The plan of the story is a red balloon in the blue sky. Review of the story by V. Dragunsky “Red ball in the blue sky. What unites the works of the artist and writer

Literary lessonaboutmy reading

in 4th grade.

Subject: "A trip to the Museum House". Reproduction of Sergei Luchishkin's painting "The ball flew away". AT. YU. Dragoon "Red ball in the blue sky".

The purpose of the lesson: learn from poets and artists to see the beauty of nature and the beauty of man.


    We continue to learn to analyze and compare the work of painting and literature.

    To teach the ability to see something special in the simple and ordinary.

    Learn to find the connection between works of literature and works of art.

    Developing the ability to use selective reading.

    Explain funny tricks.

    To form the ability to compare a painting and a literary text in terms of the thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in them.

Lesson type: combined

Resources: reader O.V. Malakhovskaya "Literary reading", textbook "Russian language" N.A. Churakova (part 2), presentation.

Activities: conversation, selective reading, partial search work.

Basic terms and concepts: reproduction, landscape, contrast, story, theme, main idea.

During the classes

1 . Organizing time.

2. Preparation for the perception of the material.

Look at the red balloon. What associations do you have?



surprise, etc.. d. )

Why do you think the red ball appeared in our lesson today?

Today we will get acquainted with the works in which he will be present.

(Lesson topic message.)

In Ozhegov's dictionary, the word red means: Designation of color. It is used in folk speech and poetry to denote something good, bright, light.

3. Working with reproduction.

(Reproduction - a picture, a drawing reproduced in a typographical way.

A painting is a work of painting in colors.

Landscape is a view of a place.

Find in the "Museum House" a reproduction of S. Luchishkin's painting "The ball flew away" and examine it.

Now close the ball and the girl figure with a strip of paper.

What impression does the city landscape make on you?

(Dreary and terrible.

As if the city empty, of people.

And the vegetation is stunted: whether it will take root, or not!

And everything is painted in one color.

somehow bleak. )

Everyone has this opinion, or there are other assumptions.

Sometimes big cities are called "stone jungle".

Can you say the same about this city?

How are the houses located?

(They're leaning towards the girl, rooftops reach the sky, which is visible only in the gap between these houses, not from above;

the houses are the same, with equally dark windows.

Buildings seem much more powerful, more alive, than equally stunted trees planted in the yard, none of them have a single leaf. )

And now open the image of the girl and the balloon.

Do you have new experiences?

The picture came to life, became more "human"?

Or feelings of longing and loneliness intensified?

(A red ball flying in the sky creates a sense of the depth of space, air movement in the painting. Tiny figurine of a girl in a blue dress, looking at the flying ball, revitalizes the cityscape, it ceases to be so uninhabited (you can pay attention to the figures of people in the windows of houses).

The ball and the girl are contrasted with the urban landscape both in color and in size..

This contrast shows, that only the presence of a person fills the monotonous urban landscape with life.)

4. Work with Dragunsky's story.

Open the reader on p.91.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the already familiar author V.Yu. Dragunsky “Red Ball in the Blue Sky”.

Conversation after reading the first part.

What is the name of the boy-hero of this and other stories by Viktor Dragunsky?


What stories by this writer do you remember?

Was there a girl Alenka in them?

Alenka is younger than Deniska or is she the same age? Which lines make this clear?

(-It is clear that you are still small.)

What impression did Alenka's cries make on Denis that a spring market had opened in the store? Quote the lines you need.

(At first I thought someone had been stabbed.

Screams like it's on fire.)

How does Deniska comment on Alenka's words and behavior?

(She screamed terribly loudly, and her eyes were round, like buttons, and desperate.)

What technique does the writer use?


Which of the children is able to captivate another? Support your answer with lines from the text.

(-Run, Deniska! Hurry! They sell effervescent kvass there! Music plays, and different dolls! Run!

And I, too, somehow became agitated from this, and it tickled in my stomach, and I hurried and rushed out of the room.)

Did you find it funny?

See what makes this part of the story funny?

(Contrast is a sharp contrast. It's our flaws that make us funny.)

Reading the second part. Questions session.

Deniska treats the ball as if it were alive. - Misha said thoughtfully.

What did he mean? Quote the relevant parts of the text.

(And as soon as I took it, I heard that the ball pulled thinly, thinly by the thread. He probably wanted to fly away. Then I let go of the thread a little and again I heard how he insistently stretched out of his hands so, as if he really asked to fly away. And I suddenly felt somehow sorry for him that now he can fly, and I keep him on a leash.)

What feeling gripped Deniska when he watched the flying ball? Was it only Deniska?

(I looked up at the ball. It flew up smoothly and calmly, as if this was what he had wanted all his life.

And I stood with my head up and looked, and Alenka too, and many adults stopped and also looked behind their heads - to see how the ball was flying, but it kept flying and decreasing.)

Can you explain why people have a feeling of celebration and joy?

(... how beautiful it is when spring is in the yard, and everyone is smart and cheerful, and cars back and forth, and a policeman in white gloves, and flies away from us a red balloon...)

Did Alenka experience the same feelings at the moment when Deniska released the ball?

(Alenka grabbed her head: - Oh, why, hold on! ... and burst into tears.)

What words and actions of Alenka indicate that she is still small?

(Do you want to vilify? And she handed me a thread.)

What does Denis think about on the way home?

(... it’s a pity that I won’t be able to tell Alyonka all this. I won’t be able to put it into words, and if I could, it would still be incomprehensible to Alyonka, she’s small.)

What else?

(Here she is walking next to me, all so quiet, and the tears have not yet completely dried on her cheeks. She probably feels sorry for her ball.)

Why were the guys silent all the way?

(Each thought about his own.)

Is Alyonka able to understand Deniska's thoughts and feelings? Can she feel beauty?

Why do you think so?

(If I had money, I would buy another balloon ... for you to release it.)

Do you now understand why Denis is friends with this girl?

Try to explain why the story is called that.

5. What unites the works of the artist and the writer?

(general theme or general main idea (general experience))

Works of the writer and artist united by a common theme.

And the main idea of ​​Dragunsky's story is different from the feeling (experience) that the artist shares with us.

AT story the sight of a red balloon flying in the blue sky makes people feel holiday and joy.

The main character Denis thinks, looking at the ball: “how beautiful it is when spring is in the yard, and everyone is smart and cheerful, and cars back and forth, and a policeman in white gloves, and a red hat flies away from us into the clear blue-blue sky ... »

The spring, bright urban landscape surrounding Deniska in itself already evokes a joyful mood, and flying in the sky the ball reinforces this state of celebration.

AT picture a red balloon flying against the background of a bleached grayish sky enlivens quite lifeless and joyless cityscape, making it more humane, habitable.

6. Homework.

Read the article about V. Dragunsky in "Information about Writers".

We learn from poets and artists to see the beauty of nature and the beauty of man. V. Dragunsky "Red Ball in the Blue Sky".

The purpose of the lesson: teach children to see the beauty of nature and man.

Lesson objectives:

  • develop the skills of meaningful expressive reading;
  • to learn to correlate a literary text and a piece of music;
  • develop the ability to analyze a literary text, proving your opinion with quotes from the work;
  • develop the ability to find various means of expression in the text;
  • cultivate love for the environment.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of V. Dragunsky, library of books, drawing sheets, pencils, red balloons.

During the classes:

1. Motivational minute

Listen carefully to yourself

Light a magical light in your eyes!

Friends, believe me, have already come to you -

We have a reading lesson now!

2.Introduction to the topic

Guys, in front of you are white sheets. Let's draw a little. But I have one condition for you - we use only two colors for this. Red and blue. What could you draw?

Students show pictures.

3. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

But didn’t it seem strange to you that instead of starting to read and analyze some text, we began to draw, and even with only two pencils?

Nothing surprising! Now you will understand everything. Please open the reader and on the content page try to find a work that is somehow related to the beginning of our lesson.

So, in today's lesson we will work with another story by V. Dragunsky "A Red Ball in the Blue Sky", we will read and analyze it.(1 slide - the author and the title of the work against the background of red balloons)

4 . Knowledge update

Tell me, who was one of the main characters in Dragunsky's stories?(Deniska)

Why exactly him? Do not know? We can learn about this only from the biography of this remarkable writer.(2 slide - portrait of the writer)

Here is a portrait of the man who gave us the wonderful "Deniska's stories"!(Slide 3 - a library of different editions of "Deniska Stories")

So why Denis? Let's turn to the information about the writers for help.

Students read and answer this question.

5. Work with the first part of the story

Well, now to the text! Is everyone holding pencils? Listen carefully and mark unfamiliar words.

After reading the text by the teacher, vocabulary work is carried out.

Now, I want to know if you have been listening carefully. Answer, is Alenka younger than Deniska or is he the same age? Prove it!

What impression did Alenka's cries make on Denis that a spring market had opened in the store? Quote the relevant lines.

How does Deniska comment on Alenka's words and behavior?

(as an adult, one can feel his condescending tone)

And which of the children is able to captivate the other after him? Prove it.

When we read this part, we smiled involuntarily. We were funny. Now listen to the task of the textbook authors: see what makes this part of the story funny? What technique does the writer use? Nobody remembers? And the authors of the textbook took this into account: “If you find it difficult, find a textbook on reading grade 2, part 2, pp. 148-149 and read through what tricks the writer uses to make the text funny.”

The students remembered what is funny in the text when there is a contrast and that our shortcomings make us funny (the contrast between the behavior of Deniska and Alenka, and you can read about the shortcomings in the last paragraph).

6. Work with the second part of the story

What feeling gripped Deniska when he watched the balloon fly away?

Is it only Denis?

Can you explain why people have a sense of celebration and joy?

Did Alenka experience the same feelings at the moment when Denis released the ball?

What does Denis think about on the way home? What else? Support with words from the text.

Why were the guys silent all the way?

Is Alyonka able to understand Denis's thoughts and feelings?

Can she feel beauty?

Do you now understand why Deniska is friends with this girl, although she is younger? Why?

(He sees the spiritual beauty of this girl, and the red ball in the blue sky emphasizes this beauty)

7. Lesson summary

Did you like this story? And Deniska and Alenka? What about our guys? Don't be surprised by the question! Who impressed you with their answers today? With proof!

But I can't forget the red balloon in the blue sky, and I don't want you to forget about it.

8. Reflection

(Slide 4 with a red balloon in the blue sky to the music of W.A. Mozart "Cry for Love")

Imagine that you let go of your ball, it rushes up, and with it everything bad flies away from you: some kind of failure, disappointment, illness, only your loved ones remain, capable of giving you something extraordinary!

So I want to give you these balloons, so that everyone has their own red balloon, and, thank God, each of us has a blue sky!

At The teacher gives each student a red helium balloon.

The story "A Red Balloon in the Blue Sky" tells how the boy Deniska released a red Alenkin balloon into the sky. But the girl did not feel sorry for him at all. This cute and touching story will surely please your child.

Short story Red balloon in the blue sky download:

The story Red balloon in the blue sky read

Suddenly our door flew open, and Alenka shouted from the corridor:

Spring Bazaar in a big store!

She screamed terribly loudly, and her eyes were round as buttons and desperate. At first I thought someone had been stabbed. And she again took a breath and come on:

Run, Deniska! Quicker! There kvass is fizzy! Music plays, and different dolls! Let's run!

Screams like there's a fire. And I was also somehow agitated by this, and it tickled in my stomach, and I hurried and rushed out of the room.

Alyonka and I joined hands and ran like crazy to a big store. There was a whole crowd of people there and in the very middle stood a man and a woman made of something shiny, huge, up to the ceiling, and although they were not real, they blinked their eyes and moved their lower lips, as if they were talking. The man shouted:

Spring Bazaar! Spring Bazaar!

And the woman:

Welcome! Welcome!

We looked at them for a long time, and then Alenka says:

How do they scream? Because they are not real!

It's just not clear, I said.

Then Alenka said:

And I know. They are not screaming! It is in the middle of them that live artists sit and shout to themselves all day. And they themselves pull the string, and the lips of the dolls move from this.

I burst out laughing:

You can see that you are still small. Artists will become you in the stomach of the dolls to sit all day. Can you imagine? Hunched over all day - you'll probably get tired! Do you need to eat, drink? And other things, you never know what ... Oh, you darkness! This radio screams in them.

Alenka said:

Come here quickly

Here are the tickets for the raffle!

It won't take long for everyone to win

Passenger car "Volga"!

And some in a rush

Win "Moskvich"!

And we also laughed next to him, as he briskly shouted out, and Alenka said:

Still, when the living screams, it is more interesting than the radio.

And we ran for a long time in the crowd among the adults and had a lot of fun, and some military guy grabbed Alyonka under the armpits, and his comrade pressed a button in the wall, and cologne suddenly splashed from there, and when Alyonka was put on the floor, she smelled of candy all over, and uncle said:

Well, what a beauty, I have no strength!

But Alenka ran away from them, and I followed her, and we finally found ourselves near kvass. I had money for breakfast, and so Alyonka and I drank two large mugs each, and Alyonka's stomach immediately became like a soccer ball, and all the time I had a buzz in the nose and pricked in the nose with needles. Great, just the first grade, and when we ran again, I heard kvass gurgling in me. And we wanted to go home and ran out into the street. It was even more fun there, and a woman was standing at the very entrance selling balloons.

Alenka, as soon as she saw this woman, stopped in her tracks. She said:

Ouch! I want a ball!

And I said:

It would be nice, but there is no money.

And Alenka:

I have one money.

She took it out of her pocket.

I said:

Wow! Ten kopecks. Aunty, give her a ball!

The saleswoman smiled.

What do you want? Red, blue, blue?

Alenka took the red one. And we went. And suddenly Alenka says:

Do you want to wear?

And she handed me the thread. I took. And as soon as I took it, I heard that the ball was pulling the string very thinly! He probably wanted to fly away. Then I let go of the thread a little and again I heard how he insistently stretched out of his hands, as if he was really asking to fly away. And I suddenly felt somehow sorry for him that now he can fly, and I keep him on a leash, and I took and released him. And at first the ball didn’t even fly away from me, as if he didn’t believe it, and then I felt that it was real, and immediately rushed and flew up above the lantern.

Alenka clutched her head:

Oh why, hold on!

And she began to bounce, as if she could jump to the ball, but she saw that she could not, and began to cry:

Why did you miss it?

But I didn't answer her. I looked up at the ball. He flew upwards smoothly and calmly, as if this was what he had wanted all his life.

And I stood with my head up and looked, and Alenka too, and many adults stopped and also looked behind their heads - to see how the ball was flying, but it kept flying and decreasing.

So he flew over the last floor of a huge house, and someone leaned out of the window and waved after him, and he was even higher and a little to the side, higher than antennas and pigeons, and became quite small ... Something in my ears rang when he flew and it has almost disappeared. He flew behind a cloud, it was fluffy and small, like a rabbit, then resurfaced, disappeared and completely disappeared from view and now, probably, he was near the moon, and we all looked up, and in my eyes some kind of tailed dots and patterns. And the ball was nowhere to be found.

And then Alenka sighed barely audibly, and everyone went about their business.

And we also went, and were silent, and all the way I thought how beautiful it is when spring is in the yard, and everyone is smart and cheerful, and cars back and forth, and a policeman in white gloves, and flies into a clear, blue-blue sky from us a red balloon. And I also thought, what a pity that I can't tell Alyonka all this. I won’t be able to put it into words, and if I could, it would still be incomprehensible to Alyonka, she’s small. Here she is walking next to me, and all so hushed, and the tears have not yet completely dried on her cheeks. She probably feels sorry for her ball.

And Alyonka and I walked like this all the way to the house and were silent, and at our gates, when we began to say goodbye, Alenka said:

If I had money, I would buy another balloon... for you to release.

Suddenly our door flew open, and Alenka shouted from the corridor:

Spring Bazaar in a big store!

She screamed terribly loudly, and her eyes were round as buttons and desperate. At first I thought someone had been stabbed. And she again took a breath and come on:

Run, Deniska! Quicker! There kvass is fizzy! Music plays, and different dolls! Let's run!

Screams like there's a fire. And I was also somehow agitated by this, and it tickled in my stomach, and I hurried and rushed out of the room.

Alyonka and I joined hands and ran like crazy to a big store. There was a whole crowd of people there and in the very middle stood a man and a woman made of something shiny, huge, up to the ceiling, and although they were not real, they blinked their eyes and moved their lower lips, as if they were talking. The man shouted:

Spring Bazaar! Spring Bazaar!

And the woman:

Welcome! Welcome!

We looked at them for a long time, and then Alenka says:

How do they scream? Because they are not real!

It's just not clear, I said.

Then Alenka said:

And I know. They are not screaming! It is in the middle of them that live artists sit and shout to themselves all day. And they themselves pull the string, and the lips of the dolls move from this.

I burst out laughing:

You can see that you are still small. Artists will become you in the stomach of the dolls to sit all day. Can you imagine? Hunched over all day - you'll probably get tired! Do you need to eat, drink? And other things, you never know what ... Oh, you darkness! This radio screams in them.

Alenka said:

Come here quickly

Here are the tickets for the raffle!

It won't take long for everyone to win

Passenger car "Volga"!

And some in a rush

Win "Moskvich"!

And we also laughed next to him, as he briskly shouted out, and Alenka said:

Still, when the living screams, it is more interesting than the radio.

And we ran for a long time in the crowd among the adults and had a lot of fun, and some military guy grabbed Alyonka under the armpits, and his comrade pressed a button in the wall, and cologne suddenly splashed from there, and when Alyonka was put on the floor, she smelled of candy all over, and uncle said:

Well, what a beauty, I have no strength!

But Alenka ran away from them, and I followed her, and we finally found ourselves near kvass. I had money for breakfast, and so Alyonka and I drank two large mugs each, and Alyonka's stomach immediately became like a soccer ball, and all the time I had a buzz in the nose and pricked in the nose with needles. Great, just the first grade, and when we ran again, I heard kvass gurgling in me. And we wanted to go home and ran out into the street. It was even more fun there, and a woman was standing at the very entrance selling balloons.

Alenka, as soon as she saw this woman, stopped in her tracks. She said:

Ouch! I want a ball!

And I said:

It would be nice, but there is no money.

And Alenka:

I have one money.

She took it out of her pocket.

I said:

Wow! Ten kopecks. Aunty, give her a ball!

The saleswoman smiled.

What do you want? Red, blue, blue?

Alenka took the red one. And we went. And suddenly Alenka says:

Do you want to wear?

And she handed me the thread. I took. And as soon as I took it, I heard that the ball was pulling the string very thinly! He probably wanted to fly away. Then I let go of the thread a little and again I heard how he insistently stretched out of his hands, as if he was really asking to fly away. And I suddenly felt somehow sorry for him that now he can fly, and I keep him on a leash, and I took and released him. And at first the ball didn’t even fly away from me, as if he didn’t believe it, and then I felt that it was real, and immediately rushed and flew up above the lantern.

Alenka clutched her head:

Oh why, hold on!

And she began to bounce, as if she could jump to the ball, but she saw that she could not, and began to cry:

Why did you miss it?

But I didn't answer her. I looked up at the ball. He flew upwards smoothly and calmly, as if this was what he had wanted all his life.

And I stood with my head up and looked, and Alenka too, and many adults stopped and also looked behind their heads - to see how the ball was flying, but it kept flying and decreasing.

So he flew over the last floor of a huge house, and someone leaned out of the window and waved after him, and he was even higher and a little to the side, higher than antennas and pigeons, and became quite small ... Something in my ears rang when he flew and it has almost disappeared. He flew behind a cloud, it was fluffy and small, like a rabbit, then resurfaced, disappeared and completely disappeared from view and now, probably, he was near the moon, and we all looked up, and in my eyes some kind of tailed dots and patterns. And the ball was nowhere to be found.

And then Alenka sighed barely audibly, and everyone went about their business.

And we also went, and were silent, and all the way I thought how beautiful it is when spring is in the yard, and everyone is smart and cheerful, and cars back and forth, and a policeman in white gloves, and flies into a clear, blue-blue sky from us a red balloon. And I also thought, what a pity that I can't tell Alyonka all this. I won’t be able to put it into words, and if I could, it would still be incomprehensible to Alyonka, she’s small. Here she is walking next to me, and all so hushed, and the tears have not yet completely dried on her cheeks. She probably feels sorry for her ball.

And Alyonka and I walked like this all the way to the house and were silent, and at our gates, when we began to say goodbye, Alenka said:

If I had money, I would buy another balloon... for you to release.

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