Site plan at the address in the Rosreestr. Plot boundaries by cadastral number from satellite

Public cadastral map of Rosreestr is an Internet application where users can find information and information about land plots of interest to them. You don't need to own it to use it. special knowledge and skills. There is no need to register on the site and pay money. The service is very convenient: without leaving your home, you can get information about any plot of land in Russia.

The map has a hierarchical structure, the entire territory is divided into subordinate cadastral units:

  • Cadastral districts. Correspond to the borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • Cadastral areas. Coincides with the boundaries of districts or large settlements.
  • Cadastral quarters. They unite urban or rural settlements, groups of agricultural fields or forests.
  • Cadastral plots. These are plots of specific owners.
  • The boundaries of different cadastral units are marked on the map with lines of different thicknesses.

Where is the public registry map located?

Previously, access to the public cadastral map was carried out through the official website of Rosreestr at the link But currently online map located at a different address:

This is a public resource; anyone can get acquainted with information not only about their own plots, but also about the plots of other owners, for example neighbors.

Please note that there are many “clones” of this card on the Internet. Be careful, you can only trust the information posted on official portal Rosreestr

Why do users need an online map?

There can be many answers to this question. Let's say a person is going to buy land plot. Thanks to the service, he can verify that the site really exists, its boundaries are determined on the ground, and the information is entered into the register by the cadastral engineer.

  • If disputes arise about the correctness of defining the boundaries and compliance of the area of ​​the site with the information specified in the documents, the cadastral map is also very useful.
  • Some people want to know the cadastral value of real estate, on the basis of which land tax is calculated.
  • You can also use the map to make sure that your land is not located in a water protection zone. Or there is no industrial zone nearby where a plant may appear in the future.
  • Using the map you can determine the coordinates of an object.

Public cadastral map: instructions for use

Let's find a specific area on the map.

We go to the site, click on the “search” icon in the upper left corner and select the “addresses” field. Then enter the address of the site and click “find”.

To facilitate the search, first enter the name of the subject of the federation, then the region, then the locality. If the locality is large, you can indicate the street and house number.

As an example, we entered the request: Tula region, Kurkinsky district, Orlovka village. The site displayed a list of addresses that it could find based on our request. Click on the right option their list.

The public cadastral plan of the settlement is being rolled back.

Let's go back to left menu, clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon again and selecting the “objects at a point” button.

Now, by clicking on any point on the map, we will receive information about the land plot within the boundaries of which the selected point is located.

Have you already noticed that there is a “+” and “-” sign in the lower right corner? With their help you can change the scale of the map.

Please note that there are white fields between the plots. These are not free territories; people also live on them. They simply did not carry out land surveying, and information about their plots is not reflected on the map.

Advice! When purchasing a plot of land, be sure to make sure that its boundaries are defined on the ground, otherwise you may later face claims from the owners of adjacent plots, which will result in lengthy legal proceedings.

The cadastral register tells us the following information about the plot:

  • Cadastral number and cadastral quarter of the site;
  • Status and address of the land plot;
  • Category of land: in this case, land of settlements;
  • Permitted use of land: this plot can be used for personal farming.
  • Full name of the cadastral engineer;
  • Date of registration of the site;
  • The date of change in information about the plot in the state real estate cadastre.

If you need to get an extract about your site, then from the information section go to the services section.

You can submit a request to obtain information from the state real estate cadastre or the unified state register of property rights. Since changes in legislation occurred on January 1, 2017, this service is not available at the time of writing due to the updating of information. The ability to make requests online should be returned soon.

In accordance with the law, all documents are provided within 5 days. But to obtain them you will need to pay a state fee. Please note that the size is lower for individuals, and higher for legal ones. It is much easier to obtain information via the Internet than to wait in line for checkout.

What else can you find out using a cadastral map?

Using the “measurement” option directly on the site, you can measure the perimeter and area of ​​the site and find out whether they correspond to the data contained in the title documents. To do this, select measurements in the toolbar and click on the map to draw the boundary of the area. The program calculated the area of ​​the site for us, just over 51 acres. This area corresponds to the information contained in the land management file for land surveying.

Notice the two small red rectangles. These are buildings registered in the cadastral register. Hence the conclusion: on the map you can find not only plots, but also other real estate objects. If you use the “objects at a point” function to click inside the red area, information about the building will appear. From it you can find out the number of floors, date of completion of construction, commissioning of the premises, building area and other important information.

You can go to the “map management” tab and select thematic layers. The map can show what category of land each plot has, how the plots are differentiated by cadastral value, or whether their position corresponds to the boundaries on the satellite image. It would take a long time to list all the possibilities. Since the menu is intuitive, the user himself will find the thematic maps that interest him. Below is shown what an overlay of a public cadastral map looks like on a satellite image taken by Scanex.

If necessary, the map can even be printed, not as a picture, but to scale. To do this, go to the print tab and select the image scale. (By the way, it is not at all necessary to print on paper; you can save the map in pdf format).

So, we have considered all the possibilities that the public cadastral map gives users. If you still have any questions, there is an icon with a question mark in the map menu. This background information. The tab contains information about the application, a usage agreement and a multi-page instruction manual. But most people work just fine with the map without familiarizing themselves with these documents.

Each building has its own identification number. It is entered into the state register and is called cadastral. When carrying out any manipulations with real estate, you will need to find out this number. It contains information about the physical location of the object, the exact address, as well as the area of ​​the structure. For the convenience of physical and legal entities in 2010, a public cadastral map of Rosreestr was created, which is available online. Of course, to obtain an official document you need to submit a request to the relevant authorities - State cadastre real estate. However, in order to find out whether the owner of the building has such a number, you just need to use an online resource that provides the opportunity to find out all the details without leaving home.

GKN is an organization that has collected in its archives all real estate objects of the Russian Federation. In this case, the database contains only those objects that have been taken into account, i.e. entered into the register. This state organization includes technical information on all objects and provides documents that are necessary for carrying out manipulations: sale, purchase, exchange, re-registration, etc.

What opportunities does the online card provide?

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr is now placed on many resources that are dedicated to jurisprudence, real estate, and geodesy. This helps ordinary citizens, as well as specialists in the above-mentioned fields, to find any necessary information that is provided by the card. Data on land plots throughout the country are conveniently collected in one place, and you can find them using a quick and advanced search. The service itself is a map, which in its method of use resembles Yandex.Maps and Google Maps. Only they show all the buildings that have a cadastral number.

The user can absolutely calmly find any object that is of interest to him. In this case, the type of card can be changed to one that is more convenient. The “Map Management” column contains several options that help you navigate:

  • map of Russia;
  • orthophoto coatings;
  • pictures from space.

The map of the Russian Federation and orthophoto coverage are provided by Rosreestr, and satellite images are offered from two companies: Esri and SanEx. Both modes, which are available thanks to Rosreestr, offer division of the map into cadastral districts. The date of the last changes is indicated. Using the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, users can see the exact address and membership in a specific cadastral district. As a rule, the latter does not differ from the territorial division of the territory of the state, but minor shifts up or down may be present.

When is the resource used?

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr is used when it is necessary to quickly clarify the available information about an object. A topographical source will help determine which county the property belongs to. It happens that some real estate is subject to special conditions of use. For productive work and proper preparation documents, this information is necessary. The cadastral number of the object helps determine the exact location and department of Rosreestr. On the registry map you can see the following data:

  • square;
  • date of entry into the register;
  • address;
  • cadastral value;
  • status;
  • type of ownership;
  • specifications.

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr greatly simplifies the search for objects: their boundaries are visible, as well as neighboring real estate that is included in the register. If you select a category satellite images, then you can inspect the entire territory in detail. This aspect is important, since often the cadastral value of an object may depend on the conditions in which it is located. At the same time, the calculation of this assessment occurs according to slightly different parameters than the price of the real estate itself is determined.

Before you start selling or buying a plot, experts insist that you need to familiarize yourself with the real estate data. Moreover, doing it yourself is not a problem at all. Cadastral plot, which is found on the map, must correspond to the information provided about it. If this does not happen, then you should check the date last update. Usually the online map is updated very quickly, but it also happens that last changes We didn’t have time to add it to the register. Then you should double-check the information in the State Tax Committee. Its value is visible on the public cadastral map of Rosreestr. The amount of taxes and the cost of renting the building depend on the cadastral price. This data will be needed when making any transactions that involve this property.

The public cadastral map of land plots is an electronic cadastral map of the Russian Federation, which is posted on the Rosreestr website. Its purpose is to obtain primary information about the desired land plot. This map displays all registered lands up to 2017, information about which is stored in.

A public map of registered land plots in the Russian Federation was created and posted on the Internet in 2010. the main objective cadastral map – accessibility of cadastral data to a wide range of people (employees of geodetic organizations, lawyers, realtors, ordinary citizens).

In accordance with Russian legislation state information The real estate cadastre is publicly available information, which was previously quite difficult to obtain (you had to stand in long lines in order to obtain the necessary information about the land plot of interest). The public map created and published on the Internet made everything very simple.

What information is available to citizens online when using a public cadastral map?

  • General information about the properties of interest.
  • Accurate information about cadastral division online, about territorial zones, on the administrative-territorial division of the country, on zones with special conditions for the use of the territory.
  • and see its limits in the cadastral quarter, view adjacent plots registered in the cadastral register.
  • For the selected land plot, you can obtain information about the branches of the territorial Rosreestr serving the territory of this plot.
  • On the public map, real estate objects are displayed with certain marks - “registered object”, “previously registered object” or “temporary”.
  • You can see a map of Russia, satellite images, digital topographic maps.

What information about a land plot can be obtained using the public map of Roskadastre?

  • A cadastral number assigned to a land plot.
  • The address of the location of the site, which is included in the state. real estate cadastre.
  • Fixed status of cadastral information (registered plot, previously registered plot, temporary plot).
  • Date of registration of the site for cadastral registration.
  • What category of land does the land belong to?
  • Type of use of the site.
  • The area of ​​the plot is in accordance with the title documents.
  • Form of land ownership.
  • Cadastral value.
  • Which organization or cadastral engineer registered a specific land plot with the Cadastral Chamber.
  • Date of update of data about a plot of land on the Public Map, as well as update of information about the cadastral district.
  • Service divisions of the territorial body of Rosreestr (names of divisions, their addresses, reception telephone numbers).

In addition to information about the land plot, information about capital construction projects has recently appeared on the cadastral map. This information includes:

  • cadastral number of the capital construction object registered;
  • location of the object indicating the address entered in the state. real estate cadastre;
  • date of registration cadastral registration;
  • type of ownership;
  • construction completion date;
  • date of commissioning;
  • cadastral value of the capital construction project;
  • status of information about the capital construction project;
  • area (according to documents);
  • number of storeys (ground and underground);
  • wall material;
  • inventory value of the capital construction project and the date of its determination;
  • name and TIN of the performer;
  • last date for updating data on the capital construction project.

The public cadastral map of land plots also provides useful information about territorial zones and zones that are endowed with special ones, by types and types of zones, as well as details of documents in accordance with which zones are established or changed.

Next, on the map you can get the necessary information about the boundaries by administrative-territorial division, that is, you can get acquainted with the list of documents that regulate the passage of a certain section of the border, with the names of the bordering units. The name of each unit of administrative-territorial division, its type, OKATO code, name of the capital, number of settlements and municipalities, number of Rosreestr offices in the territory are indicated.

The public map of Rosreestr provides information about the cartographic basis of the cadastre: name, type, source, update date, links to metadata that are published on the IPD Geoportal.

The list of possibilities that can be obtained when using a public cadastral map is wide. If necessary, you can always obtain general useful information about the land plot, but you must understand that this information is only indicative in nature, and accordingly it cannot be perceived as strictly documentary. Hence, this map allows you to obtain information about a primary land plot, that is, to which quarter a certain land plot belongs, whether it is registered with the cadastral authorities or not, what it is and, accordingly, the cadastral numbers of neighboring land users. And by ordering a cadastral extract for a land plot, the applicant will receive an extremely accurate and up-to-date information.

User Questions:

  • Hello! Please tell me why the cadastral map data on the cost of a land plot in the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region, does not correspond to official data? And, in this regard, how reliable are the other card data? Thank you

The legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, Law No. 218-FZ) stipulates that each piece of real estate, including a land plot, must be registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

In the process of entering a site into the database, it is assigned a cadastral number, by which you can find out basic information about the site and see its boundary points and location on the map.

The official cadastral map, which contains photographs taken from a satellite, is a resource operating on the territory of Russia, which contains information about all real estate objects.

Essentially this is The big picture state territory, which is composed of large quantity small images taken from satellites, according to Scanex and Esri projects. The map is formed based on a universal coordinate system.

The main goal of the portal is to open free access to information specified in the cadastre for a large number of citizens - individuals, employees of real estate companies, lawyers, employees of geodetic organizations and many other categories of the population. Since the launch of this program in 2010, the process of obtaining cadastral information has become easier.

If there is information about the cadastral number of land ownership, then you can see its photograph online, taken from a satellite, on the official portal of Rosreestr.

If you want to find your own plot registered in the cadastre on the map by its number, then:

  • Open the official website of Rosreestr;
  • In the window on the left, enter the cadastral number;
  • Then click on the “Find” button.

A photograph of the area on a fairly large scale will appear in the window. To see it better, zoom out. Then find the “Manage Card” inscription on the right side of the top panel and click the corresponding button, then select “Esri” (satellite photos). The conversion process may take some time, especially if the landholding is located away from major cities. In this case, updating the map will take a long time. You can see your plot of land by finding in the image that appears the buildings that are located next to the plot.

But there is another method, using which you can see the boundary points of the land plot and the land ownership itself in a photograph taken from space. It is necessary to know the cadastral number assigned to the plot.

A satellite map is formed by superimposing an official map on a photograph of the entire territory of Russia, which was transmitted by the satellite. In order for this feature to become available, you must use Yandex or Google space maps.

In order to overlay a public cadastral map on photographs received from a satellite, use a specialized utility called S.A.S. Planet. After this software has been installed, select the required space map. It can be found in the menu located in the right corner.

Next, find the official State Register card there. In the drop-down list, select the “Rosreestr” column, and the utility will display the required one. Then follow the same sequence of actions with the Public Cadastral Map that was described earlier.

The map that appears on the screen contains basic information about the plot: address, cadastre number, and location of the desired land ownership.

How to find out the cadastral number of a land plot by address online

If you have information about the exact coordinates of the land plot, then using this information you can easily find out the cadastral number of the land plot.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open the official Internet portal of Rosreestr (to do this, click on the link;
  • Go to the bottom of the page and find a special link to the PKK (you can use the link, in this case do not perform 1 action);
  • Using the coordinates, find the land plot of interest on the map that appears (to do this, enter the coordinates in the search bar, or, if the coordinate format is not suitable for this resource, use special services with which you can find the plot by coordinates, and then compare the result with the PCC);
  • Click on the found landholding with the left mouse button, and in the window that appears, look at all the information about this plot, including the cadastre number.

In the event that, using the cadastre map, it was not possible to find the information of interest, you need to contact the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the necessary information. There are several ways to do this. The most convenient and accessible is an electronic request.

The information included in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is available to everyone, so an extract from of this register can be obtained through many services created specifically for these purposes. Beware of scammers and do not send money to anyone.

What can you find out about a plot by cadastral number?

On the map, which is on the Rosreestr website, there is a special search bar at the top right. If you know the land ownership cadastre number, enter it in this window and click on the “Find” button. If a plot is assigned a cadastral number, this means that the land ownership is registered with the cadastral registration authorities and entered into the register; accordingly, it can be found on the PKK.

The number consists of 12 characters and is assigned to the allotment during its formation.

The number contains information about which subject of the Russian Federation the land is located in, the location of the property, the administrative district in which it is located, municipality, quarter and allotment number. In other words, the assigned number is the coordinates of the land plot. If available this code, then you can easily find land ownership on the Internet portal.

If there is no number, enter the address where the plot of land is located in the search bar, preferably do this as accurately as possible and check the correspondence of the entered data with the documentation (if any).

If the address is unknown, you can use the advanced search function.

Activate this function in a special menu and display the following information in the search bar:

  • Name of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • Name of the administrative district, for example: Voznesensky district;
  • Locality.

If there is information about the object in the database, the system will produce several results: services, characteristics, who serves, information.

By going to the “Information” tab, you will find out basic information about the object: composition, size, structures and the stage at which their construction is, when the last changes were made.

There is an opportunity to find out additional information. To do this, you need to click directly on the land ownership. A window will appear containing information about the value of the plot, registered in the cadastre, form of ownership, status, and the exact address will also be indicated.

Status is information about the category to which the land plot belongs and the permitted type of its use.

There is also a map management function that allows you to find out the cadastral value of the land of interest. To use it, select the item with the appropriate name, and the requested information will be displayed on the screen.

The Internet portal provides the opportunity to order an extract from the register, with a detailed indication of all the characteristics of the land plot, which is called an extract from the state registration number. You can make a request to receive it on the “Request for information from the State Property Committee” tab. You can receive this document either electronically or by mail. In the latter case, you must indicate your residential address.

On the “Service” tab, you can get information about the territorial branch of the State Register that manages real estate in the selected area.

The “Services” tab contains information about the owner of the property, about debts, if the plot is encumbered with them, and some other information.

The site has another section – land category. Information about the purpose of the allotment is indicated here, that is, what activities can be carried out on its territory. This option is especially important if a citizen has decided to buy a plot of land and wants to find out whether large-scale construction of residential complexes or roads will be organized nearby.

What else to read