Why did the Tolokonnikov artist die? Son about the cause of Tolokonnikov’s death: The father’s heart could not stand it due to a chronic illness. Latest news from the "Culture" section

MOSCOW, July 16 – RIA Novosti. Theater and film actor Vladimir Tolokonnikov, who played Sharikov in the film “Heart of a Dog,” died at the age of 75.

The artist died in Moscow, where he had recently returned after filming in Gelendzhik, on Sunday night. “His son wrote to me about this today at four in the morning (01.00 Moscow time),” a representative of the Lermontov Theater in Almaty, where for a long time Tolokonnikov worked.

A memorial farewell will take place at the theater on Monday. The actor will be buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

The cause of Tolokonnikov's death has not yet been announced. According to his theater colleagues, in recent months he was seriously ill.

Sharikov and Hottabych

Vladimir Tolokonnikov was born on June 25, 1943 in Alma-Ata. Co school years was engaged in amateur activities. His first place of work was the Theater for Young Spectators in Kuibyshev (now Samara), where the actor came after the army.

In 1973, Tolokonnikov graduated from the acting department of the Yaroslavl Theater School, and then returned to hometown and became an actor at the Republican Academic Theater of Russian Drama named after Lermontov. On this stage he played more than three hundred roles - Firs in “The Cherry Orchard”, Luke in “At the Bottom”, Cardinal Wolsey in “The Royal Games” and many others.

Tolokonnikov made his film debut in 1981 in the action film The Last Crossing. But he became widely known only seven years later, after Vladimir Bortko’s film “Heart of a Dog,” in which he played the role of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.

Then the actor repeatedly appeared on movie screens. Among his works are “Cloud-Paradise”, “Dreams of an Idiot”, “Sky in Diamonds”, “The One Who is Tender”, “Hottabych”, “Black Sheep”, roles in television series.

The role of Sharikov brought Tolokonnikov the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers, and the film "Hottabych" - the MTV-2007 film award in the category "Best Comedy Role".

The actor was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR. In 2009 he was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship.

Tolokonnikov was married and raised two sons, one of whom also became an actor.

“Pathos and swagger were alien to him”

Tolokonnikov’s theater colleagues remember the actor with great warmth.

“It’s hard to believe that we, colleagues and comrades of Vladimir Alekseevich, will never again hear behind the scenes, in the dressing rooms, his characteristic laughter, jokes, anecdotes. And that he will never again appear on stage in “Family Portrait with a Stranger” - a performance that seemed to never die..." says a message on the Lermontov Theater page on Facebook.

The actors highly appreciate Tolokonnikov's human qualities. “Pathos, swagger, complacency were alien to him... Vladimir Alekseevich was a very gambling person - he easily agreed to participate in a flash mob at the Almaty airport, going out to air passengers in the costume of the Governor from the play “The Inspector General.” Although theoretically he could have refused, citing being busy ", they say.

According to their recollections, “with truly deafening popularity and popular love, Vladimir Alekseevich passed away from the cup of stardom; rather, he was distinguished by cardiac excess.” Colleagues say that he was an example for young people and never let his native theater down.

As for the star role Tolokonnikova, then, according to the actor’s colleagues, she immortalized him.

“True, Vladimir Alekseevich himself did not really like being associated with a negative, albeit incredibly charming character,” the artists recall.

Director Vladimir Bortko also shared his impressions of working with Tolokonnikov.

"I remember him from our working together, although it was thirty years ago, it turned out to be quite successful. And this success is largely due to him. I have been lucky in my life to have met such an actor. I would like to say that it was very big and a good man", he said in an interview with the channel.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed condolences to the actor's family and friends.

"He had a unique acting gift, which allowed him to play dozens of memorable roles in theater and cinema, to win sincere love millions of people,” the telegram says.

According to Medvedev, the audience loved Tolokonnikov “for his amazing talent for transformation, bright originality and charm.” Colleagues and famous directors, Medvedev noted, they valued the actor’s professionalism, the ability to organically enter into the character, to accurately convey the author’s intention and the character of his hero.

The success of “Heart of a Dog” exceeded all expectations. Following its successful debut in the Soviet Union, the film triumphantly traveled to another 32 countries and was included in one hundred best films centuries. Vladimir Tolokonnikov instantly became a global star. The role of Sharikov, brilliantly played by the 45-year-old actor, brought him official recognition in the form of a State Prize and popular love.

Vladimir Alekseevich noted that Bulgakov is one of his favorite writers.

“Even before my role in “Heart of a Dog,” I read Bulgakov secretly in samizdat, in reprints. Of course, I had a desire to re-read it again and again. Undoubtedly, Bulgakov is a genius and it’s not for nothing that his grave is located on Novodevichy next to Gogol’s. I visited Bulgakov in May of this year. I lit a candle. I looked at Bulgakov’s house, where the museum is being built. We are now kind of friends with Bulgakov. So I like to play Bulgakov’s Moliere. But after the release of the film “Heart of a Dog” I had to read the devastating articles . No foreigners can understand our "devastation" in the heads. Bulgakov's Sharik and Shvonder will live in us for a long time. After all, nothing changes! It's not for nothing that "Heart of a Dog" was kept under a hollow for 50 years. Bulgakov guessed everything that would happen to us. Yes What can I say, as long as they watch this film, I’ll be alive!” he said.

Also remembered for his work in such films as “Ghost” (Vanya), “Cloud-Paradise” (Filomeev), “Dreams of an Idiot” (Kozlevich), “Catcatcher Silver” (Silver), “Shanghai” (Stepanych), “House at the Salty lakes" (captain Sergeev).

Played main role in the film P.V. Tochilin's "Hottabych", embodying on the screen the image of an ancient genie confronted with modern Internet culture. For his role as Hottabych, he received the 2007 MTV Film Award in the category “Best Comedy Role.”

He starred in famous domestic TV series: “Citizen Chief” (forensic expert), “Two Fates” (Nadya’s grandfather), “Plot” and “Enchanted Plot” (accountant Yulyukin), “Deadly Force-5” (Uncle Sasha), “Soldiers” (Evgeniy Petrovich), “Ensign Shmatko” (Uncle Zhenya), “Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions" (Russian language teacher Akim) and others.

He successfully worked on TV in Kazakhstan - he hosted the humorous program “Tolobaiki” (analogous to the Russian “Gorodok”). Together with Gennady Balaev, they acted out various stories and anecdotes on the screen. Tolokonnikov himself selected the costumes for all the scenes and composed the plots. The program was broadcast on the Kazakh channel KTK for many years. At one time it was demonstrated in Russia.

Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Theater Workers of Kazakhstan.

Awarded the Order of “Kurmet”, Friendship (RF), the medal “Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945." (1965), Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1990), independent prize "Platinum Tarlan". Person of the Year 2005 “For contribution to the development of theatrical art in Kazakhstan.” Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“An actor is a working unit. He has been given a diploma to act. Previously, our actors were divided by role. And in the newspapers they even advertised - I still saw such times: “This theater needs a comedian actor or a character actor, or an en-genue.” Then there were roles. I also had to play the situation. You grab yourself by the scruff of the neck. And you do it. But it’s digestible. Not for pleasure, really. Now, I think, an actor should play everything. An actor is a subservient instrument. What they give you, that’s what you’ll play," Vladimir Alekseevich believed.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov died on July 16, 2017 in Moscow. IN Lately before his death, he worked on the set of the continuation of the series “Super Beavers” in Russia.

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