iPhone won't charge. Why iPhone won't charge and what to do in this case

“Time wears away the stone” - says famous saying, nothing spares time, including modern smartphones. Over time, the battery life decreases; instead of 18 hours, the iPhone works for 14, and gradually the time decreases. And finally there comes a time when the iPhone shows that it is charging, but in fact it is not charging. In today's article we will look at why this happens and how to fix the device with the least investment.

Checking the cable and charger

Let's check two basic elements before moving on to more radical measures.

Cable problems

The first thing to do is check the cable. In 85% of cases, when the phone takes a long time to charge or the charging goes on, but the phone does not charge, the wire is to blame. Most likely it is remade or not original and also of poor quality.

Often, for users of similar Chinese crafts, the iPhone displays the message “This cable or accessory is not certified...”. The explanation is simple - iPhone 5s, 6, 6plus, 7, 7 plus, 8 models are not designed to work with non-original wires. Chinese counterfeits, unlike the original accessory, do not have a shielding layer in the shell, and besides, the thickness of the conductors is several times smaller, which is why difficulties arise when the phone does not fully charge, 100%.

For diagnostics, we try to take another cable, with a lightning connector, if it works with the other one, then the problem is in the cable, if not, we look for the problem further.

Check charger

Now you need to make sure the memory itself is working. Usually this is a square or rectangular block with a USB connector that is plugged into a power outlet. IN USB port The iPhone synchronization cable is inserted, after which the device should begin charging. The iPhone takes a long time to charge, precisely because of a burnt out or broken charger, since the current supplied to the U2 power controller is significantly lower than that recommended by the factory.

A bad charger is one of the main reasons why a phone charges slowly, be it an Android or iOS device.

We're doing a big cleanup

The next likely problem is hidden in a dirty iPhone lightning connector. During operation, bullets and debris from pockets clog the delicate electronic insides of gadgets, creating quite a few problems for their owners. Dirt can be the reason why charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging. Not only older models like the iPhone 5s suffer from this, but also older smartphone models suffer from our pockets and bags.

From time to time you need to take a cotton swab and carefully clean the lightning connector. This will help if your iPhone is not charging properly, or if your phone is charging slowly. How to properly clean the connector, watch the video, it’s simple and quick.

Turn off the phone

There is a little-known trick: if you want to charge the iPhone 5 battery without spending a lot of time, just turn off the device. The process will go much faster and will save up to 30% of time. At regular work applications, the smartphone consumes a lot of energy, spending it on maintaining communication with the network, operating the backlight and on other tasks. By turning off the device or at least switching it to “Airplane mode”, the battery will be filled with energy faster, even when using a non-original weak charger.

Software Update

If, after all the procedures done, the iPhone does not charge or the phone charges slowly, then it is worth updating iOS before proceeding with more radical methods. To update iOS, go to “Settings - General - Software Update” and click “Install”. Don’t be afraid, save all the data, and the problem may disappear.

Battery calibration

If the phone shows that the battery is 20-10% full, although you have just disconnected the certified cable and are sure that the battery is full, then it is worth calibrating the battery. It is not difficult. How to do this correctly, look at the video; all the nuances and details cannot be described in the article.

Battery Replacement

Radical, but effective way when charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging. The situation will worsen every day, the phone will work autonomously less and less, and charging will take longer and longer.

If all the above methods do not help, then help will come new battery. After 2-3 years, a situation arises: the smartphone’s battery becomes unusable after 500-700 operating cycles, so you have to change the battery yourself or take the device to a handy technician. How to do it yourself correctly, watch the video and read in this article.

Failure of controller U2

After replacing the battery with a new one, is your phone still charging slowly? A bad, very bad symptom, which means the problem is in the module located on the motherboard. In this case, the same handy craftsman will be able to re-solder the u2 power controller for you, but the money for the work and spare parts will be completely different. But this is a very likely development of events, despite all the reliability of the iPhone 6.

Question answer

Let's look at popular questions that arise among iPhone users. We'll tell you what to do in a given situation.

Why won't my iPhone charge using a Chinese cable?

This means that a non-Apple certified cable is not suitable for this model. Or is it a completely “creepy China”, rubbish that just begs to be thrown into the trash can.

Why does my phone charge slowly on the original charger?

We carry out the options described in the article point by point, most likely dust has gotten into the connector or the iPhone synchronization cable has been broken.

Why won't my phone charge using a non-original charger?

Most likely, you were sold a defective device, and this is not a certified cable for iPhone.

Video instruction

Reasons Why won't my iPhone charge? There are not a dozen of them, and some of them can be resolved without contacting a service center. To save money, it is recommended to first try to fix the problem yourself. Manipulations do not require special skills, just follow the instructions.

One of the most common problems that an iPhone stops charging is a glitch software. The firmware failed and this condition is completely fixable. The smartphone has a special controller; its main task is to recognize the charging connection and control the procedure. Its function is entirely dependent on the software component and, if there are any failures, there may be a problem with incorrect recognition of data from the sensor.

To start charging, you must send the appropriate command to the controller, otherwise power will not even be transferred to the battery. Frozen software can cause various problems with the battery display in the notification panel.

Most users manage to fix the problem by simply rebooting the device. A radical reboot is caused by simultaneously pressing the Home and Power keys. The hold duration is 30 seconds. After a reboot the problem may be resolved.

If the failure is caused by a more serious software error, you will have to.

What to do if your iPhone won't charge due to a dirty port

iPhone 5 and other models often do not charge due to simple dirt getting into the charging port. The main difficulty is that debris is not always visually noticeable. The conclusion is obvious - you shouldn’t carry a smartphone in your pants or trouser pockets, where all sorts of garbage constantly ends up.

Most often, garbage accumulates for a long time in the connector until it accumulates in such a heap that charging stops altogether. Due to the frequent connection of the device with the Lightning cable, the dust is compressed and prevents normal connection with the device.

Important! You cannot clean it manually with a needle, as this can lead to mechanical damage to the elements of the smartphone, including failure of the controller.

To remove debris, use a wooden toothpick. Special attention Pay attention to the corners, they are where the most debris accumulates most often. Try not to damage the contacts.

Important! After cleaning, you need to connect the device to the charging unit and wait about 15 minutes, since if the smartphone is deeply discharged, it will take time to transmit any signals.

iPhone won't charge due to a faulty USB port

You should first make sure that the USB connector to which the cable is connected is working properly; therefore, if there is a malfunction, the iPhone 5s, like any other model, will not charge. A desktop computer has many ports built in, so it’s worth using another option. The technique is simple due to the possibility of quick diagnosis.

Important! There may not be enough voltage supplied to the computer ports to quickly charge the smartphone, causing the speed to slow down or disappear altogether. It is recommended to charge from a wall outlet.

There are some options for adjusting port power thanks to settings on the computer, but their use is recommended only if the preliminary optimization is incorrect.

Important! You should not charge from the keyboard.

iPhone 6 won't charge due to damaged charger

Very often iPhone 7 and older models do not charge due to problems with charging unit. Most of all cases are related to user actions.

There are a number of important factors to consider when it comes to charging:

  1. Always buy original chargers. Chinese chargers, in the vast majority of cases, lead to serious disruptions in the operation of the smartphone. For some owners, such accessories led to rapid wear of the battery, for others they caused damage to the controller, and sometimes even led to the breakdown of the device. It’s definitely worth paying extra for original chargers.

  1. If the cable is original, there is another risk - simple wear and tear on the cord. Few users treat cables with care; therefore, they often step on them, cords rub against the edges of furniture or are crushed by legs. The wiring inside the charger is quite fragile and must be handled with care. Frequent kinks are extremely harmful to the cable. Sometimes, due to a faulty cord, charging stops at a certain point.
  2. "The cable is not certified." Apple has come up with special algorithms for checking the originality of the cable used. As iOS evolves, authentication methods improve and few cables are able to pass them. It is recommended to charge with the original device.

Smartphone malfunction

Any element of a smartphone can be damaged, possibly due to defects, but more often due to improper use. Mostly the controller or battery is damaged. In this case, you will have to contact the service center.

If you still have questions on the topic “Why doesn’t the iPhone charge and what to do in this case?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Hello! iPhone charging and problems associated with it are perhaps the biggest “misfortune” that awaits owners of Apple devices. Well... after forgotten password from iCloud - that's for sure. The website already has a lot of instructions telling you how to charge correctly, what you can do while charging and what you can’t do, etc. But still, new problems keep popping up!

IN Lately There were just a huge number of comments with the same problem. Users write that they cannot fully charge their iPhone. He doesn’t want to (or can’t?) - that’s all! Moreover, first charging in progress as expected, but then it reaches a certain percentage and everything stops. It's like some kind of epidemic! Let's figure out what is the reason for this behavior? Go!

What could be causing this? In fact, there are only two options:

  • Problems in the software (the operating system itself).
  • Problems with hardware (the Phone is not always to blame).

Let's start with the simplest...

iPhone is not charging fully - iOS system glitch

Nothing is perfect and operating system iOS is no exception. It may be the reason why the iPhone is not fully charged.

Typical behavior for this case is when the charging percentage reaches 98-99 and freezes at for a long time. It turns out that it’s almost charged, but it’s just a little short of reaching the cherished 100%.

What can and should be done here? Here are some solutions:

Important! Everything listed above is worth trying in any case, even if the charging percentage freezes at lower values ​​- it can help. But if it doesn't help, then...

iPhone charging does not reach 100% - hardware problems

Failure of an iPhone to charge above certain values ​​may be associated with other, more serious faults.

Especially when the charge reaches half or a little more and stops - that is, there is quite a lot “missing”.

There can be two main ones:

As you can see, there are many reasons why the iPhone does not receive a full charge.

And, unfortunately, among them there are some very unpleasant ones. For my part, I can only wish that you fix the iPhone battery without resorting to serious actions - assembling and disassembling the device, replacing spare parts, contacting a service center, etc. Let everything be resolved in much simpler ways!

P.S. In order to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome, put “like” and click on the social network buttons!

P.S.S. Do you have any questions or questions? Tell us in the comments - let's try to figure it out together!

Even such a high-quality and modern gadget as an iPhone can sometimes fail. One of the most common reasons why customers contact service centers is that the iPhone 5 is not charging. You can fix the lack of contact with the charger yourself by checking the cleanliness of the connector into which the Lightning charger is connected. Take a toothpick and gently apply internal sides connector, eliminating traces of dust, lint and threads that constantly get clogged there while carrying the iPhone in your pocket. After such cleaning, contact with the charger may well be restored.

Why iPhone 5 won't charge

If you use your iPhone as a business communicator, you can't afford to let it break down. Coordination of information flow, prompt decision-making, negotiations are incompatible with a new entry in your organizer - iPhone 5 does not charge. Even if you are not a representative of business structures or the business world, your Apple should work without failures or any malfunctions.

Among the main reasons why the iPhone 5 does not charge, experts identify several that are not significantly different from the malfunctions of the iPhone 5s model.

If your device has not been dropped, has not been subjected to destructive mechanical impact or liquid ingress, and after cleaning the connector nothing changes, then the reason that the iPhone is not charging lies in a problem with the charger or battery.

If the trouble is charger, it is very easy to replace, but a new battery in an iPhone of any model will be supplied to you in the most efficient and safe manner at a service center. Only at first glance it may seem that in this situation you can do without the help of a professional. If you want the problem of “iPhone 5 not charging well” to remain a thing of the past forever, contact us in a way convenient for you.

The main reasons why the iPhone 5 does not charge well:

  • damage to the inside of the device from impact;
  • use of non-original accessories;
  • software failure;
  • failure of internal parts.

Extensive experience in successfully replacing batteries in mobile devices various manufacturers and models allowed us to thoroughly study this area of ​​troubleshooting.

If your iPhone 5 is not charging, our technicians will be able to quickly identify the cause. The diagnosis will allow us to identify the main cause from the list of the most common:

  • adapter problem;
  • damage to the power supply cord;
  • damage, loosening of the charger;
  • oxidation of the element.

If your iPhone 5 s is not charging, then you may need to work with the cable to troubleshoot the problem.

A special feature of our craftsmen’s work is the ability precise definition the causes of the malfunction without unnecessary interference in the gadget’s systems.

We will help eliminate not only this breakdown, but also all other faults detected during preliminary diagnostics. We guarantee high-quality repairs in the presence of the customer. All possible options for troubleshooting are agreed upon with the client, and based on their results, repair work is carried out.

Contact the site and the question of why the iPhone 5 is not charging will stop bothering you for a long time.

High level of skill, many years of successful experience in this direction, equipped with modern high-precision diagnostic equipment and tools allows us to provide repair services for modern gadgets that meet the most stringent quality standards.

Possible malfunctions and cost of solution:

iPhone 5~ Natalya ~ 09-03-2017

Hello, please tell me what could be the reason, the iPhone 5 is not charging.

Macsave Center Answer: Natalya, good afternoon!
The reason may be a faulty battery, charger, power controller, etc. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics. Bring it, we'll see. Diagnostics are free.

Iphone 5~ Maxim ~ 08/24/2016

I bought the phone, everything was fine
When he sat down completely, I put him on charge
It sounds like it's charging, but nothing works.

Macsave Center Answer: Good evening, I need to diagnose, perhaps the battery, or perhaps the power controller

Not charging~ Katya ~ 08/21/2016

Good afternoon, my iPhone was working fine, then I didn’t use it for about 2 weeks, during which time it was completely discharged, and now I’m trying to charge it and it doesn’t respond to charging at all.

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, the battery is probably out of order, it’s worth changing it.

Problem~ Alena ~ 06-06-2016

Hello! My iPhone stopped charging. Although it seems to be charging, it is not charging. What is the problem?

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, It may be a problem with the battery.

problem with charging~ Bogdan ~ 04-02-2016

My mother bought my iPhone 5 for her birthday this year, there is a guarantee, but the problem is that the phone was bought for me in Moscow and I live in Odessa
and accordingly, that store is not in my city. What to do in this case, and where to turn????

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, to the official service center under warranty

iPhone 5S won't charge~ Vlad ~ 01/04/2016

My old cable broke and I bought a new one!!! We checked it in the cabin, everything is charging normally, I came home, I connected it through my unit, it is not charging, I went to them again, they inserted it again, it was charging, then I changed the unit, it is also not charging.... what could be the reason?

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, maybe the problem is in the connector, you need to clean it or change it.

iPhone 5 won't charge~ Max~ 01/02/2016

Hello, I can’t understand the reason, I used to charge normally, but since yesterday I stopped even seeing charging. Now the iPhone is dead and doesn’t see charging, but it sees other devices and charges
I left it charging overnight and it was useless.

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, perhaps the problem is in the power connector and the lower cable needs to be changed, it could also be in the battery and power controller, come for diagnostics

iPhone 5s won't charge ~ Rostislav ~ 12/17/2015

The phone starts charging after 10 minutes and says charging error

Macsave Center Answer: Good afternoon, you need to diagnose the problem either in the connector or in the power cable

I ran into this problem the other day. With the usual movement, I put the smartphone in the docking station, and it doesn't come to life. Thoughts about bricks and a burnt U2 chip immediately came to mind, but everything was much more prosaic. In fact, I should have immediately dismissed the obvious option, but, as luck would have it, it slipped my mind.

Collected everything possible reasons this problem so that no one repeats my mistake. There are six points, and in five of them the situation can be corrected on one's own.

This is why your smartphone may not charge.

🚫 Cable problem

There have been more and more complaints about original Apple cables lately. (it was better before, yeah), although personally, over four years of using various Apple devices, I have never experienced any problems.

Therefore, more and more people are turning to third-party manufacturers, and in most cases these are not certified Belkin and the like. As a rule, they order a noname from Ali for 50-200 rubles and hope for a miracle.

If your smartphone has stopped charging from such a noname - not surprising, a cheap wire can behave as it pleases; Sometimes it shows an error on the screen, sometimes it works, sometimes it just pretends to be a rag. Well, if you have a frayed original, carefully check it for tearing.

Solution: try connecting through a different wire

🔌 The adapter has failed

The original iPhone adapter is ancient and practically indestructible accessory. But even he can simply break. But in our age of digital technology, it is not a problem to find another adapter in the apartment, not necessarily a branded one. If only the voltage was 5V and the current was 1A.

Solution: take another adapter with the same characteristics

📵 USB power supply is not suitable

If you often charge your iPhone (or iPad, you never know) from the USB connectors of your computer, I hasten to disappoint you - most ports output a voltage of 5V and a current of 0.5A. And the iPhone eats at least 1A, the iPad even more. Either search here suitable connector, or don’t invent anything and charge the device from a regular outlet.

Solution: connect via an adapter or via a 2A port

🔋 Power controller glitch

Plays an important role in the charging process power controller. But this chip operates under the guidance of software, which can simply freeze. You have to give the engineers credit, this happens. rarely. Still, it’s worth trying to restart your smartphone.

Solution: reboot the device

🛠 Problem with hardware

If none of this article helps, then there is a problem in the gland. This could be the result of a fall or corrosion due to liquid getting inside.

The connector or cable itself could have failed, the aforementioned power controller could have been damaged, the tracks on the board could have oxidized, or the battery itself could have failed.

Without the appropriate skills and equipment, diagnostics cannot be carried out, so you will have to turn to specialists.

Solution: take your smartphone to a service center, there are no options

And this is where I got burned.

Be careful, don't get caught either.

😱🤦😱 Dirt in the Lightning connector

I always carry a smartphone in my jeans pocket, without thinking how much is there small garbage. This played a cruel joke on me.

The connector of my iPhone SE was clogged with some kind of compressed pellets, due to which the connector did not go in completely and did not charge. The thick walls of the case hid the gap, so the jamb was not noticed right away, and I managed to shovel through a heap of wires and adapters. It’s good that I didn’t take it to the service center.

Basic things like this need to be checked. first thing.

Solution: remove dirt with a toothpick

Honestly, it would be better if you never needed this post. Still, if your smartphone stops responding to charging, take the time to conduct these basic tests before taking the device to a service center.

This can save a good amount of money.

P.S. Don't panic and use original chargers.

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