Open lesson for the day of cosmonautics. Abstract of the lesson for the day of cosmonautics in the senior group

Teacher of additional education

Kuzmina Elena Yurievna


Topic : "Cosmonautics Day"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge about space, about astronauts.



  • consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes Oh;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bobjects;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the planets of the solar system;
  • generalization of information about the cosmonauts of Russia.


  • education of collectivism;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • education of patriotism.


Development mental processes: attention, memory,

Imagination, perception, thinking;

  • development of the ability to expressively read poetry;
  • development of volitional qualities;
  • development of physical data.

Equipment: hoops, balloons, audio recording with "space

Music", number cards, posters,

Geometric figures, tokens.


I. Organizing time. Introductory conversation.


Guys, please tell me what holiday people celebrate in our

For 108 minutes. What was his name?

Yuri Gagarin - a Russian man, was born in a small village, and achieved a lot, thanks to hard work, endurance, and his knowledge. And now, when many people from different countries world, to become an astronaut one must work very hard: to be healthy, strong, to know a lot, to be able to get along with people, and one must prepare for this from childhood.

Poem "Yuri Gagarin"

Long live Yuri Gagarin,

Our first pilot is an astronaut,

He opened the way to space for us,

Rockets fly to the planets.

And how many more incomparable

We will lift rockets into space!

And how many more unknown

We will discover new planets.

II. Game "Do you believe?"

1. ... that the first flights into space were made on a broomstick?

2. ... that mice, dogs, insects flew into space before man?

3. ... that the elephant Kesha flew into space before man?

4. ... that people will soon fly to the Sun?


Today we are going on a space journey.

And now we will find out who will fly into space with us.

Poem (the poem is read by the child)

Everything is ready for the flight, all the guys are waiting for rockets.

Little time before takeoff, all the guys stood in a row,

And, worrying, they say: there is a space map,

And on it to the moon route. Five minutes before the start

Five short minutes. Is everyone with us? Is everyone here?

The poem "Flight into space"(children read poetry)

  • We are flying to other planets. We announce it to you.

All toy people are asking to fly with us.

  • A hare is clinging to a rocket, I will fly with you, children,

To any of the planets where there are no toothy wolves.

  • Mice - crumbs laughed, we flew - were not afraid.

Height is beauty, not a single cat.

And with the big bear in blue sky will meet.


But in order to check whether you can be accepted into the cosmonaut corps,

Let's play an attention game« Flying - not flying.


III. Crew division.(choice of captains)


Crews will fly into space on various space devices.

Compose from geometric shapes the spacecraft on which we

Let's go flying.

(composition of geometric shapes)

Each crew should as soon as possible rise to their space

Ship. To do this, you need to go through the hatch (hoop).

IV. The game "What we take with us into space"


Guys, since traveling to space has always been long,

Don't forget to take anything with you.

Say a word:

  • Taking flight

What does the pilot take with him?

Cup, spoon, ladle,

Our Russian ... (matryoshka, potatoes).

  • We need a lot for friends

We take a tube ... (lemonade, marmalade, chocolate).

  • Communicate with humanoids

We do not need a flashlight, but a Galactic ... (dictionary).

V. Flight preparation.

Poems "Space Scouts"(children read poetry)

1. A cherished dream lived in the minds of scientists for many years,

Take off with the help of rockets into interplanetary space.

2. Lunokhod - an all-terrain vehicle sends greetings to us from the moon,

He says “Things are in order”, he invites everyone to visit him.

3. Get together dreamers, here is the moon hanging in the window,

We will be in the Lunokhod soon, we will ride on the moon.

4. By the moon sea, by the sea of ​​rain

The envoy of people floats on wheels.

Visible on TV screens

Traces of the Lunokhod of the Russian country.


Attention! Everyone get ready to launch!

Got ready to launch!

Fasten belts!

Have fasten your seat belts!

Start the engine!

Got to start the engine!

Enable contacts!

There are turn contacts!

5,4,3,2,1 - start!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (Space music playing)

We have broken away from our planet Earth. Follow the instrument arrows.

The arrows are mine and your hands. Repeat the movements after me.

In space, it is important to be careful(physical education minute).

VI. Game "Unexpected Object"


On the way we meet UFOs, in order to fly around them, we need to know them

Area. Under each figure you need to put a card with the right

Number. (each team is given several figures and numbers)

VII. Game "Space School"


In order to cope with all the difficulties on a space expedition, one must study well at a school on Earth. Perhaps on other planets far - far from Earth there are also sentient beings- aliens. And they also educate their children. Let's imagine that we are in such a school. What is taught there? It turns out, too, to solve examples and problems.

Crew assignments.

1. Solve examples. Insert desired sign instead of asterisks.

4*1=5 4*1=3 7*1=6 7*1=8

2*2=4 4*2=2 9*2=7 5*2=7

2. Solve problems.

There were 5 rockets at the cosmodrome, two rockets flew away. How many missiles are left?

The boy saw 3 stars in the sky, and then two more. How many stars

Did you see the boy?

Poems "Space flight"(children read poetry)

1. Distant stars in the sky are burning,

They invite our children to visit.

It won't be long for us to get on the road

And here we are to flight ready now.

2. The announcer will command “Attention, take off!”

And our rocket will rush forward.

Farewell blink and melt away

The golden lights of our beloved Earth.

3. We want to make friends with you, Luna.

So that you do not get bored all the time alone.

Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little bit,

We will be able to look at you on the way.

4. The roads are clear for our scientists,

They will be in the cosmic haze.

But these roads are then only needed,

For a better life on earth.

5. Let us lay roads to distant worlds,

We'll fly to the moon in rockets.

And if we meet peers there.

We will invite you to visit us.

6. You hurry, guys, to your class,

Without study, things will not work.

Astronauts grow up among us.

But without knowledge, they will not take to Mars.

VIII. Game "Rings of Saturn"


You have rings in your hands, you need to hit the target with them.

(we count how many rings each team scored).

IX. Quiz


Before our long space flight, we were preparing for it,

Learned a lot. And now I will test your knowledge. for the correct answer

The token is an asterisk.

What is the name of the first astronaut? When did he go to space?

What is the name of our planet?

What is the closest star to us?

What planets of the solar system do you know?

Earth satellite?

What animals have been in space?

(mice, rats, cockroaches, bees, frogs, dogs, monkeys).

Name the spaceport from which Russian rockets are launched.


Name Russian women - astronauts. (V. Tereshkova, S. Savitskaya)


1. It will boldly float in the sky, overtaking birds in flight.

The man controls it. What's happened? /airplane/

2. There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land on the moon / lunar /

Z. Millet is sprinkled on a black handkerchief.

The cockerel came, and pecking is not easy. /stars/

4. A piece of cake hangs over the houses near the path. /moon /

5. Horny, not butting. /month/

6. Well, one of you will answer, not fire, but it burns painfully.

Not a lantern, but shining brightly, and not a baker, but baking? /Sun/

7. Shines, sparkles, warms everyone./Sun/

8. No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle.

Just release the tail, rush to the stars./rocket/

9. He touches the clouds in the boundless ocean with his wing.

It will turn around - above the rays, casts silver./airplane /

10. What kind of bird: does not sing songs,

Nests do not build, people and cargo are lucky? /airplane /

11. A loaf of bread hangs over the grandmother's hut.

The dog barks but can't get it./moon/

12. Blue scarf, scarlet ball,

He rides on a scarf, smiles at people. What's this? / Sky, sun /

13. The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned. / Sky, stars,


14. A sister goes to visit her brother, and he hides from his sister. /moon, sun/

15. From what bucket, do not drink, do not eat,

And they just look at him./ Ursa Major /

X. "Space Labyrinth"(Competition of captains).


And now the competition of captains. in front of them are cosmic labyrinths.

XI. "Space Races"

1. Weightlessness

(which team will keep the balloon in the circle longer).

2. "Flying in a balloon."

3. "Exit to open space".(hoop)

HP. Conclusion. Return to Earth. Outcome.

Abstract of the integrated lesson

"Space trip"

Senior preparatory group.

Zabrodina Antonina Vasilievna

year 2013

Target: enrich the knowledge of children with such content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about space.



    Clarify and systematize the acquired knowledge in children, elementary representations about space. solar system.

    Continue to enrich the speech vocabulary of children: space. Planet, telescope, star, astronaut, rocket.


    Develop creativity in motor activity, perform simulation exercises, demonstrating beauty. Gracefulness, plasticity of movements.

    To develop search and research activities: with the help of experience to determine why the change of day and night occurs on Earth.


    To instill in children a sense of pride in their country, astronauts.

    To develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various types activities.

Equipment: media projector, table lamp, globe, button accordion, drawing paper, image of rockets made by children.

Lesson progress


Today the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. On April 12, 1961, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. It was very important and joyful event not only for our country, but for the whole world. So it was….

Annex 2 (clip Earth from Space)

Educator: Guys, who looked at the sky at night? What can you see in the sky? Can you count how many stars are in the sky? They appear as small sparkling dots because they are far from the ground. All stars have their own name. In addition to stars, there are cosmic planets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth. Our planet on which we live is called Earth.

Children's poem:

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Raz - Mercury







Behind him is Neptune.

He is number eight

And after him later, And the ninth planet

called Pluto.

How these planets look like we will now see in our "Magic Space Screen"


Would you guys like to become astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? (children's answers)

Children's poem:

If you try hard

If you really want

Can you go up to the sky

And reach the sun

And seriously not pretend

Get to know Luna

Walk just a little

And return home again.

Performance of the song "March of young cosmonauts"

Game "Flight to the Moon"

Four children (two couples) simultaneously participate in the game. Each pair has a long ribbon in their hands, to the ends of each stick is an image space rocket, and in the middle of the tape is an image of the moon. On a signal, the player tries to wind up as quickly as possible rotational movements tape on your wand and "bring your rocket closer to the moon."

"Cosmonauts" Children read a poem

    Heroes astronauts

They flew rockets.

We are our astronauts

They knew in portraits.

    Let's play:

Let's make a rocket.

Like our astronauts

Let's all fly into space.

    What a nice game

You came up with for us!

What is needed for a rocket

We'll get it now.

    - Guys, I have

There is a wonderful glue.

    I brought with me

A box of nails.

    -Here is cardboard, plywood,

Every tool.

Let's make a rocket

We are at the same time.

Have fun kids

It's time for us to work!

(To the music they make a rocket from geometric shapes)

We've finished the job!

The rocket is ready to fly!


The crew of your rocket

Ready to fly into space? (Children answer)

(flag wave)

Space dance game

Music sounds, children dance, the teacher pronounces the words:

The ship is rocking-time

The ship is rocking-two

The ship is rocking - three

Freeze in the cosmic dance!

(Choose your favorite figure)


Did you land successfully?

Have you returned from a flight?

Our greetings to astronauts!


The astronauts have landed, and now I invite you to find out what one rotation of the Earth around its axis is equal to. On Earth there is a change of day and night. In order for you to understand how day changes night, let's do the following experiment. To do this, we need a model of the Earth (globe) and a table lamp (sun), two pieces of plasticine (white and red). We will attach these pieces of plasticine to the globe (at home) on one side and to opposite side our planet. So… half the globe lit, half dark. In the white house it is day now, and in the red house it is night, everyone is sleeping there. We begin to rotate the globe and see that the shadow begins to change and where there was night became day, and where day became night. This is how our planet Earth made one complete revolution around its axis. Let's conclude: that the Earth's turnover is equal to 24 hours or one day.

I suggest you watch excerpts from cartoons. But as you watch, think about why the caterpillar was nicknamed Gagarin?

Annex 4 (view Gagarin cartoon)

The next excerpt from the cartoon "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and Heel" Look and tell me, on what did Winnie the Pooh make his first flight?

Appendix 5 (Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon)


We have been in space. What did you see? (Answers of children). What does our Earth look like from space? We met with the first astronauts. Who was the first astronaut? (Answers of children). What did the cartoon characters fly?

Proposed collective application"Space"

(Children prepared rockets in advance and they stick them on a large paper)

The song "Grass near the house" sounds muffled as a background music

fell to us from space Asteroid, consider it! (space treat)

Nina Patsyuk
Abstract of the integrated lesson for the Day of Cosmonautics in senior group

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for the day of cosmonautics in the senior group

Mysterious space

Learning tasks.

Refine your idea of outer space. Consolidate children's knowledge of the history of development astronautics. summon interest in space. Activate the vocabulary of preschoolers. Form an initial idea of ​​the planets.

development tasks.

To develop fantasy, imagination, ingenuity, mental and speech abilities, visual attention and perception, the ability to analyze, compare, reason, prove.

Educational tasks.

Cultivate love for the planet and home country;, the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, to call interest to cognitive activity

Methodical methods.

- visual: looking at the planets outer space , stars, photos of conquerors outer space;

- verbal: conversations, questions, reminder, poetry reading, riddles about outer space;

- gaming: attention game,

Demo material.

Pictures images of the planets of the solar system, spaceships, astrologer, telescope, photographs of conquerors outer space.

Preliminary work.

Acquaintance with the history of conquest outer space; from astronauts of our country reading poetry about space and viewing space illustrations; productive activity (drawing on the topic « Space»

Lesson progress:


Dear Guys!

Humanity is always was interested mystery of the origin of the universe. The universe is everything that surrounds us, infinite peace: planets, moon, stars and galaxies. Nobody knows how big the universe is. Within the visible universe there are over 100 billion galaxies, that is, vast clusters of stars.

Our galaxy is called Milky Way. It includes the planets of the solar system. The word "planet" comes from Greek word"wanderer". The planet is heavenly body. "The center of the solar system is the sun"

The solar system consists of the Sun and all the celestial bodies that revolve around it, including the eight major planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, several dozen of their satellites, like our Moon, as well as asteroids and comets.

Each body moves around the Sun in its own orbit. An orbit is a circular or elliptical path along which space space moves a celestial body. ,

The gravitational force of the sun holds solar system together. space space or just outer space called the area between the Earth and the Moon, between the planets of the solar system and between the stars. Space is not completely empty. There is no air in it, but there are particles of dust and gases.

And now, guys, let's have a physical minute.

(One child is the Sun, and the rest will be planets that move around the Sun. The movement of the guys should be very slow. Then show how quickly the rocket takes off up, that is, the children squat and get up quickly.)

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. Whatever the heroes of fairy tales and legends went to heaven!

Aladdin flew on a magic carpet. Baba Yaga rushed over the earth in a mortar. The heroes of one fairy tale set off on a journey on a flying ship. All these were heroes of fairy tales and legends.

But a lot of time passed and people were able to conquer the airspace of the Earth. First they took to the sky balloons. Then they began to plow air ocean on planes and helicopters. But people dreamed of flying not only in the air, but also outer space. Mysterious "starry abyss" space attracted people, called to look into it, to solve its riddles. Watching the sky through telescopes, people learned that there are other planets besides the Earth.

People wanted to know if there is life on other planets? And if so, who lives there? Are these living beings like humans? But to find out about it, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away.

And scientists came up with rockets.

First spaceship that went into orbit around the Earth was the Russian Sputnik-1. There were no crew or animals on board, but instead of them there were devices that sent information to Earth.

The first person in space was a Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who made a complete revolution around the Earth on April 12, 1961 on board spaceship "Vostok-1". After spending in space less than 2 hours he became an international hero.

Therefore, April 12 in our country is considered the Day Astronautics, a holiday dedicated to people who have connected their lives with outer space.

On April 12, our country celebrates a holiday - Day Astronautics.. The world's first flight on spaceship, as you already know, on April 12, 1961, the Soviet astronaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. With his heroic deed, he opened the way to infinite space. And our people are proud of him. Scientists from many countries long years thought about how you can fly to space. Russian scientists were the first to come up with it.

satellite ship "East in" went into orbit and circled our earth in 108 minutes. Many years have passed since then, space has been visited by many astronauts. All of them saw our Earth and understood how beautiful our Earth is.

Looking at illustrations about outer space.

Educator; Our guys have prepared poems dedicated to the day Astronautics.

Children read poetry.

Guys! Let's imagine that we are in the training center astronauts. Let's take a little quiz and find out. What do you know about outer space.

Why is the day Astronautics April 12 is celebrated in our country? (children's answers).

What is astronomy? - Children respond.

Name all the planets in the solar system. - Children list (Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto).

What was the name spaceship, on which Yuri Gagarin went to space? (Children Answers).

Educator; Guys, you are all great! And now I will tell you space riddles:

1. In the black sky before dawn Lanterns shine dimly.

Flashlights - flashlights.

Less than mosquitoes. (Stars).

2. You warm the whole world.

And you don't know fatigue.

Smiling at the window.

And everyone calls you. (The sun)

3. Not a driver or a pilot.

He sees not a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who say it? (Astronaut) .

4. No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle,

Just release the tail- It will rush to the stars. (Rocket).

caregiver A: That's right, guys. Well done.

Now let's play!

A game « astronauts»

The children walk around holding hands.

Fast rockets are waiting for us.

For planet walks.

But there is one secret in the game.

Latecomers - no room!

Children run and trying to take a place in the hoops. Only 2 children can sit in one rocket (astronaut) .

Children look at illustrations depicting space rockets(at the same time, the teacher notes that the rocket body looks like a cone). And invites children to depict rockets flying in space.

Children draw rockets.

Guys, you are all great today, everyone tried.

Goals: to consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Space", to develop the skill of selecting related words, to consolidate the ability of sound analysis, to continue to learn to coordinate nouns with numerals, to select opposite words to expand and enrich lexicon children; develop phonemic awareness logical thinking, memory, thinking; education of moral feelings.

Equipment: portraits of astronauts, schemes for sound analysis, subject pictures: astronaut in weightlessness, spacesuit, spaceship, moon

Course progress.

I.Organizing time.

Call each other affectionately.

II.Main part

1. opening talk

Guys, what holiday does the whole country celebrate on April 12? ( children's answer). That's right - Cosmonautics Day.

People have always been fascinated by the unknown. Human exploration of outer space began a long time ago. At first, satellites were launched into space, and then a person was sent to conquer space.

Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin). We will always remember this brave man. No matter how many new feats are committed, he will always remain a hero.

Guys, do you know the first woman - an astronaut? ( Valentina Tereshkova). Which other astronauts do you know? ( Portraits of astronauts are put on the board one by one.). (The second woman is cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, the first cosmonaut who went into outer space - Leonov).

A lot of people helped prepare space flights: scientists, designers, military men, and many builders and workers who built the cosmodrome, assembled the rocket, and trained cosmonauts.

Do you think everyone can be astronauts? What should be a person who is preparing to fly into space? ( Qualities).

What is the name of the vehicle used by astronauts?

What is the name of the suit in which an astronaut flies?

Where does it start from?

What is the condition of an astronaut in space called?

Who will tell me what planet we live on?

Guys, maybe one of you remembers the name of these planets?

2. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Let's try to prepare for the flight. Maybe in the future someone will have such an opportunity.

3. The game "Which word is different from the others?"

It is necessary to raise the signal flag when you hear an extra word.

1) Astronomer, astronomer, astronomer, grocery store, astronomer.

What word is missing?

Who is an astronomer?

What is a deli?

2) Satellite, satellite, traveler, satellite, satellite.

What word is missing?

Who is a traveler?

What is a satellite?

What do these words have in common?

4. Sound-syllabic analysis of the word MOON.

Solve the riddle.

At night in the sky there is one pale-faced ... (moon).

It is proposed to perform the sound-syllabic scheme of the word MOON.

We lay out the scheme of the word MOON. The picture is exposed.


An astrologer lived on the moon - (“Look” through a telescope)

He kept records of the planets: (Pointing to the sky with your hand)

Mercury - one, (Describe a circle with hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven - Uranus, eight - Neptune, (Bend forward, bend back)

Who does not see - get out! (Spread arms to sides)

5. Count to 5

Guys, what does the astronaut see in the window? (constellations, planets, comets)

Let's count how many constellations we saw?

One constellation, two constellations, three constellations, four constellations, five constellations);

One distant planet, two ... .

One artificial satellite,… .

6. Game "Related words".

You are on the surface of the moon, tell me what did you do? - slumped.

What ground did you land on? - on the moon.

What is another name for the inhabitants of the moon? - lunatics.

What kind of transportation goes on the moon? - lunar rover.

What do these words have in common? What shall we call them?

7. Game Say the opposite.

Far close,

high - low

fly away - fly

take off - land

bright - dim

cramped - spacious.

III.Summary of the lesson.

Graphic dictation"Rocket"

speech therapist MBDOU Kindergarten"Ray"

combined type

Oryol Region Bolkhov, Russia

Thematic lesson for Cosmonautics Day "If we really want to, we will also fly into space!" in senior and preparatory group kindergarten.

Author Nabokova E.I.
The material can be useful to educators, musical directors of kindergartens.
Target: expansion of knowledge and ideas about space and the profession of an astronaut.
Tasks: instill in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland;
to form children's ideas about space and astronauts;
develop thinking, physical activity, Creative skills children with the help of ICT, music and outdoor games.
Equipment: projector and screen for presentation, hoops, sandbags, balloons, felt-tip pens.

Musical director. Guys, today we have gathered in the hall to celebrate the holiday - Cosmonautics Day.
Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space?
If there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”
And then Soviet scientists and designers created the first space
ship Vostok.
Do you know who was the first to go into space?
Before man went into space, there were animals.
The dog Laika was the first to go into space.
Unfortunately, Laika could not return to Earth, but she helped the development of astronautics so much that a monument was erected to her in Moscow.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka. They stayed in space for only one day and successfully landed.

On April 12, 1961, for the first time in history, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, it flew around the Earth.

The flight lasted only 108 minutes. And since then, on this day, April 12, we have been celebrating Cosmonautics Day. We remember this date and are proud that it was our Russian people who first conquered the Cosmos, we are proud and love our great country.
Let's listen to a song about Russia, which the guys from the senior group will perform for us.
"Our Russia is beautiful." Z. Root.
Music director. Do you know who was the first astronaut to fly to the stars?
Children. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

Muses. supervisor. Composer A. Pakhmutova and poet N. Dobronravov dedicated
Y. Gagarin a wonderful song "You know what kind of guy he was."

Musical director. Yuri Gagarin became the hero of the whole Earth.
He was the first person to see with his own eyes that our
planet Earth is really round, and very beautiful.
Would you like to go on a space trip?
What qualities should a young astronaut have? (children's answers)
Who wants to be an astronaut
He must know a lot
Eat hard and exercise.
Capricious, harmful and angry
We will not take into orbit.
We will take only friendly
We don't need boring ones!
Do you know the rule of friendship?
One for all and all for one! (repeated in chorus)
Musical director. I suggest doing a warm-up before the flight.
Space workout.
Musical director. To fly into space
There is a lot to know!
Now I will check what you know about space. Guess the riddles:
(Guesses are shown on the screen after the children give the correct answer)
1. A yellow circle is visible in the sky
And the rays are like threads.
The earth revolves around
Like a magnet.
Even though I'm not old
But already a scientist -
I know it's not a circle, but a ball,
Strongly hot. (The sun).
2. A man is sitting in a rocket.
Boldly he flies into the sky,
And on us in his spacesuit
He looks from space. (Astronaut).
3. There is no frying pan in space,
And no saucepan either.
Here and porridge, and herring,
And borscht, and vinaigrette -
Packaged like cream!
I will be an astronaut.
I'll eat from something
No dishes at all. (From tubes).
4. A light in the blue sky
Got all the attention
He flies around the earth
He sends us greetings. (Satellite).
Guys, do you know which planets are in the solar system?
Children's answers.

Well done! You already know a lot about space!
I suggest you watch a short cartoon about the planets of the solar system.

So that you can better imagine how the planets move around the sun,
let's play this game:
Game "Sun, Earth, Moon".
First you need to remember with the children what revolves around what.
3 people play. Space music sounds.
The first child stands still, holding the Sun (orange or yellow ball) in his hands.
The second child walks around the Sun, holds a green ball in his hands (This is the Earth rotates),
The third child at this time is running around the child with a green ball, holding a blue ball in his hands (this is the Moon revolving around the Earth).

Musical director. So, to get into space, we go to the spaceport.

Rocket launcher game
Several people are called from each group, who, with the end of the musical fragment, must take their places in the rockets (hoops). The crew of the rocket is no more than 3 people. Gradually, the number of hoops is reduced.

Musical director. The starship is ready to launch
The crew is waiting.
Not wasting a minute
Let's go flying.
Phonopedic exercise "Rockets"
Checking the fuel children pronounce "shhh"
Opening and closing the hatch "glissando" up and down on "a"
Checking the radio pronounce short and sharp sounds "u"
Turn on the engine the sound "r" and rotate the cams
Musical director. Attention! Attention! I give the command to take off the spaceship! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Start!
Sounds like space music

Musical director. We are already in flight! Let's look at the planets in the "window".
They speak in unison:
All the planets in order
Call any of us:
One is Mercury, two is Venus,
Three is Earth, four is Mars!
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune.
And the ninth planet -
Called Pluto!
(verses by A. Haight)
Musical director. We are approaching the planet Saturn.

Saturn is considered one of the most mysterious planets.
Guys, we need to take soil samples on the planet Saturn and send it to
to Earth for research.
We will have to use special devices for movement in a given area, these are space jumpers.
Relay race "Board racing behind the soil of Saturn"
Musical director. Well done! And our journey continues. Our rocket is headed for Mars.
Space music sounds.
Musical director. So we arrived on the planet Mars.

Mars is a desert planet
And the size is slightly larger than the moon.
Him due Red,
Named after the God of War.
And there are no mountains anywhere in the world
Higher than on that planet.
Guys, let's populate the Martians on this desert planet.
The game "Settle the planet Mars"
For the game, several red balls are taken - draw as many Martian men on the ball as possible. Whoever draws the most is the winner.
Musical director.Guys, let's imagine that we met space robots in flight and play our favorite game.
Game "Robots and Stars"
Musical director. This is where space travel ends. It's time to return to Earth!
Space music sounds.

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