Pelageya about her adult life. The meaning of human life? Interview compilation Do your family have a favorite dish

It's cool when the interview taken suddenly becomes so extensive that it can safely generate pages of content on the site. And all the words, as usual, to the point and to the point. Thanks again to Armen Petrosyan for, and of course, part 3!

Most people try to get attention: unconsciously, not out of malice. Maybe out of misunderstanding. I also had all of this. When you start doing something online, you want to be noticed.

Thus, a person tries to understand why he exists. But when you realize that you can get attention by jumping out into the street naked and start screaming. Yes, attracted attention, but then you do nothing useful.

When you share meanings, they become opportunities for others to change...

About the meaning of life

In my understanding, the meaning of life comes down to getting joy from what you do consciously. You look at what interests you, what gives you joy and talk about it. And you gather around you people who are on your wave.

After all, when people gather around them people who are not on their wave, they need to be artificially restrained, tricked or deceived.

About travel

When I wrote what I want, I wrote that I was not interested in traveling just like that. I don't go anywhere as a tourist. I do not like. One of my goals was, for example: if I came to London, I would have someone to talk to there. Not just for money, but for people there who would be interested in talking to me. Or I thought: “I want to be in a good company so that, on the one hand, I can see the territory and at the same time find new interesting communication.”

Through Facebook, I found those with whom I went. These were amazing people. I really enjoy talking to them so far. And later, all four became the authors of "It's interesting to live."

And the year before last, he flew to New York ... He came alone. Walked and looked. I realized that I didn't really like it. I like to find people who live in the places I visit, who can show the city from the inside.

About change

You yourself must be the change that you want to see around. I always say that the success of any project depends on who makes it.

For example, I do not believe those doctors who claim that smoking is harmful if they themselves smoke. The same should be here. If I read pro or freelancing ( Yaroslav: I do websites), or about traveling, would have gone to your page and found nothing about the fact that you are traveling; or live differently than you are trying to teach others, I would not only not believe you, but I would also try not to go there again and not waste time on you.

Another issue is that you can just try to attract attention, try to inspire, try to motivate. And only history can motivate. History must be honest. She may be pretty, but that's show business again.

About expressing opinions

I don't see the point of expressing my opinion at all. You only need to tell the meaning that you yourself experienced in the hope that it may be useful to someone. Ask my opinion about Roza Rymbaeva. Who cares, who needs it? It's a different matter if I said, "I'm listening her and I remember my childhood, and I feel good!”. Everything else is empty air shaking.

Maybe I'm too primitive and I can't understand why I need to waste my limited time and attention on information that I won't apply in my life.

About meanings and generated content

Sharing beneficial meanings. You talk about what signal influenced you, where you received it and where another person can receive it. Tell how you converted this signal into information and why; and how another person can transform it. Then you show how you transformed this information into an action, how you acted and how another can repeat your actions. And you tell him what changes your actions led to, and how you evaluate them: Are you happy with them, or are you not happy.

It's like a collection of recipes. No one can get enough of the fact that he bought a recipe book and read it. He himself must buy food, cook something himself, eat right himself - do not get poisoned, do not overeat. So when you share, you are telling the recipe.

As a conclusion

I have a huge request. If you have time, sit down and write down ten ideas that you have personally learned from what I have said. For me, this is even more important than the interview that will turn out.

Everyone considers Irina Muravyova a very great actress. She starred in a whole bunch of great and popular films. Everyone appreciates and respects her, until now the actress is invited to star in new films, but she does not always agree. As the actress herself put it, “I’m not the same as before, the years go by and they take their toll”

In early November, Irina had a rather pleasant conversation with reporters. The journalists were from many TV channels and from various online magazines. Irina told them about her life. The actress lived a quiet and calm life, there was only one husband. There were never lovers, although young people practically ran after her in droves.

The childhood of the actress was not bad, they just lived according to the charter. But she does not complain about this, but rather considers it right. Her father was a military man, from childhood taught to strict discipline. This discipline is still preserved in her family.

In family life, everything is calm and comfortable, and in the acting life, the famous actress always had enough adventures. Irina said that there were few cases where she did not get into some kind of adventure, something mysterious always happened.

Irina talked a lot about her husband, whom she loved very much. They lived together for almost forty years and would have lived a long time if misfortune had not happened. In 2014, Irina's husband had a stroke, after which he did not live long. Irina suffered the loss of her husband for a long time, but life goes on and she had to come to terms with this loss and live on.

Throughout the conversation with reporters, Irina smiled and laughed. But there were also moments when tears appeared in her eyes when she remembered her husband. This once again proves how much she loved him and continues to love him, even though he is no longer there.

Ekaterina Strizhenova is a well-known Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter, ambassador of the World Without Tears charity program. Let's talk a little about this amazing, charming and wise woman. A woman who combines intelligence and beauty, simplicity and sophistication, calmness and at the same time a stream of positive emotions that you get when talking with her. Catherine, on the one hand, is meek, sweet, beautiful in her thoughts and actions, and on the other hand, she is a person of great willpower, patience, following her life goals, and able to set priorities correctly. They say about such people: “The flower is outside, the steel is inside!” A woman who was able to build a career and a family.

- Ekaterina, did your family influence the choice of your future profession?

Somehow it so happened by itself that I had no doubts about who to be. At the age of 5, my parents sent me to the Kalinka folk choreographic ensemble, in which I danced for 15 years. All my childhood was performances, tours, and then shootings - first in television performances, and then in films. I "burned" it, it was more than a hobby - it was my life. The discipline in Kalinka was tough - if you study poorly, then no performances. Therefore, I came from school, immediately sat down for lessons, and then ran to rehearsals.

- You met your future husband early. Was it love at first sight?

We met on the set of the film "Leader". Not only was it my film debut, I was only 14 then. Sasha played the role of my classmate, and we quickly found a common language. At first we became friends, then feelings flared up in us, and after 4 years we first got married, and then got married. It was such a love when you don’t hear or see anything else around. We were from very different backgrounds, from different families, and no one could have imagined that we would stay together for many years. But when there is love, everything else is surmountable.

- Does your long marriage have any special secret?

I get asked this question very often. There are no secrets here. You just need to appreciate those who are around and try to make them happy. For me, my family is the main meaning of life, I can’t imagine myself without it.

- Katya, can you briefly describe what kind of mother you are?

I hope you are considerate and understanding. But, in general, it is worth asking this question to my children, not to me.

- What future would you like for your daughters?

Happy future. And in what area - it's not for me to decide. Sasha is fond of dancing, gymnastics, and has been broadcasting “Our Favorite Animals” on the TV Center channel for several years, while Nastya went to another area - she studied in London and New York, now she works as a designer. I am glad that my daughters are realized in what they love.

- What does charity mean to you?

Help is a natural desire of every normal person. And since I am a mother, children's problems and troubles are especially close to me, because there is nothing more important than children's health. Today I am an ambassador of the charity program of VTB Bank World without Tears. It is a great honor for me, and I am glad that as a public person I can draw as much attention as possible to the health problems of babies.

- Ekaterina, you have an extensive filmography, are there any favorite films or roles among them?

For me, the film "The Musketeers 20 Years Later" means a lot - it gave a "second wind" to my career, because before I received this offer, there were thoughts of leaving the cinema. I love "Carrot Love" because this film gave me the opportunity to play an atypical role for me. I can also be proud of my role in the good TV series “Everyone Has Their Own War” written by Volodarsky. In general, I love all my roles and believe that initially it is not necessary to accept proposals for which you will be ashamed later.

- You received a second higher education in the specialty "Psychology", for what?

I decided to get a second higher education when I was preparing to take part in a television project on the topic of psychology. The project was then closed, but I received a diploma, which I am very glad about. Knowledge of psychology helps me in my profession - I read scripts and “get used to” roles, thinking about my character, how she can act and how not, and what drives her. In life, this knowledge is also not superfluous, however, the saying “a shoemaker without boots” is sometimes truer than ever. No wonder they say that psychologists can help everyone except themselves.

- Which of your projects are you most interested in now?

What I love about my job is that it's so versatile. I love the theater very much and will never give it up, I am happy to act in films, and the experience of a TV presenter is also valuable for me. I know how to do my job well, and I am pleased that with Good Morning, millions of people start their day.

As for the talk show “Them and Us”, every time for me it is a challenge for which it is impossible to prepare. With my partner Alexander Gordon, we are very different, he believes that since I have been happily married to one man for so many years and raised two children, then there is nothing to talk about with me at all (laughs). But the success of this program rests on this, on our confrontation, on the fact that we can openly discuss important and painful topics. Therefore, summing up, I can say that I love all my projects in my own way.

- You acted in films with your husband-director, what did this experience give you?

We worked on the same set several times as actors, but as a director and actress we first met in 2005 - in the film "180 and Above." Do not think that since Alexander is my husband, he makes me some concessions. Rather, on the contrary, he is more critical and strict towards me than towards other actors. Can publicly scold me, make a remark. And in the film "Love-carrot", for example, he gave me a supporting role, although I dreamed of becoming the main character. He just didn't see me in that role. Nevertheless, Sasha is a very talented director, and it is very interesting to work with him every time.

- Katya, when you face a choice in everyday life: career or family, what do you choose?

Usually such a question does not arise in my life. I really love my job and dedicate a lot of time to it, but the family has always been and will be a priority. Therefore, I will never agree to projects that can jeopardize the time spent with my family. For me it is sacred.

Katya, you look amazing! How do you manage with your busy schedule?

Firstly, I do not try to look younger than my age, I do not chase youth. I think that a woman should be well-groomed at any age.

Secondly, I always monitor nutrition and physical fitness, if necessary, I go on a diet. I don't belong to the type of woman who can afford to eat everything and not gain weight, so I tightly control what I eat. And if I feel that I’m tired, that a reboot is needed, then I set aside a day that I devote to myself completely, I go to a beautician for a massage. And then again I “dive” into working days, feeling full of energy.

- Does your family have a favorite dish?

The youngest daughter loves mushroom soup very much, my husband likes it when I cook pizza and poppy seed pies. But in everyday life, we try to avoid baking and other "harmful things", we eat properly and balanced.

There is only one motto: everything that does not kill me will lift me up!

- And finally… Ekaterina, give parting words to our readers.

Thank you for the interesting conversation, it is very pleasant to communicate with you, you are really charged with positive energy! All the very best and the best to you!

The interview was conducted by Yulia Prokhorova, especially for the Women's magazine "Charm"

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Some 10 years ago, Amanda Bynes was a movie star and the idol of many boys and girls. She became famous for her comedy roles in the films "What a Girl Wants" and "She's a Man", but her fame faded as quickly as it appeared. For the first time in 4 years, Amanda decided to appear in front of the cameras and give an interview in which she spoke about her personal life.

Bynes on the YouTube channel show Hollyscoop

Now 31-year-old Amanda is very difficult to recognize. In the studio of the morning show of the YouTube channel Hollyscoop, the actress appeared in a snow-white guipure blouse and jeans, under which extra pounds were hidden. In addition, it was clear that Bynes was embarrassed to be in front of the cameras and answer questions from the presenter, but Amanda passed this test.

The first question that sounded on the TV show was about the creative side of Bynes' life, because it is known that at one time the actress became interested in fashion design. Here is what Amanda had to say about it:

“Yes, it’s true that I want to try my hand at design. I have already enrolled in fashion design courses and I already know something. I really enjoy sewing and being creative in this area. Over time, I plan to create my own brand, under which my clothes will go out. In addition, I began to draw pictures. So far, I can’t present them to you, because I am a novice artist, but I am constantly improving in this matter. I think that the ability to draw beautifully and figuratively represent the image on a piece of paper will help me develop properly as a fashion designer.”

After that, the host of the program raised the issue of Amanda's return to the cinema. Here is what Bynes had to say about it:

“I dream of returning back to the big screens. I really miss my acting career. During the time that I was not filming, and this is already 7 years, I have accumulated a lot of information and emotions inside me. I would love to share them with the audience. I really hope that pretty soon I will be invited back to shoot, but for now, I decided to return to television in some kind of entertainment show. Despite the fact that I have changed in appearance, my ability to joke and entertain the viewer has not gone away.
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Amanda had a difficult period in her life

For the first time that something was wrong with the famous comedian Bynes, it became known in 2009. It was during this period that the shooting of the last film with the participation of Amanda, which is called "Excellent student of easy virtue", ended. Almost immediately after that, the actress began to change before our eyes, gaining excess weight. As it became known later, the culprit was the abuse of alcohol in very large quantities and addiction to drugs. 3 years later, the name of the famous actress again appeared on the front pages of newspapers. Bynes was accused of several accidents in which people were injured. From the police report, it became known that the actress was driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

After that, a whole “bouquet” of extraordinary actions began with the participation of Bynes, about which the press wrote. It became known that the actress set fire to a neighboring house, wrote an insulting letter to Barack Obama, accused her own father of her molestation and was going to marry a stranger. In late spring 2012, Amanda was arrested for using drugs outside the home and sent to the Malibu Rehab Clinic, which treats various types of addiction. Despite this treatment, Amanda did not really help, because the actress continued to do strange things. In October 2014, Bynes was involuntarily committed to a mental institution in Pasadena, California. After undergoing treatment, Amanda decided to take up her mind by enrolling in college and design school.

This interview could have consisted entirely of the remarks “I suddenly burst out laughing” or “I laughed loudly.” Sincerity and spontaneity, Pelageya was very fond of the audience of the vocal show "Voice" and over the past three years has turned from a folk singer of the format of "Our Radio" into a bright mentor of musical talents, which appears in prime time on Channel One.

Pelageya became famous as a child. From the age of nine, her life is like a rapid flight. She managed to finish school at the age of 14, then - GITIS with a red diploma, put together a rock band named after herself, which thundered throughout the country, speak to three presidents, enlist the support of Galina Vishnevskaya, who called her "the hope of the world opera stage." Pelageya performed at the Invasion festival and on the stage of the Albert Hall, traveled all over the country with concerts and finally took her rightful place in the Voice show. The lively girl with a blond braid in a folk sundress was replaced by a new Pelageya, elegant and free, but still just as cheerful and spontaneous.

At 28, she boasts unconditional popular love and recognition, but at the same time she is forced to put up with discussions of her personal life and diet secrets. It is understandable: on the one hand, here it is in full view every Friday, and on the other hand, what do we really know about it?


Tell me, do I understand correctly that over the past couple of years you have actually reinvented yourself?
You see, this is more related to the opinion that different people have about me. Someone associated me with KVN, someone with presidents, someone with folklore. Almost everyone perceived me as a kind of material from which, in the right hands, something special could turn out. And I feel like a fairly complete person. Moreover, I am generally against any categorical framework and have always strived for eclecticism: in clothes, in music or in books. Believe me, this is not hypocrisy, I'm just for the search for harmony. It so happened that thanks to the "Voice" people began to observe me regularly, and for a large audience I appeared exactly three years ago. In addition, I don’t sing there, I live - I experience strong emotions, I communicate with people. I remember very well how I looked at the recordings of the blind auditions of the second "Voice". I was horrified! Do I really look like this on screen? Is it really impossible to stop grimacing, to carry what comes to mind? But I'm not an ideal woman, I sometimes get tired in the frame, I can forget that I'm being filmed and scratch my nose.

And doesn’t it annoy you that, for all your diversity, you will always go under the heading “folk singer”?
No, on the contrary! I don't see anything wrong or shameful in that. On the contrary, I love the folk song tradition with all my heart and have defended my place in this genre on our stage all my life. I am sure that there is a listener for every musical style. The Pelageya group has always been somewhere in between: not quite underground, but not pop either. This balance has been maintained to this day. For example, I terribly love Inna Zhelannaya, but I admit that I make more understandable music, and quite consciously.

That is, in creative terms, you are not looking for changes?
I want to evolve without changing anything radically. I take a lot of advice with humor, like the fact that I should give up on folk music and start doing modern music. I know that it is in this genre that I can let myself go, I feel comfortable in it. And at the same time, I don’t walk in a sundress, tied with a belt, and I don’t live in the forest! I had a fairly serious internal fracture last summer. I'm sure that I went through a midlife crisis, you can't confuse this with anything. An amazing concentration of questions that fall on you at the same time. And then I decided that it was time to accept myself and take action.

And what are you now?
More mature, more free. Gone Komsomol enthusiasm and at the same time the fear of making a mistake. It is quite difficult to avoid internal contradiction when you are idealized by complete strangers. I'm actually much easier! At some point, I realized that I really like to talk about what I want to be, what I want to change in my life. I said to myself: "Enough talking, it's time to act." After all, the longer it lasts, the less you respect yourself. The temptation is too great not to proceed to action at all: it is enough to tell everything perfectly so that others appreciate your wisdom. One can live only this false admiration without doing anything. And I was just scared that I would wake up soon and realize that I missed everything, chatted, dreamed.

In personal relationships, has your behavior also undergone a metamorphosis?
In this question, I behave like on the “Voice”, when I sit in a chair and think: “Now I will turn on my brain and find such and such specific vocal data.” In reality, everything happens exactly the opposite. I'm just turning on energy. In general, I always live by emotions and intuition. To put it bluntly, I'm not smart enough to live a rational life. My irrational is much richer, much more interesting.

As far as I know, your mother is not only the closest person to you, but also your main producer. How are your personal and work relationships?
Mom is my great friend, and I am very glad that even at the age of 28 I can come to her and tell absolutely everything. She knows me better than anyone in the world. Of course, we are very different, we have different lives, and I cannot use her life experience. As far as work is concerned, this is an entirely authoritarian relationship. I am already past the age when you can rebel, there are just questions that I can solve on my own, but in many moments my mother understands more, deeper. Someone said in an interview that it is important when there are still people next to you who remember you as a child. They are the ones who really know you. Globally, we are not changing at all. I come every year to Novosibirsk to my former dacha, sit on the bridge with seeds in my hands and return to my childhood. Such constancy is like a foundation for me. And without a foundation, as you know, a catastrophe is sure to come.

Since childhood, you exist in a frantic rhythm. How do you deal with it?
Naturally, sometimes I want to close myself in the apartment and turn off the phone, but not more than for a day. I am constantly in a state of gratitude for the way my life is going. Compared to many, I don't work. This is not a job, but an incredible high, for which I am also paid money. Every time I catch myself thinking: “Oh, I’m so tired, it’s time to go to the Maldives!”, I immediately stop short, it’s so embarrassing. And my childhood was amazing! I was surrounded by fantastic people, thanks to whom I am what I am now. And you know, I'm generally happy with how it turned out. People and books have made a man out of me. I read the first book at the age of three, it was Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel. At nine I swallowed The Master and Margarita. And now I’m terribly happy when a young man writes SMS without errors and highlights adverbial phrases, damn it! Although, wait, I would also check his audio recordings and find out if he reads books. As a rule, you distinguish your people from the crowd with just such markers. No political differences can divide us more than different tastes in art, or - especially - the lack of them. A person can love an author who is not very close to me. But the main thing is that he has an interest. That's enough for me.

What could make you stop for a while, break out of this mess?
Of course, a child, and even then for a while. I can not live without work, this is my main buzz, filling my life. I am sure that nothing, except, perhaps, the physical impossibility of working, can make me give up music forever.

That is, hypothetically, the child and the family fit perfectly into your current life?
Of course they fit in. I have no doubt that I will have enough for work and family.

What will you do when you feel tired? Where will you go after filming the third "Voice"?
I will go somewhere where there is a lot of water and where I can be silent. I'm finally reading what I've been planning for a long time. Now it is the turn of the "Morals of the 21st century" by the Chilean thinker, researcher, writer and philosopher Dario Salas Sommer. A wonderful book, by the way!

You really have changed a lot, and not only internally. What is your current relationship with your looks?
I had a pretty powerful conflict, and this year I decided to deal with it. I didn’t even set myself the goal of losing weight, I wanted to improve my health in general. As it turns out, it really works. Of course, I did not expect that such a huge number of people would be interested in my external changes. However, for me, the moment of self-acceptance is more important than the results.

What about girlfriends? Do you get along with women easily?
It just so happened that I didn't have enough of them. There are only a few truly close ones. All of them are very different, as if each is some kind of component of my personality, elevated to an absolute. But mostly my friends are men. And I'm not some kid. I'm just more interested in them. They often say that in some respects I am more of a man than any of their acquaintances! And I understand what they mean, because sometimes girls are very stupid, unfortunately. It seems to me that they absolutely consciously do not want to know more, as if they are afraid. But at the same time, I really love real women, beautiful, embodying the ideal of femininity - from appearance to habits. I'm not exactly like that, so I'm learning from them.

There is, after all, such a thing as the psychology of a beautiful girl and the psychology of an ugly girl. For example, I don't feel beautiful. Interesting, cute - maybe, and even then it depends on the mood. But I have always had only beautiful girlfriends. I often compliment women. I can even on the street quite sincerely tell a stranger that she is beautiful. And beauty for me is very relative. You can be far from canonical ideals, but at the same time have individuality. The most important thing is the energy of beauty emanating from a person.

Text: Elena Zamyatina

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