Drawing lesson in the second junior group “Food for birds. Wintering birds abstract of a lesson in the educational field "art" (drawing) for children of the second junior group

Program content:

To form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential features, how to classify into wintering and migratory birds, to be able to convey in drawing their impressions and observations of birds, to consolidate the ability to use stamps, to cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.


Album sheet, gouache, napkins, stamps in the form of an oval and semi-oval, brushes, drawings of birds.

Lesson progress:

Psychogymnastics "Birds"

Night. Birds sleep with their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the rays of the sun touch them, the birds wake up, first spread one wing and then the other, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for food. They rejoice in the sun, substitute their wings to its warm rays.

Part 1. Conversation.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them.

Where do birds live? (In forests, gardens).

Why do they live there? (They build a nest on the trees, cars don’t drive there, no one bothers them).

When the frosts begin, where do many birds disappear to? (Fly away to warmer climes).

What are the names of the birds that fly south? (migratory).

What are the names of the birds that stay with us? (Wintering).

What do winter birds eat? (Seeds and fruits of trees).

With the onset of winter, the birds remaining to winter move closer to people, to human habitation. Why? (Im cold and hungry).

Birds are not as afraid of cold as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they fly to us. They ask for help. How do you help birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds).

What birds fly to feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows).

Here they are our friends. (I hang pictures of birds).

And now I will make riddles for you, and you guess and show the right bird.

Riddles about birds. Reading poems about birds.

Children, what benefits do birds bring to nature, to people? (Eat insects predator birds- rodents, work as orderlies of the forest).

What birds? (Rooks, woodpeckers, starlings, sparrows).

Why do people love them? (Beautiful, kind, hardworking, they sing beautifully).

Part 2. Drawing

And now we will draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape (Torso - oval, head - circle, wings - semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak).

What is the body of birds covered with? (with feathers).

What are the feathers that keep birds warm called? (Pooh).

What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

We will draw birds with stamps. You have two stamps on your tables, tell me what shape they are? (Oval, half oval).

What part of the birds will we draw with an oval stamp? (Torso).

And semi oval stamp? (Wing).

And the rest we will finish with a brush.

Where will we start work? (Torso, wings, head, tail, eyes, beak, legs).

What is the position of the wings when the bird is flying? (Spread out to the sides).

When is he sitting or standing? (Pressed) .

When a bird flies, do you see its legs? (No, they are pressed to the body).

Think about who will draw which bird.


Work at tables (during work, children listen to birdsong).

Part 3. The result of the lesson.

I read Ladonshchikov's poem "I love birds"

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Preliminary work: talks about birds: "How do they live birds in winter”, “Who cares about birds?”, looking at illustrations, albums on the topic: « Birds”, “Winter”, observations of seasonal changes nature in winter didactic games“Who is screaming”, “Guess...

Prepared by: educator GBDOU No. 47 Moskina L.A.

Summary of continuous educational activities

in second junior group.

Topic:"Let's feed the birds».

Integration of educational activities:

· Cognition - the formation of a holistic picture of the world;

· Physical Culture;

· Artistic and aesthetic development - drawing.

Pedagogical technologies: Mnemonics, game.


· Educational:

Teach children to recognize and name birds; develop visual memory, thinking;

· Developing:

Develop visual memory.

Develop artistic activity, fix and correctly name colors.

Develop fantasy, imagination, consolidate the ability to draw with paints.

Develop gaming activity children, the ability to act together in the physical minute "Birds".To develop motor activity, coordination of movement during the physical minute “Birds.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands (work with a brush).

· Educational:

Cultivate love for nature children's desire to learn something new. Generate and maintain interest in cognitive activity to artistic creativity.

Material and equipment:

Pictures with the image of birds (sparrow, dove, crow, titmouse).

Screen, bird, feeder, musical accompaniment.


Album sheet with the image of a feeder.

Paints - gouache: yellow, black; brushes, napkin.

preliminary work :

1. Birdwatching while walking.

2. Reading fiction: S. Gorodetsky “How birds learned to build nests”, A. Shevchenko “Nests”, T. Nuzhina “Sparrows”, “Swallow”, etc.

3. Listening to audio cassettes “Alone with nature”, “Sounds of the world”, “Nature, birds and animals”.

4. Making riddles.

5. Consideration of didactic material, book illustrations.

The course of continuous educational activities.

Lesson progress:A sparrow appears behind the screen.

Sparrow:chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp

Educator:Oh, guys, who flew to us.

Children: birdie

Educator:Guys, what kind of birds do you know?

Children:Titmouse, bullfinch, crow, sparrow

Educator: Guys : "Who's so brave? Who arrived first? Of course, a sparrow: jumping, pecking. Here are some more sparrows arriving. What do they eat grains with? Beak, not nose. The beak is sharp. They peck and fly to a new place in a flock. How do they communicate? Listen. Tweet?

Educator:Guys, why do you need to feed the birds in winter?

Children:So that they do not die of cold and hunger.

Educator:Guys, let's feed the sparrow with you. ( The teacher, together with the children, puts the seeds in the feeder).

Educator:Jumping, jumping sparrow

Asking for small children

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow

I will sing you a song

Sparrow:Chick chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp.

Throw millet and barley

I will sing to you all day.

Chick chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp

Here come other birds. Children answer questions about how birds are called, what color are the feathers and legs of a dove, who has a larger beak - a dove or a sparrow. Birds are shy. A little something - flutter and fly away. An adult says: “Do not be afraid of us, we will not offend you. Right? We are kind." Tell them so, guys.


The birds were flying

By itself small.

How did they fly

All the people were watching.

How did they sit down

All the people were amazed.

Sit down, sit down

Soared, flew

The songs were sung.

Educator:Well, here, guys, we fed our sparrow, he ate, warmed up, look how he cheered up. Let's show how fun he is, how happy he is, flapping his wings. (Show children)

Educator:Oh, guys, look how many birds flew to us. Let's feed them. And for them to eat, you must draw food for them.

Children sit down at the tables, on which there are mock-ups of birds.

The teacher explains and shows drawing techniques on the easel. Guys - this feeder is a bird canteen. Birds eat in the feeder, because the seeds and grains are not visible in the snow. Seeds, what color? Black. So, we will draw with black paint. What color are the grains? yellow. We will paint them with yellow paint. ( Children draw to quiet calm music).

Educator:Guys, you drew so many treats for your birds, and now feed them, let them peck your grains with their beaks.

When children feed their birds, music plays.

Educator:Well done guys, the birds say thank you for feeding them. And how beautifully you painted the grains with the tip of the brush, and the seeds with “pokes”.

Educator:You drew and played. And now let's go outside with you and feed the rest of the sparrows on the site of our kindergarten.

Synopsis of Direct Educational Activities in drawing for children 3-4 years old "Grains for birds"

Develop artistic and creative activities of children.
Educational tasks
Expand visual possibilities children, to form the ability to draw in an unconventional way - with cotton swabs;
give children knowledge about the life of birds in winter; consolidate knowledge of color (yellow), shape (round), size (small), quantity (“one”, “many”). Enrich children's vocabulary with new words.
Develop fine motor skills of the hand; develop the ability to draw with complication (in confined space). To develop the game activity of children, the ability to act together in the mobile game "Birds". To develop motor activity, coordination of movement during the physical minute “Birds.
To cultivate a humane attitude towards birds, to arouse a desire to help them.
Dictionary: feeder, sparrow, grains.
Handout: Sheets of paper with a picture of a feeder for each child; gouache yellow color, cotton buds for each child. Millet, disposable plates for each child
Demonstration material: feeder, birds cut out of paper, painted tree.
preliminary work
Birdwatching while walking; consideration of didactic material, illustrations in books; listening to audio recordings of bird voices.

The course of direct educational activities

Guys, let's say hello to our guests. Let's smile at the guests, smile at each other. How pleasant and joyful it is to start a new day with a smile!
Children sit on chairs. At this time, there is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in the feeder.
Guys, what do you think this is? (children's answers)
-That's right, it's a feeder. Let's repeat in unison: feeder.
Who is this feeder for? Why do birds need a feeder? What do birds eat? (children's answers)
-Let's take a look at the grains that I prepared for the birds.
Children come to the table, on which there are plates of millet for each child.
-What color are the grains? What size? What form?
At this time, there is a knock on the window. Children come to the window and see an attached sparrow cut out of paper.
- Oh, guys, who is this? (children's answers). This is a sparrow. I think that he flew to us not by chance. Why do you think he came to us? (children's answers).
-That's right, the little sparrow is cold and wants to eat. Shall we feed him?
-What will we feed the sparrow? Where do we put the grains? Take the grains with your fingers, and pour them into the feeder like this.
Children pour grains into the feeder, and the sparrow “pecks” them.
-Sparrow, ate and sang his song. How does the sparrow sing?
-Guys, do you want to turn into sparrows? (answer)
Sparrows sit on branches and look out into the street
(children squat, turn their heads to the right, to the left)
They want to take a walk and quietly fly.
(get up, wave hands)
They flew, flew and sat on the branches.
An audio recording of a sparrow chirp sounds.
- It seems to me that sparrows flew to our group not alone. Let's see who sings so loudly.
Children come to a tree on which sparrows "sit".
- Guys, who is this? How many have arrived? What do they want? Oh, guys, we don’t have any grains left to feed the birds, but we have paints and we can grains .... What to do? Draw correctly.
Sit down at the tables, each of you has a feeder in which you will draw grains. I also have a feeder, see how I draw grains. What color are the grains? What shape are they? What size? That's right, I'll take a cotton swab, dip it in water, then dip it in yellow paint and draw grains with light pokes. What kind of grains do I get round. Birds eat in the feeder, so you need to try so that the grains do not “wake up” by. And now you yourself draw the grains each in your feeder.
During work, you need to monitor your posture, how the child holds the wand. As the work progresses, ask the child what he painted, what color, what shape. Well done, you did a good job and sparrows flew into your feeder. Remove the bird from the tree and put it in the child's feeder. Do as work progresses.
- Guys, you are great, you tried very hard. Your fingers tried hard, they are tired and want to rest.

Finger game.
- Sparrow, sparrow, where have you been? (threaten finger)
- I washed my paws on the river (they wash their hands)
- The wind blew, I fell (they blow on their palms and hide their hands)
- He messed up his paws in a puddle (shake off his hands).
- Guys, today you did a good deed, fed the birds.
- We have such a custom, as soon as it snows, we hang bird feeders on a twig. When we go for a walk, we will definitely hang a bird feeder on a tree.
- Look, our cat woke up and wants to play with the birds.
An outdoor game "Cat and sparrows" is being held

Tatyana Letucheva
Open lesson on drawing in the second junior group"Bird food"

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", " Artistic creativity”, “Physical culture”, “Music”, “Health”


1. Develop oral speech children, free communication with adults and children, stimulate their own statements of children. Practice answering questions. ("Communication")

2. Develop artistic activity, consolidate and correctly name colors, the desire of children to learn something new ("Knowledge")

3. To develop the game activity of children, the ability to act together in the "Birds" physical minute. ("Socialization")

4. Develop fantasy, imagination, consolidate the ability to draw with paints. ("Artistic Creation")

5. Develop motor activity, coordination of movement during the physical minute “Birds. Develop fine motor skills of the hands (work with a brush). ("Physical Culture")

6. Create emotional background during the “Birds” physical minute, develop an ear for music. ("Health").

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fiction

M. Gorky "Sparrow"

I. Grishashvili "Protect the birds"

T. G. Egorova "Birds in the city next to us"

T. A. Sharygina "Birds, what are they"

2. Storytelling, conversation

3. Observation on a walk

4. Consider natural grains and seeds

5. Feeding and looking at birds for a walk

Material and equipment:

Screen, bird, feeder, musical accompaniment

Album sheet with the image of a feeder, paints - gouache: yellow, black, brushes, napkin.


T. N. Doronova "Drawing in the game"

T. S. Komarova "Class on visual activity in kindergarten"

Lesson progress

Children go into the pear tree and greet the guests. A sparrow appears behind the screen.

Sparrow: chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp Educator: Oh, guys, who came to us.

Children: birdie

Educator: Guys, what kind of birds do you know?

Children: Titmouse, bullfinch, crow, sparrow

Educator: Guys, a sparrow flew to us. Sparrow, why are you so sad, all ruffled?

Sparrow: It’s winter outside, I’m cold, hungry, I’m cold and I want to eat, and the insects and insects that I ate in summer and autumn all hid.

Educator: Guys, let's show how cold our sparrow is, how he ruffled. And how can we cheer up our sparrow?

Children show:

Educator: Guys, why do you need to feed the birds in winter?

Children: So that they do not die of cold and hunger.

Educator: Guys, let's feed the sparrow with you. The teacher, together with the children, put the seeds in the feeder.

Educator: Jumping, jumping sparrow

Asking for small children

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow

I will sing you a song

Sparrow: Chick chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp.

Throw millet and barley

I will sing to you all day.

Chick chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp

Educator: Well, here, guys, we fed our sparrow, he ate, warmed up, look how he cheered up. Let's show how fun he is, how happy he is, flapping his wings. (Show children)

Educator: Oh, guys, look how many birds flew to us. Let's feed them. And for them to eat, you must draw food for them.

Children sit down at the tables, on which there are mock-ups of birds.

The teacher explains and shows drawing techniques on the easel. Guys - this feeder is a bird canteen. Birds eat in the feeder, because the seeds and grains are not visible in the snow. Seeds, what color? Black. So, we will draw with black paint. What color are the grains? yellow. We will paint them with yellow paint. (Children draw to quiet calm music) When the children have finished drawing.

Educator: Guys, you drew so many treats for your birds, and now feed them, let them peck your grains with their beaks.

When children feed their birds, music plays. Well done guys, the birds say thank you for feeding them. And how beautifully you painted the grains with the tip of the brush, and the seeds with poke. Guys, I suggest you play the game "Birds" (physical minute).

The birds have flown

little birds,

Everyone flew, everyone flew

They waved their wings.

Arrived on the track

The grains pecked.

Well done guys, our lesson is over. You drew and played. And now let's go outside with you and feed the rest of the sparrows on the site of our kindergarten.

What else to read