Refusal of a weapons license sample application. Japan's refusal of firearms as a technological regression. Cancellation of a hunting license

Permits, which include permission to purchase civilian weapons, as well as a license to store and carry it, must be obtained from the licensing department, having previously collected a package of documents, undergone a medical examination and completed special courses.

Cancellation of a weapons permit is a procedure that almost always does not occur at the initiative of the owner. The Internet is overflowing with forums where citizens are trying to find justice, because, in their opinion, they were deprived without reason.

Reason for revocation of license

Cancellation of a weapons license is within the competence of the executive authority that issued the license. Issues of permitting work are entrusted to the regional Department of the Russian Guard, under whose department licensing and permitting departments were formed.

The regulations of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” establish the procedure for cancellation and indicate all possible reasons and grounds. In parallel with this document, it is necessary to consider the Code of Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001, the Government Resolution of July 21, 1998, as well as Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 646, which is also a regulation.

  • A license can be revoked upon the voluntary expression of the owner of the weapon. An example would be a situation where a citizen decided to stop hunting for a certain period of time. In order not to pay fees, he submits an application for cancellation.
  • The license is automatically canceled after the death of the owner of the weapon.
  • Permits can be issued to a legal entity. When a legal entity is liquidated, the permit is also revoked.
  • OLRR employees can revoke a weapons license by court decision.
  • Also, the cancellation procedure is facilitated by other circumstances that were objective reason refusal to issue this permit.
  • The last reason is cancellation of the hunting ticket.

Now let's look at the possible nuances that arise for each basis. It is these nuances that cause endless disputes, because deprivation of a license risks the fact that a citizen is prohibited not only from storing, but also from purchasing weapons.

Voluntary Cancellation

At first sight this situation will seem unreal. Indeed, who wants at will part with a license when incredible efforts, time and money were spent to obtain it. We have already given one of the situations, but there are a number of other cases of such a procedure for liquidating a permit.

  • Breakdown and damage to weapons, provided that they cannot be repaired or restored.
  • The decision to completely stop owning weapons, that is, the citizen decided to hand over the weapons completely.
  • Alienation of weapons. Some penalties include the confiscation of the weapon, but not the loss of the license.

It often happens that people apply to the department to cancel their license for the reason that the hunting rifle is outdated or broken, and there are no plans to purchase a new one. The weapon itself must be handed over for recycling. There are many situations with weapons, including non-standard ones.

If a citizen does not want to dispose of the gun and for some reason was unable to sell it, then the license is canceled and the weapon is transferred to the department. The transfer of weapons to the OLRR is documented, and this document is handed over to the former owner.

Please note that selling or transferring a weapon to another person real owner has rights only with the permission of OLRR. Repossessed weapons can be sold, but the seller and buyer must visit the department to do so. The weapon is submitted for examination, where its compliance with the basic technical characteristics is established.

The donation or sale will be carried out by the owner; department employees are not concerned about this. Their task is to provide documentary support for the transaction. After a certain time, the new owner will pick up the weapon along with the relevant permits.

At the time of the transaction, the seller must still have a valid license, and the buyer must have permission to purchase. Otherwise, their actions will be regarded as a crime, for which violators may be deprived of their documents and their weapons confiscated.

Due to death

Weapons, including ammunition for weapons, are inherited along with other valuables and real estate on a general basis. Immediately after the death of a citizen, ammunition and weapons belonging to him are subject to confiscation by OLRR employees. The seized weapons are stored in the department until the heirs document the rights of inheritance.

The shelf life is one year. To return the weapon, the new owner must present a document confirming the right of inheritance, as well as a license to purchase. The right to sell weapons is assigned to him.

Due to liquidation of a legal entity

In practice, gun owners are not only individuals, but also entire companies. In the event of liquidation of the company, how legal entity, the license is canceled, and all weapons are sent for temporary storage to the LRO department.

The transfer of weapons occurs strictly according to the protocol, which indicates the date. The procedure for handing over a weapon to the department is exactly the same as the procedure for handing over an individual.

In connection with the court decision

Offenses committed by citizens in relation to the circulation of weapons are a good reason for the liquidation of the license. It must be emphasized that, according to statistics, this basis is most often found in judicial practice. Chapter 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is devoted to the issues of when exactly a permit can be taken away with or without confiscation of the weapon itself.

  • The main deadlines for issuing permits are regulated. If a citizen does not meet these deadlines, then the court, motivating his activities with Article 20.8. This article, in addition to a fine, provides for the deprivation of a weapons license for an administrative offense related to failure to comply with registration deadlines.
  • Article 20.9 of the code provides for a similar punishment if the owner of a civil or even service weapon installs an additional silencer or night vision device.
  • Homemade Airguns and its sale is also considered a violation of the law with the ensuing consequences. This is stated in article 20.10.
  • After purchasing a weapon, the owner is required to report to the department within a maximum of two weeks. Delay may result in the permit being revoked. The punishment is determined by clause 20.11.
  • The established requirements apply to the transportation of weapons. Failure to comply with these requirements will be considered as administrative violation under Article 20.12.
  • For violation of hunting rules related to shooting in an unspecified place, the court can not only take away the ROHA, but also the license to store weapons itself. Although in some cases the very confiscation of a hunting license automatically leads to the cancellation of permits.

Despite the fact that the law defines cancellation by the executive authority that issued the document, in most cases it is the court decision that is considered the basis. But it is OLRR that directly confiscates the weapon and liquidates the license.

Other circumstances

To consider this issue, it is necessary to refer to the requirements that are presented to a citizen when applying for a license. If a license has already been issued, then one of the reasons for refusal to issue is a direct basis for the liquidation of the previously issued document.

Let us remind you that this may be a discrepancy with medical indicators, a criminal record, the presence of administrative penalties for violation public order. But let's look at these reasons in more detail.

  • Violation of public order entails the imposition of an administrative penalty. If this happens again within a year, the citizen will be deprived of his license. It should be noted that not every offense meets this point. For example, violation of traffic rules also leads to administrative liability, but this violation cannot be qualified as an attack on the peace of citizens. If the owner of a weapon, while drunk, begins to display a pistol, and even in a crowded place, and also starts shooting, then if such an act is repeated, the court, in addition to the main fine, will decide to revoke the license.
  • Offenses related to the use or distribution of drugs even entail criminal liability. One such violation is enough to deprive you of documents for weapons.
  • Emerging mental problems will not allow a citizen to receive an appropriate certificate when undergoing a medical examination. Unfortunately, this is revealed only when documents are drawn up to extend the permit.
  • Continuing the topic of health, it is necessary to note some other diseases that contribute to further withdrawal of a license, these are, first of all, diseases of the organs of vision, trauma to the limbs, damage to the hands.
  • Incarceration or conviction for murder automatically results in the revocation of your weapons permit.
  • The last point we will consider is the most controversial. By law, when applying for a license, a citizen is required to provide a passport and show registration. This means that the owner of the weapon must have the main document with him and also be registered for permanent residence. Not only deregistration causes the license to be revoked, but also damage to a personal document.

The court's decision is not the annulment itself. This decision must go to the LRR department and be legally formalized. The citizen is sent on official letterhead written notice indicating the reasons for cancellation.

A citizen has a chance to overturn such a decision in a higher court. To do this, he must submit the appropriate petition. Moreover, 10 days are counted not from the moment of receipt of the notification from the OLRR, but from the moment the court makes a decision.

Sooner or later, every person who has an “injury” is faced with the fact that his license for traumatic weapon. This phenomenon imposes a ban on carrying and storing the said object. Its presence in a citizen can entail criminal liability. However, with the right actions, problems can be avoided. What is it about? What to do if the license for a particular traumatic weapon has expired? How can I reissue it? Is it possible to extend the validity of the document? What papers are useful in this situation? Understanding all these aspects is not as difficult as it might seem.

Extension or re-registration

The first step is to understand what exactly you will have to do if your license for a traumatic weapon has expired. Such objects are a fairly common form of self-defense. But the law in Russia states that the owner of a “trauma” is required to have permission in the established form to store and carry weapons.

If the license has expired, it can be renewed. This is normal practice. There is no need to fill out the paperwork again. If only we're talking about about new weapons. Accordingly, the delay of the license provides for the extension of the mentioned document.


Despite this, we must take into account that the right to carry and store traumatic weapons can be lost over time. Even if the citizen has a license in the established form.

A traumatic pistol (like other weapons) cannot be carried or stored:

  • incapacitated persons;
  • minors;
  • who have committed an administrative violation (restriction for a year);
  • people without a fixed place of residence;
  • convicted or in custody;
  • persons registered in drug and psychodispensaries;
  • for those who did not provide a complete package of papers for registration/renewal of a license.

In any case, if the document you are studying has expired, you will have to think about renewing it. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Often, the initial registration of the appropriate permit is more troublesome.

Where to go

The first question that a citizen has is: “Where should I go if my license for a traumatic weapon has expired?” It is advisable not to delay its extension. But where is this operation performed?

Today, citizens can bring their idea to life in the following bodies:

  • district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • MFC (in some regions);
  • portal "Government Services".

More and more often, the population is using the latter scenario. Nevertheless, appeals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs still have good demand among citizens. This is the fastest, simplest and most effective solution.


Do you want to renew your license for a traumatic weapon? What is needed to achieve the task? At proper preparation this process will not take much time.

The algorithm of actions looks something like this:

  1. Collection of all necessary papers to renew the document. A complete list of them will be presented later.
  2. Complete gun safety training. This stage is mandatory, especially during the initial execution of the mentioned document. Special courses are organized to obtain a license for traumatic weapons. You can learn how to safely handle such items only in special educational institutions that have received permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Medical examination of the body. Every citizen is required to report on his health to the licensing authority.
  4. Submitting an application for license renewal. For example, on traumatic pistol. The application is accompanied by a package of documents collected in advance, a medical certificate and an extract issued by the training center.
  5. Payment of the state fee for the operation.
  6. Waiting for a decision. If everything is done correctly, the citizen will have his gun license renewed. Otherwise, you will either have to accept the ban, or correct the mistakes made and resubmit the request to one or another body.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about this. In particular, if the citizen already had a license. The main thing is to hurry up with its extension.

About the medical examination

Has your license for traumatic weapons expired? As already mentioned, a person will have to undergo a medical examination, during which the state of health will be confirmed.

Private medical centers They offer entire complexes for obtaining an extract of the established form. It is enough to contact one or another institution and ask to sign up for an examination to obtain a license to carry and store traumatic weapons.

What doctors will you have to see? Among them are:

  • therapist (family doctor/general practitioner);
  • narcologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

In this case, it is usually not necessary to see a neurologist. But you will have to bring certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. After all, every citizen is obliged to prove his adequacy. After a medical examination, the person will be given a certificate of form 046-1. This is what will come in handy in the future.

About documents

Do you need a license for a traumatic weapon? Documents requested by government agencies during initial or repeated paperwork play a role important role. There is no serious paperwork involved in implementing the process. Some problems may arise when passing the medical commission, but nothing more.

So, if a person has an expired license for a traumatic weapon, he must bring with a statement of the established form:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of completion of training in a special institution;
  • photographs (2 pieces, size 3x4);
  • military ID (for men);
  • hunting license (if we are talking about hunting weapons);
  • old license.

It would be enough. Usually citizens make do with the first 4 papers. They are submitted to the relevant registration authority along with:

  • permission to purchase weapons (especially when obtaining a license for the first time);
  • receipt of payment of the duty (100 rubles);
  • weapon insurance;
  • spent cartridges in special packaging.

In addition, a citizen must submit his weapon for inspection to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All accompanying documents issued upon purchase will have to be attached to it.

About training

The next important step is training. As already mentioned, a citizen must take special courses to obtain a license for traumatic weapons. This operation is necessary both for the initial execution of the document and for its renewal.

At courses in special institutions (you will have to learn about them separately in each region) you will learn:

  • use weapons carefully;
  • will introduce you to the law “On Weapons”;
  • will tell you how to store and carry weapons;
  • will report liability for lack of a license.

All this is extremely useful. The training will not be in vain. Only after this the registration authority will make a positive decision on the extension of the mentioned paper. In addition, you will have to buy a safe to store weapons. Without it, permission in the established form will not be obtained.

Submitting an application

Do you need a license to purchase traumatic weapons? As soon as a person submits an application in the prescribed form to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he will have to “sit at his desk” for a while. What does it mean?

Each citizen undergoes a small certification. It usually consists of 10 questions related to storing and carrying traumatic weapons. All knowledge will be obtained in the courses. Usually there are no problems with the exam. Sometimes certification is carried out directly in educational institution, after which the citizen is given a certificate of successful completion of a training course in the use of traumatic weapons.


It is important to understand that the delay of any document entails certain consequences. Liability for an expired license for a traumatic weapon is often expressed by a fine. This is an administrative violation that does not scare the population too much.

How is such a scenario punishable? The fine for an expired license for traumatic weapons in Russia today ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. The exact amount is determined individually.

In addition, the citizen will have to either close the license or renew it after paying the invoice. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules - delay is punishable by a regular warning. A fine is not always issued, but very often.

Closing the license

Now it is clear what the punishment for an expired license for a traumatic weapon is in Russia. If this document has ceased to be valid, it must either be renewed or abandoned. Leaving the “trauma” at home, as some people advise, is prohibited. It is a crime.

To close a license you need to:

  1. Collect documents for weapons.
  2. Write an application to cancel the previously mentioned paper.
  3. Submit a written request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Hand over the weapon (for destruction or to a consignment store).

Only this procedure will help avoid additional attention from government agencies. This is normal. All traumatic weapons are registered and observed under special control.

Working with the portal "State Services"

License expired? You can apply for a document renewal for traumatic weapons via the Internet. To do this, you will have to turn to the portal called “Government Services”. With its help today in Russia a huge number of different documents are drawn up. But not everyone understands how to act in this or that case.

To renew a license for a traumatic weapon, you will have to:

  1. Register on the website The user must have a verified account. This operation usually takes 14-15 days. Therefore, the use of the online application is recommended only for citizens registered in the system.
  2. Go to the "Electronic Services" section.
  3. Select "Ministry of Internal Affairs" - "Extension of permission to store and carry."
  4. Remove the checkbox about using an electronic digital signature. This step will save inexperienced users from unnecessary problems.
  5. Click on the "Get service" button.
  6. Fill out the application that appears on the screen. It is also necessary to enter data from a weapons permit.
  7. Upload all previously listed documents in electronic form.
  8. Click on the "Submit Application" button.

That's all. Now in the “My Applications” section the citizen will see the status of the request. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will contact the applicant using the contacts specified in advance in order to issue a new license to replace the old one. By the way, this paper must be exchanged once every 5 years. This is the amount for which the mentioned document is issued.


From now on, it is clear what to do if a person’s license for a traumatic weapon has expired. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you follow all the previously suggested tips and recommendations.

As practice shows, law-abiding citizens without bad habits and dependencies, there are no problems with re-formatting the document. Such people will be able to renew a license for any weapon in as soon as possible. This is normal practice.

It is noted that under certain circumstances a citizen may be refused to renew a license. This is possible if:

  • for one period or another, a person was brought to administrative responsibility 2 times;
  • the gun owner does not have a safe;
  • the weapon has been modified or is in a faulty condition;
  • the owner is registered at a dispensary (drug or psycho);
  • the license has expired (it is important to arrange its renewal in advance);
  • the package of papers was submitted later than 3 months before the deadline.

However, similar problems can be avoided. It is enough just to renew your license in advance. Otherwise, before the proposed algorithms, you will have to pay a fine in certain amounts.

Our reader S. from Mytishchi, Moscow region, decided to give up hunting due to deteriorating health. He asked for clarification of the procedure for handing over hunting weapons to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Until January 1, 2010, these issues were regulated by Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of March 19, 1986 No. 63dsp.
A public examination of the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has already passed, in accordance with which the Instructions on the procedure for accepting seized, voluntarily surrendered, or found weapons, ammunition, ammunition for weapons, explosive devices, and explosives will be approved in the near future.

In order to hand over to the internal affairs bodies hunting weapon, first of all, you should submit an appropriate application for its voluntary surrender to the police authority where you received permission to store it. Moreover, this must be done without violating the legislation on the circulation of weapons, that is, during the period of validity of your permit to store weapons. Otherwise, you may be subject to administrative prosecution.

An application for the voluntary surrender of hunting weapons, accompanied by a copy (photocopy) of the permit to store weapons, can be delivered personally to the police department or sent to the relevant internal affairs agency by mail ( by registered mail with notification), as well as by means of electronic communication.

If you submit an application and copies of documents about weapons in person to the police department, then ask the operational duty officer of the department to take it into account properly. To do this, the duty officer enters your application in the application record book, which is maintained in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for reception, registration and permission in the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation statements, messages and other information about incidents.

Remember or ask the person on duty to tell you the account number of your application. Remember that the officer on duty is obliged to report the received application to the head of the police department or the person performing his duties within 24 hours.

With an application for the voluntary surrender of weapons sent by mail or electronic means, the police will work in accordance with the legislation on citizens’ appeals and the Instructions on record keeping.
After submitting your application, begin preparing your weapons for voluntary surrender.

To do this, check that it is complete, because upon acceptance, all this, as well as the weapon numbers, will be checked. If you hand over ammunition, prepare them too.

Remember that when voluntarily surrendering a hunting weapon, in addition to other procedural documents, a Weapon Verification and Inspection Report may be drawn up. It reflects the conformity of the weapon and ammunition accepted voluntarily from the owner, their appearance, actual quantity, type, model, individual details (number and year of manufacture of the weapon). This is checked against the weapons registration data and the documents you submitted for the weapons you voluntarily surrender.

An inspection and inspection report for weapons, cartridges and ammunition must be drawn up if, upon acceptance of voluntarily surrendered weapons, any discrepancies arise between the weapons declared for delivery and the weapons actually surrendered.

If you voluntarily hand over a hunting weapon to the police department on duty, then for each unit of weapon handed over you must be given a document about this - a receipt. One copy is given to you, and the second is kept with the weapon. The stubs of this receipt remain in the receipt book of the police duty station where you handed over the weapon.

If the accepted hunting weapon does not have an individual number or the number has been destroyed, then a temporary number is assigned according to the serial number of the material registration, which is entered in the receipt for the accepted weapon.

After filling out the receipts, the operational duty officer of the territorial body places the weapons, ammunition and cartridges for weapons in the weapons storage room of the territorial body in separate metal cabinets allocated for the temporary storage of this category of weapons, while the ammunition is stored separately from the weapons.

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