Amy Winehouse's husband at her grave. Amy Winehouse - biography, information, personal life. Amy Winehouse was a difficult child. She was expelled from both regular and theater school.

The girl also decided to take revenge on this school - she disabled the fire safety system and howled in delight in unison with the siren, watching the commotion. Amy was the most promising student of Sylvia Young, but the headmistress nevertheless expelled her, finally warning that the girl would end badly. Well, she guessed...

This damn Blake, having learned about Amy's school adventures, kept repeating everywhere that she was a match for him, his soulmate, - the same "bad girl" as he himself was a "bad boy."

Only she's a Billie Holiday star, and who are you, dude? - many reporters were infuriated by the impudence of Fielder-Civil.

Yes, at first Amy was great.

A year before the ill-fated meeting with Blake, she released her first album "Frank", which was wildly successful, immediately went platinum, making the daughter of a London taxi driver one of the most popular singers in the UK. After the school of Sylvia Young, Amy did not want to study anywhere else; she just listened to the discs of her favorite singers - Sarah Vaughn, Dinah Washington, Minnie Riperton, listened and imitated. She willingly sang in pubs as an opening act for jazz orchestras, until producer Salaam Remy heard her and recorded her first album with her. To be honest, at first Mitchell was very afraid for his daughter's career because of her too long tongue: Amy threw out everything she thought, without any discounts on political correctness - she could tell the studio bosses that they smelled of mothballs and that they had a bear in their ear; plagued the unfortunate producer with endless nit-picking.

At the age of 18, Amy moved out from her mother and rented an apartment with a friend. Their morning started with Jack Daniel's and a joint of marijuana Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

“When I was recording the first album, the producer told me: “Oh, Amy, you have to be honest, absolutely honest, otherwise the listener will not believe you.” The album is out, now he says to me: “Shut your fucking mouth, Amy, and smile at the photographers!”

Of course, Mitchell was a little scared that at the age of 18, her daughter moved out from her mother, rented an apartment from Juliette and led a completely wild life. I remember one time he came to the girls in the morning and was shocked that his daughter had a Coke and Jack Daniel’s cocktail for breakfast and smoked a joint of marijuana. "All musicians live like this, dad," Amy explained, and he thought to himself: "Yes, damn it, here it is, the underside of the bohemian world, it must be really inevitable."

Idiot. He was just a blind, naive idiot!

After the success of Frank, the producers demanded a new album from Amy, she was angry in response:

Where can I get new songs? Suck it out of your finger? They are not here! I'm not in love, and I have nothing to write about! Do you want me to write about how I promote my first album?!

Mitchell knew that "Frank" was written after Amy broke up with Chris, her first love, who was much older than her. Mitchell then still thought: apparently, while the hurricane romance with Blake lasts and Amy is happy, no creative revelations can be expected from her, but then ... ... - Dad, he left me!

He says that I am unbearable, that I ... - Sobs were heard in the handset of the mobile phone.

God, what a child Amy is! He took his daughter to Essex, to nature - to walk, to relax - and listened to her complaints for three days. Blake complains that she is too noisy. Say, in the company everyone looks only at her, but no one notices him, says that he does not want to become Mr. Winehouse, that he will return to her if she stops singing - but she cannot! Mitchell could hardly contain himself: you damned moron! Does he want to ruin a girl's career?

Amy, - my father suggested insinuatingly, - and you try to translate your feelings into songs, you will immediately feel better.

Amy herself did not expect this: as soon as she was left alone, new songs poured out of her by themselves, completely freely.

Unexpected death of 27-year-old British singer Amy Winehouse, who was found dead in her north London apartment, was a tragedy for Western show business. The most famous modern performers in blogs, microblogs and the media expressed their condolences in connection with the death of an outstanding singer.

According to the newspaper Daily Mail, the singer was found dead around 16.00 local time on Saturday. According to the British media, two ambulances were called to the scene in the Camden area around 16.00 British Summer Time (19.00 Moscow time), but they could no longer help. Winehouse is believed to have committed suicide. According to other sources, the singer died of a drug overdose.

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in Southgate (Enfield, London) to a Jewish family of taxi driver Mitchell Winehouse and pharmacist Janice Winehouse (née Seaton). Her father is the son of Benjamin Winehouse and Fanny Grandish (born 1895), the daughter of Abraham Grandish, an emigrant from Russia of Jewish origin. The Winehouse family (now divorced) had two children: Amy and older brother Alex.

The biography of 27-year-old Winehouse, who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction, has long been at the center of public scandals and litigation. She was put on trial several times for fighting and assaulting people. In the spring of 2008, Winehouse twice got into the police - at the end of April she was detained on suspicion of assaulting two men, and in May she was detained on suspicion of illegal possession and use of drugs.

In the summer of 2008, Winehouse was hospitalized - doctors discovered she had pulmonary emphysema and cardiac disorders. Nevertheless, the singer did not refuse to participate in concerts, combining them with courses of treatment and rehabilitation therapy.

Amy Winehouse has had serious drug problems in recent years. In addition, she went through a difficult divorce from Blake Fielder-Civil (married May 18, 2007), who, by his own admission, "hooked" her on illegal drugs.

In January 2009, the singer's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, who was serving a prison sentence at the time, filed for divorce, accusing his wife of treason. The London High Court in mid-July formalized the divorce of Winehouse and Fielder-Civil.

Parents Mitch and Janice Winehouse tried desperately to save their daughter Amy.

Back in 2009, in an interview with ITV News, Mitch said: "I want my daughter to become a complete person again. I tried everything, I told her:" Amy, you have to do this, you have to go to this doctor, you need do this, you need to do that, you're killing me, you're killing your mom. "Nothing worked." Janice added: "The need to save her is huge. I just want her to be okay and I'll do whatever it takes to make it work. Amy constantly denies her addiction. She may feel trapped. But I know , with addiction, you have no choice because the substance controls you. I want to tell her, "Amy, what are you doing? Can't you see what you're doing?" But by then, she brought the matter up so we could help her deal with it, and I understand her."

Mitch blamed Amy Winehouse's ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil for all her troubles. He explained: "The possibility of their existence together is too terrible to consider. They are going to get divorced, and who knows what will happen in the end. Amy and Blake decided that they want to continue their lives separately from each other, and if they get back together in the future, get rid of bad habits and still be in love with each other, that's their business."

The shocking revelations of ex-wife Blake Fielder-Civil

Then Blake Fielder-Civil, in a shocking interview with News of the World, admitted that he "introduced" the scandalous diva to drugs such as heroin, crack and amphetamine. And so he decided to file for divorce in order to save her from death. The former prisoner admitted that he was the cause of all the troubles of one of the most talented singers in the modern musical world. In addition, he talked about how he invited her to try crack and heroin, how he taught her how to cut veins correctly, and how Amy cheated on him with her manager's assistant.

"Now I need to let her go so she can save her life," he says. "I'm doing this out of genuine love for her. I made a big mistake when I started using heroin in front of her. cocaine and suicidal tendencies.I feel guilty.I started using hard drugs at 22 and they got the better of me.Because of them, I ignored the problems of the woman I loved more than anyone in my life.

The first time Amy tried crack, we were having fun and she asked me "can I try some?". Crack is the worst drug ever. After it, you become paranoid, angry and completely out of control. I could not refuse her and I must bear responsibility for this. After we switched to heroin, we went down different paths. I was with her when she had her first overdose and she was dying in front of me. I still can't forget it. We took heroin and crack all day, we didn't even think about stopping. Then my wife, whom I love sincerely and unconditionally, just started shaking. I started crying and put her on the floor to give CPR and put the spoon in her mouth to keep her from swallowing her tongue. It was terrible to see the person you love more than your life, the person you are ready to die for, the person you are ready to kill for, lying helpless on the floor in a fit. When she woke up, she did not recognize me. Then I realized that I had destroyed something beautiful. It was my fault."

Blake also claimed that he knew in advance that he would have to go to jail. Recall that the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 27 months in prison.

“I knew that I would go to jail,” he says, “I thought I would go to prison for five years, no less. I just could not believe that after our wonderful marriage, after the happiest days of my life, I would have to leave for a long time with her.I knew I wasn't the right fit for Amy - she should be dating some pop star or famous actor, not a junkie boy.I cut my hands when I started to realize that we had crossed the line with drugs.Amy was very upset "when she saw me covered in blood. And since she's loyal and crazy about our love - like Romeo and Juliet - she decided to cut her own hands too."

While Blake was serving his sentence in prison, Amy admitted that she slept with her manager's assistant, Alex Haynes.

“They started taking heroin together,” Blake continues, “They broke me when I was in prison. It was terribly hard and painful. I can say that it was Alex’s fault. When Amy admitted that she cheated on me, she cried hysterically I asked her if she loves me and she whispered through her tears “yes, yes, yes.” I forgave her and tried to calm her down, saying that I would soon be out of prison and we would never part.”

Blake claimed he filed for divorce "for her own good."

“Now I have to act not as an egoist and a drug addict, but as a person who is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of the people he loves,” he says, “I have to let her go. When I saw those terrible photos in which it is impossible to recognize Amy, my heart broke. I understood that I must help her. But I cannot, as I am the person who drew her to this. All I can do is leave her. In order to fully heal, she must be left alone with herself. I I will never stop wanting Amy, loving her with all my heart and caring for her. I am dependent on Amy. And I will do everything I can for her - including breaking up. I am not interested in her money, I will divorce her and leave with that, with than I came in. I offered her to sign a marriage contract before the wedding, but she refused. "

Blake also claimed that he overcame his addiction and got clean from drugs:
"Yes, I'm clean," he says, "I'm drug-free. But I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve that I'm in rehab right now and it's going well. It should have happened to Amy, not to me. She deserved a new life, a clean slate. Without crack and heroin, Amy would be writing great music and I would be doing my job in the production industry. But because of the drugs, we lost a normal life. Amy lost her way. I know that "she doesn't realize how miserable and lonely she is. She's only 25, she's a fantastically talented singer and should be doing just fine. I know the drug dealers don't stop chasing her. It's incredible how the police turn a blind eye to their work."

At the end of a candid interview, Blake spoke about his dream:
“I dream that one day fate will bring Amy and me together again when she is free of drugs,” he adds. “In my ideal world, Amy and I would live in a nice house with our two children. Nobody I can’t even imagine that in reality this girl is a wonderful wife, a wonderful hostess and an incredibly beautiful person.Sometimes I stared at her when she just cooked me breakfast.But because of the drugs, we can’t live a normal life together.And That's why I have to let her go."

In March 2011, after completing a course of rehabilitation therapy, the singer in her last interview stated in an interview with Look magazine that she managed to finish drugs and after a three-year break she is ready for the release of a new album.

Amy Winehouse admitted in an interview that she finally managed to cope with her addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking. The singer had been actively involved in music for several months and was ready for the release of a new record, the first in three years.

"I finally escaped from hell. When I saw my photo in the newspaper, I was scared ... My skin was covered with spots, I was very pale and thin. And I thought: my girl, you must clean yourself up, otherwise you will die soon," Amy Winehouse honestly admitted.

"I'm not an easy person. If only because I, for the most part, don't give a damn about anything.
I don't need anyone's help. Because if I can't help myself, no one can help me.

Most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they will do in the next five or ten years. So: the time they spend in these reflections, I spend drinking.

At some point, I got too addicted to alcohol. After all, everything looks better with booze. Like: watching TV - a glass of wine, cooking dinner - a glass of champagne.
I only write about things that happened to me. About things that I can't just drown in the past. Thank God, I am prone to self-destruction, so I always have themes for songs.

I am not religious. Although I know that faith gives people strength. But I believe in fate and I believe that everything happens for a reason, for a reason. However, higher powers are not required for this.

Making music is like going to a dinner party: you have to take it step by step instead of jumping on everything.
I'm not one of those who try to snatch their fifteen minutes of fame. I'm just a musician and I'm trying to be honest.

I agree that she is talented. But - and this is absolutely true - I was not born to sing. I was born to be a wife and mother. And look after the family.

I don't condemn casual sex. I understand that there is nothing good in the fact that I approve of treason. But I think it's like smoking marijuana - nothing serious. Oh shit, here I am!

There is no point in telling anything other than the truth.

Sex is just sex. But don't let anyone get too close to you.
I first kissed at 11 or 12. It was a boy named Chris - Greek by birth - and he is now gay.

The world is full of straight men who look like little naughty sluts, and also a lot of gay men who, like, tell you "come on, I'll carry it" or "put on my jacket." And you start thinking: "And why the hell do they like guys."
Don't hesitate. I hate myself when I say things like: "I will never get myself plastic surgery!" After all, maybe I will have to do it - when I get old and all that.

If I wear too much makeup, I'll end up just looking like someone's aunt. And I want to be myself!

I'm not really a wrestler. But if you press me against the wall, I will break anyone's head.
It seems to me that the ability to fight does not depend on how big you are. It depends on how much rage is concentrated in you.

There are a lot of evil people around, and all because they have no friends. Communication with people - with mom, grandmother, dog - this is the best thing that happens to you in this life. Except shoes and bags, of course.

There are never too many tattoos.

Women talk to each other the same way men talk to men. But women always pay attention to details.

If aliens have any sort of sense of humor, the way we have sex should probably make them laugh the most.

The biggest mistake a parent can make is to conceive a child with bad music.

I can’t even believe that I really received all these awards.
It's easy to control insanity."

But again there was a scandal ... In June 2011, Emmy Winehouse canceled her European tour after a scandal in Belgrade. The concert was attended by about 20 thousand spectators. The singer was on stage for 1 hour and 11 minutes, but did not sing. At the beginning of the concert, she greeted Athens, then the audience in New York, stumbled, talked to the musicians, tried to sing, but ... could not perform a single song ...

Amy Winehouse was one of the most successful British pop stars. The singer gained worldwide fame thanks to the multi-platinum albums Frank and Back to Black. She has won five Grammy Awards, including Best Song of the Year, Debut and Best Pop Album (Back To Black). According to the Sunday Times newspaper, Winehouse was ranked tenth in the list of the richest musicians in Britain who are under 30 years old. Her fortune was estimated at 10 million pounds (about 16.5 million dollars). Despite scandalous behavior and problems with the law, Amy was called the "voice of a generation" and one of the most talented vocalists of our time.

Amy Jade Winehouse Born September 14, 1983 in Southgate, London - died July 23, 2011 in Camden, London. One of the leading British singers of the 2000s, songwriter. She became famous for her contralto vocals and eccentric performance of songs in various musical genres, in particular, R&B, soul and jazz.

February 14, 2007 received the Brit Award as "Best British Female Artist" ("Best British Female Artist").

Twice winner of the Ivor Novello Award.

First album Frank(2003) was nominated for the Mercury Prize.

Her second album "Back to Black" brought her 6 Grammy nominations and a victory in 5 of them (including Record of the Year), in connection with which Amy was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only British singer to win five awards. Grammy.

In August 2011 the album Back to Black recognized as the most successful album of the 21st century in the UK.

She made a significant contribution to the popularization of soul music, as well as British music. Her memorable clothing style has made her a muse for fashion designers such as.

Widespread fame and public interest in Winehouse was fueled by her scandalous fame, alcohol and drug addiction, from which she eventually died at the age of 27 on July 23, 2011 at her home in Camden.

Amy Winehouse

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 to a Jewish family. in Southgate (Enfield, London).

Her parents are descendants of Jews who emigrated from the Russian Empire, taxi driver Mitchell Winehouse (b. 1950) and pharmacist Janice Winehouse (née Seaton, b. 1955). They married in 1976, seven years before their daughter was born. Amy's older brother, Alex Winehouse, was born in 1980.

The family has long been immersed in musical life, primarily jazz. It is known that the paternal grandmother in the 1940s had a close relationship with the legendary British jazzman Ronnie Scott, and the mother's brothers were professional jazz musicians. Amy idolized her grandmother and tattooed her name ( Cynthia) On the hand.

Amy recalled that her father constantly sang for her as a child (often songs). She also made a habit of it, and teachers later found it difficult to get her to be quiet in class.

In 1993, Amy's parents separated, but continued to raise children together.

At Ashmole School, her classmates were Dan Gillespie Sells, frontman of The Feeling, and Rachel Stephens (S Club 7). At the age of ten, Amy and her friend Juliette Ashby formed the rap group Sweet "n" Sour, and at the age of 12 she entered the Sylvia Young Theater School, from where she was expelled two years later for lack of diligence and bad behavior.

Together with other students of the school, Amy managed to star in an episode of The Fast Show (1997).

At the age of 14, Amy wrote her first songs and tried drugs for the first time.. A year later, she began working simultaneously for the World Entertainment News Network and for a jazz band. Through the mediation of her then-boyfriend, soul singer Tyler James, she signed her first contract - with EMI, and after receiving a check, she invited The Dap-Kings, the accompaniment of the New York singer Sharon Knight, to the studio, after which she began a tour with him.

The debut album was released October 20, 2003 Frank, recorded by producer Salaam Remy. With the exception of two covers, all the compositions here were written by herself or in collaboration. An album well received by critics. Reviewers noted interesting texts, and comparisons appeared in the press with Sir Vaughn, Macy Gray and even Billie Holiday. The album received two Brit nominations (British Female Solo Artist, British Urban Act), entered the list of Mercury Prize finalists and went platinum.

Meanwhile, Amy herself was not satisfied with the result, noting that she only "considers the album 80% of hers" and hinting that the label included several songs that she herself did not like.

Second album back to black, unlike the first, contained some jazz motifs: the singer was inspired by the music of female pop groups of the 1950s and 60s. The record was recorded by the production duo Salaam Remy - Mark Ronson. The latter also helped with promotion by playing several key tracks on his New York radio show on East Village Radio.

Back to Black was released in the UK on October 30, 2006 and climbed to number one. On the Billboard chart, it climbed to number seven, setting a record (the highest spot for a debut album by a British artist) that was broken by Joss Stone two weeks later.

By October 23, the album became five times platinum in its homeland, and a month later it was declared the best-selling album of 2007, as well as the first most popular among iTunes users. First single from the album Rehab(#7, UK) in May 2007 won the Ivor Novello Award for Best Contemporary Song. On June 21, a week after Amy performed the song at the 2007 MTV Movie Awards, the single climbed to number 9 in the US.

Second single "You Know I'm No Good"(with a bonus remix featuring rapper Ghostface Killah) peaked at number 18. In the US, the album was released in March 2007, followed by the first single "You Know I'm No Good". Meanwhile in Britain the third single Back to Black, rose to No. 25 in April (it was re-released in November in a deluxe version: with live bonuses).

DVD released in November 2008 I Told You I Was Trouble: Live in London(live at London's Shepherds Bush Empire Hall plus 50-minute documentary). On December 10, 2007, Love Is a Losing Game, the last single from the second album, was released simultaneously in England and the United States. Two weeks earlier, the debut Frank was released in the US: it was on the 61st place in the Billboard and received positive reviews in the press.

In parallel, Amy Winehouse recorded vocals for "Valerie": Songs from Mark Ronson's solo album Version. The single reached number two in the UK in October 2007 and was later nominated for "Best British Single" at the Brit Awards. Winehouse also recorded a duet with Mutya Buena, a former member of the Sugababes: their single "B Boy Baby" (from Buena's solo album Real Girl) was released as a single on 17 December.

At the end of December, Amy took second place in Richard Blackwell's 48th annual list of "The Worst Dressed Women", losing only to.

The album Back to Black brought Winehouse 6 Grammy nominations.

On February 10, 2008, the 50th anniversary ceremony of the Grammy Awards took place in Los Angeles: Amy Winehouse became the winner in five categories (Record of the Year, Best New Artist, Song of the Year, Pop Vocal Album, Female Pop Vocal Performance). Winehouse, who was denied a visa, gave a screened acceptance speech (broadcast via satellite from a small London club) and performed "You Know I'm No Good" and "Rehab".

Amy Winehouse

In April 2008, the singer, together with her producer Mark Ronson, decided to record the main theme song for the new James Bond film Quantum of Solace. But later, after the recording of the demo, Ronson said that work on the song was stopped, as Winehouse had other plans.

Pete Doherty (they are working on the song “You Hurt The Ones You Love”), Prince (the singer exchanged compliments with him) and George Michael, who specially wrote the song for their future duet, announced their intentions to record with Amy. In addition, there have been reports that the singer is collaborating with Missy Elliot and Timbaland, as well as planning a trip to Jamaica to record with Damian Marley, Bob Marley's son.

On June 12, 2008, Amy Winehouse's only concert in Russia took place - she took part in the opening of the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture in Bakhmetevsky Garage in Moscow.

Amy's first posthumous album Lioness: Hidden Treasures Released December 5, 2011. It includes unreleased compositions written between 2002 and 2011. For the first single from the album, composition "Body and soul", released on the singer's 28th birthday, while still alive, a joint video was shot with Tony Bennett (he performed the main male part). At the 54th Grammy Awards, the song won the Best Duet nomination. Moreover, a year later, Winehouse was again nominated for this award with rapper Nas for the track "Cherry Wine".

Amy Winehouse - scandalous photos

Scandals and drug addiction Amy Winehouse:

In August 2007, the singer canceled concerts in Britain and the United States due to deteriorating health, and soon went to a rehabilitation clinic with her husband, which she left five days later.

Scandalous photographs began to appear in the press (from which it was clear that Amy was openly using hard drugs).

In September, the episode when Amy and Blake were caught on the street at the moment of a fight received wide publicity: this (according to the singer) happened after her husband caught her using drugs with a prostitute.

Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil after family fight

Father Mitch Winehouse expressed concern about the condition of his daughter, suggesting that now it is not far from the tragic denouement. The husband's mother expressed the opinion that the couple is ready for a joint suicide. The representative of Winehouse, however, blamed the paparazzi for everything, who, pursuing the singer, make her life unbearable.

In November 2007, Amy's relatives on her husband's side issued a statement calling on fans to boycott Winehouse's work until the couple broke up with "bad habits."

In 2008, Winehouse ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of emphysema. In the same year, she had several leads to the police for attacks on people and on suspicion of drug possession. She was again sent for rehabilitation - to the Caribbean villa of singer Bryan Adams. And the Island-Universal company promised to terminate the contract with the singer if she does not get rid of her addictions.

June 21, 2011 Amy Winehouse canceled her European tour after the scandal in Belgrade. The concert was attended by about 20 thousand spectators. The singer was on stage for 1 hour and 11 minutes, but did not sing, as she was very drunk. At the beginning of the concert, she greeted Athens, then - the audience in New York, stumbled, talked to the musicians, tried to sing, but forgot the words. The singer had to leave under the whistle of the audience.

Amy Winehouse - live in Belgrade (18.06.2011)

The reason for the cancellation of the tour was given as "the inability to perform at the proper level".

Throughout her career, Amy's alcohol and drug addiction has constantly made her the heroine of scandals, pictures of the singer in obscene form, taken by the paparazzi, did not leave the pages of the yellow press.

Drunk Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse Height: 159 centimeters.

Amy Winehouse Personal Life:

The singer was married to Blake Fielder-Sibyl, whom she met in 2005. Two years later - on May 18, 2007 - the couple got married.

Quarrels, scandals and even fights constantly occurred in their family due to alcohol and drug abuse.

Amy's relatives often stated in the press that it was Blake who had a bad influence on the girl and prevented her from getting into bad habits.

Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil

In 2008, Blake Fielder-Civil was sentenced to twenty-seven months in prison for assaulting a man.

In prison, Blake began divorce proceedings, accusing Amy of treason. This happened after the paparazzi photographed Amy Winehouse during her vacation in the Caribbean in the company of a 21-year-old actor. Josh Bowman. The press widely covered the fact that Amy repeatedly appeared on the beach in a half-naked form and had fun with Bowman. And Amy herself opened up in an interview about her relationship, saying that Josh turned her on so much that drugs were not required.

In 2009, Winehouse and Fielder-Civil officially divorced.

After Winehouse's death, it turned out that for some time the singer had been preparing documents for the adoption of a ten-year-old girl, Dannika Augustine.

The artist met a girl from a poor Caribbean family in 2009 on the island of Santa Lucia. However, the plans were not destined to come true.

Amy Winehouse and Dannika Augustine

Death of Amy Winehouse:

Amy Winehouse was found dead on July 23, 2011 at 3:54 pm local time in her London apartment.

Until the end of October 2011, the cause of death remained unexplained. Among the preliminary versions of the causes of death were considered drug overdose, although the police found no drugs at the Winehouse home, and suicide. It is also known that she suffered from emphysema.

The Universal Republic label, in a statement regarding their artist's death, stated: "We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss of such a gifted musician, artist and performer.".

Immediately after the news of the death, several well-known musicians dedicated their performances to Amy. Already on July 23, during a concert in Minneapolis, the lead singer of the Irish band U2 Bono, before performing his song "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of", said that he would dedicate it to the suddenly deceased British soul singer Amy Winehouse.

Lily Allen, Jessie J and Boy George also dedicated their last performances to the British singer. American punk rock band Green Day included the song "Amy" on their 2012 album ¡Dos! as a tribute to the singer.

The Russian singer wrote on her website: Amy died. black day. r.i.p.".

Farewell to the singer took place in the Golders Green synagogue, the oldest of the synagogues (1922) in the eponymous area in north London. On July 26, 2011, Amy Winehouse was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium, where in 1996 the body of the family's idol, jazz saxophonist Ronnie Scott, and in 2006, her grandmother, Cynthia Winehouse, were cremated.

She was buried at the Edgwarebury Lane Jewish Cemetery in Edgwarebury Lane, London, next to her grandmother.

Ex-wife Blake Fielder-Civil was not allowed to attend the funeral of his ex-wife.

In September 2011, Amy's father suggested that her cause of death was a heart attack caused by alcohol intoxication which later turned out to be true. Three empty vodka bottles were found in the singer's room, and the level of alcohol in her blood exceeded the maximum permissible concentration by five times. The results of the re-investigation of the causes of the singer's death, which became known in January 2013, confirmed the version of her death from alcohol poisoning.

On September 14, 2014, a bronze statue of Amy Winehouse was unveiled in Camden Town, London. The event was timed to coincide with the birthday of the singer, who would have turned 31 on that day. The life-size sculpture exactly replicates the star's appearance, including her signature hairdo.

In 2015, director Asif Kapadia filmed Amy documentary in memory of singer Amy Winehouse.

Discography of Amy Winehouse:

2003 - Frank
2006 - Back to Black
2011 - Lioness: Hidden Treasures

Filmography of Amy Winehouse :

1997 - The Fast Show - Titania

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