Project (grade 1) on the topic: the project "Russian folk outdoor games". Project. introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, through Russian folk outdoor games, was developed by an instructor in physical culture ndoe


MDOU "Kindergarten No. 9" Rainbow "



"Folk children's outdoor games"

Prepared by the teacher

senior group:

Kozlova O.G. -

Educator 1 sq.

Balabanovo, 2017

Relevance of the project topic

From time immemorial, children have shown and consolidated the activities that accompanied them in the family circle in games. It was through the game that children got acquainted with the basic techniques of a particular craft, craft: shoemaking, weaving, beekeeping, hunting, fishing ...

National games contribute to the transfer to the younger generation from the older one of the invaluable positive experience accumulated by the ancestors regarding rational housekeeping, life in harmony with nature.

Plunging into the historical past of the Russian people, one can single out a number of games and entertainments that our great-grandparents played and that our children can play now. Outdoor games are simple in content, do not require complex attributes (wooden stick, ball, rope, scarf, etc.).

Project participants

Children of the senior group, parents and teachers of the group, music director.

Objective of the project

Create conditions for the formation of children elementary representations about the culture and traditions of the Russian people through an outdoor game.

Project objectives

1. Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards national culture, traditions and games of the Russian people; to help strengthen family ties, through interest in the content of the project topic, not only for children, but also for their parents.

2. Formation of ideas about the diversity of folk games; to teach to use folk games in independent activities, to act according to the rules; broaden the horizons of children.

3. Promoting the development of children's creative abilities, the desire to learn more about their native land.

4. To introduce children to the folk games of children from neighboring countries

Project implementation period: April-May

Predicted result

Children develop knowledge about the traditions of the people in which they live; children learn to use national games in free activities; in the family, a connection is established between generations, as parents, grandparents share memories of their childhood, parents are involved in joint games with children.

rises professional level teachers and the degree of their involvement in activities; deepening knowledge of the traditions and culture of the people.

rises educational level parents through their introduction into fascinating world folk games; a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process is developing (children involve their parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher).

Stages of project implementation



date of


Bring the children to the topic of the project

  • Conversation with children "How our ancestors harvested" Objectives:To acquaint with the sequence of labor actions, tools, folk traditions.
  • : "What clothes did you wear before"
  • Conversation : "What games did our grandparents play."

Objectives: To expand children's understanding of the historical and cultural past of our ancestors.

  • Problem situation: "Folk game - what is it?" Objectives: to interest children in the topic of folk games; lead them to the choice of the topic of the project
  • Questioning of parents on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games"

Purpose: to awaken in parents an interest in the topic of folk games; encourage children to play together

  • Survey of children on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games" Purpose: to arouse children's interest in the topic of folk games; involvement in the topic of the project; lead the children to the choice of the project








I stage


Optimization of all sections of the program to consolidate knowledge about the traditions and culture of the Russian people; to acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of the project implemented in the group, explain its importance and necessity

  • Creation of a developing environment in the group (a dynamic corner of the national culture of the Russian people); involvement of parents in the upcoming creative work(consultations, individual conversations, photography of games together with children).
  • Task for children: Find out what games their grandparents played. Purpose: involvement of parents, grandparents in the implementation of the project; to promote the development of children's ability to obtain information; arouse in children interest and enthusiasm for independent activities for the implementation of the project
  • Selection of folk games from those proposed by children in accordance with the age of the children.
  • Consultation of parents on the topic: "We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health"
  • Consultation for parents "Russian folk outdoor games"

Objectives of consultation for parents: increasing the educational level of parents





II stage


Formation of elementary knowledge and ideas about the games of the native people and their diversity. Continue to teach children to use folk outdoor games in free activities.

  • Organized joint activities:"Toys of our grandmothers" Objectives: the formation of children's ideas about the folk toy; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one's own people; continue pedagogical activity on educating children of national identity and respect for other nations
  • Low mobility games « You roll, cheerful tambourine ... "," Ring - ring.Objectives: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules; to learn the incantations for games to continue to improve the skills of children to quickly pass the subject in a circle; develop memory, speech, attention, reaction; to form the ability of children to restrain their emotions during the game.
  • Games of low mobility "Brook"; "Aram shim shim"Objectives: to introduce children to new folk games and their rules, to learn the calls to games; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging them to follow the rules of the game
  • Mobile game "Burn, burn brightly" (another option)Objectives: to introduce children to a new version of a familiar folk game; to exercise children in the ability to independently choose the direction of movement; educate organization, develop dexterity, speed
  • Mobile game "Woodpecker"Objectives: to introduce children to the new folk game and its rules, to learn the call to the game; improve the skills of children to independently choose a driver; to fix the oral account; encourage children to run in one chosen direction; promote the development of memory, speech, attention
  • Mobile games "Throw-ins"; "Bouncers"Objectives: to introduce children to the rules of new folk games; learn spells for games; To improve the skills of children in throwing and throwing the ball, catching it, running; foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, encouraging them to follow the rules of the game


From 7.10

From 21.10

From 7.10

From 21.10

From 5.11

III stage.


Generalization of work experience on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games".

  • The use of folk games by children in independent gaming activity indoors and outdoors
  • Making a project on this topic in Worde and PowerPoint.
  • Homework: "Draw how we play folk games."
  • Homework for parents: replenish the archive of the group with photos joint games with kids


Evaluation of project results

The results of a survey of families on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games":

in all the families that took part in the survey, parents walk with their children, provide them with the opportunity to play outdoor games and develop physically, but at the same time, most parents do not play with their children and could not answer what significance outdoor games have for children. physical development and health of children. Most parents know what folk outdoor games are and are familiar with them, but at the same time, children do not know what folk games are. This suggests that the connection between generations is weakly traced in families, education in the historical, cultural and patriotic direction is not carried out. Based on the results of the survey, it was decided to acquaint parents with information about the importance and necessity of joint outdoor games with children, their importance for improving the health of children and strengthening ties within the family, both between parents and children, and between parents. To draw the attention of parents to the relationship of generations in the historical, cultural and patriotic direction. For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photos of moments of joint games with children in order to attract parents to joint games with children.

From the results of a survey of children, it can be concluded that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, and the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that children are familiar with folk games, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend their free time not in front of the TV, but in the game, and this is still not a big, but still an achievement.

At the end of the work on the project, the teachers of the group raised professional competence in project activities; deepened knowledge about the traditions and culture of their native land, strengthened ties with the families of children.

Summing up the results of the project, it was decided by all its participants to continue studying folk games, to use them in joint games, both in families and during their stay in kindergarten.


Questionnaire for parents on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games"

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the proposed questions. Thank you in advance for your participation!

  1. How often do you go for walks on weekends?__________________
  2. Going out with your child for a walk, you go ...

a) into the forest

b) in the yard

c) To the store

d) on a sports playground

  1. What kind of games does your child prefer?

a) Outdoor games

b) Board games

c) role-playing games

d) Others (What?) _______________________________________________


  1. What sports equipment do you have at home?______________


  1. What outdoor games did you play as a child? ___________________


  1. How do you understand what folk games are?____________________
  1. List what folk games you know ____________________________


  1. How often do you and your child play outdoor games? ______
  2. What do you think, what is the importance of outdoor games for the physical development and health of children?

Questions for children on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games"

  1. Do you like to play?

Russian folk outdoor games

Description of games


The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and his hand extended forward. All the players run in a circle with the words: Aram-shim-shim, Aram-shim-shim, Aramiya-Dulsia, Show me. On the last words the circle stops, and the players look at whom the driver's hand points to. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in chorus: "One, two, three." On the count of three, those in the center turn their heads at the same time. If they turned their heads in one direction, then they are doing some kind of task for the guys - they sing, dance, read, etc. After that, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turned their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second starts the game from the beginning. When older guys play this game, they sometimes introduce such a rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in one direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

The game "You roll, merry tambourine!"

Everyone stands in a big circle. The presenter pronounces the words: You roll, cheerful tambourine, quickly, quickly on your hands. Whoever has a merry tambourine, that one now ... / task / etc.

Burn, burn bright. (2)

Children line up in pairs. The driver gets ahead. He is not allowed to look back. Everyone sings:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying, the bells are ringing!

When the song ends, the children in the last pair separate and run around those in pairs (one on the left, the other on the right). They try to grab hands in front. The driver, in turn, tries to catch whoever is running. The one who is caught becomes the driver in the first pair, and the one who is left without a pair becomes the new driver. If a pair of runners manages to connect before the driver has time to catch anyone, then this pair gets ahead, the game continues with the previous driver.


The host takes the ring in his hands. All other participants sit on a bench, fold their hands like a boat and put them on their knees. The host goes around the children and puts his palms in each of his hands, while he says:

I'm walking along the mountain, I'm carrying a ring! Guess guys where the gold fell?

To one of the players, the host imperceptibly puts a ring in his hands. Then he moves a few steps away from the shop and sings the words:

Ring, ring,

Get out on the porch!

Who will come down from the porch

He will find the ring!

The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump off the bench and run away, and the children sitting next to him must guess who has it hidden, and try to keep this player out, holding it with his hands. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game.


The players choose a participant representing a woodpecker. The rest of the players approach the tree with the woodpecker and sing:

A woodpecker walks on arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat

I didn’t find it and hammer bitches

There is a knock in the forest.


After that, the woodpecker takes a stick and, counting to himself, knocks on the wood the planned number of times. Which of the players will be the first to correctly name the number and run around the tree so many times becomes a new woodpecker and the game is repeated.


One of the players picks up the ball and sings:

Olya, Kolya, green oak

White lily of the valley, gray bunny

Drop it!

With the word "Drop it!" throws the ball up hard. Which of the players is the first to pick it up on the fly, he sings the same game refrain and throws the ball up.


2 lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Two are chosen bouncer , the rest of the players gather in the center between the two lines. The bouncers stand behind the lines and throw the ball towards each other, while trying to hit the players. A ball that has flown past the players is caught by a second bouncer, and the players turn around and hastily run back. It's the second bouncer's turn to throw.

Organized joint activities with kids

What clothes did you wear before?

Objectives: the formation of children's ideas about the appearance of our ancestors living in the territory of the Bryansk region and its connection with the life of people; the formation of initial skills of analysis and comparison on the example of comparing the clothes of the Russian and other peoples; enrichment of the lexical stock "paneva", "veil", "ubrus"

Equipment: musical arrangement (Russian folk songs); an album with illustrations of clothes from different times and peoples; ball; Lidia Iovleva "Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov. Shamrock, 2002; Galina Churak "Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov. Shamrock, 2002; Galina Churak "Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin. Shamrock, 2002; James Patterson "What clothes did they wear before"; Russian traditional costume. Complex with paneva "didactic material, lotto game

Activity progress:
1. I suggest looking at me: "I am a woman, my name is Lyubov Vladimirovna. Every person on Earth is either a man or a woman, and children are a boy or a girl."

Attention game
I will throw you a ball, and you, having caught it, will answer who you are and what is your name.

A conversation about elementary gender differences
Now let's talk about how outwardly girls differ from boys and vice versa.
What do you think looks are? What does it consist of? (children's answers)
So: appearance is the external appearance of a person, that is, what we see.
Repeat (repeat together)
Let's compare two children - a boy and a girl (compare clothes, height, shoes, hair length, physique and more)

Examination of illustrations for books: Lidia Iovleva “Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov. Shamrock, 2002; Galina Churak "Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Vasily Surikov. Shamrock, 2002; Galina Churak "Artists in the Tretyakov Gallery. Ilya Repin. Shamrock, 2002; James Patterson "What clothes did you wear before"

2. Introducing children to women's clothing Central regions Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Enable Russian folk songs (immersion)
Close your eyes and imagine that you live in Ancient Russia. Around you are old huts, you are playing on a green lawn. You are wearing Slavic clothes: the girls have long sundresses of different colors, ribbons in pigtails and wide trousers with kosovorotkas for the boys, everyone has bast shoes on their feet ...
See what's going on around you? Represented?

While the children's eyes are closed, the teacher hangs out a suit with paneva.

Now open your eyes. Your great-great-great-grandmothers wore such clothes.

Children approach, examine, touch the costume, the teacher answers the questions of the children, introduces them to the concepts: paneva, veil, ubrus.

3. Bottom line: Didactic game"Russian the National costume. Complex with panel»

Organized joint activities

"Toys of our grandmothers"

Objectives: the formation of children's ideas about folk toys; the formation of patriotic personality traits and pride in belonging to one's own people; continue pedagogical activities to educate children in national identity and respect for other nations

Equipment: straw toys, rag toys, amulet dolls, clay toys, nesting dolls, a photo album with a description of "Matryoshka", Itta Ryumina "Dolls of our grandmothers", Malysh Publishing House, Moscow, 1989

The activity is carried out through the story of the educator to the children while simultaneously examining the toys corresponding to the moment of the story.

Straw toys.

A bundle of straw tied with a tourniquet has served as the basis for traditional peasant toys since ancient times. In all likelihood, the first straw toys were born, as it were, right in the field during the season, when peasant women were often forced to take small children with them. Of course, left unattended, they were capricious. And, perhaps, somehow, in order to appease the child, the peasant woman made a primitive doll from the first thing that fell into her hands - from a straw bundle (svyazla) used to bandage sheaves. A tourniquet folded in half remotely resembled a head, and straws diverging at the bottom like a fan - a dress or sundress. Then the figure of the doll began to gradually become more complicated. They inserted a bundle of straw perpendicular to the body, tying it in the middle and along the edges in the same way as sheaves are tied with svyas.

In the future, the design of the straw doll began to be improved. In the manufacture of such dolls, not only the usual ability to knit sheaves was required, but also skillful possession of weaving techniques, an innate artistic taste, and ingenuity. Gradually, talented craftswomen stood out, who were no longer in the field, but in a calm home environment, began to make dolls, figures of horses, deer, as well as all kinds of fantastic animals. Even in pre-Christian times, decorations in the form of pendants with images of a horse were widespread. The pendants served as amulets protecting a person when he was far from home, while the house of a Slav with all his household members was also guarded by a horse - the messenger of the sun. Therefore, the image of the horse had magical meaning, served as a talisman of a person and his home.

Guardian dolls.

The first dolls in Russia were amulet dolls. The Slavs believed that they were able to protect people from diseases and evil forces, so amulet dolls stood in the most prominent place in every home. But the amulet dolls did not become a national toy, but they transferred some of their features to the rag doll.

Rag toys.

A traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has long been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation.

Cloth doll - the simplest image of a female figure. A piece of cloth rolled into a "rolling pin", a face carefully covered with linen white rag, breasts made of even, tightly stuffed balls, a hair braid with a ribbon woven into it, and an outfit of colorful rags. They either did not draw their faces at all, or put dots instead of eyes and mouths. The mother had to make the first doll for the girl, and at the age of 7-8, the girls themselves began to make dolls for their younger brothers and sisters.

From the age of 7-8, children began to help their parents around the house and in the field, but they did not part with the dolls, they took them everywhere with them. Especially elegant dolls could pass from generation to generation, passing from mother to daughter. Dolls were not only girlish fun. Until the age of 7-8 all the children played while they were wearing shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls began to wear skirts, their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

A house without toys was considered unspiritual. There is such a sign: when children play a lot and diligently, there will be profit in the family, if toys are carelessly handled, there will be trouble in the house. A child without a toy grows up empty and cruel.

They believed that toys bring a good harvest, especially if adult girls play with them.

They believed that toys were guarded children's sleep(Until now, according to the ancient custom, children are put to bed with their favorite toy).

Clay toys.

Clay figurines were sculpted even before the invention of the potter's wheel. Initially, they served as talismans capable of appeasing the spirits that help a person. Children liked the small painted figurines made of baked clay and eventually turned into folk craft. Different toys were made in each locality: some were characterized by painting bright colors, others remained almost unpainted, the third were whistles, and the fourth were rattles. The most famous clay toys are Dymkovo, Filimonovo, Karkopol and Khludnev.


According to a long tradition of popular toys make legends. In this regard, matryoshka is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and patrons of art - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, which turned out to be with a "surprise" - it broke into two parts. Inside it was hidden another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves... There were five such pupae in total.

It was assumed that this was what prompted the creation of our nesting dolls by Russian masters. Matryoshka - on behalf of Matryona.


In ancient Russia, there were not very many varieties of children's toys. They were made from what was at hand. But it is no coincidence that man embodied the forces of the elements in the most familiar and close to him images of living beings, interpreting them in a different way: the great goddess of fertility became a mistress, a maiden; bird - duck, chicken, goose; horse - workhorse pulling a cart or carrying a gentleman. The bear, also a participant in ancient rites, is a funny, good-natured clubfoot animal from a folk tale. Time has changed the conditions of the surrounding life, new plots penetrated into the work of folk masters, but these images still appear in the toy of any craft to this day.

Most likely, in ancient times, both play and cult significance were closely intertwined with each other, and then religious rites were forgotten, and the toy remained only an object of entertainment.

For this purpose, consultations were held for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen health”, “Russian folk outdoor games”, individual conversations with parents, and parents were also asked to bring photos of moments of joint games with children.

At the beginning of the project and at the end, a survey of children was conducted on the topic of outdoor games.

Questions for interviews with children

26 children of the group took part in the survey


Project start

End of the project

Do you like to play?

26 yes

26 yes

What games do you like to play?

6 children were able to define outdoor games as they understand it

20 children found it difficult to answer

16 children defined outdoor games in their own words

10 children found it difficult to answer

Do you know what folk games are?

What are folk games children could not answer

6 children were able to define folk games

What folk outdoor games do you know?

All children listed familiar games, not distinguishing them by mobility and inactivity.

13 children were able to list the names of outdoor games.

Which of them do you like to play?

17 children listed the names of outdoor games

9 children were called sedentary, board, role-playing games

The result is the same

Who do you like to play outdoor games with?

18 children - with friends and comrades

8 children - with parents

15 children - with friends and comrades

11 children - with parents

Output: From the results of a survey of children, it can be concluded that children know the names of games, their rules, and can organize games in independent activities. During the project, the children learned to distinguish outdoor games from other types of games, and the children were also able to get acquainted with the concept of folk games, it turned out that children are familiar with folk games, and they love to play them, but so far they can hardly distinguish folk games from other outdoor games. With three children, parents began to spend their free time not in front of the TV, but in the game, and this is still not a big, but still an achievement.

Municipal Preschool educational institution

"Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 387", Perm

"Russian Folk Games"

Project developed :

Yarkova Natalya Vyacheslavovna


Nikitina Tamara Yurievna

music director and

history and culture teacher

MDOU "TsRR - d / s No. 387"

Motovilikha district


Perm 2010

the name of the project

"Russian Folk Games"


Pedagogical project


Teacher - Yarkova Natalya Vyacheslavovna, teacher in history and culture - Nikitina Tamara Yurievna

Target group

Preschool children and their parents


The project is being implemented from September 2010 to June 2011, children - 21 people, parents - 40 people

Justification of the problem

The need to familiarize the younger generation with the national culture is interpreted folk wisdom: our today, more than ever our past, also creates the traditions of the future. What will our descendants say about them? Our children should know well not only history Russian state but also the traditions of national culture, to realize, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture; self-actualize as a person who loves his homeland, his people and everything related to folk culture: Russian folk dances, in which children draw Russian customs, customs and the Russian spirit of freedom of creativity in Russian dance, or oral folklore: counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, folk games that children love to play. Games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of children of all ages.

The peculiarity of folk games is that they, having a moral basis, teach the developing personality of social harmonization. Folk games teach a person that not any personal achievement has a price, but one that is consistently inscribed in the life of the children's community. It is believed that only folk games for preschoolers are a truly artistic and natural basis for successful education. Folk games for preschoolers habitat in which art is intertwined with people's lives. Folk games can give preschoolers meetings with wonderful melodies performed in a truly native language. Forming in them a sustainable attitude towards culture home country, creating an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings. Folk games contribute to the education of conscious discipline, will, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, teach children to be honest and truthful. Games in a natural form unobtrusively teach the child to be kind, hardworking, love nature, and be proud of their native land.

Childhood is that happy time when it is possible to consolidate the national culture in the mind.

invaluable national wealth are calendar folk games. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of ​​the daily life of our ancestors - their way of life, work, worldview. Games were an indispensable element of folk ritual holidays.

The main condition for the successful introduction of folk games into the lives of children has always been and remains a deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, rich and diverse in content. From the first years of a child's life, introducing him to culture, universal values ​​helps to lay the foundation of morality, patriotism in him, forms the foundations of self-awareness and individuality.

An analysis of the level of upbringing of the children of the older group in May 2010 showed that they have insufficiently formed moral and ethical feelings, patriotic feelings, children know little about the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Observations of children show that they rarely play folk games. Therefore, we decided to develop pedagogical project which is aimed at introducing children to the national culture through Russian folk games. The project integrates well with the tasks of museum pedagogy, where children get acquainted with the folk calendar, the basics of Orthodox culture, traditions, life, customs of the Russian people, peasant labor, etc.
Conceptual basis of the project, predicted result

P.F. Lesgaft pointed out that in national games the child gets acquainted with the habits and customs of only a certain area, family life, known environment, its environment. He considered outdoor games the most valuable means of comprehensive education of the child's personality, the development of his moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, endurance, discipline, camaraderie. One of the first P.F. Lesgaft proposed the use of outdoor games in the upbringing of children. His words are known: "We must use games to teach them (children) to control themselves." In the game, one must "teach them to restrain their divergent feelings and thus teach them to subordinate their actions to consciousness." The enormous educational value of folk outdoor games was pointed out by everyone who in one way or another came across them in their scientific and pedagogical activities.

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the works of E. A. Pokrovsky. This outstanding scientist noted that in the life of the Russian people different kind games and games from ancient times occupied a very prominent place. He was one of the few who paid attention to such a feature of folk games as the reflection in them of the history of a particular nation. In the old days, there were especially many games with a hint of a pagan cult, such, for example, the celebration of Kostroma, Yarila, etc., accompanied for the most part by noisy, noisy fun, songs and games. From early spring until late autumn in Russian villages, at every folk or temple holiday, people have long led round dances, accompanied by a special kind of songs and games. E. A. Pokrovsky emphasized that outdoor games are of great educational importance, since they require “the most extensive participation of all spiritual and bodily forces: a boldly conceived plan, speed of decision, and prudence in its implementation are combined here with the dexterous, agile movement of the body and its members. , presence of mind in unforeseen cases, tirelessness and perseverance in carrying out the plan to a strictly intended goal. Based on the analysis of national games, he came to the conclusion that the character of the people, no doubt, leaves its noticeable imprint on many manifestations of social and privacy of people. This character is also reflected in children's games, being reflected in them the sharper and more distinctly, the more enthusiasm and ease the children play, and therefore with greater freedom to manifest their national character. They act not only as a factor of physical development and education, but also as a means of spiritual formation of the personality. E.A. Pokrovsky wrote that toys and games are often made the first means of education, giving the first impetus to the further direction of character, mentality and vocation of individuals and even an entire people; it is the national children's games that represent the most important educational means, consistent with the spirit of the people, in the likeness of how the same is achieved vernacular, folk poetry, fairy tales, sayings, riddles, etc.

On the great importance folk outdoor games were indicated not only by scientists, teachers, but also public figures. So, A.N. Sobolev (clergyman, member of the Vladimir Scientific Archival Commission) noted that “games are of great importance for children in terms of the pleasure they give them. In the game children live; everything worldly is separated from them at this time, their amateur performance, creativity are manifested here in all their strength; in the game, the whole appearance of the players grows with their tastes, inclinations, mental warehouse and talents. The process of the game sets in motion the whole being of the player: both physical and spiritual. Starting to play, children want to play, i.e. to have a pleasant time, and this pleasantness of the game sometimes leads children to play until they are completely tired, as long as they have any strength to play. Rural children's games are much more varied and fun than urban ones. Every year, new ones are added to them, invented by the players themselves; tells their life. And here the sharp observation of kids often manifests itself, a natural Russian sense is revealed, which has not yet been crushed by any hardships of everyday life.

The need to pay attention to folk games in the upbringing of children was pointed out by the teacher E. N. Vodovozova. She recommended borrowing games from her people and diversifying them in accordance with Russian life. An outdoor game should teach ingenuity and resourcefulness.

The main condition for these games is to develop the child's imagination so that later he himself, without the help of a teacher, could invent such games.

A. P. Usova attached great importance to the use of Russian folk outdoor games. She noted that, first of all, games serve as an undoubted proof of the talent of the people and an instructive example of the fact that a good children's game is an example of high pedagogical skill; what is striking is not only this or that particular game, but also how folk pedagogy beautifully defined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood.

Folk games are figurative, so they mainly captivate children of preschool age. Games contain an element of struggle, competition, and therefore, evoke emotions of joy, fear and encourage caution, and this captivates children.

Many types of Russian folklore, including outdoor games, date back in their origin to the primitive communal system. But there is almost no information about this. The ancient chroniclers were more interested in the structure of the life of adults, describing their wars and the characters of their leaders, in a word, the more political side of life, they usually paid too little attention to children, and they imagined their games, apparently, as hardly permissible children's pranks.

Most folk games are rooted in religious layers of life. For example, one of the reasons for the emergence of outdoor games are ritual games associated with superstitions and prejudices. A significant part of Russian folk art is associated with paganism. Pagan romance gave a special brilliance to Russian folk culture.

The beliefs of the tribes were based on the worship of the sun, fire, water and earth. Man expected from nature to send down earthly blessings, honoring his ancestors, saying magic spells and offering sacrifices to spirits or gods.

IN pagan culture In ancient Russia, there was no separate caste of priests, sacrifices and prayers were performed by any person at the altars and statues of the then revered gods (Yarilo - the sun, Beles - the patron of cattle, Mokosh - the goddess of water, rain, Svarog - the god of weapons, sky and heavenly fire).

In addition, the culture of Russia developed on the basis of the most severe exploitation of the working people, mainly the peasantry. All this was reflected in the games that were part of the life of the Russian people.

Almost all areas of oral folk art are permeated with the game to varying degrees: from the song that is “played” to the wedding - a kind of dramatic game with a clearly defined ritual-play behavior of each character. Special forms of ritual-play behavior can be found in calendar rites and folk games organized at Christmas time, Shrovetide, Trinity, Kupala night, etc.

The game at that time was not just leisurely entertainment, but a way of organizing economic, family and public life person. The game taught and instructed. The game developed all human abilities: intelligence, observation, dexterity, endurance, plasticity, the ability to communicate as circumstances require.

An interesting example of a ritual game, during which songs were sung with the obligatory mention of Lada (an organic combination of an agrarian deity and the patroness of marriage, containing the name of Lada), is the well-known game “And we sowed millet”.

And here is another game of this period in the life of the Russian people, but already from children's folklore - burners. We read about it from S. K. Yakub: “Russian historians of the last century directly connected the burners with the customs of the pagan Slavs. On the longest day of the year summer solstice(June 23) the Slavs had a holiday of Yarila (and later - Kupala), dedicated to the sun. By evening, our distant ancestors - the Slavs - converged on the banks of the rivers, lit fires for night games, jumped over the fire and bathed, "to meet the rising luminary in purity." On the same night, the "kidnapping" of the girls took place. In our most ancient chronicle - "The Tale of Bygone Years" - this is what it says about this: "I look like games, dances, and all demonic games, and that wife's umykovha" "- These words refer to more ancient look burners where a guy can only catch a girl.

The origin of the very name of the game - "burners" - is evidenced by a Russian historian, a well-known collector folk tales A. N. Afanasiev. Here is what he writes about this: “In the epic language folk songs... sings:

Not fire burns, not resin boils, But the heart burns and boils zealously For the red maiden ...

Burners begin with the onset of spring, when the goddess Lada was famous, when nature itself enters into its fertile union with the thunder god and the earth is taken for its kind. Obviously, this game belongs to deep antiquity ... ".

During the winter holidays, at festive gatherings, the play song "Drema" was also performed, also associated with calendar holidays, the rules of conduct in which are inherited from ancient pagan times. It can be assumed that the Sandman here is the image of the Sun, which is awakened, lightly, jokingly reproached, waiting for warmth from it:

Will, Dremoshka, doze, Full, Drema, ashamed to sleep. Get up!

At Christmas time, they “led the Goat”, which amused everyone with its antics. Perhaps part of the dramatic scenes with this character is a game where the goat should show how old women, old men, girls, well done, and, finally, the goat itself, i.e., jump. people are having fun, waiting for spring. Perhaps to the Christmas game | the song "I'm burying gold" goes back to the famous children's game "Ring" ("Ring, ring, go out on the porch").

In another children's game, "Kostroma", scientists find echoes of an ancient pagan ritual game in honor of Kostroma, who personified the spring-summer deity. Young girls and women made a scarecrow out of straw, dressed it in an elegant sundress, decorated it with flowers, put it in a trough and, imitating a funeral, carried it to the river with songs. There they sang all night, danced round dances, and then Kostroma was undressed and thrown into the river, mourning her death, along with which all summer round dances and festivities ended. The time of summer suffering has come. And in the children's refrain the words about ancient meaning games:

We dressed up Kostroma, We saw off the spring-summer.

Although the entertainment function has been strengthened in it: the outcome of the game is, in essence, traps, because children need to run! Many games symbolically show the warmth and tenderness of family relationships. Such, for example, is "Utena":

She walked through the meadows, built a nest, brought out children, collected children.

Folk tradition creates an image of affectionate, bright:

The duckling swam through the blue lakes, She wet her legs, Wet her wings, She fluttered her wings, She fluttered to the shore.

She will become a kind, reliable mother to her children. And our children absorb together with the game this tenderness, poured into a simple melody.

During the game, the host of the game - the duckling, shows simple movements in accordance with the words of the text, which allows it to be used with preschool children.
Christianization of Russia and introduction new faith contributed to the formation of a special Christian pantheon of saints and the creation Christian holidays based on pagan. So, the winter Christmas time was replaced by the Christmas week, and the spring ones by the Easter week, which was reflected in the nature of games and entertainment for both young people and small children. For example, outdoor games, in particular blind man's buff, were typical for Christmas gatherings. The driver was blindfolded and taken to the door; then they ran up to him, clapped with a towel, a sash, a mitten, a palm, until he caught a replacement for himself. "Household" - a permanent set of Christmas games. It included: "Kostroma", "Pillar", "Chain", "Take Goods", "Upstart", "To Kings", "Paving the Bridge".

But on Maslenitsa, youth skiing from the icy mountains was common. In the Yuryevsky district of the Vladimir province (information from 1893), young people rode Maslenitsa from the mountain on benches and beeches - low straw baskets specially frozen. In many Russian villages of the Tver province, only children-boys rode all winter from the natural mountains.

In spring and summer there were different games with a ball. One example of such a game was lapta. VG Grigoriev writes that without this truly folk game it is difficult to imagine the life of boys and girls of the post-war period and of many older generations. The mention of this game is already in the ancient Russian chronicles. And among the items found during the excavations of ancient Novgorod, there are many balls and the lapta itself (stick-bat), which gave the name to the game. This means that this game has been living among the people for more than a thousand years!

The poet Valentin Berestov recalls in his poem Lapta:

Oh, joy of life, child's play! Century do not leave the neighbor's yard. My mother followed me. But even my mother In the bast shoes happened to play with us. What is she, the giantess, to do here? They will hit her with the ball first. To throw - they threw, but they didn’t hit ... And they both waited a long time for dinner.

The famous Russian writer A. I. Kuprin very aptly spoke about the significance of the lapta. He noted that this folk game is one of the most interesting and useful games... Bastards need: resourcefulness, resourcefulness, deep breathing, loyalty to one's party (team), attentiveness, fast running, a sharp eye, hardness of HAND strikes and eternal confidence that you will not be defeated.

One of the most fascinating children's folk outdoor games with a ball that lives to this day is a shtander. This game is very old, it was played in the last century. They played it on the street, in the open air, boys and girls played together, age did not matter.

In the common people, most often the balls for this game were made from rags and they were stuffed with rags. In the northern provinces, balls were woven from bast - straps made from the bark of linden, birch or willow. Inside, such balls were empty and stuffed with sand. In some areas, balls were made from sheep's wool. A piece of wool was first rolled up, trying to give it a round shape. When the lump rolled well, they threw it into boiling water and left it there for half an hour. Then they took it out of the water, rolled it again and dried it. Such a ball was light and soft, and its elasticity was not inferior to rubber.

At evening parties, at festivities, such games were played as: “I walked on the grass”, “Hare”, “Turnip”, “Radish”, “Vodyanoy”, “Grandfather Mazay” and others. In such games, from Fomin Sunday until Peter's Day, everyone joyfully participated, from young to old. It was a true school of folk play: a synthesis of dexterous and strong movement, dramatic role-playing, and singing. And latently a lot of information was given that, for example, a radish should be sown, weeded, followed by seedlings, and then, as it grows, tear “from the end, but not to tear from the root”, so as not to damage it.

Children's folk outdoor games reflected not only ritual traditions, carried not only echoes of religious beliefs, but also showed social life various segments of the population.

The wonderful games “Colors”, “In Pots” are a role-playing imitation of buying and selling at a fair, in a trading shop, where a dialogue between a buyer and a seller unfolds, and the end of the game, as a rule, is a run.

But the favorite children's game "I was born a gardener" opens up a completely different life. She has love. She, apparently, came from the city no earlier than in the 18th century, when the fashion for gallantry, a completely different type of ritualism of “secular” relations, went from the Petrovsky assemblies. But these games also came in handy for the children, as they are built on the principles they love: dialogism and dynamics, the comic nature of imaginary situations, the need for a quick and correct reaction.

A polyphonic, cheerful life reminds of itself with the cries of sellers, for example, in the game "Edible-inedible".

Another game borrowed from adults and that has come down to our times is the game "Shackles" ("Forged Chains"). It is assumed that this game is an echo of the ritual of choosing a bride or showing the desire of Russian people for freedom:

forged chains,

Unleash us.

Which of you?

Light (Tanya, etc.).

G. Vinogradov refers this game to the group of robbery and theft games. Cases of robbery and theft were bound to give rise to a group of punishment games. But usually these are games reborn.

We see a reflection of the daily working life of peasants in such games as "Fishing Rod" and "Fishermen and Fish". Russian villages usually stood along the banks of rivers and streams, lakes, so every self-respecting boy had fishing rods. The children watched with interest the fishing with large seine nets. So how could they not come up with a game where you can fish with a fishing rod or nets?

Children's imagination is limitless. From generation to generation, from older to younger, outdoor games were passed on and thus have come down to our days. But besides this, each generation of children came up with their own outdoor games, which could be defined as modern children's game folklore, for example, playing rubber bands, banks, etc.
Target: Formation in children aged 6-7 years of interest in the history and culture of the Russian people, through folk games.

  1. To enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about Russian folk games.

  2. To develop the motor skills of preschoolers, the ability to respond in a game situation.

  3. To form cognitive interests in the culture of the Russian people, traditions.

  4. Raise interest in Russian folk games and respect for the culture of their people.


(Expected results)

  1. Formation of children's interest in the history and culture of the Russian people through folk games.

  2. Development of a system of classes

OLGA Bagapova
Pedagogical project "Folk outdoor games of the Urals"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type" Rodnichok ".

Pedagogical project

"Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Compiled by: teacher Bagapova Olga Yurievna

Project name: "Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Relevance of the topic: The world of childhood cannot be without a game. The game in the life of a child is a moment of joy, fun, competition, it leads the child through life. Children's games are diverse, these are games with toys, games with movements, competition games, games with a ball and other sports equipment. IN preschool age children play all the time - this is their natural need, this is a way of knowing the environment.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who does not remember the constant hide-and-seek, salochek, traps! When did they arise? Who came up with these games? There is only one answer to this question: they are created by the people in the same way as fairy tales and songs. Both we and our children love to play Russian folk games. Russian folk outdoor games have a long history, they have been preserved and survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, observing national traditions.

These games reflect the love of the people for fun, movement, and daring. There are fun games with inventing absurdities, with funny movements, gestures, "ransom forfeits" Jokes and humor are characteristic of these games. Russian folk games are valuable for children in a pedagogical sense: they pay great attention to the education of the mind, character, will, and strengthen the child.

The educational value of folk outdoor games is enormous. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on folk principles, has that educational power, which is not in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people.

He also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work out this rich source, organize them and create from them an excellent and powerful educational tool.

In Russia, they have always liked to play games, both mobile and not.

Russian games are very diverse, they contain the spirit and history of the Russian people. The Urals is no exception.

Thematic field: What are folk outdoor games of the Urals?

Expected results:

the use by children in active speech of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles.

children know how to play Russian folk outdoor games, use counting rhymes.

create a system of work to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture, through Russian folk outdoor games of the Urals.

to involve parents in the educational process through holding Russian folk outdoor games.

Creation of card indexes of games, counting rhymes.

Target: The upbringing and development of children on the ideas of folk pedagogy, physical education of children 4-5 years old, the formation healthy lifestyle children's lives through outdoor games.

Project objectives:

Teaching folk outdoor games and joint actions.

Development physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movements through folk outdoor games.

Consolidation of the basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during the folk outdoor games.

Education for love native land autonomy in decision making.

Use all kinds of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances, as folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Project type:

According to the composition of participants: group (children, parents, teachers);

By target setting: informational, gaming,

In terms of implementation: medium-term (April-September 2014)

List of participants: children, parents, group teachers, FC instructor.

Presentation form: demonstration of the presentation of the project "Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Material and technical resources required to complete the project: balls, pencils, plasticine, flags, tambourine, bell, scarf, animal masks, jump rope, tape recorder, projector, camera.

Scenario joint activities for problem solving:

Stages Forms of interaction Content of activity Terms Responsible

preparatory Teachers - children Conversation: "What outdoor games do you know?",

Conversation: “Where did games come from?” 1.04 -14.04.2014 Teachers of the group

Teachers - parents Discussion with parents of issues related to the implementation of the project. Group teachers

Activities - educators - Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project.

Preparation of attributes for games.

Drawing up a long-term plan.

Selection visual material. Group teachers

Main Teachers - children - Making attributes for games,

Memorizing nursery rhymes, counting rhymes,

Solving riddles about animals and birds,

Learning folk outdoor games,

NOD molding: "Blind your favorite character of the folk game"

Conversation about the benefits of outdoor games

Examining the illustrations

group teachers.

FC instructor

Teachers - parents - Consultations for parents.

Folder "Folk Games of the Urals"

Questioning of parents "Introducing children to the origins of folk culture"

Group teachers

Activities - teachers

Consultation for teachers: "Classification of folk games"

Consultation for teachers: "Organization of outdoor games for a walk";

Development of a card index: outdoor games of the Urals, sedentary, round dance.

Equipment of the material and technical base.

FC instructor

Group teachers

Parents - children - making attributes

Organization of outdoor games

Making drawings "my favorite folk outdoor game"

Final Teachers - children - parents - design of an album of drawings: "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Summing up the design of project materials,

Sports festival "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Group teachers

FC instructor

presentation Activities of teachers Presentation of the project Group teacher

Technological map of the project:

Educational area

Type of activity Content of activity

Cognitive development Cognitive, cognitive-research, productive. - Conversations: “What outdoor games do you know?”, “Where did the games come from?”,

Watching the games of children of the senior and preparatory groups,

Examination of illustrations, albums of folk outdoor games in the old days.

Speech development Communication - Learning nursery rhymes, counting rhymes,

Drawing up a story from a picture (about an outdoor game, what kind of game.)

D / and "Guess the outdoor game from the picture"

Solving riddles about animals and birds

Physical Physical - Learning and conducting outdoor games.

Sports festival "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Social and communicative development Game, cognitive, communicative Conversation about the rules of the game.

Conversation: "Introducing children to the culture of the Urals"

Artistic aesthetic development Creative, musical and artistic - making attributes for outdoor games,

Making an album: "My favorite mobile folk game",

Modeling: "Characters of folk outdoor games"

Description of achieved educational results:

Children use nursery rhymes, counting rhymes in active speech. They know and know how to play folk games, use counting rhymes. Created file cabinets for outdoor games of the Urals; card file of counting rhymes; file cabinet sedentary games; Card file of round dance games. Parents actively participated in the project.


1. M. F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games. M. : Iris-press, 2003.

2. O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Teaching aid. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2010

3. Card index of "Russian folk outdoor games";

4. Card file "Sedentary games";

5. Card file "Counting";

6. Card file "Poteshek";

7. Card index of "Round dance games".

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Savinskaya secondary school


Russian folk outdoor games


1st grade student

MBOU Savinskaya secondary school

Tsvetkov Matvey

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Skvortsova Svetlana Sergeevna

P. Savino




Tasks: 1. Conduct a sociological survey.

2. Study the variety of Russian folk games, their rules and choose

Games for children of primary school age.

Subject of study:

Expected results.

Collection and analysis of information.

First, I conducted a sociological survey among the guys in our class. 18 people were interviewed.



Do you like to play outdoor games?


How many Russian folk games do you know?



Do you want to learn how to play Russian folk games unfamiliar to you?


Do I need to know and be able to play Russian folk games, follow the rules?


My classmates have a negative attitude towards guys who are overly passionate about computer games. Since lovers computer games spoil their psyche, vision, lead a sedentary lifestyle, get sick more often.

The results of the survey showed that the guys have a great desire to learn new Russian folk games and learn how to play them.

From the history of Russian folk outdoor games

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions. Russian folk games render big influence on the education of the mind, character, willpower, independence, patience, leadership and compliance. They also contribute to the development of physical qualities, such as speed and dexterity of movements, jumping ability, endurance, eye measurement, orientation in space. Russian folk games create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art, the history of the Russian people.

rhymes and proverbs

Lot - this symbol, some object, such as a board, cardboard or one-sized sticks. Whoever draws lots with a conditional note will be the leader.

There are also other draws. They are called guess when one of the players takes a lot and hides it behind his back in his hand. The one who guesses wins the argument.

Ancient counting rhymes

Peas rolled across the dish.

You drive

I won't.

Taria - Mary

Went to the forest



She told us.

And we


We don't eat

Tare Mare

Let's give it back!

Ah, ah, ah, oh

Masha was sowing peas.

He was born thick

We will rush, you wait!

mosquitoes, midges,

thin legs,

Dancing along the path...

Near the night

Fly away.

Tili- tel, -

The birds were singing

Soared, flew to the forest.

The birds began to nest!

Who does not viet, to drive!

circle hoop,

Circle hoop.

Who plays,

It will be.

Who does not want to

To be a snake

come out

Out of the circle!

There was a cuckoo

past the net,

And behind her

small children

And they shouted:

Cook! Poppy!"

clean up

One fist!

There was a cuckoo

past the net,

And behind her

Small children.


They ask for a drink.

Come out-

You lead!

Indians - bryntsy,


Indians - bryntsy,

Play it!

Indians - bryntsy,

Do not want!

Indians - bryntsy,

I'll go!

Zealous horse

With a long mane

Jumping, jumping

Through the fields.

Here and there!

Here and there!

Where will he jump

come out

Out of the circle!

There lived three herrings:
Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
Kulya, Mulya slept together,
And Balda slept alone.


Who do you choose:

black horse

Or a golden collar?

Balls to roll

Or pour water?

Hay to mow

Or chopping wood?

Forge a horse

Or sweep the yard?

Who will you take:

shaggy bear

Or a horned goat?

From the ruff river

Or a hedgehog from the forest?

gray duck

Or a wooden pipe?

Who are you going to invite:

cunning fox

Or Marya beauty?

What to give you:

A piece of sugar or a red handkerchief?

Russian folk outdoor games,

which we have learned to play


All players stand in a circle and hold hands. Players go in a circle, a rooster in a circle.

Children say a joke:



A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs, a tail with patterns.

Standing in the yard, shouting the loudest!

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Everyone scatters, the rooster catches the children, the one who is caught becomes a rooster.


The leader moves away from the other participants in the game. He goes forward, but not very far - three steps, four steps. Here he stands with his back to the guys and says in a singsong voice:

I burn, I burn on a stone! I burn, I burn on a stone!

He is forbidden to look around and look around.

While he is saying this, all the others join hands and stand behind him in pairs, one pair after another. As they become, they sing the following song in chorus:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

As soon as these words are sung, the leader should look at the sky.

Here the last couple in the line part their hands - one will run forward along the line on the right, the other on the left. So they caught up with the leader - and he still stands and does not look back - and suddenly everyone shouts loudly to him:

One, two

Don't crow


Like fire!

The leader looks around and rushes to the fleeing ones with all his might. He strives to catch one of them. But it's not so easy to do it. If the runners join hands, then the “burner” is not terrible for them, and the driver “burns” again. But if the driver managed to catch one of the fleeing, he stands in front of the entire column, and the one who was left without a pair “burns”.

Handkerchief burners

All participants in the game stand in pairs one after another, the driver stands in front of the column and holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

The players say in unison:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying!

The bells are ringing!

Once! Two! Three! Run!

After the words "One! Two! Three! Run!" the players of the last pair are rapidly running forward, and whoever of them takes the handkerchief first, he gets up with the leader in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns”.

"Grandma Yozhka"

The driver stands in the middle of the circle - Grandmother Ezhka, in her hands is a “broom”. Players run around and tease her:

Grandmother Ezhka Bone Leg
She fell off the stove, broke her leg,
And then he says:
- My leg hurts.
She went to the street
Crushed the chicken.
Went to the market
Crushed the samovar.

Grandma Yozhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he freezes.

At the bear in the forest

One person is chosen for the role of a bear, who, according to the plot, must protect his forest from the encroachments of children. Other children creep up to him, singing the words “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep, he looks at us ...”. At this moment, the bear wakes up. Whoever he catches is out of the game. The game can be repeated several times.

Empty place

The players, except the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or just puts them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching the back or hands. This means that he challenges this player to the competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction around the circle, and the called one runs in reverse side round. Having met, they either simply bypass each other or say hello(crouching, bowing, etc.)and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant place. Whoever takes it stays there, and the one who is left without a place becomes the driver.


Participants of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint invents a color for itself and quietly calls the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color for themselves and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.

Buyer knocks:

Here! Here!

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For what?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: "Go along the blue path, find blue boots."

If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.

There is a second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come in turn and take apart the paints. The buyer with the most colors wins.

Rules of the game: The buyer who guessed more colors becomes the owner.


The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, and everyone else chooses a sheep. The wolf's house is in the forest, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site. Sheep loudly call the shepherd: Shepherd! Shepherd!

Play the horn!

Drive the herd into the field

Walk freely!

The shepherd drives the sheep to the meadow, they walk, run, jump. At the signal of the shepherd: "Wolf!" - all the sheep run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The shepherd gets in the way of the wolf, protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf is out of the game.

Rules of the game: During the run, the sheep cannot return to the house from which they left. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but does not stop him with his hands.

Two Frosts

On the opposite sides the sites denote two houses, in one of them the players are located. Drivers stand in the middle of the platform - Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Blue Nose.

They say:

I am Frost-Red Nose.

I am Blue Nose Frost.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with a hand). The Frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, another driver is chosen.

Rules of the game: You can run only after the word "frost", "frozen" players do not move.



I learned that Russian folk outdoor games have existed since ancient times, only with time they improved and changed, depending on the area, time and nationality. The games have a lot of humor, jokes, competitive enthusiasm.

Folk games help us to be friends, understand and help each other, give in, be tolerant. Playing Russian outdoor games, we become strong, dexterous, fast. The joy of movement is combined with spiritual enrichment. The game situation captivates and requires mental activity from us.

Conclusion, we do : everyone always needs a game.

We know the games of ancestors

And in overseas - strangers.

We forget our games.

Speech at the defense of the project.

Topic of my project "Russian Folk Outdoor Games"


In September of this year, we became first graders. We really like to study at school. In the lessons we learn a lot of interesting and useful things. But during long breaks between lessons and walks on the street in the after-school group, you want to play games. But all our entertainment is catching up, running after each other. Because of this, the school creates noise that disturbs other children. In the extracurricular activities "Outdoor Games" we got acquainted with some games that can be played indoors and outdoors. We especially liked Russian folk games. It was fun! And the changes began to take place quickly and interestingly. I decided to find information about Russian folk games, learn how to play them, teach my classmates and friends these games.And most likely, it will be much more interesting, more useful to spend time at school breaks, at a party and while walking on the street.

Objective of the project : study of Russian folk outdoor games

Tasks: 1. Conduct a survey of the guys.

2. Study the variety of Russian folk games, their rules and choose games for children of primary school age.

3. Teach your classmates these games.

Subject of study: Russian folk outdoor games.

Expected results.

I will get acquainted with new Russian folk games. I will learn myself and teach others to play these games in order to spend my free time interestingly and usefully.

First, I conducted a survey among classmates. 18 people were interviewed. The results of the survey showed that the guys love to play outdoor games, but they know little of them and really want to learn new ones. My classmates have a negative attitude towards students who are overly passionate about computer games. Since fans of computer games spoil their psyche, vision, lead a sedentary lifestyle, get sick more often.

I introduced the guys to the history of Russian folk games. He told that Russian folk games have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, willpower, independence, patience, leadership and compliance. They also contribute to the development of physical qualities, such as speed and dexterity of movements, jumping ability, endurance, eye measurement, orientation in space.

In any Russian game, there is always a driver or presenter. There are usually many applicants for this role, but you need to choose one, sometimes two, for which they serve rhymes and proverbs . The driver can also be chosen by lot.

We learned the old rhymes and collusions. We especially liked these.

There was a cuckoo

past the net,

And behind her

Small children.


They ask for a drink.

Come out-

You lead!

There lived three herrings:
Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
Kulya, Mulya slept together,
And Balda slept alone.

Who will you take:

shaggy bear

Or a horned goat?

From the ruff river

Or a hedgehog from the forest?

gray duck

Or a wooden pipe?

Who are you going to invite:

cunning fox

Or Marya beauty?

We learned to play Russian folk outdoor games:

“Rooster”, “Burners”, “Burners with a handkerchief”, “Grandma Yozhka”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Empty place”, “Paints”, “Herd”, “Two Frosts”, “Brook”, “Cock the battle".

I learned that Russian folk outdoor games have been around since ancient times, only with time they improved and changed. The games have a lot of humor, jokes, competitive enthusiasm.

My classmates learned how to play these games with pleasure, and now we always have something to do in our free time.

Folk games help us to be friends, understand and help each other, give in, be tolerant. Playing Russian outdoor games, we become strong, dexterous, fast. The game situation captivates and requires mental activity from us.

Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to study the old forgotten games and introduce them to other guys who find it very useful to play on fresh air rather than sitting at a computer.

Conclusion, we do : everyone always needs a game.

Our grandmothers played, they did not know foreign games.

We know the games of ancestors

But we play from the heart, not in Russian relatives,

And in overseas - strangers.

We play Batman and Bratz

We forget our games.

Games are not only, friends, entertainment.

Games are a great creation of the people!

Strength and dexterity are embedded in them,

Light up the motherland with sweet art!

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