Opening of the camp session “Camp, welcome!”. Scenario for the opening of the camp session “Visiting Summer”

Scenario for the opening of the camp session “Visiting Summer”

Participants: children aged 6 to 14 years

HOST: Good afternoon, guys! I am very glad to see you all and greet all the teams of the LEP children's camp.
Is the “Merry Beehive” squad ready for the opening of the camp shift?
Your motto! (roll call in progress)
We dedicated the opening of the camp shift to the past very recently International Day child protection. Protection from hunger and disease, from backbreaking work, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, from the horrors of war.

Children laugh so well
All over the Earth, all over the planet!
I want peace to reign around me
And may he give you happiness!

HOST: When the first child in the world was born and laughed for the first time, his laughter crumbled into a thousand small pieces, each of which turned into a bright ray of sun. How many rays does the sun have? There are countless of them, the rays are intertwined with each other and that is why in the summer the sun shines so brightly and warms.

Tell me guys, what color is it?
Is our ringing summer just beginning?
Green, red and blue,
Polka dots and specks of any color!
Still it yellow-yellow color,
Like a field that is warmed by the rapeseed sun
Beautiful, kindest color
Our southern summer has begun!

HOST: With the arrival of summer, summer camps for children begin their work. The funniest, smartest and most talented guys gathered in our LEP camp. The word for greetings and congratulations on the start of the first stream is given to the head of the camp.


For whom did the birds sing, for whom?
-for me
For whom has summer come, for whom?
-for me
For whom is there fun around, for whom?
-for me
About whom am I the smartest, about whom?
-about me
About whom am I the most friendly, about whom?
-about me
For whom fun camp, for whom?
-for me

HOST: I see that you are truly the smartest and most wonderful children. In your squads, you have already gotten to know each other, but I don’t think you know all the guys from other squads yet. Therefore, now I offer you a dating game called “Drozd”

Participants form two circles - internal and external, equal in number. The players in the inner circle turn their backs to the center and pairs are formed. Then, together with the leader, they say:

I am a blackbird, you are a blackbird (point with palm at yourself and your neighbor)
I have a nose and you have a nose (they touch their nose and their neighbor’s)
I have scarlet cheeks and you have scarlet cheeks (touching cheeks)
You and I are two friends (we hug or shake hands,
We love each other by calling our names)

Then the outer circle takes a step to the right and new pairs are formed. Game continues.


While the music is playing, everyone playing dances. As soon as the music stops, the presenter gives a command, for example, “Molecules in 3.” Children need to quickly hold hands, forming a circle of three people. Teams can be different: 5, 9, 2. And at the end of the game, you can invite the guys to create a molecule called “ Kid `s camp", where all participants in the game will gather.


2 participants are called to participate in the competition. Each of them is given a glass of lemonade and a straw in the form of glasses, which the participant must put on himself. At the leader’s command, the players begin to drink lemonade. It looks very interesting and funny. But still, the participant who drinks his lemonade the fastest wins.


Say the name of the literary hero:

cat (Leopold, in boots)
brownie (Kuzya)
dad (Carlo)
Baba (Yaga)
old man (Hottabych)
old woman (Shapoklyak)
uncle (Styopa, Fedor)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Little Muck)
Baron (Munhausen)
Christopher (Robin)


The player's leg is tied balloon. All participants in the game enter the drawn circle. Task: step on your opponent's ball, but save your own. You cannot leave the circle.


Pairs of players participate. There is a ball between the participants' heads. Which pair will pop the ball faster using only their heads (a little water is poured into the ball)


Post your name. At the finish line there are pieces of paper with the endings and beginnings of names written on them. At the leader’s signal, the first players reach the finish line and put together one name from scraps of names. After this they return to the team. The next participant runs. He also makes up next name. Who can make up names faster?

Everything is on a rope. At the command of the leader, the team captain must pass a spoon, to which a long rope is tied, through the clothes of all participants standing in a line. Who is faster?)

Jumping rope. Jumping rope, run to the finish line and back, passing the rope to the next player.

Run to the pin and back. At the leader’s signal, the first player runs to the pin located at the finish line, goes around it and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player. Who is faster?

- “transfer a friend” The team captain runs with the first participant to the finish line, leaves him there, and returns to the starting line for the next participant. etc. until the whole team is transferred)


HOST: Guys, today’s holiday showed that together we are POWER!
I want the sun to shine -
And not only over our country,
So that children all over the planet
Smiled with me
So that they wake up in the morning
And we saw the sun in the window.

Camp opening celebration. Scenario

Preliminary preparation. Children learning poems, songs, speeches.

The opening celebration of the camp is held on the site in front of the camp. The children are sitting. Two presenters - announcers conduct the LTV program. The site is decorated with flags, garlands, posters with cheerful content, for example: “The camp is not as scary as it is painted,” “The teacher sleeps with one eye, sees with the other,” etc.

1st presenter. Hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you to the new TV channel - LTV!

2nd presenter. LTV is camp television, which begins its work for the first time this summer. Unforgettable meetings with young talents await you, interesting news, reports and, of course...

1st presenter. The biggest news is the opening of the Kolokolchik summer health camp. Watch our correspondent's special report on this remarkable event.

Representatives from different squads come to the site.

Correspondent. We are in the thick of things. Is Camp Bell assembled?

Children. Yes!

Correspondent. First squad!

Children. "Fidgets"!

Correspondent. Your motto!


We're rushing like torpedoes

After all, that’s why we are restless.

We are always ahead of everyone

There will be bumps - no problem!

Correspondent. Second squad!


Correspondent. Your motto!

Children. The law is not written to brats,

If written, then not read,

If read, then not understood,

If understood, then it’s wrong!

Correspondent. Third squad!


Correspondent. Your motto!


Dancing is for breakfast

Dancing for lunch

Dancing for dinner

That's the whole secret.

Correspondent. Fourth squad!

Children."Merry fellows"!

Correspondent. Your motto!


We always go in a crowd,

We always take laughter with us.

And we call everyone into the squad,

Who loves a joke

Who loves laughter!

Correspondent. Fifth squad!


Correspondent. Your motto!


Where an armored train will not pass,

The tank driver will not rush by on the tank,

A tourist will always find a path,

And nothing will happen to him.

Correspondent. Thank you for the interview! Let’s finish our report by wishing every success to the tomboys, fidgets, merry fellows, dancers and tourists in the field of relaxation, laughter, hardening, playfulness and correctability.

1st presenter. Our program program continues with “Song of the Season”!

The melody from the film “Chunga-Changa” is playing.

A group of children comes out onto the playground and sings the song “Hello, Summer!” (lyrics by I. Zhigalova).

School days have flown by

School bells rang.

Goodbye, our cozy class!

Hello summer! We're on vacation!


Summer again, summer again!

Have fun, play while doing it,

Have fun and play along

How about summer!

Our happiness is relaxing

And we gain strength,

And we are gaining strength

Wonderful summer!

Hello, summer, the sky is blue!

Hello, summer, river and grass!

Hello summer, rain and heat!

And we're on vacation! Hooray!


Children's performance.

1st presenter.

Now I tell you directly:

Let's not lag behind fashion,

2nd presenter.

3rd presenter.

Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun.

Let's run into the green forest,

Let's lie down in the clearing.

4th presenter.

Hello, wild berry!

Hello, mischievous squirrel!

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!

1st presenter.

Summer, summer has arrived—

The strawberries turned red

Turns sideways to the sun,

Everything will be filled with red juice,

There is a red carnation in the field,

Red clover... Look at this:

And wild rose hips in summer

All covered in red...

Apparently people are not in vain

Summer is called red.

M. Evensen

2nd presenter.

Happy summer,

You are dear to everyone.

In the fragrant meadows

Flowers are blooming.

Their songs are praise

Flying to the skies.

Shiny midges

Swirling in a crowd

And the sun sends them

Its beam is golden.

A. Pleshcheev

3rd presenter.

Very kind, very bright,

Golden clear day

We'll go visit in the summer,

Let's go visit the sun.

Strawberries and flowers

Both the forest and the meadow will meet us,

Our songs are with us

There will be birds singing around.

Early morning bright ray

It will ring in the thick foliage.

The river will teach us to swim,

Wind - running through the grass.

K. Ibryaev

1st presenter.

How much morning light

Behind the open window!

Summer is walking across the earth,

Summer is walking barefoot!

How much summer and space!

How many songs and flowers!

The distance of the fields and the hum of engines,

Echoes of early trains.

How much summer, how much sun,

So much greenery all around!

Let's wake up together with the birds,

We grow together with herbs!

V. Stepanov

2nd presenter. We continue our program. We will provide the broadcast to folklore lovers. Meet folklore ensemble"Matryoshka"!

The girls perform ditties.


We are laughing girls

We'll sing ditties for you,

How we are in our camp

We'll live very friendly.

We came to summer camp,

Very happy, from the bottom of my heart

We will sing, play, laugh,

Let's play sports.

Let's eat more porridge

To become stronger and more beautiful.

Ride the bus

And do exercises.

Don't worry, dads, moms,

Summer holidays are the best!

Let's rest here for twenty days -

You don't recognize the children.

To your teachers

Here we openly say:

- We have a lot of trouble with you

This change will bring.

We will help the kids with everything -

Let's put them to bed quickly.

We'll have fun ourselves,

Dance, play, get mad.

We ask you: do not scold us,

Have fun, entertain.

You frolic with us,

Have fun with us.

1st presenter. Attention! Attention! We begin the teleconference “Interpretation of confusion.” Our television cameras are installed directly on the central site of the camp. Anyone can take part in the teleconference. So the first question is: “What is hassle?” (Applause.) We greet the participants of the teleconference with loud noises!

2nd presenter. We continue the teleconference. Who is a ferret? (Singer in a camp choir.)

The presenters take turns asking what the following words mean:

- soloist (cucumber pickling master, temporarily working as a cook in the camp),

- carrion (a parachutist who landed in the camp by mistake),

- skimmer (disco in the camp),

- gifted (birthday boy),

- bad girl (statue in the park),

- backpack (wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning),

— rach (weightlifter, temporarily working as a physical instructor in the camp),

- parasite ( component sandwich),

— steamboat (walk for two).

If the children do not have answer options, the presenters themselves answer.

1st presenter. We continue our program. On air - “Bad Advice”. These tips are necessary for everyone who is relaxing in the camp, because it’s no secret that sometimes you don’t know what to do, what to say, how to surprise, who to make laugh, who to please, and this is where our advice comes in handy.

Children's performance.

1st presenter.

If your friend is in the squad

Became a source of infection

Hug him and go to camp

You won't come for two weeks.

2nd presenter.

If you are too lazy to do exercises,

Please go to the hospital.

You need to do it like this:

Place the thermometer in the pan

And light a fire in the oven...

And then get it,

Put it under your arm and limp away!

3rd presenter.

If you don't like porridge -

Don't lament at the table

And in the pocket of the one who is nearby,

Push it slowly.

1st presenter.

Beat your friends without a break

Every day for half an hour,

And your muscles

It will become harder than brick.

2nd presenter.

If you suddenly feel the urge

Surprise everyone one day

Threaten everyone with your fists

And tell them to be surprised

Otherwise you’re a souvenir for them

Give me your cuffs.

3rd presenter.

If suddenly the artistic director pesters

With an educational conversation,

Why don't you play games?

You don't dance, you don't sing,

You tell him, let him do it himself

Sings serenades

He just dances and plays -

You're overloaded

My left heel hurts.

2nd presenter. Thank you for the instructive bad advice! We continue our program. The noise show “Morning in the Nasedkino camp” is on air. We invite all viewers to take part in the show.

Imagine that you are dubbing a play. Each group (squad) will have its own role.

The presenter distributes roles and reads the text, and groups of children voice them.

Characters: Cow, Kitten, Dog, Geese, Piglets, Horse, Ram, Goat, Hen, Rooster.

One wonderful morning in the Nased-Kino camp, the pretty Cow woke up and sweetly stretched: “Moo-oo!” (children: “Moo-oo!”). Meanwhile, the little imp kitten knocked over the sour cream and meowed in fear: “Meow!” (children: “Meow!”). An angry Teacher Dog responded on the playground: “Woof, woof!” (children: “Gae-gae!”). She woke up the junior squad of Geese. The geese grumbled sleepily: “Ha-ha-ha!” (children: “Ha-ha-ha!”). At their cries, the unwashed Piglets from the “Grundeli” detachment came running and grunted: “Oink-oink!” (children: “Oink-oink!”). The piglets woke up the cheerful guard Horse, and she neighed joyfully: “Igo-go!” (children: “Igo-go!”). The strict director of the camp, Baran, looked at the Horse and remarked: “Bee!” (children: “Bee!”). The counselor Nasedka entered into a conversation with them and cackled: “Ko-ko-ko! Cluck-cluck-dah-dah!” (children: “Ko-ko-ko! Cluck-clack-tah-tah!”). The Cockerel heard all this noise. He worked at the Nasedkino camp as an alarm clock worker part-time. He realized that it was time to wake up the whole camp, flew up onto a perch and began to cry: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” (children: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”), and all the vacationers and those recovering their health in the Nasedkino camp answered him in unison... (all the characters say their lines at the same time to make noise).

1st presenter. And finally, the final part of our program is “Dance Melodies and Rhythms”!

2nd presenter. And we say goodbye to you, dear friends, until we meet again on our TV channel!

It is very important to draw up a script for the opening of the camp shift - interesting, original and exciting. Counselors and the children themselves can take part in preparing the holiday.

Opening of the camp shift. Scenarioceremonial part

Summer rest for children is extremely important both for physical health, and for the spiritual, moral. Usually the opening of the camp shift does not occur on the day of arrival, but a little later. The beginning of the holiday is marked by a general line, just as it happened back in the day. You can create special camp paraphernalia, for example a flag, uniform details: original hats, collars, T-shirts with unique prints. After the greeting by the chief and the leaders, it is appropriate to hold a ceremonial raising of the banner. On this note, the grand opening of the camp shift ends.

Scenariothe gaming part of the holiday - the appearance of Grandma Yozhka and Leshy

After the flag is raised, a fun performance called “Saving Summer” begins. The senior counselor takes the floor and ends the monologue with the phrase: “Unfortunately, the weather forecast on the Internet is not entirely joyful. Rains, wind, cold weather... It’s as if someone stole and hid summer... And who started the fight there?” He looks around, points to the side with his hand, and everyone watches the cute Grandma Hedgehog with a broom trying to hit the limping Leshy, who is fighting her off with a crutch. The counselor grabs them by the collar and drags them to the central “patch.” He says: “No, this is outrageous! Do you want to spoil the opening of the camp shift for us?”

Scenarioperformances of evil spirits

Grandma Yozhka: “We won’t spoil anything for you! I even prepared a song for the holiday, I wanted to perform - but this one... (she points to Leshy) wants to stop me! He says that I sing as if a cat’s tail had been caught in a door!” - and she again tries to catch up with Leshy and hit him. He runs to a large box with a lid, opens it and hides in it. And Grandma Yozhek claps her hands, straightens her hair (combs the tufts of hair sticking out from under the bandana “against the grain”), straightens her dress and begins to sing to the soundtrack of “Ditties of Grandmothers Yozhek.”

“Oh, play it, phonogram,

Eh, sound and play!

Sing ditties, prima donna,

Sing - don't talk!

1. I don’t fly on a broom -

This is not my thing!

Games on the Internet

Grandma has it in mind!

2. I forgot how to cast a spell,

I stopped liking being friends...

I sent the devil -

In reality, everything is enough!

3. Only Leshy is a simpleton

I was hooked...

Summer offered to steal -

What a misfortune!

4. Only Yozhka is smart

Didn't go outside -

I was still sitting at the game,

He didn't take me with him!

5. Summer needs to be found!

Search the devil!

Also a man for me!

Pah-pah, damn it!”

The goblin opens the lid of the box and continues to sing to the soundtrack:

“You’re lying, Bab Yozhka, you’re shameless,

You lie, don’t lose your way!

I'll rip out those red hairs -

You'll get yourself into trouble!

You didn't play anything

She stole summer herself!

You want to blame everything on me!

Grandma Yozhka, oh, you’ll get it!”

The goblin gets out of the box and tries to catch up with Grandma Yozhka, they run away. On the way, someone drops a bundle. The counselor picks him up and unties him. There is a large letter from Koshchei the Immortal. The envelope is decorated with skulls and crossbones, lightning bolts and other “horrific” attributes. The letter states that the next note is located in the place where “the children’s detachment receives a charge of energy.” Everyone runs to the dining room and somewhere near the doors under a stone they find a second note, which in the same veiled form tells where the next clue can be found.

Opening of the camp shift. Summer Rescue

After finding the last note, the guys finally find Summer herself in one of the houses - in a tattered, patched tracksuit, covered in bruises and abrasions. The counselor asks: “What happened to you, Summer?”

I'm tortured... Undressed...

Without fun I'm sad!

I want songs and dances...

Guys! Let's save Summer - cheer him up, show him our concert!

The concert begins, Summer rejoices, claps her hands, after some numbers she takes off her torn sweatshirt - underneath is a smart, bright shirt. Then he takes off his patched trousers - underneath are bright breeches. He erases the painted bruises from his face and sings along with the guys. By the way, a similar scenario can be used to open a camp session at school. If desired, it is appropriate to introduce other characters into the staging, for example, Kikimora and the cat Bayun and Rusalka, and build the performance on the converted poems of Pushkin. The main thing is that the children have fun and interesting, so that they remember this day for a long time.

Three summer months 2019 is a wonderful time. The holidays have begun, and the guys can relax in country camps. Those who do not want to go far from home attend summer camp at school or outside the city.

According to tradition, at the beginning of the shift in any camp there is a big celebration where the guys get to know each other and the staff. The teams present their business cards, chants, poems and songs are heard, and skits are played out for the counselors to mark the opening of the shift at the camp.

Cool skits for the opening of a summer camp

The holiday begins with a speech by the presenter:
- Dear Guys! Dear teachers and counselors! Today we have a wonderful event - we are celebrating the opening of our camp. We all have to spend many days here. What awaits us here?

– In our camp we will play sports, play fresh air, toughen up, sing, have fun and play different games! Many adventures and surprises await us!

The guys and counselors will read the poems:
- Hello, summer, the sky is blue!
Hello summer, sea and grass!
Hello summer, rain and heat!
And we're on vacation! Hooray!

“You won’t find anyone indifferent here, you won’t see gloomy faces,
We will live very friendly, here the fun has no boundaries.
There is no boredom in the camp, everyone is working day after day,
Here we sew and burn, and dance, and sing.
When summer starts again, we will return here,
Because we will love this camp forever.

- He is the best in the world, he is the most beloved,
He is the most cheerful and the most beautiful.
I love his blue benches
Bushes and trees, gazebos, alleys.
I love everything here:
And the square, and the club, chambers and windows -
I love everything around!
Wonderful counselors, boys, girls
And even a lunch of cutlets and livers.
I want to stay here forever
A sea of ​​friends and beauty all around!

Then you can stage short skits dedicated to the opening of the summer school camp based on fairy tales and cartoons, the humorous magazine “Yeralash”, etc. Or you can act out a funny scene by performing converted songs, for example, a song based on the song of Little Red Riding Hood.

If it's long, long, long,
If it's a long time along the paths,
If it's long on the paths
Jump, ride and run,
That, of course, that, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to our camp!

Ah, the trees in the camp are so tall!
Ah, the camp grounds are this wide!
Ahh, there are counselors and children here!
Ahh, there is fun, laughter and wind!
And-and, of course, all my friends!
A-and here, of course, are all my friends!

But if you're so lazy,
If you're so shy
And you don't want to have fun
Don't come to our camp!
Here you need to be cheerful,
Cheerful, smart,
Groovy, restless,
Have fun from the heart!

Skits performed by counselors at the opening of the camp shift

Then the counselors, continuing the grand opening of the shift at the school camp, will introduce the children to the head of the camp, teachers, and service staff, introducing each of them.

- Everyone here deserves awards,
Everyone is a professional.
It's not for nothing that we came here -
You got it and I got it.

- And now, guys, I will ask you to guess the riddles. Please be careful and do not mix anything up when answering questions.

In this miniature, the counselors will read poetry.
– The most important bird in the camp –
This is my dear... (boss, not technician).

- The most strict, but fair,
Smart, very, very beautiful,
Keeps everything under control in the camp
And she plays the leading role.
Don't know the answer? Why are you looking sad?
Who is she in our camp?.. (chief).

- All the guys are like children to them
Olya, Kolya, Sveta, Petit.
They will always help dreamers
They are not counselors, but... (educators).

– Who are the kids frolicking with?
These are our... (counselors, not cooks).

- Believe me, they are children.
The most fun
And kind in the world.
Come up with a funny game
They will be able to do it within tight deadlines.
Of course, this is - what is there to think? –
Squad members... (counselors).

– Talent in strength and speed
The name is the best... (physical teacher, not musician).
- Who's going to exercise in the morning?
Will he take you, kids?
Without him we are like without hands,
Well, of course, ours……. (gym teacher).

– Who is a friend of vegetables and fruits?
In a white cap... (cook, not physical education teacher).

- Tell me, who should work in the kitchen?
Should we cook porridge and make compotes?
And whose skillful hands are these?
Do they prepare delicious sweets for us?
In the dining room from early morning
Who, tell me? (cook.)

- And now it’s time to get acquainted with the troops. Everyone will present us with their business card and will play funny miniatures for the opening of the camp at school.

Then the counselors will get to know the guys.
- How many of you are here today?
We can’t count enough in a day!
There are Dimas, Nastya and Andreys.
Did we guess right? Let's check…
All Dimas clap, and Nastya stomp,
Vanya and Roma are jumping,
Vicki and Lera are kicking their legs,
Danilka raises his hands,
And Anyuta crouches.
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So, one, two, three - say your name!

– I wonder who is more here – girls named Masha or boys named Sasha? We'll find out now.

The game “Who is more?” is played. The counselors take turns calling names and a movement. For example, “Mashi, sit down.” At the end of this game competition for the opening of a shift in the camp, the results are summed up, the children with which name turned out to be more.

Suddenly a cleaning lady in a blue robe appears on stage with a mop and a bucket of water and begins to wash the floor.

- What are you doing? We have a program!

The cleaning lady, grumbling under her breath:
- What do I care? I have my own job! All sorts of people walk around here, just watching... and then something disappears.

The presenter shrugs and tries to continue speaking, glancing at the cleaning lady from time to time. She continues to wash the floor, moving the bucket around the stage, it is hidden from the view of the audience backstage.

At this point, you need to quickly change it to the same bucket, half filled with confetti. Then the cleaning lady, as if nothing had happened, walks up to the edge of the stage and quickly “pours water” onto the audience, who are trying to avoid screaming and screaming. This funny scene The opening of a school camp usually ends in a burst of laughter.

The counselors' performance continues.
– Our roar is ringing louder, more audible,
What a trill spreads over the world:
Everyone thinks: the nightingale has sung,
But no, our camp is opening!

- The fire will burn for us for twenty days in a row,
When people see him, they smile.
And the guys’ faces bloom:
The time has come - our camp is opening!

– A fairy tale is reflected in children’s eyes,
Rays of trusting light are pouring,
Light of kindness, irrepressible affection,
There is no better reward for a counselor!

And this school opening event will conclude summer camp song “Now you’re in the camp” (to the tune of the song by Status Quo “In the Army Now”):

Summer again
Vacations again
Why did we come to school?
Now we're in the camp
Oooh, you're at school camp

We walk in formation
To the classroom and toilet,
We march in formation for lunch.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at school camp

If it's too much
We'll be naughty
Then tomorrow we will sweep and wash the floor.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at school camp

If discipline
You will violate
You will know, brother,
Like flying like a butterfly.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at school camp

But it's time
We will appreciate it.
We won’t forget these happy days,
After all, you were in the camp,
Oooh, you were in the camp,

What else to read