Office workers like. Useful tips for office workers. How to behave in the office. Office work

The phrase "office plankton" has firmly entered the lexicon of the Internet community and even left it, moving beyond the boundaries of the digital space. But what is this notorious plankton? Is there a new microscopic life in the offices? No, it’s just that some office workers are called this phrase, but it happens that everyone who works in offices is called office plankton.

Office work

To understand how office plankton appeared, you need to take a closer look at its habitat. The office is the place where the most important affairs of the present are decided. It is in its shiny bowels that multimillion-dollar transactions take place and agreements are concluded that bring changes to all of humanity. But what is it like to be one of the bolts in this tough money-making machine? The very existence of office plankton is a perfect answer to this question.

Countless monotonous cells for employees, excluding the opportunity to be alone with themselves, a strict work schedule that prescribes to be at the workplace from morning to evening and nothing else. Add to this the same type of paper work, the expediency of which is often incomprehensible even to the highest ranks. It turns out that the office is not such a great place as those who cross its threshold for the first time dream.

office worker

Who is this mysterious employee of the faceless bureaucratic machine? Usually this is a middle-class person with a higher education, at first full of ambitions and fantasies about a brighter future. Some employees find it difficult to even explain their occupation, they just “work in the office”. The main thing that adherents of office work need is stability. It is she who turns ardent young enthusiasts into office plankton.

These people need stability for a reason, because they usually have a lot of loans, perhaps even a mortgage or children. Therefore, the reduction for these ardent supporters of the stability of death is like. After all, you will have to look for a new office, get acquainted with a new team, get used to new responsibilities.


In addition to boring and monotonous work, the office is ready to provide its unhurried residents with a tough, monotonous schedule. Eight hours a day, five days a week, have to be spent in the office by unfortunate clerks. It is not surprising that over time, a person begins to while away the working day, doing all sorts of nonsense.

Of course, not only the schedule is to blame for this state of affairs. A lazy office worker is not an angel either, but a tough, not always logical schedule is the first thing that undermines the morale of a newly arrived clerk. After all, day after day, year after year, he will have to sit most of his day in a dull office cell.

Office work

In addition to a tedious schedule, there are many other factors that contribute to the degradation of a person, the complete loss of initiative and desire to work. The modern bureaucratic machine has grown to such an extent that an inadequately large number of people and efforts are needed to maintain it. Billions of unnecessary pieces of paper, huge costs of electricity and other resources.

All this is spent on maintaining a cumbersome system, the expediency of which is often incomprehensible to the people involved in it.

And if a person does not see the practical benefits of his work or does not even imagine why he performs certain actions, then what kind of initiative can we talk about? The unfortunate victim of a bloated bureaucratic system begins to lose its old goals and aspirations, becoming a robot, mechanically doing its job, waiting for lunch or the end of the working day.

Office plankton - ballast for employers

It would be foolish to assume that only representatives of office plankton suffer from the illogicality and rigidity of the system. The employer is also not delighted with the presence of useless elements in his company. After all, they all need to be paid wages, to provide a social package. Practice shows that even severe reductions in offices do not lead to loss of productivity. Moreover, this practice is necessary for many enterprises with unnecessarily bloated staff.

Of course, if you ask the office plankton, he will describe his work as extremely important and necessary, like any other bureaucrat. The main thing is to look smart and give as much importance to your figure as possible. But over time, more and more competent managers appear who easily identify and remove unnecessary people from their company.

Are there non-plankton workers in the offices?

After reading everything written above, one can come to the conclusion that only office plankton lives in offices. This is absolutely not the case, because in this case, the enterprises would have stopped long ago, but since they are still working, it means that there are still people who strive to do their job well. What is their secret? Why do some break under the weight of a monotonous routine, while others develop, turning into extra-class specialists? There is no single answer to this question, but much in this matter depends on the position held by the person.

Some types of office activities are absolutely not conducive to any kind of development. No matter how fresh and ardent a person is, such a position will “devour” all his strength, turning him into a lifeless apparatus for performing the same type of manipulation. Now, if a person came to work in a field that interests him, having the education and skills necessary to work in it, then the result will be completely different. Such an office worker will constantly grow and progress, gain experience and hone his skills.

Are unscrupulous employees harmful to society?

The one who suffers the most from the existence of office plankton is the plankton itself. Constant overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system, health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle, broken dreams of a brilliant career - these are just some of the problems that office workers pay for idleness.

What to do in order not to become an office plankton?

Unfortunately, a very impressive part of the population of our country is busy with office work in our time. Many professions, one way or another, bring their naive adherents to the office. What to do? Is the gray life of office plankton waiting for most of us? Of course not! The main problem of inactive office workers is the fear of change. It is the desire for stability and prosperity that destroys the joy of life given to everyone from birth.

Do not shake over your workplace, be afraid to change something in your life. After all, in this way, some are engaged in an unloved business for decades, gradually losing their human appearance, becoming a faceless cog in the system. Follow your heart, do what you love - and the fate of office plankton will never befall you!

Office work is one of the most common jobs today. The office is the same jungle, with its leaders, females, and newcomers who rake soundly, relying on someone else's prey. Here are some helpful tips for office workers to survive in the office.

Tip one: never walk down the hallway empty-handed. The office is the same army where a soldier without a shovel is perceived as a bum. Get in the habit, moving between offices or floors, to carry several documents, photocopies, in extreme cases, an excerpt from the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", printed in small print so that they do not read - believe me, the honored masters of "psychotechnics" will be able to make out the inverted text, even if you walk or run - after years of training in their complex art, they don’t even know how. If you are still caught by a button in the corridor, despite the “golden cockerel” in your hands, show participation on your face in half with the expression “I really need to run!”, And say something like this: “I really need to take this right there , yes, yes, not a moment of peace, they pulled me in the morning, yeah, I’ll look at you later. ” And start from the second gear - you are in a hurry to take it! And later, later you can forget, earn some money, maybe during this time, those who want to outweigh the monkey will find other free shoulders.

Tip two: while talking on the phone, do not be distracted by visitors, unless, of course, this is the boss or an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducting the evacuation of the building. If the desire of a colleague to load you with something is so great that your busy ears do not stop him, and he continues offensive movements in the direction of the table, make a very serious look, take a sheet of paper and start writing something quickly and quickly and ask the interlocutor again on at the other end of the wire (even if it is an answering machine in a cinema) - now you have not only your ears, but also your eyes and hands! The remaining free parts of the body of the "psychotech" are unlikely to be of interest, and most likely he will leave your territory to return later. And later, as already mentioned, he may well find other free shoulders.

Tip three- workaholic table. Do you like order on the table? In vain! For colleagues who want to outweigh their work on you, a clean desk is the same as a jar of sour cream for a week-old cat. They put things in order on the table, and now someone is already sneaking on soft paws with the most insidious plans - to fill your table with their papers, and your head with their problems. On the contrary, if your desk is not visible under the cultural layer of documents, articles, open folders and other stationery artifacts, rarely does a colleague have a desire to even once again ask you what time it is. Only when using the “workaholic table” technique is it important to remember one principle - at least once a week you need to change the exposure! If not, sooner or later one of the employees will notice that the folders are open on the same pages, and on a very important article there is a touch of office dust and a smiley drawn by some joker.

Tip four: if you have received a task from the most important boss, be sure to inform a colleague who wants to transfer his work to you. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to argue with the CEO for your immortal soul, or at least for working hours. Sometimes you can send a petitioner to your "superbison", under the pretext that the boss requires you to report for every second of working time, and if he allows, then you will definitely help with the presentation-report-project. As a rule, "psychotechnics" do not go to the authorities with such requests, they are well aware that instead of the monkey they wanted to "give" you, they can get a huge long-playing gorilla from your boss.

Tip five: in the most neglected cases, when the “psychotechnician” captures your working time, regardless of your employment and polite refusals, find your job responsibilities - they probably exist somewhere in the bowels of the personnel department, you’ll be lucky if they are signed by the most important boss and your “superbison” ”, make a copy for yourself, read it carefully and hang it near you in a prominent place. When honored masters of psychotechnics appear, begin to enthusiastically study the regulations with your eyes, as if in front of you is a recognized bestseller. If a colleague pretends that he doesn’t understand your transparent hints (He’s exactly pretending! Masters of “psychotechnics” are well aware that they are engaged in outweighing work, but they will never admit it to anyone. Unless at a terrible judgment.) start reading in a low voice point by point this sacred document, supplementing the reading with comments like: “This must be done today ... And this must have been done yesterday! A week ago!! Poison me!!! Corvalol! If the “psychotechnician” believes that you really have a universal emergency, he may even sympathize (They are so nice! Have you forgotten?), And if he realizes that they are frankly breaking a comedy in front of him, he will leave offendedly, thinking what a bastard you have become.

Tip six: sometimes pretend to be a vegetable. Don't worry, your reputation will not suffer much if you sometimes pretend that you don't understand what they want from you. The main thing at the same time is to correctly control facial expressions: surprise, participation, bewilderment, universal respect in the face of the one who performs such a complex Work. The most appropriate expressions for the situation are: “I had no idea that THIS even existed! What difficult assignments they give you, you are a true professional! Do you already have a general idea of ​​what to do with IT? Awesome! In order to convince a colleague for sure that you don’t understand anything at all about the issue with which he approached, you can advise something absolutely meaningless. For example: “Help me write a financial justification for the introduction of a new recycling technology in Kozulka?”, “Well, write that this will make Kozulka the tourist center of the area! Won't do it? I don’t even know what else…”

By the way, if a miracle happens and the boss brings a new young employee to your department, patting him on the shoulder in a friendly way and saying his sacred phrase: “I think you will work together!”, And the fire of labor enthusiasm will bloom in the eyes of the miracle, urgently what he will be able to do for you, until the soul of this innocent creature began to be fed with pies with apples by Mary Petrovna from the office. At the same time, warn him that the pies are tasteless, even if this is not true, and that the employee’s table should always be in exemplary order.

Skills and abilities without which office workers nothing to do in today's corporate world!

  • What should office workers know and be able to do?
  • Without what to count on any success in vain?


1. Sociability.

Living in a forest or on a desert island, you don't have to worry about it too much. It will be enough for all squirrels and insects to mumble something inarticulate. In modern offices, such lowing performed by an office worker is hard to imagine. This is how the coolest and most successful company collapses. Employees, colleagues, clients are not squirrels, and the office is not a forest! Office work involves the joint activities of different people to achieve the goals of the company, namely, growth, development and increase in profits. Helping the company to achieve these goals, the employee - an increase in personal income, career growth, self-realization, and so on.

  • The very first skill of an office worker is the ability to communicate!

Sociability implies the ability to get acquainted, keep up a conversation, correctly express one's thoughts, giving clear instructions to subordinates. It's nice to work side by side with a sociable colleague who knows how to joke and suggest something, and not with a monument that sits quietly in its corner all day. This quality is all the more important if the employee is ambitious and does not plan to sit in the same place for years, but wants to make a successful career.

Another important aspect is the ability of an office worker to clearly express his thoughts if there is a desire to make a successful career. As you know, time is the most valuable resource. If a leader is forced to procrastinate his subordinates for half an hour about the essence of the problem and, as he would like it to be solved, only because he does not know how to correctly formulate and express his thoughts, then this is an inefficient use of time. But another leader, who can clearly and concisely express thoughts, could explain his vision of the problem to his subordinates, say, in 5 minutes, and in such a way that everything would immediately become clear to everyone. The same applies to overly lengthy meetings, planning meetings, etc.

2. Computer skills.

If a couple of decades ago, you reported at work that you are good at computers, then you would be looked at as an alien. Today, everything is exactly the opposite. The inability of an office worker to use a computer does not climb into any gates ... Such an employee is perceived as lagging behind life and modern office requirements.

  • As a rule, it is not difficult to master a computer, especially if even many pensioners have already mastered it. Without this, an office worker today is in no way!

3. Endurance.

In companies, there is more and more work for each employee, monthly and quarterly plans are increasing. Competition forces business owners to do more work with fewer people. office workers. Employees with endurance are able not only to withstand these loads, but also to think about career growth. The most important source of endurance is sports. Being actively engaged in it, we become more trained, which allows us to more easily withstand the daily office stress. It is necessary to try to always keep yourself in good physical shape, and not only for office work.

  • Going in for sports is one of the forms of investment in your own future!

4. Intelligence.

Of course, it is of great importance not only for office work, but can be "useful" in many life situations. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. And why is intelligence so important for an office worker? Because the amount of knowledge needed to succeed is increasing every year, and they are becoming more complicated. The amount of information is growing like an avalanche. An office worker with a low level of intelligence will definitely face difficulties in handling large amounts of information. The mental abilities of different people can differ dramatically. But it has long been proven that if the mind is not trained and developed, then the highest intelligence can be transformed into a mediocre one. To be able to properly, you need to take care of.

  • It is necessary to constantly read something useful, load the brains and develop memory. Like other muscles, if the brain is not loaded, then it becomes decrepit, weakens and becomes incapable of the task.

5. Stress resistance.

With this you can work, train and develop. If an ordinary office worker is driven to white heat by a low-paid job, then how is he going to make a career, subsequently doing more important and responsible things? Office workers aiming for something more need to train themselves to have a calm attitude towards life and failure. Do not blame yourself after each failure for the fact that the poor fellow who committed it is not capable of anything ... And do not constantly repeat: “Well! I knew I would fail." When you make a mistake, it's enough to remind yourself that everyone makes them, and it's quite natural to occasionally fail at your best. Anything can happen in office work ... Since an error has nevertheless occurred, you just need to figure out what led to it and move on.

It is also useful to remember that there will always be events that can piss off even a calm office worker, and a nervous one even more so. You can often see such "professionals" who, occupying some kind of primitive position, are constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They are kind of twitchy, nervous, always on edge. And what will happen to the psyche of such office workers if they are promoted, and the work becomes more responsible and stressful? And you can also meet professionals who, doing a lot of things during the working day, calmly solve one problem after another, methodically coping with a pile of problems, while remaining calm and balanced. They understood one important thing: nervous strain takes away very much. And doing things calmly, this energy accumulates and is redirected directly to the daily tasks performed, as a result, a balanced worker manages to do much more than his nervous colleagues in a day.

  • Stress resistance is the ability to perform one's job duties, as well as the ability to effectively solve problems that arise daily, without spending excessive nervous energy on this.

6. Ability to resolve conflicts.

In almost every office, you can meet employees who are the instigators of conflicts and constant sources of some kind of tension. Even if they work very well, the bosses tolerate these sources of office problems only for the time being. And there are office workers who only by their appearance inspire some kind of calm and tranquility, fine. This is not only a valuable office skill, but a useful skill outside the office. It is much wiser and more useful to learn to be one of these workers than the instigator of office squabbles and scandals. The ability of an office worker to resolve conflicts allows you to save your health, experience less stress and depression. Also, as noted in the previous paragraph, this makes it possible to do much more things in a day without wasting precious energy on conflicts and scandals.

  • As for the authorities, they really appreciate such office workers and, if there is a need to promote someone, then the masters of conflict resolution ... are one of the first to come to mind.

7. Diligence.

If the "hard worker" is lazy by nature, then no matter how he disguises it, sooner or later others will understand that the worker is lazy and works well in the office only when he is being watched. The complete or partial lack of industriousness of an office worker is fraught with the fact that at the first crisis, parasites will be the most likely candidates for dismissal. And asking for some kind of salary increase for them is a real torment. If the authorities suspect one of the subordinates that he is working carelessly, then the increase in the salary of such an employee for the management will be the very last task on the list of priorities. Often such "hard workers" for a long time and to no avail knock on the thresholds of the boss's office, trying in vain to knock out for themselves at least some increase in salary.

8. The normal appearance of an office worker.

Sometimes it happens that when you go into the office of a company, you don’t understand: either you got to the station, or all the employees have just returned from a community work day ... Well, where does this fit? What do customers think when they enter such an office? Does this make them think about the seriousness and reliability of the company? If someone decides to achieve something significant, then you need to dress accordingly. For office workers, the most suitable was and remains the business style of clothing. About the appearance of men.

  • Even if the manual does not emphasize this, you must train yourself to dress appropriately.

9. Memory.

It is not always possible to write down all tasks and assignments in a notebook. Often, an office worker needs to grasp the essence of many assignments on the fly, and immediately begin to implement them. If some essential details are periodically forgotten, then much more time will be spent on the implementation of the case. These constant questions and clarifications will make the boss, in the end, think about the mental abilities of the employee.

  • Therefore, try at every opportunity to train your own memory. There are a lot of methods for developing memory, and many can be found with just a few clicks of a computer mouse.

10. Search for information.

The ability to quickly find the information you need is an office skill that will come in handy in almost any position. Some workers can spend half a day looking for urgently needed information, while others can find it on the Internet in five minutes. On the Web, you can find anything, or almost everything. The only difference is that some workers know how to do it, while others will roam the endless expanses for hours, but they won’t find anything ...

There are other conditions for success office workers, but without these ten - there is nothing to do at all!

An office worker, together with colleagues, helps the company develop, grow and prosper. If an employee makes every effort to achieve a common goal, he helps himself, namely, increases his own profit. By working for the good of the company, an office worker can qualify for a promotion and a higher salary.

Features of the work of an office employee

Performing work qualitatively, a person realizes himself, respectively, understands his significance and value.

An office worker can be a secretary, manager, PC operator. Each of them has certain responsibilities depending on the position. When applying for a job, it is necessary that the list of direct duties be provided by the employer in writing. It is important to ask the director in detail and obtain written confirmation of the necessary responsibilities. In some cases, the employer offers unfavorable working conditions, and instead of a list of direct duties, you also receive additional ones that do not correspond to the salary that you are offered.

Before hiring, the manager is submitted a resume, which includes a photo of the future employee. Often, the employer trains office staff at their own expense and provides advanced training courses. Free training for an employee is quite conditional, since the employer himself is interested in making his subordinates work well.

To work for the benefit of the company, it is necessary to constantly improve your own knowledge, apply it in practice, and gain new experience. For advanced training, there are special courses that will definitely help in the future. It is desirable that the employer creates comfortable conditions for his staff.

Comfortable work furniture will help prevent office workers from getting sick. An employee must be able to communicate, this is one of the main rules. The employee must be sociable, be able to establish contacts with people, get acquainted, behave competently in a conversation. You need to try to be friendly and not gloomy. An office worker should be friendly with colleagues. You should not sit silently at the workplace, monotonously performing your duties, and wait for the end of the working day. Communication is a very important quality that will help you move up the career ladder.

What qualities should an office worker have?

Another important criterion by which an office worker is evaluated is literacy. A person must have logical thinking and be able to clearly express his thoughts. It is desirable that the office worker does not have a speech accent and problems with diction. If an employee cannot express thoughts correctly, it may happen that colleagues spend a lot of time clarifying them. If an employee is to participate in planning meetings, you must remember that you need to competently, but concisely put forward your thoughts and ideas.

It is necessary to make sure that planning meetings do not drag out and colleagues do not waste time in vain. Another rule - an office worker must have a good command of a computer - in the modern world, this rule is not something unusual. If a person does not know how to use a computer, he will definitely be perceived as behind the times. Without this requirement, work in the office will not succeed.

Another important trait that an office worker should have is endurance. In modern companies, the working rhythm is constantly increasing. Employers are trying to reduce the number of employees, and those who already have work must do it in large enough volumes. An office worker must be hardy and withstand the loads that are placed on his shoulders. As an incentive, you should think about career growth. To increase the level of endurance, it is recommended to go in for sports: thanks to sports, a person becomes more trained and able to withstand heavy loads.

In addition to the above requirements, office workers must have good intelligence, which is useful not only at work, but also in other life situations. It is worth knowing that every year knowledge is improved, in connection with this, intelligence needs to be developed. It has been proven that even the most developed intellect without additional nourishment can turn into a primitive one. If an office worker has a low level of intelligence, it is likely that he will encounter difficulties in processing large amounts of information. It is necessary to nourish the brain and be on the way to your own development. It is recommended to read books, pronounce tongue twisters, do memorization exercises.

Endurance and friendliness is the key to success!

Each employee of the office should know what the initial briefing program is and why it is carried out. Another quality for successful work is resistance to stress. If a person has a high goal in life, he needs to learn to calmly relate to difficult situations that develop at work. Moreover, you should train a calm attitude to failure. It is necessary to be aware that in the process of work there will always be events that lead out of peace of mind. The professionalism of any employee lies in the fact that day after day he performs certain work (even in large volumes), but at the same time remains calm, calm and restrained. A calm worker can get more done than his nervous colleagues.

An office worker must be able to resolve the existing conflict situations without fail. Almost every company has people trying to get attention in a scandalous way. An office worker must inspire confidence. Being next to him, colleagues should feel peace, calmness. Being the instigator of conflicts and scandals is extremely unreasonable. If a person smooths out conflict situations, he does the right thing not only in relation to the company where he works, but also in relation to his own health. Office workers should be friendly and hardworking.

If a person by nature has such a quality as laziness, this will become clear to the boss. The director will immediately notice that a particular person works well only when they are observed. If a person creates the appearance of work, there is every chance that he will be a candidate for dismissal, and there can be no talk of an increase in salary. The dress code for an office worker must be observed without fail. Clothing style should be modest and businesslike. Another important feature of this employee is a good memory. An office worker does not always have the opportunity to record important information; therefore, it is necessary to train memory.

Every company, organization and every office has its own characters with special characteristics. Regardless of their position, a certain image is assigned to them, and, of course, they receive various nicknames.

In this article, we will find out how employees in English-speaking offices are characterized. Most of the expressions are informal and are often used in colloquial speech. Let's get acquainted with them and, probably, you will recognize one of your colleagues, and maybe even yourself!

Abreadwinner- a worker who feeds his entire family with his work.

Acareerwoman- a business woman who, to the detriment of her personal life, actively participates in professional activities and strives for career growth.

a cowboy- unscrupulous worker, rogue.

Adesk jockey- office scribbler, clerk, "desk jockey" (similar to a disc jockey)

Afloater- a person who often changes jobs, a temporary employee.

A hack- a corrupt person who easily gives up his own beliefs for material gain and works only for money.

A number cruncher- an employee involved in complex calculations (accountant, statistician): "number grinder".

Apaper-shuffler- an employee who creates the appearance of work, doing nothing, only sorting through the papers on the table.

A pencil pusher / pen-pusher- an office worker performing routine work, a clerical rat (with a negative connotation), a paper worker.

Aself-starter- initiative, independent, enterprising employee who is able to independently determine the task for himself or independently find opportunities for new projects.

Aslavedriver- the boss is a tyrant, forcing subordinates to work excessively during working and non-working hours.

A suit- an employee in a high position, so he goes to work in a suit (senior manager, head of department).

A team player- team player. This is the name of a person who works better in a team than on his own, and easily finds a common language with colleagues.

A wage slave- hired slave: a person who is completely dependent on earning income at his workplace; as a rule, it is hard and not prestigious work.

The attention- seeker These people love to be in the spotlight. At the same time, they invent various stories, gossip and retell them hundreds of times.

The backstabber- this name comes from an idiom: Stab somebody in the back (slander, slander behind your back). Such a person may seem friendly and affable, but in fact he can "sit out" or report to the authorities about your violations.

The boss's pet- Chef's favorite.

The clock watch- one who rather waits for the end of the working day than works. An employee who constantly looks at the clock during working hours and does not stay longer than the allotted time at work.

The dogsbody / the gofer- "errand boy", a person who does dirty and hard work in the office.

Thejack-of-all-trades-"jack of all trades": a worker who understands many industries, knows how to perform various jobs, or one who grabs a lot of tasks, but does not really know how to do anything.

The jobs worth- this disapproving word is called bureaucrats, and those people who strictly follow the rules of the company, the law, and use them as excuses for their poor work or inaction. Their favorite phrases are: "It's not in my power" or "It's not in the rules of the company."

The little general- a person who holds a low position, but endowed with some kind of authority. As a result, "little generals" give orders to other employees and try to dispose of the office. A typical example is security guards or receptionists.

The new boy- A novice who is thrown off all the most unpleasant work.

The office bore- a colleague who likes to joke and tell jokes, but no one laughs at his jokes.

The office bully- a person who likes to humiliate employees.

The office climber- an employee who is constantly trying to move up the career ladder, to get a higher position.

The office gossip- an office gossip who knows all the latest office news and doesn't mind discussing it with someone.

The office joker / office prankster- "prankster": a person who jokes with colleagues, plays pranks and makes them laugh.

The office know- it- all- this is the one who knows the answers to all questions, likes to teach others and make comments to them, "know-it-all".

The office letch- a lecher, a "concerned person", usually a middle-aged man who makes indecent jokes and tries to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The office saboteur- a person who deliberately creates problems for his colleagues.

The office stirrer- a troublemaker who does not allow others to work with his jokes, stories, screams, antics.

Therainmaker- a very successful worker who earns a lot of money.

The slack/ sloppy worker- this is the name of people who quickly get bored with their activities and they are in a hurry to finish the task as soon as possible and not always with high quality. These workers have poor concentration.

The techie bighead- A technology expert who solves all problems related to computers and loves to talk about them. Often such individuals ridicule colleagues for their ignorance and use many terms in speech that others do not understand. Such a person is also called the techno-freak - obsessed with technology.

The whizz- an expert, a person who is well versed in something.

The yes- men- a disapproving expression that denotes a toady person who always agrees with his superiors in order to put himself in a good light and earn the approval of his superiors.

INackroomboys- employees engaged in secret and research work.

Well, did you recognize in these descriptions one of your employees, subordinates or acquaintances? If you associate an expression or word with a certain person or situation, then it will be remembered much better.

Good luck in learning English!

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