Do-it-yourself soft toys: how and from what to make them? Marmoset primates - monkeys

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The toys are very important role In human life. It is a mistake to believe that they perform only an entertainment function; from time immemorial, toys have been used to decorate houses, and household items, amulets and amulets were made in the form of toys. But the most important thing is that toys made for children were designed not only to please and amuse the child, but also to develop him, educate him, prepare him for life. adult life. Therefore, toys were often made in the form of swords, costumed dolls, and animals. The materials for production were the surrounding elements: wood, clay, pieces of fabric and thread. Do-it-yourself soft toys have also been created since ancient times; they were filled with the remains of rags, cereals, and aromatic herbs.

Nowadays the topic of making toys with your own hands is becoming relevant again. They can be carved from wood, woven, sculpted from clay, salt dough, or modern special modeling masses. Educational puzzles can be easily made from metal wire. It has long been used in the manufacture of souvenirs and children's crafts. natural materials: cones, acorns, chestnuts, shells and pebbles, twigs and herbs, feathers and leaves; Today, waste materials are also actively used in work: plastic bottles and cups, containers from “Kindersurprises”, etc. But do-it-yourself soft toys are the most popular among craftswomen of all generations.

Materials for making soft toys

The most common way to make a toy is to sew it. There are a huge number of fabrics from which, with a certain skill, the most beautiful exclusive toys are obtained: velvet and plush, corduroy, fleece and felt bunnies and bears create coziness in the house; such warm beauty will be pleasant to receive as a gift not only for a child. Previously, when there was a shortage of everything, and you wanted to pamper your children, almost all mothers and grandmothers sewed soft toys for their children with their own hands. The photo (Fig. 1) shows a colorful cat that will fit into any interior. In addition to the fact that a funny cat lifts your spirits, it easily serves as a pillow, albeit a decorative one. Moreover, even a child can be trusted to sew this charming beast, the process is so simple: we cut out 2 parts of the body according to the pattern and sew them on the wrong side, having previously sewn the eyes and nose to one of the halves. After the parts are sewn, we turn the workpiece inside out through a specially left hole and fill it with any of the fillers.

There are countless options for knitted toys, but each of them is original and unique, no matter what kind of toy you knit (large or small, funny or touching), it will not leave indifferent those for whom it is intended. Tiny amigurumi toys are very popular today; the knitting patterns of these babies, like the trend itself, came to us from Japan. The largest specimens usually do not exceed 15 cm, but if the author has enough skill, lovely toys are born, sometimes no larger in size walnut. In Russia, these cute animals have become especially popular as keychains: such decoration will definitely attract the attention of others to its owner. The amigurumi toys are based on a ring with a slip knot; the product is knitted in the round. Tying the cats from the picture (Fig. 2) will not be difficult, even if the hook came into your hand for the first time. If you have even the slightest experience, this will take no more than an hour.

Do-it-yourself soft toys can be made using the felting method. Charming animals are felted using special needles, that is, dry felting. Unlike simple knitted souvenirs, creating a furry animal that is indistinguishable from the original requires true skill and hard work. It is not enough to master only the felting technique, you need to have broader artistic abilities, since felting is only one of the stages of creating a toy, after which, using pastels, “makeup” is applied to the face, which gives the animal realism. Sometimes the work doesn’t end there; some animals are sewn or knitted with clothes to complement the look.

A separate item is soft toys sewn from pieces of leather, fur and felt - such animals are appearance as close as possible to the original. Although sometimes funny toys are sewn from felt, sewn with decorative seams along the front side of the product. Toys are also sewn from parts of old clothes: nylon tights, socks and even shirt sleeves. As for tights, this is a universal material for manipulating it: forming the parts of a toy from nylon is quite a simple and exciting activity, moreover, the material can easily be tinted with pastels, which is very important when creating faces.

Fillers for soft toys

In order to give the toy volume and justify its name “soft”, it is necessary to fill the sewn or knitted toy. Felted toys do not require any filling as they are made entirely of felting wool.

Do-it-yourself soft toys can be filled with natural environmental materials. Toys filled with aromatic herbs such as lavender, mint, oregano, and coffee beans, are not intended for play, but for creating a cozy atmosphere at home. To develop a child’s tactile sensations, you can fill toys with cereals, grains, buckwheat husks, peas and beans, dried berry and fruit seeds, and sand. Washing such fillers is contraindicated, so it is worth considering the possibility of removing them or considering options for synthetic fillers. You can also stuff the toy with feathers or down, but this is also impractical.

Synthetic fillers of the 21st century

The first and proven padding material is padding polyester. This elastic non-woven material is very warm and light, it is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions, it is often used as insulation in the manufacture of clothing, blankets, bedspreads and bedding. You can add to the list of advantages that it is wash-resistant, dries quickly and restores volume.
In order to give the shape of the toy, the padding polyester can be rolled into a roll - this is suitable for filling the little animal’s body. For a more uniform distribution of the filling, the synthetic winterizer is first torn into small pieces.

Foam rubber is used as a basis for toys that have certain geometric shapes, such as soft cubes. Washing is also not a problem for the material, but it should be taken into account that toys with such a core have a certain shelf life: over time, the foam rubber dries out or, conversely, sticks together and can become toxic. If, while touching the toy, you feel deformed parts: peeling pieces, sharp corners, you should stop using the product, especially as a child.

Synthetic fluff is a substitute for natural swan down. It is no less actively used by craftswomen who create soft toys with their own hands. Unlike padding polyester, which is produced in layers, synthetic fluff is a fluffy mass. This voluminous and incredibly light material has 3 advantages over the original. Firstly, the price: the cost of products made from synthetic down is much lower, but this is not due to inferior qualities, but to simpler production. Secondly, it is hypoallergenic: bugs and mites avoid this filler. Thirdly, it is indifferent even to machine washing and drying - the material dries quickly and instantly restores volume.

One of the most common materials in the production of pillows, mattresses, toys, products for newborns, insulated clothing, including expedition clothing, is holofiber. There is an opinion that this is the same padding polyester, only in a different form of release, but this is not so. Although both materials are based on 100% synthetic polyester fibers, the production process is different. Without going into too much detail, differences in the manufacturing process add advantages to the finished material. Holofiber has a number of advantages that make it one of the best materials in its class: it is hypoallergenic, wear-resistant, antistatic, does not absorb moisture and odors, does not deform during washing, drying, heat treatment, creasing, does not contain glue and others toxic substances, is not subject to combustion (the material melts without contributing to the spread of fire), bacteria, fungi and mites do not live in it. And we can talk about its thermal properties separately, but for toys this is not so important.

Another material has almost identical properties. trademark- comforter, outwardly it looks like the same elastic lumps or balls, which, evenly distributed, make the filled products soft and airy. Its fibers are also twisted into spirals, which makes it more elastic, fluffy and warm than synthetic winterizer.

Textured padding

You've probably seen pillows and toys in stores labeled "anti-stress"; they are filled with such materials, which are soft or hard particles that flow - granules. In addition to the anti-stress effect, such toys have a developmental function: feeling balls through the fabric different sizes promotes the child's sensory development. We have already talked about natural textured fillers, but there are also artificial analogues that are inferior in some ways and superior to natural ones in others.

Porous polystyrene foam is almost weightless foam balls 2-7 mm in diameter. The material is hygienically safe; it is actively used for the production of pillows for pregnant women and nursing, toys and frameless furniture. Washing does not deform the structure of the balls, but is not recommended due to the fact that products with such padding take a long time to dry.

Polyethylene granules are also small balls, only made of plastic. There are glass and metal granules, but such fillers are not used in the production of toys. If you are making a toy with your own hands, you can replace the granules with large beads, beads of different sizes, or bullets from toy guns. It is not necessary to fill the entire toy with this filler - granules are often added to the same holofiber or synthetic fluff, stuffing the paws, legs and arms with it. Washing the filler is not contraindicated; water simply drains from the plastic granules.

You can add several “rustles,” “ringers,” or “rattlers” to the main filler: pieces of foil, candy wrappers, bells, or a Kinder container filled with beads, hidden in the middle of the toy, will provide additional entertainment for your child. Make soft toys with your own hands, involving the whole family in the activity: children will remember joint creativity for a long time, and their imagination will suggest new solutions!

Be careful!

When creating toys with small particles inside, make sure that the filler does not leak through the outer fabric; the child should not be able to chew or tear the toy: for this, special attention must be paid to the tightness of the seams and the strength of the materials used.

Almost all of us still have Soviet toys at home; the main filler in them was ordinary cotton wool. This was due to the lack of synthetic analogues (for example, holofiber appeared on the Russian market only in 2005). Our parents, many of whom also created soft toys with their own hands, also had to use cotton wool. Despite its natural origin, it has significantly more disadvantages than advantages. Mites and bacteria happily live in cotton wool, which they love natural materials, it supports combustion, clumps and takes a long time to dry - improper drying leads to the appearance of mold, and a toy stuffed with cotton wool becomes heavy and short-lived. In addition to cotton wool, rags were used as fillers: old scraps and scraps of fabric, as well as curly threads from loose knitting. The disadvantages of these materials are the same as cotton wool; moreover, a toy stuffed with scraps is too heterogeneous and unpleasant to the touch, and knitted “curls” straighten out after the first wash.

In some cases, synthetic materials are inferior to natural ones in terms of safety, consumer qualities and ease of use.

Do-it-yourself soft toys mean new skills, usefully spent time and priceless gifts for your family and friends. Have fun creating!

The smallest monkeys on the planet are marmoset primates or, as they are also called, marmosets. The height of these miniature monkeys does not reach 16 centimeters, and the length of their tail is 20 centimeters. In captivity, meaning in zoos and at home, common marmosets are kept. Their maximum lifespan is no more than twelve years old. Ordinary marmoset monkeys have gray or black coat color, and the tail alternates between dark and black. light stripes. The forehead of marmosets and ear tufts are white or light gray.

How interesting it is to watch them! When danger approaches, monkeys immediately show their strength, which is expressed by bulging eyes, raised fur and an arched body. Small primates thus express their full readiness for attack and defense. In case of a threat, the leader of the pack begins to actively move his ears, frown his eyebrows, and raise his tail. It also happens that the leader of these little monkeys, in order to show everyone his independent power, can organize a whole concert, even for no reason at all. However, as at home, so in nature, i.e. being in complete freedom, these marmosets are not aggressive at all, besides, they are very shy. Small monkeys in a free environment chirp barely - barely audible, but if these little creatures are sharply frightened, they begin to squeal so much that their ears become blocked.

Features of keeping marmosets

Keeping marmosets is very difficult. the main problem lies in the fact that they have an amazing, natural urge to mark everything that gets in their way. In addition, marmosets always mark themselves, for which they use their urine, feces, saliva, reproductive and skin glands. Such marks, which are not very pleasant for the owners of marmosets, serve as a kind of information for other individuals.

Marmosets – monkeys are very, very active, therefore, at home or in zoos they are necessary keep in spacious, large cages. The enclosure or cage in which these cute little monkeys live must always be clean. If the place of detention is dirty for a long time, then the monkeys regard this as a foreign smell, so they begin to mark more actively.

The cage should be equipped with driftwood, vines, various branches, multiple shelves and be tall. For decoration, you can use artificial plants and strong, thick ropes. Marmosets are very curious animals, just like any monkey, be it a macaque or even an orangutan. They love to climb everywhere and visit various places, so it is important that the cage is strong and reliable.

Nuances of nutrition and reproduction of marmoset monkeys

When free, marmosets love to pamper themselves with small lizards, frogs, hatched chicks, small rodents, as well as any berries and fruits. At home, marmosets can be offered to eat lizards and frogs, and if they are difficult to get, the monkey will not disdain chicken meat, to which it is necessary to add vegetables and fruits.

To great surprise, marmoset monkeys reproduce well in captivity, and there is no need to create for them special conditions. These small primates do not have any specific breeding season. The female's pregnancy lasts a little more than one hundred and forty days, after this period the marmosets have 1-3 marmosets.

There are different subspecies of marmoset monkeys. One of the most common marmoset monkeys is the silvery marmoset.

This subspecies of marmoset monkeys is common in the state of Pará, its central part, and also in Brazil. The silver marmoset lives along the banks of the Amazon, in secondary and primary subtropical and tropical forests.

Weight the body of a silver marmoset - 400 grams, length her torso, together with her head, makes up twenty two centimeters, and the length of the tail is no more than thirty centimeters. The monkey's body color is not necessarily silver; it can be white, brown, or even dark brown, although their tail is black.

Marmoset this is the smallest one. The primate will fit in the palm of an adult. Its height without a tail is 11-15 cm. The tail itself is 17-22 cm long. The baby weighs 100-150 g. This animal has long and thick hair.

More often, primates can be found not far from rivers, in places where they overflow their banks during the rainy season. Precipitation amounts to 1000-2000 mm annually. The acceptable temperature for them ranges from 19 to 25°C. Some species have adapted to survive in harsh conditions North Atlantic. Or in dry places where rainfall is seasonal.

Drought can last up to 10 months. Temperatures in such areas are not as stable as in the Amazon forests. And there is less vegetation in it. Animals rarely come down to earth. Mostly they spend all their time in the trees. But primates do not climb to the very top, but live within 20 m from the ground, so as not to become a victim birds of prey.

In the photo there is a white-eared marmoset

Little marmosets They sleep at night and are awake during the day. Get up 30 minutes after the first rays of the sun appear and go to bed 30 minutes before sunset. The overnight shelter is a hollow in a tree with a dense crown, intertwined with liana. They bask in the sun for half the day, and the rest of the time they look for food and care for each other's fur.

Reproduction and lifespan

Females who have reached 2 h. years of age, choose a partner themselves. There may be several males. Pregnancy lasts 140-150 days. These primates do not reproduce seasonally. The female can give birth twice a year. Usually there are 2, rarely 3 cubs in a litter.

The father is mainly involved in raising the offspring. But taking care of the babies is the responsibility of the entire flock. One newborn can have up to 5 nannies. The role of the female is to feed her offspring and restore her strength.

Newborn marmosets weigh approximately 14 g. After birth, babies hang on their mother’s stomach for several months, closer to the milk. And when the little marmosets get a little stronger, they sit on the backs of their fathers for up to 6 months.

A month after birth, the babies molt and become covered with hair characteristic of an adult. Already in the third month, the cubs walk independently, and those who do not want to do this are forced.

After 6 months, marmosets eat adult food. Puberty begins at 12 months. Only after 18 months will they become completely independent. Sexual maturity occurs after two years. At this age, the leader encourages him to leave the pack and start his own family.

The marmoset monkey usually lives to be 10-12 years old. A record was broken at one zoo. The primate lived there for 18.5 years. There is a high mortality rate among baby marmosets. Out of 100 babies born, only 67 babies will survive. In nature, their population is threatened by the destruction of their habitat. They are under threat of destruction lion marmosets. 11 other species are also at risk.

On the picture lion marmoset

In nature, primates are awake for 12-14 hours and it is important not to disrupt this daily routine. It is recommended to install a special lamp for them that provides good lighting.

It is better to always maintain the temperature high enough, at least 20 degrees, so that they feel comfortable. Another important thing to remember is that marmosets are afraid of drafts.

The cage needs to be cleaned regularly, otherwise it will perceive the old smell as foreign and will begin to intensively mark the territory, which is undesirable for the owners. A place to stay overnight is a must. Primates are shy and need to have a place to hide.


The diet of marmosets is varied. IN wildlife the menu consists of frogs, chicks, small rodents, as well as fruits, fruits and berries. Primates love to drink tree sap, eat gum and some resins.

They collect mushrooms, nectar, and flowers. The most important marmoset food are larvae and insects. These proteins are enough to satisfy the needs of small monkeys.

To get sap from a tree marmosets are gnawing bark, thereby stimulating the secretion of more tree sap. Then the monkey scoops out or licks the secretions. Primates do not search for food alone, but in small groups.

They obtain food using incisor teeth. Drinking fresh water, which is collected on leaves, flowers or shoots of plants. Due to their low weight, animals can reach fruits on the thinnest branches, which monkeys larger than them cannot do.

In captivity, instead of frogs and other crawling creatures, marmosets are given chicken meat. You can purchase snails and insects from pet stores to supplement your protein supply. You can give boiled eggs, cottage cheese and milk.

They usually become attached to those who feed them. At the time of feeding, marmosets best get used to their new owner. These animals adapt well to the new diet.

Marmoset price

Cost of marmoset not little. It is not available in all pet stores. The little monkey is sold privately or in big cities such as Moscow or Kyiv. Marmazetka in Kyiv costs 54,000 gr. Price pygmy marmoset in Moscow from 85,000 rubles.

White-eared marmoset costs from 75,000 to 110,000 rubles. If you have the desire and opportunity to acquire such beauty, then it doesn’t matter buy a marmoset It won't be that easy. This is due to the fact that there are very few of them on sale.

Very often people start houses unusual pets. Among these exotic creatures is the marmoset. This is a small monkey that weighs only 100 grams, and its height is only 13 centimeters. But buying such a “little man” is very difficult. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which such an animal is kept by the seller. If the marmoset lives in a spacious enclosure or cage, then this is one positive thing. If an animal looks fearfully at buyers through a rusty cage, then it is better to say goodbye to such a seller forever and look for the monkey elsewhere.

Secondly, you need to try to choose a healthy animal. A healthy marmoset has a very even layer of fur, and there is not a single bald spot. You also need to carefully examine the teeth and eyes. small creature. It is recommended to adopt a pet at a young age. This is approximately 4 months. And it is advisable to take a couple, since these “little men” need company.

The next task of the new owner will be to arrange a home for his little tenants. A spacious cage containing small rods is suitable for housing. Marmosets can even live in terrariums. If the cage has a storage tray, it must be changed once every four days. If this is not the case, then you need to put a baby diaper on the floor of the cage, which is changed every day.

Since these creatures live in trees in the wild, you also need to create an imitation of a forest at home. Ladders, various branches or ropes are suitable for this. These items must be placed in a cage. Also in their home there should be feeders for food and drinking water.

The owner will have to get used to the unusual daily routine of these creatures. They wake up with the first rays of the sun, and at the same time begin to scream and talk cheerfully in their own language. These restless animals lie down only at sunset. They also need to create humid climate, for example, 60%, since they live in the tropics.

Marmosets are very afraid of drafts, and therefore there should be no open windows near their homes. But you can put the cage under a lamp, since monkeys really like to bask in the warm rays.

The diet of marmosets is quite varied. It consists of various fruits, vegetables, and also insects.

Monkeys are very friendly creatures. From the first day you need to accustom them to yourself. At the same time, you cannot speak loudly to them, much less shout. When they are released from the cage, be sure to close all windows and doors. This creature can hide from the house at any moment, and then you will have to search for your pet for a long time.

The marmoset is very interesting creature. And with proper care she will become good friend for the whole family.

Do you still buy toys in the store? After reading this article, you will want to make toys for children with your own hands.

In order for children to be smart, quick-witted, and cheerful, parents must organize conditions for play and creativity. In the process of playing, the child learns everything that surrounds him in life. While playing, the baby perceives information faster. A happy childhood without toys is impossible. Let's talk about how to make your own toys for children of different ages.

DIY toys for children under one year old

You can find many educational toys on store shelves. But let's clarify what an educational toy is.

A toy with the help of which a child learns something new is considered educational. We can say that every toy is educational.

After all, even the simplest rattle will teach the baby to control his hands and understand where the sound is coming from. To develop your children's abilities, you don't have to buy expensive entertainment. You can make simple and useful toys. For example:

  • Educational cube. Each side of such a cube is made of different surfaces: smooth, rough, rustling, fabric, yarn. You can add flowers, pockets, appliqués, whatever your imagination suggests. The cube will be interesting for children under one year old
  • Figures. You can make a toy with figures from cardboard and colored paper. The child will become familiar with colors and shapes. Finger motor skills also develop. Toy from one to two years

  • Development board. Children from young to old will like it. Thanks to her, logic and fine motor skills develop. The baby can be carried away for a long time by studying all the details of this wonderful device.

Video: A simple educational toy made from bottles

Select toys according to age. Just as a two-year-old baby is unlikely to be interested in rattles, a baby under one year old will not like more intricate toys that require ingenuity.

What toys are suitable for children under one year old? The simplest ones:

  • Little books
  • Cubes
  • Textile balls
  • Toys with mirror

Basic requirements for toys:

  1. Safety. Small parts must be well secured. At this age, children put everything in their mouth.
  2. Brightness. Variegated colors are recommended by psychologists for such an early age
  3. Simplicity. The toy should not be complicated. A baby at this age needs up to five different textures.

DIY paper toys for children

  • Draw a sun, a hedgehog, ladybug. Then decorate them. You can print ready-made figures. Glue onto cardboard. Now you can put on the clothespins. An excellent toy for fine motor skills, developing perseverance, learning colors

  • Cut out many different shapes: heart, square, triangle, circle. On the container, label a cell for each shape. Let your baby learn to sort. Logic develops during this game

  • Lacing toy. Suitable for children from two years old. At this age, the child will be able to attach a mushroom to a hedgehog and then tie it with a string. Develops logic, motor skills, coordination of movements

DIY wooden toys for children

Wooden toys are environmentally friendly. Wooden toys cannot be called simple, because their manufacture requires skill and special tools. But if dad or grandpa has golden hands, then wooden toys will live on the shelf in your nursery.

Wooden toys seem uninteresting to many, but if you decorate them, they will turn from boring into bright and cheerful.

Below are ideas for making wooden toys.

DIY cardboard toys for children

If you arm yourself with cardboard, glue, scissors, colored paper and limitless imagination, you can create entire masterpieces. An example in the next photo.

It seems that cardboard is a fragile material, so toys made from it are short-lived. However, if you use cardboard correctly, add other elements, you will get a pretty durable toy.

From cardboard you can make trains, animals, cars and other toys that your baby will love.

DIY boxed toys for children

Children love to play in the houses. It's boiling there whole life. There they put the dolls to sleep and almost live on their own. There they cook food for their toy friends. You can make a house out of a large cardboard box.

In addition, you can make a children's kitchen.

Many people wanted to be on TV as children. You can give your children this opportunity by making a cardboard TV.

DIY thread toys for children

If you know how to knit, then be sure to knit a soft toy for your child. A handmade product is especially expensive. Maybe this will be the child's favorite character.

Or just funny little animals.

It is not necessary to knit animals; you can knit soft balls. Place buckwheat or beans inside.

To make a toy out of threads, you don’t have to know how to knit. You can make dolls from threads.

Interesting: when there was not such a variety of toys as now, children played with dolls made of thread.

DIY sock toys for children

To create toys with your own hands, any available materials, even socks, are suitable. It would seem, what kind of toys can be made from socks? But you can make very beautiful and interesting toys from socks.

DIY pompom toys for children

Toys made from pompoms are soft and pleasant to the touch. You can easily make them yourself. Make a toy out of a pompom with your child; children from two years old will love this activity.

You can buy ready-made pompoms or make them yourself from yarn.

Pictures of DIY toys for children

With the help of educational cards you can learn colors, shapes, animals.

Making your own cards is very easy. Print ready-made templates, color and study.

You can print ready-made pictures.

You can make puzzles.

DIY toy craft for children

If you want to make an original toy with your own hands, make a bright book with different textures.

Necessary materials:

  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Scraps of fabric
  • Buttons
  • Accessories
  • Sintepon, foil

Master Class:

  1. Decide on the size and quantity of your book. Cut two rectangles from the same fabric
  2. Sew the edges, do not sew one edge yet. Insert a piece of padding polyester or foil inside. Then sew the last edge. This will be one spread of your book.
  3. Do the rest of the pages
  4. Fold them into a book and stitch in the middle
  5. Decorate the pages as you wish: sew on rustling elements, soft pieces of fabric, buttons or other elements

A simple DIY toy for children

If you don't want to do it difficult work, you can make a very simple but useful toy.

Necessary materials:

  • Two pieces of felt
  • Scissors

Master Class:

  1. Draw different shapes on one felt rectangle
  2. Cut out the same shapes from another piece of felt

The educational toy is ready. Ask your child to find a match.

DIY soft toys for children

If you have small pieces of fabric, dispose of them wisely.

For example, sew simple soft toys with your own hands.

A soft big owl can be not only a toy, but also a pillow.

Before handing the finished toy to your child, check again whether all the parts are firmly sewn and there are no elements that could cause injury. Play with your children and develop your child's personality.

Video: DIY sensory balls

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