About the "beech" that shot down the "Boeing" - unexpected details of the investigation (photo). Boeing and beech - regular questions Boeing shot down by Russian military from beech

About the report of the Joint Investigation Team, andwhether the international investigators did not pay attention to anything.

“If stars light up in the sky, then someone needs it”

(A. Exupery. "The Little Prince")

Instead of a preface

The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) once again held a press conference on May 24, at which its representatives once again said that the Malaysian Boeing, it seems, was shot down from a Buk brought from Russia.

The development of this story is extremely characteristic of contemporary Western politics. No one bothers to make good arguments, and everyone is sure that the layman will believe any story if it is told enough times.

This time, during a press conference, the head of the SSG F. Westerbeke, as an allegedly proven fact, stated that the Buk air defense system, which shot down the Boeing, arrived from Russia. At the same time, according to him, the SSG managed to prove the identity of the Buk SAM system of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade, recorded on video in June 2014 in the Belgorod and Rostov regions, and the Buk installation, filmed on a video recorder in Makeevka on July 17, 2014 .

A comparative analysis of the tactical number of the vehicles (the notorious number 332) and the transport markings applied to the left side, according to the "investigators", indisputably confirms the location of the SOU No. 332 of the 53rd brigade in the Donbass in July 2014.

Vaguely stating that in addition to the materials presented at the press conference, there is still a lot of various “evidence”, F. Westerbeke lets slip about the significant contribution to the investigation of the Bellingcat blogging community, headed by an employee of the think tank of the US State Department, the American NGO Atlantic Council, (Atlantic Council) Eliot Higgens.

In this investigation, based on the materials submitted by the JIT, we will prove that F. Westerbeke's statement about the involvement of the Russian self-propelled firing system (SDA) in the death of the Boeing on July 17, 2014 is false.

According to F. Westerbeke, the SSG investigators carried out a detailed analysis of the distinctive features of the self-propelled firing system (SDA) of the Buk air defense system, depicted in photographs taken in the Belgorod region and in the Donbass. This allowed them to unequivocally conclude that the Russian Federation was involved in the crash of the Boeing. However, it would be difficult to expect a different result from them. Even if we do not take into account the obvious anti-Russian context of the ongoing “objective” international investigation and its custom-made nature, it is obvious that the investigation is going along the wrong path outlined by the Bellingcat falsifiers.

This is confirmed by the materials presented at the press conference, taken from the dubious reports of the "sofa" investigators E. Higgens about the involvement of the "Buk" of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade in the tragedy of July 17, 2014.

At the same time, it is bewildering that, while continuing to compare implicit signs in the photographs of the SOU - images of markings, dents and scratches, the JIT persistently ignores the obvious facts that completely refute their version of the presence of the Russian Buk in Ukraine.

And the truth is, the Buk from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade has never crossed the Ukrainian border and has nothing to do with the Buk on the white trailer photographed in Ukraine in Makiivka. We are talking about the fact that the cars shown in the photographs belong to to various modifications and for some inexplicable reason, the SSG specialists did not pay attention to this fact.

The fact is that, despite the external similarity, the SDA of various modifications has certain distinguishing features. These include the presence of a folding platform on the left side of the machine.

Cars produced after 1984 began to be equipped with similar platforms. The site was added for ease of access of the calculation to the hull of the JMA during its operation.

This Bellingcat theorists, who prepared their falsification so carefully, apparently did not know. The JIT investigators did not know this either.

Consider an example of a 9A310 M1-2 modification SDA, which provides for a folding platform on the body of the tracked chassis (Buk-M1 air defense system). As you can see in the photo, the platform stands out noticeably on the body of the machine.

Photo SOU SAM "Buk" modification 9A310 M1-2 with a folding platform

Now let's compare it with the Buk anti-aircraft missile system of an earlier modification, released before 1984. The presented photo shows the 9A310 SOU (not 9A310 M1, namely 9A310!) SAM 9K37 "Buk" without a folding platform on the chassis body.

Photo of SOU SAM "Buk" modification 9A310 without a folding platform

So, in the presentation presented during a press conference on May 24, 2018, the SSG on all frames fixing the movement of the column of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade across the territory of Russia on the back of the left side of the SOU, "suspected" of being involved in the tragedy with the Boeing ”, the loose folding platform, which was mentioned above, is clearly visible.

Freeze frame for 1 min. 9 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 2 min. 36 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 3 min. 23 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 26 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 34 seconds of presentation (site visible)

At the same time, in the pictures taken in Ukraine in the Makiivka region, there is no folding platform.

Freeze frame for 5 min. 35 second presentation (no platform available)

The site is also missing from the photo taken by journalists of the French tabloid Paris Match in Donetsk.

Photo of the Buk missile defense system from the Paris Match magazine (the site is missing)

Comparative pictures of the Buk missile launcher taken in the Belgorod region(right) and in Ukraine: screenshot from a DVR (left)

This means only one thing - in the photographs taken in Russia and Ukraine, self-propelled guns of the Buk air defense system of various modifications were recorded, that is, we are talking about two different machines, which means the Russian Buk of the 53rd brigade (at least "3 × 2" , although "332") did not cross the border with Ukraine.

Was there a white trailer in Makiivka on July 17, 2014?

As evidence of the involvement of the 53rd brigade in the crash of the Boeing, the SSG cites data from a car video recorder that recorded a white Volvo trailer passing through Makiivka, transporting the Buk air defense system.

At the same time, it is alleged that the footage was taken on July 17, 2014, the day the Boeing crashed.

The footage from the DVR shows that the route of the trailer passed by the Parallel gas station. According to Google Maps, there is only one Parallel filling station in Makiivka, located at 52 Avtotransportnaya Street.

Parallel gas station located at 52 Avtotransportnaya Street (Google Maps image)

Gas station "Parallel", located at Avtotransportnaya street, 52. (frame from the video recorder)

The landscape features in the Google Maps image and the footage from the DVR match, which allows you to accurately determine the place.

However, not all so simple. The key question that needs to be answered is whether this video was filmed exactly on July 17, 2014, as the JIT (read Bellingcat) claims, or at another time?

The “sofa” investigation conducted according to the Bellingcat method showed a result opposite to that which was made public by the JIT - there was no trailer on the day of the Boeing crash in Makiivka.

This is confirmed by a video filmed by eyewitnesses of the movement of a column of militia military equipment against the background of the same gas station along Avtotransportnaya Street, which was also captured by the video recorder. The authors of the video uploaded it to YouTube on July 15, 2014. This allows us to state that it was filmed at least two days before, according to the JIT, the video was filmed.

In case someone has doubts about the reliability of the date of placement of the video, a link to it was posted on July 16, 2014 by RIA Novosti Ukraine. This video has now been removed for some reason. However, according to the text of the message that accompanied him, we can confidently say that we are talking about the same frames.

Screenshot of the RIA Novosti Ukraine page with a link to a video about the movement of a convoy of militia equipment in Makiivka dated July 15, 2014

The study of both videos showed that they were filmed in the same place, only from different angles.

The angle from which the column of equipment was filmed on July 15, 2014 (a picture from a video recorder, allegedly taken on July 17, 2014).

On the video, dated July 15, it can be seen that before the passage of the column of vehicles, the asphalt surface of the road was not damaged. After the passage of the column, characteristic dents from the tracks remained on the roadway.

After the passage of the column on July 15, 2014, there were clearly visible characteristic traces left by caterpillar vehicles

Dashcam footage allegedly taken on July 17, 2014 shows no visible signs of damage on the road left on July 15

At the same time, on the frames from the DVR, allegedly made two days later, there are no visible signs of damage caused by heavy equipment on the road. If we discard the version that in the period from July 15 to July 17, 2014, the asphalt surface was replaced on this section of the road, then the conclusion becomes obvious - DVR footage taken before July 15, 2014.

This way you can make disappointing for Bellingcat conclusions:

The dashcam footage was taken prior to July 15, 2014. They do not prove the location of the Buk trailer on the day of the Boeing crash in Makiivka.

Thus, all the allegations that the Boeing was shot down from the Buk launcher, which was transported on a white trailer on July 17, 2014 through Makiivka, are groundless.

Instead of a conclusion

Unfortunately, the interim report on the results of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, presented on May 24 by the JIT, once again demonstrated its bias. The international investigation, making extensive use of the materials provided by the Bellingcat group, does not seek to establish the true causes of the tragedy, but only fulfills the anti-Russian order of Washington.

At the same time, it remained behind the scenes that Eliot Higgins, representing the American NGO Atlantic Council, the day after the JIT press conference, presented another Bellingcat report accusing Russia of the Boeing crash. Is this a coincidence? Unlikely.

A page from the official website of the Atlantic Council indicating the position of an employee of the organization - Eliot Higgins

Cooperation with the Atlantic Council largely explains the anti-Russian focus of Bellingcat’s “investigations”. It is noteworthy that none of the war crimes of the United States and its allies in the anti-ISIS* coalition that resulted in the death of civilians in Iraq and Syria interested them.

However, why be surprised? As the famous character of the film "Mimino" said, "Whoever dines a girl, he dances her." In this case, the truth about the crash of the Boeing 777 in the sky over Ukraine is not provided for by the menu.

Petro Poroshenko is again at the center of the scandal. The BBC reported that the Ukrainian president paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet with Donald Trump. Those negotiations lasted a matter of minutes. In fact, it was just a photo shoot. But it will become more difficult for Ukrainians to find out the truth about the activities of their president. The Kiev authorities closed their access to the websites of the leading Russian media. Dozens of domains were included in the list of prohibited resources. Including the website of our TV channel, the news portal Vesti.Ru and other resources of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Russian journalists described this measure as a purge before the presidential elections.

This yet another massive anti-Russian hysteria of the Ukrainian leader today received support in Holland. The so-called independent investigators again found Russian traces in the death of a Malaysian Boeing over the Donbass.

The new statement of the Dutch investigators cannot even be called a version. Because it completely contradicts the picture of what happened. Even now, the Dutch in their report do not indicate the place from which, according to them, the Buk fired. They are simply trying to drag Russia into the frontal.

"Not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border. Moreover, all continuous primary (raw) data obtained from the Utes-T route radar complex, which on July 17, 2014 worked while in the Rostov region, near the village of Ust-Donetsky.

The Utes radar, data from which in the fall of 2016 destroyed the international version of the investigation, is able to see everything that is in the air, to the smallest objects, at a distance of up to 360 kilometers. Grabovo is 200 kilometers from here. And of course, he saw the large-body Boeing perfectly. As well as the fact that from the eastern side, where the militias were located, no missiles approached the Boeing.

“Deployed units of the Ukrainian air defense were recorded at the time of the crash of the Boeing, which left the area where it occurred the day after the crash,” said Igor Korotchenko, a military expert.

But there is plenty of evidence that that fatal launch was made from the vicinity of Zaroshchensky, where Ukrainian troops were stationed on July 17, 2014. objective data. Here are the firing positions on the outskirts of Shakhtersk. Here, a little deeper in the rear, are the launching positions for the Buk. All this was recorded by our military satellites. And even a few days before the disaster, Ukrainian TV channels happily reported that they had anti-aircraft missile systems guarding the sky. And this once again confirms that Ukraine had Buks, including in the Zaroshchensky area.

“Remember July 17. “It was even impossible to drive here, they stupidly didn’t let anyone in. There were dill in this area. This is approximately their location, their car and radars were visible,” said an eyewitness.

The Almaz-Antey Concern, which produces the Buk air defense system, conducted three experiments - they simulated a missile hitting an airliner, taking into account the damage found on the Boeing's body. And, according to experts, the missile was most likely launched from the Zaroshchensky area. A former officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told Vesti about this two years ago.

“There are contractors like this (knocking on wood). You walk with them in the evening and talk: “Guys, what, how, who were they taking? Where were you, what did you see, what did you hear?". "Yes, that's where the Buk was transported." "Where were they transported?" - "They were transported there." - "Oh, interesting!" command post of military unit No. 1215 of the armed forces of Ukraine.

And judging by the traces of the striking elements, the Boeing was hit by an outdated modification of the Buk, which we have long since withdrawn from service. Moreover, Ukraine tried to cover up traces of its involvement.

"Let me remind you that the Dnepropetrovsk air traffic controllers suddenly disappeared somewhere and still have not appeared, who changed, by no one knows whose instructions, the initial flight of the Boeing along the agreed route, directing it actually through the area where Ukrainian aircraft were deployed at the time of the disaster" Beeches," Korotchenko stressed.

"If the international investigation team is really interested in establishing the true culprits of the crash of the MH-17 passenger flight in the sky of Ukraine, its representatives should rely in their statements, first of all, on facts and testimonies, and not fake fake generators from Bellingcat or the SBU," the statement says. in a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry.

But there is also US satellite intelligence data, which, as you know, sees everything. For some reason they haven't been published yet. This can only mean one thing. Washington has 100% proof that Ukraine is behind this disaster.

Based on these numbers and marks, Bellingcat researchers identified the SAM as a Buk, number 332, assigned to the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (military unit 32,406).

The photo with the mechanic was taken at the transport yard of the 53rd brigade, the report notes. This is confirmed by another photograph published by an unnamed cadet in August 2014 (the authors of the report do not indicate the name of the publisher, it is only known that he was training in Kursk in the direction of one of the Moscow universities). The picture shows the same pink rocket container. The geotag confirms that the photo was taken in the courtyard of the 53rd brigade in the village of Marshal Zhukov near Kursk. The authors of the report managed to confirm the geolocation of the photo thanks to satellite images.

An album of photographs was uploaded in February 2015, but neither the mechanic's name nor the date and location where the photographs were taken could be established from them.

As RBC found out, the man in the picture is repairing military equipment, in particular, he was repairing the Buk-M1. The mechanic (his name is known to the editors) explained to RBC that he was in many cities of Russia due to the specifics of his work. He confirmed that he “was definitely” in Kursk in 2013 and “possibly” in 2014.

In addition to the Buk, the album also contains photographs of the 9A85 loading unit of the S-300 complex, a special vehicle (Bellingcat suggests that this could be the Polyana-D4 9S52 automated combat control system) and another Buk-M1 launcher. Members of the Bellingcat team identified the mechanic in the photographs and found his social media profiles. On one of the pages they saw a photo of a Buk with the number 332, on the other — a photo of another Buk air defense system and a special vehicle. The last two images were uploaded on March 31, 2013. The third one shows the 9A83 launcher for the 9K81 S-300V anti-aircraft missile system. It was uploaded on June 20, 2013. As Bellingcat noted, "Other photos uploaded before March 31, 2013 and after June 20, 2013 do not show where he [the person in the photos] worked as a military vehicle mechanic."

Based on the fact that the photos were posted online in 2015 in one photo album, and given the conditional number of the car, the authors of the Bellingcat study conclude that it is “almost certain” that the photo was taken in 2013. However, they admit that the photo could have been taken in the spring of 2014.

The tragedy with the Boeing 777 occurred in the sky over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014 at 16:20 local time. The aircraft was on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17. On board were 298 people, all of them died. Most of the passengers on board were Dutch citizens. A few hours later, allegations began to appear on the Internet that the passenger plane was shot down by pro-Russian separatists from the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, mistaking a civilian aircraft for a military one. Bellingcat later reported that the air defense missile system was number 332, and also reported that the complex was assigned to the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade from Kursk. The car was delivered from Kursk to Millerovo (Rostov region), and from there to the east of Ukraine, investigators say. According to them, the transportation of the Buk was carried out by a retired Russian officer Sergei Dubinsky, who appeared in the media as the commander of the intelligence of the DPR with the call sign Khmuriy. He himself denied any involvement in the death of the liner.

The Dutch Safety Board, in its final report on the circumstances of the Boeing 777 crash, called the crash caused by a ground-to-air missile fired from a Buk launcher. According to the head of the investigation, Tiibbe Jaustra, the missile was launched from an area of ​​320 sq. km (both militia and Ukrainian forces were in the specified zone). As a result, the wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over an area of ​​50 square meters. km.

Russia's position

RBC is awaiting a response from the Russian Ministry of Defense regarding new facts in the case of the destruction of MH17.

After the plane crash in July 2014, Andrey Kartapolov, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, voiced the Russian version of the crash. All data from the Russian agency indicates that MH17 was shot down by Ukrainian forces, he said. Official Moscow has always denied the participation of active Russian military personnel in the conflict in Ukraine.​

In October 2015, specialists from the Almaz-Antey military concern conducted their own investigation into the Boeing 777 crash. It follows from it that the airliner was shot down by a missile that was no longer used by the Russian military, from the territory that was not then controlled by any of the parties to the conflict in Donbass.

In September 2016, the Russian Ministry of Defense briefing passed on the subject of collapse. The Utes-T radar complex, located in the Rostov region, did not record any foreign objects near the MH17 route before the crash, said Viktor Meshcheryakov, deputy chief designer of the complex. If the missile of the Buk complex had been launched from the area controlled by the rebels of Donbass, then Utes-T would have detected it, Meshcheryakov explained. Major General Andrey Koban, head of the radio engineering troops of the Aerospace Forces, who was present at the same briefing, added that the Buk missile was not a difficult target for Utyos-T. For comparison: the radar complex detected a much more difficult target - the flight of the Orlan-10 drone, which "loitered along the Russian-Ukrainian border on the territory of Russia," the major general noted.

“It is no coincidence that the Ukrainian side is hiding information from the investigation, relatives of the victims and the world community that would allow us to establish the full picture of the disaster,” Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing.

Bellingcat is an international journalistic group founded on July 15, 2014 by British journalist Eliot Higgins. The task of the team is to unite citizen journalists in investigating current events. Now the main project of Bellingcat is to investigate the circumstances of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. The team also monitors the military campaign in Syria, including the actions of Russian military personnel. In its reports, Bellingcat relies on open sources: video and photo materials posted on social networks, satellite images.

The International Investigation Team has concluded that the Buk complex, from which the civilian Boeing was shot down near Donetsk on July 17, 2014, belonged to the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Air Defense Brigade located near Kursk. Earlier, members of the Bellingcat research group had come to the same conclusion. Based on this data, Snob tells how the Russian Buk got to the missile launch point from the territory of the DPR and returned back

Chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke speaks next to part of a BUK missile that was fired on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Photo: Robin van Lonkhuijsen/ANP/AFP

Path of the Buk

“Hi, Igor, have you forgotten the Bison yet?” - wrote at the end of April 2014 a man under the pseudonym Zubr, aka Karakhan, aka Khmury, to the then head of the DPR, Igor Strelkov. Khmury is an Afghan veteran and retired GRU officer Sergei Dubinsky. He lives in a village near Rostov and is considered the head of the operation to transport the Buk that shot down the Malaysian Boeing in 2014. Presumably his voice on the intercepted recording asks send the "little thing" to Pervomaisky. It was from there, investigators believe, that the plane was shot down. Dubinsky himself denies everything. He and another hundred people, whose full names are not disclosed, are considered by investigators from the Netherlands to be involved in the transportation of the Buk and the attack on a civilian aircraft.

On June 23, a convoy of 45 vehicles, including 6 Buk complexes on tractors, left the territory of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade located near Kursk and headed towards the Millerovo military airfield, which is located near the border with the territory of Ukraine controlled by the DPR.

For two days, the tractor with the Buk installation with the number 332 was driving as part of a convoy bypassing the M-4 highway. According to Bellingcat, it is seen in Stary Oskol, Alekseevka and Rossosh; further, in the area of ​​Boguchar, the convoy turns onto the M-4 highway and reaches Millerovo on July 25.

Photo: Bellingcat

Three weeks later, on the night of July 17, the Buk is being transported on another tractor from Millerovo to Russian Donetsk. He crosses the border with Ukraine no later than 4 am in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Severny / Verkhnyaya Orekhovka along the field.

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, the Buk was already noticed near Yenakiyevo. According to the intercepted conversations of the DPR military, the installation crossed the "strip", that is, across the border, on a tractor, after which it was moved "on a trawl" and sent further "on its own". The “trawl” refers to the truck of the Donetsk company OJSC “Stroymehanizatsiya” of the brand “Volvo”, it is he who carries the installation. He is accompanied by a black Volkswagen and a camouflage-colored UAZ.

For some time, the convoy stops in Ukrainian Donetsk - this is the westernmost point of the Buk location, then it goes east again - at about 11 am the convoy leaves for the city of Torez. In the village of Snezhny Buk, adjacent to Torez, the Buk was unloaded from a tractor near the Furshet store, then the Buk goes under its own power into a field a few kilometers from the village of Pervomaisky.

Photo: Bellingcat


In the month and a half preceding the disaster, Ukraine lost at least 15 aircraft in the skies over Donbass. Three days before the Boeing crash, a Ukrainian An-26 military transport aircraft crashed, and two Su-25 attack aircraft fell a day before.

Flights below 9,750 meters over the combat area were banned by Ukraine on 1 July; flight level FL330 at 10,050 meters was the lowest flight level permitted. A Malaysian Airlines Boeing with 298 passengers on board took off from Amsterdam for Kuala Lumpur at 14:31 Moscow time. Twenty minutes before the disaster, the crew deviates 37 kilometers to the north due to bad weather conditions. A minute before the attack, the Ukrainian dispatcher hands the flight over to Russian control. The aircraft is flying at FL330.

“People were falling from the sky. They flew with outstretched arms and legs. They fell right to the ground, ”said the locals, who would find 40 corpses in their own yards.

- Just shot down the plane, Miner's group, fell behind Yenakiyevo, - He speaks a man whose voice is similar to the commander of the "Bezler detachment" Igor Bezler.

“Understood, ***,” a man answers him, whose voice is similar to GRU Colonel Vasily Geranin.

After that, there is a second conversation, where two unknown people discuss that “the board was civilian” and “there are a lot of two-hundredths”. The third conversation was with the unknown and, presumably, the Cossack chieftain Nikolai Kozitsyn. “On TV they say that the AN-26 is a Ukrainian transport worker. But it says "Malaysian Airways" on it. What was he doing on the territory of Ukraine?” says the unknown. “So spies were brought in. Do not *** fly, now the war is on, ”summarizes the person with the voice of Kozitsyn.

Photo: Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters

After the attack

The Buk, according to the analysis of telecommunications data, went back immediately after the rocket launch towards the village of Snezhny, then reached the village of Krasny Luch and arrived in Luhansk through the village of Debaltseve. Early in the morning, on July 18, 2014, a Volvo truck carrying a Buk was captured by a surveillance camera in Luhansk. The recording shows that the Buk is driving towards Russia with three missiles instead of four.

According to the SBU, they managed to intercept a telephone talk, which took place in the morning on the day of the removal of the combat installation. The votes belong to unidentified DNR militias:

- That's it, the car went to the right place, and arrived normally, that's all. There just started strange calls from another ten people.

- From what ten?

- Well, different people began to call his (driver's) number and introduce themselves. Then, he says, Strelkov himself ( Igor Strelkov is the former commander-in-chief of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. — Approx. ed.) began calling. And he took and turned off the phone. And we don't know where the car is at all.

The OSCE humanitarian mission reached the bodies and the wreckage for two days: on July 18 and 19, armed men prevented rescuers from reaching the wreckage. “The plane lies between two fronts,” Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Purgin told journalists. “We are trying to prevent the Ukrainian military from opening fire on OSCE observers. We bring them to a line where a heavy machine gun can reach. Then we can, of course, release them, but then we will be accused of not ensuring their safety.”

Rescuers gained full access to the wreckage on 20 July. They took pictures of the bodies and put them in bags for transportation. Then the bodies, according to the then Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Boroday, were loaded “with maximum correctness” into five refrigerated wagons at the Torez railway station.

“This tragedy would not have happened if there had been peace on this land, if hostilities had not been resumed in the southeast of Ukraine,” Vladimir Putin offered his condolences to the leadership of Malaysia.

The Buk had been in Russia for several hours by that time.

Prepared by Igor Zalyubin

At the rehearsal of the parade dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, the country's air defense forces also participated, including the Buk-M1 complex, which, according to Kyiv, it does not even have in sight ...

Despite the statements of the Ukrainian military, who assured the West that they simply had nothing to shoot down the Malaysian Boeing - all air defense systems of Ukraine were sold to Georgia long ago, several Buk-M1 complexes passed through the center of the Ukrainian capital as if nothing had happened and S-300, as well as the Osa complexes.


As the rehearsal of the military parade on Independence Day in Kyiv showed, Poroshenko decided to show the full power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and brought samples of his latest technology (Soviet-style, of course) to Khreshchatyk. Among them are six anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) "Buk-M1". It was from these Buk aircraft that a Malaysian Boeing 777 was shot down in the sky over the village of Grabovo near the city of Torez.

And the announcer for the whole Khreshchatyk proudly announced:

“These anti-aircraft missile systems are ready to shoot down targets at altitudes up to 12 kilometers in conditions of strong radio interference!”

Thus, Kyiv's assurances that "he does not have serviceable Buk" turned out to be his usual nonsense.

Earlier, the authorities and the military of Ukraine have repeatedly been caught lying about the Buk: either on Ukrainian TV they showed tests of such air defense systems, or the adviser to the President of Ukraine Igor Smeshko swore in Brussels that there were no combat-ready Buk in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

“The last Ukrainian combat-ready division of the Buk-M anti-aircraft missile system with combat-ready units and missiles was sold to Georgia,” Smeshko assured.



Kyiv’s statement and the real situation about arming the Armed Forces of Ukraine with ZhurPravda anti-aircraft missile systems were commented on by Alexander Yakimenko, a retired lieutenant colonel, a member of the Russian Officers public organization, an expert of the Izborsk club. He is directly aware of the situation in the air defense of Ukraine, and in addition, in 2015 he himself visited the Donbass, in the Debaltseve region.

Oleksandr Yakimenko is convinced that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have BUKs:

“All those statements that the military leaders and the leadership of Ukraine used to make are lies of pure water. It was the Ukrainian "Buk" that shot down this "Boeing", which was argued and proved by Russian experts. Although they were not listened to in the West, and they refused to accept the results of their investigation.”

As for the statements of Petro Poroshenko’s adviser, Colonel General Igor Smeshko, the military expert called them “lies”:

“I would advise this adviser to go to the war zone in the Donbass, and after that make such statements. And since I was there, I know that there are Buki there. Although they are assembled from junk - that is, one efficient one is assembled from several copies of the air defense system, ”Lt. Col. Yakimenko explained to ZhurPravda.

In Ukraine, they tested the repaired Buk-M1 complex, where, according to the assurances of the military, there are no such Buk!

Let me remind you that even a day before the Boeing 777 crash, the TV channel

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