Outline of a drawing lesson (younger group) on the topic: Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “A branch for a bird. Abstract on decorative drawing in the second junior group "Dymkovo bird

goal: in a decorative image, to master the ability to see the object form and build an elegant pattern on it by alternating color spots, exercise in the transfer of elements of a decorative pattern of circles, strokes. Learn correctly, hold the brush, adjust the force of pressure, carry out a sequence of operations. To develop curiosity, interest, the ability to carefully examine the Dymkovo toy and admire it.

Dictionary expansion: spring, warm regions, Dymkovo toy.

Lesson progress:

I part. The children are standing on the carpet.

What season is it outside?

Children: - Spring!

How did you guess it's spring?

Children: - The bright sun warms, grass appears, birds have arrived from warm lands.

Part II. I draw attention to the bird sitting on the windowsill (Dymkovo toy).

She flew to visit us, brought spring on her wings. Reading a joke:

The birds were flying

little birds,

How did they fly

All the people looked

How did they sit down

All the people were amazed!

Children depict birds: fly, flap their wings. Then they sit down at the tables, in the middle of which clay birds are cooked, covered with white gouache. The Dymkovo bird "sits down" among them. On behalf of the Dymkovo bird, I ask unpainted birds:

Girlfriend birds, why are you sad, because it's spring outside, it's warm, the sun is warming!

We rejoice in spring, but we just look at you: you are so beautiful, you have a red cap on your head, painted wings, and we are just white, and there are no colored feathers on the wings and tails!

What to do, guys, how to cheer up this bird flock?

Children offer to paint them and then the birds will become cheerful and beautiful.

III part. I suggest that each child take a bird.

Show me where the bird's head is? And what's that? (tail) And this? (wings)

On the sample I show how to paint a bird: first we draw yellow paint on the brush and decorate the beak and wings with a tail. Then we wash the brush, pick up blue paint and apply eyes, stripes on the wings by dipping, circle the tail. After that, having washed the brush, we draw red paint on the brush and decorate the head of the bird with a red cap.

I remind the children once again, so that the painting turns out beautiful, rinse after each paint, and at the end dry the brush on a napkin.

IV part. Independent work, during the lesson to help those who are at a loss.

V part. Finger gymnastics "Well, count ten birds - a flock."

Part VI. I propose to take dried birds and play with them: “fly” around the group, saying the words of the nursery rhyme “The birds flew ...” The birds say “thank you” to the children, for that. that they painted them, now they are as beautiful as Dymkovo toys from our Miracle Smoke museum.

joint educational activities a teacher with children in the second junior group of a general developmental orientation using gaming technologies.

"Little Birds"


  1. We learn to see the object form and build an elegant pattern on it by alternating color spots.
  2. We learn correctly, to hold the brush, to regulate the pressure force, to carry out a sequence of operations.
  3. Dictionary expansion: spring, warm regions, Dymkovo toy.
  4. We are practicing in the transfer of elements of a decorative pattern using circles and strokes.
  5. We develop curiosity, interest, the ability to carefully examine the Dymkovo toy and admire it.
  6. We bring up the desire to join the work of folk artists, a sense of respect for their work, accuracy, the ability to work with paints.

Necessary materials:

  1. Dymkovo figurines, demonstration material on the Dymkovo toy, small figurines of birds covered with white gouache
  2. Brushes, gouache and all necessary material to work with paints

Preliminary work:

  1. Familiarization of children with the works of Dymkovo masters, examining patterns, a variety of colors.
  2. A conversation about what material toys are made of.

Drawing Dymkovo patterns on strips of paper ("Let's color the bookmark")

Lesson progress

I part. Children stand on the carpet in a semicircle

Educator: What season is it outside?

Children: Spring!

Educator: How did you guess it's spring?

Children: The bright sun warms, grass appears, birds have flown from

Warm edges.

II part. Guys, look, who is sitting on the windowsill with us? That's right, a birdie, she flew to visit us, brought spring on her wings. Let's play with you, turn into birds and fly a little. Reading a joke:

Little birds flew, little birds,

As they flew all the people looked

How they sat down all the people marveled!

Children depict birds: fly, flap their wings. Then they sit down at the tables, in the middle of which clay birds are cooked, covered with white gouache. The Dymkovo bird "sits down" among them. On behalf of the Dymkovo bird, I ask unpainted birds:

Girlfriend birds, why are you sad, because it's spring outside, it's warm, the sun is warm!

We rejoice in spring, but we just look at you: you are so beautiful, you have a red cap on your head, painted wings, and we are just white, and there are no colored feathers on the wings and tails!

What to do, guys, how to cheer up this bird flock?

Children offer to paint them and then the birds will become cheerful and beautiful.

III part. That's right, guys, let's each of you take a bird and color it ..

Show me where the bird's head is? And what's that? (tail) And this? (wings)

Let me help you and show you how to paint correctly: first, we draw yellow paint on the brush and decorate the beak and wings with a tail. Then we wash the brush, pick up blue paint and apply eyes, stripes on the wings by dipping, circle the tail. After that, having washed the brush, we draw red paint on the brush and decorate the head of the bird with a red cap.

Please don't forget to rinse the brush properly after each color.paint, then your patterns will turn out brighter and more beautiful.

IV part . Independent work, during the lesson to help difficult children.

V part. Now let's play a little game with you. Finger gymnastics "Well, count ten birds - a flock."

Part VI . Guys, while we were playing, our birds dried up. Let each of you take your bird and fly with it around the group, quietly, on tiptoes, so as not to fall. The birds say "thank you" to the children, for that. that they painted them, now they are as beautiful as real Dymkovo toys.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This abstract is developed on the basis of using the technology of problem-dialogic learning. This method was developed by E.L. Melnikova for use at school. For the continuity of the levels of...

Synopsis of the GCD in the second junior group "Smeshariki". The theme of the GCD is "A fun trip of the tongue to the zoo"

The purpose of the GCD: the development of articulatory motor skills. Tasks: Educational: - to develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing sounds; - to teach to listen carefully to the text of the poem; - R...


  • Educational: Clarify and expand children's knowledge of seasonal spring changes in nature.
  • Educational: Develop an interest in the life of birds. The ability to know and recognize migratory birds: starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows. Continue to teach children to draw in an unconventional technique. Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to enjoy the result of their work.
  • Educational: Raise interest in birds, caring attitude towards them.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world)”, “Music”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity (drawing)”.

Preliminary work: reading poetry, fairy tales about birds, guessing riddles, looking at pictures and illustrations, talking about birds.

Materials and equipment: bird masks for each child, a saucer of milk for the cat Murka, an envelope with bird contours for each child, oilcloths, sponges on plates with black paint for coloring tails, wet wipes; audio recording of "Voices of Birds".


  • Adults: Host, Cat Murka.
  • Children: Swallow (girl of the preparatory group).

The course of direct educational activities of children

The hall is decorated in spring, with green twigs. The sun hangs from the ceiling. Children enter the hall to the sound of birds singing. The presenter reads a poem by I. Tokmakova "Spring".

Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet
Black thawed patches are visible
That's right, spring has very fast legs.

Leading. Guys, what time of year is it?

Children. Spring!

presenter. That's right, spring. Do you know that a lot of people arrive in spring? different birds? The children answer. Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows fly to us. Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they also bring great benefits to the forest. Do you want us to turn into birds?

The children agree. They wear bird masks.

Spin around, spin around
Turn into little birds!

Dance of the birds (to the music of the Russian folk song “In the garden, in the garden”)

Small birds fly home in spring.
(Children-birds “fly” in a flock around the hall)
All birds must return from the south.

The birds danced merrily all day: shadow-shadow-shadow.
(Children perform a “spring” with turns left and right)
They danced in the morning to wake up the dawn.

There are bugs and grains here, you can eat them deliciously.
(Children squat down and show with their hands how they peck grains)
Peck, peck, and then dance

Wings fluttered, feathers fluttered.
(Children perform a “spring” and wave their arms up and down)
One wave, another wave, fly away all home.

presenter. Let's sing a song about a bird.

Song "Little Bird"

Cat Murka enters the hall, meows.

Murka cat. Who sings about the bird here? who won't let me sleep?

presenter. Ah, that's who scared our birds away! You can't hunt birds, pussycat - they are our friends!

Murka cat. I'm so bored, there's nothing to do, so I'm hunting.

presenter. So you better play with the birds.

The game "Here the birds flew":


Somewhere a cat is sitting here,
Doesn't tell you to mess around.
A rustle is heard in the corners,
Birds, birds, go home!

The game is played 2-3 times.

presenter. Let's be kids again. The children agree.

Spin around, spin around and turn into kids!

Murka cat. So it was not the birds, but the guys? I do not play this way...

presenter. Don't be offended, pussy. Stay at our holiday, we will give you milk and sing a song about you. (Puts a saucer of milk in front of the pussycat.)

The song "Pussy came to the children."

Kitty drank milk and now goes to sleep.

Cat Murka says goodbye to the guys and leaves the hall.

Vedas. Guys guess the riddle:

Guess what kind of bird - Dark little one?
She has a white belly. And a double ponytail.
She flies faster than everyone, there are enough midges on the fly,
If she flies to us, then spring is coming to us.

Children: Martin!

Vedas. That's right, and here she came to visit us (a swallow flies to the music)

Martin. The swallow rushed in from behind the blue of the sea, sat down and sang:

“No matter how February gets angry, how you, March, don’t frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring!

Vedas. And what did you bring us swallow?

Martin. Here in my envelope is a task for the children. I want the children to help me draw the tails of my little bird friends.

Vedas. Our kids will be happy to help you swallow, they love to draw with us. (Drawing tails on the contours of birds with fingers).

presenter. Guys, it's time for us to return to our group. Our toys miss us.

Under the record “Birdsong”, the children leave the hall.

Natalya Kudryavtseva
Synopsis of GCD on fine arts in the 2nd junior group on the topic "Birds"

Educational areas:

Artistic creativity.


Strengthen knowledge about the structure birds, introduce brown, introduce different imaging techniques birds, instill interest in drawing, enjoy the result, develop imagination, cultivate accuracy in work.

Demo material:

Image of a feeder and a sparrow on a sheet of paper.


Album sheet, foam rubber impregnated with brown gouache, black gouache, brush, brush holder, wet wipes.

preliminary work:

Watching birds who arrived at the site, looking at illustrations, reading fiction.

Today when I went to Kindergarten, the sun shone brightly. And I really wanted to smile at him. Would you like to smile at the sun?

Hold hands, look at each other and smile. What is your mood?

Good, joyful.

On the way to kindergarten, I met one bird. It was a sparrow. He was sitting on the feeder birds and was very sad. "Why are you sad?" I asked. What do you think he answered me?

He is sad because he is alone.

Children, I really want him to have good mood and he rejoiced with us. So I invited him to visit us, let's get to know him. (Children look at a toy sparrow).

Guys, maybe we can help the sparrow and draw sparrow friends for him.

Consider carefully our new friend. What body parts does he have?

It has a head, body, legs, wings, beak, eyes.

What color is a sparrow?

Sparrow brown.

To draw a sparrow we will use different materials. We have foam. Why do you think it's brown?

Because the sparrow is brown.

Well done, show me your palms, attach to foam rubber, and now attach to a sheet of paper. Well done, you did everything right. Wipe the palm, which is in brown paint, with a napkin. Look at the paper, what does your handprint look like?

On the body with a tail.

What else needs to be drawn?

We will draw the head using a cover from plastic bottle. We will also attach it to the foam rubber and then to the body of our bird. What beautiful sparrows you have. It seems to me that something is missing. And what do you think.

Eye, beak and paws.

We will draw this when the sparrows dry up. Now let's play with fingers.

A game "The bird folded its wings".

The bird folded its wings, (fingers cross,

The bird washed its wings, (circular movements of crossed fingers,

The bird led with its beak, (little fingers straighten, depicting a beak,

The bird found grains (little fingers tap on the table)

The bird ate grains

The bird sang songs

The bird opened its wings (fingers open)

Fly, fly! (hands crossed, wings flapping).

And so, what do we need to finish?

Eyes, beak and paws.

In order for a sparrow to see, you need eyes. In order for a sparrow to peck grain, you need a beak. In order for the sparrow to be able to jump along the road, paws are needed. How will we draw the eyes, beak and paws?


Okay, use your fingers.

What beautiful sparrows we got! Let's call the sparrow and show him new friends.

Sparrow chirped:

I'm going to look for friends.

Our sparrow liked new friends, and he invites them to peck grains. Let's put all the sparrows on the feeder.

Otkіzgen merzіmі / Ddate_________

2 kishilertobynaarnalganUyimdaskanokukyzmetinіntechnologykartases

Routing organizational learning activities

2 junior group

I take salas /Educational area: « Creation"

Bөlіmі/ Chapter: Drawing

Takyrywould/ Topic:"We draw a bird"

Maksaty /Target: To teach children to draw a bird from two parts of a round shape: a head and a torso.

Mindetteri/ Tasks: Improve the ability to work with a foam swab. Develop imagination. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards migratory birds.

Sөzdik zhұmysy/ Cvocabulary work: migratory birds.

Tіldіk component / Bilingual component: bird - kus.

Tehnologiyalyқ құral-zhabdyқtar /Technological support: magnetic board, a picture of a bird, albums, gouache, foam swabs, napkins, felt-tip pens.

Aldyn-alajumys / Preliminary work: guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, finger and outdoor games on the theme "Birds".

Kyzmet kezenderi-stages of activity

Tarbieshіninіn іs-аreketі

Actions of the educator

Balalardyn іs-аreketi

Children's actions


Motivational incentive.

Encouragement of the child to the process of activity:

Draws the child's attention to sounds.

Approaches the magnetic board, draws attention to the bird.

Creating a problem situation:

Encourages you to solve the riddle.

All migratory birds blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Showing interest in what is going on.

Listen to the sounds of birds.

Show interest

Awareness by the child of a problem that needs to be solved.

Guess the riddle: rook


Organizational search

Orienting children to problem solving:

Reads a poem.

Let me be a small bird

I, friends, have a habit:

When the cold starts

From the forest straight to you, here.

Offers to consider a bird.

Produces a demonstration of how to draw a bird using a foam swab. Finishes the details with a felt-tip pen.

A small circle is the head, a large circle is the body, two short lines are the tail, beak, paws.

Finger gymnastics


bird - bird

Here's some water for you!

Here are the crumbs on my palm.

Offers to draw a bird.

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child:

Provides the necessary individual assistance.

Inclusion of children in the process of activity.

Listen to a poem

Considering a bird

Observe the activities of the teacher

Perform finger gymnastics according to the text.

Get to work

Turning the child for the necessary help to an adult.

Draw with the teacher.


Reflexively - corrective.

Analysis of the results of children's activities:

Draws attention to the resulting birds.

Offers to treat the birds with grains.

Make an exhibition of drawings.

Thank the children for the good drawings.

Awareness by the child of the results of his activities

Consider the work of comrades.

Draw dots to represent food.

Rejoice in their success.

Share impressions.

Kutimdі natizhe- Expected Result:

Koldanady - Reproduce: the ability to draw a bird from two parts of a round shape: a head and a body.

Tүsіnedі - Understand: how to work with a foam swab.

Kabyldaydy - Apply: friendly attitude towards migratory birds.

What else to read