Innovations in the field of building materials. New building materials and technologies: prospects for the future. Construction of the foundation using the tisé technology

The consequences of people's presence on Earth are aggravated every day. Our energy consumption is growing and getting worse. The population is also growing, which creates a serious shortage of space, water and food. Finally, nature has a major impact on cities around the world. To solve some of these problems, innovative changes in the field of old building technologies are needed, which will make the future beautiful, clean and, most importantly, livable.

Most modern people consider bamboo a decorative material. But it's actually an incredible building resource. Bamboo grows quickly, it is stronger than steel and more stable than cement. So Penda, an architecture studio in Beijing, China, wants to use bamboo as the main resource for building an entire city.

This city will be sustainable, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Buildings will be built by tying bundles of bamboo together, tying them with rope. Using such a technique, Penda thinks it can build a city that will hold 200,000 people by 2023.

Once the overall structure is complete, horizontal and vertical blocks can be added with ease. In addition, a room or even an entire bamboo building can be dismantled without much effort, and bamboo rods can always be reused.

Diamond nanowires

As far as we know, diamonds are the hardest mineral found naturally on Earth. This makes diamonds an excellent building material when used properly.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have created innovative diamond nanothreads that are 20,000 times thinner than a human hair. At the same time, diamond nanowires are considered the most durable material on Earth (and, possibly, in the entire Universe). In addition to being thin and strong, they are also incredibly light.

The researchers were able to create these strands of ultra-thin diamonds by applying alternating cycles of pressure to isolated liquid benzone molecules. As a result, rings of carbon atoms were born, which were ordered in a chain.

Such nanothreads may be unlikely to be used in everyday construction, but in ambitious projects, for example, they are.

Airgel insulation

Airgel is not a new material. It was discovered back in the 1920s. It is created in the process of removing liquid from the gel and replacing the liquid with a gas. In the process, the substance becomes ultra-light, since it is 90% air. It is ideal for isolation. Airgel has been used to insulate pipelines in industrial areas and even on the rover.

Aspen Aerogels wants to use aerogels for home insulation. The company created a product called the Spaceloft quilts, which are fairly easy to work with due to their weight and thinness. Although lightweight, these blankets offer two to four times the insulating properties of traditional fiberglass or foam insulation.

Spaceloft blankets also allow water vapor to pass through and are also fire resistant, oddly enough. While airgel-wrapped homes won't be as fire resistant as Fahrenheit 451 homes, this type of insulation should reduce home fires.

The problem is that airgel is much more expensive than traditional insulation, although it will save money on energy bills over the long haul. In addition, not all houses can be easily upgraded with this material. These blankets are best suited for older homes or newer ones that will be specially designed to be insulated with airgel.

travel printer

The laying of the road takes a lot of time. On average, one worker can lay 100 square meters a day using traditional methods. Road printers like Tiger Stone can shorten this process by printing up to 300 square meters of cobblestone pavement per day.

Another RoadPrinter RPS can lay up to 500 square meters per day. One to three operators feed the car with bricks. The pusher then sorts the bricks into a pattern like a carpet. At this point, gravity takes over and the car lays down the brick road. A roller-like roller then presses the bricks into place.

These printers run on electricity and do not contain many moving parts, making them easy to use and maintain. In addition, they do not create much noise, especially when compared to traditional road paving methods.

Of course, the main difference between most roads and those laid by these presses is that they lay bricks, cobbles or tiles instead of asphalt. However, block roads are even better than asphalt because they filter water, expand when frozen, and last longer.

Cordless multidirectional elevators

The big problem with large infrastructure is that there is no efficient way to navigate it. People always walk at the same speed and for a certain distance. And in each elevator there is often only one moving booth. If you have ever used an elevator in a large building, you know that sometimes waiting to die is like.

German elevator manufacturer ThyssenKrupp plans to get rid of these problems. Instead of using cables, he proposes launching elevators based on magnetic levitation (maglev). Then they can move both vertically and horizontally. This will also allow you to use more than one booth per shaft, saving you waiting time.

Finally, magnetic lifts will consume less energy, which is also good for the environment. In 2016, ThyssenKrupp plans to test the new elevator system in a building at its research campus.

solar paint

One of the most common complaints about solar panels is that they are big, an eyesore, and not powerful enough. To change this, several researchers are working on solar cells that are so small and flexible that they can be painted on surfaces. In fact, a team of researchers at the University of Alberta created spray solar cells with zinc and phosphorus nanoparticles.

If every homeowner paints their roof with this solar paint, they can generate more than enough energy for their home, thus reducing their dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, solar paint is cheaper to produce than traditional ones. The solar panels used in this paint aren't very efficient yet, but scientists are working on the problem.

Vertical cities

According to United Nations projections, by 2050 there will be more than 9.6 billion people on Earth. This is 2.3 billion heads more than we have today. In addition, it is assumed that 75% of the world's population will live in cities, which will exacerbate our problems with the lack of free space in these same cities.

One way to solve this problem is to build vertical cities. There are already several proposals for vertical cities that could be built in the Sahara, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

These vertical cities will be with giant buildings that will provide people with homes, jobs and shops. For example, the Italian firm Luca Curci Architects is going to build a 189-storey building in the UAE. It will be able to accommodate 25,000 people with shops and offices. Since people won't have to leave the building, this will solve the problem of space and reduce carbon emissions.

Such megabuildings will be self-sustaining and green. Since they are large, solar panels can be placed throughout the wall area. They will also use geothermal energy and collect rainwater.

smart concrete

When an area begins to flood, there is nowhere for the water to drain. In the city, this is even worse, because there is less soil to absorb water. To reduce the threat of flooding, the British company Tarmac created an asphalt called Topmix Permeable.

Most types of concrete allow water to soak into the ground, but only 300 millimeters per hour. Topmix allows you to pass 36,000 millimeters of water per hour, which is about 3300 liters per minute.

Instead of using sand for concrete, Topmix includes pieces of crushed granite packed together. Water percolates through these pieces of granite, and then is absorbed by the soil, flows into the sewer or is collected in a water reserve. In addition to reducing the chance of flooding, Topmix will be able to keep the streets dry and safe. In addition, water can be sent to tanks and used for needs.

The problem with permeable concrete is that it can only be used in places where it is not too cold. Cold weather will cause the concrete to expand, which will destroy it. It will also be more expensive than conventional concrete, but over the long haul, cities can save money by reducing flooding.

smart bricks

Looking at Smart Bricks designed by Kite Bricks, it's easy to see their resemblance to Lego bricks. These building bricks have handles on top and can be put together like Lego pieces. Smart bricks are held in place with rebar and come in a variety of shapes.

Instead of using cement, these bricks are held together with a strong double-sided adhesive. Removable removable panels can be attached to the bricks from inside the building. These panels can be removed if needed. There are also cubes for building floors and ceilings. In the center, the blocks are empty, they can be filled if necessary with insulation, pipes and electrical wiring.

Such bricks can lead to improved heat control, production flexibility and a 50% reduction in production cost.

Swarm of construction robots

In search of innovative building methods, Harvard researchers turned to nature for inspiration, in particular termites. Termites can build large structures in the absence of central control. To this end, they simply carry a piece of dirt to the site of the first construction site. If she is busy, they carry her to the next place.

The TERMES project uses the same swarm building idea but uses small robots. These simple low cost drones build structures by following the original design and placing blocks in the first available space until the structure is complete. The swarm does not require human intervention at all after setting the initial task.

This kind would be ideal for building structures in dangerous places, in space or under water. He could also do menial work, saving people time.

The emergence of new materials no longer surprises anyone, production technologies are constantly being improved. How to navigate among all these innovations and not miss something really profitable? This requires brief, clear information that enables anyone not to make a mistake with the choice.

Clinker - improved brick

clinker brick

The advantages of clinker, when compared with ordinary brick, are as follows:
- low cost;
- a wide range of shapes and colors;
— absence of chemical impurities;
- frost resistance.

It should be noted that by choosing clinker instead of facing decorative stone for facade decoration, you can significantly reduce costs. Clinker is resistant to various natural phenomena (not only frost), under the influence of which a simple brick is destroyed.

Teplosten - three in one

heat wall

Teplosten - a novelty in brick products, consisting of 3 layers: a carrier block, an insulating layer, a decorative facade layer. The main load falls on the layer of the carrier block. The insulating layer - mineral wool or polystyrene - is obliged by the thermal wall to have an improved thermal conductivity index, which exceeds the "brick" one by 6 times. Tile glue is used to mount the heatwall blocks, which eliminates the appearance of such a problem as efflorescence.

Block configurations and design options are very different, heat-walled blocks are also made to order. Teplosten - the best option for thermal conductivity, it is guaranteed to be cool indoors in summer and warm in winter. Cost-effectiveness, speed and ease of installation work, as well as various design options favorably distinguish heat walls from a variety of building materials.

Penoplex - a unique insulation


Not so long ago, the Russian construction market was replenished with a new generation of insulation, penoplex. This is expanded polystyrene, made in the form of plates. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material is one of the lowest among building insulation. Penoplex is also characterized by such qualities as:

- environmental friendliness;
— mechanical strength;
— good sound insulation;
- moisture resistance;
- frost resistance.

Due to their high strength and extremely low water absorption, the boards can be used to insulate parts of a building such as a foundation or basement. For convenience and reliability of installation, grooves are made in the plates. Special adhesives can be used to fix boards. Everything is done easily and simply, and the absence of harmful chemicals eliminates the need to use personal protective equipment.

Linokrom - bituminous perfection

Linocrom is a rolled roof covering that has polyester or fiberglass as a base with a bituminous binder applied to this layer. It is ideal for roofing, whether it is a flat roof or a pitched one. Durability, water resistance, resistance to temperature extremes are the main qualities that characterize linokr. The special crumb can be used as a topping, which improves the durability of the material. One of the applications of linocrom is the waterproofing of foundations and plinths.

All-penetrating liquid rubber

The main advantage of using liquid rubber is its application method - spraying. It allows you to use this material on roofs of arbitrary shape, where there may be various ledges, peaks, pipes. The surface material can be concrete or wood, as long as the surface is clean. It is not necessary to remove the old coating, but contaminants such as grease and dust should not be present. To obtain sufficient adhesion of the material to the surface, the latter must be completely dry. It takes two days for the rubber layer to dry, during which time it must be protected from moisture.

Liquid wood does not rot

A new material for the construction market, made from a mixture of natural wood fibers with polymer resins, is called liquid wood. The cost of such a practical and reliable building material is lower than the cost of natural wood. The liquid tree is very much appreciated by designers and planners, as it allows you to embody a variety of ideas. Rotting (unlike natural) liquid wood can be used in pools or ponds, it is not afraid of the vagaries of nature, it will not become a refuge for any insects. Boards made of such material have good strength - they do not deform or break under the influence of a large weight. Installation work does not require special skills, it is carried out easily and quickly.

Cork floor - soft, but not cheap

The floor, created from the bark of a cork tree, has amazing elasticity. Air pores, occupying about 50% of the volume of the material, give it the ability to restore shape. But this is true for small loads - heels, table or chair legs. Too much weight will crush the cork floor so that it will not return to its previous state. Due to the porous structure, the material has very good sound insulation; in the presence of noisy neighbors from below, it will be simply irreplaceable.

The fine-grained structure of the material will give any floor a personality. Colors can be very different, but this is usually done to order. Installation is carried out using special glue. You can varnish the cork floor, but due to the porous structure, you will have to do several layers - a lot of varnish will be absorbed. Of the shortcomings of the material, the following can be noted:

- fear of moisture;
- high price.

Rubber tiles - material for eternal roofing

The European company Euroshield has found an original solution for the use of old tires that disappear in landfills and trash. A technique has been invented for their processing into rubber tiles. The resulting product, having the properties of rubber (stretching, compressing), has unique qualities. Durable, surpasses all other roofing materials in this indicator. Withstands hail, heat, cold, temperature fluctuations.

Mounting is possible both with screws and nails, and with glue. Has an original look. Fifty years is the official service life, but the real one, of course, is longer. In addition, used tiles can simply be recycled into new ones.

Through the use of modern technology, the quality of life can be greatly improved. Having understood the innovations, you can make your choice with confidence. There is the right fit for every situation, whether it is the greatest cost savings or the highest quality.

Since ancient times, man has been rebuilding and adjusting the world around him. Builds, demolishes, renovates, rebuilds. Higher, bigger, more reliable: My home is my fortress. Even on 30 square meters. Even on 1.5 acres. This trait is firmly planted in a person. And a business based on this human trait has been, is and will be stable in the future. Until the spaceships start...

Construction and repair, this is such a gold mine. This is such a popular business niche that every second person who wants to start a business starts in this niche. And, surprisingly, even such an influx of new proposals does not cover the demand that is present on the market. Enough construction work for everyone.

New building technologies and building materials are constantly emerging. They remember and improve the old, long forgotten. Therefore, having studied all the novelties, or rediscovering a new technology, you can safely enter the market and be very competitive in the construction niche.

One of the clearest examples of this approach is polypropylene, or business on polypropylene pipes.

Despite the fact that the technology was already known in the 60s of the XX century. The most widely used polypropylene pipes have found only today. Affordable polypropylene soldering technology, a simple and reliable installation process, and cheap pipe production have driven classic metal pipes out of the market. Although it would seem that the metal plumbing has been the "king" for more than one century. But, for example, metal-plastic, popular in the early 90s, has not been widely used. Due to the obvious disadvantages - the complexity of production and low reliability of installation associated with the use of connecting fittings and other fittings.

At the first time of development of services in this niche - replacement of plumbing and heating pipes with polypropylene- were gold. Masters who knew the secret of soldering polypropylene asked for very good money for their work. It was new. For the novelty and unsurpassed quality of the installation of polypropylene pipes, they paid a lot. Just think, 10 years ago, one polypropylene compound cost 200-400 rubles. So, only one turn of the pipeline by 90 ° could cost the customer 800 rubles, because there were two connections.

Now, polypropylene can be "welded" by anyone who buys a soldering iron for 1500-3000 rubles. And, of course, with increasing competition, polypropylene plumbing installation services are inexpensive.

And new pipe technologies are already “looming” ahead. For example, a pipeline made of PVC pipes with glue? Yes, no need to solder, twist, cut. Glue + pipe + fitting and the pipeline is ready. Of course, it is still limited by the carrier temperature inside the tube. But, that's for now. The one who first starts using this technology in his city will be able to ride a gold mine. As it was with polypropylene. That is, the connection for the customer will be expensive, and the installation is carried out on the knee without equipment.

And there are a lot of such examples of niche breakthroughs. We list just a few: plastic windows, aerated concrete, glued laminated timber, ecowool, hyper-pressed brick, paving stones and so on and so forth. Indeed, the construction business business without top. There is a place for everyone to earn money, if you approach it wisely.

The production of building and finishing materials does not stand still. In a competitive environment, different manufacturers are constantly developing new solutions and patenting innovative developments that are aimed at improving the appearance and properties of materials, as well as creating unique products. Whether or not to trust the latest technologies in construction and decoration, everyone decides for himself. But we should not forget that they allow you to simplify the repair and decorate the interior in a new way.

Specialists from the Netherlands managed to solve one of the main problems in the construction of buildings - ensuring the durability of structures. They have developed a new technology for the manufacture of cement, which is able to spontaneously regenerate due to the presence of calcium lactate and certain bacteria. Live bacteria feed on calcium lactate and process it into limestone, which will fill the emerging microcracks and thus eliminate all microscopic damage.

This new technology of "live" concrete in the production of building materials will significantly save in the future on time and repair materials, since it initially contains all the necessary "components".

SolTech Energy from Sweden has developed a unique building material for the roofing of buildings - glass tiles. It is equipped with built-in photocells that accumulate the energy of sunlight and allow it to be used for various needs (water heating, heating, power grids).

Such tiles are made of tempered impact-resistant glass, therefore, they are not inferior in strength to traditional ceramic counterparts. The shape and size of individual glass elements correspond to the parameters of ceramic tiles, so they can be used to partially cover the roof. At the same time, the maximum efficiency from its use is achieved on roofs facing the south side.

To reduce the risk of flooding in cities, the English company Tarmac has developed Topmix Permeable concrete. Its main distinguishing characteristic is its high water permeability. If traditional types of concrete absorb up to 300 mm / h, then its new version is 36000 mm / h (about 3300 l / min.). A new technology for the production of building material involves the use of pieces of crushed granite instead of sand, through which water will seep and then be absorbed by the soil. This is especially true in large cities, where every year there is less and less open soil for water absorption. In addition to reducing the risk of flooding, the use of permeable concrete will keep the streets dry and safe.

The disadvantages of Topmix include a relatively high price compared to conventional concrete and the possibility of using only in places with a not too cold climate, since low temperatures will cause the concrete to expand and, accordingly, the destruction of the coating.

Environmental friendliness is one of the main directions in the development of the latest technologies and materials in the field of construction, therefore pressed linen slabs impregnated with natural layers of boron fit into this trend as well as possible. They are moisture and fire resistant, do not support the development of fungi and mold and do not accumulate condensate, therefore they are suitable for operation in conditions of high humidity (in baths, under-roof and attic insulation structures).

Linen boards can provide high-quality thermal insulation for up to 75 years (for comparison: the service life of glass wool insulation is 15-25 years, and that of mineral wool is up to 50 years).

The American company Ecovative Design, specializing in the development of various products from mushrooms, presented a unique biodegradable plastic Mushroom Materials. It includes crop waste (corn stalks, seed husks) and fungal mycelium, which, due to its natural binding properties, is used as a natural adhesive.

For the first time, the company used "mushroom" building material to build the world's first mushroom house: a compact housing measuring 3.6x2 m can easily be placed in a transport trailer. The company's specialists are confident that the new material can be used not only in construction, but also in other industries where plastics are used.

Another new technology that is used in construction for the production of windows, glass doors and partitions is smart glass (smart glass). Its main advantage is the ability to change optical characteristics (heat absorption, haze, light transmission) under the influence of environmental conditions.

This category also includes self-cleaning, self-heating and automatically opening windows. Thanks to their use, it is possible to reduce heat loss, reduce the cost of air conditioning, and even replace the usual curtains and blinds. But smart glasses also have disadvantages in the form of a high price and the need to connect to the mains for some products.

One of the new finishing technologies, which belongs to a type of wallpaper and imitates the structure and color of different types of stone (sandstone, slate, clinker bricks, etc.). It is made on the basis of sandstone and an environmentally friendly polymer, due to which the new material is flexible, durable, light and easy to use. These properties make it possible to use it for finishing not only flat surfaces, but also for objects of complex shapes (fireplaces, columns, etc.).

The flexible stone has a thickness of 1.5-3 mm and is applied in stripes to the walls, previously coated with adhesive, after which all joints are rubbed. It is resistant to abrasion and fading, therefore it is suitable for finishing any premises and parts of the house (bathrooms, kitchens, saunas, pools, fireplaces).

Blooming (thermal) wallpaper

The main feature of this finishing material is the ability to change colors or show additional details of patterns in the event of a change in the temperature of the room or objects adjacent to the wallpaper. The effect is achieved thanks to a new technology for the manufacture of finishing materials using thermal paint, which is used to apply drawings to the canvas.

For example, at low temperatures on the wallpaper you can see only green stems with small buds, but when the temperature rises to 23 ° C, the buds increase, and at 35 ° C lush bright flowers appear on them. This amazing novelty will bring zest to any interior and will not bother the owners of the house for a long time. The disadvantages of this type of finish include the high price, as well as certain requirements for the room: thermal wallpaper should be glued where conditions with temperature changes can be created (near heat sources, in rooms accessible to sunlight or with controlled temperature).

This is a relative novelty in finishing materials, which instantly changes the surface pattern when a person touches or steps. The technology for the production of "live" tiles involves the use of a polycarbonate capsule in the form of a circle, rectangle or square, which is filled with a special colored gel. With pressure on the surface, the latter moves and spreads, and if the pressure disappears, the pattern is partially restored to the original. Such a tile washes well and absorbs sounds and vibrations, so movement on it creates almost no noise. It can be used in finishing any horizontal surfaces, from floors in different rooms to countertops. The disadvantages of "live" tiles include susceptibility to low temperatures and scratches, which can leave sharp objects.

The new building and finishing materials presented in this selection are new at the moment, but in the near future they may gain wide popularity and take the place of familiar to us, but already outdated and less functional building materials. Over time, the listed novelties will be replaced by others, and so it will be as long as a person strives for amazing discoveries and non-standard solutions to improve his life.

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