Is it possible to brew coffee in a cup. What will you need? How to brew coffee in a cup without a Turk

How to Brew Delicious Coffee Right in Your Cup: A General Principle, But Three Different Recipes

Sometimes you don’t feel like making coffee, or you just don’t have a coffee maker or Turks at hand. Or, for example, we are in the country, where there is only a cozy veranda, ground coffee, a cup and a kettle. What to do? - That's right - to brew coffee directly into the cup. Today I will tell you my favorite way to do it and share a couple of secrets. By the way, coffee brewed right in the cup has its own unique, mild taste and very pleasant aroma. It will not look like coffee from a coffee maker, it will be different, try it!..

What will you need?

Almost all recipes are similar to each other, differing only in minor details, but the taste of the drink from these little things changes dramatically.

And to learn how to properly brew coffee in a cup, first of all, you need to remember that not tricky list of ingredients and tools that you will need.

    First, take a cup. In most cases, you will need a thick-walled china cup. It warms up well and retains heat, so that the coffee cools down more slowly. However, earthenware and even glassware will do.

    Coffee. Use freshly roasted beans to bring out the full flavor and aroma. The grind is often used the finest, then the coffee particles settle to the bottom faster, and the drink is cleaner and richer. Some recipes call for a medium grind, and when cupping, only the coarsest coffee is used. In the absence of a coffee grinder, you can also use improvised means, so as not to depend on modern technology at all.

    Water for brewing coffee should be hot, but in no case take boiling water, it will simply destroy the taste of the drink, leaving only an unpleasant and empty slop in the cup. The ideal temperature is around 95°C.

    Paper filters. Those who know how to brew coffee in a cup don't worry about coffee grounds. If everything is done correctly, then it simply settles to the bottom and does not interfere with enjoyment. However, a regular paper filter helps to quickly filter the drink and make it cleaner.

    Sugar and spices for coffee at your discretion. Like filters, this item is optional, but spices will help make the taste truly unique.

General rules for brewing coffee in a cup

First of all, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the cup and pour it in just a couple of minutes so that the cup warms up. This way the coffee stays hot longer and reveals its flavors better. 1-2 teaspoons of finely ground coffee per 100-150 g of water are poured into a cup. Cover the cup with a saucer and let the drink brew for about 4 minutes. At the last stage of preparation, you can add spices, sugar, chocolate of your choice, which can decorate the drink and give it more personality.

Be sure to experiment with coffee varieties, try different blends. Not all of them are combined with spices, but each of them has its own unique taste and aroma characteristics, which are fully revealed when brewed in such a simple and easy way.

A few simple recipes

Almost every nation, and especially in countries that are traditionally associated with coffee growing or coffee culture, has its own idea of ​​​​how to brew ground coffee in a cup so that it turns out delicious. We will give a few significant, in our opinion, recipes.

Brazilian way, it is open. This is the method that is used during cupping. To do this, you need coarse coffee at the rate of 9 g per 100 ml of water. There is no need to cover the cup, the rising hat of the thick retains the aroma perfectly, and after cooking it simply breaks with a spoon.

Warsaw way making coffee. The most common method, which uses finely ground coffee. The cup is covered with a saucer, but it is not customary to filter the drink. In this case, it turns out to be stronger and more invigorating - an ideal option for every morning.

Cuban coffee. This drink is brewed in a glass, adding a little cane sugar, and coffee is chosen with medium grinding. After mixing the ingredients well, you can pour coffee with hot water. A sweet drink energizes and helps to cheer up before work. As you can see, the recipes differ only in the degree of coffee grinding and the choice of dishes.

A couple of words in the end

We have already told you how to make delicious coffee in a cup. But, if the look of coffee grounds seems unaesthetic to you, or you just don’t like drinking coffee with grounds, no one forbids using filters. With them, the drink turns out to be lighter and more transparent, although not so strong. The filter can be replaced with special bags in which tea is usually brewed.

If it was not possible to get the filter, then during the cooking process, add a pinch of sugar, then the thick will settle faster. Usually it is only coarse coffee that causes problems. Very fine grinding, on the contrary, by the time of drinking coffee, usually all accumulates at the bottom, and the brewing process is a little faster.

Millions of people around the world drink this invigorating drink every day. The high popularity of coffee is due not only to the fact that it is very tasty, but also to its effect on the body. Scientists have long proven that a cup of fragrant espresso increases alertness and reduces fatigue, energizes and dispels the blues - that is, it has a positive effect on mood.

Also in the fields of research of the international working group PEC (Physiological Effects of Coffee) The fact that coffee beans contain a large amount of antioxidants has been confirmed. This drink is able to prolong youth and prevent the development of diseases associated with the aging process of the body - now this is a scientifically substantiated fact!

Another good news for all coffee lovers: espresso helps to lose weight! Freshly brewed coffee beans stimulate energy consumption for metabolism and help to get rid of excess weight. Therefore, a cup of hot drink is not only an unconditional pleasure and a way to cheer up in the early morning, but also a beneficial effect on the physical condition of a person.
By the way, you can prepare delicious espresso in just a few minutes. This is a fairly significant advantage for people who rush to work early in the morning, but cannot deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying their favorite drink.
Experienced coffee lovers use a special machine for brewing, or a Turku / cezve - a small vessel, usually cone-shaped. However, in the absence of a coffee maker and cezve, you can use other utensils - for example, a mug. In this case, the espresso will turn out to be no less tasty - of course, if you cook it correctly. Important recommendations that will help reveal the impeccable taste and aroma of grains are presented in our article.

Before talking about how to brew coffee in a mug on the stove, a few words about the choice of dishes:

  • In the absence of Turks, it is better to use a container made of ceramic or copper. Of course, you can also brew your morning espresso in an aluminum mug. However, aluminum has a very high heat capacity. The water poured into such a mug will come to a boil too quickly - and the essential oils contained in the ground grains will not have time to fully reveal their properties.
  • A proper Turk should have a thick bottom. It will prevent the coffee powder from burning and prolong the process of heating the water. (and, consequently, the duration of the extraction). Therefore, it is recommended to choose a mug with a thick bottom.
  • The last criterion is the diameter of the neck. The less your espresso comes into contact with air during the brewing process, the better. It is the narrow neck of the Turks that contributes to the formation of thick foam. Therefore, choose a smaller container. You can even use a small crock, lid or teapot

So: with what dishes can be replaced by a Turk, we figured it out. It remains to decide on the choice of the right coffee. Take a look at the premium quality varieties below. Each variety is truly multifaceted and delicious: with an exquisite bouquet, memorable from the very first sip!

Now about how to brew coffee in a mug on the stove - a simple step-by-step recipe:

  • Pour finely ground coffee powder into a container, add sugar to taste and fill with cold water
  • Important! Pour not a full mug of water - otherwise, when the foam rises, your invigorating elixir will run to the stove
  • Put the mug on a slow fire. As soon as the resulting foam rises, immediately remove the container
  • Wait for the bubbles to settle - and then repeat the heating again. And so at least three times
  • After the last removal, wait half a minute for the thick to settle. Then pour the espresso into another (preferably porcelain) a cup drenched in boiling water

Now you know how to brew coffee in a mug on the stove. But what can be added to the drink after preparation:

  • ice cream scoop
  • A slice of grapefruit or lime
  • A tablespoon of grapefruit juice (increases the invigorating properties of espresso)
  • Condensed milk
  • cocoa powder
  • melted chocolate
  • Sour cream - moreover, first it is placed at the bottom of the cup (1 teaspoon will be enough), and a slightly cooled espresso is poured on top. If you pour sour cream with too hot a drink, then it will take ugly flakes.

We invite you to try new bright tastes by taking advantage of our special offer: the best varieties from the entire coffee belt of the Earth can now be ordered at a reduced cost!

Loyal pricing policy is not the only advantage of our company. We are also distinguished unique author's roasting technologies. It is they who make Roastnmill an outstanding manufacturer, making a great contribution to the development of coffee culture in our country.

An interesting video that tells in an accessible language about the basic subtleties of brewing coffee.

This is by far the easiest cooking method. The necessary "tools" are in any family. And most importantly, the method itself does not require much time.

What do you need to brew ground coffee in a cup?

  • Ground coffee
  • Cup
  • Kettle with water
  • Saucer (or other object that can cover the cup)

So, let's begin. We put the kettle on the fire and wait until the water begins to boil. At this time, put ground coffee in a cup. We use approximately 2.5 teaspoons per 250 ml of water. (This is not the norm, everyone decides on the amount of coffee, as each brand of coffee is very different both in taste and strength). For brewing coffee in a cup, we use coffee of our own production - Lui coffee medium or dark roast. You can buy it in ours.

When the kettle boils, remove it from the stove for 10 seconds. This is necessary so that the water temperature becomes approximately 90-95 degrees. After that, pour boiling water into a cup (mug) and cover with a saucer on 3-4 minutes. After that, mix and wait for 60 seconds until the sediment "goes" to the bottom.

That's all. Our coffee is ready. If you don't feel like reading, watch the video below. In addition, you can check out our other videos.

Greetings MEN'S WORLD readers. Today, we will learn how to brew coffee in a cup correctly.

There are many ways to brew delicious and aromatic coffee. You can brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot or prepare it with a Saeco Granbaristo. In today's article, we will tell you the most popular and easiest way to brew coffee in a cup.

In order for the brewed coffee to be tasty, it must be of the appropriate quality. Poor quality coffee will not save even the most difficult brewing method.

To enjoy delicious coffee brewed in a cup, you need to purchase good freshly ground coffee beforehand.

It is best to visit a specialty store that sells freshly roasted coffee and grinds beans right in front of you. For example, Lviv residents have been going to the Galka brand store for fragrant ground coffee for many years.

Ideally, coffee beans should be roasted between 1-5 weeks ago. After five weeks, the coffee loses some of its quality.

The guarantee of delicious coffee is the right ratio of ground coffee and water

It is very common to see how more than two spoons of coffee powder are thrown into a small cup, explaining this with a desire to drink strong coffee. If the coffee is of poor quality, a large amount of strength powder will not give a drink.

Brewing coffee the right way

  • coarse coffee,

  • warm the cup before making coffee (pour hot water over it)

  • coffee / water ratio: 6-7 grams of coffee per 100 ml of water.

  • pour hot water into a mug of coffee - temp. 93-96 degrees,

  • wait 4 minutes, and stir the drink.

In practice, for a homemade cup (300-350 ml), you need 25-28 grams of ground coffee. The kettle that has just boiled must be turned off and wait about 5 minutes and only then pour coffee.

Pour coarse coffee with hot water, wait about 4 minutes, mix. You need to wait until large coffee particles settle to the bottom of the mug.

It is worth recalling that when buying ground coffee, opt for a coarse grind. For brewing coffee in a cup, finely ground coffee is not suitable, because small particles burn out during pouring with hot water.

Well, that's all. As you can see, this way of brewing coffee is really the easiest. Have a delicious coffee!

Most often, instant coffee is used for brewing in a cup. This product has one very important advantage - it makes it possible to quickly prepare a fragrant drink and not feel particles of ground grains on the tongue. But true coffee lovers will never buy a jar of instant granules in a store, but will prefer whole Arabica.

Grinding coffee beans

To prepare a delicious and fragrant drink in a cup, you need to choose the right coffee, grind it and correctly approach the process. Ground coffee for brewing in a cup can be purchased ready-to-use, or you can buy roasted beans and grind them yourself. Which product to choose?

Arabica coffee is considered ideal for a quick preparation method. These grains in the composition have many aromatic and flavoring additives, making the taste of the finished drink balanced and rich.

If you take Robusta, the drink will turn out bitter and too strong. Some growers blend Arabica with a small percentage of Robusta to cover up some of the acidity and even out the flavor profile.

Coffee for brewing in a cup can be fine or medium. It all depends on the recipe. So, for Polish coffee, they use super-fine grinding, which is also called dust. What is the difference? The finer the grains are ground, the smaller the particles and the better they give their taste and aroma to the water. The brewing process is faster, and the drink is more saturated. But there is one drawback here. Thickness, like dust, will constantly be felt in the mouth, many do not like it.

If grains of medium grinding are used, their particles will settle to the bottom and will not interfere with the taste of the drink, but it may turn out to be less aromatic, strong and tasty. The time that has passed since the grinding of the grains is also important. Less is better. Freshly ground coffee is the most delicious and aromatic.

If the grains are ground at home, it is important to ensure that the particles are of the same size, that is, the grinding of the grains is uniform. The taste of the future drink directly depends on this. At home, this is very difficult to achieve. It is better to grind coffee in special shops where they sell it. They are equipped with good coffee grinders, and the seller has the right knowledge and skills.

There is another option - to buy natural ground coffee in filters specifically for brewing in a cup. They will save a person from feeling thick in the mouth and give a rich taste and aroma to the drink. But to really enjoy a good invigorating drink, you need to brew coffee properly.

How to brew in a cup

Temperature is important in this process. The longer it is high, the better the coffee will brew. To do this, brew the drink as follows:

  1. Pour boiling water over the cup.
  2. Quickly pour ground coffee at the rate of 6 g per 100 ml of water.
  3. Fill with water, the temperature of which is reduced to 95 ° C.
  4. Mix and cover with a lid.
  5. Infuse for 2 minutes, add sugar and milk as desired.

You can not fill the grains with boiling water. In this case, there is a rapid destruction of most flavor compounds. As a result, the drink can turn out sour, bitter and generally without pronounced flavor notes.

Brewing coffee in a cup is quick and easy. It all takes about 3-4 minutes, which is a little more than preparing instant, but the difference in taste is very big. In addition, in such a drink there are much more useful substances, and it invigorates better.

  • Jardine Dessert Cap.
  • Lavazza Cualita oro.
  • Paulig.
  • Jockey.

Many manufacturers offer the market special products designed to be prepared in coffee machines, coffee makers, French presses or alternative methods. But the bulk of the market is occupied by universal products. This is a slightly finer than average bean grind, which is suitable for brewing in a Turk, cup, coffee maker.

Quick packaging after roasting allows you to retain the aroma of grains for a long time

The Live Coffee brand offers a specially designed blend for preparing a drink in a cup. This is a premium Arabica blend from Peru, Brazil and Papua New Guinea. The grains are roasted and medium ground. Due to fast packaging, the product does not lose saturation within 1 year.

How to brew coffee? The technology is similar with one exception. After brewing after 1 minute, brand experts recommend adding 1 tsp to the cup. cold water. This will allow the thicker to quickly fall to the bottom. The person will not feel grain particles in the mouth.

Properly brewed and well-chosen coffee for a cup is no less tasty and aromatic than the one that is prepared in a professional coffee machine. In just a few minutes, without any major manipulation, you can get a good drink in your favorite cup, which is easy to wash later in a few seconds. Many resort to this method - this is a significant time saving without sacrificing quality.

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