Audrey Hepburn - biography and personal life. Audrey Hepburn: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo The terrible years of war

Children of celebrities often follow in the footsteps of their parents, this is common knowledge, but what about grandchildren?

Our selection includes the grandchildren of Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, Alain Delon and other cult personalities of the 20th century.

Emma Ferrer (granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn), 23

Emma Ferrer was born a year and a half after her death legendary grandmother Audrey Hepburn. The girl cannot be named an exact copy great actress, but there are definitely some similarities, especially manifested in the swing long eyelashes and a charming smile. According to Sean, Emma's father and Audrey Hepburn's eldest son, his daughter is much more confident than her shy and emotional grandmother. However, the two relatives also have a lot in common: they both studied ballet and have remarkable comedic talent. However, Emma is in no hurry to become an actress. She studies painting at the Academy of Arts in Florence, and also tries herself as a model.

Tukey Brando (grandson of Marlon Brando), 27

Tuki was born under very tragic circumstances. His mother Cheney, one of Marlon Brando's daughters, was a drug addict and schizophrenic who took drugs during pregnancy and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital shortly after the birth of her son. When the child was five years old, she committed suicide. Tuki never saw his father at all - he was shot a month before his son was born during a family quarrel. The killer was Brando's eldest son, Christian.

From birth, Tuki was raised by his Tahitian grandmother, Tarita. At the age of 17 he made his debut in modeling business, becoming the face of the Versace Fall brand. Now Tuki is studying medicine in France and continues to conquer the podium. About acting career he doesn't even think about it:

“Even if I wanted to become an actor, it would be too difficult for me. People would constantly say that I was not as good as my grandfather. That's why I prefer to do something else."

Riley Keough (granddaughter of Elvis Presley), 28 years old

Riley Keough - eldest daughter Lisa Marie Presley and her first husband Danny Keogh. Riley did not want to follow in the footsteps of her famous grandfather and study music. She chose to become an actress and model. Now she has about 20 film roles to her credit. The most famous films with her participation: “Mad Max. Fury Road and Call Girl.

Alison Le Borge (granddaughter of Alain Delon), 31 years old

Alison Le Borge is the daughter of actor Anthony Delon (son of Alain Delon) and dancer Marie Hélène Le Borge. Even before the birth of her daughter, her parents separated, and the girl was raised by her mother. Alison first saw her famous grandfather at the age of 11:

“When we first met, we were struck by our similarity... When I look in the mirror, I think about him...”

Alison inherited her striking appearance from Alain Delon, which helped her become a successful lingerie model.

Camilla Gottlieb (granddaughter of Grace Kelly), 19 years old

Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco has 6 stunningly beautiful granddaughters, but 19-year-old Camilla Gottlieb looks most like her famous grandmother - youngest daughter Princess Stephanie. Now Camilla is studying at one of the universities in Monaco, travels a lot and enjoys photography.

Tony Castro (grandson of Fidel Castro), 20 years old

Tony Castro is still widely known only in his homeland, Cuba, where he has already posed for several famous photographers as a model. Looking at his photographs, there is no doubt that the young man will achieve world fame in the near future!

Nico (22) and Skip (21) Marley (Bob Marley's grandchildren)

Bob Marley had 11 children from different women, and it is quite difficult to name the exact number of his grandchildren, although many of them achieved significant success. For example, Skip, the son of one of Bob’s daughters, followed in his grandfather’s footsteps and is also involved in music; he even recorded a song together with Katy Perry. Marley's other grandson, Nico, became an American football player.

Naomi Wilding (granddaughter of Elizabeth Taylor), 41

One of Elizabeth Taylor's granddaughters is named Naomi Wilding. She is the owner of an art gallery. In her youth, Naomi often visited her grandmother at her home in Los Angeles. The star showed her granddaughter her jewelry and outfits, and also instilled in her a sense of style:

“Other grandmothers would not even allow me to leave the house in the outfits that I borrowed from Elizabeth - some of them, for example, showed a bra. And my grandmother said: “Just take it off!”

Tatiana Schlossberg (granddaughter of John and Jacqueline Kennedy), 27 years old

Tatiana Schlossberg – youngest granddaughter John and Jacqueline Kennedy. Their unusual name the girl owes her father, Edwin Schlossberg, a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine. Like her famous grandmother, Tatyana decided to connect her life with journalism. Her last place work became The New York Times newspaper, where the young woman covered ecological problems. In September of this year, Tatyana married George Maran, a medical student.

22 years have already passed since the day when, after a serious and incurable illness, one of the most beautiful and iconic actresses of world cinema, Audrey Hepburn, left this world.

But besides his professional merits, the star of “Roman Holiday,” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “My Fair Lady” is most often mentioned as a style icon and fashion trendsetter. Meanwhile, few people know about the actress’s selfless and devoted service to UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It was on incredibly difficult and dangerous trips to visit children in the poorest countries in the world that Audrey did not notice how she wasted vitality, and she was overcome by a fatal illness.

However, the actress also doted on her two sons, Sean and Luke, and an ordinary family dinner was more important to her than any social event or ceremony.

By the way, Audrey Hepburn was married twice, and she gave birth to her eldest son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, in marriage with her partner in the film “Ondine”, Mel Ferrer, and the actress’s youngest son, Luc Dotti, was born after Audrey’s marriage to Italian psychiatrist Andrea Dotti.

Both of Audrey's sons idolized their mother, subtly sensed her mood and knew about every emotional experience. Even during the life of the actress, Luca often said in interviews that Audrey Hepburn, even with all her awards and merits, was unsure of herself, doubted her professional abilities and considered her appearance unattractive. Younger son claimed that my mother was extremely surprised that people were so passionate about her and even called her the “ideal of beauty.”

Well, the actress’s eldest son Sean wrote a touching biographical novel “Last Christmas with Mom...”, in which he talked about last days life of a great actress.

And unfortunately, what united Audrey Hepburn's family so much destroyed it. It was “motherly love” that 54-year-old Sean and 44-year-old Luke could not share.

Yesterday it became known that the actress’s eldest son filed a lawsuit against the younger one in order to legally distribute all the valuable memories of his mother. And although Audrey bequeathed equal shares of the inheritance to her sons, collections of suits, hats, scarves, jewelry, photographs, posters and even scripts became more important to Hepburn’s heirs than money and real estate.

On this moment all precious artifacts, like cultural values, are stored in the Los Angeles company Fine Arts & Wine Storage, and even after the judicial division will go to their owners only in absentia.

(pictured: Audrey Hepburn's sons - Sean Hepburn Ferrer and Luca Dotty)

Audrey Hepburn - famous actress, known to a wide range of viewers from the film “Roman Holiday”. Many are interested in how the star’s personal life developed. People would also like to know what Audrey Hepburn did in her old age, in her final years.

Personal life

The actress was married to director and artist Mel Ferrar. Audrey always dreamed of children, but she couldn’t get pregnant for a long time. Instead of supporting her, her husband often shouted at her and blamed her for the failure of her career. Audrey Hepburn in her old age will often remember this difficult period.

In 1960, the star spent some time in Switzerland for treatment, after which she became pregnant with her first child, Sean. When he was born, the actress took good care of him, but also found time to film in the films “How to Steal a Million,” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and others. Audrey became more and more famous. The only thing that upset me was the constant disagreements with my husband. In 1968, the actress divorced him.

The turmoil in her personal life, of course, affected her well-being, and Audrey went on a trip to unwind a little. On the ship she met a famous psychotherapist named Andrea Dotti. He asked her to marry him, and she agreed, and then moved to him in the capital of Italy. She walked around the city a lot, raised her son and... was expecting the birth of her second child. Audrey Hepburn's children were always surrounded by love and care.

Let's now look at how the actress spent her old age, year by year.

Year 1988

Audrey is actively involved in charity work. She travels around the world - visiting countries where the air pollution is extremely low. The work was incredibly hard. And while in third world countries, the actress even endangered her life. At the beginning of spring, Audrey first arrived in Ethiopia - this country needed to attract everyone's attention in order to prevent starvation of its citizens. At the end of summer, the actress went to Turkey, and in mid-autumn - to South America. Audrey Hepburn in her old age did not want peace and rest, she wanted to be an active and useful person.

From 1988 to 1992, the actress, together with R. Moore, hosted a program called Danny Kaye International Children's Special, which regularly airs on the radio. It was listened to in many countries, and it also significantly helped in raising money for charity.

Year 1989

In the middle of winter, the actress visited Central America, its goal was to protect children. She met with the presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.

In mid-spring, the actress, as a representative of UNICEF, speaks in the US capital before the commission on hunger. A few days later she travels to Sudan. In general, Audrey Hepburn visited a lot of countries in her old age, it’s impressive.

The actress once said about her activities with UNICEF that she felt obligated to speak on behalf of children who could not speak up on their own. Moreover, this is very easy, since they have no enemies from politics. The actress argued that saving children is a very noble endeavor, and helping millions of unfortunate people is a chance provided by the Lord.

In mid-autumn, Audrey traveled to Bangkok and then to Bangladesh.

In winter, the actress agreed to a small role in the film Always, directed by Steven Spielberg. The celebrity appeared before the audience in the role of an angel. Fans were happy to see Audrey Hepburn on the screens again. The aged photos you see were taken around this time. This is exactly how she appeared before fans in the new film.

Year 1990

At the beginning of spring, the actress takes part in several concerts, the proceeds from which go to charity. Audrey read excerpts from The Diary of Anne Frank while M. T. Thomas's orchestra played. The actress visited several cities in America. And in 1991 she performed with a symphony orchestra from the capital of England.

Audrey takes part in the filming of the serial film Gardens of the World, initially in the Netherlands, and then in many other countries.

In mid-autumn, the actress travels to Vietnam for work; this event was poorly covered in the American press.

Audrey also visited Norway, where she took part in the Peace Concert. In addition to her, Francois Mitterrand and then the actress made a speech at the opening of the fund dedicated to the World Vaccination of Children. This took place in the capital of Italy. Looking at a photo of Audrey Hepburn in her old age, you can see that she looks a little tired. And this is not surprising - it was not always easy for the star to endure travel.

Year 1991

The actress hosts a program called The Fred Astaire Songbook, which airs on PBS. The series Gardens of the World begins to be shown on television. A book has also been released, and Audrey is signing autographs at a store in Manhattan.

At the beginning of summer, the actress speaks in Congress asking for help. African countries as fast as possible.

Year 1992

In the first month of autumn, Audrey arrives in Somalia, where war is in full swing. Once she said that she witnessed real horror - there was anarchy in the country, people had nothing to eat.

Then the actress returned to Switzerland.

Cause of death of Audrey Hepburn

Working for UNICEF was very hard and it took a lot of both physical and mental strength actresses. She had to deal with negative consequences your trips. My health gradually worsened.

When the actress was in Somalia, she had no idea that this was her last trip. However, Audrey soon developed a severe stomach ache. Somali doctors couldn't tell what the reason was because they didn't have necessary equipment. But they warned that these could be symptoms of some serious illness, and advised her to return to her homeland as soon as possible, but Audrey did not listen to them.

In mid-autumn, the actress, along with Robert Walders (she was dating this Dutch artist at that time), arrived in Los Angeles for a diagnosis. Doctors reported shocking news: Audrey had a stroke on November 1, 1992. surgical intervention to eliminate the tumor. The doctors assumed that now everything would be fine, that the actress was not in danger. But three weeks later, Audrey was admitted to hospital again with severe abdominal pain. Tests were performed and the results showed that cancer cells had spread throughout the colon and nearby tissues. The doctors understood: Audrey only had a couple of months to live. While she was in the clinic, friends often came to see her. They already understood that the actress would soon die, but they tried to support her as best they could. Together they recalled the past years, sad and joyful events. Their support was very important to Audrey, who tried no matter what.

Last days of life, funeral

After some time, the actress came to Toloshenaz, because in Los Angeles the doctors could no longer do anything for her. She spent her last Christmas holidays with her sons and Walders. She said it was the best best time in her life. The actress died on January 20, 1993. Of course, she was already elderly. At that time she was 63 years old. The actress was buried on January 24 in the town of Tolochenaz-sur-Mores. Numerous fans will always remember Audrey Hepburn. The years of the actress's life are carved on wooden cross- 1929-1993. I don’t want to believe that such a wonderful woman died, but the reality is cruel. There are always a lot of flowers at the actress’s grave - almost every day someone comes there, and this clearly indicates that the memory of her lives on, that she is still loved.

0 13 August 2014, 11:28

The September issue of the American Harper's Bazaar, which will be published on August 19, promises to be extremely interesting. In addition to the Iconic Women project, about which the cover makes it so, it will be decorated by 20-year-old Emma Ferrer, granddaughter.

Emma is the eldest daughter of Sean Ferrer, Hepburn's son from her first marriage to actor Mel Ferrer. She studies in Florence at the Academy of Fine Arts, her favorite film is Funny Face, and from her legendary grandmother she inherited almond-shaped eyes with sable eyebrows, several cashmere turtlenecks and a vintage teddy bear.

Emma was born in May 1994 - almost a year and a half after Audrey's death. Therefore, the first impressions and memories of my grandmother are associated with photography:

I remember looking at a photo of her jumping from a springboard. I didn’t realize then that she was a celebrity - I just thought that I would like to have such a friend. Of course, as a child I perceived her not as an actress, but as a family member.

When asked about her favorite movie, Emma answers:

Of course, like all girls, I like Breakfast at Tiffany's. I also watched the films "My wonderful lady" and "Roman Holiday", but my favorite is "Funny Face".

What else did she inherit from her grandmother, besides some recognizable features of her appearance?

Several cashmere turtlenecks that belonged to her are something I can’t imagine the cold season without: I adore them and wear them all winter. And also a white vintage teddy bear.

We invite you to evaluate the footage of the photo shoot, the author of which, by the way, was Michael Avedon, the 23-year-old grandson of the photography legend and contemporary of Audrey Richard Avedon. And although the word "muse" is used too often these days, in the case of Hepburn and Avedon this was exactly the case.

Emma Ferrer in a photo shoot for Harper's Bazaar

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