Inexpensive slow cooker recipes. Cooking in a slow cooker: recipes with photos

For many, a slow cooker is the same “magic pot” that cooks according to the owner’s instructions. Indeed, simple commands and settings are enough to finally get a tasty result. But is this device really so unique? Are there any restrictions on what you can do in your slow cooker or not? This is what needs to be sorted out.

The creators of the device tried to do everything to ensure that the device has a sufficient number of modes, each of which will make it possible to prepare a dish certain type. And it’s up to the developers to add many additional functions. Finally, users test whether the slow cooker can recreate dishes from the stovetop or oven and conduct their own experiments.

Each multicooker comes with a recipe book. Some models have more than a hundred of them. You can focus on this Talmud, and even better - diversify your horizons tasty tips from various thematic sites and forums.

One thing is clear - this unit does everything to be as useful as possible thanks to:

  • its versatility (the ability to stew, steam, fry, bake);
  • ability to preserve beneficial features, vitamins and minerals in products;
  • reliability of use (food will not burn or run out, and upon completion of cooking it will simply go into heating);
  • saving time and products;
  • mobility and compactness.

All these and other points are confirmed by the practical talents of the device.

How to boil eggs in a slow cooker

Let's start with breakfast (although boiled eggs can be either an independent dish or a component of other food delights). Traditionally, this was suggested to be cooked on the stove, but the creators of the unit offer as many as three ways to do this.

Delicious soups

Of course, you can cook not only eggs, but also many other products in a slow cooker. Soups cooked under pressure turn out surprisingly tender and tasty - they retain everything nutrients. You can say that they even simmer a little - this distinguishes them favorably from those cooked on the stove. There are a couple of secrets in such recipes.

By the way, with the “Soup” function you can cook dumplings in a slow cooker.

Healthy vegetables

Any product cooked using this technique will retain all its beneficial properties. Especially if you cook it steamed in a slow cooker. However, it is better to set the time manually for each ingredient (similar to the traditional method). It would be best to pre-cut it into large pieces. But you should be prepared for the fact that vegetables will differ from those prepared in the traditional way: for example, potatoes boiled using a steaming technique are more sticky and stick to your hands when cut into salads.

In this way, you can cook beets in a slow cooker: the vegetable is peeled, washed under running water and placed on a special steamer basket. There should be at least a liter of water in the container underneath. Now it is enough to turn on “Steaming” for 40 minutes - at the end of the process you can be sure that all the useful vitamins and elements remain in the product and do not go into the water.

Special condensed milk recipe

The capabilities of the unit are not limited to soups, vegetables and boiled eggs. Many users go further, suggesting cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker. The recipe will be as follows.

  1. The ingredients you will need are 2 multi glasses of sugar, 5 multi glasses of milk and a little soda (on the tip of a knife).
  2. First, sugar is poured into the container, after which milk (fresh, with 3.2% fat content) is poured. Soda is added to prevent it from curdling during cooking.
  3. Cooking modes the recipes found mention different ones: if you set “Steam cooking”, you can select 60 minutes. In the case of the “Extinguishing” command, the time will be 2.5 hours. The whole secret is that the excess liquid must be boiled away.
  4. There is one more important detail in how to cook condensed milk: you should not increase the portions yourself. Still, there is milk here, which will boil and there is a risk that if there is too much, it will simply begin to crawl out of all the cracks of the device (which can ruin the equipment).

If you follow the prescribed rules, the result will be tasty and aromatic condensed milk, which is many times more useful than store-bought analogues.

Frying with or without control

The answer to the question whether it is possible to fry in a slow cooker is positive: you can and should do it. The fried diet is varied - from cabbage as a filling for pies to cutlets. In any case, the dish will not burn, it will cook faster and will be much more healthier than the traditional version.

Heating occurs to the specified temperature and will be maintained for the required time (for meat - at least half an hour). There are other advantages - a minimum amount of oil is required, which means burning and splashing.

Users name only one drawback - the lack of crispiness. golden crust, because the temperature of the container will not rise above the set mark. And you will have to spend more time on this process, unlike the usual method.

Baking nuances

Another sought-after talent of the device is a full-fledged oven replacement. In addition to the usual desserts, is it possible to bake fish and meat in a slow cooker? Of course, but it’s better to do this in models with multicook (multi-chef) settings. This advantage will allow you to set the optimal cooking time for the product.

The baking mode is also good because during its process you can open the lid and check the readiness of the baked dish. But it is better to do this for meat and fish: for example, in biscuits it is better to do without it, because the pie may “fall off”.

Many users may have encountered the problem " pale" top at the pies. Everything is solved by simply finishing baking: at the end of the process, the dish is turned over and the multicooker is turned on again to the “Baking” mode for no more than 10 minutes.

In models with 3D heating, such difficulties do not occur.

Is it allowed to use Silicone forms in a slow cooker? Without a doubt, only they should be made of high-quality material. Before placing the contents in it, the mold should be well greased with olive or vegetable oil (so that nothing burns or sticks to it). The bowl itself is also lubricated. If we're talking about about soufflés or desserts, they are prepared in special steamed trays.

Is it possible to bake using foil? Of course, but you have to follow certain rules.

This way you can cook everything from meat to fish. Delicious recipe the latter can be cited here.

  1. Any fish in a slow cooker can be baked in foil. If it is large, then 1 piece will be enough; for smaller ones, you can take 2 or more fish.
  2. The foil is folded into a rectangle proportional to the size of the source material. We put the main “heroine” in the middle, sprinkle with spices, grease with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  3. You can put vegetables and onions on top. Grease with mayonnaise again and cover with slices of cheese.
  4. All that remains is to fold the boat out of foil. Everything fits into the container and turns on "Baking" mode for half an hour.
  5. In this situation, the very bottom of the device will remain clean (you don’t even have to wash it).

How to defrost food

That's not all - a multicooker can help thaw food from the freezer. You can speed up the process by placing the ice cube on the steamer basket and turning on steam cooking mode. 8-12 minutes are enough for the piece to become soft. Each product - meat, vegetables or poultry - will defrost depending on the degree of icing, but it is better for the user to periodically check under the lid so that they do not cook: the power of the devices is different.

So, to the question of what can be done in a slow cooker, we confidently answer: “Everything!” It’s better to start with the recipes from the book included with the model, and then feel free to experiment and move towards new culinary horizons.

You can cook almost any dish in a slow cooker. And from almost any product – for example, mushrooms! Mushrooms in a slow cooker can be cooked as a main dish. In addition, mushrooms are an excellent meat substitute and also complement its taste in complex dishes. ›

With the advent of multicookers in our kitchens, cooking pilaf has become easier, but ignorance of the most important rules for preparing pilaf still allows you to end up with the same rice porridge with meat... ›

Cooking pea porridge on the stove is quite a tedious task. Moreover, the porridge always tends to burn to the bottom of the pan. Either way pea porridge in a slow cooker – minimum preparation and maximum pleasure. ›

Even a novice cook can cook potatoes in a slow cooker, the recipes and products are so simple and accessible. The only thing that can disappoint is the cooking time. But a multicooker is not a high-speed kitchen device; its advantage is the minimum cost of preparing food and... ›

Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker can be prepared as a side dish for meat, fish or vegetable dishes, and can also serve as an independent dish. And, of course, dairy buckwheat will be in the slow cooker great start day for the little members of your family. ›

How do you cook rice? The majority of the population will answer this question something like this: “We wash the rice, put it in a saucepan with boiling (or cold) salted water, cook until tender, drain in a colander, and rinse.” Do you know that this method of cooking rice is fundamentally wrong? ›

You can cook chicken in a slow cooker in different ways: boil, steam, bake or stew as a whole carcass or in pieces in different sauces, with the addition of all kinds of vegetables and your favorite side dishes: potatoes, buckwheat, rice. But no matter what cooking recipe you choose, you will certainly be satisfied with the result: the chicken in the slow cooker turns out incredibly juicy and tender. ›

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is perhaps the most common dish that is prepared when trying out a new kitchen assistant. Nothing complicated about rice porridge no, but you should know a few techniques that will allow you to easily and with guaranteed results prepare aromatic, satisfying, tasty porridge for breakfast or dinner. ›

Pythagoras once said about cabbage: “This vegetable maintains good spirits and a cheerful mood.” These are indeed true words, and you still can’t argue with them. Cabbage is actually incredibly healthy and delicious vegetable, filling our body with vigor and health. ›

A slow cooker makes it possible to create simple and at the same time surprisingly tasty dishes from seemingly ordinary ingredients. One of these dishes is stewed potatoes in a slow cooker. Even “just” potatoes, with salt and a minimum of seasonings, can be an excellent side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish. And if you add aromatic ones to the bowl rack of pork ribs? Mushrooms? More vegetables? ›

Natural, “real” yogurt is found on store shelves, but not as often as the yogurt with fillers that we are all familiar with. Most often, what is sold in bright jars can only be called yogurt conditionally, since upon careful examination the composition will certainly reveal dyes and flavors “identical to natural”, as well as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives... ›

Chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker is the very dish that is basically impossible to ruin. Unless you miss the salt. There are only two main ingredients - chicken and potatoes - and a pinch of seasoning. AND different ways preparations. ›

They were bought for home, at the dacha, as a gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth of a baby, housewarming, etc. But time passed, and the excitement began to subside. Of course, many have appreciated multicookers and now cannot imagine life without it. But there were also those who did not like the “miracle pot” or did not like it. Someone “played enough”, someone was unlucky with the model, and the owner was disappointed in the multicooker as a concept, and someone simply did not understand it, considering this device too complicated. And in vain. Because good multicooker very easy to use and indispensable in the household. So, if you recently bought a multicooker or haven’t figured out how to use it, or are simply planning to buy this kitchen assistant, let’s figure out why a multicooker is good and how to cook in it.

1. Where to start?

2. Will she do everything herself?

3. What dishes to cook?

4. Which program should I choose?

5. What if you need to prepare it in advance?

6. How to wash and care?

7. Where can I get recipes?

1 Where to begin?

Ideally, before using it for the first time, you should read its instructions. This way you will understand what functions your multicooker has (and I’m not just talking about programs), what each of them is for, and how to use this device correctly.

Some multicookers have a short user manual right in the recipe book, which is very convenient. And there you can find detailed step by step instructions using a multicooker using the example of each specific program - in this case, there is no need to keep both a recipe book and instructions on hand.

It is better to install the multicooker in such a way that there is at least 20 cm of free space around it. And it is better not to install the multicooker under wall cabinets, otherwise steam from the valve may damage the kitchen furniture.

Before using it for the first time, be sure to remove all stickers and films from the multicooker, wash the inner bowl and boil water in it. After this, drain the water, wipe the inner lid, and you can start cooking.

2 Will she do everything herself?

The multicooker has become so popular precisely because you can put the necessary products in it, choose the desired program, and she will prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner herself. There is no need to constantly stir and control - you can go about your business.

But if you wish, you can always open the lid and intervene in the cooking process - add some ingredient, mix the ingredients, or just taste the dish.

For example, if you decide to cook soup, you can put meat and vegetables in the multicooker bowl, pour in water and, having set the desired program and cooking time, completely entrust the cooking to the multicooker.

Or you can first cook the broth in a slow cooker, then add some vegetables to it, then others (different vegetables may have different different time cooking), then spices, etc. At the same time, you will still free up your time, since you will not have to constantly stand over the pan, making sure that your soup does not boil over.

When monitoring the process of cooking in a multicooker, be very careful - first open the lid, and then carefully look into the bowl if necessary. If your multicooker bowl does not have handles, use oven mitts to remove it.

3 What dishes to cook?

The multicooker got its name not by chance - “multi” means that the device is multifunctional, i.e. prepares a wide variety of dishes. Indeed, he can easily cook porridge, soup, broth, boil rice, buckwheat or other cereals, dumplings, vegetables, make a stew, roast or any other stew, omelet, casserole, bake a pie or cupcake, prepare yogurt, healthy dishes steamed, pizza, jellied meat, compote, fried meat, fish, cutlets... in general, all its possibilities cannot be listed!

Therefore, I recommend that all housewives have a multicooker at home. Yes, you may not cook every dish in it, but cooking porridge or making a fluffy omelette in the morning, rice and buckwheat as a side dish, or, for example, stewing meat, is certainly best with the help of this gadget.

4 Which program should I choose?

The names of the multicooker programs speak for themselves. Each model has its own number of programs, and there is no point in considering absolutely all variations in this article. The main thing is to remember that the program is named either by the type of dish (“porridge”, “soup”, “baked goods”, “jellied meat”, “drinks”, etc.) or by the method of preparation (“fry”, “bake” , “stew”, “cook”, “steam”, etc.).

If your multicooker has a “reheat” program, use it to reheat a previously prepared dish.

Each multicooker program has its own time and temperature settings, and it is extremely important that these programs are well adjusted. Multicooker with temperature and time settings optimal for specific type dish or a specific cooking method is the guarantee that your porridge, roast or soup will not burn or boil over and will turn out the way you like it.

How can I find out the time and temperature settings for each program? This information can be read in the instructions. And some models also have this information in the recipe book, which is certainly very convenient. In addition, the recipe book may also contain short description each program - what dishes it allows you to cook (if you are just thinking about purchasing, pay attention to models with such books).

Do you want to set the cooking time and temperature yourself? Use the “multi-cook” program - almost all multi-cookers of the latest generation have it.

If you usually cook dishes in several stages, for example, fry pieces of meat before stewing, then you should choose a multicooker with the function of setting up programs in stages. In this case, you do not have to first turn on the “fry” program and then “stew” - you immediately set up the stages with required temperature and time (for example, 15 minutes at 160°C and 2 hours at 90°C), and the multicooker itself will go to the desired stage, which is very convenient.

Some multicookers have a function that allows you to remember your favorite settings in addition to the programmed ones. For example, if you liked meat cooked in a slow cooker at a temperature of 120°C for 2 hours, you simply press the desired button, and the device will remember this program.

5 What if you need to prepare it in advance?

A multicooker is also convenient because it allows you to prepare dishes at a specific time - in this case, use the delay start timer. You just need to put all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, select the desired program, set the time and temperature (if required and the program allows), set the delay start time, and the multicooker will cook everything again by itself.

Have you prepared a dish in advance, but your family is in no hurry to come to the table? Use the heating function (not to be confused with the “warm up” program! The heating button is usually located separately, outside the display with programs) - after the end of the program, the multicooker will keep the dish hot for as long as you need.

In modern models, the “heating” function can be turned off before cooking begins - in this case, after the end of the program, the multicooker will simply go into standby mode.

6 How to wash and care?

When dealing with a multicooker, look in the instructions or recipe book to see if the bowl can be washed in the dishwasher - this will make it easier to use.

After using the multicooker, always wipe the inner lid with a damp cloth. If the inner lid is removable or the entire lid is removed completely, even better. In this case, simply wash it under the tap.

Make sure that no ingredients fall/spill into the space between the multicooker bowl and its body - they can get on the heating element and cause an unpleasant odor.

Wipe the multicooker body with a damp cloth after each use.

Handle the multicooker bowl with care - for example, if it falls or gets hit hard, it may be damaged (the likelihood of damage is less if you have a high-quality multicooker from a well-known brand).

Avoid using metal spoons or spatulas to stir food as they may damage the finish of the bowl. Of course, the coating of the bowl can also be different - for example, models with an ultra-durable nanoceramic coating have a much lower risk of deep scratches and damage than models with a conventional coating.

7 Where can I get recipes?

Each multicooker comes with a recipe book, which allows you to understand what dishes can be prepared and how. Recipe books for multicookers from different manufacturers certainly differ - in some the cooking process is described in detail, in others more briefly. The books of some models contain culinary tips, tricks and tips, which, among other things, will help diversify familiar dishes. You can also find quite a few recipes on the Internet, but you can adapt your favorite family recipes for the slow cooker, as well as experiment.

You can also find quite a few recipes on the Internet, but you can adapt your favorite family recipes for the slow cooker, as well as experiment.

Prepare healthy and tasty meals in a slow cooker, while freeing up time for yourself and your family!

The recipes described below are designed for a 2-4 liter bowl. Change the amount of ingredients based on the size of your multicooker.

Great option for breakfast. If the settings allow, you can load the products in the evening and, using the delayed start function, wake up to the aroma of milk porridge.


  • 1 cup millet;
  • 1 cup rice;
  • 5 glasses of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 50 g butter + for serving.


Rinse the grains thoroughly. Then pour them into the slow cooker and fill them with milk. Add salt, sugar and butter. Stir and turn on the “Porridge” mode for 50–60 minutes.

Place the finished porridge on plates and season with butter (optional).

Buckwheat in a slow cooker turns out crumbly and soft. An excellent side dish for sausages or goulash. In this case, all cooking comes down to sorting and washing the cereal itself.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - for serving.


Pour the peeled buckwheat into the multicooker bowl and pour cold water. Add salt and mix. Select the “Porridge” mode (some models have separate mode, which is called “Buckwheat”).

Cooking time - 30 minutes. If, after opening the lid and stirring the porridge, you realize that the buckwheat is not ready yet, add 10–15 minutes.

3. Potatoes stewed with chicken and mushrooms in a slow cooker

Who doesn't love the combination of potatoes, chicken and mushrooms? Perhaps only those who are too lazy to stand at the stove. But with a multicooker everything is much simpler.


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 400 g champignons;
  • 200 g cheese;
  • 7 medium potatoes;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Wash and cut the chicken, mushrooms and peeled potatoes into strips. Peel and cut the onion into half rings.

Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place meat, onions, mushrooms, and potatoes in it in layers. Season the layers of meat and potatoes with salt, pepper or other spices to your taste. There is no need to add water: the champignons will provide the liquid.

Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 50 minutes. When the time is up, open the multicooker lid and sprinkle the contents with grated cheese. Turn on the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes to form a delicious cheese crust.

When hot it is an independent dish, and when cold it can be served as a side dish for meat or fish.


  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of dill or other greens - to taste;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste;
  • water.


First of all, soak the cut into large cubes in salted water for half an hour. This is necessary so that the vegetable does not become bitter.

At this time, prepare the remaining ingredients: peel the zucchini and carrots, wash the tomatoes, peel the onions (you can take a couple more cloves of garlic if desired). Cut the onion into half rings and the remaining vegetables into large cubes. Chop the greens.

Grease a bowl with vegetable oil and add onions and carrots. Turn on the “Frying” mode for 10–15 minutes. Then open the lid and add the remaining vegetables, herbs and spices. Add a little water: two fingers below the vegetables. Stir and turn the multicooker to “Stew” mode for 40 minutes.

The multicooker copes well not only with second courses, but also with first courses.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 cup peas;
  • 300 g pork;
  • 150 g of smoked meats (ribs, bacon, legs);
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • greens, croutons and sour cream - for serving.


Sort and soak the peas. It is better to do this in advance and let it brew for several hours.

Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and fry the peeled and chopped onions and carrots in it ("Frying" mode for 10-15 minutes).

At this time, rinse and cut the meat. Place it along with the smoked meats and pressed garlic into the slow cooker. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes.

After this, add peeled and diced potatoes and peas. Fill with water, salt, pepper and cook for 1.5 hours in the “Soup” mode. Serve with croutons, chopped herbs and sour cream.

Another first course option. A multicooker, especially one with a pressure cooker function, is so convenient for preparing creamy soups that you will hardly want to go back to the stove.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 g wild mushrooms;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 30 g butter;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


In a multicooker bowl greased with vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion. Then add chopped mushrooms (white ones are best) and fry for another 10 minutes.

At this time, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Place it in a bowl along with water. Season with salt and pepper. Turn on the “Soup” or “Cooking” mode for 1 hour.

Then turn everything into a smooth puree using an immersion blender. Pour in the cream, add butter, close the lid of the device and turn on the heat for 10–20 minutes.

Serve with chopped herbs.


  • 800 g chicken legs or wings;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 tablespoon paprika;
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper.


Rinse the chicken and dry with paper towels. Grease the bottom of the bowl with olive oil and fry the meat on both sides until golden brown, keeping the lid on.

Mix soy sauce, lemon juice, honey, not too finely chopped garlic, mustard and spices. Pour the mixture over the chicken and turn on the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes.

If you want a crispy crust, you can switch to the “Baking” mode in the last 5-10 minutes.

What do you cook in a slow cooker? Share your signature recipes in the comments.

Finally, I bought for my kitchen a miracle of technology that is very popular among women - a multicooker. For a long time I read reviews on the Internet, went shopping household appliances, I thought whether I needed it or not. Still, curiosity got the better of me. Here it is, new and shiny, standing in my kitchen. My multicooker or, as I affectionately call it, “multya”.

I should immediately note that it is compact, does not take up much space, and is ideal for both large home dining rooms and the “Khrushchev” kitchen. And cooking with her is a pleasure! Fast, tasty, without unnecessary fuss and hassle. I threw in all the ingredients for the dish. Selected the desired mode. She closed the lid. The timer counted down and signaled that everything was ready. In a word, an indispensable thing not only for housewives, but also for businesswomen who always don’t have enough time to cook.

Why is it useful to cook in a slow cooker?

There are many reasons. And the most important of them is saving time. There is no need to stand over the stove, worrying about something burning, running away, or spilling. Everything is as simple as shelling pears, because the machine is already programmed with modes for certain dishes. All you have to do is select and press a button, and the multicooker will cook on its own and turn off or go into heating mode. And this, by the way, is also a convenient option! Now all models of multicookers are equipped with a delayed start function. That is, I need to cook food at a certain moment, then I set this mode on the multicooker and select the right time. Voila! The porridge is ready by 7 am, and at 6 pm there is a hot, rich soup waiting for me at home.

Another reason I love the multicooker is the ability to cook dishes in a variety of modes. That is, this includes boiling, stewing, deep-frying, frying or steaming. For me, as a lover of culinary experiments, this a real find. I often cook meat dishes for my beloved children. Almost every day I try something new, find interesting food combinations and enjoy the taste of my favorite food.

The next advantage of a multicooker is that it prepares not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. Highly recommend to fans proper nutrition buy a multicooker! Cooking food in it, sunflower oil I use it to a minimum. And if you have a unit with a ceramic-coated bowl, then you don’t have to add oil at all.

During the time I used this wonderful machine (almost two months), I developed my own “favorites” in multicooker recipes. I will share a few of the most successful of them with you.

Successful recipes in a slow cooker, tested on your family

Rosy croutons

I use egg-wrapped croutons as the basis for many appetizers, which are easy to cook in a slow cooker.

For this you will need:

  • 4 pieces of loaf or white bread;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk;
  • salt and various spices to taste.

I beat the egg with a whisk or fork, pour in the milk, salt and pepper everything. For spice lovers, you can add various spices such as turmeric, curry, garlic and others. Next, I melt the butter in the multicooker bowl, dip the pieces of bread in a mixture of egg and milk and fry for 15 minutes in the “Frying” mode, and sometimes I use the “Baking” mode. In the middle of cooking, about the eighth minute after the start, our croutons need to be turned over so that they become golden brown and beautiful. It is best to serve the croutons hot.

Mushroom caviar

This is one of my favorite snacks, as they say, for any occasion.

To prepare caviar I use the following ingredients:

  • dried mushrooms (you can take fresh champignons);
  • onion
  • frying oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Pre-soak the mushrooms, if they are dried, in water, then boil for 5 minutes. After this, I pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender. I pour oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes and fry the chopped onion for about 2-3 minutes. I add mushrooms to the bowl with onions, mix, salt and pepper the mixture, close the lid and wait for the program to end. Mushroom caviar is ready! This dish is served both hot and cold. It is very tasty in any form.

Cheese soup with meatballs

This soup is hearty, tasty and, importantly, easy to prepare.

For cheese soup we need:

  • 500 g minced meat (from any meat);
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 100 g processed cheese;
  • herbs, spices, salt, bay leaf.

Fry grated carrots and finely chopped onions in a multicooker bowl for 5 minutes in the “Fry” mode in any oil. Next I add potatoes (I like them in cubes), meatballs and melted cheese. I pour boiling water into the bowl to the maximum mark, add salt and spices, close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Soup” mode. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, open the lid and add herbs to taste. I let the soup brew for another 20 minutes, after which you can eat it. Bon appetit!

Pea soup with smoked meats

Puree soups are my weakness, they are rich and unusual. Puree soup made from peas with the addition of bacon is especially tasty.

For this soup you will need the following products:

  • 1 cup peas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 300 g bacon or other smoked meat product;
  • salt, spices to taste.

It's better to take peas instant cooking, if you use regular one, then you need to soak it in water overnight. I grate the carrots and chop the onions very finely. Then I cut the bacon into cubes and fry together with carrots and onions in a slow cooker until golden brown in the “Fry” mode. I add peas, salt, pepper, and spices to taste to the bowl, add water and turn on the “Stew/Stew” mode for 1.5 hours. After the soup is cooked, I grind it with a mixer and let it brew for another 10 minutes. The flavorful dish is ready!

Stew with sauerkraut

I used to be very suspicious of stewed vegetables. I don’t know why, but I didn’t like this kind of food. Until recently. And all because I tried stew with sauerkraut and simply fell in love with this dish.

To prepare stew with sauerkraut, you need:

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 200 g sauerkraut;
  • salt, spices to taste.

I cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, sprinkle with spices, and fry in a bowl for 15 minutes in oil. There I add onion cut into half rings and grated carrots, fry in the “Fry” mode for 6-7 minutes. Next, I lay the potatoes on top in thin slices, add salt and pepper, and add the excess moisture squeezed out on top. sauerkraut. I close the multicooker and turn on the “Stew/Stew” mode for 1 hour. Done, ready to serve! The unusualness of this dish is that cabbage adds some piquancy, pungency and acidity, which makes the taste of the stew especially bright.

Chicken chop in a slow cooker

Chicken is the easiest meat to digest. I especially like the chicken chop.

For this hearty and delicious dish required:

  • chicken fillet;
  • mustard;
  • semolina;
  • salt, spices.

I cut the fillet into small pieces, beat it and marinate for 20 minutes in mustard and spices. I pour oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Fry” mode. I dip the pieces of meat into semolina on both sides and place them in a bowl. Fry the meat for 15 minutes on each side. The chops are soft, aromatic and tasty.

A wonderful drink - thick, warming, tasty and easy to prepare.

For hot chocolate I use:

  • liter carton of milk (it is better to take richer milk);
  • 2 chocolate bars;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch.

I prefer dark chocolate with 75% cocoa content, but a milk bar will also work. I break the chocolate into small pieces and add milk (I leave about half a glass of milk, it will be needed a little later). I close the multicooker and set the “Porridge” mode. Pour starch into the remaining milk. After 10 minutes, the chocolate will completely melt, I stir this mass and pour milk and starch into it in a thin stream, remembering to stir constantly. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, I turn off the multicooker, pour the chocolate into mugs and serve it to the guests.

The most delicate manna

Mannik, although simple to prepare, is a tasty and satisfying pie. In addition, the products for its preparation are accessible and always at hand.

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