize it in oneself, what the voice or body position becomes. Sincere dialogue with the child will help establish a trusting relationship, and he will never hide his true feelings.

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Emotional development of the child before school age will require great attention, but all attempts to explain and show should be unobtrusive. Everything should happen naturally and naturally.

And, of course, everything that has been said must be supported by illustrative examples. When watching cartoons together, you should comment on the emotions of the characters with the following words: “the dog is crying, she is bored”, “the girl is laughing, she is having fun, she is glad that she is playing with her best friends". Walking down the street or being at home, it is also better to look for any emotional manifestation: “the boy is smiling, he is glad that he saw his mother and runs to her”, “dad is tired, he does not talk, he lay down to rest.” It is very important to show comparisons: a cheerful gnome or a sad gnome, an evil wizard or good wizard, signs by which these emotions can be determined, facial expressions, gestures, voice. Over time, the child himself will learn to identify and classify emotions, and parents will better understand their child.

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Toys are excellent helpers in the development of the inner world of a preschool child.

Musical toys for creative development

What kind of toys are better to give preference to?

  • Toys that reflect specificity real life. This category includes dolls or all kinds of animal families, all household doll accessories - dishes, furniture, dollhouse, medical toy devices, all kinds of Vehicle- cars, locomotives, boats.
  • Toys that allow you to throw out negative emotions or accumulated aggression. This is, first of all, sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, punching bags and other devices, wild animals or other negative cartoon characters.
  • We should not forget about the creative component of the development of emotions and feelings in children. younger age, so it is better to take care of the presence in the arsenal of paints, plasticine, pencils and colored paper. Fantasy, inventive inclinations and strategic thinking will help to develop designers, board games, pyramids or cubes. Well, the alphabet will warm up interest in the study and knowledge of the world of letters and sounds.

The ABC of Emotions is a great book for kids

It should be noted that those toys that adults really like - these are automatic vehicles or some kind of robots, are not of particular value for the development of the baby. They do not contribute to the development of emotions in preschool children, the necessary skills, do not satisfy his needs to develop creatively. A toy is a reflection of the inner world of a child, and by favorite toys one can judge his inclinations, basic qualities of character and abilities.

Toys for very young preschool children are aimed at developing the organs of hearing, sight and touch. Naturally, they should be pleasant to the touch, warm and colorful, with an accompanying pleasant melody, if appropriate.

Homemade toys bring a lot of joy

A lot of delight is caused by toys made by one's own hands in a child. Children of preschool age feel special joy when they give handicrafts made to dear and close people. Awareness of the creation of good is always encouraged by adults, so the reaction to such should be joyful, without critical remarks or an indifferent attitude. A big disappointment for children can be the sight of a favorite broken toy in the bin. A toy for a baby is a symbol of his development, each of them absorbs certain emotions, makes you remember happy moments, evokes feelings of reliability, love, compassion.

Throwing away toys means parting with true friends, cross out everything important that lives in the child's soul.

Old toys can be repaired and donated to someone

The best way out of this situation can be found. In this case, it is better to repair it and give it to needy children or take it to Kindergarten. The psychological state of the child will improve from the realization that the toy has been given a second life and it was he who presented it to other children.

To diversify the child's toy environment, there is no need to visit expensive stores too often. The temptation to get the thing you like is quite great, and if it is not possible to acquire it, then bitter tears and severe suffering cannot be avoided. It is more expedient to make toys from improvised means, so quite often you can replenish the children's collection with new interesting crafts. Now you can find many original ideas and make a toy with your own hands. Such a toy will be incredibly appreciated by the baby, as it has an important emotional meaning for him.

You don’t need a lot of toys - the game itself with the child is more important

Many parents do not pay due attention to their children, preferring to pay off with another expensive toy. Yes, it is possible to divert attention for a while with a seductive and bright object, but a child is a living being and needs to communicate and spend time together.

Other methods of developing emotionality

You can talk about children's psychological problems by playing or drawing. Children of preschool age in a relaxed atmosphere easily "reveal" and tell about all their inner experiences. Co-writing a fairy tale is also a great way to understand what a child is thinking about, what worries him. If the child is aggressive, capricious or withdrawn, this is evidence that there is some kind of psychological problem that needs to be resolved.

Positive and negative emotions - how they develop

Fairy-tale heroes, their exploits will help the baby to believe in himself and overcome fear, confusion or insecurity.

When inventing a character of a fairy tale, you can endow him with the qualities inherent in a child, you can also emphasize and resemblance, eye or hair color. The character of the hero of a fairy tale is expressed by such definitions as brave, timid, bully, fighter and others. A lot of opportunities for solving a problem are revealed to the child, and he will definitely choose right exit from a frightening situation. The tale must necessarily end positively so that the child feels joy and relief.

Drawing is a great way of emotional development

Another way to get into the inner world of a child is drawing. To begin with, it is better to offer him an arbitrary topic, then you can ask him to draw the plot of a story or story. Discussing the drawing with the baby, you can ask how he felt, depicting this or that object.

Preschool children do not know how to consciously hide their feelings, so when listening to his story, you need to pay attention to changes in his facial expressions, face and behavior.

Theatrical performances children like it very much

The child's emotions are unstable. He can cry, and in a minute burst into laughter. Such manifestations are the norm for the baby and this is not a cause for concern. In many ways, the reaction of the child to external stimuli depends on the behavior of the parents. If a mother panics and cries for any reason, the baby will undoubtedly be restless and whiny. Preschool children copy the reactions of adults, because they do not yet realize what is right and what is not. A means of expressing emotions in preschool children can be crying or screaming, a calm request or coercive actions. Home atmosphere and relationships have a huge impact on psychological condition child. Parents with their behavior contribute to the emotional development of children and emotions, their formation as individuals.

Games evoke positive emotions in children

The role of the environment in the formation of emotions

The formation of feelings and emotions in preschoolers largely depends on communication with peers. Acute rivalry and comparison of the child's achievements with the successes of other children contributes to an increase in the number of negative expressions. Failures and obstacles, in this case, are regarded by children acutely and can provoke a conflict with a peer. Collective competitions smooth out negative emotional manifestations, since success or defeat is shared by all members of the group, the strength and intensity of emotions is reduced.

It is very important to competently approach the first failures of the baby, support him and calm him down, set him up for further work and self-improvement.

Kindergarten lesson - a game about emotions

Collective labor activity, useful for others and aimed at general well-being, diversifies the emotional state of the baby. He gets joy from achieving the goal or gets upset if something does not work out, learns to sympathize with other people's failures and gets true satisfaction, realizing his contribution to the common cause.

The development of emotions and feelings in children occurs in conjunction with others. mental processes one of which is speech. Also, the feelings of babies are accompanied by bright and expressive facial reactions and voice intonations, which are a means of expressing emotions and feelings.

Physical activity- a source positive emotions

The sociability of a preschooler largely determines his emotional development. Children are optimistic creatures, they are generally cheerful and cheerful.

Events affecting others, aimed at the emotional state of another person, resonating in the soul of a child, is called empathy. This is one of the components of the development of feelings and emotions of children. Learning to empathize, sympathize, understand the inner subjective world of the interlocutor, preschool children develop morally, which is extremely necessary in modern social society. Humane feelings are an indicator of the highest development of mankind. The reasons for the child's behavior lie in hidden experiences, the study of his emotions is extremely important, as it allows you to understand his condition and determine the true attitude towards outside world, to determine the further path of development of the child as a person.

Critical to emotional development the child has communication with other people and the game, in the process of which the foundations of social feelings are formed.
A child of preschool age is emotionally easily excitable, but his emotions are usually unstable. At preschool age, higher feelings begin to noticeably develop - moral (during games, when the child learns to subordinate his behavior general requirements collective, when listening to fairy tales and stories, etc.), aesthetic (in the process of studying music, singing, drawing, modeling), intellectual (in connection with the development of cognitive interests and elementary forms learning activities in older kindergarten groups).
The beginning of schooling generates significant changes in emotional life children, they gradually develop the ability to control their emotions, although the youngest students still cannot restrain the manifestation of emotions. Usually the faces and postures of children very clearly express their emotional experiences. The inability to restrain one's emotions also explains the emergence of affective states in children, their tendency to short-term violent manifestations of joy and grief. True, such emotional states are unstable in younger schoolchildren. Children are as easily calmed down as they are excited.
The emergence of emotions in younger students is associated with a specific situation. Direct observations of certain events or vivid life ideas and experiences - everything causes corresponding emotions in children of this age. Any kind of verbal moralizing, not connected with certain examples and life experiences of children, usually does not evoke the necessary emotional responses in them. It is important to take this into account in teaching: emotionally colored facts are remembered by children more firmly and for a longer period than facts that are indifferent to them. Therefore, emotional elation should serve as the basis of any educational work. How younger child, the more important this position is.
Teaching and collective activity contribute to the development of higher feelings in children. The younger schoolchild intensively forms such moral feelings as a feeling of love for the Motherland, sympathy for the oppressed and hatred for their oppressors, a sense of collectivism, camaraderie. The fulfillment of certain duties in the school community, joint educational and social activities, mutual responsibility to each other and to the class as a whole lead to the fact that students accumulate the necessary practical experience moral behavior in a team. Based on this experience, students develop a sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to subordinate their feelings and personal interests. common goals and the interests of the team.
A feature of primary school age is that the formation of moral feelings often outstrips the child's knowledge of the norms of moral behavior. The student cannot always explain why it is necessary to behave appropriately in this or that situation, but the moral feeling formed on the basis of previous life experience often correctly tells him what a good or bad deed is. Therefore, when educating children's moral feelings, it is necessary to rely on their practical experience of moral behavior, to create conditions for expanding and enriching this experience.
As for aesthetic feelings, in younger schoolchildren they develop more intensively in activity than in perception. works of art. By drawing, younger students learn to see bright, sunny colors that are so cheerful that it is pleasant to look at them. The child learns that certain color combinations, such as light green and red, make a strong impression, while other color combinations look gloomy, such as black and purple. But when perceiving a picture, children pay attention primarily to its content and do not see other artistic merits.
With appropriate musical training and education, the aesthetic experiences of children are significantly expanded and deepened, and the content of some musical works becomes clear to them. For example, students of the second grade, when asked by the teacher what kind of music about heroes is, answered: “Solemn - this is when they go on the offensive, when there is some kind of victory; cheerful - when the soldiers liberate our cities and sing songs; warlike - when they go into battle; formidable - when the battle flares up; sad - when the fighters bury their comrade.
Great opportunities for the formation of aesthetic feelings are provided by acquaintance with nature, especially when it is combined with the study of works of art (listening to appropriate music, reading stories and poems, viewing paintings and reproductions, etc.). Art will help to see the beauty in nature, and nature will teach children to see, hear and understand works of art better.
Intellectual feelings develop in younger students gradually. Begins with the pleasure that the student experiences when thinking about readable story, with a sense of satisfaction from the completed task, from the successful solution of a problem that required significant mental stress. Intellectual feelings in younger students, of course, are more connected with objects, with visual images and ideas, than with abstract thoughts and ideas.
In adolescence due to the growth of self-consciousness and Sole high level educational and social activities conditions are created for the essential development of an emotional attitude to reality. The main feature is the growing role of consciousness in emotional experiences and the growth of moral feelings.
An important point in the education of emotions and feelings among schoolchildren is the need to teach them to control feelings, to subordinate them to reason and will, to teach them to restrain anger, violent displeasure, and sometimes violent fun. This is achieved only by training, by exercise. Through exercise, the child's sense of duty develops and improves. Such exercises begin small: "I must first learn a lesson, and then go for a walk." This is the beginning of a sense of duty.
The teacher should strive to ensure that the children are enriched with emotional experiences that have a positive life value.
The exercise of the senses contributes to the formation of a more perfect relationship of man to the surrounding world, nature and human society.

Review questions

1. What are emotions and feelings, what is their significance?
2. What causes human emotions?
3. What physiological mechanisms determine the flow of emotions in a person?
4. What is the difference between moods and affects?
5. What is stress?
6. Describe the highest feelings of a person.
7. What are the features of the formation of emotions and feelings in schoolchildren?
8. How can literature and art be used in the formation of higher feelings among schoolchildren?

Practical tasks

1. Observe the manifestations of any one feeling in schoolchildren and describe how it proceeds.
2. Try to give children a sense of satisfaction and joy from a job well done or a game well played with them. Describe the nature of the flow of feelings.

Immediately at the moment of the birth of a child, the first emotional reaction appears - a cry.

Already in the first month of life, a smile appears, and in 2-2.5 months - a “complex of revival”, i.e. emotional reactions (movement of arms, legs, smile) when an adult appears and turns to the baby.

At preschool age, emotions and feelings are extremely unstable, but very diverse, for example, interest, anger, surprise, disgust, joy, etc.

In preschool age, as well as in early childhood Feelings dominate all aspects of a child's life, giving them their coloring and expressiveness. A small child still does not know how to manage his experiences, he almost always finds himself in captivity of the feelings that captured him.

The outward expression of feelings in a child, in comparison with an adult, is more stormy, direct and involuntary. The child's feelings flare up quickly and brightly and just as quickly go out; stormy fun is often replaced by tears.

The strongest and most important source of a child's experiences is his relationships with other people - adults and children. When others treat the child affectionately, recognize his rights, show attention to him, he experiences emotional well-being - a sense of confidence, security. Usually, in these conditions, the child is dominated by a cheerful, cheerful mood. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of the child's personality, the development of positive qualities, benevolent attitude towards other people.

The behavior of those around him in relation to the child constantly causes him various feelings - joy, pride, resentment, etc. The child, on the one hand, is acutely experiencing affection, praise, on the other hand, the grief caused to him, the injustice shown to him.

Preschoolers experience feelings of love, tenderness for loved ones, especially for parents, brothers, sisters, often show care and sympathy towards them.

Love and tenderness towards other people are associated with indignation and anger against those who act in the eyes of the child as their offenders. The child unconsciously puts himself in the place of the person to whom he is attached, and experiences the pain or injustice experienced by this person as his own.

At the same time, when another child (even a brother or sister he loves) enjoys, as it seems to a preschooler, more attention, he experiences a feeling of jealousy.

The feelings that arise in a child in relation to other people are easily transferred to the characters of works of art - fairy tales, stories: he sympathizes with the misfortune of Little Red Riding Hood not much less than with real misfortune. He can listen to the same story again and again, but the feelings it evokes do not weaken from this, but become even stronger: the child gets used to the fairy tale, begins to perceive its characters as familiar and close. The most vivid feeling of preschoolers when listening to stories and fairy tales is sympathy for everyone who is in trouble.

The feelings of a three-four-year-old preschooler, although bright, are still very situational and unstable. Thus, a child's love for his mother, flaring up from time to time, prompts him to embrace her, kiss her, pronounce tender words, but still can serve as a more or less constant source of actions that would please the mother, bring her satisfaction. The child is not yet capable of long-term sympathy and care for others, even very beloved people.

During preschool childhood, the child's feelings acquire much greater depth and stability. In older preschoolers, one can already observe manifestations of genuine concern for loved ones, actions that are aimed at protecting them from anxiety and grief.

Significantly change in preschool childhood and the external manifestations of the child's feelings. First, the child gradually masters the ability to restrain violent, harsh expressions of feelings to a certain extent. Unlike a three-year-old five-, a six-year-old preschooler can hold back tears, not show fear, etc. Secondly, he learns the “language of feelings” - forms of expression of the subtlest shades of experiences accepted in society with the help of glances, smiles, facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements, voice intonations.

Although the most dramatic manifestations of feelings (crying, laughter, screaming) are associated with the work of the innate mechanisms of the brain, they are involuntary only in infancy. IN further child learns to manage them and not only suppress them if necessary, but also consciously use them, informing others about their experiences, influencing them. As for all the wealth of the finer means of expression which people use to express feelings, they are of social origin, and the child masters them by imitation.

At school age, under the influence of education, higher feelings are actively formed.

junior schoolchildren they still do not have enough control over their emotions, but adolescents, against the background of the growth of moral feelings, are quite well aware of their emotional experiences. There are a variety of ways to nurture emotions. Music, painting, nature excursions, fiction- everyone is fine known ways development of the emotional sphere of children.

It is useful to teach children to recognize and convey an emotional state with the help of facial expressions and pantomime, this will allow them to better understand other people in the future. You can train these skills using pictogram templates that represent a schematic expression of an emotion.

The emotional sphere of children can be developed through the game. Games serve as the environment where the baby shows his emotions and feelings, learns to communicate.

It is important that the child has such a toy (preferably soft), with which he will complain, scold, pity her, etc. It will also protect against loneliness if, due to circumstances, the baby must be left alone.

In the development of children's emotionality, the role of fairy tales is significant. Reading fairy tales is by no means just an interesting pastime, but one of the ways to develop the inner world of the child himself and his ability to understand the inner world of another person.

So, in the development of the emotional world of children, you can use a variety of methods and techniques.

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The main points in the development of feelings at school age are that: feelings become more and more conscious and motivated; there is an evolution of the content of feelings, due to both a change in the lifestyle and the nature of the student's activity; the form of manifestations of emotions and feelings, their expression in behavior, in inner life schoolchild; the importance of the emerging system of feelings and experiences in the development of the student's personality increases.

Striking changes in mental development child occurring in a relatively short period of time is not a rare occurrence. One of these changes is the rearrangement in relation to feelings that is observed in seven-year-old children. The student takes care of his appearance, corresponding state teaching aids and "tools" of educational work; he is preoccupied with getting up early so as not to be late for school.

During the study period cognitive activity students, carried out from day to day, is a source of development of cognitive feelings and cognitive interests. The formation of the moral feelings of the student is due to his life in the class team.

The experience of moral behavior becomes the determining factor in the formation of moral feelings.

The aesthetic feelings of the student develop on the material of the lessons and outside them - during excursions, hiking trips, visiting museums, concerts, watching performances.

The school student is very energetic, his energy is not completely absorbed academic work. Excess energy is manifested in the games and various activities of the child.

The student's activity, diverse in content, generates a whole range of feelings and experiences that enrich him, is a prerequisite for the formation of inclinations and abilities on its basis.

Main age features emotional reactions, states and feelings of the student are as follows:

a) in comparison with preschool children, emotional excitability decreases, and this does not occur to the detriment of the content side of emotions and feelings;

b) such a feeling as a sense of duty begins to form;

c) the range of ideas and good knowledge is expanding, and there is a corresponding shift in the content of feelings - they are caused not only by the immediate environment;

d) interest in the objective world and in certain types of activity increases.

Typical for adolescents is that with the period of puberty, their emotional excitability, emotional instability, and impulsivity significantly increase.

A characteristic of a teenager is that he often performs actions and deeds under the direct influence of feelings and experiences that capture him completely.

Sexual attraction arising in a teenager is expressed in the emergence of interest in members of the opposite sex.

In some schoolchildren - teenagers, "falling in love" is observed - an emotional outburst, the object of which is often adults.

Against the background of age-related features of the emotional sphere of adolescents, there is a differentiation of feelings according to all their indications: content, depth, completeness and forms of their manifestation.

A characteristic of the development of the feelings of a teenager, in essence, is not possible without taking into account the very intensive development of the self-consciousness of a teenager. Only when considering this exclusively important point in the development of the personality, the role of experiences in the development of the adolescent's self-awareness can be understood. These are interconnected phenomena, and it is not difficult to verify this by referring to the facts.

The desire of a teenager for acute experiences, experiencing dangerous situations is very typical for adolescence. It is no coincidence that they are so drawn to adventure literature and books about heroes, reading which they empathize. This empathy is also an essential manifestation of a teenager's emotions and feelings: empathy contributes to their further development.

The fascination of teenagers with their favorite characters in books causes a desire to imitate them. Enthusiasm for someone or something is a typical feature of the typical appearance of a teenager. Moreover, this enthusiasm, very brightly emotionally colored, often leads to actions that do not correspond to the capabilities of a teenager and are unreasonable in essence. The same enthusiasm (very often with the external qualities of people and their external manifestations) is often the basis for an erroneous assessment of their personality. The emotional conditionality of these assessments, their subjectivity is a frequently observed phenomenon.

The adolescent also has anxiety, exacerbated by feelings, demanding of himself, not always, especially in the absence of the proper influence of the educator, finding the right and useful application. This is manifested in the increased demands of adolescents towards their peers.

Demanding and impulsiveness are manifested in both boys and girls of adolescence and, therefore, are their age-related features, traits. Impulsivity, in particular, is manifested in the fact that the desires that have arisen are realized, as a rule, immediately, without any hesitation or delay. Often the result of this is erroneous decisions and actions.

During adolescence, a sense of camaraderie develops intensively, often developing into a feeling of friendship, expressed in such a system of relations in which everything - joys and sorrows, successes and failures - are experienced together.

The process of formation of a system of relations - relations to oneself, to the world, to people, directly expressed in developing feelings - covers not only adolescence, but also the age of early youth.

The continuity of the development of feelings and emotions within school age is well illustrated by the development of feelings in adolescents and in adolescence. But this continuity does not exclude the peculiarity of the development emotional manifestations personality at every age.

Continuity in the development of feelings is expressed in the fact that the development of all types of feelings continues, their upbringing, life and activity in a team continue to act as a decisive factor in the evolution of feelings, as well as the ever-increasing role of self-education; there is a differentiation of feelings both in terms of the development of their content and forms of manifestation, and their individualization, i.e. their unique originality, reaching the most vivid expression among high school students.

The peculiarity of the development of feelings in adolescence is represented by the following aspects and manifestations:

a) especially intensive development of moral, ethical and aesthetic feelings;

b) strengthening the meaning of feelings and experience in the formation of beliefs;

c) the formation of feelings in conditions of socially useful and productive labor;

d) stability and depth of feelings, principles of relationships and assessments.

The formation of feelings, their upbringing is one of the most difficult educational tasks. Equal in its value is only one task - the formation of beliefs.

The psychology of the education of feelings has not been sufficiently developed, but the provisions that guide the educator in the approach to solving this problem are clear.

A healthy, full-blooded life of a child in its content is the basis for the formation of his feelings, which is one of the very strong internal stimuli-motives of his volitional activity.

The formation of feelings occurs inextricably linked with the development of the personality, which is improved in the process of activity.

Is it necessary to develop the emotional sphere in children? Why teach to feel, recognize your emotions, why be able to feel others? The most important answer is for their health.

How do children begin to repress feelings?

Children under three years of age are very good at feeling themselves and feeling those around them. With one person baby goes to contact, with others - no. They clearly know what they want, and it can be very difficult to convince them. Children of this age know how to live for their own pleasure.

And with the advent of a kindergarten, a school in the life of children, this ability to feel does not develop, but, on the contrary, becomes dull. That is, children understand that some areas in life are worth developing, and some are not. And, unfortunately, the ability to feel is not developed within the educational system.

But from this, the child does not cease to experience emotions and feelings. He simply does not allow himself to manifest or even feel them.

Yes, children at the age of 4-5 can forbid themselves to be angry with someone. And this anger, which appeared inside as a normal response to some unpleasant event, does not come out, is not processed, is not realized. It is blocked inside and is felt by the child as an incomprehensible discomfort.

Imagine: you put on shoes that crush you, you walk, but you experience discomfort. And in this state you continue to work, communicate with people, with your loved ones. But there is DISCOMFORT inside you all the time. And, of course, this affects your well-being, your reaction to events, you become more irritated, break down on your interlocutors.

Similarly, children, when they experience internal discomfort from unprocessed experiences and emotions, unconsciously behave more quickly, aggressively or capriciously. They feel that something is wrong, but due to their age they cannot understand what exactly is happening to them and what to do.

Sometimes these emotions entail a real deterioration in health.

Therefore, before giving children heaps of medicines, taking them to doctors, it is sometimes better to go to one consultation with professional psychologist who can see their emotional state and help restore health without medication.

How to teach children to feel about themselves and others?

Let's remember how Small child learns to speak as he gets to know the world around him.

Adults first tell him about what surrounds him, what it is, what sounds it makes, what consequences it leads to.

“This is a doggy. She barks: woof-woof”, “This is a table, it is hard”, “This is snow, it is cold”, etc.

In the same way, we must begin to acquaint children with emotions. Show them, name them, explain how they feel, what causes them, that it is normal to experience different emotions.

“Mom is upset”, “dad is tired”, “you are happy / sad / angry ...”

Of course, adults need to start with themselves. First, learn to notice emotions and feelings in yourself, and then help your child track them. But this is ideal. In reality, you can develop the emotional sphere with children.

The main point is that we state emotions without evaluation. Not “good” or “bad”, but we call it a fact, a given, that such an emotion has now arisen.

It is not simple. Not every adult is able to accept negative emotions as a fact and not express their attitude towards them.

There is a magic phrase: “It's okay! I am also in such a situation ... ”- and continue according to the circumstances. It will help the parent to remember that the appearance of emotions in response to some event is the norm. And children get used to the fact that emotions are good. All emotions are a natural reaction of the body to events in the outside world.

What happens when parents divide emotions into good/bad and scold children for showing "bad" ones? Children perceive it like this: “When I experience a bad emotion, I am bad!”

And, as a result, they begin to deny the manifestation of negative emotions, scold themselves for them, get angry at themselves, and are afraid to become bad, unloved and unnecessary by their parents.

What emotions do children deny?

Different children have different emotions that fall into the category of bad ones, but most often it is jealousy, aggression, fear. Sometimes in boys it is care, love.

But emotions, if they appear, do not disappear by themselves. They remain in the body in the form of blocks, with which the child goes into adulthood ...

Acquaintance with emotions, understanding that it is normal to experience them, is the first and very important stage. Two simple exercises will help us here.

1. "Name emotions"

Every day, call your child your feelings, emotions, emotions of other people, name the feelings that he is experiencing now, the feelings, emotions that the character of the cartoon or film is experiencing.

“I see you are angry now. This is fine. I get angry sometimes too."

“Baby, I’m annoyed right now (explain the reason). Let's talk in 30 minutes."

“Dad is happy”, “grandmother is tired”, “the dog was scared”, “Luntik is upset”, etc.

Ask him questions:

“What was the funniest/sadest/weirdest thing you did at school today?”

Within a few days, you will notice how children will quickly find and name their emotions, will respond normally to emotional states parents.

2. "Guess the emotion"

You can play alone, or you can play with your family and friends.

First, one person shows an emotion without words, and the rest must guess what it is. For children, you can prepare a list of emotions, feelings, states, so that it is easier for them to show.

Starting to develop the emotional sphere in childhood, children will learn to be more attentive to themselves. They will feel better about other people - who to trust, who not. And many behavioral problems will be solved easier and faster.


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