Nick Vuychich biography. Nick Vuychich: biography, personal life, family, interesting facts, quotes. “How was it with you, Kanae?”

Nick (Nicholas) Vujicic(Serb. Nick Vujicic English. Nicholas James Vujicic; December 4, 1982, Brisbane, Australia) is a Christian preacher and professional motivational speaker, born with Tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare hereditary disease that leads to the absence of four limbs.

Worried about his disability as a child, he learned to live with his handicap, sharing his experience with others and becoming a world-famous motivational speaker. His speeches are mainly addressed to children and youth (including those with disabilities), in the hope of intensifying their search for the meaning of life and the development of their abilities. Nick talks about his Christian faith that God changes people's hearts and does his work, and that God is great because he gives a person the opportunity to overcome any difficulties.


He was born on December 4, 1982 in Brisbane in a family of Serbian emigrants and had a rare pathology: the boy had no limbs - both arms and both legs (partially had one foot with two fingers, which allowed the boy to later learn to walk, swim, skateboard, play computer and write).

Despite his physical handicaps, the boy was born healthy and as soon as Victorian law changed, the parents insisted that their son attend a regular school.

In 1990, very worried about his physical disabilities, the boy tried to commit suicide, but over time he realized that his achievements in life could inspire others. He began to learn simple things: he learned to write with two fingers on his left foot, he learned to brush his teeth, shave, comb his hair, answer the phone and type on a computer. In the seventh grade, the boy became the head of the class, participated in campaigns to raise funds for charity.

Since 1999, he began speaking to his church group and soon opened the non-profit organization Life without Limbs, becoming a motivational speaker.

In 2005, Nick Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year award.

In 2009, he starred in the film "The Butterfly Circus", which tells about a man without limbs, Will and his fate.

He has traveled to over 24 countries, speaking at schools, universities and other organizations. Participates in TV shows and writes books. His first book was published in 2010.

Currently resides in California, USA.

On March 28 and 29, 2015, Nick Vuychich made his first speech in Russia (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) with a motivational lecture "Life without Borders".


On February 12, 2012, Nick Vujisik (Vuychich), a Christian without arms and legs, married the beautiful Kanae Miyahara. The wedding ceremony took place in California. This marriage has become a symbol of the faithfulness of God and a testimony to a huge number of people. Fans from all over the world bombarded Nick's Facebook page with comments. They congratulate him on this special occasion and express their joy and delight at being able to see and hear such good news.

The birth of a son

“Thank you so much for your love and prayers. Mom feels great.

Nick and Kanae named their son Kayashi James Vujicic. He was born weighing 3.9 kilograms and 55.2 centimeters tall. - wrote the preacher.


  • 2010 - Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life ("Life without limits: Inspiration for an absurdly good life"), Random House, 2010
  • 2013 - Unstoppable. The Incredible Power of Faith in Action
  • 2014 - book "Be strong. You Can Overcome Bullying (and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down)" (Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying (and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down))
  • 2015 - book "Love without limits. The path to amazingly strong love "


  • Father - Boris Vuychich, Protestant pastor
  • Mother - Dushka Vuychich, works as a nurse
  • Wife - Kanae Miyahara
  • Son - Kiyoshi James Vuychich

Video with Nick Vujicic:

musical Video with Nick Vujicic:

"... Where do we go when there is no hope left?
Sometimes it's so hard to find peace of mind
I look at the sun, feel its comforting warmth

I see great peaks reminding me that I'm alive and don't want to die
And I don't want to miss another day, another night.
I know there's something else...
What we live for, I see the answer in distant stars

I hear it on the ocean shore
I know there's something else...

I know we're all afraid, afraid to be alone
We all want to believe, I want to believe, just believe

This world can shatter and perish in the ocean
The world may fall apart today
Some will say that my words are a sign of weakness.
But maybe you will discover my only source of light
I breathe it, I live it.

When I was 10 I wanted to kill myself
There was no hope
I wanted to throw myself into the water and not come up again
But God sent me into the world to give people hope...

Nick and Kanae Vujicic talk about the history of their acquaintance and about the new book "Love Without Limits" in a radio interview. We publish a summary of the conversation. Full version in English.

Kanae, you have such an unusual appearance, tell us about yourself.

My father is Japanese, my mother is Mexican. My father was in love with Mexico, he wanted to be surrounded by her nature, so he opened a business related to agriculture. That's how he met my mom. She worked in his office, and they met quite interestingly: they had a common hobby - collecting postage stamps and coins. The longer they talked, the more they fell in love and realized that they were suitable for each other. And my father loved Mexico so much that we all stayed there. Despite the fact that we lived in Mexico, he cooked Japanese dishes and sometimes spoke to us in Japanese. We still keep some Japanese traditions, but in general the victory is for Mexico. I love Mexican food, people, I love this culture. Unfortunately, my father died when I was eighteen, and I stayed with my mother. My sister at that time lived in America and said: “Hey, come to me!” And my little brother and I came here.

And that's when you met Nick?

- Yes. We moved and... I had to go through a lot... I was still very young. I knew about God, but I didn't have a personal relationship with Him. I did not know Him as a friend, as a father. Therefore, when my earthly father died, I was completely devastated, I felt almost like an orphan. And I lost everything. Left behind friends, we sold the house, lost my father's business. I desperately needed love, hope...

— Nick, you wrote more than one book. But it was in this one that he told me about you. This is not just a book, it tells the story of your love - a real guide for people who have gone through the same thing as you. Let's talk about the hopes and dreams you had as a child, Nick. Did you feel like an ordinary teenager, did you want to have a girlfriend or even get married?

- At the age of 8-9-10, I was jealous of everyone who walked with the girls by the hand. It was sometimes annoying. Especially when I thought about my future or whether girls would love me for who I am. I fell in love with girls, my first love was called Megan, we were in the first grade. Every guy, I'm sure of it, thinks about how he will one day marry, become a father. When I was a teenager, I wondered if I would have to spend the rest of my life as a bachelor. I was in a relationship at 19... We were very young and we both felt we shouldn't date until we were ready for a serious relationship. We decided to wait. We waited for four years and ... dispersed. It was very painful. I was overcome by the fear that I would never find my soul mate in my life. I began to return to the idea that I would have to remain a bachelor for the rest of my life. But miracles happen - she is near! We just had to wait until God had done His plan.

“What were you looking for in men before meeting Nick, Kanae?”

“It was completely different for me.

- I had a relationship ... And it seemed that everything was going well. But I couldn't find what I needed in my partner. The rest is in the book.

What advice can you give listeners suffering from loneliness?

“Trust God, because He never doubts you. Love yourself and above all love God. God will help you reach maturity - even if you think you are ready. Be more open. Rejoice in what you have, even if you unbearably want to finally meet “the one”. God gives everything in due time. If you have God, you have everything.

Let's talk about your first meeting, Nick.

— It was love at first sight. We met over a performance day in college. It was at Kanae's former boss's house where I met her and her sister Yoshiya. I had never heard such names before, I saw them at the same time and could not understand who was who, but we figured it out very quickly. The speech, by the way, was unique - only seventeen people in the hall, more like a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. The most beautiful, divine woman went upstairs. At the sight of her, I even felt arms and legs! Real fireworks! Chemistry! I said to myself, “Stop, stop, stop! Is it just me or her too?!” And I felt that "fireworks" flashed inside her too! I talked with her longer than with other people. And the more I talked to her, the more I wanted to continue ... When she left, I felt that my soul was leaving with her ... It was like: "Hey hey hey, come back, stay with me!" Many people ask how long are we going to be together? Forever.

How was it with you, Kanae?

“When I saw Nick, it was such a beautiful moment. Magic! The problem is, I already had someone. Getting a new guy, dating someone else, breaking your heart... But there was a strong connection with Nick, real chemistry. I felt something very special. Although I had only just met him, I felt like I had known him all my life. I asked myself: “How is this possible?” Never felt like this before.

- After how many days, weeks, months did you make a decision?

- In three months. After that meeting, we did not see each other, but our feelings have not changed.

- A question that interests many listeners: How does Nick's physical limitations affect your relationship?

- Of course, they influence in a certain way. But my feelings cover everything. And these restrictions are no longer a problem. I would not even talk about restrictions, but about everyday needs ... In general, all this does not matter.

- It so happened that even before the wedding, she saw how I “function” in everyday life. And she was not afraid, on the contrary, she wanted to help.

My wife feeds me, tries to help in every way she can. She is very smart, with a soul relates to people. But the decision to marry is not made so quickly, you need to imagine what difficulties you may encounter in life together. I felt like she really knew what it was like to have a guy like me in her husband! My parents asked what would happen if we had a baby without arms and legs. That's quite possible. Kanae's response was: “Even if our children are disabled, we will love them and treat them as normal. At least they will have before their eyes an example of how to live happily in such a state. The possibilities of each person are limited in their own way, each has his own past, each has spiritual wounds and fears. Some of them remain with us even as we have advanced.

In the winter of 2011, when our relationship was just beginning, I lost all my savings due to the financial crisis. I had to borrow money from my parents. I got depressed. Imagine: I, a motivational speaker, sobbed like a baby, sobbed and could not calm down. Panic seized me, I could neither eat nor sleep. I wasn't sure if she would stay with me. After all, I had no legs, no arms, and now ... It's not even about the money, I was emotionally devastated. I couldn't even make a simple decision about what to eat for lunch. And when I said to Kanae: “Baby, I lost my money…”, she replied: “It's okay, I'll find a second job.” And she didn't leave me!

“Okay, then tell me how you decided to propose to her.”

- I made the decision when she supported me during the crisis. I realized that this is the wife who was sent to me by the Lord. It happened quite spontaneously. I wanted to make sure she would be shocked, it would come as a surprise to her.

- He had a ring, he thought everything out in advance! He asked me where I would like to get married. I replied that it should be a simple place. I was so shocked that I couldn't think!

“Our mothers met the day before I asked her the big question. I just trusted God. I bought a diamond ring, put it in a bowl of chocolate ice cream, which she ordered ... The whole story is in the book.

What about the wedding dance?

We didn't rehearse it beforehand. I was worried about the dress, about how I would look ...

- You were great! Although we did not rehearse, everything turned out as it should.

— Your book is called “Love without limits. A wonderful story of true love." It has a very explicit chapter called "The Joy of Temperance." Tell us, what is this joy expressed in?

“Many people put off getting married until they have children, like my friends did. They live for today, not thinking that tomorrow is about to come. We knew sex was good. But sex was created by God and should only be after marriage. You can't enjoy sex before marriage. It was created to express love and only for people who are married. Many of my friends suffer because of this, running from one sexual partner to another, a third, and so on. I look into Kanae's eyes and think that this is true love. Old fashioned, but the greatest way to show children how much you love them is to love their mother. It is not a shame to marry a virgin, God will not give you a second chance, will not return your innocence. I think it is very important to wait for your spouse... Some of my friends stopped respecting me after I said that my future wife is a virgin. You don't lose anything. You are not sacrificing anything by remaining virgins - on the contrary, you are gaining.

Kanae, what do you say?

Advice to girls: trust your heart. Don't rush. No need to blame yourself for dreaming or expecting a lot from guys. God sends love when He considers it necessary for you.

The book is a real textbook! In one of the chapters there are ten tips for keeping yourself in check before the wedding. We in the editorial staff considered them very necessary and useful! And yet, so how are things on the family front? Are there conflicts or does the Vujicic family have a peaceful sky over their heads?

People ask us: What is it like? We both know that God has blessed us. There are, of course, quarrels, as in any normal family, on various issues. From large to small, such as choosing furniture or compiling a menu. But we both know we've gone to the next level. We communicate a lot with each other, especially on the road. I like to talk about this and that, she is sometimes not in the mood and says that she would like to continue the conversation tomorrow, and I agree. We respect each other. But this is a process...

“I happened to visit you. There were a bunch of people celebrating the release of the book...

- Yes Yes! I got pregnant during a three-month tour and we grabbed our heads: “It will be necessary to make a transfer for 2-3 years. We had other plans for them!” We shared our joy with five hundred people and spent the first year at home. No parties, nothing like that. It was like closing for a major renovation. We gathered the people and said: “Guys, it was a wonderful year! A book came out and ... we will have a baby!

- Many were afraid for the unborn child, knowing my features. How did you experience it, Kanae?

“I think God protected me. Because I didn’t share the fears of my loved ones during my entire pregnancy. Even if something went wrong, the baby would still be as beautiful as his dad.

— Nick, you're a busy man now. Constantly on the road, do you find a minute in your schedule to sit down and relax?

- With difficulties! When you, as a motivational speaker, look at the calendar and see that a new performance, or even a tour, is on the nose ... Thank God, now there are technologies that allow you to communicate at a distance, like the Facetime application (an analogue of Skype for iPhone)! And, of course, my trips are much harder for Kanae than for me.

It looks like a myth, a beautiful, instructive, but unreal story. Think about it, a boy born without legs and arms, by the age of 31, is a world famous motivational speaker, a happy husband and father. Nick Vujicic has traveled half the world. He performed at the stadium, and 110 thousand people listened to him. Is it possible?

It happens. If every day to make a small feat. We will tell you about 12 exploits of Nick Vujicic, thanks to which you can read in his sincere smile: “I am happy.”


One of the best ways to let go of past pain is to replace it with gratitude.

December 4, 1982. Dushka Vujicic is in labor. Here is the birth of the firstborn. Husband, Boris Vuychich, is present at the birth.

The shoulder showed up. Boris turned pale and left the birth room. After a while, a doctor came up to him.

"Doctor, is my son missing an arm?" Boris asked. "Not. Your son has neither arms nor legs,” the doctor replied.

Nicholas's parents (so they called the newborn) did not know anything about the Tetra-Amelia syndrome. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not put her son to her breast for 4 months.

Gradually, Nick's parents got used to¸ accepting and loving their son for who he is.


Failure is the path to excellence.

Leg. So Nick called the only limb on his body. Likeness of a foot with two fused toes, subsequently separated surgically.

But Nick thinks that his "leg" is not so bad. He learned to write, print (43 words per minute), drive an electric wheelchair, push off on a skateboard.

Not everything worked right away. But, when the time came, Nick went to a regular school, along with healthy peers.


When you feel like betraying your dream, push yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, one more year. You'll be amazed at what happens if you don't give up.

“You can’t do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You are nobody!” Nick heard these words every day at school.

The focus shifted: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he fixated on what he could never do. Hug your wife, take your child in your arms ...

One day, Nick asked his mother to take him to the bathroom. Driven by the thought "Why me?" the boy tried to drown himself.

"They didn't deserve this" - 10-year-old Nick realized that he could not do this to his parents, who love him very much. Suicide is not fair. Unfair to loved ones.


Other people's words and actions cannot define your personality.

"What happened to you?!" - until Nick became world famous, this was the most frequently asked question to him.

Seeing a man without arms and legs, people do not hide the shock. Sidelong glances, whispers behind his back, grins - Nick answers everything with a smile. "It's all about the cigarettes," he says to the particularly impressionable. And he jokes about the children: “I just didn’t clean my room ...”.


Laugh as much as possible. In the life of any person there are days when troubles and hardships pour, as if from a cornucopia. Do not curse tests. Be grateful to life for giving you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help with this.

Nick is a big joker. There are no arms and legs - life "played" him, so why not laugh at her?

Once, Nick dressed up as a pilot and, with the permission of the airline, met passengers at the landing with the words: "Today we are testing a new technology for controlling the aircraft ... and I am your pilot."

People who personally know Nick Vucic say that he has an excellent sense of humor. And this quality, as you know, excludes self-pity.


If you are deeply unhappy, then you are not living your life. Your talents are being misused.

Nick Vuychich has two higher educations: accounting and financial planning. He is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. But his main talent is the ability to convince. Including through art.

Nick's first book is called "Life without limits: Inspiration for an absurdly good life" (translated into 30 languages, published in Russian in 2012). In 2009, he starred in the short film Butterfly Circus (IMDb rating 8.10). A story about finding the meaning of life.


It is impossible to argue with the fact that madness is genius: anyone who is willing to take risks, in the eyes of others, appears either as a madman or a genius.

“Crazy” is what many people think when they watch Nick looking for a wave while surfing or skydiving.

“I realized that physical dissimilarity limits me only to the extent that I limit myself,” Vuychich once admitted and did not limit himself in anything.

Nick plays football, tennis, swims well.


Think of your attitude to the world as a remote control. If you don't like the program you are watching, you simply grab the remote and switch the TV to another program. It’s the same with your attitude towards life: when you are unhappy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you are facing.

At the age of 19, Nick was offered to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). Nicholas agreed: he went out and spoke briefly about himself. Many people in the audience were crying, and one girl went up on stage and hugged him.

The young man understood that oratory was his vocation.

Nick Vuychich traveled to 45 countries, met with 7 presidents, spoke to thousands of spectators. Every day, he receives dozens of requests for interviews and invitations to speak. Why do people want to listen to it?

Because his performances are not reduced to the banal: “Are you in trouble? Yes, look at me - no arms, no legs, that's who has problems!

Nick understands that suffering cannot be compared, everyone has their own pain, and does not try to cheer up people, they say, “compared to me, everything is not so bad with you.” He just talks to them.


I have no hands, and when you hug, you press right against the hearts. It's amazing!

Nick confesses that since he was born without arms, he never missed them. The only thing he lacks is a handshake. He cannot shake hands with anyone.

But he found a way. Nick hugs people... with his heart. Once Vuychich even arranged a hugging marathon - 1749 people per day, hugged by the heart.


If you are open to love, love will come. If you surround your heart with a wall, there will be no love.

They met on April 11, 2010. The beautiful Kanae Miyahara has a boyfriend, Nick has no arms or legs. It's not love at first sight. It's just love. Real, deep.

On February 12, 2012, Nick and Kanae got married. Everything is as it should be: a white dress, a tuxedo and a honeymoon in Hawaii.


It is impossible to live life to the fullest if every decision you make is driven by fear. Fear will keep you from moving forward and prevent you from becoming who you want to be. But it's just a mood, a feeling. Fear is not real!

Tetra-Amelia syndrome is hereditary. Nick wasn't scared.


All good things in life start with hope.

Nick Vuychich is a man without arms and legs. Nick Vujicic is a man who believes in miracles. There is a pair of boots in his linen closet. So… just in case. After all, in life there is always room for something more.

The story of Nick Vuychich struck me and despite the fact that he was born without arms and legs, he was able to achieve high results and become a happy person, which sometimes many people do not achieve with a healthy body.

Nicholas James Vujicic is a motivational speaker, philanthropist, writer and singer who was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare hereditary disorder resulting in the absence of four limbs. Worried about disability as a child, he learned to live with his handicap, sharing his experience with others and becoming a world-famous motivational speaker. His speeches are mainly addressed to children and youth (including those with disabilities), in the hope of intensifying their search for the meaning of life and the development of their abilities, and consist of discussions about Christianity, God, conduct, free will.

On the boy's birthday on December 2, 1982, Nick's father was present at the birth, and then the baby's head appeared, then the shoulder - but what is it? The child didn't have a hand. Boris left the room so that his wife would not see how his face changed. He couldn't believe what he saw. When the doctor came out to see him, Boris asked him, “Does my child have no arm?” "No," the doctor replied, "He has neither arms nor legs." Doctors, fearing for the mother's condition, refused to show her the child. By some evil decision of fate, the baby came into this world with such features that make life simply unbearable.

Of all the limbs, Nick had only part of the foot, with which he learned to do many things - walk, swim, write, skateboard. Nick's parents ensured that their child studied in a regular school and Nick Vuychich became the first disabled child to study in a regular Australian school.

It was very difficult for Nick, he was acutely worried about loneliness and his difference from the whole world, he often thought why he came to this world at all. At the age of eight, Nick tried to commit suicide - he dived into the bath and wanted to choke. But could not. He thought of his parents, whom he loved very much and who loved him very much. He thought that his parents would never be able to forgive themselves for his death, they would always consider that it was they who were to blame for the fact that Nick decided to die. He couldn't allow it. Nick never tried to kill himself again, but often thought about his destiny in this world.

One day, Mom read an article to Nick about a seriously ill person who inspired other people to live. This story deeply touched Nick's soul. It was the first step in realizing his destiny.

Over time, Nick learned to adapt more and more to his situation. In the seventh grade, Nick was chosen as the head of the school - he worked with the student council on issues related to charity and helping the disabled.

After leaving school, Nick Vuychich continued his studies and received two university degrees - one in accounting, the second in financial planning. Once, when Nick was 19 years old, he was offered to speak to university students. His speech was supposed to take 7 minutes. Within 3 minutes of the performance, half of the audience was crying. One girl went on stage to Nick and hugged him, crying on his shoulder with the words “No one has ever told me that he loves me, no one has ever told me that I am beautiful the way I am. My life has changed today."

After that, Nick finally realized that he had found the meaning of his life - and it is to help other people gain faith in themselves, the joy of life, hope and inspiration.

In 2005, Nick received the very prestigious Young Australian of the Year award in Australia.

To date, Nick Vujicic is a little over thirty. And this guy with no arms and no legs has managed to achieve more than a huge number of people achieve in a lifetime.

Nick is the president of a charitable organization, he has his own motivational company "Attitude Is Altitude". In 10 years of his performances, Nick managed to travel the whole world, telling his story to millions of people, speaking to a wide variety of audiences.

​​​​​​​During his speeches, he often says:“Sometimes you can fall like this” - and falls face down on the table on which he was standing. Nick continues: “It happens in life that you fall and it seems that you don’t have the strength to get up. You wonder then if you have any hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up in yourself – in this way.”

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

People in the audience start crying.

Nick says:

“People say to me: “How can you smile?”. Then they realize that There must be something more than what you see at a glance if a guy with no arms and legs lives a fuller life than me.».

February 12, 2012 Nick Vucic married a very beautiful girl Kanae Miahare. He had two sons and they are absolutely healthy.

Nick has traveled to more than 25 countries around the world, speaking at various universities and organizations. He participates in TV shows, writes books, starred in films.

When I think that I will not succeed in this or that business, I remember the story of Nick Vujicic and continue to achieve my goals with redoubled energy. Thank you Nick for showing people that you can't stop in front of difficulties.

Nick Vuychich - this name has already become a symbol of courage, fortitude, the victory of reason, hope and faith over bodily weakness.

Nick was born on December 4, 1982 in Brisbane, Australia to Serbian immigrants. His parents, Protestant pastor Boris Vuychich and nurse Duska Vuychich, did not expect that the joy of the birth of the long-awaited first-born would be replaced by a terrible shock: the baby was born with a rare genetic pathology - tetra-amelia. The boy was missing full-fledged limbs - both arms and both legs (partially there was one foot with two fused fingers, which allowed the boy later - after surgical separation of the fingers - to learn to walk, swim, ride a skateboard, surfboard, play on the computer and write). At the same time, in all other respects, Nick was healthy - that is, with all his terrible congenital deficiencies, the rest of his body worked properly.

Then the whole maternity ward was crying - nurses, obstetricians and even battered doctors. It is not difficult to imagine the state of the parents of a newborn - in a kind of stupor they watched their baby, and no one even undertook to imagine how he could adapt, and whether he could at all, to the world around.

And yet, be that as it may, the time has come to decide what to do with their unfortunate, but at the same time so desired son. Can a person with such a pathology be happy? And does he need such a life? But, on the other hand, if life is given to him, then do they even have the right to think about whether this life is needed or not. Later, Nick's mother recalled that at that time they did not dare to look into the future for a long time - they simply set themselves small tasks and solved problems one by one, in small steps.

This is how, difficult, painful and very dramatic, the life of a little Australian named Nick began. As a kid, he did not think at all how and in what way he differs from his peers.

Depression came later, when Nick grew up and realized his difference from other children. At the age of 8, he made his first suicide attempt. The boy not only suffered and suffered because of his shortcomings, but also realized that it was useless to ask God every evening to give him legs and arms. God, unfortunately, remained deaf to his prayers. Later, he recalled that every morning he was ready to wake up with new arms and legs, but with each new morning, these hopes became more illusory. Disappointment took the place of hope. The electronic hands bought by his parents did not help him either - they were too heavy for the baby, and Nick continued to live and use only the semblance of a left leg that he got at birth. At age 10, he attempted to drown himself in the bathtub at his home. Only the thought of the pain and inconsolable grief that he would inflict on his parents, who gave him all their love and care, stopped him. It was then that he once and for all stopped thinking about suicide.

Nick's difficult life continued. Nick's parents managed to get their son to go to a normal, regular school from the authorities, but classmates and peers refused to play with him. Indeed, Nick could not do anything - neither kick the ball, nor catch it, nor catch up, nor run away. But the boy held on - he tried his best to be "like everyone else", he tried very hard. He went to school, studied well, could write, learned not only to walk and swim, but also to ride a skateboard and use a computer.

And he thought a lot - about life, about God. One day, my mother read an article to Nick about a seriously ill person who inspired others to live. Mom said, “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him."

When Nick was fifteen years old, he read the parable of the blind man. The disciples asked Christ why this man was blind. Christ answered: "So that the works of God may appear on it." Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry with God. Nick believed - if God created him this way, then this is exactly how God needs him. “Then I realized,” says Nick, “that I am not just a person without arms and legs. I am a creation of God. God knows what and why He does. And no matter what people think, God didn't answer my prayers. It means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not calm me down like that. Hands and feet by themselves. And, therefore, you need to search and, most importantly, find your destiny. And that he had this mission, and it was very important, Nick had no doubt.

The answer came to him when he was already a student at Griffith University, where he studied financial planning. Once Nick was offered to speak to students and he just told them about his life. By the end of his short speech, many were crying in the audience. And one of the girls even jumped onto the stage to hug Nick. And Nick understood what he wants to do in life. Returning home, he announced to his parents that he had finally found his destiny - he wants to talk with people, he wants to be a speaker, a preacher, to help other people gain faith in themselves, joy in life, hope and inspiration. After all, there are so many unfortunate people in the world with their troubles and sufferings, and Nick knew what he could say to each of them.

Thus began his wanderings, during which Nick Vuychich traveled to more than twenty countries, giving 250 speeches a year, he was heard by more than three million people - in schools, nursing homes, prisons. And offers to speak still exceeded Nick's ability. Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. It happens that Nick performs at stadiums with thousands of people. Every week, Nick receives up to three hundred offers for new performances. He became a professional speaker. Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. How people still stare at him in the streets. How children run up and ask: “What happened to you ?!” And then he replies in a hoarse voice: “All because of cigarettes!”

And he says to younger children: “I didn’t clean my room.” What he has in place of his legs, he calls the "ham". Nick reveals that his dog loves to bite him. And he begins to beat off a fashionable rhythm with a "ham".

During his performances, he often says, "Sometimes you can fall like this." Nick falls face down on the table he was standing on. And he continues: “It happens in life that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. And many lose hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to rise at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength in yourself to rise - like this, ”he leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

Here is what Nick says about himself and his mission: “…I could not find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life—who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, absolute Hope, which is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell many times when teenagers came up to me and said, “Today I looked in the mirror with a knife in my hand. It was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter's second birthday. Two years ago she listened to you and you saved her life." But I can't save myself! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's accomplishments. If not for God, I would not be here with you and would not exist in the world. I couldn't handle my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people...

…I don't always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because there is great power in my principles, I continue to take small steps forward, the steps of a baby. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one's own strength, but on the help of God.

Usually parents of children with disabilities get divorced. My parents are not divorced. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Quite right…”

This is how Nick Vujicic found himself and his destiny. It will seem strange, but a young man without arms and legs has already managed to do much more than other healthy people in a whole long life. He is quite independent and lives a full and rich life: he received two higher educations, independently types on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfs, is fond of fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book "Life Without Limits" is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In it, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

"You have complexes about the fact that you have freckles, your hair does not lie properly, your ears are not like everyone else, your nose is too big ... How do you think I felt?" /Nick Vuychich/

"If you are tired, and I am very often tired, then I want to encourage you: we will have an eternity to rest!" /Nick Vuychich/

"The hardest thing was for me at the age of 8. I seriously wanted to commit suicide. But the Lord did not let me make such a mistake" / Nick Vuychich / "I learned to swim, type 43 words per minute on the computer, brush my teeth on my own. And I continued to pray for miracle, asking God for arms and legs. But God did not give me a miracle. And then I realized that in this form I am a miracle for other people. Now I travel around the world with the Life Without Limits ministry. There are many people with hands and feet, but they are mentally handicapped. They need help to find truth and happiness" / Nick Vuychich /

In 2005, Nick Vujicic was nominated for the very prestigious Young Australian of the Year award.

In 2009, he starred in the movie "The Butterfly Circus", which tells about a man without limbs, Will and his fate.

Nick is also the president of a charitable organization, he has his own motivational company "Attitude Is Altitude".

February 12, 2012 Nick Vuychich married the beautiful Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place in California, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Hawaii.

To date, Nick Vujicic is 36 years old. And this guy with no arms and no legs has managed to achieve more than a huge number of people achieve in a lifetime.

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